Find a male pendant in a dream. Dream Interpretation: pendant in a dream. Why is the pendant dreaming? Interpretation of sleep according to different dream books. Pendant according to Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

The article on the topic: "dream book gift pendant" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

at the Women's Club!

Jewelry in a dream is a good sign, and the pendant is no exception. It often symbolizes good luck in love, high social status and financial gain.

And how exactly does the dream book interpret the pendant seen in night dreams? To get a truthful answer to this question, you need to remember what you dreamed about.

Jewelry value

If you saw a pendant on a gold chain, then this is a sign of well-being. All your plans will come true, the work you have begun will bring good money. But a pendant on another person's neck warns you to show respect for someone else's privacy, not to make recommendations or discuss this person.

A golden pendant on a silver chain according to the dream book means teamwork. You have to work hard in a motley company, where people you don't know will gather. If you work conscientiously, you will receive a generous material profit. Also, long-awaited prospects will open before you.

  • A pendant with a large gemstone - a declaration of love.
  • The suspension is made of cheap material - to difficulties.
  • Silver - to increase at work.

If in your dream the pendant is studded with small precious stones, then in reality you will have many admirers. In order not to make a mistake and make the right choice, the dream book recommends taking a closer look at the actions of potential partners. Don't trust sweet words. Most likely, this is empty talk.

Your role in the dream

A romantic walk or journey is what the pendant that your loved one gives you dreams of. And to receive it as a gift from a stranger - according to the dream book, it means to have a rich admirer. Finding a gold pendant on the street means getting rich. And to lose him is to experience a feeling of disappointment after communicating with superiors.

  • To clean the pendant is to get rid of negative thoughts.
  • Drop into the water - forget old grievances.
  • Put in a box - for profit.

If the pendant was hanging on a chain that you broke, then you will face financial difficulties. It will be possible to avoid it only if you find an additional source of income.

Turn a chain with a pendant on your finger - decide on a risky business. And to squeeze it in a fist - according to the dream book, it means to have the strength to cope with any problem, or to enlist the support of an influential patron.

To find the right answer to the question of what the pendant is dreaming of, you need to remember all the details of night dreams, look into the dream book and compare the interpretation with your real life. If you manage to do this, then you can easily find a way out of situations that require knowledge of the future.

And the most important advice

  • Why is the pendant dreaming?

    If you had a dream, a pendant in which you just bought it, but for some reason there is no way to hang it on a chain, then the interpretation here is also quite unambiguous. This dream means a deception of a loved one, which will leave a very deep mark on the soul and this wound will disturb for a long period of time. The closer the deceived person is, the more the soul will hurt after unpleasant moments.

    What if the pendant is dreaming?

    Seeing a pendant in a dream or receiving it as a gift will mean that in real life a loved one will be faithful and life with him will be almost perfect. Therefore, if there are any doubts, then, having seen a pendant in a dream, you can throw them away.

    But to lose a pendant in a dream means finding a congenial person. Usually, the loss of something in a dream is interpreted as a loss in real life, but losing a pendant in a dream means exactly the opposite. In general, a pendant in a dream means family or close relationships, but it’s worth considering all the features of sleep in order to give it an accurate description.

    What portends?

    For example, to see in a dream a pendant of some unusual shape will mean an unexpected gift from a loved one in real life. But if a beloved man hangs a pendant around his neck in a dream, it’s worth waiting for a serious conversation in reality, which will clarify some not very pleasant moments, but all the dots will be placed.

    In each individual case, for each individual person, the interpretation of sleep can be completely different, so do not despair if there is no well-being expected from sleep. Positive must be seen in any life situations.

    Add to calendar

    Pendant according to the dream book

    Seeing jewelry in a dream, according to many dream books, is a positive symbol that brings joy, wealth and prosperity. However, this is not the only explanation for what the pendant is dreaming of. It is important to discern the shape, pattern and material of the object, as well as the actions and emotions associated with it.

    Jewelry value

    If you dreamed that a gold chain with a pendant was worn around the neck of a stranger, then the dream book advises you to stop interfering in the personal lives of others and find out the intimate details of other people's relationships. Seeing a gold pendant on a gold chain around your neck - great aspirations will soon be justified.

    There is another explanation for what the golden chain is dreaming of. Miller's dream book explains the dream from the position of dependence on something, interpreting the object as a shackle or a noose. So, a pendant in the shape of a heart can symbolize blind love for a person who has predominantly mercantile interests in the dreamer. Embellishment with a stone - voluntary help in solving other people's problems.

    The silver pendant is identified with pleasant moments. Some dream books claim that silver items in a dream can predict the dreamer's magical abilities, and also be an indicator that the dream will come true soon.

    Pendant shape

    What a pendant with a stone is dreaming of should be interpreted depending on the value of the material itself. I dreamed that an ordinary pebble was fixed on the pendant - someone wants to take advantage of your complacency, the precious material speaks of the sincerity and openness of a person.

    A young unmarried girl who dreamed of a heart-shaped pendant portends the appearance of true love. For a married woman, such a vision speaks of the coming pleasant minutes spent alone with her husband.

    A crescent-shaped item, depending on the location of the month on the pendant, symbolizes the beginning or end of a relationship.

    An icon on a pendant in a dream is a harbinger of great joy, excellent health and good luck. To see such a plot before an important matter is the key to a successful undertaking and completion of the enterprise.

    Two earrings instead of a pendant indicate a fateful meeting with a young man who may well become a spouse in the future. Dream books warn a married woman that, as a result of such a dream, she can find a friend or lover in a person who has been in a close environment for a long time.

    nice gift

    If a married woman happened to receive a pendant with a stone as a gift, then doubts about her husband's infidelity are groundless and erroneous. If the product is made of silver - in reality, learn what you have long dreamed of.

    In a dream, they give a gold or silver pendant - you will receive unexpected help in solving a problem that has arisen. In some cases, dream books indicate an increase in the social status of a sleeping person.

    precious find

    A dream has a good meaning, in which it happened to find a gold chain. Miller's dream book speaks of the possibility of material or spiritual enrichment.

    A man to find a gold chain in a dream promises to achieve heights in the labor field. For young ladies who are about to get married, such an image indicates the choice of a suitable party.

    What a vision is dreaming of, in which a golden chain with a pendant is lost or torn in a dream, is interpreted by interpreters as an unkind sign. Such a plot warns against rash actions and aggressive manifestations of emotions.

    Found a gold pendant in the shape of an icon.

    I dreamed that my friend gave me a silver pendant, I don’t remember what shape. Thanks for the interpretations!

    Help interpret the meaning of sleep: a loved one gives a pendant in the shape of a heart with an inscription on a chain. He holds it in his hands and says something about the inscription (I don’t remember). I did not take the pendant in my hands.

    For a married woman, such a vision speaks of the coming pleasant minutes spent alone with her husband.

    I dreamed that I was buying a gold pendant in the form of a lock, what is it for? But I knew that there were keys to it, but I did not see them. What is it for?

    I dreamed that I saw my sister and on her was a pendant in the form of a coffin, and a cross was hanging on me. And we cry with her and hug, what is it for?

    I dreamed that my physical education teacher gave me a gold pendant in the shape of a heart with a diamond in the middle for the new year.

    Buy a gold pendant with a ruby?

    I dreamed that I was in a temple, and pendants and earrings are sold there, I don’t know what kind of metal, pendants in the form of zodiac signs are beautiful and with stones and just cast! And then I went to the earrings and bought them.

    I dreamed that dad gave a large gold pendant in the form of the number 7 interspersed with stone. The dream was vivid and clear. In a dream, I was surprised that there was a pendant, and not a cross (for my dad, this would be a logical gift). Thanks in advance.

    I dreamed that I found chains one on my arm, the other on my neck with a pendant in the form of the sign of Libra, what and how?

    I dreamed that the talisman that my friend gave me broke in half. What does this mean?

    I dreamed that a friend gives a silver pendant of a rectangular oblong shape with a precious stone. At first I thought with an emerald, then the stone in the pendant began to shimmer in different colors, sometimes like a sapphire, sometimes like a ruby. Why this dream?

    What is the dream of Pendant according to the dream book

    The pendant, according to the Oracle's dream book, symbolizes a close friendship, romantic intimacy, strong marriage ties. You will probably get great pleasure from the favorable atmosphere in a friendly company, sincere conversation, fun, exciting pastime.

    If the pendant that you saw had a very unusual, extraordinary appearance and you had the chance to look at it from all sides, turn it in your hands, then the dream is a harbinger of a wonderful, unexpected gift from a loved one. The presentation will be dedicated to a memorable date or will become an expression of his quivering feelings.

    Don't let any urgent business get in the way of your plans for socializing with your inner circle. The importance of such moments cannot be overestimated.

    Why dream of a pendant with the Mother of God

    The meaning of the dream about the pendant, which depicts the face of the Mother of God, hints at your dream of patronage. You are in dire need of care and love, because in the real world you are lost, faced with difficult circumstances, you feel your absolute helplessness.

    Seek support from someone you trust completely. Even just by feeling his indifferent presence, you will become much calmer, more balanced.

    Golden necklace

    A dream in which a gold pendant appeared can predict drastic changes in your level of well-being.

    Pendant with a stone according to the dream book

    A pendant with a stone in a dream reflects your zeal and attitude to provide material or other kind of help to someone close to you. If problems have been shared with you lately, then a dream may be evidence of your sympathy for relatives who are in distress.

    If it is in your power to alleviate the plight of the suffering, do not miss the chance to provide such a service. One day you too will be able to count on timely support.

    I dreamed that they gave a pendant

    The interpretation of a dream for a married woman about a donated pendant says that her suspicions about the honesty of her husband, his fidelity, have no good reason, but only seem to her. She will soon be convinced of this.

    Don't let the worm of doubt poison your existence. Suspiciousness can greatly harm both you and your loved ones.

    Dream of a heart pendant

    Seeing a heart-shaped pendant in a dream means that you are in a state of strong love, passionate adoration of your chosen one. This feeling greatly dulls your sensitivity, you leave a lot without attention, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences, future disappointment.

    Do not go to extremes in your warm attitude towards a person with his many weaknesses and shortcomings, so as not to repent later.

    Dreamed of a silver pendant

    The silver pendant, according to the dream book, is interpreted as the possession of hidden extraordinary, supernatural abilities, as well as extreme luck. You may have to discover unexpected skills in yourself when an opportunity presents itself.

    Listen to your intuition more often, because by discovering hidden talents in yourself and developing them properly, you can reach significant heights.

    A personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in what areas of life you will succeed in the new year.

    Pendant dreamed, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

    Our experts will help you find out what the Pendant is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I had nightmares all night after a quarrel with my husband. In the morning I had a quick dream - my husband gives me a pendant on a long thin gold chain with a large amber in the form of a drop of translucent brownish color, and in the center of the amber there is a small diamond. I try to turn the amber to find out how good a diamond, but it doesn’t shine like a real diamond, although I’m sure / maybe I just really want to get a diamond, that it’s real. I didn’t feel joy, rather surprise. When I woke up, I decided that amber is my big tears, a diamond is joy after. 29 years .

    Jewels in the waking world have weight because they symbolize the best inner qualities of people: purity, beauty, etc. But in the dream world, everything is the opposite with them. Here, jewels denote non-functional, false values ​​that masquerade as the most expensive, but in fact bind a person more and more tightly to the Super-I.

    i dreamed that my late husband gave me a pendant of diamonds and other precious stones on a gold chain. at the same time, I refused and said that a ring could be better? but he replied that the ring was another time, and now it was this pendant. I saw myself in the mirror and people said that this jewelry suits me very much, and I was already thinking with what dress I would wear it. Irina, 36 years old, widow (10 years old), son 14 years old, I associate this dream with changes at work, quit due to a conflict with the director.

    I had a dream on Friday. The groom gave a silver pendant. The stones are pink in the form of droplets and one of the stones is a moonstone, it is also pink ...

    I dreamed that I went shopping with my mother. A consultant came up to me and began to show me different pendants in the form of a cat, all made of green and transparent pebbles, but I did not take it. She turned her gaze to a silver pendant in the form of a raccoon; another one was going to him as a gift. In the end, she chose him.

    I saw in a dream three gold chains with pendants and one pendant was in the form of a double heart and a gold ring, I put it on my ring finger.

    The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

    The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 collections of dreams and more than 450,000 interpretations of dreams. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

    dream interpretation

    Gave a pendant

    Dream Interpretation Gave a pendant dreamed of why in a dream Gave a pendant? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

    Now you can find out what it means to see a pendant in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation: pendant in a dream. Why is the pendant dreaming? Interpretation of sleep according to different dream books.

    The “Pendant” dream is for the most part a positive dream and brings joy, wealth and prosperity to its dreamer. However, pendants are made of different materials and the interpretation of the “Pendant” dream greatly differs from this, for example, a simple pendant, gold, silver, with a chain, without a chain, with a precious stone, in the shape of a cherry or a heart. All this significantly affects the decoding of sleep. Below are collected all the famous dream books that one way or another interpreted the dream about the pendant. Also answers are given to questions that may arise after you saw the dream "Pendant".

    Actions carried out with the pendant

    Eastern female dream book

    • I dreamed of "gave a pendant in a dream" - it's time to find out the relationship with your soulmate.
    • I dreamed of “buying a pendant, but it won’t climb on the chain” - in reality you will be deceived in a loved one who you trusted. This disappointment will deeply hurt your soul.
    • I dreamed of losing a pendant in a dream - troubles will begin in my personal life.
    • I dreamed “I found a chain with a pendant in a dream” - you will find a groom or lover who will be with you for a long time.

    The “pendant to find” dream will please a woman - she will find a permanent lover.

    Miller's dream book

    • Miller's dream book: a pendant in a dream on a gold chain says that you live like in shackles, in someone's dependence.
    • If you dream of a pendant in the shape of a heart, it means that in reality you love a person who has only mercantile interests in you.
    • The dream "pendant with a stone" speaks of your voluntary help to another person.
    • The dream "to find a gold chain with a pendant" prophesies material or spiritual enrichment.
    • Freud's dream book: to see a pendant on a silver chain around a person's neck in a dream means you are too zealous about someone else's life, you want to know all the intimate and piquant details. This unhealthy interest in the lives of strangers is manifested due to your long sexual abstinence. Find yourself a loved one and take care of him, than spying on other people's relationships to lose your life completely.
    • I dreamed of a pendant on a silver chain - according to Freud, this means this: if the chain was worn around your neck, and you walked with it in a dream, but in real life you don’t have such jewelry at all, then you are too attached to one person, you can't even breathe without it. This is fraught with severe stress, up to a loss of interest in life, if he refuses you.
    • Freud's dream book: a gold pendant around the neck is a symbol of the desire to change sexual relations with a partner for the better.
    • I dreamed of a gold chain with a pendant - you will spend your free time with benefit. (See sleep Gold)
    • To lose a silver pendant in a dream means that in reality money will leave the family very soon. (See sleep Silver)

    For a sick person to see silver jewelry in a dream (silver chains, pendants, earrings, etc.) is a favorable sign - he will recover soon. (See dream Jewelry) In order for this to happen as soon as possible, the dream book recommends putting as many silver items as possible under the patient's bed for three days. (See sleep Silver)

    • Dream Interpretation: a gift pendant in a dream - in reality you will have to sort things out with your loved one or spouse.
    • Dream Interpretation: buy a pendant, and the hole in it is too small for a chain - in reality you will be deceived in a person very close to you, this heart wound will be with you for life.
    • Dream Interpretation: to lose a pendant in a dream - expect in reality troubles that will concern your personal life.

    To see a pendant in a dream - you need to remember the details of the dream and find a suitable interpretation:

    • The dream "pendant with a stone" symbolizes changes in life and prospects at work. The more beautiful the pendant was, the higher the chances of changing life for the better. (See sleep Stones / Gems)
    • I dreamed of a golden pendant in a dream - which means excellent prospects on the love front, as well as on the professional one.
    • I dreamed of a chain with a pendant - to see in a dream a chain with a pendant simple and inexpensive, then such a dream says that you are being used for your own purposes because you are open and sincere.
    • The dream "golden chain with a pendant" is a positive sign, portending success, material well-being and health.
    • The dream “silver chain with a pendant” says that you will take on a heavy burden, and you will do it voluntarily. You will bring the work you have begun to the end, spending a lot of vitality and energy on it. Seeing in a dream a silver chain with a pendant that broke due to the fact that the pendant turned out to be too heavy means that in reality you will not be able to cope with what you have taken on.
    • The dream of “giving a gold pendant” says that you will be able to unravel a difficult relationship with your husband or loved one and you will begin a new surge of love.
    • To dream of a gold chain with a pendant - in reality your beloved / beloved keeps you faithful and devotion.
    • In a dream, to lose a pendant - you will find a person close to your soul.
    • The dream of a "golden pendant" is a temptation that you cannot resist.

    What pendants mean in a dream - lies, betrayal, betrayal of a loved one.

    Dream Interpretation of Love

    • In a dream, they presented a pendant with a chain - which means that in reality you must find out the relationship with your loved one.
    • In a dream, they bought a pendant, but it does not fit the chain - a loved one will deceive you, his betrayal will inflict a serious long-term wound in the soul.
    • Losing a pendant in a dream means waking up to troubles related to personal life.

    Why dream of a pendant around the girl’s neck - to the groom. If the pendant was gold or with a precious stone, then to a rich groom.

    The dream “a chain with a pendant around your neck” warns: soon they will “hang” on your neck.

    • I dreamed of a “pendant was presented” to a woman - you need to find out the relationship with your soulmate, whether it be a loved one or a spouse. Otherwise, you are in danger of breaking up.
    • If in a dream you bought a pendant, but could not hang it on your chain, then in reality you will be deceived by a person from whom you did not expect this at all. A wound that will not heal for a long time will remain in the soul.
    • If you lost a pendant in a dream, then in reality there will be trouble in your personal life.

    In conclusion, I would like to note once again that the interpretation of the “Pendant” dreams depends primarily on what material the pendant was made of, whether it was alone or not on a chain, whether it was presented to you or you wore it around your neck and much more. The vast majority of interpretations about the pendant are positive and relate to the relationship between loved ones.

  • Jewelry has always occupied a special place in a person's life, and often had a magical meaning. Each of them - a ring, a chain - had its own symbolism, and their appearance in a dream in most cases is a good sign. The pendant is no exception. It is customary to wear it on a chain, which is associated with connection and affection.

    Thus, an additional decoration on it speaks of the nature of this connection and can personify protection, valuable qualities of the soul, well-being, and the like, the symbol of which is their form. A beautiful gold pendant with expensive stones always seems to be a good sign, silver can speak of emotions, spirituality, and magical properties.

    Precious are also deciphered separately, if they are on this decoration. Dreams about a lost or broken pendant, as well as about a broken chain, are classified as unfavorable.

    Dream Interpretation of Adaskin. Interpretation of the dream "Pendant"

    If in a dream you received a pendant as a gift, this indicates that you urgently need to sort out your relationship with your chosen one in order to prevent parting and resentment. And the more bizarre its shape, the more unusual will be a pleasant surprise from a loved one.

    The gems on this piece of jewelry indicate that your speculation about your spouse's infidelity is absolutely groundless. Lose the pendant - expect serious personal troubles. A dream in which you are trying in vain to put this jewelry on a chain that is too long is a sign that your loved one will disappoint you and break yours.

    Dream Interpretation of Veles. What does the dream pendant portend

    The dream in which you find the pendant is a prediction of the appearance of a permanent lover in your life.

    Esoteric dream book. The meanings of the symbol "Pendant"

    Seeing a pendant in a dream or receiving it from someone is a symbol of devotion to your other half. To give a pendant to someone is to open your heart to this person. To lose this decoration is to find a constant companion for many years.

    A broken or dropped pendant from a chain is the loss of a fan or something valuable that can be quickly compensated.


    Of great importance for the interpretation of a dream about a pendant is its shape. The heart pendant is uniquely associated with love relationships. For an unmarried dreamer, such a dream means finding true love, and for a married woman, pleasant communication with her husband.

    A half-moon pendant, depending on how its crescent is turned, can speak of the beginning of a relationship (young) or their end (old). The icon pendant is a very auspicious sign, protection from failures, health and success in all endeavors. The value of a pendant with a stone depends on its type and color.

    Seeing jewelry in a dream, according to many dream books, is a positive symbol that brings joy, wealth and prosperity. However, this is not the only explanation for what the pendant is dreaming of. It is important to discern the shape, pattern and material of the object, as well as the actions and emotions associated with it.

    Jewelry value

    If you dreamed that a gold chain with a pendant was worn around the neck of a stranger, then the dream book advises you to stop interfering in the personal lives of others and find out the intimate details of other people's relationships. Seeing a gold pendant on a gold chain around your neck - great aspirations will soon be justified.

    There is another explanation for what the golden chain is dreaming of. Miller's dream book explains the dream from the position of dependence on something, interpreting the object as a shackle or a noose. So, a pendant in the shape of a heart can symbolize blind love for a person who has predominantly mercantile interests in the dreamer. Embellishment with a stone - voluntary help in solving other people's problems.

    The silver pendant is identified with pleasant moments. Some dream books claim that silver items in a dream can predict the dreamer's magical abilities, and also be an indicator that the dream will come true soon.

    Pendant shape

    What a pendant with a stone is dreaming of should be interpreted depending on the value of the material itself. I dreamed that an ordinary pebble was fixed on the pendant - someone wants to take advantage of your complacency, the precious material speaks of the sincerity and openness of a person.

    A young unmarried girl who dreamed of a heart-shaped pendant portends the appearance of true love. For a married woman, such a vision speaks of the coming pleasant minutes spent alone with her husband.

    A crescent-shaped item, depending on the location of the month on the pendant, symbolizes the beginning or end of a relationship.

    An icon on a pendant in a dream is a harbinger of great joy, excellent health and good luck. To see such a plot before an important matter is the key to a successful undertaking and completion of the enterprise.

    Two earrings instead of a pendant indicate a fateful meeting with a young man who may well become a spouse in the future. Dream books warn a married woman that, as a result of such a dream, she can find a friend or lover in a person who has been in a close environment for a long time.

    nice gift

    If a married woman happened to receive a pendant with a stone as a gift, then doubts about her husband's infidelity are groundless and erroneous. If the product is made of silver - in reality, learn what you have long dreamed of.

    In a dream, they give a gold or silver pendant - you will receive unexpected help in solving a problem that has arisen. In some cases, dream books indicate an increase in the social status of a sleeping person.

    precious find

    A dream has a good meaning, in which it happened to find a gold chain. Miller's dream book speaks of the possibility of material or spiritual enrichment.

    A man to find a gold chain in a dream promises to achieve heights in the labor field. For young ladies who are about to get married, such an image indicates the choice of a suitable party.

    What a vision is dreaming of, in which a golden chain with a pendant is lost or torn in a dream, is interpreted by interpreters as an unkind sign. Such a plot warns against rash actions and aggressive manifestations of emotions.

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    Choose your dream!

    Did you ever dream?


      To protect myself from some danger, I hung a silver pendant with the sun around my neck. There were some other things besides the pendant. But it was the pendant that stood out to me. Haven't found it anywhere yet. What does the sun pendant mean?

      I dreamed that the mother of the man I like gave me a chain with a luxurious gold pendant with precious stones. What is it for?

      I dreamed that a young man gave me a pendant in the form of a butterfly with a small diamond. The size of the pendant was small, about 5 mm. - 1 cm. What would it be for?

      17-Feb-2018 Julia:

      Tell me please. In a dream, I found a silver oblong rectangular pendant engraved with my zodiac sign Virgo. Thank you!

      I dreamed that a friend gives a silver pendant of a rectangular oblong shape with a precious stone. At first I thought with an emerald, then the stone in the pendant began to shimmer in different colors, sometimes like a sapphire, sometimes like a ruby. Why this dream?

    A pendant is a small decoration that can be either just a decorative element or a reminder of important and pleasant events in life. The pendant certainly has its own special meaning. Why is the pendant dreaming? Let's find out what the dream books say about this.

    Dream Interpretation for Lovers

    If in a dream you are lost and cannot find the jewelry in any way, beware of serious troubles in your personal life. Your relationship is at stake!

    If you dream about how your lover gives you a pendant, this means that you must resolve all conflicts with your chosen one, otherwise parting will inevitably await you.

    In a dream, you can’t put too wide a chain into the ear of the pendant - expect an unpleasant surprise from your lover. Perhaps you will be very disappointed with his behavior and lose peace for a long time.

    Esoteric dream book

    Seeing a golden pendant in a dream - temptations lie in wait for you. For a girl, such a dream may mean that her future chosen one will be a wealthy person.

    You were presented with a gift of jewelry - it means that your chosen one or chosen one is faithful to you.

    Lose jewelry - in reality find a close friend.

    Dream Interpretation Felomena

    A silver pendant in a dream is a symbol of your developed intuition or even extrasensory abilities.

    You see a pendant with the image of the Virgin Mary - perhaps difficult times have come in your life now, you need protection, help and moral support.

    A heart-shaped pendant warns - your love clouds your mind, and you have lost the ability to notice flaws in your chosen one. Perhaps his feelings are insincere, and he only uses you for personal gain. Such reckless love can turn into bitter disappointment, and your heart will be broken.

    Jewelry with a precious stone is a signal for action: someone recently asked you for support, and you should certainly give him all possible help. Perhaps you can solve the problem by listening to the person and giving him valuable advice.

    Modern dream book

    According to the dream book, a fancy-shaped pendant means that you will receive a valuable gift from your chosen one.

    Losing a pendant is to disappointment in a close friend.

    Your lover himself dresses and fastens the pendant around your neck - a frank conversation awaits you.

    You see a pendant with a beautiful stone - stop doubting your spouse, your suspicions of his infidelity are unfounded.

    In a dream, they give you a piece of silver jewelry - a good sign: your innermost dreams will come true.

    Find out from the online dream book what the Pendant is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

    What does the pendant mean in a dream?

    Love dream book

    Pendant what does it mean for a dreamer

    A pendant presented in a dream warns you of the need to find out the relationship with your lover or spouse to the end. Otherwise, you will have to part. If you dreamed that you bought a pendant, but you cannot hang it on a chain that is too thick, then you will be upset by your loved one. If in a dream you lost a pendant, then soon expect big troubles in your personal life.

    Esoteric dream book

    Sleep Mystery:

    Pendant - See - to receive a sign of fidelity to your companion (companion) of life. Lose find a loved one.

    Gold pendant - To the temptation.

    Big encyclopedia of dreams

    What is the dream of Pendant according to the dream book

    You are dreaming of a pendant - a loved one will give you a gift that cannot be called otherwise than exquisite; excited, you will think and talk about the gift for a long time. You see a pendant with a precious stone - it is unlikely that your suspicions about adultery are justified. You seem to have lost the pendant - one of your friends will behave in such a way that you will be disappointed in him.

    Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

    Why does the dreamer dream of Pendant?

    Pendant - Exquisite gift. Remember the shape and color of the pendant. Draw it. Take the drawing with you.

    Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

    For those born in January, February, March, April

    Buy a pendant - something will unsettle you for a long time.

    For those born in May, June, July and August

    Wearing a gold pendant around your neck in a dream means that someone will hang around your neck.

    For those born in September, October, November, December

    Wearing a gold pendant around your neck - to a rich groom.