Fortune telling sorcerer's wheel. Runes divination. Divination using flash technology

In France, the adopted naming system is in many ways similar to the common European one. Usually a Frenchman has one or more personal names and a surname. Traditionally, most people get their names from the Roman Catholic calendar of saints.

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The meaning of the name Adelia

Shy and withdrawn, Adelia is extremely modest and patient, knows how to restrain her emotions, does not like to be seen, but at the same time she often attracts attention with her outfits. Romantic, soft and graceful, from childhood she is able to take care of loved ones. Negatively refers to manifestations of rudeness and rigidity, instantly withdraws into himself.

General description of the name

From birth, this baby pleases with her smile not only her parents, but also those around her. At school, she studies diligently, since all subjects are given to her very easily, however, she does not seek to stand out among her peers and prefers to remain in the shadows. She is embarrassed to participate in school events and concerts, she spends time reading books and listening to classical music with great pleasure. He likes to attend cultural events and draw inspiration there. Due to her natural modesty and lack of communication skills, it is difficult for her to meet and communicate with people. She does not tolerate pressure, so it is necessary to create a trusting atmosphere of mutual support in the family, and then the girl will listen to the advice of mom and dad.

Impeccable taste allows her to shape her own wardrobe in such a way as to emphasize her individuality and attractiveness and cause admiring glances. She can sew or knit some things herself, amazing everyone with her original ideas.

If she has a younger brother or sister, then she partially takes on the responsibility for upbringing, approaches this process with all responsibility and takes the instructions of adults seriously. Becoming the oldest among children changes towards greater determination and confidence. It is important for her to take care of someone, so parents should get a pet for the girl.

She prefers to be friends with those who are older, so that in any situation they can intercede for her or give useful advice. Reputation is important to her, so she carefully chooses her friends and companies.

She is not inclined to show her emotions, is very patient and restrained. It is difficult to piss her off, anger or provoke her to any actions.

Adelia and health

Thanks to good health Adelia can afford to engage in any kind of sports, which she does, achieving high results. Due to malnutrition, already in adolescence, she may have problems with gastrointestinal tract.

Adelia at work and business

A childhood passion for ballet and choreography can become a profession for the owner of this name, in which she will achieve fame. In general, a career is not a goal for her, because it is much more important for her to create a strong family and equip life in the house.

She is responsible and punctual, which surprises her colleagues at work. Because of modesty long years not move up the corporate ladder. Adelia knows how to communicate with people, so she will never be unemployed, but her work should be appreciated with dignity. The owners of this name make good psychologists, managers, teachers and designers.

Adelia in marriage and family, with children

This romantic nature often falls in love with any famous people and in adulthood he tries to find himself the same companion. Due to her natural grace and modesty, she is often attracted to older and wealthy men who like to patronize and take care of her. Long-term and trusting relationships are important to her; she does not agree to short novels. The chosen one must be educated and restrained, not allow himself to raise his voice at her or raise his hand.

Having married, she finds in her spouse, first of all, a friend with whom she shares her experiences and problems. For her own children, she becomes a real protector. A hospitable hostess, an excellent cook who knows how to cook a culinary masterpiece from simple and inexpensive products.

Now the stars advise you to use one of the layouts below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.

The Tatar name Adilya is translated from Arabic as fair. According to experts, the name is of Muslim origin. In European countries, arbitrary forms are used:, Adelia. short form Adil's name sounds like, Adi. According to astrologers, "Adila" is especially suitable for girls born under the sign of Aquarius and Capricorn.

A woman with that name has high self-esteem; in childhood, Adilya is very curious and inquisitive. Parents often get tired of her FAQ about everything that surrounds the baby. She is very smart from the cradle, so she asks questions that are not entirely childish, thinks like an adult and wants to grow up faster. He loves the company of older people, and in adolescence, he prefers adult companies to communicate with peers. Little Adile likes to visit Kindergarten, at school, as a rule, he studies well, grasping everything on the fly. The girl is very capable, but if she does not believe that school is an important part of her life, she may not attach due importance to the lessons. But even in this case, he gets average grades, thanks to his good memory, he learns everything that was said to the teachers in the lesson. It is enough to interest the girl, and she will immediately begin to try and achieve great success in the future. FROM early years helps her parents around the house, because she loves cleanliness, and she herself is proud of this quality.

Psychologists, analyzing the meaning of the name Adil, note the main drawback of her character - non-punctuality. Adil's girl is constantly in a hurry, getting ready for a long time and, as a result, being late, which can create some difficulties when applying for a job or in other important matters. Therefore, it is very important to instill in her a sense of time from childhood. In adolescence, a girl named Adilya becomes withdrawn and distrustful, even towards her parents. Most often, he chooses boyish companies, becoming a real friend to the guys - they consider the fragile girl “their kid” and reveal secret secrets to her.

A girl named Adil pays great attention to her appearance, however, she does not always have excellent taste. She is kind and sympathetic, while always confident in herself.

Work and career

Adili are mostly straightforward in relationships. They like to plan the future in detail, although they live for today. In work, they are inclined to dedication, they present themselves as a responsible and intelligent employee, therefore they often achieve success, become “one of their own” in the team. Adilya loves to change something in her life - changes require a serious impetus, as a rule, repeated failures bring her to this decision.

Love and family well-being

Attracts men, but is not windy and frivolous. Believes in love at first sight and romantic relationships, but only starts them with the one he loves. Cannot imagine a relationship without walking under the moon, flowers and going to the movies.

A girl with the name Adilya will be able to marry only for a person in whom she is completely sure and trusts "all 100". Expensive gifts and beautiful courtship will not let her down to this decision, until she herself decides that this is her man. For "his" person will become obedient and loving wife, an excellent hostess, will learn to get along well with her mother-in-law.

The ideal couple for her will be:, Rahim,. With, Ivan, Felix and Khamidov, the least likely to create a strong family.

Influence of the seasons

The character of the girl is influenced not only by the meaning of the name Adil, but also by the season, date of birth. So, the "summer" Adilis are more modest, slightly slow, sympathetic, they worry about other people's failures. "Spring" - closed and need the support of loved ones. The “autumn” name of Adil is distinguished by straightforwardness, practicality, distrust, the “winter” name is seriousness, steadfastness.

Name in history

The famous name of Adil Khaibullina is a radio host, an honored member of the theatrical activity of Tatarstan.
Adilya Vyldanova, born in 1994, is a Kazakh athlete in the women's football team.
Another famous name Adili Zaripova, an outstanding Russian journalist.

Interpretation of the name Adil spelled

A - symbolizes spiritual comfort, the desire not to sit idle;
D - capriciousness, desire to help, think carefully before moving on to action;
And - kindness, subtlety of nature, peacefulness;
L - talent, desire to find oneself in a career and family life;
I am the significance of myself, a sense of dignity, significance in society.

As you can see, the character of a girl named Adil is multifaceted, interesting, controversial, as later her life. There are few girls in Russia with the name Adil, although thanks to positive characterization, it is chosen by the parents of our country for newborn little princesses.

This section of divination on ancient runes is completely devoted to love relationship. Here you will find a huge number of fascinating layouts on the runes. Thanks to them, you can quickly learn a lot about your relationship, hear such necessary answers to questions that have long been of concern to you. The runes will easily reveal the secret of the future. They will tell you how not to stray from the right path and follow the call of the heart. How to build a long-lasting and happy relationship, always remain a support and support for each other.

Open a list of online fortune-telling on runes >>>

Here are collected the most interesting and popular divination on runes. Thanks to the layouts on the runes, you can easily find out the answers to exciting questions about their fate, past and future, as well as the solution of various life situations. If you seek to know the future using esoteric methods, try to understand the subtle and at the same time very simple "language" of runes.

Open a list of online fortune-telling on runes >>>

Divination using flash technology

The layout of the runes online using the “Healing Wheel” method will help determine the meaning of the past for the present situation and the likely outcome of events in the future, if everything in your life remains as it is. Do you understand the meaning of your life situation, and determine how to rotate it to better side. Runes will help you understand the impact of past actions on the current situation and the possible outcome of events in the future, if everything remains as it is.

This wonderful online alignment works great on runes, perfectly clarifies all the incomprehensibility and gives very comprehensive answers to most of the questions that girls / women ask when divining. The alignment of runes for love is almost impossible without focusing on the object of love and its name. Therefore, before starting fortune-telling, focus as much as possible on the question that interests you.

Fortune telling on runes online "Three Prophetic Norns"
This alignment on the runes is called the Norns by the name of the three sister entities that weave the thread of fate - Urd (What Was), Vernandi (What Is Becoming) and Skald (What Will Be). This alignment has a mythological justification. When the Norns draw lots for people, each of them chooses one rune. Questions for such fortune-telling: “How will events develop?”, “What will be the consequences of my actions?”, “What will happen if I do something?”.

Online divination on runes - 8 layouts
When referring to runes as divinatory tools, one should not ask questions that require answers like "yes" and "no". After all, the runes are designed to tell about the circumstance, to tell about the events in which you will be in the future. Their role is such that they always give a descriptive, figurative answer, since they themselves are symbols of certain images.

Fortune telling on the German runes "Elder Futhark"
In the Elder Futhark layout, you can get answers to the following questions: 1) the situation on this moment, 2) the situation that may follow, 3) best option actions (a mythology worth trying to play out).

Fortune telling on Slavic runes "Veles"
This version of rune divination is the magical answer to your problem. Having formulated the question, pull out the rune. Remember that before you is not just a sign by which you need to find the answer, but the gate that opens the way to reflection and awareness of the situation.

The Witch Wheel is a symbolic device for connecting with different levels of reality and gaining knowledge, especially knowledge about oneself. Although the idea of ​​the Medicine Wheel was developed in the Native American tradition, it is a powerful catalyst for all who seek to connect with Spirit and realize the purpose of their lives.
Vikings and Celtic sailors who crossed Atlantic Ocean and founded settlements in North America, saw the similarity between the Medicine Wheel of the Indian tribes and the Circle of Power used by shamans northern tradition.
The layout of the selected runes in the form of a circle or wheel with a hub in the center is a way to create your own Circle of Power. The alignment of the runes according to the method of the Healing Wheel will help you understand the impact of past actions on the current situation and the possible outcome of events in the future, if everything remains as it is. You will recognize the challenge that is contained in any life situation, and understand how to turn it in a favorable direction.
The question is formulated differently than in the runic lot, where the essence of the problem is stated in one statement. In the runic layout, the question determines the impact that certain circumstances have on you. The following examples give some of the wording:
I'm worried about my financial position. I am not satisfied with my work. I am afraid for my health. My kids annoy me. I am angry with my wife (husband).
Thus, the statement is combined with the intention of a person who wants to receive strength to solve the problem.
Five runes are chosen at random from the bag: one for each main direction and a fifth for the center. The first rune is placed in the East and indicates the circumstances of the problem or its source in the Past. The second rune is placed in the West. It denotes the nature of energy flows that affect the Present. The third rune is placed in the South. It denotes the possible manifestation of these energy flows in the Future as a result of the conditions prevailing in the Present. The fourth rune is placed in the North. It denotes the challenge contained in the situation and the lessons that can be learned from it. The fifth rune is placed in the Center.
It shows what abilities you will need to solve a problem and restore balance. The ability to do this lies within you, for the runic forces
in nature, act also in living beings. These forces are introduced into the realm of conscious perception; to do this, you just need to claim them. Once activated, they become abilities.
On fig. 24 shows the layout of the runes according to the method of the Witch Doctor's Wheel.

How did a single mother learn
solve your own problems

Pat, a single mother-to-be, thought anxiously about what her life would be like after the birth of her child. She decided to consult the runes using the method of the Witch Doctor's Wheel and received the following alignment:

LAGU in the East indicates that the source of her anxiety is in the emotional realm. ASC in the West shows that emotions and feelings of inferiority dangerously threaten her peace of mind. YARA in the South implies a gradual change in her life. Pat, who was in the late stages of pregnancy, had to give up her full-time job, so there were changes not only on the inside, but also on the outside.
TERS in the North points to the challenge of the current situation: Pat needs to let go of the things that no longer matter in her life and prepare for new responsibilities. Rune E in the Center she interpreted as the ability to adapt, the ability to adapt to all sorts of changes. It was this ability that Pat needed.
Pat not only identified the ISS rune with the circumstances of her life, but also established a strong connection with its properties. She drew the rune on a white card, placed the card in a prominent place in the house, and meditated on it several times. Pat soon realized that the strength that would allow her to adapt to new circumstances lay within herself.
Now Pat has a son. She became a loving and caring mother. Although it is not easy for her to cope with numerous cases, she found new strength in herself. Help and support often come to her when she does not expect it at all.
How Ginny got rid of her anxiety

Ginny was afraid that further participation in the nuclear plant conservation project, which was quite consistent with her life principles, could seriously complicate her personal life and even lead to persecution from other people.
She decided to consult the runes:

BJARKA in the East confirms that her fears are due to concern for the Earth, as this rune is often associated with Mother Earth. The EH rune in the West indicates that Ginny is now going through a transition period and must show the ability to adapt. Rune OLGIZ in the South indicates the need to protect future endeavors and the need to take root in everyday reality. Rune REID in the North means that in this situation you need to find a sense of direction so that events do not get out of control. The central rune SOL indicates the ability to see things as they really are.
Ginny realized that her fears were related to the unknown: the possible and the imaginary, not the real events. The rune SOL, which has the power of light, allows us to see clearly and dispels the fog of illusory thoughts.

Divination by one rune

This divination is the fastest and the easy way to see what's relevant to you right now. Get rid of extraneous thoughts, focus on the issue that worries you and pull out one rune. It is good to use it to clarify or confirm several different points. This method fortune-telling is used when you urgently need to get advice on a situation that is relatively incomprehensible or ambiguous for you. Ask a question and the answer you receive will inform you.

It's good to draw a rune in the morning and find out what mood today will have for you, you can ask the question: "What awaits me today?" or "What do I need to know so I don't make a mistake in a meeting that is important to me?" Questions can be any, but specific enough, otherwise the runes will not be able to help you with the answer.

This method of divination is also well applicable to find out the essence of your problem. If you are confused, then the rune will help to unravel the situation, and you can find out in what and maybe in whom the source of evil for you.

There is another way to apply this divination. With it, you can easily find out about the condition of your loved one. Think about it, ask a question about it, put your hand in the bag and draw a rune. This rune will tell about the well-being of a friend, and maybe reveal his plans, thoughts and desires. This is a good consolation when your friend is not around and you do not have the opportunity to contact him either.

"Divination on three runes"

This is one of the most common divination methods. It will not give you long term predictions, but it is very useful when you wish to this moment understand the root of the problem and know what to do next. The method of divination is very simple but no less effective.

Relax, pray to Odin, calm down. When your brain is cleared of various thoughts and only the question that worries you remains, randomly select three runes and put them in front of you on the canvas in one row - to the right. With this method of divination, first one rune is turned over, its interpretation is given, and only then the next one is turned over and interpreted. The first rune in the left corner indicates what your problem is. If you are wondering to yourself, then the first rune will tell you something that is not a secret for you. If you are guessing for another person, then the first rune will clarify the essence of the questioner and help in the interpretation of the next two runes.

The second, middle rune, will be Odin's advice. This is the advice of the runes themselves. She will tell you what steps you must take and what you must do to deal with your difficulties. The third, last rune will tell you what should happen if you follow the advice given to you by the second rune.

Fortune telling "Rune lot"

This divination provides an excellent way to assess the situation and anticipate its development and completion. In order for fortune-telling to be more accurate, try to ask your question not too specifically. For example, you should not ask how my relationship with Vasya will develop, it is better to ask in a rather general way, for example, how to solve my problems in love. Having formulated your question, you should focus on the result, mentally asking the runes to help you with the answer, and pull out four runes at random.

The first will indicate the nature of the problem, the second - indicates possible cause problems, the third is the direction of the flow of energy to solve the problem, the fourth is the possible outcome of events. Based on the meaning of each of the runes pulled out of the bag, you can roughly estimate how your problem will be resolved, and what efforts you will have to make to avoid unexpected troubles.

Fortune-telling "Healer's Wheel"

This divination is one of the most popular runic divination. The layout of the runes according to the “Healing Wheel” method will help determine the meaning of the past for the present situation and the likely outcome of events in the future, if everything in your life remains as it is. You realize the meaning of your life situation, and determine how to turn it for the better. The question here is not presented in the same way as, for example, in "The Rune Lot", where the whole problem is stated in one question. In The Medicine Wheel, the question determines the impact that certain circumstances have on you, for example: I am not satisfied with my relationship with Vasya.

Fortune telling with the help of a rune cloth

This divination assumes that you already have a pre-made runic canvas. If you don't have one, you can easily make it yourself. To do this, you need to take a piece of white natural material square shape, with a side of a square of about 45-50 cm. On this square you need to draw three circles with a diameter of 30, 20 and 10 cm. You can choose suitable plates and circle them with an indelible marker. Then, taking a ruler, draw lines from the corners of the canvas to the edge of the central circle. These three circles symbolize the past, present and future. The inner circle is the circle of the past, in addition, it is also considered the ring of potential, which denotes unconscious processes at the level of the soul. The middle circle is the circle of the present, in addition, it is the ring of causality, which denotes the subconscious processes of our mind. The outer circle is the circle of the future, which is also the ring of the manifested and denotes conscious activity and the events around us that take place in life.

Five runes are pulled out of the bag for the blind, and they are laid out on the table in a certain order. The first rune is placed on the right and indicates the causes and circumstances of the problem, its possible source. The second rune is placed on the left. It denotes the nature of the energy currents affecting you at the present time. The third rune is placed below. It indicates what the likely outcome of the events that are currently happening to you will be if you do nothing to correct the situation. The fourth rune is placed on top. It indicates the essence of the situation and the lessons that you should learn from it. The fifth rune is placed in the center. It shows you what you need to do to change situations in a good direction for you.

The lines we drew from the corners. Our canvas is divided into southern, northern, western and eastern sectors. The Eastern sector is a place of decisions, it indicates what phenomena of our life require the adoption of some decisions. The southern sector is a place of deliverance, it indicates what phenomena of our life we ​​need to give up or get rid of. The Western sector is a place of possession, it indicates those things that we own or strive to preserve, as well as what needs to be changed. The northern sector is the place of receiving, it indicates what we can or strive to receive, and also indicates events and phenomena in our lives that require clarity and understanding.

Starting fortune-telling, try to focus on the problem that worries you. The question should be formulated clearly: first the problem, then the presentation of the question itself. For example: I can't decide on a job choice. I need advice on how best to proceed. After repeating the question mentally three times, take all the runes from the bag in both hands, raise your hands not very high above the circle and throw them at it. Try to get the runes on the circle. All the runes that fell upside down with the inscription, as well as those that fell outside the circle, must be returned to the bag. Now you can carefully turn over and examine all the runes remaining in the circle. Do not forget that runes that have a direct and inverted meaning are interpreted differently in different positions.