Primer before wallpapering - priming technology, tips for choosing. An easy way to prime walls before wallpapering! Primer for plaster under wallpaper

In order to make repairs that will surprise their owners for a long time, it is necessary to strictly follow certain technologies and steps. Priming walls for wallpaper is an important stage in construction that affects the final result.

The emulsion composition or primer, due to its composition, easily penetrates into any structure of the wall surface, even porous ones. The composition sticks together different individual particles, taking care of the durability of the coating. The primer of the walls before wallpapering, unlike wallpaper glue, penetrates deep into the thickness.

For the manufacture of the product, various resins, solvents and drying oil are usually used. It is often applied with a brush, various rollers or a spray gun. Which tool is right for you? It's not that significant, so just be guided by your preferences. The primer for the walls under the wallpaper creates the tenacity of the base with the facing material.

When used, a homogeneous film is formed. A person will not see it, but its very presence will provide surface protection. Priming the walls before wallpapering evens out the plane, eliminates minor defects and irregularities, while removing small debris and dust from the surface.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper without a primer? No, because if you do not use the technology of cleaning and priming the wall, then the finish may simply fall off.

Here's why to prime the walls before wallpapering:

  • a smooth surface is formed;
  • the base becomes stronger;
  • there will be no fungus on the supporting structure;
  • the tenacity of the surface is ensured;
  • you can hide dark spots or areas that have already faded (before pasting with light or thin materials);
  • guaranteed resistance to mechanical damage;
  • you can independently carry out priming;
  • the cost of the mixture is quite affordable.

Manufacturers give a guarantee of the result, but success can only be achieved if all standards are observed. Some experts do not recommend using finishing materials without a preliminary priming procedure.

Wall priming is a mandatory procedure before sticking any wallpaper, including non-woven backing. Do walls need to be primed before wallpapering? To this question, many craftsmen who have been working in the field of repairs for more than a year say an unequivocal “yes”. But how to properly prime the walls before wallpapering? You will learn more about this later.

Types of primers and their characteristics

Before answering the question of which primer to choose for wallpaper, you need to familiarize yourself with its main types. The following primers are available:

  • antiseptic;
  • alkyd;
  • acrylic;
  • special primer for concrete - silicone;
  • facade;
  • mineral;

Antiseptic primer prevents mold from forming. It is well suited for the bathroom and kitchen, as these rooms have high humidity. Alkyd primer for wallpaper prevents corrosion, protects against damage, strengthens the base and gives it strength. What else is she needed for? The key feature is that the alkyd mixture withstands very low and high temperatures. A primer of this type is also needed in buildings without heating (for example, warehouses).

Ideal walls for using an alkyd primer are metal and ceramic. Due to the long drying process, it is not recommended to apply on drywall and concrete in living rooms.

Acrylic primer is the most common primer for wallpapering because of its versatility. In this case, such a mixture impregnates the entire plane. It is ideal for preparing the base before wallpapering. The drying process is approximately 2 hours after application. Wallpaper on non-woven is most often treated with just an acrylic primer. Remember that a mixture of white always looks good.

Silicone primer is applied before painting, and the facade primer is ideal for exterior work - it does not let moisture through, but breathes.

Mineral wallpaper primer is used for any walls. It contains cement, due to which antiseptic and protective functions are performed, adhesion (adhesion) is ensured. Good for non-woven wallpaper.

A pigmented (pigmented) primer must be applied under thin wallpaper, giving the plane a uniform shade and hiding noticeable spots. Gives a beautiful, even color.

A deep penetration primer is most often suitable for very porous or loose substrates.

A white primer under the wallpaper allows you to hide color imperfections and serves to even out the color of the walls. It is easier to work with it - unimpregnated areas are immediately tracked. They need to be re-processed. When the white primer dries, light and thin canvases can be glued to the wall. If the wall is initially white, then a universal composition can be taken to prime the walls.

What primer is best for walls under wallpaper? Pay attention to the existing foundation. For ideal tenacity, the mixture must penetrate as deep as possible. Be sure to prime the walls before sticking non-woven wallpaper.

Disadvantages of liquid primer

The negative qualities of a very liquid composition include the heterogeneity of the finished coating. You will have to spend a significant amount of time so that when using the roller there are no marks left. Apply the primer to the walls evenly.

Also, the liquid mixture contributes to the appearance of dark spots on the wall (due to poor-quality material). This is typical for new houses. The primer of the walls under the wallpaper (even if it is not very liquid) must be applied slowly. If this is done with your own hands, you need to ensure that all areas are covered.

Preparation of the composition at home

Sometimes they make a primer for walls under the wallpaper with their own hands. This does not require special tools and skills. Follow the exact proportions. To prepare the composition you will need:

  • pure water (3 + 4 l);
  • laundry soap (150 g);
  • slaked lime (2 kg);
  • (100 G );
  • container (2 pcs);
  • sieve (1 pc).

Cooking steps:

  1. Mix 3 liters of boiling water, 150 g of grated soap, stir well.
  2. After dissolving the soap, add 100 g of drying oil.
  3. In another container, dilute 2 kg of lime in 4 liters of boiling water.
  4. Mix both solutions and pass through a sieve.
  5. Let the mixture cool down. Then you can use.

Wall preparation

If the room is not in a new house and has already been renovated, remove the old finish, remove the existing plaster and remove unnecessary particles (for example, nails), if any, and then prime the walls. If there are obvious damages or holes on the plane, then they need to be puttied. It is recommended to use a primer for better adhesion of the two elements.

Any old coating (pasted wallpaper, paint, whitewash) is a significant barrier before starting work. All of this needs to be done well. Then the wall must be washed with warm water and all remnants of the former finish, as well as glue and paint, should be removed.

If repairs are planned in a new house, then the surface is primed less in time. To remove minor defects, the walls can only be puttied beforehand, only then they are primed. Putty must be applied carefully. In many new apartments, you will have to bring unsuccessful corners into the necessary shape for a further beautiful finish (using a spatula and putty).

Before wallpapering and priming, the puttied surface should be treated: clean moldy places, if any. A special impregnating primer will help to destroy the fungus completely. Remember that the impregnation must be completely absorbed and dry.

The preparation of walls for non-woven wallpaper occurs in the same way as for other types. Use a quality composition for excellent results. Keep track of evenness and uniformity while priming the wall.

On the video: how to glue non-woven wallpaper.

How to prime walls before wallpapering

Be sure to shake the primer - this will ensure the uniformity of the mixture. When applying, you should not be lazy, because for a good result you will have to spend at least an hour on the room. However, with due diligence, it is quite simple to prime the walls for wallpaper. What primer to choose? Everyone decides for himself - to buy a mixture or make it yourself.

You can not buy a composition with an expired expiration date or already expiring. Such a solution has already lost its qualities and functions.

Before priming, the surface must be properly prepared, leveled and cleaned, since the primer for gluing wallpaper should only be applied to an ideal surface. Compliance with a uniform coverage (without gaps even in small areas) will help the future finish to stay on the entire area.

How to prime the wall before wallpapering? Most often, a roller is used, but you can walk around the corners and joints between the wall and the upper plane with a brush.

If the composition is absorbed and dries very quickly, then it is advisable to repeat the procedure one more time. Wait until the primer is completely dry. For faster absorption, you can increase the air temperature in the apartment by turning on the heating or heater. It is allowed to treat the walls with a composition only if the temperature is above + 5 degrees. Remember that the primer for wallpapering can be used at all stages of the repair.

When choosing a product in the construction market, it is recommended to inform the seller of all the parameters and characteristics of the room for which the product is needed. It will help you choose what you really need.

When using a roller, the soil is poured into a special tray. This ensures the uniformity of the applied composition both on the roller and on the wall. When processing selected surfaces, it is imperative to avoid streaks.

If a small area of ​​the untreated plane remains, and there is not enough soil, then it can be diluted with clean water 2: 1, where the first is the composition, and the second is water. But this can spoil the result, so the solution must be purchased with a margin. If a certain amount remains, it can be applied to areas where the quality of the coating is not certain. How to prime the walls under the wallpaper and how many times to prime the walls, you can see in the annotation to the product.

Now you know whether it is necessary to prime the walls before wallpapering. After that, you can safely glue the wallpaper. Choose wisely what you have to prime the walls before wallpapering - this will significantly affect the result. A primed surface is easier and easier to decorate. The primed planes will help to achieve the ideal quality of the repair.

Brands and priming works (29 photos)

Surface priming is an essential step before any kind of decorative finish. To make a quality repair, you should familiarize yourself with how to prime the walls before painting, tiling and wallpapering.


The primer prevents the appearance of various spots on the surface, eliminates shedding and cracking of the base. Also, the use of this material can significantly reduce the cost of glue, which is required for wallpapering.

Priming has some features that you should be familiar with.

  • Before the working process, it is necessary to treat the surface by removing the previous coating. Remove the old wallpaper, remove the remnants of glue.
  • To facilitate the process of removing coatings, you can pre-moisten the wallpaper with water and wait until it absorbs moisture. You can remove old glue from the walls using special tools that are sold at any hardware store.
  • It is strongly not recommended to apply primer to walls that have just been repaired. If you treated the surface with putty, wait until the material is completely dry.
  • Before using the soil, it is necessary to remove the fungus and mold from the walls.

Ignoring these rules will cause the wallpaper to quickly peel off the surface, and the mold will multiply and ruin the entire appearance of the room.


Almost every soil mixture is a white liquid. In a separate category are primer paints in which white can be tinted. Some manufacturers offer ready-made mixtures with colored pigment. For roughing it is necessary to use a deep penetration solution. On sale there is also an acrylic or contact mixture.

You can use a latex primer. It differs from other solutions in that it is able to penetrate the material to a depth of 10 mm. The walls are treated with such soil several times. Each layer must be applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Other types of soil are selected on the basis of wallpaper material. All types are divided into several categories.

  • Acrylic primer. This type of mortar is used for intermediate measures on the old surface: concrete, plaster, brick, stone, wood and plasterboard. You can also apply this material to putty. The mixture dries after 35 hours. The soil can be used in residential areas, as it does not have an unpleasant odor.
  • Primer based on alkyd resins. This material is purchased to work with wooden and metal surfaces, as it has anti-corrosion properties.
  • Glyptal primer used only on metal walls. After you process the surface of these materials, further work can be done no earlier than 24 hours later.
  • Perchlorovinyl solutions suitable for mineral and metal substrates. Experts do not recommend the use of such material for interior work. The coating dries quickly, due to this it is in great demand.

  • Primers with glue containing polyvinyl acetate. Such solutions should be used if the decorative coating will have a similar composition. This solution has a fast polymerization time of 30 minutes.
  • Polystyrene primer can be used when applied to wood and plaster. Among the ingredients are organic solvents, so you can not use the material in a residential area.
  • Phenolic soil used for processing wood and metal.
  • Epoxy mortar can be used when working with metal or concrete.

Primers are further subdivided into liquid and dry. The first option involves applying a ready-made solution to the surface. The loose composition must be diluted with water yourself.

If you have chosen glue for priming, make sure that the packaging of the mixture contains information that the product is intended for this work. If there is no such inscription on the box, then the glue can only be used for wallpapering. In some cases, you can use this option, but it will not be able to guarantee the quality that you get with an acrylic primer.

Experts do not recommend saving on a primer for your home, and you should not try to create a similar composition on your own, since there are already ready-made options on sale with which you can make high-quality repairs for many years.

How to dilute the mixture?

Primer is an inexpensive finishing material that is in great demand. However, to process the walls before wallpapering, you will need a large amount of the mixture. Before use, dilute the mixture with water, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Each manufacturer indicates on the packaging the required amount of water that will be required in order to dilute the primer. The average rate is 1 part water to 2 parts soil. The mixed solution can be stored for no more than 12 hours, since the important properties of the composition are gradually lost. When applied to plaster, the mixture is not recommended to be diluted, since the cement-sand composition has the ability to absorb moisture.

To make a quality repair, you must strictly follow the instructions, as improper mixing will cause the primer to not perform its tasks and you will need to redo the whole job again.

What to apply?

To prime the surface of the walls before pasting the wallpaper, you will need to decide on the type of tool with which you will apply the mixture. Someone applies the solution manually, someone likes to use a spray gun.

Using a sprayer is beneficial, as it saves time. However, if you choose this method, ensure that the ceiling and floor are adequately protected, as small drops of soil that are sprayed from the spray gun may settle on other surfaces.

For manual work, you can use a roller or maklovitsa. A paint brush is required for smearing hard-to-reach areas and corners. Its pile is also able to penetrate into deep holes or under pipes. Treat areas around sockets, switches and other small parts with this tool. The operation of the brush is accompanied by some inconveniences, which are laborious, since the tool can capture only a small area of ​​the working area.

There are two types of brushes: radiator and flat. The first serves to delicately apply the composition around small elements. Another can be used for the rest of the wall.

Many people prefer to use a roller. It is able to simultaneously process a large area of ​​​​the base, which reduces the time spent on repairs. With this tool, you can apply a primer in a thin and even layer. After it, the solution does not form streaks and unnecessary accumulations. Although convenient, the roller is not suitable for processing areas with depressions.

Subtleties of application on various surfaces

Before gluing wallpaper on drywall, a primer should be applied. This is a mandatory measure that ensures the adhesion of the future material to the wall, and also protects the surface from the appearance of harmful fungi. Acrylic primer is suitable for drywall. If you have chosen a concentrated solution, before diluting it with water, you need to study the instructions. To avoid unnecessary trouble with diluting the primer, you can purchase a ready-made composition.

If you have to stick wallpaper on metal, then special types of solutions have been developed for this case.

  • To ensure the impermeability of moisture, an insulating primer is isolated. Alkyd and epoxy mixtures correspond to these parameters. Such a primer covers the surface with a protective film, preventing the occurrence of metal corrosion. Such properties of the composition are provided by chromate and phosphate, which are on the list of ingredients of the solution.
  • Phosphate-based primers are used for ferrous and non-ferrous metal. The composition of the soil includes two components: a base and an acid diluent. These components can improve adhesion.
  • Primers aimed at removing the formed rust. In such compositions, phosphoric acid is present, which allows you to dissolve the centers of corrosion. It forms a protective layer on the surface of metal walls, which takes care of the condition of the base.

Good waterproofing will be required for bases that are located in rooms with a high level of humidity. To do this, use water-based primers. Particular attention should be paid to old concrete planes. For this type of surface, a deep penetration primer with a strengthening function is used.

To process wood, you need to choose the right mixture very well. It should reduce the flammability of the material and improve adhesion to the future coating. The first layer is applied to fill the cracks in the material. A second coat is recommended if the wall is very porous. The choice should be on the insulating type without hot post-drying.

A primer should be used in any case, regardless of what surface you are going to treat: ceiling, walls or floor. Also, do not forget about priming the slopes to prevent the appearance of mold there.

Recently, more and more people are using latex-based compounds, they create an elastic film on the surface and are resistant to moisture, which is also important when finishing. Use this composition if the area to be treated has a high level of humidity.

The process of priming any type of surface goes through several stages.

  • Surface preparation before application. First, the plane is cleaned, getting rid of dust, dirt, excess debris, which will affect the result of the work.
  • The mixture is poured into a plastic container. The roller is enveloped in the agent, then several movements are made along the ribbed surface of the pallet to get rid of excess material from the tool.
  • The mixture should be applied in a thin layer. The erroneous opinion is formed by beginners that the layer should be thicker.
  • With the help of a brush, corners are processed, in places where the roller does not pass.
  • Surfaces must be dry after completion of work.

How long does it dry?

Many buyers are interested in how long it takes for the primer to dry completely. This information is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Before buying, be sure to read the instructions to make a choice.

The minimum drying time for acrylic primer is three hours. The polymerization process of oil formulations takes 24 hours.

These rules apply if the premises in which the work is carried out has the necessary conditions. The temperature in the room should be 25 degrees. The humidity level is about 64%. If you cannot provide these conditions, the polymerization period is doubled.

Wallpaper, like any other finishing material, should adhere well to the surface of the walls. To improve the adhesion of the surface to the wallpaper, you can use a primer, the use of which has many advantages. Paint, plaster and other materials are better absorbed into the surface, and as a result adhere to it more strongly. Despite this, some builders prefer not to prime the walls, thereby increasing the risk of defects. Therefore, it is better not to be too lazy and prime the surface than to redo all the finishing work again. Therefore, when asking the question of whether it is necessary to prime the walls before wallpapering, the only correct answer to it is yes, it is necessary. After all, you must admit that it is absurd to refuse the most inexpensive, not complicated operation, the absence of which can affect the quality of wallpapering or painting walls.

The need for priming walls for wallpaper

By applying a primer on the surface under the wallpaper, you thereby increase the adhesion of materials. As a result, the wallpaper will interact better with the base. In addition, the primer fills fine pores well, which significantly reduces the consumption of wallpaper glue. Considering that most modern primers come with the addition of antiseptics, additional protection is provided against the appearance of fungus under the wallpaper. And do not think that in the matter of gluing or painting walls, the use of a primer solves everything. Lack of knowledge of finishing technology and negligence will lead to unsatisfactory results. And the wallpaper will just as well lag behind the walls, as if you had not used additional compositions.

Pasting the walls after the primer

Modern heavy wallpaper (vinyl, non-woven) requires one hundred percent use of a primer. In this case, the soil performs two functions:

  • Strengthens the base.
  • Provides better adhesion.

The increase in wall adhesion contributes to the economical consumption of wallpaper glue. The protective film does not allow the glue to quickly absorb into the wall and dry out, which also favorably affects the process of wallpapering. In order not to be unfounded, let's give an example. Consider non-woven wallpaper, for which glue is applied to the wall. If the glue dries quickly during the gluing process, the lower part of the canvas may begin to “act up”. Creases appear, and the canvas does not fit well. To eliminate this, you have to peel off the lower part and additionally glue it. In addition to irritation and waste of materials, this manipulation can lead, say, to the delamination of a poorly primed wall. By applying glue, the putty softens and leaves with the canvas.

Let's summarize and highlight the main advantages:

  • The primer facilitates the finishing and helps the wallpaper to retain its properties and integrity for a long time.
  • Saves wallpaper paste, your nerves and money.
  • Protects the surface layer of the wall from destruction.
  • Prevents the appearance of pests and mold.

The main types of primers

If earlier the same type of primer was used for each type of work, now the building materials market has become wider in terms of assortment and diversity. You can purchase any kind of primer. With regard to wallpaper, universal concentrated formulations or diluted and ready-to-use are suitable.

Primers are distinguished by the type of surface for which they are intended (wood, concrete, metal, plaster, brick), by the level of humidity in the room and by the method of further finishing. There are also compounds intended for the initial preparation of the bases (primer-primer) and to improve the bond between the individual layers.

Types of primers

The composition of the primers includes various film-forming substances (bitumen, resins, some types of glue), pigments and drying accelerators. They are made on acrylic, mineral, alkyd and other bases.

Mineral based soils designed for initial fast processing and leveling of surfaces made of mineral materials: brick, concrete, lightweight concrete, plaster, gas silicate and expanded clay concrete blocks.

Currently very popular universal primers based on acrylic copolymers. They are able to create good adhesion with any coating, including latex, acrylic and alkyd paints. Such primers can be used on surfaces made of concrete, covered with plaster, plasterboard, walls covered with paint.

Fast drying primers based on alkyd are used for primary and secondary processing of wooden, fibreboard and chipboard. Such primers bond well even with surfaces such as PVC plastic, glass, galvanized steel, fiberglass.

Among the specialized primers can be distinguished:

  • Moisture-proof primers that contain anti-mold and fungicidal additives.
  • Special insulating primers that counteract the appearance of defects on the walls.
  • For pre-treatment and specialized for specific surfaces.

Acrylic primer is the best choice if you need to process the walls under the wallpaper. It is odorless, dries quickly, and can be applied to walls made of any material (with the exception of metal surfaces). There is a regular and deep action, the second type should be used if you are going to glue wallpaper on an unprepared surface.

Having chosen the desired type of primer composition, the appropriate tool and personal protective equipment, you can begin to apply a primer to the walls.

Pour the liquid composition of the primer into a special bath or a regular bucket, moisten the roller in it, squeeze out the excess from it, and start applying the composition to the wall, thoroughly wetting each area of ​​the surface. Make sure there are no dry spots anywhere. In hard-to-reach places, you need to treat the wall with a paint brush, pay special attention to the corners.

After the first layer dries, you can start applying the second. After applying the second layer, let it dry, then evaluate the work. A properly treated surface should be smooth and slightly sticky to the touch.

Before work, take care of the cleanliness of the room. It is difficult to notice particles of debris that will fall on the walls during the priming process. But they show up very well after gluing wallpaper on canvases. This rule also applies to the tool you are working with. Debris particles on a dirty roller will inevitably end up along with the soil on the wall.

Video: priming and preparing walls for wallpapering

For clarity and additional useful information on the issue under consideration, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the video reviews presented:

Priming the walls before wallpapering will take not much time and effort. As a result of seemingly insignificant work, you can avoid many problems during the final fine finish, as the base will become stronger and more reliable.

Primer for walls under wallpaper is available in retail, and they themselves make it quite often. But many are wondering if it is necessary to prime the walls before wallpapering, and if so, then how to prime the walls before wallpapering.
This topic will be the focus of our article. You will be able to see photos and videos on this topic and do the job correctly.

Before you decide whether you need to prime the wall before wallpapering, let's figure out why you need to prime the walls before wallpapering. After that, you can decide whether it is necessary to prime the walls before wallpapering in your case.

If you are not sure that you can correctly assess what kind of work is required in your case, you can invite the master. He will draw up a work plan, outline them and complete them in a short time.

Whether it is necessary to prime the walls before wallpapering is probably always decided by the room itself. If this is a millet utility room and almost no one is there, then it is quite possible to think why the walls should be primed before wallpapering.
But this is far from correct. After all, the wall is part of the frame of the house and the fungus can then expand throughout the structure.

  • The primed wall is made even and dry, the primer increases the reliability of the adhesion of the adhesive to the surface. A good primer ensures that the bottom layer remains intact and does not crack, in addition, it will not allow moisture to soak into the walls.
  • The primer applied to the wall allows it to "breathe", thereby creating a good microclimate, and preventing the fungus from spreading. Do not think that the wallpaper will stick well on the wall without a primer, this is a huge misconception.
  • Wall primer strengthens the outside of the wall and penetrates the inside. It simply fills the cracks and pores of the surface. It enhances the bonding of surfaces and prolongs the life of the wallpaper (see Wall decoration with wallpaper in the correct design). This is one of the main parameters why a primer is made for wallpaper.


Now we will figure out how to properly prime the walls before wallpapering. Like any job, this one requires preparation. From this will be in many respects the envy of longevity.
So let's take a look at how to prime the walls for wallpaper:

  • Wall priming is carried out after all the initial stages of work, including the removal of nails and old plaster.
  • The primer is applied after applying the putty, which has had time to dry.
  • The primer for walls under wallpaper begins with the fact that the wall is moistened with a special impregnation. This is necessary in order to wash off the dirt and dust that remains after a rough surface treatment, because wallpaper cannot be glued to a dirty wall.
    Everyone knows that newspapers were first glued to the wall and wallpaper was already on them, but now the primer has forever replaced printed materials.
  • After the primer dries, the wall does not get dirty and becomes stronger than before. Thus, the wallpaper lays flat on the wall and holds firmly and for a very long time.
  • If you got a wall that was previously covered with wallpaper, you need to remove them and wash off the glue. This is done with a metal spatula or scraper and water.

Attention: If the wallpaper does not absorb moisture well and does not lag behind the wall well, then cuts should be made on the wallpaper for better moisture penetration. These days, stores sell a special liquid that quickly removes wallpaper.
This liquid is added to a bucket of water, and wet the wall, leaving it soaked for half an hour. After half an hour, wet the wall again and easily remove the old wallpaper from the wall.

  • When the wallpaper is removed, it is necessary to properly wash the wall with warm water and clean the surface of the wall with a wide spatula from glue and whitewash.
  • Often in rooms with high humidity, such as a kitchen or bathroom, mold collects in the corners. This mold must be removed so that it does not appear on the newly repaired wall.
  • Places where mold has settled should be treated with bleach. As a rule, 200 grams of lime are required per liter of water. It should be noted that when pasting places where there was mold, glue must be bought with a fungicide content.
  • After removing old wallpaper, glue and mold, it is necessary to meticulously inspect the surface of the walls. Found cracks and irregularities must be puttied. If your apartment is not warm enough, you can make it warmer with a thin layer of Styrofoam. This method will not only make the apartment warmer, but also hide wall defects.
    Before you prime the ceiling, you need to get rid of the hook, holes and cracks properly by filling them. If the ceiling consists of drywall, gypsum or other porous surface, then it must be primed in any case.

Primer work

Now we decide how to prime the walls before wallpapering. There are many materials in retail.
Some do it just with pva glue. The walls are also primed before wallpapering with the glue that will be used when gluing the material itself, for this it is simply made more liquid.

Dilution of the primer

Therefore, it is up to you to decide how to prime the walls under the wallpaper. Just before that, the instructions for using the primer should be carefully studied, it can simply be for different surfaces. Although all of it is applied and completely with your own hands.

  • The primer composition is best diluted in a bucket. The primer is different and before diluting it, you need to read the instructions that are written on the package.
  • Stir the mixture well so that there are no lumps left. To stir the solution, you can use a drill with a mixer nozzle, in this case a very good composition is obtained. Manually, this quality of the composition is difficult to achieve.
  • The primer is applied with a wide brush. This is very similar to whitewashing the ceiling (see Ceiling lining: types of material). Having spread an even layer of the composition on the wall, avoiding irregularities and untreated areas.
  • After you have primed the wall for the first time, you need to give it time to dry. Drying time is usually written on the packaging. Even if by your standards the surface of the wall after the first primer looks perfect, you still need a second coat of primer.
  • A lot depends on the quality of the wall on which the primer is applied, which can be impregnated differently on the same wall. When re-priming, the quality will be excellent and there will be no differences. On a completely flat wall, you can work with a paint roller, it is much more convenient and smoother than working with a brush.

Soil types

Before deciding how to prime walls for wallpaper, let's just look at a couple of types of mixtures most commonly used for priming a surface.

acrylic primer

This type of primer is able to work with putty, plaster and concrete. Acrylic primer always does its job.

Attention: If the wall surface is poorly treated, then a “deep penetration” primer will work just fine, but a regular primer does its job well too.


  • The primer for wallpaper should be of good quality, and in order to avoid trouble, you should buy a primer from well-known companies. You should not look at the inscription "for wallpaper", as this is nothing more than a marketing ploy.
  • In the store you can still find a substance called “wallpaper primer”, which is actually just diluted PVA glue. But you need to know that this composition is several times more expensive than the PVA glue itself.

Attention: Before buying an acrylic primer, be careful and see what would be written on the package that the primer consists of a mixture of acrylic polymers, and not PVA glue.

  • Acrylic primer per square meter will need 100-200 milliliters. This may depend on how porous the wall is.
  • The primer is applied with a paint roller, but if there are hard-to-reach places, then for this it is worth working with a wide brush. The primer should dry for about three hours, after which you can start wallpapering.

Primed walls with wallpaper paste

Many are familiar with the option of priming the walls directly with wallpaper glue. Only with this option you should not rush. You need to know that not just any glue, but only a few brands of wallpaper glue is suitable for priming walls before wallpapering.

  • If the adhesive is intended for priming walls, then this must be written on the package.
  • On the same package, it should be written how to dilute the glue in order to use it as a primer. If you did not see such an inscription, then this glue is intended only for wallpapering. Maybe this option is suitable in some cases, but still it cannot be compared with an acrylic primer, because working with it is much easier and more pleasant.

Thus, we can safely say that it is not worth saving on a primer for your home and you should not “reinvent the wheel”, because acrylic putty has already been invented and will make your home better. Although it is up to you to decide whether it is up to you to prime the walls before wallpapering.

Hi all! Walls pasted over with wallpaper will look perfect if they are properly prepared before finishing. The priming of wall structures is an important operation, which determines how well the wallpaper will adhere to the surface and how long the finish will retain an attractive appearance. Next, consider how to properly prime the walls under the wallpaper.

For work you will need the following:

  • paint bath;
  • roller (foam, velor or pile) on a telescopic handle + brush (for applying the composition in hard-to-reach places), or a spray gun;
  • ready-made primer or dry composition and container + mixer for self-preparation of the composition;
  • personal protective equipment - gloves, headgear.

Primer selection

When choosing a composition for a primer, one should be guided by the material from which the walls are made, the presence of a plaster layer, the risk of damage to the walls by fungus, etc.

A smooth concrete wall can be primed with a mixture of water and PVA (1:10) to get a film on the surface - it will improve adhesion and reduce glue consumption.

The same effect will be given by priming the walls with wallpaper paste diluted in an increased amount of water. But both of these options are not suitable for walls that require surface leveling, adhesive impregnation of the plaster layer, etc.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of primers with different properties:

  • acrylic primer. Quick-drying, suitable for all bases except metal (provokes corrosion).
  • Alkyd primer. Recommended for wooden walls, not for plasterboard constructions and plastered surfaces.
  • Glyptal soil. Designed for metal structures. Moisture and heat resistant, suitable for the kitchen, can be used for walls made of brick, concrete.
  • latex primer. Due to the milky shade, it is able to mask spots. Suitable for various bases.

Wall priming instructions

At the stage of preparing the base, it is required to remove the old coating from the walls, to inspect the surfaces in order to identify cracks and other defects that need to be eliminated.

It is advisable to tap the plaster layer to make sure that it does not peel off from the base - otherwise the walls will have to be re-plastered.

Cracks should be expanded, primed and sealed with putty or a special compound, bumps should be cleaned, cavities should be puttied. A thin layer of putty on the entire wall allows you to perfectly level the surface. The primer is started after the putty has completely dried.

Carefully read the instructions for use of the selected primer.

Prepare composition according to manufacturer's instructions. It is enough to shake up the finished primer in buckets, the powder is diluted in water using a hand mixer or a mixer nozzle on a drill.

Be sure to use gloves to avoid getting the product on your skin. A headdress is also recommended, under which you can remove hair - the primer is highly adhesive and it is quite difficult to wash it off the hair. The floor is covered with a film or paper.

It is fastest and most convenient to apply a primer on the walls under the wallpaper using a sprayer - the liquid composition will lie in an even layer over the entire surface, including hard-to-reach corners.

If there is no spray gun, the prepared primer is poured into a paint bath to wet the roller. It is easier to work with a roller on large surfaces - it will take much longer to work with a brush. In this case, the brush is used to apply the primer composition in the corners and at the joints. Apply the composition starting from the top, from the ceiling, and moving towards the center, and then down.

The walls are primed in two layers with intermediate drying.

Drying time depends on the characteristics of the composition and can be from 1 to 24 hours - the information is indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

After waiting the necessary time after drying the second layer, it is necessary to check whether the wall has dried out qualitatively. If you start gluing wallpaper on structures that have retained moisture inside, after a while they will peel off.

Advice: To check for residual moisture, a square of plastic film is glued to the wall using adhesive tape and monitoring the tightness of the joints. After a few hours, they check - if condensation is observed on the inside, the wall is not ready yet and the check should be repeated.

Do I need to prime the walls under the wallpaper

The application of a special composition on concrete, plastered, wooden, plasterboard structures allows:

  • fasten particles of the material of the upper layer, prevent the formation of cracks, otherwise the wallpaper will quickly begin to peel off on plastered or puttied walls;
  • smooth out irregularities on the painted walls due to the formation of a protective film - traces of paint streaks, strokes, adhering brush hairs, etc.;
  • ensure a high-quality fit of heavy wallpaper (non-woven, vinyl);
  • bind dust particles - they impair the adhesion of the adhesive composition to the surface of the walls;
  • mask the spots, ensuring a uniform tone of the base - this is true for thin and light wallpapers;
  • protect the base from damage by a fungus, due to which the wallpaper becomes covered with dark spots (a primer with antiseptic additives is recommended for rooms with high humidity, with damp corners);
  • reduce the consumption of wallpaper glue during finishing work.


Do-it-yourself wall priming for wallpaper is a fairly simple operation. It is important to choose the right soil and dry the walls after processing. Ideally, primer and wallpaper paste are used from the same manufacturer to ensure full material compatibility.

Priming walls before wallpapering- this is the last stage of preparing their surface for installation. Before starting priming, the old coating must be removed from the walls, cleaned, plastered and puttied.

After the last layer of putty or plaster has dried, you can start priming.

What is a primer for, what are the types and features of working with it

The primer of the walls before wallpapering is needed in order to:

  • get rid of bumps before applying wallpaper;
  • fasten small particles of material on the walls, make their surface homogeneous;
  • increase the adhesion of wallpaper to the wall;
  • protect walls from absorbing excess moisture from adhesives;
  • reduce glue consumption, which means saving money; the surface of the walls can absorb glue very strongly, then you will have to apply the adhesive composition several times;
  • even out the color of the walls, this is especially necessary when gluing thin and non-woven wallpaper; the primer hides the stains and smudges on the wall, and its white color ensures that the wallpaper does not acquire an unwanted gray or yellow tint;
  • ensure uniform absorption of the adhesive; if on different parts of the wall the glue will be absorbed with different intensity, then there is a risk that in some places the wallpaper will not stick;
  • preserve the ability of the walls to "breathe", prevent the accumulation of moisture and the appearance of mold.

For priming walls before wallpapering, special compounds are produced. In some cases, glue can be used to prime the surface, if it is written on the package. In other cases, wallpaper glue does not replace the primer.

Types of primer for wallpaper:

There are also perchlorovinyl primers, but they are used for outdoor work on metal and concrete.

Most often, an acrylic primer is used under the wallpaper. It is safe for health, easy to use, deeply impregnates the surface of the walls, suitable for different materials, dries faster than all other types of primers for interior work.

  • it is cheaper to use a dry primer rather than a ready-made mixture;
  • it is convenient to dilute the powder in a bucket;
  • prepare the primer according to the instructions on the package;
  • the resulting primer must be homogeneous;
  • working with a primer, it is desirable to apply the same layer to the entire surface of the wall;
  • it is most convenient to work with a wide brush or roller, in corners and niches you can use
    small brush;
  • for high-quality preparation of walls, they must be primed twice;
  • the second coat of primer is applied when the first is dry;
  • when working with a primer, you should protect your hands, eyes and body with special clothing.

High-quality preparation of the walls ensures their strength, reliable gluing of wallpaper, the absence of bubbles and irregularities that can spoil the appearance of the new coating and lead to the need for its quick replacement.

Priming the walls before wallpapering will save a lot of time and money, ensure a quality bond and a perfect look of the wallpaper.

One of the most popular types of interior decoration today is painting. But no matter what type of coating was chosen, the base before applying it needs a primer - surface treatment with a special composition.

Usually, without this process, the service life of the repair is reduced, stains, mold can appear, and the paint peels off.

What does priming give

The main task of the process is to prepare the walls before carrying out other finishing works (plastering, painting, wallpapering, varnishing, etc.). The soil has all the necessary properties to remove existing flaws and prevent future ones.

Most importantly, the mixture is able to improve surface adhesion. It strengthens the base, helps the coating composition (paint, varnish, etc.) to adhere to it.

Prevents the beginning of the shedding of the surface, which cannot be stopped by the coating. Strengthens the base and prevents the appearance of microcracks.

In a primed wall, the absorption property decreases. This is justified for porous surfaces, those that have already been plastered or puttied.

Thus, the wall will not be able to absorb a lot of coating, while there will be savings due to the fact that most of it will remain on the surface.

Priming walls before wallpapering

After the primer, it is enough to apply one or two coats of coating. This also saves financial costs.

Over time, various spots may appear through the coating. Especially if its layer is applied unevenly. The primer helps prevent this by creating a uniform protective film layer on the wall.

It is very important that after applying the primer, the coating will lie evenly.

The composition of the mixture protects against moisture, i.e. from the penetration of moisture inside, preventing destruction. This applies to both external and internal surfaces.

The appearance of mold also helps prevent priming. And special compositions not only prevent, but also destroy the process that has already begun.

It is clear that the preparation of the wall for painting will give an excellent result, which will be noticeable not only after the completion of all finishing work, but also after a while.

Surface preparation

Before applying the solution, the surface should be carefully treated. As a rule, dust and dirt are removed, old wallpaper and paint are torn off, pieces of falling plaster are peeled off. Mold foci are eliminated. It is best if the wall is treated with a special solution.

Grease stains must be processed and erased, otherwise they may show through over time.

All roughness, cracks are cemented, puttied and cleaned.

The exterior or interior substrate must undergo a drying process for several hours or even days before priming.

Required tool:

  • roller;
  • Wide and small brushes;
  • Metal brush;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Spray;
  • Disc brushes for drill;
  • spatulas;
  • container for mixing;
  • Ladder;
  • Work gloves;
  • Protective mask.

Primer for painting

The soil is applied depending on the processed surface.

Most often, the manufacturer produces a concentrated mixture that must be diluted in certain proportions.

The mixtures produced can be divided into two main categories: adhesive - improving the adhesion of paint to the base, strengthening - to strengthen loose (porous) surfaces.

There is a so-called universal mixture, which combines all the necessary qualities in any climatic conditions. But it is also necessary to take into account the type of coating that will subsequently cover the surface.

All soils are based on water or organic solvents.

So, you can select some types of soil for painting:

  • Strengthening impregnations (acrylic water-dispersion) with additives. The main purpose is interior work for overlaying on cement-lime surfaces, drywall and gypsum plaster. It is considered universal, it forms a moisture-proof, but vapor-permeable film;
  • Priming acrylic varnishes are designed for deep penetration. Creates a water-repellent base;
  • Primer paints (acrylic and latex) are used as a basis for acrylic and water-based coatings. Can be applied internally and externally;
  • Solvent-based mixture for outdoor and indoor use designed to strengthen the surface and waterproof. It is deeply absorbed and can be applied to plaster, previously painted and asbestos-cement walls;
  • Silicate primers are best used externally for coating concrete, plastered walls, silicate bricks.

    They are used before applying the silicate coating. They are perfectly absorbed, sealing microcracks;

  • Two-component epoxy paints are applied internally to concrete walls. Their basis is water.

Thus, the purpose of a reinforcing primer is to create a vapor-permeable film that does not peel off, and the task of an adhesive mixture is deep penetration without creating a film.

Application technology

The primer is kneaded according to the instructions and the indicated proportions, while it is very thoroughly mixed.

Mixtures are mainly applied to plaster, either on bare substrates (external and internal) or drywall with a roller, brushes or spray gun.

Usually it is applied in two layers. The second layer must be applied after the first has dried for several hours. The optimal temperature for performing work is the range from +5 to +20 ° C with humidity up to 75%.

The mixture is distributed with a roller or brushes thoroughly and evenly, without the formation of puddles.

If necessary, a puttying step should be carried out between the layers of the primer. This is the case if the walls have a lot of cracks and bumps.

Before applying the next layer (putty or primer), it is important to strictly observe the drying of the previous one. If for the soil this period is 2-24 hours, then for putty 2-4 weeks.

A day after the application of the last layer of soil, a decorative coating can be applied.

  • Drywall can be primed in one layer and without putty;
  • A well-absorbing soil mixture is applied in 2-3 layers;
  • The penetrating primer does not have to be applied to the state of its gloss;
  • Primer based on PVA glue does not fulfill its functions;
  • A dirty mark on the finger after running along the wall indicates that it should be primed;
  • It is impossible to prime a facade that is too hot by the sun;
  • Soil mixtures from different manufacturers should not be mixed.