Staff development. Methods of training and advanced training of personnel

What is staff development? How to retrain employees? Where can I order a staff development program?

Greetings, dear readers of the HeatherBober online magazine! Alla Prosyukova, expert and author of the project's publications, is with you.

Highly professional employees are the gold reserve of any company. In order for the stock not to lose its value, it must be constantly developed and trained.

My new article is dedicated to staff development. This is one of the most effective ways to keep the development of the company at the proper level, and the professional knowledge of employees is up to date.

Having studied the material, you will be able not only to competently organize the training of your company's personnel, but also to correctly evaluate the results of this event.

1. What is retraining and advanced training of personnel?

Do you know the difference between vocational training and advanced training?

Or is there no difference for you, as well as for my colleagues?


Once I was walking along the corridor at my work and I heard my colleagues, Anya and Dasha, talking about the upcoming training:

Yes, you and I are in the same group - Dasha answers.

I saw the order and I know for sure that they are sent for advanced training.

When I reach them, I tell them about it. And they tell me that there is no difference in this.

In fact, the girls are wrong, the difference is significant.

Let's figure it out!

Below in the table I have given the main characteristics of these 2 types of training.

Professional retraining and advanced training of personnel - the main features:

We see that both retraining and advanced training are aimed at training and development of personnel. However, in the first case, training allows you to get an additional profession, in the second case, only to update skills and knowledge in the "old" specialty.

Having undergone retraining, a specialist can radically change the scope of his activity. For example, a person worked as a teacher, and after training he became a psychologist. Upon graduation, the student receives a diploma equivalent to a diploma of a second higher education.

Goals can be very different. Let's consider some of them.

Goal 1. Increase labor productivity

Labor productivity is important for any enterprise, company, organization.

Labor productivity is the most important indicator in the economy. It characterizes the labor efficiency of both an individual employee and the entire company as a whole.

The higher the performance, the more products released, goods sold, services rendered, work performed.

Practice has proven that the higher the qualifications of employees, the more productive the work. In order to achieve growth in labor efficiency, increase in income, it is necessary to constantly improve the professional level of staff.

So, refresher courses and - this is what you need!

Goal 2. Reduce employee turnover

Frames run from you? Is turnover increasing day by day? Are you trying to solve the problem with periodic bonuses, but it only gives a temporary result?

According to Acsour research, 56% of employers consider the most effective way combating the turnover of professional development at the expense of the employer.

Try to implement this way of learning. However, this process must be approached wisely. How to do this, read below.

Goal 3. Formation and development of personnel

Modern employers understand that "Cadres decide everything"- this is not just a beautiful slogan, but modern realities.

The performance of the entire company depends on the level of professionalism of the staff, the stability of the team.

The choice of method depends to a greater extent on the objectives of the training. In addition, it is important to decide on its form: full-time, part-time, remote, weekend groups, etc.

Stage 4. Selecting a training coach

When choosing a trainer to train your company's staff, take a look at their experience. Examine the documentation that allows you to draw conclusions about the level of his education, professionalism.

Don't ignore reviews. Who can tell you better about a teacher than his former students!

Be responsible for your choice. Remember: according to statistics, 90% of the success of training depends on the teacher - his professionalism, experience, personal qualities.

Stage 5. Development and approval of advanced training programs

If you plan to train your employees within the company, first develop and approve the program.

If you use the services of the training center, you will be offered a choice of several ready-made programs. Read them carefully and choose what your employees need.

Stage 6. Implementation of the developed methods

Depending on the chosen method, a further decision on its implementation is made.

There are usually three ways here:

  1. Organize in-house training within the company.
  2. Train staff in your office with the involvement of invited trainers.
  3. Study at third-party training centers.

Based on my own experience, I will say that the first method is the most difficult. It will not work to save on it, but it is quite possible to spend money and get the wrong result that you expected. Weigh all the pros and cons, calculate your strengths and only then make a decision!

Stage 7. Analysis of the results

After completing the training, be sure to check the level of knowledge of trained employees. How to do it right, read at the end of the article.

4. Professional assistance in staff development - an overview of the TOP-3 companies providing services

It makes sense to entrust advanced training to highly qualified specialists in well-equipped licensed educational centers.

It is with 3 such training centers that I want to introduce you today.

CSTI "Progress" is a St. Petersburg multidisciplinary educational organization that has been operating for over 20 years. The company has branches in Moscow and Novosibirsk.

During its activity, the teaching staff of the center trained representatives from 86 Russian regions, 14 CIS countries, 5 countries of Europe and North America.

50,000 companies have entrusted the training of their personnel to CNTI Progress. Thanks to high quality services provided by the center, most of them have become regular customers.

More than 20,000 employees of such companies as MegaFon, AvtoVAZ, KAMAZ, Severstal, Gazprom, Lukoil and others undergo professional development every year.

Progress offers a wide range of services:

  • holding seminars and trainings;
  • retraining and advanced training;
  • corporate training;
  • special programs for directors;
  • webinars.

Would you like to visit the classrooms and familiarize yourself with the equipment? The company provides you with this opportunity through virtual tour on the center website.

2) Specialist

"Specialist" is a training center with more than 25 years of history, created at the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman. 850 thousand people and 30 thousand companies have already been trained here.

Advantages of the educational process:

  • comfortable, spacious classrooms with full sound insulation;
  • Bauman teaching methodology;
  • the most modern computer equipment;
  • video editing class.

3) International Academy of Expertise and Evaluation

"International Academy of Expertise and Evaluation" (IAEA) was established in 2013. To date, more than 2,000 people have been trained.

It is conducted entirely with the use of remote technologies.

The training courses offered by the educational institution do not contain theory, they only contain the knowledge and skills that students need in practice.

Some features of studying at the Academy:

  • affordable prices;
  • high quality;
  • payment by installments according to the scheme: half of the amount is an advance payment, half - at the end of training;
  • the possibility of accelerated learning;
  • easy-to-understand learning materials.

5. How to properly arrange an employee's advanced training - the procedure for the employer

Your employee has upgraded his skills, but you don't know what to do next?

Check out our guide on this. It will help to correctly and quickly draw up the result of the training.

Action 1. Accept the application from the employee and determine the composition of the qualification commission

Successful completion of training is not yet a reason for automatically increasing the category, rank, class of a particular employee.

Initially, the employee must submit an application to the personnel service with a request to re-examine his professional level on the basis of a certificate of advanced training.

After receiving the application, a qualification commission is created (provided that the enterprise does not have such a structure).

Action 2. Invite an employee to a committee meeting and test his knowledge

The commission has been created, the date of the meeting has been set, the interested parties have been notified. On the appointed day and time, the commission will check the level of knowledge of the employee applying for a higher category (category).

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1. Training, retraining and advanced training of personnel

2. The role of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel

3. The main forms of education, advanced training and training




The improvement and development of material and material factors of production and, above all, the development, introduction and development of new technologies require a systematic increase in both the general cultural, technical and professional level of workers, and advanced training within specific labor functions. Both enterprises and employees themselves are interested in such an increase, since quality requirements work force are constantly rising.

Modern production makes high demands on the workforce and the system of training, retraining and advanced training in the conditions of market relations. During scientific and technological progress some professions disappear, others appear. The labor rhythm is condensed, technical means are changing. All this gives rise to the need for new forms of training, retraining and advanced training of workers.

The problems of training, retraining and advanced training of workers who are able to compete in the conditions of market relations, for a number of important reasons, are of particular relevance. First, there are unfavorable trends in the labor market. Modern production places ever more stringent requirements on the professional qualities of workers. There is a reduction in the number of jobs. Secondly, competition for jobs within the labor collectives. There is an objective process of rejection of workers with low professional qualities. Thirdly, vocational education and personal qualifications do not just act as characteristics of this or that worker, but also become for him a guarantee of social well-being, the conditions for his competitiveness in the labor market.

1. Training, retraining and advanced training of personnel

The influence of various types and forms of training and advanced training of workers on the results of the economic activity of an enterprise is determined by a number of indicators that can be combined into two groups: economic and social.

Economic indicators include: growth in labor productivity, product quality, savings in material resources, etc. Social indicators reflect the level of satisfaction with work, its content and conditions, forms and systems of remuneration.

Personnel training is carried out on the basis of calculations of the need for personnel of a certain profession and qualifications and represents the process of acquiring theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities in the scope of the requirements of the qualification characteristics of the initial level of qualification.

Retraining of personnel means the training of qualified workers in order to change their professional profile in order to achieve the conformity of the qualifications of personnel with the requirements of production.

The problem of retraining personnel and improving their qualifications comes to the fore due to the constant obsolescence of the total amount of knowledge and the depreciation of former special knowledge. Proceeding from this, professional development of personnel can be defined as a process of improving theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to improve the professional skills of employees, master advanced equipment, technology, labor organization, production and management.

Advanced training consists in deepening professional knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of training.

The advanced training management system is based on the following principles:

regularity, systematic and continuous expansion of knowledge;

frequency and mandatory training;

· differentiation of curricula and programs by categories of workers;

providing educational process.

The main requirements that ensure the effectiveness of the development of training programs are as follows:

1. Motivation. People must understand the goals of learning and be interested in it;

2. Favorable conditions for learning;

3. If the skills acquired in the learning process are complex, then this process should be broken down into successive stages.

2. The role of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel

In modern conditions, the most important conditions for the development of the company, its authority in the market and increasing competitiveness are corporate knowledge. The activities of the management in training and improving the skills of employees, the employees' own work in this direction, a powerful information retrieval system for innovations and innovations - all this should work for the idea of ​​​​constant increase and improvement of corporate knowledge.

That is why the heads of many firms and organizations have recently paid close attention to the creation of systems for corporate training of specialists, primarily the work of training centers and training departments.

Without serious organizational changes in the field of training and retraining of personnel, it is difficult to expect qualitative changes in the work of the company. Seminars, internships cannot replace the constant purposeful work on training, retraining, informing employees. When choosing a strategy for training employees in front of the head personnel service there is always a dilemma - training as a liquidation of the consequences of not very successful recruitment of employees or training in innovations, new technologies of activity in the company.

Once upon a time, work with personnel consisted of activities for the recruitment and selection of labor. Today's well-managed organizations believe that recruiting the right people is just the beginning. While most of an organization's resources are tangible objects that decline in value over time through depreciation, the value of human resources can and should increase over the years. Thus, both for the benefit of the organization itself and for the personal benefit of all personnel, the management of the organization must constantly work to increase its potential in every possible way.

Personnel development - a set of measures, including professional education school graduates, retraining and advanced training of personnel. The goal of personnel development is to provide the organization with well-trained employees, in accordance with its goals and development strategy.

The transition to market relations means, among other things, the high dynamics of measuring the requirements for the quality parameters of the labor force. At the same time, important shifts are revealed in relation to the role and significance of individual components of its quality. An example here is the place of the educational factor in the general qualitative characteristics of the total worker. Nowadays, the situation is such that education, and not so much general as professional education, is becoming a defining element that forms the qualitative characteristics of the workforce. Large organizations are increasing investments in personnel training, as the external market and the training system are less and less satisfying the needs of high-tech industries. This is also facilitated by the shortening cycle of production and life of goods, their frequent change, requiring new qualifications.

Modern state policy in the field of vocational training is designed to ensure the solution of two interrelated tasks of a socio-economic nature:

· Ensuring the needs of production with a labor force of the required qualification;

· Combating unemployment by retraining the unemployed.

The training of qualified personnel is a set of activities that are aimed at the systematic acquisition and improvement of qualifications that meet the current and future goals of the company and ensure that the requirements of the workplace meet the employee's abilities. From an economic point of view, the training of qualified personnel is effective if the costs associated with it are lower than the costs of the organization to increase labor productivity due to this factor. The training of qualified personnel can negate the need to attract outside labor and prevent its reduction by eliminating the shortage of labor.

The training of qualified personnel affects many components of social efficiency. Improving professional skills has a positive effect on:

· Guarantees (preservation) of the workplace;

· Opportunity for professional growth in the workplace;

employee income.

In modern conditions, the development of the vocational training system is determined by two opposing trends: the growing requirements of scientific and technological progress for the general and professional level of the workforce and the desire of entrepreneurs to reduce the costs of its reproduction as much as possible.

The emergence of new technologies leads to a qualitative change not only in the professional, but also in the qualification structure of the personnel. Modern features the qualification structure of personnel today is an increased proportion of specialists with higher and secondary specialized education, highly qualified workers, as well as a steady reduction specific gravity low-skilled labor force.

The importance of personnel qualification for the effectiveness of the use of new technologies has become so important that in modern management of almost all industrialized countries of the world, qualification has become the main sign of the classification of enterprise personnel and has received a rank equal to the characteristics that determine whether an employee belongs to managerial or production personnel.

Qualification is the dynamic ability of a person to be included in the production process and perform the labor operations provided for by the technology. It characterizes, on the one hand, the potential ability of an employee to perform work of a certain complexity, and on the other hand, the level of development of the employee himself.

During the period of intensive technological transformations, advanced training is given exceptional importance, which ensures the very existence of the enterprise.

3. The main forms of education, advanced training and training in a market economy

Teaching and training are two sides of the same process. Education is associated with the development of a person's general intelligence, and training is associated with the acquisition of knowledge related directly to the work performed. Vocational training is targeted training, the ultimate goal of which is to provide the enterprise with a sufficient number of employees whose professional qualities fully correspond to the production and commercial goals of the organization. Training programs should be drawn up taking into account the specific features of the personnel structure and the actual development tasks of each organization (or its divisions and branches).

The vocational training system should greatly increase its ability to innovate and respond flexibly to market needs. This provision is central to the policy of vocational training in the context of the transition to a market economy.

The purpose of the organization of professional training of personnel in production should be the creation of a system of continuous education of personnel based on optimal combination various forms training of new workers, retraining and education, workers in the second professions, improving their qualifications and level of knowledge, taking into account dynamic changes in technology, technology, production organization, in close connection with their individual professional and qualification advancements.

The essence of the concept of "lifelong" education is constant adaptation, periodic advanced training and retraining of the workforce throughout the active working life, both within the framework of the formal and non-formal education system, based on high-quality basic, initial training. The principle of continuity of vocational training must be ensured by the gradual and continuity of the passage by each worker of individual stages of education (from lower, primary, to higher) on the basis of the consistent assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. To do this, it is advisable to build the learning process along an ascending line in such a way that each subsequent stage is a logical continuation of the previous ones and represents a complete learning cycle.

In the system of continuing professional education in Russia today, there are five levels of qualification. Their totality constitutes the qualification structure of vocational education, which reflects the traditions and trends in the development of vocational training in Russia, determines the role and place of the profession in the economic system, and takes into account qualification requirements countries of the European Community.

In practice, there are three levels of education - primary, secondary, higher. For each of them, the amount of knowledge and skills that students must master at each level, the content of major special disciplines are strictly defined. Workers consistently undergo training in vocational schools, technical schools, and universities.

Further training after completion of vocational training and a certain period of work in the profession is aimed at achieving two goals:

· ensuring the adaptation of professional qualifications to new trends in technical and professional development by conducting training activities that accompany the labor process, mainly at the enterprises themselves;

preparation of a professional career with the transition to a higher level of qualification as specialists and middle managers (for example, craftsmen, technicians, specialists in various fields, etc.), by attending courses at the enterprise, at a training center serving many enterprises, or at a vocational school.

Approval of initial vocational education under contracts with labor authorities and employment services, industrial associations, enterprises, firms and other organizations may carry out vocational training, which is aimed at accelerating the acquisition of labor skills by students to perform a specific job or group of jobs and is not accompanied by an increase in educational level.

When establishing primary vocational education, vocational training courses for individuals may be organized at the expense of their funds or other organizations that sent them to study.

Realizing the need to train qualified personnel, each organization must decide on the concept of professional training of personnel.

The options here are:

· Highly specialized training focused on the short term and related to the respective jobs.

· Training of qualified personnel of a wide profile, focused on increasing the intra-industrial mobility of the employee, the degree of his readiness and ability to change jobs, the development of new areas.

· Training of qualified personnel focused on the personality of the employee and designed to stimulate the development of human qualities and maturity of the employee.

In the practice of vocational education, two forms of personnel training have developed: at the workplace (in-production) and outside it (out-of-production).

On the job training carried out in the course of work. This form of training is cheaper and faster, is characterized by a close connection with everyday work and facilitates the entry into the educational process of workers who are not accustomed to learning in classrooms.

On-the-job training typically involves watching an experienced boss or colleague as they perform a specific job or task.

The advantage of on-the-job training: it is cheap, easy to meet the needs of the trainee, the worker receives experience "from hand to hand".

However, this method has disadvantages: You or your colleagues may not have sufficient training experience; workers who have been asked to train may not have enough authority and responsibility to do so; employees may resent being taught by their colleagues.

Learning outside the workplace more efficient, but with additional financial costs and distraction of the employee from his official duties. Methods of vocational training outside the workplace are intended primarily for obtaining theoretical knowledge and for teaching problem solving, decision making, coordinated behavior.


classes are conducted by experienced experts;

modern equipment and information are used;

employees receive a charge of fresh ideas and information.


it can be expensive;

courses can be divorced from the practice of your business, and oversaturated with theory;

workers may not be in the mood for training in their spare time.

Professional development also has a positive impact on the employees themselves. By improving their qualifications and acquiring new skills and knowledge, they become more competitive in the labor market and receive additional opportunities for professional growth both inside and outside their organization. Vocational training contributes to the general intellectual development person, builds self-confidence. Therefore, the possibility of obtaining vocational training in own company is highly valued by employees and provides big influence on their decision to work in an organization.

If we consider vocational education as a system, then it is necessary to distinguish two stages in it. The first is professional training itself. The second is the subsequent efforts made to deepen, expand and supplement previously acquired qualifications.

At the same time, depending on the goals pursued, previously acquired qualifications must be retained, brought into line with the changed situation or used for professional promotion. This approach to advanced training directly follows from the concept of continuous education, which is based on the principle of organizing step-by-step industrial training of personnel. Currently, there are no comprehensively justified considerations for the timing of retraining. Organizing this work, proceeding from the fact that for the average period of his labor activity (40-45 years), a qualified worker must undergo retraining 4-5 times and improve his qualifications. In industry, and especially in mechanical engineering, one has to "update" one's qualifications for the development of new equipment today, on average, 6-8 times, while changing one's profession 3-4 times.

Based on the periods of changing types of products (once every 5-8 years), each employee must update his knowledge every 4-7 years.

Therefore, the importance of professional development is increasing. The periods of time when study predominates are replaced by periods of time with a predominance of practical application, and vice versa. Work and study are constantly becoming more and more inseparable from each other.

Vocational training, professional work and advanced training always contain both elements: an element of study and an element of application.


The most important factor in the effective operation of the enterprise is timely and high-quality training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, which contributes to a wide range of their theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities. There is a direct relationship between the qualifications of an employee and the efficiency of his work, i.e. an increase in qualifications by one category leads, according to domestic economists, to a 0.034% increase in labor productivity. At the same time, it is necessary to use personnel in accordance with their profession and qualifications, manage career guidance and create a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, reflecting the nature and level of relationships between employees.

Labor efficiency increases if it takes 2-2.5 times less time for workers with a higher educational level to master new types of work in the context of the introduction of new equipment and technology. The main thing, of course, is not simply the faster adaptation of these workers to the new technology, but the fact that, due to their high educational and professional training, they get the opportunity to technologically “see” much more than their immediate duties in the production process.


Kuznetsov A.Yu. Training and retraining of personnel in Russia. M.: Publishing house STAFF, 1999 - 407s.

Marr R., Schmidt T. Personnel management in a social market economy. M.: MSU, 1998 - 152p.

Yu.V. Truminsky, A.A. Krylov. Enterprise personnel management. Publisher. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2002 - 495s.

Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. basics of personnel management. M.: Delo, 2001 - 336s.

Personnel Management: A Textbook for High Schools / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.P. Eremin. - M.: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 1998 - 423p.

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Teaching and training are two sides of the same process. Education associated with the development of general intelligence in humans, and training - with the acquisition of knowledge related directly to the work performed. Professional training represents targeted training, the ultimate goal of which is to provide the enterprise with a sufficient number of employees whose professional qualities fully correspond to the production and commercial goals of the organization. Training programs should be drawn up taking into account the specific features of the personnel structure and the actual development tasks of each organization.

The training system implies the use of certain forms, types and methods of training. The choice of one or another method or form depends on a number of factors, such as: the goals of the organization, personnel policy, the characteristics of the training staff (position level, education, work experience, age, etc.), as well as the number of students and the company's budget for staff development. Individual types of training should not be considered in isolation from each other. Purposeful training of qualified personnel implies a close connection and coordination between these types of training.

Learning principles:

    Requirements level training


    Systematic and consistent

    Performance based training

    The strength of the assimilation of knowledge and skills.

There are a limited number of methods for developing competence among employees of an organization:

    Passive and active

    Individual and group

    With and without interruption of production

Knowledge Skills Skills

Capabilities Staff competencies

Learning technology:

    Interactive learning materials



    Sunday Schools

    Mini projects

Learning outcomes:

    Own knowledge

    Additional knowledge of colleagues

    Practical skills for solving educational problems

    Practical skills for solving your own problems

    Knowledge and practical problem solving skills

Assessment of learning outcomes:

    Learning problem solving skills

    Problem solving skills

Human Resources play a leading role in the training of qualified personnel. The following structures are involved in the organization and implementation of advanced training programs:

1. Industry Research Training and Simulation Center (ONUTC). The parent organization responsible for advanced training and development of a system of continuous training for managers and specialists of organizations.

2. Management of personnel and social development. Develops the basic principles of the functioning of the system of continuous learning (CLS); makes fundamental decisions on promising areas of training and financing of retraining of personnel; plans the contingent of students and organizes training of personnel.

3. Educational and Methodological Council (UMC). Considers comprehensive, long-term and working programs for the functioning of AtoN.

4. Intersectoral training centers (ITC). Training and advanced training of the highest managerial personnel of the industry is underway.

5. Faculties of advanced training (FPK). They operate at a number of higher educational institutions. The topics of training are determined taking into account the proposals of industrial organizations in the industry.

6. Refresher courses. Perform the task of improving the skills of managers in the production sector.

The concept and features of staff training. Meaning, tasks and methods of training and advanced training of personnel. Management of vocational training. Interest and motivation of staff in development. Annual performance appraisal.

I. The concept and features of staff training.

II. Significance and objectives of staff development.

III. Methods of training and advanced training of personnel.




Professional development, training, training of new employees is becoming an urgent task these days. This may be training in new professions, as well as retraining or retraining. The priority of issues of training and development of personnel is due to the processes of transition to conceptual business education, that is, the need to retrain and train employees in accordance with their specialization in the most specific direction.

In a rapidly changing, developing market, the need to improve professional skills, as well as professional development, becomes necessary condition success of any organization. A highly qualified specialist more and more often has to combine in his work, in addition to his immediate duties, more and more different labor functions and make decisions that require knowledge of the basics of management, marketing, psychology and sociology. Such changes lead to the need to increase the importance of the issue of education and training of personnel and improve the system of personnel training in the organization. An employee’s lack of certain skills, knowledge leads to inefficient work and the fulfillment of assigned tasks, also contributes to an increase in worker stress and energy costs associated with work, as well as a decrease in motivation. Accordingly, effective training of the organization's personnel, in addition to profit growth, has a number of important consequences for the organization, such as: rallying and improving the socio-psychological climate in the team, unlocking the full potential of employees, forming an appropriate organizational culture and behavior patterns that contribute to the successful achievement of organizational goals, attracting new employees to the organization.

The need for constant changes in management principles and organizational changes in the face of ever-increasing competition implies constant professional growth of staff, improvement in the quality of customer service, an innovative, creative attitude to work. The management is aware of the need to increase the professional training of personnel when the current level is insufficient for the implementation of future market strategies.

The purpose of personnel development is to ensure the effective functioning of the organization, increase labor productivity through the formation of the ability of employees to work in a team, modern economic thinking, maintaining and building human resources, and improving the professional skills of employees.

Staff training is the most important tool through which management is able to increase the potential of human resources and influence the formation of organizational culture.

The relevance of the research topic is determined by the fact that the training and development of personnel is one of the most important components of the effective functioning of the organization. Staff development has a positive effect on the motivation of employees, has a direct impact on the financial performance of the organization, and also provides a more favorable climate in the team and continuity in management.

I.The concept and features of staff training

Vocational training is the process of direct transfer of new professional knowledge, skills or abilities to employees of the organization.

The subject of training is: knowledge - obtaining theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge necessary for the employee to perform his duties at the workplace; skills - the ability to perform the duties assigned to the employee at a particular workplace; skills - a high degree of ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, skills involve such a measure of mastering the work when conscious self-control is developed; ways of communication (behavior) - a form of life of the individual, a set of actions and deeds of the individual in the process of communicating with the surrounding reality, the development of behavior that meets the requirements of the workplace, social relations, sociability.

Education and training is the main direction of the professional development of personnel, as well as two sides of the same process. In the process of learning, a person develops intelligence, the ability to analyze certain processes, and training is associated with the acquisition of skills and knowledge that are directly related to the work performed. The vocational training system should increase its ability to respond flexibly to market needs and its ability to innovate.

The vocational training cycle begins with the identification of training needs. To do this, the degree of correspondence between the existing and required level of preparedness of the employee is revealed. Based on the analysis of the training needs and resources (temporary, material, intellectual) of the organization, a training plan is formed, the goals of professional training are determined, as well as criteria for evaluating its effectiveness. Since the cost of professional training is seen as an investment in the qualifications of employees, the organization expects a return from it in the form of increased efficiency of its activities.

The key point in the management of vocational training is the definition of the organization's needs in this area, which consists in identifying the mismatch between the organization's requirements for the professional skills and knowledge of its employees and the knowledge and skills that they possess. Determining the need for professional training of an individual employee requires a joint effort from the HR department, the employee himself and his manager. Each of the parties brings its own vision of this issue, determined by its position in the organization and its role in the process of professional development.

Sources about vocational training needs are:

Certification results;

Individual development plans;

Applications and wishes from the employees themselves;

Organization development strategy.

After determining the needs, they proceed to the stage of preparing the training program. The development of vocational training programs can be carried out both by the organization itself and by specialized companies. The choice in each specific situation is determined by an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

The algorithm for the formation of a professional development program is developed depending on the chosen proactive and reactive approach to learning.

The reactive learning model assumes that there is some specific problem, and the main goal of learning is to eliminate it. With proactive learning, constant systemic prevention of difficulties is carried out in accordance with the strategy of the organization.

The basis for effective training of managers and specialists is the systematic preparation of the educational process. In this case, proactive and reactive approaches to learning are represented, respectively, by long-term (strategic) and short-term (operational) planning of professional development activities. Long-term planning of the professional development process defines the framework for future activities for its organization and forms a system for an early response to emerging problems or future needs.

On the operational level planning is carried out for a period of not more than one year. Wherein special meaning is given to solving the problems of meeting the demand for advanced training programs and right choice forms and methods of advanced training.

Budgeting for vocational training and development is the process of determining the acceptable level of costs for training. At the same time, the available resources are assessed, priorities are developed in their distribution. At the vocational training budgeting stage, vocational training statistics are collected. This is an extremely important element of the professional learning management process.

Statistical data is collected in the following areas:

The share of employees of the organization, vocational training during the reporting period in relation to total strength organization - this indicator characterizes the scale of vocational training, allows you to determine how often, on average, an employee of an organization improves his qualifications;

Share of hours spent on vocational training in the total time balance of the organization - the indicator allows you to determine the relative size of the organization's vocational training program;

The average number of hours of vocational training per trainee - gives an indirect idea of ​​the extent of employee training;

The total cost of vocational training is made up of three components: direct costs, indirect costs and lost productivity;

The share of costs in the sales volume - displays how many kopecks from one ruble of product sales are spent on staff training;

The amount of training costs per employee of the organization - the amount of funds spent on training one employee;

Cost per hour of vocational training - defined as the ratio total costs for training and the number of hours spent on vocational training during a given period. This value is important for assessing the effectiveness of training costs and planning the budget for the next year.

These indicators help evaluate the effectiveness of investments in vocational training, control general level the preparedness of employees in comparison with competitors and correctly plan costs for subsequent periods.

The final stage in the process of vocational training is the assessment of the effectiveness of training and advanced training. This stage is the most important moment personnel management. It is rather difficult to assess the effectiveness of each individual program, since it is far from always possible to determine its impact on the final results of the entire organization.

In general, the evaluation results should provide answers to three questions:

Has the training achieved its intended goals?

Could the training have been more effective?

What is the meaning and value of the training provided?

An important feature of the organization of evaluation of training is the need to cover its most important results and consequences of training and carefully consider the evaluation system at the stage of planning the training program. Evaluation criteria should be established prior to training and communicated to trainees.

Staff training cannot be an end in itself for an organization. This is understandable. Money is spent on training, often quite substantial. Few people will agree to spend money without expecting a proper return from it, just because they consider staff training to be a good thing. Training is the most important link in the personnel management system and should be inextricably linked with the processes of organizational development, with the work to achieve the strategic goals of the organization, ensuring the maximum readiness of people working in the organization to solve the problems they face. If personnel management is built as a system, then each specific area of ​​activity in this area (selection, evaluation, training, motivation and stimulation of personnel) should be subject to a single common goal - ensuring the effective operation of the organization and its dynamic development.

Already at the stage of selecting new employees, the organization not only identifies employees who need training, but also receives the information necessary to clarify the content of the relevant training programs. Often, when conducting an interview or testing, not only the strengths, but also the weaknesses of newcomers are revealed. This allows, already at the first stage of the stay of new employees in the organization, to outline the priority steps for training or improving their skills. Of great importance here is also the readiness of a person to acquire new knowledge, his attitude towards development. The ability to learn, to assimilate new knowledge and acquire new skills is one of the most important criteria in the search and selection of new employees. It is no coincidence that many organizations have recently attached great importance.

Management of vocational training is designed to solve the following tasks:

Determining the skills and knowledge that employees should be trained in;

Determination of those personnel the contribution of funds in which will benefit the organization;

Accounting and effective use of funds allocated for staff development;

compliance of training activities with the goals of the enterprise and extracting the maximum benefit from them;

The interest and motivation of the staff itself in development and training.

Often, for new hires, training follows immediately after a selection process that identifies the training needs of new hires. At the same time, incoming training is closely intertwined with the process of their adaptation to work in the organization. The training of new workers is the initial vocational training of persons who previously did not have working specialties.

For cadre workers, training is often preceded by an annual performance appraisal (attestation). The performance appraisal process clarifies the needs of employees for training to bring their level of qualification into line with the requirements and standards established in the organization. At the same time, employees with a certain lack of professional training can be identified who can improve their performance as a result of training, as well as those employees whose potential allows them to be promoted to the reserve for promotion, which also requires appropriate developmental training. The training of qualified workers takes place directly in production and in vocational schools.

New workers are trained in the organization in group, individual and group forms of training, which ensure the development of the initial qualification skills required in working conditions. The training ends with the passing of a qualifying exam and the assignment of a worker rank.

Individual form of training- each student is assigned to a foreman, a highly qualified specialist, or is included in the brigade, in the brigade his training is supervised either by the foreman or employees of the brigade, shift. The theoretical course is studied by self-student.

The course form of training is used in teaching professions of increased complexity, requiring knowledge of the amount of theoretical material and in the case of studying such jobs that cannot be fully studied at the workplace.

group form- training teams are created, and they perform work according to the curriculum under the guidance of instructors.

Retraining - an employee learns a new specialty, but at the same time already has working profession, and has the ability to meet the needs of the labor market and the enterprise in this specialty.

The duration of retraining of personnel is indicated in the regulatory documents and is not subject to reduction. Industrial training and theoretical studies are carried out within the duration of the working day. The process of managing the retraining of workers involves: the choice of methods of retraining with a quick achievement of the desired result, as well as a reduction in the expenditure of funds for retraining, among the released contingent of workers are carried out sociological research. The nature of retraining is determined by the level of the structure of vacancies, the qualifications of the released workers and their requirements for the qualifications of the workforce.

The learning process in an organization consists of stages - analysis of the enterprise from the point of view of the human factor; job description; list of knowledge, skills and abilities; definition of professional skills; definition of learning goals, evaluation of learning processes.

The construction of training programs should be carried out taking into account the knowledge and skills necessary for the professional activities of the staff. Work to achieve the desired results is carried out in accordance with well-established and proven training methods, methods are selected to ensure the best results, as well as high reliability of their achievement.

Factors influencing what kind of training will be provided depend both on the environment and on the individual himself. Environmental influences include:

Availability of resources, that is, how many employees can be released in certain time to attend training events, as well as the sufficiency of funds to pay for training events;

The quality of the course of study - how formal or informal, structured or unstructured the course is and whether it meets the objectives of the learners;

The quality of employee support after completing the training course, that is, the level of support and assistance to the employee in transferring the acquired knowledge and skills to the workplace;

A culture that promotes learning - how much the organization helps learning by noticing errors in performance, inspires staff to avoid mistakes in the future through training, rather than correcting miscalculations in performance by repressive measures.

The influence of the worker himself on training includes:

Learning styles, preference for different types of learning activities and previous experience indicating what is best learned by the employee in learning;

Motivation based on positive and negative assessments of the standards of conduct adopted in the organization;

Personal goals - for example, ambition, the desire to learn in order to increase the chances of professional growth in one's own or outside one's organization;

Personal interests based on what a person likes to do and what they want to do to challenge themselves (remember the analogy of learning to drive a car).

Employee's personal situation (i.e. what else is on the person's mind) - personal circumstances can affect how much an individual can focus on learning and development;

Potential and actual knowledge - whether the employee has the basic amount of knowledge required as a prerequisite for training;

Ability - that is, whether the worker is able to intellectually understand the theory, perceive the concepts and everything that he is taught. Does he have sufficient work skills to perform specific tasks?

These lists do not exhaust all the factors influencing learning, but they show that whatever learning and development is offered and carried out, the actual situation in the field of learning and development is determined by a variety of factors.

II.Significance and objectives of staff development

Advanced training is the training of an employee in order to deepen and improve the professional knowledge he already has, which is necessary for a certain kind activities.

The motivating reasons for advanced training, as V.R. Vesnin, may be: “the desire to keep a job, position, desire to get a promotion or take a new position, interest in raising wages, interest in new knowledge, in mastering new skills, the desire to expand business contacts.

Sometimes, advanced training means only the training that is organized at the workplace or within the framework of special educational institutions. In fact, this process is much broader. It is necessary to include the exchange of experience, self-study, visiting exhibitions, reading special literature in advanced training.

A feature of advanced training is that students can be critical of the material, since the employee already has certain practical and theoretical knowledge of the work. Advanced training in the current profession of the employee is aimed at the consistent improvement of skills, abilities and professional knowledge, as well as the growth of skills.

Evidence of the need to improve the skills of workers is the lag of the category of workers from the category of work, the expected decrease in the average category of workers. That is why the existing and required qualification structures of personnel should be subjected to systematic analysis. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the causes of the current situation - changes in technology and in the technique of performing work, which pose the task of mastering them for the employee. Another equally important indicator is the growth of marriage in the labor process of an employee. The advanced training system may include targeted courses for the study of new equipment, new technologies in the automotive industry, schools for masters and foremen, production and technical courses, technologies, training courses for combined and second professions.

Domestic and foreign experience has developed three concepts for training qualified personnel, the essence of which we will consider below.

The concept of specialized training is focused on today or the near future and is relevant to the respective workplace. Such training is effective for a relatively short period of time, but, from the point of view of the employee, contributes to the preservation of the workplace, and also strengthens self-esteem. The concept of multidisciplinary training is effective from an economic point of view, as it increases the intra- and non-productive mobility of an employee. At the same time, the latter circumstance represents a known risk for the organization where the employee works, since he has a choice and is therefore less tied to the appropriate workplace. The concept of personality-oriented learning aims to develop human qualities, inherent in nature or acquired by him in practical activities. This concept applies primarily to personnel who have a penchant for scientific research and have the talent of a leader, teacher, politician, actor, etc.

Significance for the organization in staff development:

Increasing the ability of personnel to adapt to changing socio-economic conditions and market requirements. Thus, the value of the human resources at its disposal increases;

Enables an organization to more successfully maintain required level competitiveness due to improving the quality and productivity of labor, reducing injuries, reducing costs and reducing costs, as well as successfully cope with the introduction of new activities of the organization;

Increasing staff commitment to the organization, reducing staff turnover;

support and dissemination among employees of the values ​​and priorities of the organizational culture, promote new approaches and norms of behavior designed to support the organizational strategy.

Value for worker:

Growth of qualification, competence;

Higher job satisfaction;

Expanding career prospects both inside and outside the company;

Growth of self-esteem;

The tasks of work in the field of personnel training should be correlated with the goals of the organization.

Among the main tasks are the following:

1. Achieve more high level productivity and quality of work of personnel;

2. Acquisition by students of knowledge and skills that contribute to improving their professional qualifications;

3. Increasing the level of labor motivation of personnel;

4. Increasing the commitment of employees to their organization and the development of mutual understanding between staff and management.

Formation in students of values ​​and attitudes that support the strategy, goals of the organization and the work culture that has developed in the company.

Learning objectives can vary significantly depending on such variables as the interests of the organization, the business strategy chosen by the organization, the content of the trainees' professional activity, demographic or qualification characteristics personnel, financial support for work in the field of personnel training.

III.Methods of training and advanced training of personnel

Personnel is the most complex object of management in an organization, since, unlike material factors of production, it is “animate”, has the ability to independently decide, critically evaluate the requirements placed on it, act, has subjective interests, is extremely sensitive to managerial influence, a reaction to which defined.

With the inadequacy of the choice of teaching methods, their inconsistency with the learning objectives or individual characteristics of students (motivation, professional experience, educational level) can have the most negative impact on learning outcomes. The choice of teaching methods is determined not only by the main characteristics of the students, but also by the goals of the educational process, the capabilities of the organization, the size of the study group, and the level of qualification of the teacher.

Various teaching methods can be divided into three groups:

1. Methods of training in the workplace;

2. Active learning methods;

3. Traditional teaching methods.

When choosing teaching methods, an organization should take into account the effectiveness of their impact on a specifically selected group of students.

Workplace training is distinguished by its practical orientation, direct connection with the production functions of the employee, as a rule, provides significant opportunities for repetition and consolidation of the newly learned. Responsibility for training lies with three participants in the process - the employee himself, his manager and the HR manager. The global trend of corporate training, which originated even before the crisis and intensified by its progression, leads to the fact that training goes directly to the workplace, the responsibility for its results lies more with the employee and his manager.

Workplace learning methods include:

Secondment(secondment) - internships, rotations.

Shading(shadowing) - monitoring the process of work.

Budding(budding) - the inclusion of the student in the process of activity of another person.

Mentoring(mentoring, mentoring) - purposeful transfer of experience.

coaching(coaching) - revealing the potential of the student's personality.

Tutoring(tutoring) - support of the learning process, discussion of the experience of transferring acquired knowledge into real practice.

briefing- Demonstration of working methods in the workplace.

Secondment- consists in the temporary transfer of an employee to another department within the organization. At present, it is becoming more and more popular to send for an internship to other companies, as a rule, these business trips are paid, designed for a full time, lasting up to twelve months.

Shading- is to monitor the labor process, which allows you to identify weaknesses in vocational training employee and draw up a training program aimed at eliminating them.

Budding- informal mentoring, when an employee is included in the process of another person's activity, mutual learning takes place, advice and recommendations are transmitted bilaterally, therefore this method is sometimes called peer coaching. It is used to support an employee in the process of adapting to a new workplace, developing behavioral skills, transferring information between employees, and increasing the efficiency of transformations in a company.

Mentoring- learning by example, purposeful transfer of professional experience, practical transfer of skills from a more experienced worker to a less experienced one. In the course of training, an experienced mentor shares his approach to solving business problems, using the example of situations from the past, his approach to solving certain problems.

coaching- similar to mentoring, but unlike it, it is based on the organization of an independent search for a solution to a problem with the help of a coach, without providing the trainee with template solutions to production situations. In the learning process, the student finds his own solution to the problem, and the coach asks leading questions, directing his thinking and search, thereby stimulating him to search for solutions on his own.

Tutoring- one of the types of mentoring, in which, during the discussion, the experience of transferring the acquired knowledge into the daily practice of the student is discussed, and effective ways of behavior are developed.

briefing- carried out by a special instructor or an experienced employee, during the training, the employee is explained and demonstrated the methods of work directly at the workplace.

Strotelling- consists in teaching young employees the rules of work in the company with the help of facts, the history of organizations. This method begins to work already in the process of recruitment. The interviewer talks about the company, thus preparing the new employee for the corporate culture, philosophy, and traditions of the company.

Traditional methods are used in the transfer and consolidation of a wide variety of knowledge. Many generations of students have studied and continue to study, mainly gaining knowledge during lectures and seminars, the popularity of these methods shows their rather high efficiency. Traditional teaching methods include:

1) Lectures - the teacher orally conveys information to a group of students, while the teacher can use visual teaching aids, posters, slide shows. Communication in this case is one-sided, the only exception is the situation when the lecturer answers questions from the audience. The assimilation of the material largely depends on the characteristics of the material being studied and on how widely visual aids are used. The lecture does not allow taking into account the different levels of knowledge, abilities and professional experience of the trainees, the pace of learning is determined independently by the teacher for the entire group. The effectiveness of this teaching method depends on many factors: the personal characteristics of the teacher, his erudition, the ability to arouse interest in the topic under study, the ability to clearly and clearly present the material.

2) Seminars - usually held at the end of the study of a certain portion of the material in order to check the assimilation of the lecture material, as well as to help students better understand the content of the material being studied. The main thing in the seminar is the dialogue between the teacher and the student, it allows you to consider the material from different angles, correlate it with the experience and knowledge already available to the students. Seminars allow you to control the degree of understanding by students of the material covered. For this purpose, surveys are conducted or practical tasks are given based on the material covered. The effectiveness of the seminar depends on the ability of the teacher to create during the lesson such an environment and climate that would encourage students to actively participate in the work. Seminars are held in relatively small groups of eight to twenty-five people.

3) Educational films and videos - the learning process includes watching films and video materials. With such training, better memorability, visibility and accessibility of the presentation of the material, the possibility of repetition and self-learning, the possibility of multiple use, ease of use, connection with practice, cost savings, assistance to the teacher or trainer are ensured. For educational purposes, the action of each film is presented in the form of separate fragments. After each episode, devoted to certain aspects of the problem under consideration, the trainees are offered a brief theoretical generalization of what they saw.

Active learning methods include:

1) Trainings - during the trainings there is a practical development of skills and abilities, while blocks of theoretical material are minimized. Special situations are modeled for the development and consolidation of the necessary skills in students, the development of new behaviors, a possible change in attitude to their own experience and approaches. Typically used in training various techniques and active learning methods - group discussions, business, simulation and role-playing games.

2) Programming and computer learning - the essence of programmed learning is a step-by-step assessment of the degree of assimilation of the material and its maximum degree structuredness. With this method, information is provided to students in the form of small blocks in printed or computer form. After familiarization with the material, the student must answer questions to assess the degree of assimilation and depth of understanding of the material being studied. The main advantage of this method is the convenience of studying the material, the student can move at a pace convenient for him.

3) Group discussions - group discussions are more of a didactic technique than a teaching method. This method is widely used in other forms of education. Group discussions are held in groups of 4 to 7 people, they are widely used both in our country and abroad. The use of group discussions provides a better assimilation of the studied material, making the most of the experience of the listeners.

4) Business games - with this method of teaching, educational topics are worked out on the basis of material and situations that model various aspects that are directly related professional activity worker. In a business game, it is assumed that there are rules of work and water information, a certain scenario that determines the course and content of the game. Business games are held in three stages - preparation for the game, holding, analysis of the results of the conduct and summing up.

5)Role-playing games- This method of active learning is becoming more and more popular among employers when training candidates for leadership positions, as well as current managers. Role-playing games in training employees in interpersonal communication skills. Situations in which they find themselves in direct work, interaction with their colleagues, subordinates and management.

6) Behavioral modeling - is one of the new methods of training employees in the skills of changing attitudes and interpersonal communication. It is used as part of trainings that involve a wider use of active learning methods. This method teaches specific attitudes and skills that are associated with the performance of their professional activities.

7) Analysis of practical situations - the method began to be used back in the twenties in the United States, it is associated with the analysis of practical situations. It is one of the most proven methods for teaching problem solving and decision making skills. The purpose of this method is to train students to analyze information, structure, develop the ability to identify key problems and generate alternative solutions, also evaluate them and choose the best solution, develop action programs.

8) Basket method - this method is based on imitation of situations that are often encountered in the work process of managers. The student in the learning process acts as a leader, direct duties are imposed on him - parsing letters, faxes, reports and taking certain actions on them, the student receives information about the leader in whose role he acts, the exercise can be complicated by including visits of different people, phone calls , unscheduled meetings.

The choice of teaching method is determined by the characteristics of the students themselves, the capabilities of the organization, the level of qualification of the teacher, and the goals of the educational process. Errors in choosing a method can negatively affect the effectiveness of training. For example, too a large number of lectures for students with a low level of practice, who graduated long ago educational institution, can significantly impair digestibility educational material and reduce interest in activities.


The training and advanced training of workers today must be continuous and carried out throughout their entire working life. Enterprises should consider the cost of training staff as an investment in fixed assets that allows them to make the most efficient use of the latest technologies.

Personnel training consists in teaching the labor skills necessary for the quality performance of work. For lifelong learning to be effective, employees need to be interested in it. The administration needs to create a climate conducive to learning. In modern conditions, the management of any organization should admit that the existence of a cost-effective company is simply impossible without a well-thought-out system of staff development, and this applies to both ordinary employees and managers top management. It goes without saying that such a system must be perfectly organized, equipped at a high technical level ( this is all the more important because the development of most modern specialties is simply unthinkable without special hardware and software) and of course! - be part of the company's overall strategy. So to speak, advanced training programs should be an integral part of the company's policy - as an internal ( most professional development programs), and external ( maintaining relations with leading universities and screening potential candidates even before they join the team of the organization)

It should be recognized that the emphasis of the modern economy is gradually shifting from the "mechanical economy" of production to the "information economy", that is, an economic system that is built primarily on highly qualified specialists, professionals in their industries. It would be superfluous to add that the high qualification of any specialist is the result of work experience, education and continuous work above oneself. Assistance in this process is the ethical task of any HR manager. Thus, it can be stated that the system of advanced training of personnel is absolutely necessary for any organization wishing to enter the new economic system as an equal participant.

On the shoulders of the personnel manager falls, perhaps the most difficult task of management. Economic processes can be planned and partly foreseen - this is part of the job responsibilities of sales, development and marketing managers. You can manage traffic flows - this is what logistics do. At the same time, managing people, the very people on whom any successful organization rests, is a task of a completely different order. An effective HR manager needs to combine the mathematical art of management with the qualities of a professional psychologist.

In this regard, mention should be made of the undoubted connection between the issues of staff motivation and the improvement of its qualifications. To put it simply, the following wording can be considered as the main task of the HR manager: “To ensure that the staff is interested in the continuous improvement of their professional qualities - provided that this will benefit the organization and will be an additional incentive for employees to work for this organization."


Labor Economics, Textbook / V.V. Adamchuk, Yu.P. Kokin, R.A. Yakovlev; Edited by V.V. Adamchuk. - M.: CJSC [!!! In accordance with the Federal Law-99 dated 05/05/2014, this form was replaced by a non-public joint-stock company] "Finstatinform", 2002 - 431s.

Adamchuk V.V., Romanov O.V., Sorokina M.V. Economics and sociology of labor: Textbook for universities. - M.: UNITI, 2003 - 343s.

Organization and rationing of labor: Textbook for universities / Ed. V.V. Adamchuk / VZFEI (Financial University). - M.: Finstatinform, 2000 - 301s.

Economics of labor resources. Ed. V.D. Areshchenko. - M.: graduate School, 2004 - 305s.

Economics: Textbook for universities /V.V. Adamchuk, T.P. Varna, V.V. Vorotnikova and others. Ed. prof. V.V. Adamchuk - M.: UNITY - DANA, 2002 - 254p.

Intra-factory movement and turnover of workers / Ed. E.G. Antosenkov and Z.V. Kupriyanova. Novosibirsk. Science, 2005 - 403s.

Genkin B.M. Economics and sociology of labor: Textbook for universities. 2nd edition - M .: Publishing group NORMA - INFRA.M., 2000 - 403s.

Kibanov A.L. Organization personnel management. M.: INFRA-M., 2001-572s.

Prykin B.V. Economic analysis enterprises. Textbook for universities. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2000 - 360s.

10. Yu.V. Truminsky, A.A. Krylov. Enterprise personnel management. Publisher.-M.: UNITI-DANA, 2002 - 495s.

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Hello! In this article we will talk about staff development.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is a qualification and why improve it;
  2. What methods of this exist;
  3. How is the promotion process going?

Any self-respecting company that is engaged in any kind of activity, among the main issues, always considers staff development. In order not to lose its position in the market, the company needs highly qualified personnel.

That is what today's conversation will be about.

Types of employee training

  • Staff development;
  • Retraining;
  • Training.

Goals and objectives of staff development

Before, you need to ask the question: why? So, what are the goals of professional development?

  • Equip employees with new knowledge and skills. This will allow them not only to express fresh ideas, but also to cope with various difficulties in their work;
  • Staff motivation. When an employee receives knowledge at the expense of the organization, he feels that the management cares about him. Therefore, a person has a desire to increase labor productivity;
  • Reduced staff turnover. Further training is considered an effective way to combat this phenomenon. This principle applies even when even bonuses do not help.
  • Introduction of new technologies. Now is the time of computers and high speeds. There is no getting away from this, we need to develop, modernize production. And only a team of true professionals can cope with this.
  • Education of own personnel. This is the production strategy of some companies. They prefer to train their employees than to hire a large number of people from the outside.

Who to train

It is clear that it is unrealistic to improve the qualifications of all specialists at the same time. It turns out that it is necessary to single out those who are among the first to improve their level of professionalism.

In addition, there is a risk that time and financial resources will be spent on training what the employee already knows and can do. And even worse, when the employer pays for the training of an employee, and after a while he leaves for another job.

That is why managers prefer to train employees who will bring maximum value to the organization or enterprise, or employees who hold important positions.

The rest of the employees are trained at the expense of the company in only two ways:

  • If learning is an important part of the work process (for example, in medical companies);
  • If you need to create a new production or change the profile of the old .

The problem is that the management of a young company cannot always determine what the potential of employees is. In this case, you can consult with specialists involved in staff training. You can also conduct a survey of employees, and then analyze the information received.

With the help of a survey, you can determine not only the psychological type of an employee, but also how much he corresponds to the position, what is the level of his professionalism, and so on.

Differences between advanced training and professional training

Often people think that these two concepts are one and the same. This is not so, the difference between them is serious. What it is, let's see further.

No. p / p Type of training essence Timing
1 Training It is carried out in order to improve knowledge in the profession, skills and abilities 72 - 100 acad. hours
2 Staff retraining Allows you to acquire new skills or profession 500 - 1000 acad. hours

Both of these processes are aimed at improving and developing staff. But in the first case, the specialty remains the same, only knowledge and skills are improved, and in the second case, there is the possibility of obtaining a new profession.

Forms of advanced training

Professional development of the organization's personnel occurs through the use of various forms. These forms differ from each other according to various criteria: the level of connection with practical activities, organization of the process, target groups.

  • Depending on who is conducting the promotion program, it is divided into external training(outside the company) and intracompany(within the company). In-house training has its advantages: reducing costs for the company, the ability to control the process, the development of corporate spirit, and so on;
  • With a break from the workplace and without it. Experts recommend combining these 2 forms;
  • By degree of organization: self-training and organized;
  • Depending on the target groups: advanced training of management personnel, general promotion, as well as open (which can be used even by family members of employees).

Staff development methods

The method of advanced training depends on the form in which the training will be conducted. If within the company, then the documents, equipment and materials that the employee usually uses in his work will be used.

Workplace learning methods

  • briefing. It is used when you need to acquire skills in a new workplace;
  • Project group. A group is formed that collectively works on one project. At the same time, management skills, problem solving collectively are improved;
  • coaching. When using this method, the trainer and trainees interact and also establish communication between the participants in the production process;
  • rotation. The employee is transferred within the company to another department. A very popular technique at present.
  • Mentoring. When experience is purposefully transferred, employee training by example. A more experienced employee transfers his knowledge to someone who is less experienced;
  • Tutoring is a type of mentoring. A discussion is held, during which the student demonstrates the acquired knowledge;
  • Strotelling young employees are taught the rules of work, using the history of the organization;
  • Shading– the essence of the method is that the process of work is being monitored, which allows you to find out which sides in prof. employee training weak and draw up a training plan to remove them.

Methods of external professional development

  • Conferences, meetings, symposia. An active teaching methodology that stimulates the development of communication skills, develops logical thinking, and teaches the specifics of public speaking;
  • Lectures. The most traditional technique. The materials here are assimilated passively and this method is not considered optimal now, it is supplemented by others.
  • training. During the training process, the trainer gives certain instructions and checks how well the knowledge has been mastered over a certain period of time.
  • Interactive courses. Knowledge is obtained, consolidated and tested with the help of a training program;
  • Selfeducation. The easiest option, but at the same time requiring self-discipline and responsibility. This method is now being developed through the introduction of various training programs and distance learning;
  • case study this method allows solving real production problems. It is mainly suitable for senior executives and management personnel.
  • business game- the essence of the method lies in the fact that the problem is solved not by one person, but by a group of students;
  • Basket - method based on imitation of situations encountered in the process of work.

The choice of teaching methods depends on many factors: the characteristics of the students, the company's capabilities (including financial ones), the qualifications of teachers and the goals of the process. If the method is chosen incorrectly, the effectiveness of training will simply be reduced to zero.

Staff development courses

This training event is usually held in a designated area. They are organized in such a way that nothing distracts the listeners from the process and does not interfere with the perception of information.

A big plus when taking such courses is that as soon as the training is completed, not only your skills will increase, it will be documented.

The choice of a suitable training center should be carried out based on the following indicators:

  • Reviews of those who have already been trained;
  • Composition of teachers;
  • How long has the center been operating?
  • Course cost.

It is no coincidence that the cost was at the last place in the list. The high price of taking courses does not guarantee that they will be useful to the listener. There are cases when the courses are expensive, but bring little practical benefit.

In such courses, classes are held in small groups, consisting of 5 to 30 people maximum. They can also pass individual sessions. Build training in continuing education programs designed to increase and expand the range of knowledge and skills, and those that a person already has.

Conventionally, training in the courses is divided into several groups:

  • Comprehensive training;
  • Self-learning;
  • Combined learning.

Each of these groups has its pros and cons, but the important thing is that these groups do not exclude each other, but complement and improve.

When employees take advanced training courses, both parties win here: both the employee and the employer. An employee, having completed the courses, can count on an increase in salary, career growth and an increase in the level of his knowledge. The employer will receive competent employees who can understand all the intricacies of the work process, increase the level of competitiveness of their company.

How professional development happens: the main stages of the process

This process is divided into several important steps. Let's analyze them in more detail.

Stage 1. Calculation of the need for advanced training.

First you need to determine what is the need for staff training in a particular company. It is defined at several levels.

At the level of the entire company as a whole, this need will depend on the following points:

  • Are there any plans to upgrade equipment?
  • Will new technologies be introduced into production;
  • Is it planned to release a new type of product;
  • By how much is it planned to increase the number of jobs.

Speaking of level structural divisions companies, then it is necessary to carry out advanced training if:

  • Workers often violate production technology;
  • There are work-related injuries;
  • The number of marriages has increased significantly.

As for individual employees, it also depends on several factors:

  • To what extent the employee himself is ready and wants to improve his professional level;
  • What are the results of certification;
  • How much a person wants to move up the career ladder.

After analyzing all these nuances, the company's management decides to improve the skills of its employees.

The next step will be the choice of training methods.

Step 2. Choice of method.

When training is planned for employees, it is necessary to determine by what methods it will take place. We have already talked about the most common methods earlier, we will not repeat ourselves. We only note that Russian companies more and more mentoring methods are being introduced.

Stage 3. Development of the budget.

Once the need for training has been analyzed, a budget is drawn up. It must be documented.

In this case, the cost items will be: tuition fees, payment for the services of the training center, and so on.

Distance courses are the least expensive option for a company.

Step 4. Choosing a teacher.

Before choosing a coach, you need to familiarize yourself with the experience of his work. It is also worth studying the documents that will confirm his qualifications and level of education.

In addition, do not neglect the reviews of other people. Who will tell about the teacher better than those who were his students?

Stage 5. The process of developing a training program.

If the training process is planned to be carried out within the company, it is necessary to develop and approve a training program. To do this, it is recommended to use the advice of specialists from outside, since it is not always the right professionals are within the company.

If you plan to use the services of the Training Center, ready-made programs will be offered, you just have to choose the right one.

Stage 6. The process of implementing the chosen methodology.

Depending on which method of advanced training was chosen, a decision is made on its implementation.

There are several ways to implement:

  • Organize advanced training in the organization itself with the help of its specialists;
  • Conduct staff training at the training center;
  • Conduct training in the company's office, involving a coach from outside.

We note right away that the first option is the most difficult to implement. Significant savings here will not work, but to invest money, and not get the expected result - there is an opportunity. Therefore, before making such a decision, you need to weigh everything carefully.

Stage 7. Analysis of advanced training.

After the training is completed, you need to check the level of knowledge of those employees who were trained. Let's talk about how to do it right.

It is necessary to create a qualification commission, set a date for its meeting and notify interested parties. On the appointed day, the commission checks the knowledge gained by the employee.

If he answers the questions of the commission confidently, demonstrates the knowledge gained during the course, the commission makes a decision on the recognition of the learning outcomes.

Where to send an employee for advanced training

Educational institutions engaged in advanced training are the following:

  • Institutes (regional, sectoral, and so on);
  • Academies (except those where they receive higher education);
  • Schools and advanced training centers.

According to the conditions for staff development, all educational institutions must have the appropriate license.

But this requirement does not apply to:

  • One-time seminars, internships and lectures, after attending which no documents are issued;
  • If the employee was trained by a specialist who has the necessary documentation.

An example of staff development.

A large training center for advanced training operates in the Euroset company. It conducts training and retraining of employees in order to increase sales volumes so that employees meet the changing working conditions.

If an employee is promoted in another region

If the training takes place in another area, then the employee's trip must be issued in the form of a business trip.

In this situation, the following series of documents must be drawn up:

  • An order with the signature of the head that the employee has been sent on a business trip;
  • Service assignment;
  • Travel certificate;
  • Job report form.

All documentation must be drawn up on approved standard forms.

Documents confirming the completion of training

The documents issued by the educational institution confirm:

  • The fact that the employee has been trained and, based on its results, has received a certain qualification;
  • The fact that an employee is assigned a certain category, class or category.

Based on the requirements of the law, educational institutions can issue the following documents to their students:

  • Certificate of advanced training, if the training lasted more than one hundred hours;
  • Certificate if the employee participated in a seminar, or completed a short-term training;
  • Diploma, if the employee has been trained for more than a thousand hours.

The act of providing services

After the end of the learning process, the educational institution must provide the customer company. It fixes the duration of the training period, the name of the program and the cost of training.

Registration of training by the employer

The employee's training course must be documented. How to do it right, let's talk now.

First, you need to accept from the employee an application for re-examination of his professional level based on the documents he received.

As soon as the application is received, a qualification commission is created and the knowledge of the employee is checked. After the conclusion issued by the commission, an order is issued to increase the category of a particular employee. After reviewing the order, the employee puts his signature.

Within 7 days, the personnel officer makes an entry on the assignment of a rank or category to the work book of the employee. At the same time, they refer to the supporting document received during the training.

A photocopy of the certificate or certificate is also made, certified and stored in the employee's personal file.

In the next part of our material, it is worth mentioning the retraining of specialists. We have already discussed the similarities and differences between retraining and advanced training, and now we will consider aspects of this process in more detail.

The retraining process: why is it needed and how does it happen

The essence of this process is the same as that of any other type of training.

The principles of organizing the process are as follows:

  • The process must be organized clearly, without failures;
  • Employees should be focused on getting a good learning outcome;
  • Training should be conducted systematically, the relationship between theory and practice should be observed.

The general scheme of the organization of the whole process is as follows:

  • The purpose of the retraining is determined;
  • Forecasting the result (for example, reduce manufacturing defects by half);
  • Development of a personnel retraining program;
  • Development of a list of teachers (if different disciplines are studied);
  • We determine in what form the acquired knowledge will be controlled.

Many employers today are of the opinion that it is more profitable to retrain an already proven employee for a new position than to hire a new specialist. This principle often applies to large companies that new vacancies offer primarily to current employees.

When retraining is completed, a person in general can radically change his activity. For example, he was a teacher of drawing, and became a psychologist. Upon completion of retraining, a person will receive a diploma equal to a document on a second higher education.


Advanced training and retraining are types of personnel training. Still the first one is more popular. Subtleties this process We have tried to cover as much as possible in this article.

I would also like to add: you need to engage in your professional development, improve your skills, if possible. This allows not only to improve in the profession, but also to plan your future.