Electrician on duty required. Job description of the operational electrician on duty. Salary depending on the experience of the applicant

1.1. This instruction applies to the operational electrician on duty.

1.2. The operational electrician on duty reports directly to the senior foreman of the electric power section.

1.3. The operational electrician on duty is appointed, moved and released from work by the head of the shop in agreement with the chief power engineer of the plant.

1.4. Qualification characteristics of the operational electrician on duty:

Education not lower than secondary, work experience in the power supply of the enterprise;

Knowledge of plant power supply schemes;

Electrical safety group not lower than 4 up to and over 1000 V.

1.5. The operational electrician on duty reports functionally to the chief power engineer of the plant.

1.6. The operational electrician on duty is functionally subordinate to the electrical personnel of the plant.

  1. Tasks

2.1. The main task of the on-duty electrician on duty is to supply the workshops and divisions of the plant with electricity.

  1. Functions

3.1. The operational electrician on duty provides:

Reliable, economical and safe operation of electrical installations of the shop;

Systematic control over the load schedule of the plant, implementation of measures to reduce power consumption during peak hours of the power system;

Maintenance of technical documentation in the workplace.

3.1.1. The operational electrician on duty is obliged: when starting work, to accept a shift from the previous one, and after finishing work, hand over the shift to the next one according to the schedule. It is PROHIBITED to leave duty without a shift.

3.2. When accepting a shift:

3.2.1. Familiarize yourself with the state, scheme and mode of operation of the equipment of networks that are in its operational management or maintenance.

3.2.2. Obtain information from the shift hander about equipment that needs to be monitored very carefully to prevent malfunctions, and about equipment that is in reserve and repair.

3.2.3. Find out where and what kind of work is being carried out on applications, orders and orders, their nature and the names of the persons responsible for this work, the places of installed grounding.

3.2.4. Familiarize yourself with the available orders and entries in the journals that are maintained at the control center of the enterprise.

3.2.5. Familiarize yourself with the entries in the operational log, starting from your previous shift (first of all, the entries of the shift hander).

3.2.6. Familiarize yourself with the applications and the decisions made on them.

3.2.7. Check the compliance of the mnemonic diagram of the control room with the actual state of the equipment at the time of the shift acceptance.

3.2.8. Find out from the previous shift which communication and signaling channels are faulty.

3.2.9. Check and accept operational documentation.

3.2.10. Maintain a clean and tidy workplace.

3.2.11. To issue the acceptance of the shift in the operational journal with your signature and the signature of the person handing over the shift.

3.3. When handing over a shift:

3.3.1. Inform the recipient:

Deviations from normally established schemes of distribution networks;

Objects where work is carried out with the knowledge and permission of the on-duty electrician on duty;

Installed grounding;

Available comments on the operation of equipment, networks, means of communication and signaling;

Available verbal instructions or orders of the head, management of the enterprise;

About the occurred emergency modes, accidents in the power system.

3.3.2. To hand over the workplace in order and cleanliness, the mnemonic diagram of the plant brought into line.

3.3.3. To issue the change in the operational journal with your signature after the signature of the person accepting the shift.

3.4. It is PROHIBITED to accept and hand over a shift during the liquidation of an accident.

3.5. Acceptance and handover of shifts during shifts is allowed only with the permission of higher administrative staff. Under normal conditions, operational switching should be completed in 30 minutes. before the end of the shift.

3.6. During the duty, the operational electrician on duty is obliged to:

3.6.1. Manage the technological process of the enterprise by coordinating the actions of subordinate electrical personnel, ensuring the most rational and economical mode of operation of the enterprise.

3.6.2. To monitor the normal operation of the equipment of substations and power lines, which are under the jurisdiction and management of the on-duty electrician on duty.

3.6.3. Control the load of equipment of substations and power lines and voltage in the network, maintain the most economical mode of operation of power networks.

3.6.4. Ensure the implementation of scheduled scheduled repairs of equipment of substations and power lines in accordance with available applications and within the established time frame.

3.6.5. Take all measures depending on him to prevent and eliminate accidents and damage, organize emergency rounds of 6 - 0.4 kV overhead lines, which are under his control and conduct.

3.6.6. The operational electrician on duty during his shift maintains the following documentation:

Operational journal, which notes:

  • acceptance and delivery of shifts;
  • places of installed grounding with indication of their numbers;
  • all switching and current section changes in the 6 kV network made during the change, shutdown of equipment by protection with an indication of the reason, successful and unsuccessful operation of the ATS;
  • the appearance of "earth" in the 6 kV network until it is eliminated;
  • admission of the brigade to work, indicating the order number and place of work.

Key issue log;

Journal of defects of overhead lines and transformer substations.

3.6.7. Comply with the rules and regulations of this manual.

3.6.8. Notify supervisor immediately:

in production;

About the signs of occupational diseases;

On the condition of the equipment, the actions of personnel and other situations that pose a threat to the life and health of people;

About the facts of incorrect actions or violation of operational discipline by the personnel of the enterprise;

About accidents and failures in the operation of electrical networks;

On the introduction of schedules for limiting consumers or disconnecting from supply centers.

3.6.9. Organize the immediate call of an ambulance or fire brigade in case of incidents.

3.6.10. Notify the heads of relevant services about accidents and failures in the operation of electrical networks in order to take timely measures to eliminate the consequences.

3.6.11. Work only with operational and operational-repair personnel specified in the lists of departments and consumers.

3.6.12. Follow all operational orders of the system manager, as well as the chief engineer of the enterprise, the head of all operational issues and current operation.

3.6.13. Do not allow the presence at the control room of unauthorized persons, except for personnel, if necessary, persons accompanied by management, as well as with the permission of the head.

3.7. The operational electrician on duty, regardless of the presence of persons from among the administrative and technical personnel, is personally responsible for the elimination of a technological violation, single-handedly making a decision and taking measures to restore the normal mode.

If necessary, a person from among the administrative and technical personnel (chief power engineer of the enterprise, his deputy, senior foreman, foreman) has the right to take over the management of the accident elimination with an entry in the operational log.

3.8. The on-duty electrician on duty is obliged to tirelessly improve his qualifications by studying the network equipment, its operating modes, technical and information literature, etc., and also take part in the advanced training of the enterprise's operational personnel by conducting technical training, briefings, emergency response training with field visits , as well as conversations during the shift.

  1. Rights

4.1. The operational electrician on duty has the right to:

Shut down the work of individual departments, turn off and switch equipment in the event of an emergency condition for the period of repair or routine inspection;

Take out of operation equipment, the operation of which may lead to an accident or pose a danger to life and health of people.

  1. A responsibility

5.1. The operational electrician on duty is responsible in accordance with the current legislation.

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Salary depending on the experience of the applicant

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