Panorama Ukrainian Falcons. Virtual tour Ukrainian Falcons. Attractions, map, photo, video. Ukrainian falcons video

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Inspiring debut in the Canadian skies

In November 1992, an event took place, the significance of which manifested itself much later. After a five-month business trip overseas, a group of military pilots, aircraft engineers and technicians returned to their homeland. These fifteen people can be safely called the followers of Christopher Columbus. The only difference is that our countrymen in Canada and the USA opened a new state for them on the political map of the world to the residents there.

This amazing story began in 1991, when an initiative group of representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada approached the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine with a proposal to organize a performance of pilots on the North American continent.

Among the signatories of the letter were the president of the aviation club Taras Tatar and Yaroslav Semchishin, whose name at that time was associated with the active replenishment of military libraries with historical and national-patriotic literature. The sponsor was the American businessman Clifford. We must give him his due - a man invested his hard-earned money in a cause completely unknown to him, and no one could guarantee how it would turn out.

The Canadian side took upon itself the full logistical support of our team and its participation in air shows, which are held in great numbers in the summer. Representatives of the Ukrainian Air Force required mastery of aviation equipment and performance of aerobatic flights. Responsible for the preparation of the project was appointed General Yaroslav Skalko, at that time - the first deputy commander of the Ukrainian Air Force.

Preparations for the trip continued until April 1992. The type of aircraft on which the New World was to be conquered was also determined - the MiG-29 front-line fighter (a pair of "migars" should have participated - for greater entertainment and the ability to vary the display options). Candidates from among the pilots, who were capable of carrying out the assigned task according to their professional qualities, were selected from all aviation garrisons of Ukraine. More than 30 out of 100 arrived at the final training camp in Mukachevo. The most experienced are colonels Vladimir KAndaurov and Mykola Koval carefully checked applicants in the sky. The requirements were tough. Appropriate flight time, performance of the aerobatics program, but most importantly - the ability to respond correctly and get out of emergency situations. It was necessary to master piloting with the alternation of figures of various indicators and with maneuvering at low altitudes.

Here is how one of the examiners Vladimir Kandaurov spoke about such training:

- Aerobatics is a pattern beautifully embroidered in space, a beautiful, but at the same time powerful and even formidable dance, performed by a dancer invisible to the audience, who, like a circus performer, demonstrates his art under the dome of the sky. And if this is really art, real cool aerobatics, the audience freezes with admiration. The man seems to be playing with the earth, now rapidly approaching it, then at the last moment, as if teasing, triumphantly soaring up. But the earth severely punishes those who allow arrogance, lose a sense of caution. Piloting goes on in one breath, not a second extra. The pilot must record everything both inside the cockpit and outside it, except for the spectators, whom he does not see, but whom he constantly remembers, and makes it interesting for them to watch, paying for this with the utmost strain of strength and nerves, and sometimes with life. .

The composition of the aerobatic team was determined: in addition to Kandaurova and Koval, it included the commanding officer lieutenant colonel Alexander Golovan and deputy commander of the air regiment Valery Soloshenko. Later, instead of the ill Kandaurov, they were joined by test pilot Colonel Viktor Rossoshansky. The main selection criteria for engineers are their versatility, the ability to perform any technical support task. Subsequent events confirmed the correctness of this approach.

A long marathon in two dozen cities in Canada and the United States in unusual conditions had to endure both people and combat aircraft. High-quality training of fighters was provided at the Lvov Aircraft Repair Plant. The cars were painted in the colors of the national flag, and on the sides they applied: UKRAINE and UKRAINE.

An-124 Ruslan took off from the Striysky airfield, which took on board two MiG-29 aircraft with undocked wings and the entire Ukrainian delegation.

The first performances were to be held at the air base of the Canadian Air Force near the city of Edmonton, Alberta. From the very first days, the Ukrainians never ceased to amaze the hosts. Before the start of the performances, the aircraft had to be “folded”, serviced, prepared. It turned out that the local standards of technical support systems are almost completely unsuitable for our flashers. There was a need to make adapters for filling complexes. Representatives of airfield services have already set out to make drawings, attract specialized firms. But everything was decided much faster and easier. Our aircraft technician asked to show the lathe how to turn it on and solved the problems in a few minutes. Our guys showed ingenuity, ingenuity, resourcefulness more than once. This is how Lieutenant General recalls the first performance in Canada Yaroslav Skalko:

- A traditional air show was held at the Nemeyo military airfield near Edmonton. Pilots of 117 planes showed their capabilities to the audience. For the first time in the history of Canada, two supersonic fighters of the Ukrainian Air Force and the world's largest An-225 "Mriya" performed there. And all this against the backdrop of national holidays: the 125th anniversary of Canada, the 100th anniversary of the settlement of Ukrainians in this country, the centenary of Edmonton. And it was necessary to confirm that we came from a new, young independent state open to cooperation. The piloting program, which lasted 10-12 minutes, was aimed at achieving the maximum spectacular effect: taking off in pairs, passing at low speed with the landing gear extended. Then one plane came in for landing, the second - into the sky. During this short period of time, the pilot made 2-3 "bells", other elements were energetically performed at low speeds and altitudes. The display was impressive. Even the popular "Stealth" did not attract such attention to itself, although it was shown in Edmonton for the first time. The audience went berserk when the host of the shows, during the passage of the highest point of the "bell", announced: "Speed ​​- zero!" (“Speed ​​is zero!”). The program, which the pilots themselves developed at home, did not fail. In Edmonton, colleagues from other teams decided not to release their planes until the Ukrainian pilot taxied to the parking lot. Each time our guys were met with a flurry of applause. Takeoffs and landings of MiGs were carried out to the melody "Ukraine has not died yet."

Clifford's financial risk brought him good profits at the end of this marathon. However, for us the political dividends were even greater. The Ukrainian diaspora played a decisive role in the attendance of such events. The members of an unprecedented tour of Canada and the United States were the first to pass the test of fame. After that, the Air Force of Ukraine began to invite to international aviation exhibitions and salons around the world. The experience gained is used to this day when organizing flights of Air Force delegations abroad.

Viktor Rossoshansky became one of the initiators of the creation of the Ukrainian Falcons aerobatic team, which he led for five years until his retirement. Nikolai Koval in 1996 at the rating airshow of military pilots in the UK received the first prize for aerobatics of a combat aircraft.

The case, started in 1992 by a small group of military pilots, continued until recently. The tragic events at the Sknilovsky airfield have made significant changes to aviation traditions. But, as Yaroslav Skalko said in a recent interview with 2000, “We are obliged to represent the country at all kinds of air festivals, if only because Ukraine is a powerful, developed aviation power”

Anatoly TOBILKO,press center of the Ukrainian Air Force - especially for "2000", January 2002

During the Canadian-American air tour, Ukrainian pilots participated in more than 30 demonstration performances, more than 200 flights were performed on MiG-29 and MiG-29 UB aircraft, the total flight time was 103 hours.

I would like to say more about the participants of this first triumph of Ukrainian pilots on the international arena, at demonstration performances in Canada and the USA. All of them are professionals in their field, they used to be called ASY, which is considered the highest mark of a professional career for every aviator.

Vladimir Nikolaevich Kandaurov- Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, Colonel. In 1964 he graduated with honors from the Kachinsky Higher Military Aviation Pilot School and was left there as an instructor pilot on the MiG-21. In 1966-1992, he was on flight test work at the State Red Banner Air Force Research and Test Institute, where he rose from a test pilot to deputy head of the research and test department for flight work. In 1973 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute. He was engaged in testing combat fighters of different generations for Air Force and Air Defense aviation, including the MiG-29 and Su-27. Since 1987, he has been testing aircraft and helicopters of the Navy aviation, including ship-based MiG-29K and Su-27K fighters. On November 22, 1989, he was the first of the military pilots to land on a ship on a MiG-29K aircraft. He was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Star, the Friendship of Peoples, “For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Air Force”, III degree, and medals. Author of the book "The Runway of a Lifetime"

Viktor Andreevich Rossoshansky- Test Pilot 1st Class, Colonel. In 1971 he graduated from the Yeisk Higher Military Aviation Pilot School, in 1980 - the Air Force Test Pilot Training Center. Since 1980, he has been on flight test work, participated in the tests of the Su-27, Su-27K. In 1984 he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation. In one of the flights of the MiG-21U (crew - Honored Test Pilot of the USSR Colonel V.V. Vasenkov and test pilot 1st class Colonel V.A. Rossoshansky), during the performance of aerobatics, the “inverted corkscrew” in the plane refused engine. An order was received from the command post: to leave the plane. But the test pilots managed to bring the fighter into level flight and ... landed it on their airfield with the engine off. In the autumn of 1991, one of the first in the Civil Aviation Research Institute of the Air Force, Su-27K landed on the deck of the Admiral Kuznetsov TAVKR. In 1992, he was one of the participants in the air tour of the MiG-29 fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Canada and the USA. In the autumn of 1995 he headed the aerobatic team "Ukrainian Falcons". He performed at air shows in Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Romania and other countries. He flew about 2.5 thousand hours, mastered over 40 types of different aircraft.

Colonel Mykola Koval- A graduate of the Chernihiv VVAUL - served in the aviation fighter regiments of the Air Force. In 1984, the commander of the MiG-23MLD squadron, Major Koval, participated in the hostilities in Afghanistan for 732 days. During this time, he made 948 sorties, flew more than 1,500 hours. He was awarded four military orders and medals. In July 1996, an official delegation of the Air Force for the first time took part in the prestigious Air Tattu air show, where sniper pilot Colonel Nikolai Koval won first place in the aerobatics competition on combat aircraft in a Su-27 aircraft, demonstrating a complex set of figures. He became the owner of the honorary transitional prize "Superking". In 1998, Colonel Nikolai Koval was invited to participate in the international air show dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Israeli Air Force, where he was also awarded a commemorative prize.

Lieutenant colonel Valery Petrovich Soloshenko- Military pilot 1st class, master of aerobatics. In 1972 he completed a full course of study at the Kharkov VVAUL. After graduating from college, Valery Soloshenko served in Germany, in 1976 he changed the European sky to Transcarpathian, where he improved his flying skills as a fighter pilot in the Mukachevo fighter regiment. In 1985, by the will of fate and by order, he ended up in Syria, where he trained the flight personnel of the Syrian Air Force as a military adviser, and in 1988 he returned to the Union, to his native Transcarpathia.

In 1992, as part of a delegation of Ukrainian military pilots, as a master of aerobatics, he participated in more than 30 demonstration flights at airfields in the United States and Canada. He considered this period in his life the best professional achievement.

In the 90s of the last century, difficult years came for the Air Force of Ukraine. The Mukachevo Aviation Fighter Regiment was not spared the changes - it was disbanded and Valery Soloshenko was appointed to the post of deputy regiment commander for educational work in Vasilkov, where he served until his transfer to the reserve in 1995.

A first-class pilot, lieutenant colonel Valery Soloshenko, for 27 years of flight work, flew L-29 and MiGs -15, -17, -21, -23, -29. Awarded with orders and medals.

After being transferred to the reserve, he took to the skies on sports planes, educated future pilots.

Lieutenant colonel Alexander Ivanovich Golovan- 1st class military pilot, master of aerobatics, in 1975 graduated from the Kharkov VVAUL named after S. Gritsevets. Then - the difficult service of a pilot in the combat units of the Air Force, first Hungary, then Kazakhstan, from there he ended up in Afghanistan. There he completed more than 300 sorties, earned government awards and gained invaluable combat experience. In his native Ukraine, he became an air squadron commander in the 642nd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment. Then there were a number of special missions - Iraq, Bangladesh, India.

In 1992, as one of the best aerobatic pilots in Ukraine, Oleksandr Golovan was selected to the group of those whom the country entrusted to demonstrate the skill of Ukrainian pilots in an international tour of airfields in Canada and the USA. They practically reopened to the world a new independent country - Ukraine. After these events, Alexander Ivanovich was appointed senior inspector-pilot of the flight safety service of the 5th AvK. But, despite the previous achievements, he stubbornly continued to polish his flying skills and took part in demonstrations of the capabilities of aviation equipment (MiG-29): 1993 - in Mirgorod - demonstration to delegates of the OSCE countries; 1996 - individual aerobatics during the exercise at the Kievo-Aleksandrovsky training ground; 1997 - over the airfield "Chaika" near Kyiv, during the first aviation parade in the history of Ukraine. In addition, he actively cooperated with the leadership of the Odessa Aviation Plant and helped them fly around the repaired aircraft in various countries of the world. During the period of service, he mastered about 20 types of aircraft, flew more than three thousand hours. Awarded 15 orders and medals.

"Ukrainian falcons" (Ukrainian Falcons) - Ukrainian aerobatic team,

performing aerobatics on MiG-29 aircraft

The group was created in 1995 and consisted of 6 MiG-29s. In 2002, the group's flights were discontinued, and the group was disbanded. One of the reasons for this decision was the participation of one member of the group in the Sknilov plane crash.

The idea of ​​creating a group arose in 1992, when demonstration solo flights of Ukrainian crews on MiG-29 and MiG-29UB fighters took place in the cities of Canada and the USA. Ukrainian pilots saw the performances of the US Air Force Burevestniki aerobatic teams on F-16 aircraft and the US Navy Blue Angels on F/A-18A, F/A-18B aircraft. In the fall of 1995, it was decided to create an aerobatic team "Ukrainian Falcons" in Kirovsky, on the basis of the flight test complex of the State Aviation Research and Test Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which was located near Feodosia. The group commander was Colonel Viktor Rossoshansky.

In July 1997, the group took part in the largest military airshow Air Tatto at the Fairford base in the UK. In 1999, the group received a prize for the best group aerobatics in the Czech city of Hradec - Králové. There were also performances at the international air show in Turkey.

In September 2001, for the first time in history, the group performed two demonstration flights on the same day: over the Dnieper embankment in Kremenchug and over a military airfield in Poltava during the celebration of the city's day. The aerobatic team "Ukrainian Falcons" performed its last flight on October 5, 2001 near the city of Saki.
The flight crew of the group: Victor Rossoshansky, Sergey Dudkin, Pavel Korolev, Sergey Kovalev, Vladimir Toponar, Eduard Sotnikov, Mikhail Lampik, Igor Ovchinnikov.
In the summer of 1996, in the process of working out the "barrel" aerobatic figure, there was a collision between two aircraft piloted by Pavel Korolev and Sergei Dudkin. One car had a damaged wing, and the second had a keel. The skill and endurance of the pilots made it possible to land both aircraft.
At the end of 1998, during a training flight, the weather deteriorated sharply, and during the landing, a plane piloted by Colonel Sergei Dudkin crashed. The pilot died.
Former member of the "Ukrainian Falcons" Colonel Vladimir Toponar was the commander of the crew of the Su-27UB aircraft, which crashed during an air show at the Sknilovsky airfield. He survived, was found guilty of the tragedy and sentenced to a long term of imprisonment - 14 years. In 2002, the group was disbanded.

On September 28, 2010, the President of Ukraine supported the initiative of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine to resume the Ukrainian Falcons aerobatic team of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On May 25, 2011, five modernized combat training aircraft L-39, prepared for the aerobatic team, flew around the training ground of the A-4465 military unit.

According to Internet resources of different years prepared by Anatoly NENKO.

Ukrainian Falcons(Ukrains "ki Sokoly, Ukrainian Falcons) - an aerobatic team that performed aerobatics on MiG-29 aircraft. The group was created in 1995 as a kind of copy of the Russian GVS "Swifts" and consisted of 6 MiG-29s (5 MiG-29 9-13 (No. 101-107) and 1 MiG-29UB (No. 108)).In 2002, the group's flights were terminated, and the group was disbanded.The reason for this decision was the participation of 2 members of the group on 27.07.02 in the Sknilov plane crash.

1. History

The idea of ​​creating a group arose in 1992, when demonstration solo flights of Ukrainian crews took place on two MiG-29 9-13 fighters (serial number 2960707542), MiG-29UB (serial number 50903030678) with a total of 114 BTA in the cities of Canada. Victor Rossoshansky was one of the participants in the air tour of the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Canada and the United States in 1992. Together with the Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Test Pilot Volodymyr Kondaurov, he trained two groups of Ukrainian military pilots to demonstrate aerobatics on MiG-29 aircraft.

The aerobatic pilots saw the performances of the US Air Force Thunderbirds aerobatic teams on F-16 aircraft and the US Navy Blue Angels on F/A-18A, F/A-18B aircraft. A lot of time has passed from the idea to the creation of an aerobatic team in the Ukrainian Air Force. Then the question arose about the place of its deployment: Mirgorod (the place of deployment is notorious for its large non-combat losses of the Su-27 and Su-27UB - 831 BTA) or Kirovskoye. The decision to create an aerobatic team "Ukrainian Falcons" in Kirovsky, on the basis of the flight test complex of the State Aviation Research and Test Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, was adopted in the fall of 1995.

The first part of the aerobatic team "Ukrainian Falcons" included test pilots: Viktor Rossoshansky, Sergey Dudkin, Pavel Korolev, Sergey Kovalev, Vladimir Toponar, Eduard Sotnikov, each of them had a solid flight experience and a dozen mastered types of aircraft. According to economists, each of them "cost" at least $ 5 million, it was this amount that the training of one test pilot was statistically estimated at. Colonel Viktor Rossoshansky was appointed commander of the group, who was the oldest among the pilots and had the most experience - he flew almost 2.5 thousand hours (in other words, he spent 4 months of his life in the air), mastered more than 40 types of various aircraft, one of the first (in the list of the trained group goes as No. 54) "taught" Su-27K (now Su-33) shipborne fighters to land on the deck of an aircraft carrier and take off from it.

1996 The aerobatic team began the first training sessions on the L-39C training aircraft. In the early summer of 1996, the Sokol transferred to the MiG-29 9-13 and MiG-29UB and began training flights on combat aircraft. In the summer of 1996, in the process of working out the "barrel" aerobatic figure, a mid-air collision occurred between the aircraft of Colonels Pavel Korolev and Sergei Dudkin and Viktor Rossoshansky (it was the same MiG-29UB (serial number 50903030678) with 114 BTA flying to Canada), in one the wing of the car was damaged, and the keel of the second was damaged. The skill and endurance of the pilots made it possible to land both aircraft.

May 9, 1997 Ukrainian Falcons performed a ledge over the airfield "Seagull" near Kyiv. At that time, there were only 5 other groups in the world that performed on combat aircraft - Thunderbirds and Blue Angels (USA), Russian Knights, Swifts (Russia), Heavenly Hussars (Russia). The rest of the aerobatic teams performed on combat training aircraft. It is worth noting that despite the fact that the vehicles were classified as TCBs, they were used as combat vehicles (MV-339 of the Freche tricolor group in 1982 fought as attack aircraft in the Falklands)

In July 1997, the group took part in the largest military airshow Air Tatto based at Fairford.

At the end of 1998, during another training session, the weather deteriorated sharply, which is typical for the Crimea, and during the landing, a plane piloted by Colonel Sergei Dudkina crashed and died (MiG-29 9-13 No. 107 crashed).

2. Sknilov tragedy

The Ukrainian Falcons represented a team from the wars of pilots of the Ukrainian Air Force. A former member of the Ukrainian Sokolov Colonel Volodymyr Toponar was the crew commander of a Su-27UB aircraft (No. 42 serial No. 96310425070 - 894 VAP), which crashed during an air show at the Sknilovsky airfield. He survived, was found guilty of the tragedy and sentenced to a long prison term - 14 years.

3. Pseudo-restoration, Yushchenko

April 17, 2008 Viktor Yushchenko proposed to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine within three months to develop a program to restore the activities of the aerobatic team "Ukrainian Falcons". January 10, 2009 Viktor Yushchenko signed a decree on the implementation of the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated September 26, 2008 "On urgent tasks to increase the defense capability of Ukraine" which, in particular, states - "to approve by the end of 2009 the state target program for the creation of an aerobatic team" Ukrainian falcons "". In August 2009, 2 MiG-29 9-13 (No. 31 (No. 2960731638) and No. 33 (No. 2960731642)) from the composition of 40 DA (the vehicles used to belong to 9BTA in Ozerny) and 1 MiG-29 9-13 (No. 09 - the machine with a capacity of 114 BTA (Ivano-Frankivsk, which was previously a colorful personalized aircraft "named after A.I. Pokryshev") were repainted in a color scheme similar to Sokolov machines and took part in a military parade in Kyiv on the Independence Day of Ukraine. Later, in a similar the "pseudo-Falcon" scheme was repainted by MiG-29UB No. 91 of 40 YES, but this did not mean the restoration of the group. Later it became known that the machines were painted only for show, they were controlled by pilots from combat units who had no experience in flying as part of the GVS and the vehicles were returned back to the units to which they were assigned (in the Armed Forces of Ukraine today (11/10/10) 7 mog-29 with 114BTA (Ivano-Frankivsk), 7 out of 40 YES (Vasilkov), 2 out of 204 BTA (Belbek) of all of them, only 5 aircraft with 114BTA and 4 out of 40TAK are combat-ready). base in Kirovskoye, where they are already in a rotting state even now.

4. Attempts to restore the Yanukovych group

In 2008, President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych announced his intention to resume the aerobatic team "Ukrainian Falcons". Already in 2011, in preparation for the military parade on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Independence of Ukraine, 5 L-39 training aircraft were modernized and painted in the colors of the Ukrainian Falcons at domestic aircraft repair enterprises. A little later, the tactical aviation brigade located in Nikolaev received five new L-39 aircraft, of which it is planned to form the restored Ukrainian Falcons aerobatic team. Since the military parade on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence was cancelled, at the beginning of 2012 the share of the aerobatic team remains unknown.

5. Gallery

See also



  • In 2007 "Ukrainian Falcons" will start training on L-39 aircraft -
  • Photos of the aerobatic team - / albums / album /? id = 28
? in ?

"Ukrainian Falcons" (Ukrainian Ukrainian Falcons, English Ukrainian Falcons) - a Ukrainian aerobatic team that performed aerobatics on MiG-29 aircraft. The group was created in 1995 and consisted of 6 MiG-29s. In 2002, the group's flights were discontinued, and the group was disbanded. One of the reasons for this decision was the participation of one member of the group in the Sknilov plane crash.

Group history

The idea of ​​creating a group arose in 1992, when demonstration solo flights of Ukrainian crews on MiG-29 and MiG-29UB fighters took place in the cities of Canada and the USA. Ukrainian pilots saw the performances of the US Air Force Burevestniki aerobatic teams on F-16 aircraft and the US Navy Blue Angels on F/A-18A, F/A-18B aircraft. In the fall of 1995, a decision was made to create an aerobatic team "Ukrainian Falcons" in Kirovsky, on the basis of the flight test complex of the State Aviation Research and Test Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is located near Feodosia. Colonel Viktor Rossoshansky was appointed commander of the group. In 2002, the group was disbanded. September 28, 2010 President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych supported the initiative of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine to resume the aerobatic team of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "Ukrainian Falcons".


In 1996, "Ukrainian Falcons" began to train on training aircraft L-39. It began with single flights, then a pair, and then a triple. On the L-39, aerobatic maneuvers, group flying and emergency situations were practiced. In the early summer of 1996, the Falcons transferred to the MiG-29. May 9, 1997 "Ukrainian Falcons" performed a performance over the airfield "Seagull" near Kyiv. By that time, there were only 5 groups in the world that performed on combat aircraft - the American "Petrels" and "Blue Angels", the Russian "Russian Knights", "Swifts", "Heavenly Hussars". The rest of the aerobatic teams performed on combat training aircraft. In July 1997, the group took part in the largest military airshow Air Tatto at the Fairford base in the UK. In 1999, the group received the prize for the best group aerobatics in the Czech city of Hradec Králové. There were also performances at the international air show in Turkey. In September 2001, for the first time in history, the group performed two demonstration flights on the same day: over the Dnieper embankment in Kremenchug and over the military airfield in Poltava during the celebration of the city's day. The aerobatic team "Ukrainian Falcons" performed its last flight on October 5, 2001, performing a group flight near the city of Saki.

Flight personnel of the group

Victor Rossoshansky - since 1996 Sergey Dudkin - since 1996 Pavel Korolev - since 1996 Sergey Kovalev - since 1996 Vladimir Toponar - since 1996 Eduard Sotnikov - since 1996 Mikhail Lampik - since 1998 Igor Ovchinnikov - since 1998

Flight accidents

In the summer of 1996, in the process of working out the “barrel” aerobatic figure, a collision occurred between two aircraft piloted by Pavel Korolev and Sergei Dudkin. One car had a damaged wing, and…