Strongly scented garden flowers. Fragrant and pleasantly smelling plants for the garden and flower garden. Flowers that smell at night

Nature endowed some plants with the beauty of flowers and inflorescences, others did not endow them with a spectacular “appearance”, but gave them a wonderful smell.

Today, both those and others are involved in the creation of fragrant flower beds. In the compositions, not only their beauty is manifested, but also a peculiar bouquet of aromas is created that envelops dacha easy fleur.

Some smells become favorites, so year after year we sow seeds and plant seedlings of plants with a pleasant aroma. Some varieties of fragrant flowers serve not only as decoration, but also have the ability to scare away harmful insects from horticultural and horticultural crops.

There are about 400 varieties of carnations, in a wide variety of colors and shades, including pinks, whites, reds, or a mixture of pink and white. The unpretentious carnation gives a pleasant green that does not fade and remains fresh for quite a long time. high grades Cloves are mainly used for cutting. Carnations are both annual and perennial, and planting this fragrant flower best in areas well lit by sunlight.

Every self-respecting fragrant garden should have gardenia in its assortment, evergreen shrub with large white or yellow flowers. Another nice feature of gardenia is that it is suitable for both gardening and indoor growing.

Tobacco ordinary

It has lush fresh greenery and beautiful white and pink flowers that fill the garden with a pronounced sweet aroma. The flowers of the plant bloom in the evening, so it is best to plant tobacco closer to the terrace or bedroom window, as the smell of flowers is most clearly felt at night.

Thinking about how to decorate the garden in autumn? Try planting autumn clematis, which is a large vine literally strewn with lovely white fragrant flowers (the length of the vine reaches 7.5 meters). Clematis prefers fertile soils, needs regular watering and bright sunlight. When planting autumn clematis, it is preferable to choose a place so that the root part of the plant is in the shade, and the vine itself is on a well-lit sunny side.

oriental lily

Delicate and sophisticated lily can rightfully bear the title of the most fragrant flower, capable of filling the entire garden and its surroundings with its fragrance. Oriental lilies bloom in mid-summer and bloom until September. The most beautiful lilies are white, pink and yellow shade. Excellent as cut flowers.

Perennial phloxes are compact lush bushes strewn with small beautiful flowers white, pink, scarlet, lilac and blue color. Phloxes bloom towards the end of the summer season. The delicate sweetish aroma of phlox is most clearly felt on warm sunny days.

Almost every gardener has beautiful and noble roses in his assortment. Roses come in a variety of colors and shades, ranging from dark cherry, almost black, to pure white. Roses are very popular with flower growers.

Different varieties of roses differ not only in their colors, but also in the variety of aromas - there are roses with a floral or fruity scent, in the aroma of other varieties there are musky and citrus notes.

Sweet pea is not in vain got its name, featuring a bright persistent aroma. It is a weaving plant with small delicate flowers a wide variety of shades, some types of peas have a two-tone color.

However, if fragrant garden flowers are your goal, then you should be aware that some varieties of peas are practically odorless.

Despite the fact that it is distinguished by a very modest size, this in no way affects the severity and intensity of the aroma that its white or pink bells emit. Lilies of the valley are extremely unpretentious in their care, all you need is to plant flowers somewhere in a shady corner of the garden.

Hyacinths prefer the sunny side or partial shade, and grow well sheltered from the wind by other garden inhabitants. These are early spring flowers. While all other plants are just getting ready to bloom, hyacinth is already filling the air with a delightful delicate aroma. Hyacinths are planted in autumn, in sandy fertile soil with good water permeability.

Irises, represented by almost every color of the rainbow, will add color and life to any garden. Differ in a variety of aromas. The smell of irises may contain fruity and floral notes, as well as an anise note.

Common lilac

Lilac is one of the most widely used garden plants, blooming in early spring. Lilac is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to growing conditions, but at the same time, it does not like shade very much. The plant is a luxurious shrub strewn with fragrant inflorescences of white, lilac and purple flowers.

When the heliotrope blooms in the garden, invite your friends to your place and ask what the scent of its flowers reminds them of. There are different opinions about what heliotrope smells like - grapes, vanilla, cinnamon or cherry pie. Although it doesn't matter, the main thing is that you will definitely enjoy the pleasant smell that the lovely purple, blue or white flowers of this plant give off.

Lavender - perennial herbaceous plant, which is an evergreen shrub or shrub. It has been famous for its aromatic properties since ancient times. Grows best in full sun and prefers soils with good water permeability. Lavender flowers emit a light and delicate fragrance with a refreshing floral note.

Lobularia maritime

Lobularia maritime is an annual bud-covering plant, which is a carpet of white, pink, lilac or purple flowers. It rarely grows over 15 cm tall and is therefore a great addition as a cover plant for flower beds, rock gardens, hanging planters and outdoor flower boxes.


Perhaps, flowers for everyone are associated with femininity, a delicate sweet aroma and summer. But mother nature, hand in hand with evolution, has created something that is directly opposite to our ideas about the world of flowers. And that rotten smelly flower that you haven’t watered for a month, having gone on vacation, will seem to you a paradise creature with wonderful aroma, in comparison with the winners of our selection.

Firstly, the plants that will be discussed below exude pre bad smell decomposition, putrefaction or excrement. The target "audience" of these flowers are flies, dung beetles and other insects with a perverted sense of beauty.

Secondly, this smell is only a bait, and not a weapon at all, which everyone who heard it thought of, because some of the plants are predators. Some of the "exhibits" below are also the largest on the planet.

A fleshy and succulent plant resembling a cactus. He does not have stems, but the flowers are covered with villi, spots and look like an inhabitant of the deep sea. This is probably why his other names are star cactus, starfish, large toad flower, etc. In Stapelia gigantea, flowers reach about 40 cm in diameter, and the more they exude a stench - flies, larvae and beetles like the smell of decaying flesh so much that they crawl right into the center of the plant, where the reproductive organs are located.

This plant is native to South Africa, but many grow this stinky flower in their rock gardens or as a landscape ornament.

Gidnora with a fleshy crown grows from the sandy ground in the deserts of South Africa.

Spreading the suffocating smell of death around it, meanwhile, it attracts small pollinators. The beetle crawls into the very epicenter of the "aroma" through the gaps between the petals, pollinates the plant, looks for food or lays eggs.

Meanwhile, the plant itself feeds on roots that go deep into the ground, sticking to other people's roots. The ground part of this plant can be conditionally called a flower, in fact, it is a calyx with a rough outer surface of a sandy color. Inside, the surface of the hydnora is more delicate and changes color from white to blood red, which also attracts various insects, but mostly scavenger beetles. Also, this smelly flower is very similar to the worm from the movie Tremors.

The pale and hard integumentary tissues of the lily are covered with dark frequent hairs, which resembles peeled hair on a dead animal. The flower exudes the smell of decay, which attracts cadaveric and blow flies.

On the first day of flowering, the stigmas of pistils open, i.e. female stigmas, flies bathe in nectar, lay offspring. The next day, the stigmas of the pistils close, the stamens open, the sticky bodies of insects get dirty in male pollen, the smell of which induces insects to flee, that is, to another smelly flower. This is how cross-pollination occurs.

On cloudy days, when there are few insects, Helicodiceros is able to raise the temperature so that its scent can spread much further, attracting other flies. It grows in the northwestern part of the Mediterranean region.

The largest smelly flower in the world is also known as Voodoo lily.

It grows in flat terrain, preferring the tropics and subtropics of the southern and West Africa, China, Madagascar, India, Nepal etc
It blooms once every 10 years, perhaps, accumulating all the forces only for this flowering. At the age of five, a bud begins to form, a cob-shaped inflorescence of maroon color appears on the surface of the stem, which consists of male and female flowers, covered with a dense hood on top. The height of the cob is about 70 cm. Some sources claim that Amorphophallus titanum can grow up to 4 meters in height. Outside are male flowers, and below, hidden, are female.

The polite Englishmen call the aroma emanating from plants "bad fish" (spoiled fish), but in reality it is simply impossible to describe it in words. However, it is precisely this smell that is needed in order to attract insects necessary for pollination. At this time, the cob itself warms up to 40 C from the inside, this is also necessary to attract pollinators and not only. Usually, the solemn flowering of the giant takes place in front of a crowd of tourists coming from all over. the globe. The life expectancy of Amorphophallus is about 40 years, but it blooms only 3-4 times in its life.

Pale yellow flowers that grow mainly around ponds and lakes. This smelly flower smells like a frightened skunk. This quality is responsible for attracting insect pollinators. Another well-known name for this flower is skunk cabbage.

Lysichithon is also able to raise the temperature to survive in frosts, so that snow melts around the flower.
Habitat - swampy terrain, banks of rivers and reservoirs of North America. North American Indians they used this flower for food, boiling it several times, because. in its fresh form, the plant causes acute pain in the stomach. They also used it to treat various ailments.

Locations: China, Japan, North America and Russia - on Far East. Prefers wet and damp places, flooded meadows, river banks and swamps.

The appearance of simplocarpus is very exotic, especially against the background of barely melted snow. It is a burgundy, dense and leathery hood with a pointed end that hangs over a round cob yellow color. Characterized by a pungent smell that can be described as carrion with garlic, so attractive to pollinating insects.

Climbing plant with dense greenery, oval leaves and smelly flower. In Large-flowered Aristolochia, flowers are about 20 cm in diameter and 50-60 cm long, exude a strong smell of carrion, which is very popular with insects. The flowers themselves "with a secret": when the fly decides to get out of the flower, having eaten nectar, the villi that cover the surface of the calyx do not allow them to get out. The insect flounders for a long time until it pollinates aristocholia. The villi wither under the influence of pollen, and the fly moves on. The flowers themselves look very impressive against the background of dark green foliage - the correct heart-shaped shape and maroon color with white veins, so the plant often serves as a landscape decoration.

blooming tree plant. During flowering exudes the smell of organic decomposition. Pollinated by flies attracted by the smell.
The scent radius varies by species. The flowers of Sarpanthus Palanga stink of long-dead animals, have a dark crimson color and harmless appearance.

The smelly flower of this plant exudes such an unpleasant smell that among the ancient Romans he was the god of manure, and the name of a whole species of plants with an unpleasant smell is dedicated to him. Sterculia stink (Sterculia foetida) blooms only in its natural environment, spreading the smell of excrement. First, flowers appear, attract pollinators, and only then leaves appear.

It's a mushroom that would fit as a setting for an alien movie.
Before the opening of the blades, it looks like a large egg with a heterogeneous bumpy surface, dirty white color with brown and pink spots at the base. Later, when its blades (3-8 pieces) open, it takes the form of a red star-shaped flower, the petals of which look like slippery tentacles. Inside the plant is spongy, bumpy, covered with brown mucus. It emits a putrid odor that attracts insects that spread its spores.

Another mushroom, the smell of which can be confused with rotten meat. Commonly referred to as mushroom starfish. Literally translated "disgusting redness". The rotten smell attracts insects that carry its spores. Widespread in Australia.

Today we are going to talk about varieties. garden shrubs, which play an important role in landscape design site country house.

There are shrubs that fragrant flowers fill the garden with an exquisite aroma, creating a unique atmosphere for evening walks, delighting the eye and delighting with fragrance.
And if you want to see your garden not only blooming, but also a fragrant kingdom filled with fragrant aromas, we recommend paying attention to the 7 most fragrant flowering shrubs for garden.

Landscape design of a country house plot: 7 most fragrant flowering shrubs for the garden

Nice to come to country cottage area filled with the fragrant aroma of flowering shrubs. Delicate fragrance helps to relax after a hard week, cheer up and improve well-being.

Almost all shrubs emit fragrant essential oils during flowering, but only a few people are able to feel from a distance. We will talk about them. Some shrubs are already well known to our summer residents, and some acquaintances are yet to be.


Lilac is an amazing plant with interesting history. There are many legends and myths around this shrub. One of the most famous legends is ancient Greek, about unhappy love and magical transformation. Pan, the god of forests and fields, fell in love with the nymph Syringa, but the love of the goat-legged and horned god scared the beauty. Syringa, fleeing the persecution of Pan, turned into a lilac bush ...

Despite the many species, the common lilac is the most common in Russia. Lilac bush grows up to 5-7 meters in height. It is richly covered with leaves. Flowers white, purple or color pink located in panicles at the ends of branches. Lilac blooms in May, its aroma is felt from afar, and it is with it that many associate spring.


The recognized queen of flowers, the fragrant rose is not too difficult to breed in gardens.

The rose is called the queen of the garden. The beauty of its flowers is combined with its magical fragrance. Many species and varieties allow you to choose the color, and the size of the buds, and the flowering period. It should be noted that not all varieties of roses have a strong aroma. Rose flowers look great both on the bush and in cut form.


Blooming rhododendron able to turn into Garden of Eden even the most mediocre piece of land.

Decorative deciduous or evergreen shrub, sometimes more than 2 m high. Blooms luxuriantly and brightly, from April-May to June. The flowers are yellow, pink or purple, collected in racemes or corymbose inflorescences. Rhododendrons have an intoxicating sweetish aroma, but there are also species without a pronounced smell.

Mock orange crown

AT last years crown mock orange found a second youth, many different forms of the plant arose, the time has come for its renaissance.

Crown mock orange is a shrub up to 3 m in height, with a spreading crown and straight branches. Flowering usually begins in June and lasts about 3 weeks. The flowers are creamy white, collected in inflorescences, have a powerful aroma, similar to the smell of strawberries.

viburnum english

English viburnum (carlcephalum). A very beautiful hybrid. With the aroma of cloves in large inflorescences. One of the most late-flowering viburnums. Very showy shrub when in bloom. A necessary "attribute" for gardens in the English style.

Lush multi-stemmed shrub of hybrid origin up to 3 m high. Viburnum blooms in May-June, white flowers are collected in spherical inflorescences. They exude a pleasant strong aroma that is felt from afar. It should be noted that the parental forms of this hybrid are thermophilic and the plant is best grown in a warm temperate climate.

Mahonia holly

What did gardeners love about holly mahonia? To begin with, many gardeners were captivated by the beauty of the rather large, leathery leaves that remain on the plant for almost the entire year. Outwardly, these leaves resemble holly leaves, which is the reason for the species name of holly mahonia. When the leaves bloom in the spring, a reddish tint is noticeable on them, in the summer they become dark green, and closer to autumn they appear a golden-bronze hue.

An ornamental evergreen shrub up to 2 m high. In May, it is decorated with yellow paniculate inflorescences with a light aroma reminiscent of lily of the valley. Biel's magonia has a stronger aroma, which in our country can grow in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. in the North Caucasus.

Corylopsis few-flowered

Corylopsis few-flowered. Bush - primrose! In April, before the leaves bloom compact bush literally strewn with pale yellow fragrant inflorescences, bell-shaped earrings.

Deciduous shrub up to 2 m in height. Corylopsis blooms in spring, before the leaves appear, 2-3 weeks. Yellow or pale yellow flowers are collected in axillary racemes resembling bells. After flowering, leaves are rounded, pointed at the edges. The aroma of corylopsis is gentle, reminiscent of the smell of primrose. A heat-loving plant suitable for the southern regions of our country.

For best effect fragrant plants should be planted under the windows of the house, next to a bench or gazebo, along the paths. These same shrubs may well become a living fence against unpleasant odors, for example, from a compost or manure heap.

When talking about fragrant woody plants, most of us immediately think of roses, perhaps more about lilac , garden jasmine or buddley. But there are many species and varieties, the smell of which serves as a sign of this or that season for us. Among the trees and shrubs, one can find varieties that, in different time year will endow us with a wealth of wonderful aromas.

When warm November falls, in many gardens in Germany, the almond smell of flowers of some types of viburnum is clearly audible, in particular fragrant viburnum. From December, this smell merges with the fragrance of the blooming at this time witch hazel.

The first scents with a note of lilac, reminiscent of the approaching spring, will be brought by blooming in February (and in Russia - in April) wolfberry or wolf's bast . And before it blooms, we will already be overwhelmed by the intoxicating smells of spring: light and sweet aromas Japanese skimmia, bird cherry and corylopsis, warm honey smell willow and mahonia or the delightful vanilla aroma of decorative viburnums of foreign origin.

Later, at the beginning of summer, exoticism is added: to the honey smell honeysuckle strong sweet aromas are added mock orange, decorative cherry, the fragrance of blooming calicanthus and himonanthus and, of course, thick smells lilac and Chinese wisteria.

Midsummer announces itself with a strong tart smell of flowering buddleys and gaulteries. Until autumn, a spicy aroma remains in the garden caryopteris and strong smell cells, slightly almond scent purple clematis and sweet panicled hydrangeas "Kiyushi". Added fruity flavor Japanese quince . And if the weather is mild in November, the symphony of smells of the four seasons begins to sound again.

Flowers or fruits are not always the source of the smell. The leaves are also fragrant. Most often, it has a tart-spicy aroma, like that of boxwood, karyoiteis, gaultheria, hypericum and purple. How to choose yourself suitable plants in this diversity?

Of course, everyone has different tastes in smells. When landscaping a site, be sure to consider the conditions of your climate zone and the timing of flowering, its beginning and end, select plants so that they bloom alternately. The plants themselves have their own preferences. So some of them for lush flowering and fragrance requires a lot of sun. Others live better in partial shade. The quality of the soil also plays a role.

When planting fragrant trees and shrubs, choose a place so that you can really enjoy their aroma: near the patio, recreation areas, the entrance to the house, the terrace. Some fragrant islets climbing plants transform gazebos, pergolas. Do not plant odorous woody plants"heap": too thick aroma in the air is unpleasant.

Fragrant trees and shrubs for every season
Name flower coloring flowering time Height Odor characteristic
Honeysuckle honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium) yellow V-VII up to 5 m honey, night
Blooming Calicant (Calycanthus floridus) brown red VI-VII 2 m strong spicy
Buddleja Davidii (Buddleja davidii) white, pink, purple VI - VIII 3m strong spicy
Japanese cranberry (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) flowers inconspicuous IV 7 m leaves smell like autumn cinnamon and caramel
Viburnum odorous (Viburnum farreri) pink XI-III 2-3 m smells of almonds and violets
Hamamelis (Hamamelis) yellow, orange l-lll 3m almond
Magonia Bila (Mahonia bealii) yellow II - IV 2 m lily of the valley
Wolfberry (Daphne mezereum) rose red III-IV 1m reminiscent of lilac halls
Corilolsis spikelet (Coryfopsis spicata) yellow IV-V 1.5-2 m light, like early primroses
Bird cherry (Prunus padus or Padus avium) white IV-V 10-15 m bittersweet
Japanese skimmia (Skimmia japonica) white V 0.8-1.5 m lily of the valley
Fothergilla mountain (Fothergilla monticola) white V 0.6-1 m strong honey
Azalea pontica or yellow rhododendron (Rhododendron luteum) golden yellow V 2 m strong sweet
Common lilac and Chinese lilac (Syringa vulgaris and S. chinensis) lilac, white, purple V 4-6 m dense floral
Mock orange or false jasmine (Philadelphus coronarius) white V-VI 2-3 m floral sweet

Most shrubs emit essential oil with a pleasant aroma.

A small number of plants have strong smell, which a person can feel at a considerable distance.

The bushes in question are familiar to each of us, familiar and not deservedly forgotten by summer residents.


Of the variety of species in middle lane common lilac bushes are the most common. Luxurious plant reaches a height of 6-7 meters.

Abundant foliage, dense panicles of flowers of white, purple or pink colors create a unique airy entourage.

The plant blooms in May. Subtle rich aroma is felt from a long distance.


Long-term selection of plants of the Rosehip family led to the creation of the queen of the garden - roses. The beauty of the buds is reflected in the poems Ancient Greece, frescoes of Persia and Rome.

A huge number of varieties will allow you to choose the color, flower size, flowering time. Do not forget that not every species has a strong persistent aroma. Flowers look amazing in a bouquet and in natural form, on the bush.


Among the evergreen semi-deciduous or deciduous shrubs, there are species that reach a height of up to 2 meters. Plants bloom with bright lush flowers from May to June.

Yellow, pink or purple flowers are collected in racemose and corymbose inflorescences. The intoxicating sweet smell creates an enchanting atmosphere.

Mock orange crown

Plants up to 3 meters high have a wide crown with straight branches. The shrub blooms in early summer. White-cream flowers are arranged in inflorescences, give a strong smell, reminiscent of strawberries.

English viburnum

The plant is a three-meter bush with many trunks.

The flowering period is at the end of spring and beginning of summer.

White flowers are arranged in the form of balls. The powerful aroma is felt from a long distance.

The variety is thermophilic, so it is preferable to grow the plant in a temperate climate.

Holly mahonia

The evergreen plant reaches a height of about a meter. It grows due to the offspring of the root system, forming dense thickets.

At the end of April, the bushes are covered with panicles of yellow flowers with an unobtrusive aroma, similar to the smell of lily of the valley. Biel variety has a more powerful smell. It is found mainly in the south of the country.


Young branches of the plant are lowered down. Bushes reach a height of two meters. Few-flowered corylopsis blooms in spring. Flowers appear before leaves. The yellow brushes of inflorescences resemble a bell.

With the end of flowering, leaves appear. The gentle smell reminds a primrose. It is optimal to grow plants in the southern regions of the country.

The greatest effect from fragrant plants can be achieved by planting shrubs next to windows, benches, a gazebo, or on the sides of paths. Shrubs make excellent living fences that can kill the smell of compost or manure.

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