How to remove pine stump. Uprooting stumps in the country, how to easily get rid of the remains of a tree. Why do I need it

The stump left from the sawn tree greatly spoils the view of the suburban area. Sometimes the stump can be somehow decorated, decorated under a flower bed or made one of the elements of decorating the site. It is not difficult to create the impression that the stump is on the site on purpose, it performs a decorative function. But in most cases, they still want to get rid of stumps. A thick growth often comes from a stump, which is insanely difficult to fight with your hands and on your own. How to remove both the stump and the shoots from its root system on the site, how to do it as quickly as possible and with less effort? Anyone who has experienced this problem knows how much effort it takes. and how long this misfortune poisons the garden joy.

There are several methods for removing a stump.

Method one - chemical

Saltpeter is required. Saltpeter must be diluted in water. This solution should be gradually poured into the stump for a long time. Beforehand, a hole is hollowed out or holes are drilled so that the liquid accumulates inside the stump and does not flow down to the ground along it.

When the stump is well saturated with saltpeter and completely dry, it will need to be set on fire. This method is very efficient. At the same time, the stump completely burns out, even the underground part of the stump burns out along with the shoots.

If the site is located on peat deposits, then this method should NEVER be used. Peat can ignite!

On such a site, ordinary coarse-grained (technical) salt can be used to remove the stump. It is necessary to fill the stump with salt, wait a while. Salt will turn wood into dust. You can buy technical salt in hardware stores.

Salt must be used with extreme caution. Plants near a salt-covered stump may die.

It is advisable to destroy the stump with salt only to clear the site for the construction of a country house or outbuildings.

The second method is mechanical.

There are special machines for breaking stumps. The easiest way is to buy such a machine at a hardware store. With it, you can literally chop a stump into chips in just ten minutes. This car is worth a lot of money. It is not economically feasible to buy it to destroy one or two stumps. You can ask for such a car for a while in some garden society. There are often economic gardeners with whom you can negotiate.

The third method is uprooting the stump.

Around the stump at a distance of one and a half meters, you need to dig the ground. Run a jet of water through the hose. Wait until the earth is washed away by water, the roots will appear. With a sharp saw in the center of the stump, two deep cuts should be made, almost to the ground, and a piece about ten centimeters wide should be cut out. Then, using a crowbar, swing the stump, trying to uproot it from the ground.

It will not be easy to uproot a large stump from an old tree in this way. Often the roots spread over a large area. Requires very significant efforts for uprooting and a lot of time.

Some firms carry out work on the destruction of stumps. For a fee, a team of workers will uproot and take away the stump from your summer cottage. Perhaps this is a good way to get rid of old stumps if you have a lot of them or if you have one, but very solid.

The fourth method is the removal of the aerial part of the stump and the fight against growth.

Preventing the growth of new shoots. You need ammonium sulfate. The stump should be cut as close to the ground as possible. Drill a few holes in the stump, pour ammonium sulfate into them. Cover the holes with something (clay, plasticine). If you have an electric (or petrol) saw and a drill, then this method is the easiest for you.

The growth, which will certainly grow and annoy you after the death of the main tree, after such an operation ceases to appear on the surface. The entire root system dies, which is what is required when removing old trees from the site.

Ennobling an old garden is much more difficult than setting up a new one in a wasteland. This is known firsthand by those who got such a plot. Sometimes it takes more than one year to fight stumps and overgrowth. All stump removal methods are good as long as they don't endanger the surrounding soil or risk starting a fire that you can't control on your own.

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It has become popular lately not to uproot old stumps in the garden, but to turn them into beautiful flower beds. Here in these:

The same can be done with old sawn trees, or rather their trunks.

And it's really great, because such "natural" pots look original and easily replace their non-natural friends. Or is it still not replaced? Let's figure it out.

Which stump is suitable for a flower bed?

Basically, almost anyone. Of course, except for the rotten and rotten ones. It's best to cut these out right away.

Best of all is a wide, well-dried stump left over from an obsolete “tree with experience”, a well-dried stump. Yes, and making a recess of the desired diameter in it will be much easier. In addition, there are much fewer unwanted inhabitants in it, which usually affect stumps that begin to rot.

Process or not?

Of course, an untreated stump or a tree with soil poured directly into a recess in the wood will look more natural. But such beauty will not live long. If you still want to have a durable structure - arm yourself with an antiseptic and carefully treat the wood. It is even better to paint or varnish.

Will there be a pot?

And of course, for durable structures, no soil directly in the stump recess. First the pot, and only in it - the soil. The pot gives another huge plus - mobility. You can plant for the summer in a stump or tree not only flyers, but also your favorite potted plants that spend the winter on the window in the house.

We make a flower bed. Working process.

1. A deepening in a dry stump can be done with a hoe. The size of the recess depends on what you plan to do next. For short-lived structures (where the soil is poured directly into the recess), they are not so important. If you still insert a pot into the recess (and this is the right choice), the dimensions of the recess should correspond to the size of the pot. And of course, it is worth leaving bumpers around the edges, preferably at least 5 cm.

2. We process the stump, as mentioned above.

3. We insert the pot, pour gravel into it for drainage, fill it with nutrient soil and plant the plant. Or we insert an existing pot with a plant into the stump.

4. If you decide to do without a pot, drill inclined holes in the stump to drain water (drainage), fill in the soil and start planting.

What to plant?

In flowerbeds of stumps and tree trunks, it is best to plant annual plants with a not too large root system. Perennial - they may not endure the winter, but for the root system, the size of the stump limits the place.

Not very tall flowering plants with erect stems can be planted in the center of the composition, and lower or ampelous ones along the edges.

You can grow some vegetables in such structures: pumpkin or zucchini. It will be very original!

There are other ideas for using a stump on the site:

And finally, a couple more ideas from the old stump.

And about what other masterpieces can be created from wood, read

With this problem: how to remove a stump from a summer cottage, gardeners do not often encounter, but if the need to uproot the stump appears, then there are several ways to solve this problem. Mechanical methods of uprooting stumps can require large physical and even material costs, it all depends on the size of the stump and its location in the summer cottage. There are ways to remove a stump from a site without uprooting, these include:

How to remove a stump on a site without uprooting it, but using a chemical method.

The chemical method consists in treating the stump with reagents, which quickly destroy it, such substances are:

  • potassium or sodium nitrate;
  • urea;
  • herbicides;
  • sodium chloride (table salt).

We remove the stump with potassium or sodium nitrate

Stump removal is a process that takes place at the end of summer. The stump needs to be prepared: drill several holes in the wood with drills of the maximum diameter. With a drill diameter of 10 mm - about 20 holes, 20 mm - 7-8, and 30 mm - 3-4 holes, drilling depth - 250-300 mm. Then fill the holes with a reagent (you will need about 2 kg of saltpeter), fill with water and cover with a film and leave the stump for a year. During this time, the wood will soften and it will be enough just to pour some kind of fuel on the stump and set it on fire, so not only its outer part will burn, but all the roots will also burn out. In conclusion, the place where the stump was located is dug up and covered with earth.

The advantages of this method are: ease of implementation, minimal physical effort, complete removal of the stump and its roots.

The disadvantages include: harm of saltpeter for fruit and tuber crops growing near the stump, long time frame, acquisition, transportation and storage of chemicals, caution in applying the method on peaty soils (due to the possible ignition of peat).

How to remove a stump in the country without uprooting with urea

With this method, the same preparation of the stump will be required as with the method described above: perforation of wood with drills. Carbamide will need 2 kg. The duration of the process is 1 year.

The advantages of the method are the same as when using saltpeter. A big plus is the relative harmlessness of urea: on the site of a removed stump, you can plant any garden, garden plants or set up a flower garden.

Disadvantages of the method: long duration of stump removal, reagent costs.

Using herbicides to remove the stump on the site

Herbicides used to remove weeds can also remove the stump without uprooting it, these include Roundup, Zero, Alaz, Glisol, etc. A fresh cut or soil around the stump is treated with the drug. abundant watering spread herbicides into the root system, which leads to its drying.

Advantages of the method: minimum effort, duration - 6 months, wide choice and availability of drugs.

Disadvantages: this method "works" only with a "live" stump of a freshly cut tree.

Whatever method of getting rid of the stump you choose, you need to remember the precautions and protective equipment when working with chemicals in your summer cottage!

Sodium chloride destroys wood - this is a fact, the method using table salt is as effective as using saltpeter or urea, the duration of the destruction of wood and roots is 1-1.5 years.

Advantages of the method: simplicity, minimal financial costs.

Disadvantages: long time period of stump removal.

How, using alternative methods, to remove a stump without uprooting from a summer cottage

Alternative stump removal methods include biological method and "natural" method, each of them has its own advantages.

There are two biological methods for removing stumps from the site - this is the "infection" of the remains of a sawn tree with fungal spores and the "settlement" of young seedlings. The disadvantage of these methods is the long-term destruction of the stump (about 3 years), but the advantages - the mass, at least - this is the harvest of mushrooms in the country and young fruit trees.

When choosing the "mushroom" method in the spring, it is possible to harvest oyster mushrooms after 6 months, for this, the mycelium sprouted on the substrate is placed in the notches or holes in the wood, and the stump is periodically moistened, after 2-3 years the mushrooms will turn it into dust.

To destroy a stump with overgrowth, you need to drill a hole in its middle of such a size that the roots of a young plant fit, fill the hole with fertilizer (ash, humus) and plant a seedling. In the future - to care for as a young tree. The roots of the overgrowth will take nutrients from the stump, gradually destroying its wood and root system.

Any beginning is the most difficult when there is no experience yet. My task is to remove the core of the log so that a cylinder with a wall thickness of at least 10 cm is formed. I tried various options for how to remove the core, but none of them gave satisfactory results. In my head, a decision was made to raise the future log for bees from a horizontal position to a vertical position. At the cost of incredible efforts, ingenuity and a little bit of magic, I managed to raise a log weighing 550 kg to a vertical position.


I didn’t get any smart ideas on how to quickly hollow out the middle. As a result, I started with the old grandfather method. I took the usual chisel, hammer and axe. And quietly from day to day he hammered, knocked, chopped, so to speak, filled his hand

To make the task easier at the beginning, I found a piece of pointed metal in the garage, welded it to the pipe, but the result was not the same. In search of a suitable tool, I went to the nearest construction supermarket. Walking around the store, my eyes fell on the scrapers for chopping ice. They were wide, and my imagination was already completely sawing off the excess from them, and wondered how the final instrument would look like. But then I saw a tool called "Peshnya", the price is 220 rubles. What I needed. Already in the workshop I burned it from paint, sanded it and sharpened it like an axe. As a fallback (if I didn’t find anything in the store), I could take a metal knife from a planer, make a slot in the pipe, insert a knife there and weld it all together by welding into a single whole.

Why do I need it?

Looking at these photos, someone will say that I have nothing to do, but the process itself is interesting to me. After all, I'm not in the competition "Who will make the deck faster." The winter is long, and I am happy to work in the fresh air, invent and bring it to life, while dreaming of honey, bees, and the development of a future apiary. Even if you make one board every winter, then in 10 years you can earn decent money by selling honey and related products. But before the sale of honey, oh, how far away. First of all, you need to finish the deck, and the second thing is to find the bees and somehow populate them in this deck. Of course, I'm interested in all this. I can just imagine how we eat the first honey, laugh and rejoice.

The neighbor constantly approaches, is interested in work. I won’t be surprised if I see that he will also bring a log for himself. I tell him, take the second half of the log, and gouge it. And he replied: - I want to see at the beginning what I can do with all this. And what to watch then! We must take and do. You can endlessly lie on the couch and watch TV shows, dream, reason, but in reality do nothing. And you take it and start doing it, surprise the world with your enthusiasm and invention.

God give me strength and enthusiasm to complete the construction of this deck.

Having become the happy owner of a suburban area, a person may suddenly encounter a number of unforeseen problems. And the most common on the list is how to get rid of stumps without uprooting. The same question will eventually arise with a longtime gardener: trees tend to die, leaving behind stumps of various sizes.

The fastest and easiest clearing of the site is with the use of heavy equipment. Tractors and bulldozers can do the job in just one day, even if the stumps are heavily infested. However, hiring equipment is not cheap. In addition, it needs a free entrance and a place to maneuver when uprooting. And if the stumps on the site are located deep in the garden, then the bulldozer will destroy half of the plantings for you while it is uprooting them. So this method is suitable only at the initial stages of development of the site, and only in case of mass “settlement” of it with stumps.

Manual clearing of the site is cheap and accessible to everyone, does not require space and is possible even in hard-to-reach places. However, uprooting is not only a laborious process, but also physically difficult. And the time needed for other purposes will take a lot. So it’s better to study the available methods on how to get rid of stumps without uprooting, choose the most optimal among them, from your point of view, and apply it without hesitation. Moreover, there are several options for dealing with misfortune.

How to get rid of stumps without uprooting: a mechanical method

The most reliable is the complete removal of wood residues. Firstly, the site becomes suitable for any use - even break a garden, even put a gazebo. Secondly, you are insured against attempts to revive: there will definitely not be growth. Crushing stumps with improvised means is ineffective, and the severity of the work is no different from uprooting. Therefore, it is better to work with special grinders. They break the stump into sawdust, absolutely not spoiling the surrounding landscape. Such equipment is very expensive, it is better to rent it, since stumps do not have to be removed every day and equipment is not constantly needed on the farm.

Cheap, but long and not environmentally friendly

If for some reason you cannot or do not want to resort to crushing, you can use a chemical method to remove stumps. The most primitive option is to fill the “rotten tooth” with ordinary salt and wrap it with polyethylene. Not the best solution to the problem. Okay, that's a long time, all chemical options take time. It is bad that for many years the land will become unsuitable for growing at least something.

Complete destruction

It will be more environmentally friendly to remove stumps with saltpeter, sodium or potassium. Firstly, you don’t have to wait two years for the wood to spill. Secondly, the roots are also removed. The technique is simple and accessible: holes are drilled in the stump with a drill. The more of them and the deeper they are, the faster it will work. Saltpeter is poured into the holes and filled with water. So that all this does not flow out and is not washed out, the holes are closed with corks - wooden chopsticks, wax, plastic corks. From above, the stump is poured abundantly with water.

Manipulations are carried out in the fall: in the spring, the sap flow goes up, so that the roots are not saturated with saltpeter. The next year, the plugs are removed, kerosene or gasoline is poured inside (yes, at least liquid for kindling a fire) and the stump is set on fire. Everything burns out, including the underground part.

The method is not universal, since it is not always possible to get rid of stumps without uprooting. If a site is cleared on peatlands, there is a high probability of starting an underground fire. And in a densely planted garden, the risk of ignition of neighboring trees is quite high.

fire safe way

In cases where the previous method is not applicable, the approach changes. Saltpeter is also used, but this time ammonia, that is, urea. It is advisable for her to hollow out a recess in the center of the stump as much as possible. A chemical is injected into it, and the stump is wrapped as carefully as possible. In the pros - burning is not needed, the stump will turn into dust on its own. Cons: The process will take a very long time. With a large saw cut - up to three years. In addition, after the collapse of the stump, the earth will not be suitable for all plants for some time.

mushroom destruction

How to get rid of stumps without uprooting by another method? Those who take good care of the land on their site will like the natural way more. Yes, it is even longer. But the soil in the process will be enriched with nutrients, and you will get a nice additional bonus. All you need is to buy oyster mushroom mycelium in a special store or collect “seedlings” of mushrooms in the nearest forest. Holes are drilled in the stump intended for destruction, where mushroom "threads" are laid. So that they do not dry out, the holes are covered with wet moss. Landing is carried out exclusively on a cloudy and cool day. For 4-5 years, mushrooms will “eat” the stump, and all this time you will have delicious snacks on your table.

Accelerate the natural process

Not always a stump overgrown with mushrooms can decorate your garden. If you want to save the soil on the site, but not spoil its appearance, you can go the following way.

A trench is digging around the stump - it will facilitate further work. Further, with a conventional chainsaw, the rest of the tree is cut down so that the cut is five centimeters below ground level. The buried stump is covered with earth, but not ordinary, but forest, taken from under deciduous trees. It contains a large number of special microorganisms that accelerate the decay of wood. If there is no forest near your dacha (or it is coniferous), use leaf humus from the one you probably have. It must be mixed with a couple of glasses of concentrated nitrogen fertilizer and spread over the saw cut. The top is covered with ordinary garden soil.

It would be even more elegant to destroy a stump if it is planned to plant a tree in its place. The beginning is similar: the height of the stump decreases to the maximum, at least flush with the kidney. The middle is hollowed out and filled with fertilizer mixed with earth. And in this "pot" a young seedling is planted. As it grows, it will destroy both the stump and its root system.

Stump as an element of landscape design

Before looking for a way to get rid of stumps without uprooting, evaluate whether it is really necessary. If the place is not suitable for all plants or is not used at all, the stump can be left. It will make an unusual and harmonious flowerpot for annuals.

This idea is especially good if it is time for the earth under the stump to rest: the flowers will gradually destroy the wood, and the earth will be saturated with useful elements. You can also make a custom bird feeder. And if the stump settled on the site of the planned gazebo, then it may well become a support for the garden table.