The most popular home based businesses in America. Restoration of feather pillows. Not all business ideas from the USA will take root in Russia

Business ideas from America: 3 business features in the USA + 11 interesting ideas+ 4 American sites with unique business ideas + comparison of small businesses in the US and Russia.

The United States is a leader in many business areas.

According to statistics, there are 21 million small business organizations officially registered in America.

That is, every fourth family has a business.

Many firms (approximately 21% of total number) start their journey with $1,000.

And after one or two years, such business ideas from america bring their founders millions of dollars in income.

Difficulties arose related to the search for a sought-after and unusual idea for business?

Then you should definitely familiarize yourself with a selection of options from America.

Perhaps this step will inspire you to create your own profitable project.

Features of doing business in America

Before moving on to the main topic, you need to understand: business in America and Russia are two completely different concepts.

He will not talk about economic factors (we will return to this at the end of the article).

Let's compare what principles motivate American citizens to create an idea and turn it into a business:

    Business ideas from America are formed thanks to the centuries-old mixed traditions of various peoples.

    As a result, some projects may not find their recognition in our country.

    Briefly describe it as follows: the difference in mentalities.

    The service industry in the United States is very developed.

    Therefore, enterprising people try to look for new and absolutely unique ideas in business.

    What is interesting, basically, they are aimed at making life as easy as possible for the population.

    In America, most families start a business not to get huge Money but for fun.

    Therefore, the inhabitants of the United States live in the most prosperous country in the world, because they do not chase huge wealth and do everything from the bottom of their hearts.

Well, now consider the most incredible options for making money in this country.

11 Innovative Business Ideas From America

1) "Bearded Bastard" - the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbusiness on male beauty

He invented a remedy for softening and taming beard hair.

Given the current boom in men with beards, this business has gained a lot of customers without much effort from Jeremy.

The care kit includes:

  • special wax base "Woodsman";
  • liquid oil for naughty beard "Woodsman";
  • shaving oil without harmful substances.

In addition, this company is developing many new ideas and formulas. natural oil, as well as tunics for shaving, which men need.

Who said that "all these cosmetic things" are interesting only to the beautiful half of humanity?

You can learn more about the business idea and products on the website

2) Starbucks thermo mug - originally from America

Scientists have calculated that more than 21 million liters of coffee are poured down the sink due to the fact that the drink is cold!

Where there is a problem, there is a place for an idea.

This is not to say that it was the Starbucks company that invented the thermal mugs in general.

However, it is the products of this world-famous coffee house that not only keep you inside for a long time. certain temperature but also looks very stylish.

The Starbucks phenomenon is endless.

But the result is obvious: coffee lovers around the world appreciated this idea, so mugs from a coffee shop are bought not only in America.

The history of this business is an example of the fact that having created one business and having achieved success, you should not stop.

Perhaps another profitable project awaits you ahead.

3) Tourist recruitment - a simple business idea from America

The business, based on the idea of ​​making foldable food items for campers, has been around for a long time and is thriving.

It would seem that everyone knows about the presence of folding chairs, spoons, mugs, and it is simply impossible to generate new ideas in this area.

But an enterprising person living in America was able to surprise the whole world.

He invented a special set of tourists, which includes:

  • kitchenette;
  • bed;
  • dinner table;
  • chairs.

In fact, this is communication with nature in comfortable conditions.

These sets are very popular in America, and are in demand among the population of other countries. It is not surprising, because no matter how much we strive to return to the "bosom of nature", home comfort is still very important.

4) Blacksmith is a love of rock business

This business idea, embodied in America, was created in honor of the legendary Queen group.

This is a cafe, the premises of which are decorated in memory of Freddie Mercury.

For this, the group's records and photographs on the walls are used in the interior.

But a special theme is not the only highlight in this coffee.

The main "salt" of the idea is as follows: when any song from the Queen's repertoire sounds, the person who is first in line receives his order for free.

The employees of the institution, jokingly, say about this: “When the Queen repertoire sounds, Freddie Mercury himself pays for everything.”

Similar business ideas from America are based on the great love of Americans for their idols, history.

They honor the memory of great performers and are proud of them.

Because the place is never empty.

5) Idea with plaster casts from America

Every mother wants to remember all the moments associated with the development of her crumbs.

To do this, parents buy cameras and camcorders in order to capture everything on film.

Students in America have managed to make a successful business in this direction.

They tapped into a parenting need by coming up with an idea that all moms and dads liked.

It is worth noting that this type of activity in the US and Europe has existed for a long time.

Entrepreneurial young guys simply "packed" the idea into a wrapper that is convenient for the consumer.

This is a special kit that allows you to make plaster cast baby's legs or arms.

Then the resulting "creativity" can be framed and even presented to loving grandparents.

6) "Blue Starlite" - the idea of ​​​​an unusual cinema in America

This idea of ​​watching movies in the car is different from the classical performance that is used in America.

This cinema is not located on a field with a giant projector and lots of space for cars. "Blue Starlite" is located in the heart of Miami, and can accommodate only 18 cars.

The main "chip" of this business from America is a Ford pickup truck of the fifties, acting as a movie projector.

Also on the spot you can buy various snacks for the period of the film show:

  • gelatin bears of various colors and shapes;
  • cotton candy, which includes Pop Rocks;
  • beverages.

What is the secret of the popularity of this idea?

Probably because this is the same good old drive-in that Americans have known since childhood, and we have seen it in films more than once.

It's just that the creators of "Starlite" designed this idea in a more compact, modern way, while maintaining the spirit of the romance of open cinemas.

7) Water and food distribution business in traffic jams

People who live in megacities suffer every day due to many hours of traffic jams.

Standing in a kilometer-long queue on the road, you can redo a lot of things:

  • watch your favorite series or movie;
  • listen to an audiobook;
  • do needlework;
  • prepare a plan for tomorrow's conversation.

But you can’t do something more important: go to the store to buy water or a burger.

Therefore, it is not surprising that one day someone decided to organize a business on this.

His idea is to sell overpriced food and drinks to people stuck in traffic.

Especially you will not bargain, sitting in a car in a multi-kilometer traffic jam in the summer, without a single sip of water.

Almost all people at such moments are ready to give their last shirt for a sip of water.

Business ideas from America are often based on such a factor of high demand.

8) Plant hotel - business idea

Surely, many, going on a long vacation, called relatives or asked neighbors to look after their favorite ficus or violet.

But not always people have someone to turn to with this problem.

Against the backdrop of such a need in America, they came up with more than one idea: various systems irrigation automation, "smart" pots.

But the creators of the plant hotel came up with the most unique idea and built a profitable business on it.

How does he work?

If a person leaves for long term from home, and there is no one to look after the plants, he can bring them to a specialized hotel.

Pets will be looked after by highly qualified flower growers until the owner arrives.

9) Business Idea from America: Plant Wall

Who wondered what could increase productivity at work and create a homely atmosphere?

American scientists have found that vegetation can increase the productivity of a work office by 40%.

And we are not talking about two or three flowers in pots, but about a full-fledged wall, when looking at which you find yourself in the Amazon forests.

The implementation of this idea in the office has helped many companies increase the efficiency of their employees.

And the owners of such a mini-business - to get a significant profit.

10) Social network "Gatherball"

This business idea from America is worthy of worldwide recognition.

It helps vacationers and tourists in such tasks:

  • determine the purpose of the trip;
  • find directions corresponding to the format of rest (passive or active);
  • make an itinerary for visiting attractions;
  • and even calculate the potential costs!

11) "GymPact" - business on laziness

This is a special app that pays people to go to the gym!

Sounds very original, doesn't it?

The idea, in fact, is very simple: a person installs an application on his phone, selects a gym and a schedule for attending it.

In case of missing a workout, a person pays $ 5 to the “treasury” of the GymPact service.

And those, in turn, as an encouragement, transfer funds to a person who has reached or exceeded the planned schedule of classes.

The system cannot be fooled the way the add-on has GPS navigation.

More details about this business idea can be found on their website:

Sites-collections of ideas for business in America

From specific business ideas, it is worth moving on to special sites in America, which are a “bank of ideas”.

Getting to know them can add a couple of business options to your “piggy bank”.

To understand the information, it does not hurt to know English language at least for basic level. In extreme cases, Google Translate will always come to the rescue.

    There are more than 1,000 various options business, among which every visitor can find something to their liking.

    In addition, there is a convenient sorting by demand and direction, which will simplify the search for ideas.

    There are a lot of business ideas on this site.

    In its archives, it contains over 4,000 options with which to build a small business in America.

    And, of course, which can be interpreted according to Russian realities and implemented in the Russian Federation.

    The resource was created according to all the canons of American portals, and has a fairly large database in which you can find unique ideas for an unusual business.

    This site contains not only unique ideas for development entrepreneurial activity, but also the opportunity to learn more about the described production cycles, as well as equipment.

    It will be difficult here without knowing English.

The video provides an overview of 3 unique business ideas from the USA:

Comparative characteristics of small business in America and Russia

When it comes to borrowing small business ideas from America, it is not superfluous to compare the business sphere of the USA and Russia.

In order for a firm or enterprise in America to be classified as a small business industry, its annual revenue must be from 4 to 13 million dollars.

In addition, in America there is a distribution of enterprises by the number of employees and industry:

In the United States, as in Russia, the lion's share of small business is in the field of trade, services and construction.

In general, the small business sector accounts for 40-50% of GDP.

Pay attention to the structure of US GDP by industry:

America is following the development of ideas in small business.

The state provides various benefits, since small businesses are the very "bricks" that support the entire economy of the country.

In the Russian Federation, there are also benefits that support new ideas.

But, often, government assistance is insignificant.

It is not enough to support and stimulate the development of this business in the country.

We propose to evaluate the importance of small businesses in various countries:

Unfortunately, Russia is in last place in the development and support of ideas in small business, which cannot be said about America.

Although the projects that the population can offer to their state are very mobile, they contain huge potential and efficiency.

And most importantly, it usually does not require huge investments to start.

In the Russian Federation, small business has been developing for quite a long time.

But in order to achieve the results of America, the state needs to make a lot of efforts.

I would like to believe that in this work, novice businessmen emphasized and identified for themselves the original business ideas from america that will successfully take root in Russia.

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In America, they have been doing business for a long time, and many people there know how to make it profitable. In this country, non-standard ways of making money that bring good incomes have been flourishing for a long time. Many American entrepreneurs have been earning a lot of money for a long time from fast food stalls, organic products, and even paper utensils for home delivery.

These, of course, are not all ideas developed in America. This country is simply teeming with creative ideas that can be implemented in Russia.

Consider the most popular ideas in the USA.

American business ideas are mainly focused on factors:

  • providing the population with work, that is, employment;
  • replenishment of the treasury of the state budget;
  • development of the social sphere;
  • positive growth dynamics of economic sectors.

Despite the fact that America's national debt is growing, it remains a prosperous country. And this is mainly due to the good development of the country's business structure.

Many entrepreneurs develop new and profitable ideas, which we will now consider.

Children's mobile toys

Everyone has mobile phones - both children and adults. BUT mobile applications, designed for a children's audience, there are practically none.

What is required for the organization:

  1. Availability of specialized software.
  2. Experience and skills in child psychology can be used as an assistant to one of the children or nephews.
  3. Great desire to work.

As ideas, you can use ready-made children's applications, they can simply be optimized and supplemented with creative nuances. For example, you can use an application that selects cartoons of a certain topic from YouTube.

Creation of a rope park

It should be noted that the number of tourists is increasing every year. Therefore, it is worth taking advantage of this fact and organizing a successful business.

Rope park organization a good option recreation for parents and children. The rope park can be opened in two forms - open and closed.

In order to organize an open-type park, less capital investment will be required than in a closed one. The disadvantage is that it can only work in the summer.

If you want to get more profit from it, then organize it at some popular resort. But the activities of the closed park will be carried out all year round.

You need to understand that artificial conditions can quickly get bored by visitors. Therefore, it needs to be periodically upgraded and supplemented with new products.

The idea will be able to pay off in about two years.


Few people have heard of such a business as catering, but it's not scary. You can make good money on it, and this is the main thing.

Its whole point is to deliver home-made food and drinks to those who are tired of fast food. Responsibilities are to mediate between the client and the restaurant, which is responsible for preparing the food.

You will develop menus and deliver food to customers' homes. For the prosperity of the business, you need to constantly come up with new and unusual dishes that will be in great demand among customers.

If things go uphill, then in the future it will be possible to hire cooks and couriers who will be responsible for delivering delicious meals to hungry customers.

car wash

Opening a car wash is a very profitable business that brings good profits. There are more and more cars on Russian roads, and in this regard, the demand for car washing is increasing.

To open a car wash, you do not need to purchase special certificates, the main thing is desire.


  1. Increased demand.
  2. High profitability.
  3. Minimum competition.

Negative sides:

  1. High initial investment that not everyone can afford.
  2. Often getting into loans.
  3. Car wash - work with water, indoors will be high humidity which will require frequent repairs.

And now it is worth considering the example of the level of income. As an example, we use a dry wash in a large shopping center next to a parking lot designed for 150 cars.

Maintenance will require an administrator and two car washers.

Approximate calculation:

  1. The average cost of washing a car is 300 rubles.
  2. Daily average population clients - 30 people.
  3. The level of income per day is 9,000 rubles.
  4. The average income of employees, 40% of the proceeds - 3,600 rubles.
  5. Number of costs per car ( detergent+ washing towels) - 35 rubles.
  6. The cost level for each day is 30 * 35 = 1,050 rubles.
  7. Profit per day \u003d 9,000 - 3,600 - 1,050 \u003d 4,350 rubles.
  8. Profit per month \u003d 4,350 * 30 \u003d 130,500 rubles.
  9. Room rental per month - 15,000 rubles.
  10. Taxes per month - 5,300 rubles.
  11. Level net profit per month will be 130,500 - 15,000 - 5,300 \u003d 110,200 rubles.

The period for which the car wash will pay off will be 2 years.

Luggage storage

This service is not new and many have heard about it for a long time, but it is rarely used anywhere. Therefore, competition will be minimal.

Especially relevant business will be on the beaches. After all, many people come there with things or purchases that they bought on the way to the beach, but few people dare to attach anywhere and leave them unattended.

What is the essence of this business? Cities have rivers, seas and beaches.

Quite often there are several beaches. You can negotiate with the administration to rent a small place to install luggage storage.

What is required to open the service, cost:

  1. Buy a section, several sections with cells for storing things - $ 400.
  2. Renting a place for installing sections - $ 100.

What income will be as a result of activity?

The profitability of the service will directly depend on the cell rental price. If the cost of renting a cell is $1, then the income level from 24 cells is $24. For a month, the level of income will be 720 dollars.

Business will pay off in a month.

Ideas for business from the USA can be taken from the video.

Production of bricks from waste

One of the creative ideas is making bricks from garbage. industrial type. The main advantage of these bricks is that they do not need to be fired.

For the production of bricks materials are used:

  1. The main component, 70% is ash.
  2. Clay.
  3. Lime.
  4. Sodium hydroxide.

Eco BLAC production is a profitable service, because many energy companies are ready to pay money for the disposal of boiler ash. As a result, a businessman can earn money in the production of bricks and in the removal of waste.

The production of this material is not based on firing, but on alkaline activation. Bricks are formed from waste at a temperature environment using alkaline activation.

For production, it is not required to purchase expensive equipment, which means that the costs will be minimal.

Taxi and hotel for animals

In the US, pet taxis are in high demand. It is desirable to open this activity in big cities.

This service is mainly designed for rich people. The whole point of this service is to accompany the pet to the veterinarian and back.

You will need a large car and roomy animal cages. Earnings directly depend on the tariff that you will set yourself.

Pet hotels are popular in America. The whole point of the service lies in the care and placement of animals.

Optional to shoot separate room If possible, pets can be left in your home. Recently, this service has been in great demand, because many owners cannot take the animal with them on vacation or on business trips.

Here is a pet hotel. profitable solution. It is better to open a business in a big city, in small town it will be unprofitable.

employment agency

Unemployment is a pressing problem in the world, so finding a job has become quite difficult. But you can make money on this, just open an office in which you will offer employment services.

So what is the benefit of this service? You will be able to earn money with the help of employers interested in finding specialists.

What is required for this service?

To rent premises and purchase computers on which clients will perform tests for knowledge and the level of compliance with the desired position. As a result, the client will be able to get a long-awaited job, and you will be able to get a percentage of the number of contracts concluded between clients and employers.

Opening a thrift store

The essence of this business is based on the fact that you buy used and old things from people at a reduced price. You give it a marketable appearance and sell it already at an inflated cost.

As a result, you get the difference between cost and sale. And customers are happy that they got rid of unnecessary trash and received money.

This business requires only two conditions:

  • rent a room for a warehouse and a shop;
  • develop an advertising concept.

Opening the market for used cars and auto parts

This service in America has been profitable for many entrepreneurs for a long time. The purpose of this service is to gather the right people with common interests in one place.

What is required to open a business? Rent small plot land, preferably outside the city.

Then you need to build a small mini-market for the sale of cars and spare parts.

This event is held only once a week. And the profit consists in collecting money for entering the territory of the mini-market.

As a result, you get money, and sellers get their target audience. The buyer remains in the black, he will be able to see everything he needs in one place.

Vending machines

This is quite a convenient service. In these machines, you can sell drinks, food and various small goods almost around the clock.

To carry out business, it is enough to purchase this machine and rent a small piece of space to install the machine. Rest assured, the activity will pay off in the first month.

Restoration of feather pillows

Oddly enough, but this idea also came from the USA. Pillows are an essential item for a healthy sleep.

Over time, the down filler deteriorates, breaks, picks up moisture and dust, as a result, linen mites and other harmful microorganisms may appear there. Therefore, periodically the filler must be pulled out, dried, shaken.

Many people face this problem, so this business will be in high demand.

To open, you will need to rent a room, purchase a pillow restoration machine, a vacuum cleaner and sewing machine. In general, the opening will require from 100,000 rubles to 250,000.

The most famous American sites for fresh business ideas

If you suddenly decide to open your own business and don’t know where to start, then American sites with detailed description fresh business ideas.

  • .
    It is in great demand.

    Here you can find more than 100 creative ideas of American business.
    There is also an eBay consultant service.

    Its main functions are to search for the necessary information and to help in the purchase of any goods.

  • Of course, starting a business is a responsible business and requires a careful approach.

    If you decide to open a business and want it to generate income, be sure to familiarize yourself with the initial basics and study what will be in demand in your city.

    Also you can explore creative ideas from the USA and choose the most suitable one.

    Promising business ideas that are in demand in the US are presented in the video.

    In contact with

    Despite the popular assertion that business ideas are in the air, most of our countrymen are much more accustomed to borrowing fresh and atypical approaches to entrepreneurship from the West. This is not surprising, because most often they are distinguished by their freshness, creativity, originality of embodiment, profitability and innovation. This phenomenon can be explained by the presence of many factors - this is the mentality and obsession of Americans to make money on absolutely everything that surrounds them, monetize any activity and benefit from unexpected areas of life.

    However, the most important role in the formation of America as a "advanced" country for small and medium-sized businesses was played by a relatively prosperous period for its development and prosperity.

    Aspiring entrepreneurs should always remember that business is not only their personal well-being, but also an opportunity to influence the whole world, bringing something new from themselves into it. However, it should not be forgotten that progress in modern society is moving so fast that every day it becomes more and more difficult to surprise and satisfy the needs of its target audience. Therefore, in order to succeed in business, you need to be able to offer something new. But thinking about where to get this new one, you should turn your eyes to the question of what kind of business ideas from America can be.

    First you need to understand that a good business idea must have several undeniable qualities:

    1. It must be up to date;
    2. suitable for adaptation to the domestic consumer.

    Actual ideas

    Another important component of success in business is understanding the trends and interests of modern man. Without a doubt, 2019 will be a new page in the development of technology, so new business projects related to this industry are already being actively developed in the United States. The following areas have great potential for development:

    • Delivery of products and customer service using drones and other robotics.
    • development and production of smart appliances for life and everyday life;
    • vending machines that work autonomously;
    • the scope of services and entertainment provided through virtual reality.

    All these areas are already beginning to develop actively in the States, and it is quite possible that the brave souls and innovators of domestic entrepreneurship are already trying to catch the rapidly rising wave.

    Business Ideas

    But for those who are not ready to plunge headlong into developments and nanotechnologies, there are other equally interesting areas of business that have not yet been widely developed in our country, but have already managed to conquer the American consumer.

    • Ordering food through the app. A very convenient solution for those who are ready to hire an intelligent developer and establish a partnership with various institutions catering. The principle of operation can be any, in America, such services are quite popular in big cities. Hungry without leaving your home, you can use the application to get information about the establishment, menu and price list of all cafes or restaurants that are nearby or are interesting for the features of the proposed cuisine. It is enough to choose a suitable institution, place an order, arrange delivery or pick it up personally.

    Ordering food through the app

    • Devices for recharging phones directly on the street. Many of us have faced the problem when we need to make an urgent call, and the battery in the phone is completely dead. It is for such people in the States that special street racks with sockets have been developed and are gradually being introduced. Perhaps for a local resident, the issue will not be acute, but such useful idea will be a real salvation for some guests of the city.
    • Selling snacks, hot dogs or drinks to those who are stuck in traffic for a long time. Everything ingenious is simple, of course, such an idea is not suitable for small towns, where a traffic jam can form only because of repair work and other force majeure. But residents of megacities know firsthand how painful and unpleasant it is to spend whole hours on an empty stomach, not moving from their place on the way from work. In such situations, the seller of snacks or water, deftly scurrying between cars stuck in traffic jams, will be a real salvation. So the demand for such an enterprise is certainly provided, and large start-up investments are not required.

    traffic jam trading

    • House slippers shop. It seems, well, where has it been seen to open a whole store for slippers - that's the beauty of this idea. The range of this type of footwear is huge, and there is nowhere to see it in its entirety, so it would be useful for any novice businessman to think about opening such a shoe, even for starting an online store. Another an indisputable advantage such a case is its relevance throughout the year.
    • Hotel for plants or animals. Many housewives are accustomed to abundantly decorate their own window sills with many flowers that need care and watering, but there is no need to talk about pets, they need constant care. But what to do when you urgently need to leave for a few days or weeks? To persuade neighbors or relatives to look after, and then the whole vacation to worry about whether everything is in order. In this case, a special hotel, where atypical guests can be given proper care and attention, would be very useful.
    • Case for a gadget with a compartment for bank card. In America, a similar accessory in this moment is very popular, a practical and convenient solution for those who, leaving home to shop, do not want to take their entire wallet or bag with them. And there is nothing complicated in organizing such an enterprise, you can order supplies of the same covers directly from the USA or China, and you can sell it yourself via the Internet or give it to stores or outlets for sale.
    • Making pizza according to the client's sketch. The love of Americans for pizza is known all over the world, for them this dish is both fast food and a full dinner, they eat pizza for breakfast, and have a bite of it in working time. Therefore, it is not surprising that some creative entrepreneurs have decided to take a step further and freshen up their business with a nice bonus for the client. The essence of this idea is the creation of pizza according to the customer's own drawing. The demand for such a dish is huge, because for the client it is both the feeling of being involved in the cooking process and the opportunity to surprise guests. If we correlate this idea with our realities, then, of course, you should not stop only at this dish, involving your consumer in the creation of something original will give a 100% guaranteed positive result.
    • Car rental instead of parking at the airport. This business idea is striking in its simplicity, because it lies in the fact that a person who has arrived at the airport in his own car, instead of leaving it in a paid parking lot, can also earn extra money by renting a car to arriving tourists. It is very simple to organize such a business with zero investments, and at the same time, each party involved in the transaction remains a winner.
    • Mobile beauty salon. The service sector for women is always in demand, but it is never too late to introduce something new. This is how US business ideas related to the provision of salon services on wheels are gaining popularity. A seemingly ordinary van accommodates all the accessories needed for a hairdresser, make-up artist or manicurist, and the car runs around the city, attracting more and more new customers and promptly satisfying the needs of the customer in any part of the city. The advantage of this solution is that there are no costs for renting a room.
    • Coffee subscription. There are more than enough fans and connoisseurs of this drink, but not everyone succeeds in getting certain varieties and trying something new on a regular basis. That is why a person who can provide a monthly set of several varieties of coffee will be very useful for every coffee lover. To organize such a business, it is enough to find coffee producers and order a tasting set, it will not be difficult to find customers, and as a particular drink is in demand, you can create your own coffee menu, beautifully design sets and become a supplier not only for individuals, but also for small establishments , coffee houses and restaurants.

    American business ideas emerge every day, all aimed at making life as easy as possible for themselves and their clients. The main feature of the American entrepreneur is the decisiveness of action and the willingness to turn a hobby into earnings.

    Evgeny Smirnov

    # Business nuances

    American Business Features

    In the USA, taxes are much lower compared to the rest of the world, and in the states of Nevada and Wyoming they are completely absent!

    Business immigration to the USA is one of the easiest ways to move there for permanent residence. Considering the current situation in the global economy, the prospects for doing business in America are beyond doubt. To open your own business in such a developed country, you should understand which areas are the most relevant and profitable.

    According to the US Department of Commerce, the construction and gambling businesses are considered the best in the country in terms of profits. However, there are other areas that require minimal investment and are promising.

    Business in America, which is not in Russia

    The US is a country where small businesses thrive. The mentality of Americans is built in such a way that they know how to make money on ordinary ideas. If we compare small businesses in the US and Russia, we can see that American ideas appear on the domestic market with a delay of 3-5 years.

    portable gym

    Americans are a nation suffering from obesity. People who spend most of the day in the office can't afford to go to the gym regularly. They just don't have time for it.

    Businessmen saw this as a promising niche and offered companies to equip a small gym in which employees can work during lunch break. The advantage of the business is that you do not need to pay rent: it is enough to install sports equipment and find professional trainers. A portable gym is a great example of a small business with minimal investment.

    pet care

    People who lead an active life do not have time to take care of their pets, but at the same time they want them to look happy and well-groomed. Entrepreneurial Americans created a profitable American business– taxis for transporting animals to clinics, beauty salons, etc.

    One of the services is also a pet hotel, where wealthy people leave their pets for vacations or business trips.

    Mobile hotels

    Finding accommodation in a foreign city is not easy. American entrepreneurs offer fully equipped comfortable vans that are adjusted to any place at the request of the client. Guests can spend the night inexpensively right on the spot with all amenities.

    Public laundries

    Dry cleaners have been operating in Russia for a long time, but there are no public laundries yet. This type of business is profitable and very popular. Clients give preference to it, as it is more profitable and allows you not to depend on the workload of dry cleaning.

    Such a service will be popular and in demand among students living in hostels. The fee for washing is set symbolically, and the profit is obtained due to the huge number of customers.

    Business in America for Russians

    In the US, equal opportunities for every person, including Russians. But most of our compatriots are limited by finances, so some types of entrepreneurship are not available to them.

    Russians often trade in food products - bread, cereals, vegetables, fruits, etc. Some trade in universal solar panels that have gained immense popularity in the United States. The margin on them is 200–250%.

    Other areas of activity of Russians in the United States are the restaurant business, dry cleaning, car washes and other service industries.

    What small businesses are there in the USA

    There are 350 million people in the United States, and only a productive business can serve that number of people. Therefore, America has become home to many ideas for small businesses - a good idea can bring in billions.

    Truck business

    The trucking business in the US is risky, but promising business. Let's take a closer look at this type of activity:

    1. To get started, you need to obtain a permit for the transportation of goods and select the location of the company and warehouses;
    2. It is necessary to deal with issues regarding the accounting of the company, as well as the literacy of financial transactions;
    3. Conduct an assessment of strengths and weaknesses truck business to assess its prospects.

    Small truck business has its challenges. It is necessary to choose the right vehicle, optimize the cost of its maintenance, etc.

    According to statistics, aspiring entrepreneurs in this field earn as much as truck drivers in large companies.

    Real estate business

    The real estate business is one of the most profitable in the country. It is not customary to search, buy or sell housing on your own. All this is transferred to realtors who work for a commission. There are usually no problems with finding clients. The pace of skyscraper construction and multi-storey buildings are growing, so the market is not yet oversaturated.

    If you plan to work on your own, then you cannot do without a good knowledge of English and the locality. You can hire employees, however wage will eat up a substantial part of the profits.

    The flower business is attracting more and more Russians to the United States every day. Why entrepreneurs choose this direction?

    1. Easy entry. You don't need to invest a lot to get started. Enough money to rent a small room near the metro or stops;
    2. Huge margin - 100-150% of the cost;
    3. The ability to open or close a business without bureaucratic problems. All you need is permission from government agencies.

    Among the minuses, one can note the fragility of the goods, as a result of which there is a lot of rejection, as well as seasonality. Best sales go to holidays but summer is the off season.

    Every Russian, having arrived in the USA and found himself in Brighton Beach, dreams of opening his own restaurant. In America, it is not as easy to do this as in Russia. Firstly, there are practically no free premises in crowded and popular places. Secondly, you will have to work hard, because everything matters for the local population: the taste of dishes, the interior, the service, and even the identity of the owner of the establishment and the chef.

    The restaurant business involves a solid investment. Only the development of design, interior furnishings and other little things will take 300-400 thousand dollars. In America, it is not customary to rent commercial premises for a short period of time. Usually here they initially ask to conclude a contract for 10 years or more.

    It is necessary to take into account the speed of work of state institutions. It is impossible to open a restaurant without inspections by the fire service, sanitary control and a dozen other authorities.

    New businesses in America

    The difference between business in the USA is that it never stands still and is constantly evolving. The innovativeness of the idea guarantees its success and the possibility of making big profits. Without understanding the trends in business and the interests of a modern person, it is impossible to build a successful business in America. There is great potential for:

    • Venture business in the USA;
    • Delivery of products and customer service using robotics;
    • Production of smart technologies that make life easier;
    • Business at American discounters.

    Business innovation in the United States is built around the service and entertainment industries that are delivered through virtual reality technology. Delivery of products and parcels using robots is a new direction that is on its way to becoming.

    Already many large online stores, including Amazon, are testing delivery of purchases using quadcopters. In the future, this will help reduce costs and speed up delivery.

    What business is popular in America

    For those with no interest in engineering and nanotechnology, there are well-established and popular US businesses that have managed to captivate the American consumer.

    Ordering food through the app

    A new type of business, for the organization of which it is enough to hire an experienced developer and establish partnerships with various institutions Catering. In America, such services are popular in metropolitan areas.

    The application allows the client to get information about the institution itself, the menu, the cost of dishes and the features of the proposed cuisine. It is enough to select the positions, after which the order will be formed and sent to the institution. The consumer remains to pick it up personally or use delivery.

    Charging adapters outdoors

    Many are faced with the problem when they urgently need to use a smartphone, and the battery is dead. To get out of such situations, street stands for recharging phones are located on the streets of the United States. The service is popular with both locals and tourists.

    Selling snacks to people in traffic

    This idea will not be in demand in small towns where traffic jams are rare. But residents of megacities are well aware of how difficult it is to stand in traffic jams, especially on an empty stomach.

    In such a situation, a seller of snacks or water will come in handy. Profit is generated by a markup: products offered on the road are 10-15% more expensive than in supermarkets.

    Cases with a compartment for bank cards

    Selling card cases is a common business in the US. This is a convenient solution for people who do not want to take anything but a mobile phone for a walk or work.

    There is nothing complicated in organizing such an enterprise, because you can order wholesale lots in the US or China, and sell them online or at small points near the subway.

    Pizza to order

    The whole world knows about the love of Americans for pizza: they eat it both for dinner and for breakfast or lunch. Therefore, businessmen decided to offer the creation of pizza according to the sketches of the client. The novelty of the idea is to prepare a pizza according to the customer's drawing, using the ingredients suggested by him.

    The client gets a sense of personal involvement in the preparation, and can also surprise guests. Due to this, the demand for such a service is high.

    What business is thriving in America

    American ideas for business are aimed at making life easier for customers. That is why there are many startups in the country that receive the approval of the population and thrive.

    Mobile beauty salon

    Every lady wants to look attractive and young, so the service sector aimed at this will always be in demand. Business ideas about providing salon services in special vans have appeared relatively recently, but have won the trust of women.

    At first glance, the vehicle is no different, but here you can find everything you need to provide quality hairdressing services. Masters go to a pre-designated place and serve the client. The main advantage of such a business is that there is no need to rent a room.

    Coffee subscription

    Coffee is a popular drink with millions of fans in the US. However, not everyone can get certain varieties and try something interesting. This is where a startup built on delivering rare coffees to customers comes to the rescue.

    To organize such a business, you will need to acquire partners-coffee producers, order a tasting set and sign a cooperation agreement. There will be no problems with customers in the USA. If you organize the menu correctly, then there will be a lot of people who want to receive interesting sets every month.

    Men's beard cosmetics

    One of the trends today are men with a beard, which is designed to emphasize their masculinity and individuality. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is a demand for specialized cosmetics for beard care.

    Men prefer to buy complex cosmetics, which include waxes, liquid oils and shaving creams. Products are sold via the Internet or in special boutiques. The most important thing is to find manufacturers, evaluate products and enter into partnership agreements with barbershops.

    It should be understood that the success of a business in the United States depends not only on the chosen niche. Americans are very demanding and need constant attention from the service provider. If the business owner himself is not involved in the process, does not try to interest customers and show their importance, then there is practically no chance of success. In the local market, it is not the quality of the product and its uniqueness that matters, but the presentation, well-organized marketing and high level service.

    Successful businesses in the US attract millions of dollars of investment each year. The main requirement for such a project is its uniqueness and ability to meet the needs of customers.

    Interior design platform

    Online interior design platform Laurel & Wolf was established in 2014. In a couple of years, the company managed to attract investments worth $25 million. The platform is designed to bring designers and customers together.

    The essence of the project is to simplify the process, making it more accessible and enjoyable. The main emphasis is on accessibility, because the services of designers in the United States cost from 6 thousand dollars. The work of a designer through the platform costs no more than $350.

    Sale of concert tickets

    Another interesting startup is Gametime, which has released an application for booking tickets from a smartphone. main feature is that through the program you can purchase last-minute tickets the day before the start of the concert.

    The developers have focused on ease of use. Buying a ticket takes no more than 9 seconds. Customers can send purchased tickets to friends via SMS.

    Sale of luxury goods

    Americans like to buy branded items that are limited edition or have historical value. However, the problem is that most sites offer fakes, and buyers find out about it too late.

    Therefore, today startups are popular, which, before sending the product to the client, check it for authenticity.

    American types of business

    Entrepreneurship in the US is different from Russian or European. In the American market, you can see the original and interesting views businesses that generate significant profits.

    rental business

    The rental business in America thrives due to the fact that every year about 1 million immigrants come to the country. They settle in major cities and rent housing. In addition, nearly 35% of Americans prefer rented housing to their own. This creates great prospects and the possibility of making a profit from renting real estate for temporary use.

    Best to buy residential buildings and apartments in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston and Philadelphia. The price of real estate in these areas is constantly rising, which will be an additional return on investment.

    Business on services and goods for children

    Social business is extremely popular in the US, especially when it comes to children. Education foreign languages, dancing, the release of educational toys or clothing items from environmentally friendly clean materials- all these types of business on children in the United States are very popular.

    You can also open the home Kindergarten. In America, parents prefer to send their children to private preschool institutions where each child is closely monitored and paid attention to his learning.

    Online business in the USA

    Electronic business started from America. The country is the abode of freelancers, remote workers and home businessmen. Startups are launched every day, and most stores have long ceased to exist in their usual format and switched to the Internet.

    It will be difficult for an immigrant to conduct an online business, since it is almost impossible to obtain a visa for this type of activity. Therefore, many simply combine their own business and official work. Business on the Internet can become a good source of additional income, and if successful, the main type of income.