Hide in the closet! Seven ideas on how to make the apartment more spacious. Foxtrot refrigerators (55 photos): design in the interior of the kitchen or where to put it in the corridor Ways to place the refrigerator

In order to decorate the interior of the kitchen beautifully, sometimes you have to sacrifice amenities. For example, the refrigerator is transferred to the hallway. This is quite acceptable, given that in a small kitchen it will only create problems. It's not that hard to walk a couple of steps to bring groceries. However, designers offer several solutions at once where you can install a refrigerator in a small kitchen.

Placement of a refrigerator in a small kitchen

Where can you put in the apartment:

  • in the corner opposite from the battery;
  • the refrigerator can be built into the corner set, in the center. Here you will have to create a false wall, otherwise the garbage behind the refrigerator is inevitable over time;
  • some remove the wall between the kitchen and the room, making a niche, in which case the corridor can be blocked, and a refrigerator can easily enter this niche;
  • most interesting and profitable option buy a mini fridge and freezer and install instead of desktops. If desired, they can be disguised as a headset;
  • some manage to place a mini refrigerator under the windowsill, which is very large in Khrushchev;
  • in three-room Khrushchev there is a pantry next to the kitchen, many people use it as a place for a refrigerator.

In any case, even in the hallway, this item does not interfere at all if you arrange it in style. The refrigerator is quite a universal thing, and looks normal. If you choose stylish self-adhesive film stickers on it, you can even change the design of the hallway.

Why the refrigerator is not always convenient in a small kitchen

Takes a lot usable area, which can be given under the dining table or bar counter. can be heated from the sun near the window or from the battery, if placed nearby. often requires the transfer of plumbing, gas column, stove, if any, or the installation of false walls. There is simply not enough food in a large refrigerator to take up a lot of space. Therefore, either we buy a small and separate freezer, which will be flush with the desktop, or without a twinge of conscience we put it in the corridor.

Why is it better in the hallway

How less furniture in the kitchen, the easier cleaning. If you squeeze the refrigerator in there, then it will be difficult to move it away if something falls. In addition, a lot depends on the doors, they can greatly interfere when opening. You can’t put a refrigerator next to heating devices: a stove, a radiator, and in the sun, there are not many places left to squeeze it in. Do you need a large refrigerator in the kitchen, that is the question, and is it not easier to put it where it brings the least problems.

The layout of the kitchen revolves around the refrigerator - no way without it. What if the look doesn't suit you? What if there is no place for it? Is it possible to hide the largest item in the kitchen? Of course, there are at least 7 options that we will talk about.

Let's say you are thinking of making a kitchen in the style of a medieval castle, even cooking food in a fireplace - how does a glossy giant refrigerator fit into the idea? Or the whole kitchen - from the strength of 5 square meters, and you definitely need a place for a dishwasher, hood, table, stove and other things. And sometimes you want to hide the refrigerator so as not to look into it once again.


Take the "culprit" of thoughts to another room. Just think carefully - who will he interfere with noise there, and who will get round-the-clock access to food, will that suit you? A worthy option is a loggia, if all are met specifications. Namely: the room is ventilated, it is warm in winter, moderately humid. Otherwise, the refrigerator will simply stop working. You can try to combine the loggia with the kitchen, if you are not afraid of technical and legal difficulties, or at least make a service window to transfer food directly to the kitchen.

Our opinion:

The redevelopment connecting the kitchen with the loggia will add space and light. But remember that you will have to get consent from all family members and neighbors. If the repair will affect appearance buildings or you need to transfer communications - the task becomes more complicated. Think about whether the game is worth the candle, perhaps just a warmed loggia will suit you as an extra room.

The size

Maybe a mini-fridge will suffice for you? Perhaps you are ready to ditch the freezer or install it separately. This will save space and make it easier to hide the "components". A small refrigerator is quite enough for one not very hungry person, and there is even a place for such a unit even in the bedroom. In any case, before choosing household appliances, you should ask yourself a few important questions.

under the stairs

Hide the refrigerator under the stairs. There is enough space for a niche or a whole pantry. But remember that you need a heat sink. In a deaf niche, the refrigerator overheats easily. Even without additional walls the refrigerator under the stairs is visually lost - the main thing is to remember where it is when you need food.


If you hide the refrigerator in a closet, then where to hide the closet? Nowhere, if its appearance suits you and fits better into the interior and style of the kitchen than a metal giant. Ready kit kitchen furniture may already include a built-in refrigerator in a cabinet that perfectly matches the color of the entire kitchen. Or you can build a locker to your liking. Please note - the back wall must be with a grate for ventilation.


Hide the refrigerator in the most visible place - here unexpected decision. Just disguise it as something else - slate board for example. Imagine how convenient it will be to leave notes and recipes, shopping lists for loved ones, finally solve examples! Now there are paints that create a similar effect on any surface. In addition, you can change its appearance every day if you put colored crayons next to it.


It's more than just a disguise: the fridge transforms... into the Tardis, the vehicle through the universe of the legendary Doctor Who from the British television series, with the help of an adhesive vinyl film. Or your art gallery the best photos. Tastefully selected travel magnets will also turn a boring device into a small museum. Now his appearance causes only joy, and nothing needs to be hidden.


Decorate your refrigerator so that it looks like a work of art itself. You can do it yourself, or you can use full-sized magnetic panels with amazing effects. So the refrigerator will fit both in the kitchen in the style of pop art, and in the imitation of an old coffee house in Provence. Some models of refrigerators are already sold with designer drawings on them.

The refrigerator is an integral part of the kitchen space, like a sink or stove. If the kitchen is too small, then the owners face the important question of how to properly place the refrigerator in such a room so that it does not create inconvenience.

The main problem is that a refrigerator, even of a modest size, takes up a large part of the area in the kitchen. In addition, this very dimensional piece of furniture visually reduces the already cramped space of the kitchen.

However, you should not fall into despair. There are several ways to correctly place the refrigerator on small kitchen so that the room remains comfortable and convenient.

Where can I install a refrigerator in a small kitchen - the best options

In one corner of the kitchen- so that the refrigerator does not visually clutter up the room and does not interfere with the household, designers advise installing it in the farthest free corner. This technique will make the refrigerator less noticeable, in addition, it will visually raise the low ceiling.

All large items are best placed against the wall - this also applies to the refrigerator. As a rule, on each, even the most, there is a corner, one of the walls of which goes into working area, and the second is adjacent to the window.

The distance from the window to the walls can be very different, but this place will be the most convenient for placing the refrigerator.

The main thing is that households do not have to constantly stumble over the refrigerator. If you also choose the right dimensions for the size of the room, it will take up quite a bit of space.

If the decision is made to place the refrigerator in the corner, it is recommended to buy its highest and narrowest model.

It is desirable that it be light - white or metallic, then the room will not seem cramped. To save even more space, a microwave oven can be placed directly above the refrigerator in the corner.

Refrigerator installed near the kitchen window- this method of placement is most often chosen when the kitchen has. A separate refrigerator by the window is located near working surface, so it is quite convenient to use it in the process of cooking.

At the same time, it does not clutter up the kitchen and leaves quite a lot on it. free space. It is important to choose high and narrow model, which will need to be pushed as tightly as possible to the wall.

Another option is a small refrigerator by the window, above which is located wall cabinet for storage of dishes or other utensils.

Refrigerator installed near the sink- often there is a rather spacious "dead" zone near the sink, in which nothing stands. It also happens there free corner or niche. You should take a closer look at this place, because the refrigerator installed there can completely transform a small room.

With this layout option, the rest of the space will look lighter and more spacious. To enhance the effect, you can use light furniture and the same finishing materials.

To make it easier to find a place for a refrigerator in a small kitchen area, designers advise getting rid of some bulky and rarely used kitchen appliances- it can be replaced with a more compact one.

For example, you should choose an oven with a steamer function and microwave oven. Massive food processor Easily replaceable with a regular immersion blender. Full dining area you can easily equip it in the living room, and install a light and compact replacement in the kitchen itself.

Refrigerator near front door - This is another fairly popular place to locate the refrigerator. Depending on which one was chosen, either a roomy corner or a flat wall can form there.

Both options are great for installing a refrigerator. The main thing is to correctly combine it with the rest of the furniture, in particular, with a set. In general, designers advise making custom-made furniture for small kitchens.

This approach makes it possible to use each square meter leaving no gap between household appliances and cabinets.

The location of the refrigerator in a niche- this option is one of the most practical and convenient. In the niche, the refrigerator is partially protected from sun rays, household pollution and mechanical influences. It is only necessary to strictly observe the rules for connecting a household appliance, and make sure that nothing prevents the free opening of the doors.

When installing a small refrigerator, you can take up free space above the shelves or cabinets for storing dishes, seasonings, kitchen utensils.

If the niche provided technical documents, is missing, then it is quite possible to equip it yourself, after consulting with the architect. Perhaps such a redevelopment will require coordination with government agencies.

Advice! If there is no air circulation in the niche, the refrigerator may overheat, and this will disrupt it. normal work. As a rule, manufacturers indicate in the instructions minimum dimensions niche required for embedding.

Installation of a refrigerator under the windowsill- this option should be chosen if the kitchen is really very small, and if no more than two people live in the apartment, for whom there is no need to store large stocks of food.

A compact refrigerator can be placed directly under the windowsill, which acts as a dining or desktop.

Installing an under counter refrigerator- if a small family lives in the apartment, you can safely buy small refrigerator. It can be perfectly positioned directly under the countertop of the work surface, under dining table, under the bar or in another similar place in the kitchen.

As a rule, the height of such a refrigerator does not exceed 50 cm. This model is devoid of a freezer, so it takes up very little space. To store frozen fruits and vegetables, you can purchase a separate freezer and install it outside the kitchen - for example, in the pantry.

Installing a refrigerator in a cabinet- to implement such an idea, it is worth ordering kitchen set, made according to individual measurements, with the possibility of embedding a refrigerator in it. The household appliance itself should be small or medium in size, then it will fit perfectly into the interior.

This is a great way to save kitchen space as much as possible, make it more ergonomic and functional. The refrigerator can be located in the upper compartment of the cabinet, then you will not need to bend down to it to get certain products.

Refrigerator located on the balcony- this option can become ideal under certain conditions:

  • The kitchen room should be as insulated as possible, otherwise it is forbidden to place a refrigerator in it.
  • Required good ventilation balcony.
  • The loggia itself must be reinforced, and easily withstand the considerable weight of a large refrigerator.
  • The refrigerator should not be constantly exposed to direct sunlight.
  • It should be remembered that it is forbidden to place sockets on the balcony, so when connecting the refrigerator, you will have to use an extension cord.

Installing a refrigerator in the hallway- this option can be used if it was not possible to find a place in the kitchen, and the existing corridor adjacent to the kitchen is quite spacious for this. It is important to place the refrigerator in such a way that it does not interfere with the movement of family members around the home.

Its door should open freely without bumping into foreign objects. Another appropriate place to install a refrigerator - a small closet or pantry.

How to design a small kitchen with a refrigerator

Equipping a small kitchen, you must be guided, first of all, by the issue of convenience. You can not buy bulky furniture that will clutter up an already cramped room.

In this case, only or the type of layout is ideal. To slightly expand the space, you can combine the kitchen with a balcony.

Furniture for a small kitchen should be chosen depending on the style of the interior. For rooms, the interior of which is made in traditional styles, headsets made of natural wood or chipboard.

The color of such furniture can be white, beige, made in any pastel shades. Setting up a small kitchen modern styles, you should pay attention to furniture made from lightweight synthetic materials.

An abundance of metal, glossy surfaces and glass is welcome - they help to visually enlarge the space.

As for household appliances, its choice depends only on the taste preferences of the owner of the kitchen. In any case, it is better to choose comfortable and practical models that fit perfectly into any style - this also applies to the refrigerator.

For modern interiors and suitable Appliances in retro style, for other interiors you can choose modern options refrigerator in white, light gray or metallic.

In the refrigerator, you can simply hide behind the facade of furniture. The ideal solution for a small kitchen there will be a built-in refrigerator of a small size.

Advice! The main rule that should be followed in the process of planning a small kitchen is to give up furniture that you can do without. There is no place for sideboards, chests of drawers, decorative bedside tables and numerous shelves - let it be better to take their place necessary thing like a fridge..

Small kitchen with refrigerator (real photos)

AT modern houses somehow there is too much technology: TVs, and routers, and air conditioners ... Everything needs electricity, which means: sockets, wires and extension cords. If you live in a hi-tech or minimalist apartment, electrical appliances can still somehow fit into the interior. But most other styles of technique spoil. Then she wants to be removed from sight, hidden or disguised.

Hiding appliances in the kitchen

Most of the appliances are usually in the kitchen. However, this problem is now solved in the easiest way: embed everything that is possible in the kitchen, close it with the same doors as cabinets. Sold special built-in cookers and dishwashers. Even the refrigerator can be hidden in this way.

However, what if you are not going to change the kitchen, and it is not organized in a special way? Microwaves, toasters, and other small appliances can still be tucked into wall cabinets if they are the right size.

The refrigerator cannot be removed, but it can be disguised by painting it, for example, with slate paint or pasting it with self-adhesive paper. Such disguise can be subjected to various Appliances, we have written a lot about it in the article.

If your kitchen is in country style, you can hide some of the appliances behind the curtains.

We hide equipment in the rooms

TV is the biggest lover of drawing attention to itself in the living room or bedroom. It can also be "embedded", that is, hidden behind the cabinet doors and opened only for viewing.

You can also hide the TV behind a curtain or by hanging a beautiful poster of a suitable format over the screen.

The remaining options relate to masking: to create such an environment for the TV so that it does not stand out. For example, surround it with photos within the same color as its border.

Another annoying device is an Internet router. Among other things, he tends to blink, thereby drawing attention to himself even on the closet. The router can be placed in nice box, leaving holes for cooling, or cover with a book cover.

To avoid the mess created by phones, tablets and players charging at the nearest outlet, you can make a charging station. For her, both a drawer of a cabinet or a chest of drawers, and an ordinary shoe box are suitable.

The air conditioner is quite difficult to disguise, although I really want to. In order for it to work without interference, it cannot be fenced with anything. The maximum that can be done: a locker in the form of doors (with slots), but without the bottom. Then almost nothing will interfere with the air. But if such a disguise will stand out unnecessarily, it is better to abandon it altogether. Therefore, when choosing an air conditioner, look for a prettier model and the color that is in harmony with the interior. In extreme cases, the air conditioner can be painted, giving it the same color as the surrounding space.

We hide equipment in the office

You have a separate office, or just a desktop in the room, the same thing will always happen: a tangle of wires, extension cords, a printer or other office equipment.

The printer can be hidden in drawer chest of drawers, after removing the side or front wall of the drawer.