Dream interpretation of human bones. Why do Bones dream? If you dreamed that they buried a bone

I am a junior researcher at some research institute. There are people in white coats walking around. The watchwoman (female cop) sits in a glass booth and chews a bun. A man in a white coat walks along the corridor of the research institute building: Interior of an apartment: soft chairs, telly, wood cladding walls: a girl in a red dress is trailing behind the man a few steps away and fiddling with something in her hands. The phone is ringing. A man approaches the wall (the phone looks like a street pay phone under a visor), picks up the receiver, says something, and then the wall pulls him in (without unnecessary sounds like slurping). For a moment, the professor's muffled scream is heard. In the same corridor the same phone rings. A man in a dressing gown approaches him (with his back to me), picks up the phone and disappears into the wall as quickly as the professor. Employees of some security service arrive, but definitely not cops. They walk everywhere, everyone asks: The phone is ringing. A researcher is walking down the corridor (and I know who he is in real life- some actor, but I don’t remember who), picks up the phone: His face contorts in horror. Disappears. I run around with the security guards for a while. The security girl and her partner climb into the attic. She opens some window (or hatch) and looks in. She whistles and calls her partner. He comes up. . Mountains of (human) bones, and one: one thing that still looks like a person, only without skin. He moves and moans. A commotion breaks out and the girl calls an ambulance. (Everyone is running and fussing). I'm sitting in passenger car sporty looking (at least from the inside) in the aisle between the seats (backward facing). On back seat That girl in red is sitting right in front of me. The window is curtained by something lilac (probably my jacket). We are passing through some kind of cordon. I'm hiding. . We are driving along the road in this car. I ask the driver (he looks like the operator from Matrix) to let me drive the car. He agrees. I get behind the wheel. But the car somehow doesn’t listen to me well, so the driver holds the steering wheel for some time, and someone from behind advises me to arm it. The road is kind of strange: there is snow all around and the sun is blinding: We drove up a mountain, and I stopped the car. Someone behind me praised me, but said that it would be better if I parked the car not here, but in another place. I nod, a team of six people poured out of the car, shouting the sea. There is bustle on the snowy slope. Some guy (for whom we followed all this distance) is tied up and put on a chair, someone interrogates him. That “actor” drags the explosives to the place where the tied up man is sitting, and swears terribly (!?!) He stumbles, falls, breaks a bottle with an explosive mixture and flies up into the air along with the man and the chair. Moreover, this happens like in a Disney cartoon. p.s. Nah: The beginning looks like a script new series x-philes: Further, however, the dregs and show off of my sick imagination. And it all ends, strangely and unexpectedly: Why would it be: Saturday, August 21, 1999.

Alexander Reply


I dream that I am in an apartment and I understand that this is my apartment, but not the one I live in now, but another. I am sitting on the carpet and going through something, then my friend comes into my room and we start something discuss, he takes out a bow and shoots at me, but misses (it’s clear from the plot, there was something like a dispute, if he doesn’t kill me, he’ll kill himself), and so it happened - he kills himself, I don’t remember how, then I see that there are a lot of bones under the carpet, that’s how I understand it. I go to my parents in another room, I say that everything will not be the same as before and I say that a man killed himself in that room, they come into the room and the dream ends

ABC of dream interpretation

The appearance of bones means that it is necessary to get to the core of the problem and understand it.

Seeing ivory is a symbol of lasting success.

Gnawing bones means poverty.

A pile of bones is a misfortune, a disaster.

Playing or throwing dice is cheating.

English dream book

Bones in a dream mean poverty and need.

If they are partially covered with meat, it means that you will gradually begin to get rich and, in the end, perhaps succeed.

If you dream human bones- this means you will soon become rich by receiving an inheritance.

Idiomatic dream book

“To wash the bones” - to slander someone, to gossip; “throw a bone” - to force silence with a small tip; “lie down with bones” - use all conceivable possibilities to achieve the goal; “white bone” - nobility; “skin and bones” (thinness, poverty), “standing like a bone across the throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle; “you will rattle your bones” - you will suffer inevitable defeat; “backbone” - the basis; “gnaw a bone” - solve a difficult problem, insatiability.

Maly Velesov dream book

Bones of the dead - labor, danger; collect - prosperity / ruin; theirs - illness; broken bone - losing a friend; human remains - unpleasant work, conspiracy.

Newest dream book

What does Bone mean in a dream?

Bones - exacerbation of the disease if you are sick; in other cases, you should prepare for future troubles.

There is only one bone - you have a negative program, you should get rid of it!

New dream book 1918

Bones lie on the ground (skeleton) - marriage with a doctor (for a woman), the danger of intrigue, conversation, an unpleasant adventure (for men).

Russian folk dream book

Bone - difficulties, losses, old age.

Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone - struggling with a difficult problem; giving a bone to a dog means enlisting the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumph over them; playing dice is an unjustified risk.

Dream Interpreter

Bones of the dead - signify great labor and mortal danger; collecting them means inevitable ruin.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Bone?

Bones is a difficult and long journey.

If you dream that bones are protruding from your body, traitors will try to lure you into a trap.

Seeing a pile of bones in a dream predicts hunger and devastation.

Dream Interpretation 2012

A bone is a reflection of uncertainty in the basis, basis, justification of something.

Dream book of the 21st century

What did Kost dream about in a dream?

Seeing the bones of the dead in a dream means that you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with them means having fun; throwing them around means leading a cheerful life.

Gnawing bones - to care, need.

Dream book for lovers

If you dream that your bones are protruding from your body, this promises betrayal on the part of a loved one, which will amaze and stun you.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream book for a bitch

Bones - those close to you, whom you are used to always trusting, will let you down.

A pile of bones - you will feel the bad influence of dubious friends.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream is a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing exposed bones in a living person is a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle, or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones, the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful - this can lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing bones means problems with the skeletal system; gnawing - to a lack of food minerals- micro and macroelements.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

To see a dog gnawing a bone in a dream means visiting a friend.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Gnawing a bone in a dream means poverty.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing a bare bone means death.

Dream book of the medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Bone in a dream?

Seeing bones means a lot of work awaits you; gnawing bones - lack of food; collect bones - through frugality you will achieve prosperity; break - you will lose a friend; burn - sadness awaits you; fish - an unfortunate incident; bones of the dead - envy, disputes.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing your bones protruding from your body means that the betrayal of imaginary friends is ready to strike your spirit.

Seeing a pile of bones means hunger and harmful influences.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Bone in a dream?

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to your deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing the bones of the skeleton means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones - portend injury as a result of an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and favorable offers await you.

Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Broken bone - prosperity and benefit.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing your bones protruding from your body is a sign of betrayal of imaginary friends.

Piles of bones - dream of hunger and harmful influences.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Bone according to the dream book?

Bones are a symbol of poverty, discord, lack, hunger; death; gnawing - useless knowledge, need, poverty; a pile of bones - mass disasters, epidemics, accidents, famine; dead man's bones - large, hard work, danger; skeleton - vain, false fears; skull - original, creative idea, someone’s historical authority, inheritance, symbol of demonic spiritual power.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you swallowed a bone and did not choke, a quick wedding awaits you, and you are already familiar with your future husband (wife), although you do not suspect it.

In a dream, you choked on a bone - very pleasant events lie ahead.

A dream in which someone choked on a bone in front of you - someone from your loved ones will unexpectedly please you.

Gnawing a bone means big profits.

You dreamed that you threw away a bone - a loss awaits you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The bones lie on the ground, the skeleton means marriage to a doctor (for a woman); danger of intrigue, conspiracy, unpleasant adventure (for a man).

Aesop's Dream Book

The appearance of a bone in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously.

Bone - can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain. In the old days they said: “God grant that in youth one gnaws on bones, and in old age on something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If you chew a bone in a dream, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means death loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you can enlist the support of a friend who difficult moment will definitely support you.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you with my own hands dash your hopes.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Medieval dream book

Seeing the bones of the dead means labor, ill will or enmity.

Ukrainian dream book

If you dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster.

There is a skeleton on the ground: for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Gypsy dream book

Bone - you will engage in unusual activities.

Esoteric dream book

Animal bones - for the harvest of apples and pears; person - to finds (money, jewelry, things).

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Bone according to the dream book?

You see the bones - in order to find a solution to a problem, you should understand it thoroughly, and only then will you be able to completely resolve it.

If you dreamed of a pile of bones, expect grief and misfortune.

If they are from a person, some untold wealth awaits you, which you will unexpectedly inherit.

Choking on it means soon making some irreparable mistake.

Gnawing a bone in a dream means you will be solving some serious problem for a long time. If a dog gnaws at it, the dream book warns you that soon some events may serve as the beginning of a big scandal.

If it is ivory, your whole life will soon change dramatically.

If you dream about making bone broth - in reality, all your experiences will not bring you anything good except mental trauma and great disappointment in life.

Human bones - discover valuable items that have either been stolen by someone or lost.

A dream in which you come across fish bones means that some events are in store that will not let you sleep peacefully.


Bones in a dream reflect active work thinking. Those questions that you have been thinking about throughout the day find their expression in this way. Additional signs seen in the dream will help you find solutions to troubling problems. Depending on the form in which they appeared to you, you can make certain predictions about further development events.

Whose bones did you dream about? What bones did you dream about? What did you do with the bones in your dream? How many bones did you dream about?

Whose bones did you dream about?

Fish bones

What does a human bone seen mean according to the dream book?

A human bone dreams of an unexpected increase in income. In an instant you will receive a fortune and for this you will not need any action. Feelings from the upcoming event will be twofold. You will experience both joy and sadness at the same time. This may be due to the fact that the happiness of receiving a large inheritance will be overshadowed by the death of a distant relative.

If you saw animal bones in a dream

If you saw animal bones in a dream, this symbolizes that you are worried about some unpleasant events that happened quite a long time ago. No matter how hard you try to erase these sad memories from your memory, they periodically emerge in the subconscious and take you back to the past.

An animal skeleton seen in a dream means that you have a secret that you hide from everyone, even from your closest people, and you are constantly worried that the truth will not be revealed.

Why do you dream about chicken bones?

According to the dream book, seeing chicken bones means taking part in a risky event. The chances of a successful outcome of events are very low. If possible, it is better to refuse this participation. If you dare to do this, be prepared to lose a significant part of your capital.

The meaning of a dream in which there were pig bones

If you dreamed of pork bones, you will suffer from remorse. Now you are considering the need to commit a number of actions that will bring you great profit, but will ruin your relationships with colleagues or business partners. If you chase material gain, you will repent for a long time and money obtained dishonestly will not bring you happiness.

How the dream book interprets your dreamed bones

Seeing your bones in a dream means you will become a victim of deception and betrayal. The person you trusted most was plotting something mean to you behind your back. Be careful when signing important documents or entering into transactions. Perhaps there is still a chance not to fall into the trap of the deceiver and reveal the scheme of his insidious plan.

What bones did you dream about?

If in a dream there were bones with meat

Bones covered with meat dream of an improvement in your financial situation. You will receive a lucrative offer to work or participate in a joint project, and if you accept it, you will have the opportunity to quickly advance to success. This may require sacrificing your usual lifestyle. If you really want to change your life better side, this will not be a problem.

Why dream about a broken bone?

In Felomena's dream book, a vision in which you had a broken bone is explained as a sign of loss. It may be associated with a valuable item, a place of work, or a loved one.

So, if a rib was broken, you will have to part with your loved one. It will be very difficult and painful for you, but nothing can be fixed.

A broken leg portends a loss of source of income: dismissal from permanent place work, termination entrepreneurial activity or breaking a lucrative contract.

A broken arm warns of the possibility of losing a valuable item as a result of the criminal actions of intruders. A broken finger or toe symbolizes a break in friendships, a quarrel with best friends.

Interpretations of a dream in which you saw dice

If you saw dice in a dream, you will be faced with a difficult choice. You have to make a decision on which your fate will depend. You are in doubt because you don’t see a suitable one from the proposed options. The interpreter suggests that there is no need to rush; when you find something that is truly connected with providence, you will not have to choose - you will understand without any prompting that it is yours.

Why do you dream about raw bones?

A dream in which you saw raw bones shows spiritual emptiness. Even though you are constantly surrounded a large number comrades and friends, you are in the center of attention and live an eventful life, deep down you feel complete loneliness.

Most of those who today call themselves your friends have selfish motives, and at the first troubles they will refuse to deal with you. Do not rush to surround yourself with strangers, try to choose companions in spirit.

What does a big bone symbolize in a dream?

A large bone in a dream serves as a warning of impending disaster. You will not be able to cope with it alone. Make sure that in difficult times there are reliable and trusted people nearby who will not leave you and will fight to the end for your well-being.

What did you do with the bones in your dream?

If you had to gnaw a bone in a dream

According to the dream book, gnawing on a bone means that you have to confront troubles that suddenly appear on the way to achieving your goal. This confrontation will be long and will take a lot of time and effort. But in the end, you will be able to successfully overcome it, after which you will need a little more time to rest and collect your thoughts.

If you saw a dog gnawing on the remains, you risk ending up in the center conflict situation. The reason for this will be words spoken by chance, but leading to a long showdown.

Interpretation of a dream in which bones were gnawed

If you gnawed a bone in a dream, this indicates your isolation and lack of confidence in your abilities. You are quite happy with a subordinate position. Maybe there is a desire to achieve some success, to realize dreams, but there is no determination to do anything for this and leave your home.

If you dreamed that they buried a bone

A dream in which you bury a bone reflects the dreamer's desire to forget some events from the past and never think about them again. You carefully guard some secret and do not allow anyone to get close to it. Worries about ensuring that no one finds out your secret appear in dreams in the form of similar images.

Why do you dream that you found a bone?

If you dreamed that you found a bone - some kind new idea occupies all your thoughts. You're calculating possible options its implementation, but you can’t find a suitable one yet. The vision is reassuring that soon a completely unexpected thought will come to mind that will help realize your plan.

How many bones did you dream about?

The meaning of a dream in which there were many bones

Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means going through a lot of troubles. Try to avoid long trips in the near future, do not get involved in disputes with dubious characters and avoid places with large crowds of people. Do not take any drastic steps in business sphere and abandon your planned activities for the coming week. Perhaps you are not in danger, and the vision is simply a reflection of the story you saw on television, but precautions are never superfluous.


Animal bones

Dream Interpretation Animal Bones dreamed of why you dream about Animal Bones? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Animal Bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Dream Interpretation - Bone

"white bone" (nobility).

"backbone" basis.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Gnawing bones means poverty.


Chicken bones

Dream Interpretation Chicken Bones dreamed of why you dream about Chicken Bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Chicken Bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chicken

A dream about a chicken foretells guests from among the friends of your home. An alarmed chicken running around the yard means confusion and mental decline, boredom and despair. A loudly clucking chicken is a sign of the upcoming road, which you will have to go on against your will.

Chicken, egg laying, portends rich winnings and happiness in love. Seeing a hen being trampled by a rooster means that you will enter into a secret love affair. A hen with a brood of chicks means that you will regret the lost chance, and for unmarried people this dream foreshadows their own large family.

If in a dream you buy live chicken- this is fortunate, if you eat chicken legs, you will be left without money. Cooking chicken for soup is an unpleasant but necessary job.

Frying, stewing or baking chicken - you will be overwhelmed by household chores and troubles. Eating chicken meat in a dream foreshadows a visit to the doctor, perhaps a trip to a sanatorium.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God grant that in youth one gnaws on bones, and in old age on something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Chicken

I dreamed about income.

If the chicken has offspring, you have support from above.

The chicken clucks - they will always help you in difficult times.

You feed the chicken - expect trouble.

Chicken - profit, significant income.

Chicken with chickens means that you will receive the protection you were looking for.

A chicken laying eggs is good luck.

If you hear a chicken clucking, this means consolation from some kind of grievance.

If you feed chickens, it means minor troubles await you.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and great deals await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream portends dangerous disease, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Chicken, rooster

The chicken is a restless bird, famous for its long clucking sound after laying an egg. The Rooster is the embodiment of courage and fighting nature, although in most cases these qualities turn into cockiness and pugnacity. These symbols seen in a dream are related to household and the character of the people with whom the dreamer communicates.

To see a dream in which chickens are looking for food, rummaging through money scattered in a thick layer around the yard is a harbinger of sad news or an event that may happen due to your negligence, try to focus on the main thing, and everything will be fine.

Seeing a fairy-tale hut on chicken legs in a dream means you will be surprised.

If you meet a person whose speech you cannot understand because it strongly resembles cackling, do not believe the rumors; Evil tongues will deceive you; Don't make hasty decisions under pressure.

Seeing a chicken that sits unnaturally in one place for a long time means that they may soon turn to you for help, citing illness or disability, but you should not take everything for granted. Help so that you don’t regret participating in a person’s fate later.

You dream of a chicken with a cow's udder - be careful: they are trying to deceive you, it is possible that the business that is being offered to you is an empty scam; do not believe those who promise big money and mountains of gold.

To see a chicken that attacks a stranger who has entered an unfamiliar yard - the one who promises to provide support will not fulfill his promise; do not rely on the help of those who have not been personally verified by you.

To dream of a garden bed being eaten by chickens - beware of a trick on the part of careless family members, on the part of children, and those who still do not know much.

To dream of a pan of cabbage soup containing an unplucked rooster - you are warned of a surprise that will cause in you a storm of emotions of the opposite nature.

In a dream, saving a hen that rushes to recapture its chick from a hawk is a symbol of the fact that your protector himself needs help.

To dream that you have been pecked by a roast rooster - before making a final decision, weigh the pros and cons, because the dream foreshadows something unexpected for you.

If in a dream you want to slaughter a rooster, then such a dream indicates that in your environment there are evil, envious people who are doing a lot of harm to you, even though you don’t know anything about it right now.

Killing a rooster in a dream that prevents you from sleeping at night is a sign that you are too cunning and will suffer greatly because of this. Perhaps such a dream indicates that misfortune awaits you due to the cunning of a person close to you.

Catching a rooster in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that soon you will have a difficult task that you are unlikely to be able to complete.

Dream Interpretation - Chicken

Seeing a big and beautiful chicken means happiness in love or receiving a share from illegally acquired property.

Seeing several chickens means troubles or the arrival of friends, everyday worries.

A lot of chickens means hard work.

Feeding chickens means a gift, affectionate attitude, meeting kind person.

Eating chicken means gifts.

The chicken laid an egg - a joyful event awaits you.

Seeing a hen with chicks brings joy to the family.

A rooster chasing a hen means trouble in family life.

A severed chicken head - for news, a letter.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Chicken

To see a big and beautiful chicken is happiness.

Seeing chickens means minor everyday worries.

There are a lot of them - hard work.

Feeding chickens is a gift / you will be treated kindly / to find a kind person.

Slaughter, catch a chicken - achieve love.

There are chicken gifts.

A chicken lays an egg - a joyful event.

Seeing a hen with chicks is a joy in the family.

Seeing a severed chicken head means leading, a letter.

Seeing chickens is good luck.

To feed them is poverty

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumph over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.


Legs and bones

Dream Interpretation Legs and Bones dreamed of why you dream about Legs and bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Legs and bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God grant that in youth one gnaws on bones, and in old age on something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and great deals await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumph over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

“to wash the bones” to slander someone, to gossip.

"throw a bone" to force silence with a small tip. “Go to the bones” to use every conceivable opportunity to achieve the goal.

"white bone" (nobility).

“skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “Standing like a bone across your throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle.

“You will rattle your bones” and you will suffer inevitable defeat.

"backbone" basis.

“gnaw a bone” to solve a difficult problem, insatiability.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream: a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone: warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing bare bones in a living person: a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones: the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful: this could lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

The appearance of bones means that it is necessary to get to the root of the problem and understand it.

Seeing ivory is a symbol of lasting success.

Gnawing bones means poverty.

A pile of bones is a misfortune, a disaster.

Playing or throwing dice is cheating.


Buy bones

Dream Interpretation Buy bones dreamed of why you dream about buying bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Buying bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God grant that in youth one gnaws on bones, and in old age on something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and great deals await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumph over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

“to wash the bones” to slander someone, to gossip.

"throw a bone" to force silence with a small tip. “Go to the bones” to use every conceivable opportunity to achieve the goal.

"white bone" (nobility).

“skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “Standing like a bone across your throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle.

“You will rattle your bones” and you will suffer inevitable defeat.

"backbone" basis.

“gnaw a bone” to solve a difficult problem, insatiability.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream: a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone: warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing bare bones in a living person: a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones: the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful: this could lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

The appearance of bones means that it is necessary to get to the root of the problem and understand it.

Seeing ivory is a symbol of lasting success.

Gnawing bones means poverty.

A pile of bones is a misfortune, a disaster.

Playing or throwing dice is cheating.


bone grave

Dream Interpretation Grave of bones dreamed of why you dream about the Bone Grave in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Bone Grave in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God grant that in youth one gnaws on bones, and in old age on something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and great deals await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Grave

If you dream of a fresh grave, then someone's dishonest act will cause you terrible suffering, or this dream foreshadows danger threatening you.

A dream about a grave most often promises troubles and illness.

Walking among the graves in a dream means an unsuccessful marriage. Looking into an empty grave means the loss of loved ones.

Seeing a person half covered with earth in an unfilled grave foreshadows the danger that threatens him in reality. Seeing your grave is a harbinger of intrigues being prepared against you.

Digging a grave in a dream is a sign that your opponents are ready to crush you, but if you manage to finish your work in a dream, in reality you will defeat them. An unfavorable dream is in which you see that the corpse for which a grave was dug has disappeared - this dream promises bad news.

If you dream that night found you in a cemetery and you have to spend the night in an open grave, this means the loss of friends, the cooling of your lover.

Sometimes a grave in a dream foreshadows troubles at work.

An old, dilapidated grave means someone's dangerous illness and death.

If in a dream you read inscriptions on graves, it means that you will have unpleasant troubles.

Brain, brains Seeing your own brain in a dream means that some unfavorable circumstances will irritate you and associate you with an unpleasant companion, companion. Seeing the brains of animals portends mental suffering from everyday adversity.

If you eat brains, it means that you will unexpectedly acquire great knowledge and profit.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumph over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Grave

You are in danger. An open grave means the death of a close friend or relative. Walking among the graves means a slow recovery. Fresh grave - you will suffer due to the mistakes of others. Looking into an empty grave means severe disappointment and problems. See own grave- your enemies are developing an insidious plan against you. Lowering the coffin into the grave means loss of property. Digging a grave means problems created by your ill-wishers. Sleeping in a grave means trouble will come from where you least expect it. Old abandoned graves are a sign of deep sadness. You throw yourself into the grave - to trial. Falling into a grave by accident - a dream foreshadows a loss due to your fault. Being buried alive is a prison sentence. Tearing up a grave means a quick divorce. Reading the inscriptions on graves is bad news. Mass grave - you will become the epicenter of gossip. A row of graves - a chain of unfavorable events awaits you ahead. Grave Hill is a heavy charge.

Imagine that the grave is covered with earth, and in this place any tree you like is planted (see Tree).

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

“to wash the bones” to slander someone, to gossip.

"throw a bone" to force silence with a small tip. “Go to the bones” to use every conceivable opportunity to achieve the goal.

"white bone" (nobility).

“skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “Standing like a bone across your throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle.

“You will rattle your bones” and you will suffer inevitable defeat.

"backbone" basis.

“gnaw a bone” to solve a difficult problem, insatiability.



Protruding Bones

Dream Interpretation Protruding Bones dreamed of why you dream about protruding bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see protruding bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God grant that in youth one gnaws on bones, and in old age on something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and great deals await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumph over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

“to wash the bones” to slander someone, to gossip.

"throw a bone" to force silence with a small tip. “Go to the bones” to use every conceivable opportunity to achieve the goal.

"white bone" (nobility).

“skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “Standing like a bone across your throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle.

“You will rattle your bones” and you will suffer inevitable defeat.

"backbone" basis.

“gnaw a bone” to solve a difficult problem, insatiability.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream: a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone: warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing bare bones in a living person: a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones: the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful: this could lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

The appearance of bones means that it is necessary to get to the root of the problem and understand it.

Seeing ivory is a symbol of lasting success.

Gnawing bones means poverty.

A pile of bones is a misfortune, a disaster.

Playing or throwing dice is cheating.


Bones are cracking

Dream Interpretation Bones are cracking had a dream, why do you dream about Bones cracking? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Bones cracking in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God grant that in youth one gnaws on bones, and in old age on something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and great deals await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumph over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

“to wash the bones” to slander someone, to gossip.

"throw a bone" to force silence with a small tip. “Go to the bones” to use every conceivable opportunity to achieve the goal.

"white bone" (nobility).

“skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “Standing like a bone across your throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle.

“You will rattle your bones” and you will suffer inevitable defeat.

"backbone" basis.

“gnaw a bone” to solve a difficult problem, insatiability.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream: a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone: warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing bare bones in a living person: a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones: the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful: this could lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

The appearance of bones means that it is necessary to get to the root of the problem and understand it.

Seeing ivory is a symbol of lasting success.

Gnawing bones means poverty.

A pile of bones is a misfortune, a disaster.

Playing or throwing dice is cheating.


Chopping bones

Dream Interpretation Chop bones dreamed of why you dream about cutting bones? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Cutting Bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God grant that in youth one gnaws on bones, and in old age on something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and great deals await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumph over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

“to wash the bones” to slander someone, to gossip.

"throw a bone" to force silence with a small tip. “Go to the bones” to use every conceivable opportunity to achieve the goal.

"white bone" (nobility).

“skin and bones” (thinness, poverty). “Standing like a bone across your throat” is an annoying, painful obstacle.

“You will rattle your bones” and you will suffer inevitable defeat.

"backbone" basis.

“gnaw a bone” to solve a difficult problem, insatiability.


Dream Interpretation - Bones, skeleton

Seeing bones or a skeleton in a dream: a sign that some long-forgotten things may unpleasantly remind you of themselves.

A dog gnawing on a bone: warns that certain events in your past may cause a new conflict.

Seeing bare bones in a living person: a warning about some painful difficulty, obstacle or extremely deep conflict.

If you see chicken or fish bones: the dream foreshadows difficulties for you, most likely of a material nature. Be careful and do not take unnecessary risks, your well-being is at risk.

Choking on a bone is a sign that you should not be too wasteful: this could lead to big troubles. Often such a dream can also foreshadow a quarrel over money.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

The appearance of bones means that it is necessary to get to the root of the problem and understand it.

Seeing ivory is a symbol of lasting success.

Gnawing bones means poverty.

A pile of bones is a misfortune, a disaster.

Playing or throwing dice is cheating.


Land bones to plant

Dream Interpretation Earth to plant bones dreamed of why you dream about planting bones in the Earth? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Earth planting bones in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Digging the ground, sowing, planting

One way or another, in a dream, from time to time you have to either dig the ground, or sow something, plant something, or dig it up.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

The appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The bone can symbolize strength, health, origin. In other dreams, this symbol can mean surprise, mental pain.

In the old days they said: “God grant that in youth one gnaws on bones, and in old age on something soft.” Or: “Young - gnaw bones, old - eat porridge.”

If in a dream you saw gnawed bones, this means that if you want to avoid serious illnesses, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your health.

A dream in which you choked on a bone means that you will make an irreparable mistake and then you will feel its consequences for a long time.

If in a dream you chew a bone, this is a sign that you have good health and a large supply of vital energy.

Seeing a human skeleton in a dream means the death of a loved one.

Old, dried bones mean premature old age.

Cooking bone broth in a dream - in reality your doubts will bring you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

If in a dream you feed a bone to a dog, in reality you will be able to enlist the support of a friend who will definitely support you in difficult times.

A dream in which you cut bones into small pieces means that you will destroy your hopes with your own hands.

Cutting meat from bones is a sign that all your hopes are in vain and your expenses are unlikely to be justified.

If in a dream you wear jewelry made of bones, in reality you will be proud of your family ties.

Seeing yourself playing dice in a dream is a sign that in reality you are putting your life at unjustified risk.

A dream in which you saw the decayed bones of a deceased person means that in reality you will have to solve the problems of bygone days.

If in a dream you saw a mountain of gnawed bones, in reality this dream means that another person will benefit from the fruits of your efforts.

A dream in which you treat your guests to gnawed bones indicates that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause condemnation from others. Most likely, you will be left completely alone.

In a dream you see dogs fighting over a bone - this dream promises you deep disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you. Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health. Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend. To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency. Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property. Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident. Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and great deals await you. Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate. Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Soot

Quite often, when asked: “How are you?” people answer: “Like soot white!” Therefore, soot seen in a dream will most likely foretell an unfavorable or difficult period in your life.

If you get dirty with soot in a dream, then do not rush to interpret your dream as something unpleasant and hopeless. In the old days unmarried girls They placed a pot of soot at the head of the house to tell fortunes for the groom. It was believed that if a girl got married, her face would be stained with soot. The peasants did not throw soot out of the yard, so as not to anger the brownie guarding the house and household members.

If in a dream you clear soot from an object, this means that you will have to face troubles alone, solve problems without counting on the help of others.

Get dirty with soot - bad dream. It means that a difficult period in your life will bring even more severe consequences, an unpleasant aftertaste on your soul that will remain for a long time.

If the soot is easily washed off or erased, then this is a sign that the black streak of your life will not last long.

If in a dream you stained your face with soot, this means that in reality you will receive an interesting and unexpected offer.

Seeing a bucket full of soot in a dream is a sign that in reality, thanks to your ingenuity and perseverance, you will achieve complete well-being.

A dream in which you saw clothes stained with soot means that in reality you will become a victim of unpleasant rumors and this may affect your official affairs.

If in a dream you stepped in soot and got dirty, this is a sign that you should be more careful, as your ill-wishers will try to cause you a lot of trouble.

To see in a dream how you throw soot out of your house means a warning, since in real life You will destroy your well-being with your own hands.

A dream in which you saw a loved one stained with soot means that in the near future you will hear interesting news from this person.

Wash off soot with water - in reality refute false rumors.

If you saw soot in a dream white- this means that in reality an absurd and amazing thing will happen to you.

A dream in which you throw away soot and try to mix it with the ground means that all your attempts to change a person close to you for the better are in vain. “Even if you touch the soot, even if you hit it, everything is black.”

Seeing dishes stained with soot in a dream is a sign that in real life you will finally appreciate everything best qualities your loved ones.

Cleaning the stove from soot in a dream is a sign that your family squabbles and quarrels will become known to others.

A dream in which you sweep soot out of your house predicts that in real life your efforts will remain unrewarded.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing the bones of the dead means great difficulties lie ahead; accident, danger to life.

Decorating yourself with bones is fun.

Grating bones is a painful treatment.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

Wash bones - try to free yourself from vices and bad habits.

Painting bones means putting yourself in a false light.

To receive bones in a parcel, to find them in a box - to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor as a gift.

To see large piles of bones means misfortune, pangs of conscience, an impending social disaster.

To build something from bones - to overcome your despair and passivity.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone – difficulties, losses, old age. Choking on a bone means making a big mistake; gnawing on a bone, struggling with a difficult problem; treat a dog with a bone, enlist the support of a friend; wearing jewelry made of bones means that you are proud of your relatives or, on the contrary, triumph over them; play dice, to unjustified risk.

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Seeing the bones of the dead means you have to go through an unpleasant adventure and eliminate a conspiracy against you.

Decorating yourself with bones is a sign of fun.

Throwing bones means leading a cheerful life.

To see a large pile of bones is a sign of misfortune, pangs of conscience, and social disasters.

Gnaw bones - to care, need.

Seeing your bones is a sign of a cold.

Dream Interpretation - Bones

Seeing bones means a lot of work awaits you; gnawing bones - lack of food; collect bones - through frugality you will achieve prosperity; break - you will lose a friend; burn - sadness awaits you; fish - an unfortunate incident; bones of the dead - envy, disputes

Dream Interpretation - Bone

Bone - dream of a pile of bones - a lot of work awaits; collect bones - you will achieve prosperity; bone fracture - second loss; seeing an ivory is a disaster. There is a skeleton on the ground - for a woman - marriage with a doctor, for a man - an unpleasant adventure, intrigue, conspiracy.

A dream in which any bones are present leaves a painful impression and is alarming. However, don't get upset right away. Much depends on the plot of what you see. Therefore, in order to understand why a bone is dreamed of, it is necessary to remember the details and feelings that accompanied the night dreams. For correct interpretation it is important to know not only who it belonged to and what it looked like. The actions that took place in a dream are also important. Because the bone itself is just a symbol of a deeper problem that requires a solution.

No matter how scary it may seem similar dream, it does not foretell anything bad.


A dream about human bones will have a completely different interpretation depending on where they were located.

  • A skeleton seen in a grave warns the dreamer of an impending illness. Which can seriously undermine your health if you do not pay attention to it in time and delay treatment.
  • Unmarried young ladies will be interested in an explanation of why they dream of human bones lying on the ground. It turns out that such dreams promise happy marriage with a medical professional. For men, such a vision, on the contrary, predicts an affair, after which unpleasant memories will remain.
  • Looking at human bones in a museum is a source of pride for your loved ones.
  • In ancient times, human bones collected in a pile were considered a very bad sign. Which foreshadowed troubles on a large scale: natural disasters, famine, epidemics, wars. The modern interpretation is not so gloomy, but losses cannot be avoided.

Own bones

The meanings of a dream in which animal bones are present also depend on the environment and the sensations left behind.

Appearance of bones

Activities related to food

Other actions

Bird bones

A common troubling interpretation for bird bones is financial problems. But even in this case, much depends on the circumstances and nuances of the dream.

  • In a dream, laying chicken bones on a plate means in reality welcoming guests who will appear without warning.
  • Disassembling raw bird bones - such a dream foreshadows a quick and unexpected meeting with relatives.
  • The dream book encourages you to be careful when answering the question of why you dream about chicken bones, which the dreamer treats guests to. Such a night vision reminds of debts. If you don't give them on time, you can get yourself into trouble.
  • To see in a dream how the bones of a bird lie on the floor - to be surprised in reality by some surprise.
  • The dream book gives an unpleasant answer to the question of why one dreams of a bone stuck in the throat. What we saw, as well as its interpretation, promises difficult situation, from which it will be extremely difficult to get out. Of course, you should not expect major problems, but you will have to be patient to resolve minor troubles.

Gnaw and gnaw on bird bones

Fish bones

The explanation of the fish bone is ambiguous, since it also depends on the details of the picture seen.

  • To see in a dream means in reality to receive satisfaction from completing work that had to be put off for a long time and could not be completed.
  • Dream about fried fish, from which bones stick out, promises a new business. The preparation of the project took a long time and carefully. It was time for him to see the light, despite the difficulties. The help of friends and family guarantees his success.
  • Pulling bones out of fish when cleaning - to financial well-being. You can expect both an inheritance and a good bonus.
  • Collecting fish bones from the floor - such a dream indicates the dreamer’s great potential. Soon there will be an opportunity to manifest it in a new, interesting matter or hobby.
  • Feeding a cat with fish bones in a dream means trusting someone you don’t know very well in reality. The dream book advises to be careful not to become a victim of deceit.
  • Being pricked with a fish bone while cutting it - a dream foreshadows pleasant emotions from hearing the news.
  • Scattering fish bones on the floor and trampling on them in a dream means that in reality you are afraid of everything new and clinging to the past. The dream book advises to open up to change. After all, fortune smiles on the brave.

Seeing bones in a dream means that a lot of work awaits you.

Gnawing on delicious bones means you will have to see a doctor due to deteriorating health.

Seeing a dog gnawing on a bone means you will achieve prosperity through determination and frugality.

If in a dream you broke a bone in your leg, arm or rib, in reality this threatens the loss of a good friend.

To see a bone protruding at the site of a fracture - you will be saddened by the betrayal of a person whom you trusted as yourself.

Seeing skeletal bones means weakening of the body and vitamin deficiency.

Digging up bones from a grave in a dream means envy and disputes over undivided property.

Burning bones means sad events and bad news from relatives.

Fish bones foretell injury due to an accident.

Seeing ivory in a dream means favorable changes in fate await you; Ivory products are a harbinger of success and joyful events; buying or finding them means prosperity and great deals await you.

Dice in a dream is a sign that in the near future you should not count on the favor of fate.

Playing dice means you will enter a losing streak; if you win, you will lose part of your income; if you lose, you will get sick.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Seeing Bones in a dream

Seeing bones means a lot of work awaits you; gnawing bones - lack of food; collect bones - through frugality you will achieve prosperity; break - you will lose a friend; burn - sadness awaits you; fish - an unfortunate incident; bones of the dead - envy, disputes

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Book

What does Kostya's dream mean?

Seeing your bones in a dream is a sign of a dangerous illness that will make you lose a lot of weight. A dream in which you saw that all that was left of you, as they say, were skin and bones, means that the betrayal of loved ones or the treachery of enemies will not pass without a trace for you. Broken bones in a dream mean the loss of a loved one or some significant damage, or great difficulties in business. Seeing a lot of bones in a dream means poverty and troubles. Seeing the bones of the dead (skeletons, skulls, etc.) in a dream foreshadows a dangerous illness, disputes, intrigue or envy of others, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Seeing animal bones (gnawed) in a dream is a sign that you have recently experienced a big drama. Stepping over them in a dream means that you will safely recover from past griefs and losses. Gnawing bones in a dream is a sign of poverty and need. Burning bones in a dream are a harbinger of sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Seeing Bones in a dream

If you dream that your bones are protruding from your body, this promises betrayal on the part of a loved one, which will shock and stun you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

What do Kostya's dreams mean?

If in a dream you play dice, it means. Serious tests await you related to the very risky business in which you will take part. After such a dream, a woman needs to think again whether her choice is correct. What if her chosen one is just a player? Having realized this in time, she will avoid fruitless suffering in the future. This dream should also alert the young man. After all, he warns about how easily you can lose the trust of people whose attention you value so much.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does Bones mean in a dream?

Bones in a dream mean poverty and need. If they are partially covered with meat, it means that you will gradually begin to get rich and, in the end, perhaps succeed. If you dream of human bones, that means. You will soon become rich by receiving an inheritance.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

The meaning of Bones dreams

If you dreamed that you were gnawing bones, then very soon you will receive a promotion at work. To make this happen faster, light a fire at midnight and then pee on it.

If you dreamed that you were burying bones, then now you risk being left alone. Find a dead animal bone, wrap it in wool and bury it.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Book

What does Bones mean in a dream?

Seeing your bones protruding from your body is a sign of betrayal of imaginary friends. Piles of bones dream of hunger and harmful influences.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Bones

Lying on the ground, a skeleton - marriage with a doctor (for a woman), danger of intrigue, conspiracy, unpleasant adventure (for a man).

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Bones

Seeing your bones protruding from your body means that the betrayal of imaginary friends is ready to strike your SPIRIT.

Seeing a pile of bones means hunger and harmful influences.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does it mean to see Bones in a dream?

Symbol of poverty, discord, lack, hunger; death. Gnawing on useless knowledge; need, poverty. Pile of bones mass disasters, epidemics; accident; hunger. Dead Man's Bones is a big, difficult job; danger. The skeleton is vain, false fears; marriage to a doctor; the condition of your spine. The skull is an original, creative idea, someone's historical authority; inheritance; symbol of demonic spiritual power.

Interpretation of dreams from

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

lying skeleton - marriage to a doctor (for a woman) or a bad illness; danger of intrigue, conspiracy, unpleasant adventure (for a man); lying on the ground in a pile - failure, anxiety; gnawing with pleasure - trouble is on the nose.

I dreamed about bones

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing your bones protruding from your body means that the betrayal of imaginary friends is ready to strike your spirit. Seeing a pile of bones means hunger and harmful influences.

I dreamed about dominoes

according to Miller's dream book

Losing at dominoes in a dream means that your best friend will insult you. In addition, this dream foretells that you will make your loved ones very worried about your life. This dream encourages you to be more careful in your relationships with people. Winning at dominoes portends a dubious hobby that will greatly poison your life.

Seeing a skeleton in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The skeleton is a universal symbol of desolation, death and mystery. In dreams, it can appear in different scenes and indicate different things. To recognize the meaning contained in this image, you need to examine its surroundings and the feelings that it evoked in you. A feeling of devastation often occurs when skeletons move - their strange behavior irritates you. Where are you when you spot moving skeletons? The combination of bones with the emotional background of the office, your home or your relatives' home indicates an edge of life where you feel as if someone or something is sucking all the juice out of you, draining you. Interestingly, you may not feel afraid of these skeletons and may even enjoy their presence, intuitively knowing that you are connected to them and do not mind playing the role of their benefactor. Even though you don't want to end up like them! Death scenes are characterized by a complete lack of movement. Generally, discovering bones is terrifying. After discovering the bones, did you know who they belonged to and how they got there? Such discoveries can give you the opportunity to understand a person or yourself who, as they say, is being killed by circumstances. This death can be either emotional or physical. Secrets, or “skeletons in the closet,” is the latter scenario. Dice with this meaning sometimes appear in extremely inappropriate situations, but do not often provoke a response from the characters in the dream. People know that there are bones nearby, but they do not discuss this in their dreams. By identifying who you saw in the story when the bones were found, you can understand the relationships and unresolved issues surrounding the person. If you are hiding something in real life, then the bones of a skeleton may appear in a dream in the field of view of someone who means a lot in your life. If it seems that the dream character does not notice the “skeletons,” then this is the work of your subconscious, protecting you from the storms of life. However, the appearance of such an image in a dream can be a warning signal that you either need to be more careful when flaunting your flaws, or completely eradicate them from your life.

I dreamed about a skeleton

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a skeleton, it means that illness, strife and loss await you, which will be brought by a force hostile to you. If you dream of yourself in the form of a skeleton, it means that you tend to get upset over trifles, and therefore you need to curb your imagination. If in a dream it seems to you that a skeleton often appears in front of you, it means that something truly terrible awaits you, which, nevertheless, you must cope with while maintaining presence of mind.