Small-sized bladeless fan for the device. Types and principles of operation of bladeless fans. Option #2: fan made of plastic pipes

Just recently, no one could have imagined that achievements in science would reach the limits of perfection so far. This is especially true for new products in the field household appliances. The product range is so large that the consumer does not have to be content with something ordinary. Everyone tries to choose the most modern model of equipment, especially if it has an updated design.

The most popular new product on modern market A household appliance can be considered a bladeless fan. This invention not only helps to refresh the room, but is also considered an economical type of technology in terms of energy consumption. What is the operating principle of such a device?

How a bladeless fan was created

This type of device, a bladeless fan, was invented by the famous English scientist James Dyson. His goal was to invent a device that could work without blades and without any vibration. In addition, the scientist managed to develop a technology that could increase the blown air up to 15 times. The creation of a device without blades went through a very difficult path, and the technology could only be perfect after long work engineers led by Dyson. It took about 4 years to create this wonderful invention. As a result of developments, innovators still managed to optimize the ventilation ring.

The operation of the fan is driven by a simple electric motor, which has a power of 40 W and is located on the bottom of the device. The motor is equipped with powerful neodymium magnets that prevent the formation of dust. The speed of air flow can be easily adjusted using a rheostat switch, which is impossible to achieve with conventional paddle devices.

Dyson managed to create a safe fan without blades, which was able to displace conventional fans. After all, this type of device is very convenient and unpretentious to use.

How does a bladeless fan work?

The bladeless device works almost the same as jet engine. It also has a built-in special turbine that circulates air. This element is built into the fan leg itself. It ensures silent operation of the device.

There are many small holes on the leg of the bladeless device itself. They provide not only cooling of the device, but also filter the air itself. Such a turbine pump is capable of pumping up to 20 cubic meters of air per second, which is almost impossible for a conventional fan.

The air mass passes through the distribution ring and turns into a dense contour with the middle inside. The ring is equipped with an empty cavity and a slot through which air passes under pressure. The speed of the air leaving the ring is 90 km/h. At this speed, one air flow meets another, which creates an element of air flow compensation. This process allows you to increase the outgoing air tens of times with its uniform movement.

Bladeless fans, of course, have many advantages over conventional models fans. Their stylish design can serve as decoration for anyone modern interior both at home and in the office. Having enormous power and high safety, the device without blades It also has a reasonable price compared even to cheap air conditioner models. In addition, such a device refreshes the room well and works almost silently, which makes it simply irreplaceable.

The safety of a bladeless device is amazing. This device completely lacks moving parts in the form of blades, which allows it to be used freely even near small children. In addition, the device has amazing power, thanks to which the air is blown out more intensely and the room is cooled faster. The operation of the bladeless fan can be easily adjusted using the control panel, which creates even greater comfort.

The fan without blades rotates comfortably in different sides, so the coolness spreads throughout the free space. Models of such devices have a powerful platform, which ensures their stability. Even The control panel is attached to the body to avoid its loss.

In short, bladeless fans have the following advantages Compared to conventional models of such devices:

In addition to most of the advantages, bladeless devices have some, though not quite significant flaws:

  1. Presence of noise and vibration. When the turbine operates silently, the release of air flow is accompanied by a strong hum.
  2. High cost compared to conventional blade fans.

So, bladeless fans are distinguished by their operating efficiency, modern design and practicality. That is why they are many times superior to traditional models and have already begun to enjoy a certain demand in the household appliances market.

With the onset of heat, we remember fans, the simplest and most accessible human inventions for freshening the air. The classic fan design consists of an engine, onto the shaft of which an impeller with many blades is attached. During operation of the fan, air is sucked in from the rear side and, passing through the blades at an increased speed, is pushed forward, creating a cooling and freshness effect.
A conventional fan has a number of disadvantages: noise and vibration from the blades, which collect dust and air pollution. In order to clean them, it is necessary to remove the protective grille. The speed of such fans is adjustable in only a few modes, and it can be difficult to adjust the blowing angle.
The alternative device we propose does not have these disadvantages. This development was invented by Dyson engineers, presenting an almost revolutionary solution in the field of air ventilation. Thanks to them, the world learned what a bladeless fan is. And today we will collect it at home.

Operating principle of a bladeless fan

The main difference between a bladeless fan and a conventional one is the changed direction of the ejected air flow. This is achieved due to the fact that the engine and impeller are placed vertically and hidden in the base, which is equipped with grilles. Through them, air flows pass into a frame placed above the base and equipped with slots around the perimeter for ventilation.

Materials, tools for a bladeless fan

To assemble this cutting-edge household gadget, we will need the following materials:
  • Sections of PVC pipes with a diameter of 150, 125, 90 mm;
  • Quick-drying glue for plastic, such as superglue;
  • A small piece of plexiglass or plexiglass blue;
  • Server cooler YW880, frame width 60 mm;
  • White aerosol paint, 1 can;
  • A piece of soft metal mesh with cells about 10 mm;
  • Rheostatic speed control board, toggle switch;
  • Solder, flux, thermal casings, self-tapping screws;
  • A piece of LED strip, length - about 50 cm;
  • Power supply (adapter) 12V/2 A;
  • Insulating tape.
The tools we will need are:
  • Miter saw or grinder (angle grinder) for cutting pipes from PVC pipes;
  • Jigsaw for cutting curved lines;
  • Drill or screwdriver with a 50-60 mm crown cutter;
  • A set of drills of various diameters;
  • Soldering iron, screwdriver, scissors, pliers, hot glue gun;
  • Painting knife.

Work order

Preparing plastic pipes

Take a segment PVC pipes with a diameter of 150 mm and trim it, aligning the edges. We mark a fragment about 100 mm long and make a cut with a miter saw or angle grinder.

The edges of all pipes must be processed sandpaper to avoid burrs, irregularities and improve the fit of edges for adhesive joints.

The next step is to select a plastic container that will fit tightly onto our section of pipe. We cut off the bottom of it with a painting knife, and use superglue to secure it to the top of the pipe.

Then we take a pipe with a diameter of 125 mm and cut off a pipe 90 mm long from it.

The next one will be a pipe with a diameter of 90mm, which we will also cut like the previous two. This is the base of our fan. The length of the segment is 120-130mm.

The basic plastic parts are ready. You can check how they will fit together by placing them in their places.

The fan frame sits perpendicular to the base, so the 90mm pipe needs to be slightly prepared by cutting off its edge according to the circumference of the frame. We mark it with a pencil, you can cut it with a jigsaw or the same grinder.

Unevenness in a curved cut can be smoothed out with sandpaper, removing burrs at the same time.

Using a core cutter with a diameter of 50-60mm, a drill or a screwdriver, we make through hole in the middle of the largest pipe. This will allow air to flow through the base and into our frame. We fix our base with superglue.

In order to close a fan frame consisting of two pipe sections different diameters, on the smaller of them a plug is glued at one end. We make it from a sheet of plexiglass or blue plexiglass.

Having first marked the larger circle and then the smaller one, we cut off the plug ring.

Now it can be attached with superglue to the smaller pipe of the frame.

Using spray paint white and electrical tape as masking tape for plexiglass, we paint the plastic parts of our fan.

After the paint has dried, you can glue a piece of LED strip onto the larger pipe on the side of the plug. Don’t forget to immediately solder the contacts for LED backlight, and bring them to the base.

We fix both pipes of our frame with superglue.

Electrical part

We begin to prepare the electrical filling of our fan by soldering the cooler contacts. It is better to take the wires with a reserve so that it is convenient to work with them when connecting the control board and toggle switch.

You can use a soldering iron to make mounting holes to securely secure the cooler in the base housing.

We fix the cooler and drill two ventilation holes in the base opposite each other. This can be done with the same core cutter.

We close these holes with fragments of metal mesh, pre-cut to size.

Glue the mesh fragments with a hot glue gun.

We solder the contacts of the toggle switch and the power socket. We cover the exposed contacts with heat-shrinkable casings, heating them with a lighter.

Now you can make holes for the toggle switch and power socket, and secure them to the fan base housing.

The traditional design of a ceiling fan is well known. Usually its blades whistle through the air under the ceiling of the room, directing the air flow downward. Being directly under the fan, you can enjoy the “light breeze” and risk catching

The traditional design of a ceiling fan is well known. Usually its blades whistle through the air under the ceiling of the room, directing the air flow downward. Being directly under the fan, you can enjoy the “light breeze” and risk catching a cold at the same time. But in other places in the room the effect of the flow is practically not felt.

Inventor Nik Hiner, together with like-minded people from the company Exhale Fans, offers a product that does not have these disadvantages and has an unusual innovative design.

IN new design everything is turned upside down. No, the fan is still mounted under the ceiling of the room, but it does not have any blades whistling overhead, and it does not blow out the air flow, but draws it in.

Instead of blades, flat disks rotate, creating laminar (unidirectional) air flows moving along the surface of the ceiling and descending down to the floor along the walls of the room. As a result, air entering the fan from below circulates evenly throughout the room, mixing the temperature layers. Unlike a conventional blade fan, a room completely enveloped by laminar flow eliminates areas where the temperature deviates significantly from the average.

The design does not have rotating blades, which determines a fundamentally lower noise level during operation. In addition, a low-noise electric motor is used to rotate the circles, which practically reduces the overall noise level to a minimum. Engine DC can rotate at six different speeds, and is controlled by a wireless remote control. Of course, the undeniable advantage and difference between the new fan and its bladed counterparts is appearance, fits perfectly into almost any interior.

The idea for a bladeless ceiling fan came to Hiner while he was studying the design of a Nikola Tesla turbine. Hiner made the first attempt to implement an unusual design in 2005. Next years went into adapting the design and producing a whole series of prototypes before the inventor settled on the current design.

Today the fan is almost ready for production. To launch it, a certain amount is required, which Hiner intends to spend on developing packaging and purchasing raw materials.

For recent years appeared large number new household appliances. Consumers are offered a varied assortment modern products and often in updated design. The most popular is a bladeless fan, which operates in an economical mode and can effectively refresh the room.

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    History of creation

    The bladeless fan looks very different from the product we are used to. The first device appeared in 2009. thanks to creator James Dyson. He devoted almost 30 years to work aimed at improving many types of household appliances. The English developer managed to come up with many unusual, useful and necessary inventions.

    Many countries bought a patent for the production of these new products. Manufacturers are attracted not only by the usefulness of the devices, but also by the improved design, functionality technology. When developing a special fan without blades, more than 4 years were spent modeling a ring that can effectively pass air flows, multiplying it many times over.


    The device quickly gained popularity and soon after its appearance on the market similar fans began to be sold. Now there are even more budget options from Chinese manufacturers.

    Fan device

    The operation of this device is very similar to the operation of a jet engine. A high-speed turbine with a 40 kW engine, which are connected by a common shaft, is mounted at its base. Only two main parts (base, ring diffuser) are included in the bladeless fan. The principle of operation is based on the operation of a turbine, which ensures the flow of air into the device.

    The engine of the device is equipped with a Heimholtz chamber, which captures and dissipates operating noise. The body of the device has many holes that suck in air. The device's ring diffuser is created according to the rules of aerodynamics. There is a special slot on the surface on the inside. With her help in work area air is being pumped.

    The cross-section of the ring has the shape of a drop, since this shape is ideal from an aerodynamic point of view. It minimizes resistance around itself, which prevents the formation of turbulence.

    Bladeless fan

    Operating principle

    In a bladeless fan it was used technical principle turbine operation. Located at the base of the device, the turbine sucks in air from outside through the openings of the housing and supplies it to an annular diffuser with a very narrow slot. Its specially adapted profile works to increase the efficiency of the pressure difference. This causes the air to be pushed out with force due to the aerodynamic effect.

    The resulting flow is immediately filled with air surrounding the diffuser ring. Due to this, the air flow increases by 15-20 times for a fan without blades. The operating principle of such a device is called an “air multiplier”. This allowed us to obtain a safe and economical design.

    It creates a dense monotonous flow that refreshes the air masses. During operation, it functions unobtrusively. The device is almost silent; It's very interesting to watch how a fan works without blades. Unlike a conventional device, it does not create a draft and does not cause discomfort.

    Key Benefits

    A bladeless device has many advantages over a conventional fan. It is ideal for home use and office premises. The devices differ as follows positive characteristics:

    All these devices are equipped remote control, which makes them very convenient to use. The control panels are attached to the body so that it is convenient to operate and not lost. Almost all remote controls come with various options where you can choose desired mode work. This product helps you get fresh air flow at home and at work without noise or discomfort.

    In addition to its advantages, the fan has its disadvantages: if you buy a more powerful device, it makes noise during operation, which is very noticeable at high speeds. Price modern models high. If you buy cheaper analogues from Chinese manufacturers, they are unstable and creaky.

    Manufacturers of bladeless fans are constantly working on existing shortcomings. They periodically improve new models, taking into account consumer feedback and suggestions.

    Selection criteria

    The “Air Multiplier” is distinguished not only by its positive characteristics, but also original design. With its fancy shape it will decorate any room. Based on the installation method, they are divided into three types:

    • floor;
    • wall;
    • desktop

    Wall-mounted devices are stationary type, and the other two are portable devices. Most often, manufacturers of such equipment provide installation of fans in two mounting options: on the wall and on the table. They are supplied with a bracket with dowels.

    Consumers are now offered many models that differ in price and functionality. Before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the device and its noise level during operation.

    How to make a DIY safe fan

    The operating efficiency is affected by the ring radius of a bladeless fan. For indoors large sizes You should choose models with a larger ring. The amount of flow and electricity consumption will depend on the power of the “air multiplier”. For an apartment or house small area It is enough to buy a medium power device. If you choose it for a large office, then you should buy a unit that can move a large volume of air.

    It is recommended to pay attention to the body of the product so that it is of high quality and does not have unpleasant odor. For connoisseurs of comfort, it is advisable to give preference to models with a wide range of adjustment parameters. Availability of a control panel with convenient system buttons makes it easy and simple to manage household appliance .

    Features of application

    “Air multipliers” are quite common these days. They are installed in houses and apartments, offices, hospitals and other institutions. They gently distribute air flows, but, in addition, they are also capable of humidifying, cooling or heating the air. The range of humidity level settings will depend on the model, so each user has the opportunity to choose for himself suitable option products.

    Only equipped with heating and cooling expensive models. Options are offered to purify the air from fumes, smoke and other harmful impurities. Now you can buy products from world brands that will perform the functions of real air conditioners.

In this tutorial we will make a bladeless fan using PVC pipes, plastic container and a sheet of fiberglass.

For this project, special thanks to the guys from the DYI King channel on Youtube, who were inspired by the creation safe fan. But the best thing about this bladeless fan is that, unlike most homemade fans, the project does not require the use of 3D printing, and the total cost can be less than $10.

Below in the video you can see the entire process of creating a fan.

Step 1. Tools and materials

The tools and materials needed for this project are very easy to assemble and are all pictured above. The main thing for this project is a set of pipes from PVC diameter 6.5 and 3.5 inches, plastic container or bowl and 3mm fiberglass sheet.

There is no need for a 3D printer as is used in most DIY fan projects. Moreover, we used miter saw, to make most of the cuts as it made the job more precise and easier when the same job can be done with hand saw and some patience, but then you will need expensive tools to make a neat bladeless fan.

Step 2. Working principle

Unlike the name of the device, which is a fan without blades, this thing actually has a fairly high-speed blade inside the main body. You can see the operating principle of such a fan in the figure above.

In addition, a bladeless fan provides closed blade control and then airflow is directed through a closed duct body, replicating the structure of a conventional bladeless fan housing. This design offers an excellent level of protection for children.

Step 3. Making the main body

First you need to make the main body and for this you can use a PVC pipe. The main outlet is made of 6" diameter PVC pipe, which is 4" wide to form the outer air outlet casing.

To form the air pocket inside the main air outlet, we use a conical shaped bowl that fits perfectly over the 6″ PVC pipe and its collar sits on the edges of the pipe - see photo above. Cut the bowl 1" above the bottom so it forms a nice conical collar inside the main outlet casing that allows the air to rotate evenly inside the outlet cavity before leaving it.

Step 4. Inner casing and base

The internal air outlet clamp is made of PVC pipe with a diameter of 5 inches. This pipe creates a narrow opening that is almost 0.5 inches wide to distribute air evenly from the cavity/air outlet. Three parts, namely an outer 6-inch PVC pipe, a conical inner casing made of a plastic bowl, and an inner clamp made of 5-inch PVC pipe, together form the air release casing.

To form the base, use 3.5" PVC pipe cut to 5" high. To ensure that the base fits perfectly into the air outlet body, we cut one end of the base pipe in a curved shape (we cut the bend using pre-applied electrical tape), and mark the outline with 6-inch PVC pipe. The pipe is then cut using a jigsaw and then sanded down to fit the outer 6″ pipe perfectly without any gaps in between.

Step 5. Air intake hole

Before gluing the base to the main body, we drill a 3-inch diameter hole in the 6-inch PVC pipe, which will be the passage for air to enter the main body and then into the outlet hole. The hole is made using a hole saw.

The base is then glued to the outside of the air outlet using super glue. Since the base pipe is perfectly shaped to sit on top of the 6-inch PVC pipe, the superglue makes a very strong connection between the two pieces.

Step 6. Air outlet ring

The air outlet ring is made of 3mm thick fiberglass sheet, which serves as a connection between the inner half and the outer half of the main air outlet. The ring was made using a jigsaw.

Step 7. Drawing

Since most of the body parts of the bladeless fan are ready, you need to paint them to make them look neat and perfect. We paint everything white using spray paint, except for the fiberglass ring, which is protected from paint with duct tape.

The end result is very nice and the blue fiberglass sheet looks fantastic against the pristine white background.

Step 8. LED strip

To make the design more attractive and elegant, add a 12V LED strip to inside air outlet at the end where the fiberglass sheet will be glued to the inner air outlet sleeve. The light strip is cut to the required length. The tape has a sticky side and adheres when removed protective coating from the back of the tape and then sticks to the PVC body.

When the fan turns on, led strip illuminates back air outlet and thus produces a very cool visual effect by spreading blue light.

Step 9. Gluing all the parts

Once the paint is dry, we glue all the pieces together to form the main part of our bladeless fan, using super glue, which seems to hold everything tightly.

Step 10. Install the fan

Behind each bladeless fan is a fan with blades. So, to power our fan, we need to use a high-speed 12V DC fan, which can be taken from an old computer. More specifically, the tutorial is about a fan from a server, which is much more powerful than a regular PC fan. Therefore, we highly recommend using this type of fan.

The fan is mounted inside the base directly below the air outlet housing using four wood screws to hold the fan securely in place. The fan is installed in such a way that it pushes air upward and thus we need the fan to be quite stable.

Step 11: Air Intake

A pair of air intakes are located just below the server fan on both sides of the base pipe, i.e. base pipes. These intake holes allow air to be drawn into the base.

To prevent someone from accidentally injuring their fingers by inserting them into the base of the fan, we glue metal mesh on both holes. The mesh is first painted matte black and then glued inside the base using hot glue.