Gas boiler proterm leopard error codes. Leopard gas boiler: error codes, or how to fix any problem. Error code F61 - Main circuit board error

Czech heating equipment trademark renowned for its reliability. Practitioners say: if the Proterm boiler of the Leopard series fails and error f1 appears on the display, the problem that caused it can often be eliminated on your own without calling the wizard service department. The article explains in detail what should be done.

Wall-mounted boiler Protherm Leopard

  • When any error is displayed, and not just the f1 code, you should not immediately look for the cause of the malfunction. The first thing to do is to restart the boiler (REZET switch). In 85% of cases, its performance is restored.
  • At reappearance fault code, check the set parameters. Incorrectly "clogged" power Proterm Leopard often causes an error f1.
  • During the initial start-up of the boiler, its cause may be a rephasing. The wall-mounted Proterm is connected to the 220/1f network, and if “0” and “F” are mixed up, its automation will give an alarm. It is necessary to pull the plug out of the socket, turn it over 180 0, insert and repeat the start.

Possible causes of error f1 Proterm Leopard

In the manufacturer's instructions, it is interpreted as the disappearance of the flame. There are several reasons for its attenuation (disappearance).

Problems with gas supply

  • Check the supply of "blue fuel". To make sure that it is not blocked, you can check the stove in the kitchen. If it doesn’t “start”, for a private building it means one thing - the shut-off valve installed on the pipe has worked. You need to move its lever to its original position and try to restart the Proterm Leopard.
  • Check the pressure in the supply line. With its value below the critical value for the boiler, the Leopard automation gives a ban on starting, but on gas stove it won't have much of an effect. only the length of the flames will decrease somewhat. At facilities where cylinders are used for Proterm, the pressure is controlled by a pressure gauge on the reducer. When developing "blue fuel" to a minimum acceptable level you need to replace the tank, and error f1 will disappear when the Proterm boiler is restarted. If it is connected to the main pipe, this code may appear on the display due to contamination of the gas filter mesh.

Fan failure

Before removing the boiler casing, you need to clarify the expiration date of the warranty from the passport. The instructions for Proterm Leopard (clause 14 of the "Introduction" section) say under what conditions the manufacturer's obligations are canceled. This means that any maintenance, repairs will have to be paid.

Scheme wall boiler

With the power off, the fan blades should spin easily. Breakage (burning of the winding, shaft deformation, bearing problem) is a rare case. As a rule, error f1 of the Leopard boiler appears due to a break in the power line of the fan motor, poor contact or operation. temperature sensor

In the latter case, you need:

  • check the position of the reset button: it is on the sensor body (located in the upper part of the boiler, under the casing). If, after pressing and restarting Proterm, error f1 reappears, then the problem is most likely in the chimney;
  • evaluate traction. It is possible that the smoke exhaust channel is clogged with debris caused by a small bird: there are enough options for the Leopard boiler to give an error f1.

Ionization sensor not working

  • Check the integrity of the signal line, the reliability of the wire connection.
  • The cause of the error f1 Proterm Leopard may be a contaminated electrode. It's easy to clean.
  • If indoors excess moisture, then the cavity of the boiler must be dried. Use open flame you can’t - just a hair dryer or something similar (fan heater, supercharged heater). The cause of the f1 error may be moisture on the electronic board or the sensitive element of the sensor.


The operation of the thermostat of the heating circuit is explained by a sharp decrease in the circulation rate of the coolant. In this case, there are several reasons for the f1 error on the Proterm Leopard display:

  • failure, incorrect operation of the pump - oxidation or deformation of the shaft, impeller;
  • clogged filter or primary heat exchanger of the boiler;
  • leakage in the system, heating radiators, expansion tank;
  • problem with the signal line of the temperature sensor (short circuit) or its failure;
  • lack of "visibility" between the thermostat and the control board (you need to check the reliability of connecting the connectors).

With the rest of the reasons - the failure of the ignition transformer, the breakdown of the gas fittings, the malfunction in the electronic module - you cannot cope on your own. If all of the above recommendations for fixing the error f1 Proterm Leopard positive result not given, you need to contact service center.

Of course, most readers are concerned about the issue of "technical treatment" of heating devices and how to fix the problem. Before covering this issue, you need to know the device, product characteristics and its capabilities.

The diagram shows the device of a gas boiler Proterm of a Czech manufacturer.

The main technical indicators include:

  1. Coefficient useful action: 90-92%.
  2. Possibility of adjustment: "winter-summer".
  3. The function of heating water in boilers.
  4. Installed overheating protection.
  5. Ability to work in several directions: on main gas and liquefied coolant.
  6. The gas boiler is made on a cast-iron base.

This is minimum set specifications for a simple layman, which you need to know. More detailed information is provided in technical passport included with the purchase of the product.

Types of Czech gas-fired boilers

The manufacturer offers the domestic buyer to purchase equipment own production that share:

  • by the number of circuits: a double-circuit version of the boiler or a single-circuit design;
  • with installation orientation: wall or floor version.

In the domestic market, you can purchase various modifications heating equipment Proterm.

Types of gas boilers Proterm are the most interesting for the domestic market

On sale there are many modifications. The most common are gas two-chamber boilers with biometric heat exchangers: Leopard and Lynx.
The equipment is made at a high technological level and complies with EU standards. However, no matter how good the technique is, it tends to fail at the most inopportune moment.
Read below about malfunctions of heating devices and troubleshooting methods.

Gas boiler Proterm Leopard equipment malfunction.

There are certain error codes, thanks to which you can understand what happened to the equipment. The most common malfunctions of the boiler leopard 24.


Signals to us about a decrease in the pressure of incoming water with values ​​below 0.6 bar. At low pressure heating water the system turns off at automatic mode. This is signaled by a built-in diode (see the "Pointer" symbol).

In this case, it is necessary to increase the value of the incoming liquid to the level of 1.2-2 barrels. After stabilization of the pressure, the boiler will automatically resume operation in the planned mode.


The flame is gone. The gas supply was interrupted and the wick went out. You need to pay attention to the emergency thermostat. Try to restart it.

Another reason may be a turned off draft sensor (we are talking about boilers and chimneys).

Another problem that affects the disappearance of the flame is the wires are reversed: phase and zero.

Loss of flame can be caused by a problem with the automatic ignition, gas valve and malfunctions in the control system.


The heating water sensor has failed. In this case, the malfunction is due to a break in the above element. It is possible that t0 of the cooling water has crossed the mark below 3 0 С. The system is disabled. The resistance of the sensor needs to be checked. Pay attention to the cables running from the sensor to the control panel. Find out, t 0 RH, inspect the system for freezing.


Often malfunctions of the gas boiler Leopard 24 associated with overheating. Cooling down, the system resumes its work. It is necessary to check the heating pump: it may be clogged.

Photo: Heat exchanger of the Leopard 24 gas boiler.

Check the condition of the heating filter and check the heating water heat exchanger. The reason is the same: clogging of the working elements.

On a note. In work, use the non-freezing mixture recommended by the manufacturer: "AlycolTermo".


The water sensor is out of order. There was a short circuit of the sensor responsible for the t 0 mode of the tank. In this case, the operation of the boiler will continue in the mode: “Heating water heating”.

Heating of incoming water is switched off. The reason may lie in the resistance of the sensor.

Please note that when the circuit is broken, the error code is not displayed! The control unit will show that it is not connected storage tank and or a sensor.


External sensor failed operating in equithermal regulation mode. Attention should be paid to correct connection of the sensor and the element itself.

It is clear that this is an incomplete list of possible technical failures in the operation of Proterm gas boilers.

More detailed instructions and the errors are in technical documentation. In addition, you can get knowledge on the Internet.

There are plenty of videos on the net that talk about problems and how to fix them.

For example, learn how and with what, at home, to clean the heat exchanger.

Without a doubt, some of the problems can be fixed on your own. But most breakdowns require the intervention of specialists.

In matters of safety and quality elimination of technical failures in the operation of gas-fired boilers, it is necessary to seek the help of specialists at a service center.

Gas boiler Proterm Leopard malfunction shows 104.Do not take risks and self-medicate. This can lead to serious problems. Therefore, you will have to shell out money from your pocket for unplanned re-repairs.

When choosing a technical assistance center, pay attention to the availability of certificates and the duration of the center: how long the company has been providing this kind of service.

Speaking of quality, it makes no sense to use the workshops located near your home. Moreover, the masters go to you at the specified address.

Carry out regular preventive maintenance of the equipment. This is the key to the stable operation of the gas boiler.


No matter how manufacturers praise their products, problems still arise. Falling out of order individual elements and blocks. This cannot be avoided.

This means that it is necessary to approach the issues of technical problems calmly and carefully.

High-quality repairs with a guarantee for the work performed can only be given by specialists of the service center. They use original parts and accessories.

If you are confident in your abilities, you can take on some of the work to eliminate deficiencies. But this is a risk: keep that in mind. Good luck to you!

If the problem still persists, contact a qualified technician for help.

  • To equalize the voltage, connect the device through a voltage stabilizer.
  • Perhaps the problem lies in the sensor itself, or rather, in its malfunction, replace it with a new one.
  • Also, the problem may lie in a faulty board, give it for testing, and replace it with a new one if necessary. Boiler control board Leopard

f6 Error f6. Indicates the opening of the thrust sensor. Check the following:

  • Correction of the thrust sensor.
  • Ring the sensor circuit with the board for an open or short circuit.
  • See if it works properly gas valve.
  • Check for a short to chassis.
  • Test the fuse.
  • The sensor that controls the overheating of the heat exchanger may be faulty.

Are you a robot?

  • The device and principle of operation of boilers Leopard
  • Basic error codes
  • Other malfunctions

The device and principle of operation of Leopard boilers liquefied gas, equipped with a bithermic heat exchanger. The capacity of the liquid from the tap is 8 liters per minute, heated to 35 degrees. Power consumption 135 W. Equipped with a built-in processor, monitors the operation of the device by comparing sensor readings.

If a malfunction is detected, the gas supply is stopped and a failure code is displayed on the display. This device is easy to operate, the efficiency in the heating season is 90%.

Gas wall-mounted boiler proterm leopard

Check: - the air supply hose from the fan to the differential relay. - correct position hose to the differential relay (connection point P2). - fan operation F7 - Communication error The boiler does not recognize input signals - the LED at the lightning symbol flashes. Check: - the connection of the connectors on the control panel and the display panel / user interface. - the control panel (visually). - the display panel / user interface (visually). Error F8 - Gas valve malfunction The gas valve does not respond to the commands of the control panel. The device is turned off - the LED at the lightning symbol flashes.
Check: - the gas valve power connector. - the resistance of the gas valve coil. Error F9 - Loss of the set boiler parameters The user or service settings of some parameters of the device could be lost.

Protherm leopard boiler malfunction (proterm leopard)

Caution The room controller and the external temperature sensor for the equithermal control system are connected to the terminal board. Heat hot water Thanks to smooth control, the boiler always heats hot water in the bithermic heat exchanger at such a power that the required hot water temperature is maintained even when the pressure (flow rate) of hot water changes. AT summer time the heating function can be turned off. Connection room thermostat The terminal board for connecting the room thermostat and the outdoor temperature sensor is located on the rear side of the control panel.
There is a jumper on the terminal board for connecting the room thermostat from the factory.

Error codes for gas boilers leopard

Built-in supplementary valve for adding water to the heating system. High efficiency heating hot water in a bithermic heat exchanger. Digital display of pressure in the heating system on the display, if the pressure drops below the recommended limit, a warning will appear on the control panel.
Special, more powerful pump with air removal. Electronic reading of the heating water pressure - when the pressure drops below the recommended limit, a flashing diode on the display warns the user about this, in the event of a water leak, the boiler is prevented from starting. Frost protection – when the temperature of the heating water falls below 4C, the appliance switches on automatically and heats up until the temperature of the heating water reaches 8C.

Overheating protection - the pump is always switched on when the temperature of the heating water exceeds 80C.

Protherm leopard 24 btv (bov)

  • Check if the fluid pressure sensor is good.
  • See if the expansion tank is working.
  • If the drop recurs and you are unable to find the cause, contact a qualified technician for help.

f1 In life, the topic of fears is often bypassed for some reason. Error codes and malfunctions of gas boilers proterm panther F1 Disappearance of the flame The flame went out due to the cessation of the gas supply to the boiler - the LED at the lightning symbol flashes Check: - emergency thermostat and, if necessary, restart it - gas supply at the inlet to the boiler - boiler power setting (lower power limit does not correspond to the prescribed value) - distance between the ends of the ignition electrodes + cables, ionization electrode + cable - transformer ignition - gas valve - automatic control.

If the heating water temperature exceeds 90C, the appliance switches off and a warning appears on the display. Heating of the RH - The boiler is controlled by the room thermostat or by setting the temperature of the RH. - The pump is running and the RH is circulating. - The DHW in the heat exchanger does not move. - When the room air temperature or the temperature of the RH reaches the desired value, the unit will turn off the burner. DHW heating— At the expense of domestic hot water, the sensor DHW consumption gives a signal to the control board. - The pump will stop working and the heat exchanger is cooled only with domestic water. - There is RH around the pipe in which the domestic water is heated. - The function of the RH is to evenly heat the domestic water over the entire surface and reduce calcium deposits.

What can I do to make it work again? Answer: Error F8 is a malfunction of the gas valve. Perhaps it is out of order and needs to be replaced with a new one. Question: The pressure of hot water jumps. Those. wash and take a contrast shower - one and the same thing.


We did not find specialists. How to deal with it? Answer: Most likely, you have a well. It was the same on this and another boiler. Everything was solved simply. First you need to check the pressure in the accumulator (blue or red tank), it should be about 1.5 bar, if less, then pump up.

If water runs out when you press the valve, then you need to change the inner membrane. After all this has been checked, we check whether the pressure also drops. If yes, then on the pressure switch you need to set the pump shutdown threshold to a higher pressure.

Question: Tell me, at the leopard's proterm, water flows from the air blower, which is behind the pump, what to do.

Boiler gas proterm leopard 24 VOV typical malfunctions

Protective functions of the gas boiler Protherm Leopard Frost protection The boiler is equipped with a built-in frost protection that protects it (but not the heating system and domestic hot water pipelines). If the temperature of the heating water drops below 4C, the device will switch on regardless of the demand. room regulator and regardless of the settings of the heating water temperature controller in the "sun" position. When the heating water temperature reaches 8 C, the machine will automatically turn off.
Pump protection A short activation of the pump (approximately 30 seconds) after 24 hours of inactivity protects it from jamming during a long break in operation. Protection to reduce the cycling of the boiler This function limits the number of starts that affect the life of the device and its economical operation, the function is active only in heating mode.


Depending on the modification, it can be with natural or forced removal of combustion products. Basic Error Codes Learn to play chess from the trainer of future champions. Next, consider the most common mistakes Leopold gas boiler, let's figure out what needs to be done to eliminate them.

a6 Error a6. It occurs due to the low temperature in the room where the boiler is installed. The temperature in the room where the device is installed should not fall below 0 degrees, if this can happen for some reason, install it there electric radiator. f0 We will help you get a sports category in chess or the title of a candidate for a master of sports. f0 error. Occurs when the pressure of the circulating fluid drops below 0.7 bar. You need to do the following:
  • Increase the pressure in the heating system to the required value (1.5 bar.). This can be done using the feed tap.

Characteristics of Proterm Leopard 24 BTV/BOV The built-in microprocessor controls the entire operation of the boiler, provides self-diagnosis, and additionally, you can install an equithermal control kit, consisting of a control panel and a sensor outdoor temperature. Smooth regulation - carried out on the basis of constant comparison actual values with values ​​required (set) by the user. Soft start - after kindling, the boiler works for some time at minimum power; this function is disabled during hot water heating, and required power achieved almost instantly. Pump protection - If the pump has been continuously idle for 24 hours, it will turn on briefly, which reduces the possibility of it seizing due to deposits. Upgraded class electrical protection, which satisfies the conditions for placing the boiler in bathrooms and above the bath.
After that, the boiler should start. Question: Please tell me what is the maximum temperature in the pipes that can be set on the Proterm Leopard 24 btv / bov boiler, the area of ​​​​the house is 100 sq.m. heating, everything works fine, if you add it, it turns off after a minute and gives an F6 error, what is it? Answer: Faulty air monostat or fan. Question: Protherm Leopard 24 gives error F6 on first connection.
Could you tell me what could be the problem, could it be a problem with the installation? Answer: Error F6 is a malfunction of the fan monostat. Question: boiler leopard 24 BOV 17 series. I have an F8 error on what does this malfunction mean, and how can I fix it? Answer: The gas valve may be faulty. Question: The Proterm Leopard unit has stopped. Shows error F8.

Proterm heaters are equipped with a self-diagnosis system. Due to this, errors in the operation of the Leopard boiler are displayed in the form of codes on the display. Their decoding will help determine the location of the problem in order to quickly restore the device to working capacity.

Features of the operation of the Protherm Leopard boiler

The device has a cast iron base, which gives high efficiency 90-92%. A double-circuit gas boiler works simultaneously for heating and hot water supply (DHW). The design is equipped with a bithermic heat exchanger of the "pipe in pipe" type. Water circulates through the outer tube for the heating system, and through the inner tube for hot water.

Built-in mode "Winter-Summer" allows you to save on fuel consumption. The boiler can run on gas from the main or from a cylinder. The combustion chamber is open and closed.

Error codes

Usually the manufacturer indicates the meaning of the faults in the instruction manual. But not everyone understands technical language, in addition, the user manual may be lost. Therefore, we provide transcripts in the table.

Symbols on the display Meaning Remedy
A6 Low room temperature. If the temperature drops to 0 degrees, the equipment will freeze. Connect a radiator to heat the room.
F0 The pressure dropped below 1.5 bar. What to do:
  • Increase the pressure by opening the make-up valve;
  • Inspect connections and pipes for leaks. If there is a gap, seal it;
  • Diagnose the pressure sensor and expansion tank.
F1/ F29 The flame went out. Lightning light flashes. Fuel supply cut off:
  • Open the gas valve;
  • Take a look at the pressure gauge. Make sure normal pressure gas in the pipeline;
  • Restart the boiler
  • Reconnect the plug to the socket;
  • Run fan diagnostics.
F2 The water sensor in the heating system is out of order. Measure the resistance of the sensor, inspect the integrity of the wiring, tighten the connections.
F3 The appliance has overheated. What to do:
  • Clear the clogged filter mesh, pump;
  • Remove scale from the heat exchanger;
  • Check if antifreeze is suitable for your system. If not, change fluid.
F4 The DHW temperature sensor is not working. The lightning diode blinks. Tighten the contacts from the sensor to the electronic board. Replace defective element.
F5 The external temperature sensor is defective. If it is not present, the system gives a signal about power outages.
  • Run diagnostics on the part. Install a new element;
  • Install a voltage stabilizer if frequent power surges occur. The control and display panels may not be compatible.
F6 Failure of the differential relay, fan, thrust sensor. Check:
  • Sensor and relay connections to the control board;
  • Serviceability of parts, fuel valve, fuse;
  • Overheating sensor;
  • Make sure there is no short circuit to the chassis.
F7 Communication problems. No contact between LCD and electronic module.
  • Reboot the equipment;
  • Inspect the wires between the module and the display. Measure the circuit for a short, open;
  • Flip the plug in the socket;
  • Turn on the drink. The indicators should be 1-2 Bar.
F8 Fuel valve failure. Diagnosis of wiring, valve coils.
F9 Settings failure. Reconfigure the metrics.
F10 Short circuit(Short circuit) of the supply temperature sensor. Testing with a multimeter, installing a new part.
F11 Short circuit of the NTC controller on the return line.
F12/F13 Short circuit NTC hot water heater.
F14 Closed collector NTC.
F15 Short circuit NTC venting.
F16 Short circuit NTC thrust.
F17 Short circuit NTC manifold return.
F18 Short circuit NTC water heater grounding.
F19 Short circuit NTC hoods.
F20 The thermal fuse has switched on. Reduce the temperature in the circuit, inspect the fuse.
F21 Blockage of the device due to an increase in the set values. Contact the service center.
F22 Little water in the system.
  • Unblocking, replacement of the pump;
  • Turning on the make-up to the nominal level.
F23/F72 Not enough liquid. Thermosensors on both lines give different readings. Make sure the sensors are working.
F24 The amount of coolant has been reduced. The temperature is rising too fast. Same as F22.
F25 Too hot water comes out when you open the faucet. Adjust the settings on the thermostat.
F26 The valve winding current is not correct. Call the experts.
F27 The burner flame is signaled, although no fuel is supplied. Diagnostics and replacement of the ionization electrode. Inspection of contacts, wiring.
F28 The first ignition attempt failed. Try again.
F30 Blocking sensor contacts are open. Repair the chain, put a working element.
F31 Short circuit of the blocking sensor.
F32/F33 Anti-freeze mode is on. The fan does not rotate correctly. Adjust the fan rotation, turn off the mode in warm time of the year.
F35 Poor combustion products. Clean up:
  • Pipes from the body to the chimney;
  • Chimney shafts from soot, debris, foreign objects;
  • Make sure there is normal traction. Without this, the boiler must not be turned on.
F36 Determining the presence of traction. For products with open cam combustion. Light a match and bring it to the control window. In the presence of thrust, the flame will deviate to the side. Otherwise, it will burn evenly.
F37 The fan blades are spinning abnormally. Connection diagnostics.
F38 When measuring, the frequency does not meet the standards. Master's call.
F39 Error in self-diagnosis.
F41 The fuel supply is adjusted incorrectly. Change your settings.
F42 Defective coding resistor. Checking the state of an element.
F43 The vehicle model is identified incorrectly. Service call.
F49 Low voltage on the eBus.
F55 Problems with the CO sensor.
F58 No contact with preheat.
F60 Fuel valve control problems +
F61 Problems with the regulation of the gas valve -
F62 The valve does not work.
F63 EEPROM problems.
F64 AOS error.
F65 Electronic parts overheat.
F66 The IIC bus is not working properly.
F67 Flame error.
F70 OSN problems.
F71 Opening of the water flow sensor. Tighten connections.
F73 Bad pressure sensor connection.
F74 Pressure controller wiring problems. Loop replacement.
F75 The pump is on but the pressure is not rising. System restart.
F76 The thermal fuse on the primary radiator has failed. Installing a good fuse.
F80 SH error. Seek help from a specialist.
F81 Circulation pump malfunction.
F82 Problems with the anode tester.
F90 No connection to the APC module.
F91 The sensor on the APC module is faulty.

Users sometimes complain that the Leopard boiler hums and makes noise during operation. Check the heat exchanger for scale. If the tubes are overgrown with plaque, clean them. For this, a reagent pump is used. The system is pumped, then washed with clean water.

At the first sign of a problem, do not delay the repair. Inspect the equipment, find the cause of the breakdown. Sometimes it's just the wrong settings, then you should follow the instructions. If you smell gas in the room, quickly turn off the valve and contact the gas service.

2017-05-03 Evgeny Fomenko

The device and principle of operation of Proterm boilers

Let us consider in more detail the most popular models of the manufacturer Protherm.

Proterm Gepard 23 MTV (MTV)

This model of wall double-circuit boiler belongs to the middle price segment. Equipped with the function of heating liquid for household needs, the power of the device is 23 kW. There are two modifications of the model on the market, natural (MOV) and forced (MTV) removal of the combustion product.

It is possible to control the operation of the boiler using a room thermostat or an outdoor temperature sensor. The design provides for a liquid crystal display, with the help of which the operation of the device is monitored.

Cheetah 23 MTV does not need to be connected to a chimney system, since it has a coaxial smoke exhaust system, which makes it possible to install it in a room without a chimney. The built-in heat exchanger is made of stainless steel, a sensor is provided that controls the pressure in the system.

Boiler Proterm Gepard 23 MTV

Works in two modes winter/summer, power adjustment happens thanks to a modulating torch. Water reaches the set temperature after 3 seconds after opening the tap, the efficiency is 91%.

The function of protection against freezing and overheating of the system is provided. From the pros - very easy to use, does not pollute during operation environment, affordable price.

Proterm Lynx

The installation method is wall-mounted, the boiler is designed for space heating and hot liquid heating. Depending on the area of ​​the room, there are two power options 24 kW and 28 kW. Due to the forced removal of combustion products, there is the possibility of installation in a room without an equipped chimney, or if there is no technical feasibility arrange it there.

Boiler Proterm Lynx

Despite the low cost, it has a good efficiency of 94%, while fuel consumption is low. It has two modes of operation: economical and comfortable. Thanks to the built-in electronics, automatic ignition occurs, and the burning of the flame is also controlled.

Water heating temperature control is carried out using an NTC sensor, which is installed at the outlet of the secondary heat exchanger. Equipped with a three-stage circulation pump, frost protection is provided when the temperature drops below 5 degrees.

Proterm Skat

Model range 6 kW, 9 kW, 12 kW, 18 kW, electric boiler, has the ability to step power adjustment, runs very quietly, suitable for heating small areas.

Boiler Proterm Skat

The device is single-circuit, designed for space heating, the efficiency is 98%, it is connected to a 220 V network. a large number functions, there is a great possibility of remote control.

Proterm Bear 40 KLOM

This is the most popular model in this line of floor cast iron gas boilers, as well as the Proterm KLOM 20, 30,40,50 models. This model is often used with solid fuel boiler as an additional heating device.

Boiler Proterm Medved 40 KLOM

A definite plus is ease of use, high efficiency of 92%. Also in the Medved series there is a Proterm 40 KLZ line, which is equipped with a built-in 90 l boiler, it is possible to replace individual cast iron sections which significantly reduces repair costs.

Proterm Panther (Panthera)

Designed for heating offices, houses and providing hot water. Modifications with an open combustion chamber or sealed are possible. The throughput of hot water is 13-15 liters, the maximum heated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is up to 260 square meters.

Can operate at low pressure, frost protection heating system, has a high degree of security. Thanks to the display, it is possible to monitor the operation of the boiler.

Boiler Proterm Panther

The design provides for two heat exchangers, one for providing heat in the heating system, the other for hot water. Suitable for systems where it is necessary to maintain a minimum temperature, there is a “comfort” mode, when it is turned on, hot liquid flows from the tap after 2 seconds. There is a self-diagnosis system.

Proterm Jaguar

It belongs to the most inexpensive models of wall-mounted gas boilers, designed for an apartment or residential building. There are two power options 11 and 24 kW, throughput 10 liters per minute, automatic flame modulation, independent operation of two circuits.

Boiler Proterm Jaguar

Basic error codes


Error F1 (f1). Loss of flame, ignition blocked and gas supply to the gas valve cut off. This happens when the board does not receive a signal about the presence of a flame from the ionization electrode, while the gas valve is open, the protective mechanism is activated and the boiler is turned off.

It could also be due to insufficient gas pressure. To fix, press the restart button, and check if the gas cock, and it would be useful to check the plug in the outlet, turn it over, changing the polarity.

Also, often the error F01 indicates an overheating of the thermostat, to eliminate it, try pressing the restart button on it. This problem very often occurs in the Proterm KLOM model.


Error f2 (f2). The temperature sensor of the heating circuit has failed, or the temperature of the coolant has dropped below 3 degrees. The appliance is locked out because ice may form. Often this indicates a failure of the sensor, check it and, if necessary, replace it with a new one.

Heating circuit temperature sensor

However, this situation can be caused by starting the device in winter time of the year when the temperature in the system is really low. To start the system, raise the temperature in the system.


Error f3 (f3). This error indicates that the boiler has overheated and means that the permissible critical maximum of 95 degrees has been reached, the protection is activated and the boiler automatically turns off.

Wait until the temperature drops below this indicator, the boiler will start on its own. If this situation occurs again, reset the thermal fuse.


Error f4. The DHW sensor is out of order, when this breakdown occurs, the boiler normally works to heat the heating circuit, and the heating of the liquid for domestic needs stops. Often, such a breakdown indicates either that the sensor is out of order and needs to be replaced, or the contacts are oxidized, clean and inspect them.


Error f5. Damage to the external temperature sensor. With such a malfunction, the device works, however temperature control carried out by the boiler temperature sensor. To eliminate, check if there is a mechanical break in the boiler-sensor circuit, if there is no break, it needs to be replaced.

Boiler temperature sensor Proterm


Error f6 (f6). Indicates a break in the exhaust gas sensor. Ring the connecting wires between the sensor and the board. Perhaps the board is out of order, take it to a service center for diagnostics, or the sensor itself is faulty. This breakdown can be caused by a faulty ignition transformer, check it.


Error f7. The instructions describe the error as a disconnect. This gap can be anywhere, and means that when connected to the controller, a signal does not come from one of the elements, or there is not enough voltage at the terminal on the control board.

It is necessary to visually inspect all the wires, ring them for a break, check all the connectors. It is also possible that the board itself has failed and needs to be repaired. If nothing can be found, seek qualified help from a specialist.


Error f8 Indicates the opening of the NTC sensor circuit and the grounding of the DHW boiler. Ring this chain of connections, disconnect and reconnect these elements, as the contacts may have come off. If these manipulations do not work, replace the sensor.


Error f10. Indicates a short circuit of the NTC temperature sensor on the supply line.

This fault appears on the display if:

  • Happened short circuit in NTC device installed at the input of the OF. In this situation, you need complete replacement.
  • Also possible if the voltage level in the circuit has decreased up to 0.40 V.
  • A short circuit has occurred in the device plug. What to do in this situation? Only its complete replacement, it is not subject to repair.


Error f15. Sensor short circuit reverse thrust. The combustion products controller is located at the top of the boiler, it is connected to the fan pipes.

It is necessary to disassemble, clean all the terminals, remove deposited formations from the tube. If this procedure does not bring results, a replacement with a new device will be required.


Error f20 (f20). The safety temperature limiter has tripped. The flow temperature sensor may be connected incorrectly, causing the temperature to rise higher. allowable rate(95 degrees) or an open circuit has occurred.

Temperature limiter for gas boiler

Call her, if you do not find a malfunction, try reconnecting it. Check if the pump is working, bleed air. If you have not been able to solve this problem yourself, seek help from a specialist.


Error 22. This problem indicates low fluid pressure in heating circuit less than 0.3 bar.

Possible reasons for this:

  • Fluid pressure sensor failure. Need to be replaced.
  • Malfunction or blockage of the pump, or its work is not regulated. Clean it out and check for proper operation.

Add fluid to the system. Check all elements for leaks, as pressure may drop due to a leak, if it is found, eliminate it.


Error f23. Exceeding the permissible level of the temperature difference between the supply and return lines.


Error f24. Low liquid level in the heating circuit, the temperature rises very rapidly.

Perhaps this happened due to:

  • Pump interlocks, or its insufficient performance.
  • Happened system airing, and, as a result, the pressure has decreased, blow it out.
  • Highway overlap. See if all taps in the system are open.


Error f25. The intrusion protection system has tripped carbon monoxide into the room. Why does the boiler turn off? When this malfunction occurs, the relay contacts open due to a violation of the air flow circulation.

The reason may be:


Error f28 (f28). Extinction of the flame when turned on.

The following causes of this malfunction are possible:

It will also be useful to clean the entire ignition group, including the burners.


Error f29 (f29). Extinction of the flame during the operation of the boiler.

Consider the possible reasons:

  • No gas supply to the boiler. Perhaps there is no gas in the line, you need to contact the gas service.
  • Check grounding devices, phase, zero.
  • The reason may also be burner clogging, to do this, remove the casing from the boiler by unscrewing the two bolts. Next, view the condition of the burner, if necessary, clean it.


Error f33 (f33). Antifreeze works protective system in the fan. The contact in the relay does not close.

It is possible for several reasons:


Error f55. Faulty carbon monoxide sensor.

You need to check the following:

  • Status of contactors and relays. If sticking is found, then with the help of fine-grained sandpaper clean them up and degrease them.
  • Maybe, faulty control board and it needs to be replaced.


Error f62. Gas valve defective.

What should be done.