Communication in the modern world. Communication, its importance in human life. Functions. Types and levels of communication





Specialty: 150700.62 - Engineering


in the discipline "Psychological workshop" on the topic:

Communication, its importance in human life. Functions. Types and levels of communication»

Completed by: 3rd year student

departments of group 4331-h

Checked by: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Burganova N.T.

Naberezhnye Chelny


)Communication, definition

2) The value of communication in human life

)Communication functions

2) Types of communication

) Types and forms of communication

2) Phases and means of communication


List of used literature


communication communication man

Communication plays a big role in people's lives and activities. AT different forms communication, people exchange the results of their activities, accumulated experience, mutual exchange of knowledge, judgments, ideas, ideas, interests, feelings is carried out, the aspirations, needs and goals of people are coordinated, a psychological community is formed, mutual understanding is achieved. In the process of communication, a general program and overall strategy joint activities. Thanks to communication, the horizons of a person expand, the limitations of individual experience are overcome. Communication belongs important place and in human development.

Relationships and interactions can be regulated through communication, but their regulation is not limited to the use of communication. Specific means of communication are verbal and non-verbal, while specific means of building relationships and interactions are different. Relationships and interaction, in turn, affect communication, but their functioning is not limited to this influence, and their regulation is a special task. If we try to give a comprehensive definition of communication in small groups, then communication in a group is the exchange of information between its members in order to achieve mutual understanding in regulating relationships in the process. life together and activities.

Communication is inextricably linked with the activities of people. This is recognized by all psychologists who consider communication from the standpoint of an activity approach. However, the nature of this relationship is understood differently. Some authors (A.N. Leontiev) consider communication to be a certain aspect of activity: it is included in any activity, then its elements, conditions.

Communication, definitions

Communication is a complex process of interaction between people, which consists in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of each other by partners. The subjects of communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level does the process of communication become conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. The person who transmits information is called the communicator, and the person who receives it is called the recipient.

Communication is of great importance in the formation of the human psyche, its development and the formation of reasonable, cultural behavior. Through communication with psychologically developed people, thanks to wide opportunities to learning, a person acquires all his higher cognitive abilities and qualities. Through active communication with developed personalities he himself becomes a person. If from birth a person was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, he would never become a civilized, culturally and morally developed citizen, he would be doomed to remain a semi-animal until the end of his life, only outwardly, anatomically and physiologically resembling a person. This is evidenced by numerous; the facts described in the literature and showing that, being deprived of communication with their own kind, the human individual, even if he, as an organism, is completely preserved, nevertheless remains a biological being in his mental development. As an example, we can cite the conditions of people who are occasionally found among animals and who for a long period, especially in childhood, lived in isolation from civilized people or, already as adults, as a result of an accident, found themselves alone, isolated from their own kind for a long time ( e.g. after a shipwreck). Especially great importance for the mental development of the child has his communication with adults in the early stages of ontogenesis. At this time, he acquires all his human, mental and behavioral qualities almost exclusively through communication, since until the beginning of schooling, and even more definitely before the onset of adolescence, he is deprived of the ability to self-educate and self-educate. mental development The child begins with communication. This is the first type of social activity that arises in ontogenesis and thanks to which the infant receives the information necessary for his individual development.

The value of communication in human life

As noted earlier, communication and interpersonal relationships consist of processes that are often intertwined and mutually. Each process can be considered separately, since it has its own characteristics. These processes are the exchange of information between people (the communicative side of communication), the organization of interaction, the influence on other people (the interactive side of communication), the perception and mutual understanding of each other or the knowledge of oneself and the other (the perceptual side of communication). Let's consider them separately.

Communication is the exchange of information. The main goal of any communication process is to ensure the understanding of the information being exchanged. The importance of information plays an important role in this, thanks to which the partners try to develop common sense, the same understanding of the situation. It should be noted that information in communication is not simply transmitted from one person (who is called a communicator or sender) to another (who is called a recipient or addresser), but is exchanged. The main purpose of such a communication process is to ensure an adequate understanding of the information that is being transmitted.

Message can be considered a method of communication intended for the transfer of information. With its help, certain information is transmitted from one person to another, both during direct communication (thanks to language, gestures, facial expressions), and through various means of mass communication. At the same time, it is useful to remember the commandment: "Do not start talking until you start thinking." In addition, it is advisable to comprehend not only the idea itself, but also how it will be perceived by people who become familiar with it.

Communication as interaction. With any act of communication, there is an exchange of not only knowledge, opinions, ideas, that is, information, but also actions, in particular, there will be a common strategy for interaction. Interaction is a process of direct or indirect influence of subjects on each other, generating the causality of their actions and interconnection. This process requires the activity and mutual orientation of the actions of those people who take part in it.

There are many types of interaction, and therefore several of their classifications. One of the most famous is the division into cooperation (cooperation) and competition (rivalry). A classification is known, where the number of subjects communicating is taken as the basis for interaction. If there are two subjects, then this interaction is a pair (in a dyad). If there are many subjects, then they can interact in a group (group interaction), between groups (intergroup interaction), or the subject can act with a group (subject-group interaction). This subject can be the leader or any member of the group.

Communication as perception and understanding of each other.

Perception is the mental state of a person's reflection of objects and phenomena as a whole in the aggregate of all their qualities and properties with their direct impact on the senses. This is a process of mutual perception and understanding of interlocutors, their knowledge of each other. AT general plan we can say that the perception of another person means a reflection of his external signs, relating them to personal characteristics individual and interpretation on this basis of his actions. Considering the process of knowing one person by another during communication, the famous psychologist S.L. Rubinstein wrote: Everyday life When communicating with people, we orient ourselves in their behavior, since we, as it were, “read” a person, that is, we decipher the meaning of his external data and reveal the meaning of the text thus obtained in a context that has its own internal psychological plan. This "reading" happens quickly, because in the process of communicating with the people who surround us, we produce a certain, more or less automatically functioning subtext to their behavior. "The image of another person is often formed on the first impression, and this can lead to errors in her It is not for nothing that they say, do not judge by clothes - judge by mind.It is important to realize that the mistake will be not so much an inadequate impression of a person, but the use of this inadequate impression in subsequent interpersonal relationships with him.

Communication functions

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities.

Communication is one of the most important concepts in psychology. It reveals more diverse individual characteristics all participants in this process.

Communication has its own functions, means, types and types, channels and phases.

A study by psychologists and sociologists shows that up to 70% of managerial decisions are made by managers orally in the process of business interaction. It can be said without exaggeration that the nature of business contacts has a decisive influence on the effectiveness of joint activities, on the success of conversations, business meetings and negotiations, press conferences, auctions and presentations.

Even in the age of computers, the main instrument of communication between people is the word. Anyone who has perfectly mastered the skills in the process of communication gets the opportunity to live according to the principle “I came, I saw, I persuaded”. Communication is an extremely subtle and delicate process. It talks about direct and indirect communication, direct and indirect.

Direct communication is understood as natural contact "face to face" with the help of verbal (speech) and non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, spatial (distance, approach, removal, turns "to" and "from"), temporary (earlier, later )). The practical importance of the ability to "read" non-verbal information should be emphasized. The pace of speech, loudness, change in pitch and tempo of voice coloring are all means of conveying the emotional state of a person, his attitude to the message being transmitted. A person cannot consciously control the entire sphere of his communication, so often even what he wants to hide appears, for example, through the movements of the hands, the position of the legs, the expression of the eyes, etc. Only by taking into account all the accompaniment that accompanies the speech, you can correctly perceive the communication partner.

Mediated communication can be considered as incomplete mental contact with the help of written or technical devices that make it difficult or time-consuming to receive feedback between the participants in the communication. Obviously, the emergence of various technical communication devices has significantly increased the number of sources of human experience, but also greatly complicated the system of human communication.

In its meaning, communication is multifunctional. There are five main functions of communication.

The binding role is the most important condition for bringing people together in the process of any activity.

Formative role. Here, communication acts as the most important condition for the formation and change of a person’s mental makeup (especially in early stages).

confirmation function. In the process of communicating with other people, a person gets the opportunity, as it were, to confirm himself, to establish himself in what he is. Even W. James noted that for a person "there is no more monstrous punishment than to be presented in society to oneself and remain completely unnoticed." This state of a person is fixed in the concept of "non-confirmation". Moreover, unlike denial, which can be expressed by the words “You are wrong” or “You are bad” and implies a certain amount of confirmation, albeit with a negative assessment, non-confirmation means “You are not here”, “You do not exist”.

Everyday experience of human communication is replete with procedures organized according to the principle of the simplest "confirmatory therapy": rituals of acquaintance, greeting, naming, showing various signs of attention. They, speaking scientific language, are aimed at maintaining a “minimum confirmation” in a person.

The fourth function is to organize and maintain interpersonal relationships at the level of defined emotional contacts.

The fifth function of communication is intrapersonal, i.e. communication of a person with himself.

Types of communication.

Communication at the level of social roles (role communication) - boss-subordinate, seller-buyer, teacher-student, is dictated by the role played, the place that a person occupies in the system of social social relations is fixed.

Under the interpersonal relationship is meant (the most common model of communication) the participation of two specific personalities with unique qualities that are revealed to the other in the course of communication and organization of joint actions.

Business communication can be easily distinguished from functional-role communication. Business communication is a kind interpersonal communication aimed at reaching some sort of substantive agreement. In business communication (unlike, for example, secular communication) there is always a goal.

Types of communication are determined by the rules, the implementation of which is implied. So, if the rules of "secular" communication are based on a code of courtesy, then the basis of business relations is a code based on the principles of cooperativeness. He contains following rules:

Types and forms of communication

There is practically no period in a person's life when he is out of communication. Communication is classified according to content, goals, means, functions, types and forms. Specialists distinguish the following forms of communication.

Direct communication is historically the first form of communication between people. It is carried out with the help of organs given to man by nature (head, hands, vocal cords, etc.). On the basis of direct communication at the later stages of the development of civilization, various forms and types of communication. For example, mediated communication associated with the use special means and tools (stick, footprint on the ground, etc.), writing, television, radio, telephone and more modern means to organize communication and exchange of information.

Direct communication is a natural face-to-face contact, in which information is transmitted personally by one interlocutor to another according to the principle: "you - to me, I - to you." Indirect communication involves the participation in the communication process of an "intermediary" through which information is transmitted.

Interpersonal communication is associated with direct contacts of people in groups or pairs. It implies knowledge of the individual characteristics of the partner and the presence of joint experience of activity, empathy and understanding.

Professionals in the field of trade and services in their daily activities are faced with the problems of interpersonal communication.

In psychology, there are three main types of interpersonal communication: imperative, manipulative and dialogic.

Imperative communication is an authoritarian (directive) form of influence on a communication partner. Its main goal is to subjugate one of the partners to the other, achieve control over his behavior, thoughts, as well as coercion to certain actions and decisions. In this case, the communication partner is considered as a soulless object of influence, as a mechanism that must be controlled; he acts as a passive, “suffering” side. The peculiarity of imperative communication is that forcing a partner to do something is not hidden. Orders, instructions, demands, threats, instructions, etc. are used as means of influence.

Dialogic communication is an alternative to imperative and manipulative types of interpersonal communication. It is based on the equality of partners and allows you to move from an attitude fixed on yourself to an attitude towards an interlocutor, a real communication partner.

Dialogue is possible only if a number of rules of relationship are observed:

psychological attitude to the emotional state of the interlocutor and one’s own psychological state (communication on the principle of “here and now”, i.e., taking into account the feelings, desires, physical condition that partners are experiencing at this particular moment); trust in the partner’s intentions without assessing his personality (principle of trust);

perception of a partner as an equal, having the right to his own opinion and his own decision (the principle of parity);

communication should be directed to common problems and unresolved issues (principle of problematization);

the conversation must be conducted on your own behalf, without reference to someone else's opinion and authorities; you should express your true feelings and desires (the principle of personifying communication).

Dialogue communication involves an attentive attitude to the interlocutor, to his questions.

In the process of communication, there is no desire to understand a person, his individual characteristics are not taken into account, therefore this type of communication is usually called formal. In the course of communication, a standard set of masks is used, which have already become familiar (strictness, politeness, indifference, etc.), as well as a set of facial expressions and gestures corresponding to them. During the conversation, “common” phrases are often used to hide emotions and attitudes towards the interlocutor.

Primitive communication. This type communication is characterized by "necessity", that is, a person evaluates the other as a necessary or unnecessary (interfering) object. If a person is needed, they actively come into contact with him, interfere - they “push him away” with sharp remarks. After receiving what they want from a communication partner, they lose further interest in it and, moreover, do not hide it.

Formal role communication. In such communication, instead of understanding the personality of the interlocutor, knowledge of his interlocutor is dispensed with. social role. Each of us plays many roles in life. A role is a way of behavior that is set by society, therefore it is not common for a seller, a cashier of a savings bank, to behave like a military leader. It happens that during one day a person has to “play” several roles: a competent specialist, colleague, leader, subordinate, passenger, loving daughter, granddaughter, mother, wife, etc.

Business conversation. In this type of communication, personality traits, age, moods of the interlocutor are taken into account, but the interests of the case are more important.

Secular communication. Communication is pointless, people say not what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases. Politeness, tact, approval, expression of sympathy - the basis of this type of communication.

Communication is carried out using verbal (verbal) and non-verbal means.

The study of the process of communication showed how complex, diverse the phenomenon is and made it possible to distinguish the structure of communication, consisting of three interrelated parties:

communicative, which is manifested in the mutual exchange of information between partners in communication, transfer and reception of knowledge, opinions, feelings;

interactive, consisting in the organization of interpersonal interaction, i.e. when the participants in communication exchange not only knowledge, ideas, but also actions;

perceptual, which manifests itself through the perception, understanding and evaluation of each other by people.

In the course of communication, a person seeks not only to perceive the interlocutor, but to know him, to understand the logic of his actions and behavior. Cognition and understanding by people of others and themselves occurs in accordance with the psychological mechanisms of perception.

Identification is likening oneself to another. To understand a communication partner, you need to put yourself in his place, since you can’t really understand a person until you have been in his “skin”. This mechanism allows you to understand the values, habits, behavior and norms of another person.

Empathy (empathy) is not a rational understanding of the problems of another person, but an emotional response, empathy, empathy. Empathy is based on the ability to correctly imagine what is happening inside a person, what he experiences, how he evaluates events. It has been established that the ability to show empathy increases with the acquisition of life experience. Older people, who have seen and experienced a lot, understand a person who has fallen into certain circumstances better than young people.

The highest form of empathy is effective, characterizing moral essence person. For example, you can simply empathize with a fellow student who “flunked” an exam, or you can help prepare for a retake.

Attraction (attract, attract) is a form of knowing another person, based on the emergence of positive feelings for him: from sympathy to love. The reason for the appearance of a positive emotional attitude of communication partners is often their internal similarity. For example, young people (boys, girls) understand each other much better than adults who surround them (parents, teachers, etc.).

To correctly understand a communication partner, it is important to know his attitude towards us, how he perceives and understands us. In this case, the mechanism “works”, which in psychology is called reflection.

Reflection (turning back) is the ability of a person to imagine how he is perceived by a communication partner. It is no longer just knowing the other, but also knowing how the other understands us: our mental abilities, individual personality traits and emotional reactions. At the same time, our attention is transferred from the partner in communication to ourselves and there is a kind of doubling of mirror reflections of each other.

Understanding the other person is very important for successful communication with him. Often we are interested in what makes the interlocutor act this way and not otherwise, that is, what are the reasons for his actions. After all, knowing them, you can predict the further behavior of a communication partner. If man always had complete information about the people around him with whom he enters into communication, then he could accurately build tactics for interacting with them. But in everyday life, as a rule, we are in conditions of lack of information, not knowing true reasons the behavior of another person. This ignorance forces us to attribute to others the most diverse reasons for their behavior and actions. They are based on the similarity of the behavior of the interlocutor with some known image or analysis of our own reasons, which are found in a similar situation. Attributing the causes of behavior to another person is called causal attribution (i.e., I give a reason, I give it). Research shows that each person has habitual explanations for other people's behavior. Some people always find the culprit of what happened and attribute the cause of what happened to a specific person, but not to themselves.

Phases and means of communication

Of all the phases of communication, the preparation phase is the most critical, if it is possible. Communication needs to be planned, to choose the right place and time, to determine for oneself attitudes towards the results of communication. The first phase of communication is making contact. Self-adjustment is important here, it is important to feel the state, the partner’s adjustment, to get used to it yourself. It is important to position the partner towards you and ensure a smooth start. This period ends with the establishment of psychological contact.

Next comes the phase of focusing on something, some problem, the task of the parties and the development of topics, then - motivational probing. Its purpose is to understand the motives of the interlocutor and his interests. Then follows the phase of argumentation and persuasion, if there are differences of opinion. And finally, the phase of fixing the result. This is always a critical moment in a relationship. As opposed to a break, the end of a relationship is the end of contact. And a mistake in this phase can sometimes completely change the result of many hours of conversation. It is always necessary to end the communication so that there is a prospect of continuation.

In business communication, it is the exchange of information that is significant for the participants in the communicative act that is the most important side. The means that allow you to do this most effectively are divided into verbal (speech) and non-verbal.

It would seem that non-verbal means are not as important as speech ones. In fact, this is not so: we receive and transmit more than 65% of the information just with the help of non-verbal means. With their help, it reveals inner world person. Information received or transmitted in verbal form may not always be reliable. And it is precisely to correctly understand non-verbal signals, which are much less amenable to conscious control, that allow us to establish the degree of frankness of our interlocutor.

All non-verbal means of communication are divided into the following groups:

kinetic, i.e. visually perceived (facial expressions, posture, gestures, gait, look);

prosodic, i.e. rhythmic and intonational aspects of speech (pitch, loudness, timbre, stress force) and extralinguistic - the inclusion of pauses, sighs, laughter, crying, etc .;

takecenic, i.e. dynamic touches in the form of a handshake, patting, kissing;

proxemic, i.e. orientation of partners at the time of communication and the distance between them (distancing).

The use of a number of non-verbal means of communication is rather strictly limited by the national, cultural and religious traditions of a particular people. If facial expressions that give a clear and distinct idea of emotional state person is interpreted in the same way regardless of nationality and culture, then the specific meaning of such non-verbal signs as posture, gestures, distances or norms of approximation is different in different cultures.

Non-verbal means of communication help in creating the image of a communication partner, serve to clarify and sometimes change the meaning of a verbal message, to give or enhance the emotional coloring of what was said.

Despite the importance of non-verbal ways of transmitting information, the meaning of the message, its content is still conveyed in a verbal, or speech, way.

The ability to speak correctly, or oratory, was taught back in Ancient Greece. It is currently dedicated a large number of publications, so I will briefly dwell on the most significant points that make it possible to make a speech more beautiful and convincing:

speech should be clear, tone - moderate;

it is necessary to strengthen intonation, highlight important words and subjugate unimportant ones to them;

a change in the pace of speech will give it expressiveness;

pause before and after important thoughts.

The hardest part is usually the beginning of the performance. It should be short, one or two sentences is enough, and sometimes you can do without it at all.

The ending of the speech is the element of the speech that is remembered the most. Therefore, you can end your speech with a quote that is appropriate for the occasion, or with a brief summary of the points made.

When giving a speech, it is important to look not at the floor or over the interlocutor, but at him. The speech should be clear, specific; if the fact being stated is sufficiently abstract, use examples. To strengthen the main thing in the material presented, these thoughts can be repeated, but not to use the same phrases every time. Do not try to cover many questions at once. Try to avoid verbal cliches, hackneyed words and expressions.


Communication is a multifaceted process of developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities. Communication includes the exchange of information between its participants, which can be characterized as the communicative side of communication. The second side of communication is the interaction of those who communicate - the exchange in the process of speech is not only words, but also actions, deeds. And, finally, the third side of communication involves the perception of communicating each other.

Socio-psychological knowledge, the skills of analyzing situations that arise in the process of communication are of great importance for building effective relationships between people. On the one hand, they help a person to better understand himself, his inner world, to realize the socio-psychological aspects of his "I": social attitudes, stereotypes, behavior and interaction strategies, communication style, the ability to listen effectively, control their emotions and adequately understand other people. . On the other hand, such knowledge makes it possible to better understand people, to create such a situation of communication with them, individually attuning to their internal mental state, which would most fruitfully contribute to their creative development would give a sense of security.

Business relations develop mainly in a small group, a member of which is a particular individual. The people around him play a huge role in shaping the values ​​of any person, and knowledge of the socio-psychological laws of life, groups, the ability to analyze them is the most important part of a person's life.

Using different kinds and forms of communication, groups of people can most effectively interact with each other and with the outside world, achieve the desired results of activities, make decisions, develop and satisfy the needs for joint activities.


1.Gippenreiter Yu.B. "Introduction to general psychology". M.: 1997.

2.Kovpak D., Kamenyukin A. "Safe communication" 2012.

.Kuzin F.A. "Culture business communication» Practical guide. Practical guide. - M.: 2000.

.Larinenko V.N. - Psychology and ethics of business communication - "Unity", M., 1997

.Nakamoto S. “Communication genius, how to become one.”2013.

.Rytchenko T.A., Tatarkova N.V. - Psychology of business relations - MGUESI, M., 2001

.Sukharev V.L. Ethics and psychology of a business person. M.: 2003

On the one hand, all people understand what communication is. Communication is when people talk to each other. On the other hand, when we take a closer look at certain types of communication, some doubt creeps in - is this communication?

    ordering railway tickets by phone,

    conversation with an informant by phone 09 (you will recognize the phone number of a friend),

    dialogue with the seller when you buy bread,

    exchanging greetings with a friend on the go (- Hello! - Hello!),

    conversation in transport: - When will transport go normally ?! - Don't talk!

The definition of communication presents a significant difficulty, since communication, on the one hand, is a very multifaceted phenomenon, and on the other hand, there are many phenomena that are similar to communication, but, strictly speaking, are not communication.

Communication can be defined by listing its main features. From this perspective, communication is deliberate,rationally designed, purposeful information exchange between people, accompanied by the individualization of interlocutors, the establishment of emotional contact between them and feedback.

As can be seen from the above definition, communication in the full sense of the word involves:

1. Exchange of information

This means that in the process of communication, information must be transmitted to each other by all participants in the communication, that is, there must be a reciprocity of information - both parties transmit and receive information. If one speaks and others only listen, this is not communication. Television, newspaper, SOS signal, traffic light, telephone answering machine, computer transmit information, but we do not communicate with them. It is impossible to consider such situations as communication: one is spoken out, and the other acts only as a listener; one shouts at the other, but he is silent; people are together, but do not talk to each other ("he was silent, but I listened").

2. Awareness of information exchange

Information exchange should be carried out by interlocutors consciously. The transfer of information should be part of the intention of both interlocutors.

If my interlocutor guessed something about me, although I did not intend to tell him about it at all, this is also not the result of communication. This is the result of the interpretation of the words of the interlocutor, the result of a guess or intuition (cf. the dialogue from the film "The Irony of Fate": - Are you married? - What does it matter? - So, not married! )

3. Purposefulness of information transfer

If we hear a conversation not addressed to us, then we do not communicate with the one who speaks - because he does not consciously send his message to us. Eavesdropping on the conversation of others is not the act of communicating with them. An informational message in the process of communication should be addressed to a specific interlocutor, a specific audience. The exclamation of “Someone, respond! "Aw!", "Help!" - this is not an act of communicating with someone, but an attempt to find an interlocutor with whom one could enter into communication, ask for help, etc.

The purpose of the participants in communication is the purposeful transfer of information to each other. If a person is indignant at something under his breath, and we ask him: - What do you want to say? , and he replies: - Yes, it's me ..., the communication did not take place.

Communication is the main component of any relationship, from the first stages of human development to modernity. The most intimate, loving and romantic relationships are born through ordinary conversation. Yes, it is undeniable that all feelings at the beginning of a relationship are preceded by a first glance, an assessment of appearance and unconscious labeling, but this is nothing compared to communication. Some novice psychologists, attaching great importance to statistical data, give inappropriate advice on the norms of communication, on the time that should be given to a conversation, but how one can reason and give advice regarding uncontrolled processes that are inextricably linked with emotions.

Each person is inherent in the contrast of the information received from reality. Good cannot be appreciated without evil. Based on this, you should not give free rein to your internal evaluation interlocutor. If a person is not sociable with you, this in no way indicates his constant isolation. We equally love loneliness and noisy companies, but everything has its time.

AT modern world (information age) communication available anywhere and anytime. Mobile phone almost every person has, and modern mobile connection has no limits, except in the zone solar system. Incredible number of mobile operators and more large quantity tariff plans allow you to keep in touch with loved ones. International cellular communication opens the horizons of communication with relatives on different continents, thousands and tens of thousands of kilometers away. Your every word is priceless for your parents, grandparents and all other people related to you by family ties, because love is multifaceted and knows no boundaries.





Specialty: 150700.62 - Engineering


in the discipline "Psychological workshop" on the topic:

Communication, its importance in human life. Functions. Types and levels of communication»

Completed by: 3rd year student

departments of group 4331-h

Checked by: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Burganova N.T.

Naberezhnye Chelny


)Communication, definition

2) The value of communication in human life

)Communication functions

2) Types of communication

) Types and forms of communication

2) Phases and means of communication


List of used literature


communication communication man

Communication plays a big role in people's lives and activities. In various forms of communication, people exchange the results of their activities, accumulated experience, mutual exchange of knowledge, judgments, ideas, ideas, interests, feelings, aspirations, needs and goals of people are coordinated, a psychological community is formed, mutual understanding is achieved. In the process of communication, a common program and a common strategy for joint activities are formed. Thanks to communication, the horizons of a person expand, the limitations of individual experience are overcome. Communication has an important place in human development.

Relationships and interactions can be regulated through communication, but their regulation is not limited to the use of communication. Specific means of communication are verbal and non-verbal, while specific means of building relationships and interactions are different. Relationships and interaction, in turn, affect communication, but their functioning is not limited to this influence, and their regulation is a special task. If we try to give a comprehensive definition of communication in small groups, then communication in a group is the exchange of information between its members to achieve mutual understanding in regulating relationships in the process of joint life and activity.

Communication is inextricably linked with the activities of people. This is recognized by all psychologists who consider communication from the standpoint of an activity approach. However, the nature of this relationship is understood differently. Some authors (A.N. Leontiev) consider communication to be a certain aspect of activity: it is included in any activity, then its elements, conditions.

Communication, definitions

Communication is a complex process of interaction between people, which consists in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of each other by partners. The subjects of communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level does the process of communication become conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. The person who transmits information is called the communicator, and the person who receives it is called the recipient.

Communication is of great importance in the formation of the human psyche, its development and the formation of reasonable, cultural behavior. Through communication with psychologically developed people, thanks to the wide opportunities for learning, a person acquires all his higher cognitive abilities and qualities. Through active communication with developed personalities, he himself turns into a personality. If from birth a person was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, he would never become a civilized, culturally and morally developed citizen, he would be doomed to remain a semi-animal until the end of his life, only outwardly, anatomically and physiologically resembling a person. This is evidenced by numerous; the facts described in the literature and showing that, being deprived of communication with their own kind, the human individual, even if he, as an organism, is completely preserved, nevertheless remains a biological being in his mental development. As an example, we can cite the conditions of people who are occasionally found among animals and who for a long period, especially in childhood, lived in isolation from civilized people or, already as adults, as a result of an accident, found themselves alone, isolated from their own kind for a long time ( e.g. after a shipwreck). Of particular importance for the mental development of the child is his communication with adults in the early stages of ontogenesis. At this time, he acquires all his human, mental and behavioral qualities almost exclusively through communication, since until the beginning of schooling, and even more definitely before the onset of adolescence, he is deprived of the ability to self-educate and self-educate. The mental development of a child begins with communication. This is the first type of social activity that arises in ontogenesis and thanks to which the infant receives the information necessary for his individual development.

The value of communication in human life

As noted earlier, communication and interpersonal relationships consist of processes that are often intertwined and mutually. Each process can be considered separately, since it has its own characteristics. These processes are the exchange of information between people (the communicative side of communication), the organization of interaction, the influence on other people (the interactive side of communication), the perception and mutual understanding of each other or the knowledge of oneself and the other (the perceptual side of communication). Let's consider them separately.

Communication is the exchange of information. The main goal of any communication process is to ensure the understanding of the information being exchanged. An important role is played by the significance of information, thanks to which the partners are trying to develop a common meaning, the same understanding of the situation. It should be noted that information in communication is not simply transmitted from one person (who is called a communicator or sender) to another (who is called a recipient or addresser), but is exchanged. The main purpose of such a communication process is to ensure an adequate understanding of the information that is being transmitted.

Message can be considered a method of communication intended for the transfer of information. With its help, certain information is transmitted from one person to another, both during direct communication (thanks to language, gestures, facial expressions), and through various means of mass communication. At the same time, it is useful to remember the commandment: "Do not start talking until you start thinking." In addition, it is advisable to comprehend not only the idea itself, but also how it will be perceived by people who become familiar with it.

Communication as interaction. With any act of communication, there is an exchange of not only knowledge, opinions, ideas, that is, information, but also actions, in particular, there will be a common strategy for interaction. Interaction is a process of direct or indirect influence of subjects on each other, generating the causality of their actions and interconnection. This process requires the activity and mutual orientation of the actions of those people who take part in it.

There are many types of interaction, and therefore several of their classifications. One of the most famous is the division into cooperation (cooperation) and competition (rivalry). A classification is known, where the number of subjects communicating is taken as the basis for interaction. If there are two subjects, then this interaction is a pair (in a dyad). If there are many subjects, then they can interact in a group (group interaction), between groups (intergroup interaction), or the subject can act with a group (subject-group interaction). This subject can be the leader or any member of the group.

Communication as perception and understanding of each other.

Perception is the mental state of a person's reflection of objects and phenomena as a whole in the aggregate of all their qualities and properties with their direct impact on the senses. This is a process of mutual perception and understanding of interlocutors, their knowledge of each other. In general terms, we can say that the perception of another person means displaying his external features, correlating them with the personal characteristics of the individual and interpreting his actions on this basis. Considering the process of knowing one person by another during communication, the famous psychologist S.L. Rubinshtein wrote: “In everyday life, communicating with people, we are guided by their behavior, since we, as it were, “read” a person, that is, we decipher the meaning of his external data and reveal the meaning of the text obtained in this way in a context that has its own internal psychological plan. This "reading" happens quickly, because in the process of communicating with the people who surround us, we produce a certain, more or less automatically functioning subtext to their behavior. " The image of another person is often formed on the first impression, and this can lead to errors in her perception. No wonder they say, do not judge by clothes - judge by mind. It is important to realize that the mistake will be not so much an inadequately constructed impression of a person as the use of this inadequate impression in subsequent interpersonal relationships with him.

Communication functions

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities.

Communication is one of the most important concepts in psychology. It more diversely reveals the individual characteristics of all participants in this process.

Communication has its own functions, means, types and types, channels and phases.

A study by psychologists and sociologists shows that up to 70% of managerial decisions are made by managers orally in the process of business interaction. It can be said without exaggeration that the nature of business contacts has a decisive influence on the effectiveness of joint activities, on the success of conversations, business meetings and negotiations, press conferences, auctions and presentations.

Even in the age of computers, the main instrument of communication between people is the word. Anyone who has perfectly mastered the skills in the process of communication gets the opportunity to live according to the principle “I came, I saw, I persuaded”. Communication is an extremely subtle and delicate process. It talks about direct and indirect communication, direct and indirect.

Direct communication is understood as natural contact "face to face" with the help of verbal (speech) and non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, spatial (distance, approach, removal, turns "to" and "from"), temporary (earlier, later )). The practical importance of the ability to "read" non-verbal information should be emphasized. The pace of speech, loudness, change in pitch and tempo of voice coloring are all means of conveying the emotional state of a person, his attitude to the message being transmitted. A person cannot consciously control the entire sphere of his communication, so often even what he wants to hide appears, for example, through the movements of the hands, the position of the legs, the expression of the eyes, etc. Only by taking into account all the accompaniment that accompanies the speech, you can correctly perceive the communication partner.

Mediated communication can be considered as incomplete mental contact with the help of written or technical devices that make it difficult or time-consuming to receive feedback between the participants in the communication. Obviously, the emergence of various technical communication devices has significantly increased the number of sources of human experience, but also greatly complicated the system of human communication.

In its meaning, communication is multifunctional. There are five main functions of communication.

The binding role is the most important condition for bringing people together in the process of any activity.

Formative role. Here communication acts as the most important condition for the formation and change of the mental image of a person (especially in the early stages).

confirmation function. In the process of communicating with other people, a person gets the opportunity, as it were, to confirm himself, to establish himself in what he is. Even W. James noted that for a person "there is no more monstrous punishment than to be presented in society to oneself and remain completely unnoticed." This state of a person is fixed in the concept of "non-confirmation". Moreover, unlike denial, which can be expressed by the words “You are wrong” or “You are bad” and implies a certain amount of confirmation, albeit with a negative assessment, non-confirmation means “You are not here”, “You do not exist”.

Everyday experience of human communication is replete with procedures organized according to the principle of the simplest "confirmatory therapy": rituals of acquaintance, greeting, naming, showing various signs of attention. They, speaking in scientific language, are aimed at maintaining a “minimum of confirmation” in a person.

The fourth function is to organize and maintain interpersonal relationships at the level of defined emotional contacts.

The fifth function of communication is intrapersonal, i.e. communication of a person with himself.

Types of communication.

Communication at the level of social roles (role communication) - boss-subordinate, seller-buyer, teacher-student, is dictated by the role played, the place that a person occupies in the system of social social relations is fixed.

Under the interpersonal relationship is meant (the most common model of communication) the participation of two specific personalities with unique qualities that are revealed to the other in the course of communication and organization of joint actions.

Business communication can be easily distinguished from functional-role communication. Business communication is a type of interpersonal communication aimed at achieving some kind of substantive agreement. In business communication (unlike, for example, secular communication) there is always a goal.

Types of communication are determined by the rules, the implementation of which is implied. So, if the rules of "secular" communication are based on a code of courtesy, then the basis of business relations is a code based on the principles of cooperativeness. It contains the following rules:

Types and forms of communication

There is practically no period in a person's life when he is out of communication. Communication is classified according to content, goals, means, functions, types and forms. Specialists distinguish the following forms of communication.

Direct communication is historically the first form of communication between people. It is carried out with the help of organs given to man by nature (head, hands, vocal cords, etc.). On the basis of direct communication at the later stages of the development of civilization, various forms and types of communication arose. For example, indirect communication associated with the use of special means and tools (a stick, a footprint on the ground, etc.), writing, television, radio, telephone and more modern means for organizing communication and exchanging information.

Direct communication is a natural face-to-face contact, in which information is transmitted personally by one interlocutor to another according to the principle: "you - to me, I - to you." Indirect communication involves the participation in the communication process of an "intermediary" through which information is transmitted.

Interpersonal communication is associated with direct contacts of people in groups or pairs. It implies knowledge of the individual characteristics of the partner and the presence of joint experience of activity, empathy and understanding.

Mass communication is multiple connections and contacts of strangers in society, as well as communication through the media (television, radio, magazines, newspapers, etc.).

Professionals in the field of trade and services in their daily activities are faced with the problems of interpersonal communication.

In psychology, there are three main types of interpersonal communication: imperative, manipulative and dialogic.

Imperative communication is an authoritarian (directive) form of influence on a communication partner. Its main goal is to subjugate one of the partners to the other, achieve control over his behavior, thoughts, as well as coercion to certain actions and decisions. In this case, the communication partner is considered as a soulless object of influence, as a mechanism that must be controlled; he acts as a passive, “suffering” side. The peculiarity of imperative communication is that forcing a partner to do something is not hidden. Orders, instructions, demands, threats, instructions, etc. are used as means of influence.

Dialogic communication is an alternative to imperative and manipulative types of interpersonal communication. It is based on the equality of partners and allows you to move from an attitude fixed on yourself to an attitude towards an interlocutor, a real communication partner.

Dialogue is possible only if a number of rules of relationship are observed:

psychological attitude to the emotional state of the interlocutor and one’s own psychological state (communication on the principle of “here and now”, i.e., taking into account the feelings, desires, physical condition that partners are experiencing at this particular moment); trust in the partner’s intentions without assessing his personality (principle of trust);

perception of a partner as an equal, having the right to his own opinion and his own decision (the principle of parity);

communication should be directed to common problems and unresolved issues (principle of problematization);

the conversation must be conducted on your own behalf, without reference to someone else's opinion and authorities; you should express your true feelings and desires (the principle of personifying communication).

Dialogue communication involves an attentive attitude to the interlocutor, to his questions.

In the process of communication, there is no desire to understand a person, his individual characteristics are not taken into account, therefore this type of communication is usually called formal. In the course of communication, a standard set of masks is used, which have already become familiar (strictness, politeness, indifference, etc.), as well as a set of facial expressions and gestures corresponding to them. During the conversation, “common” phrases are often used to hide emotions and attitudes towards the interlocutor.

Primitive communication. This type of communication is characterized by "necessity", that is, a person evaluates the other as a necessary or unnecessary (interfering) object. If a person is needed, they actively come into contact with him, interfere - they “push him away” with sharp remarks. After receiving what they want from a communication partner, they lose further interest in it and, moreover, do not hide it.

Formal role communication. In such communication, instead of understanding the personality of the interlocutor, knowledge of his social role is dispensed with. Each of us plays many roles in life. A role is a way of behavior that is set by society, therefore it is not common for a seller, a cashier of a savings bank, to behave like a military leader. It happens that during one day a person has to “play” several roles: a competent specialist, colleague, leader, subordinate, passenger, loving daughter, granddaughter, mother, wife, etc.

Business conversation. In this type of communication, personality traits, age, moods of the interlocutor are taken into account, but the interests of the case are more important.

Secular communication. Communication is pointless, people say not what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases. Politeness, tact, approval, expression of sympathy - the basis of this type of communication.

Communication is carried out using verbal (verbal) and non-verbal means.

The study of the process of communication showed how complex, diverse the phenomenon is and made it possible to distinguish the structure of communication, consisting of three interrelated parties:

communicative, which is manifested in the mutual exchange of information between partners in communication, transfer and reception of knowledge, opinions, feelings;

interactive, consisting in the organization of interpersonal interaction, i.e. when the participants in communication exchange not only knowledge, ideas, but also actions;

perceptual, which manifests itself through the perception, understanding and evaluation of each other by people.

In the course of communication, a person seeks not only to perceive the interlocutor, but to know him, to understand the logic of his actions and behavior. Cognition and understanding by people of others and themselves occurs in accordance with the psychological mechanisms of perception.

Identification is likening oneself to another. To understand a communication partner, you need to put yourself in his place, since you can’t really understand a person until you have been in his “skin”. This mechanism allows you to understand the values, habits, behavior and norms of another person.

Empathy (empathy) is not a rational understanding of the problems of another person, but an emotional response, empathy, empathy. Empathy is based on the ability to correctly imagine what is happening inside a person, what he experiences, how he evaluates events. It has been established that the ability to show empathy increases with the acquisition of life experience. Older people, who have seen and experienced a lot, understand a person who has fallen into certain circumstances better than young people.

The highest form of empathy is effective, characterizing the moral essence of a person. For example, you can simply empathize with a fellow student who “flunked” an exam, or you can help prepare for a retake.

Attraction (attract, attract) is a form of knowing another person, based on the emergence of positive feelings for him: from sympathy to love. The reason for the appearance of a positive emotional attitude of communication partners is often their internal similarity. For example, young people (boys, girls) understand each other much better than adults who surround them (parents, teachers, etc.).

To correctly understand a communication partner, it is important to know his attitude towards us, how he perceives and understands us. In this case, the mechanism “works”, which in psychology is called reflection.

Reflection (turning back) is the ability of a person to imagine how he is perceived by a communication partner. It is no longer just knowing the other, but also knowing how the other understands us: our mental abilities, individual personality traits and emotional reactions. At the same time, our attention is transferred from the partner in communication to ourselves and there is a kind of doubling of mirror reflections of each other.

Understanding another person is very important for successful communication with him. Often we are interested in what makes the interlocutor act this way and not otherwise, that is, what are the reasons for his actions. After all, knowing them, you can predict the further behavior of a communication partner. If a person always had full information about the surrounding people with whom he enters into communication, then he could accurately build tactics for interacting with them. But in everyday life, as a rule, we are in conditions of lack of information, not knowing the true reasons for the behavior of another person. This ignorance forces us to attribute to others the most diverse reasons for their behavior and actions. They are based on the similarity of the behavior of the interlocutor with some known image or the analysis of our own reasons, which are found in a similar situation. Attributing the causes of behavior to another person is called causal attribution (i.e., I give a reason, I give it). Research shows that each person has habitual explanations for other people's behavior. Some people always find the culprit of what happened and attribute the cause of what happened to a specific person, but not to themselves.

Phases and means of communication

Of all the phases of communication, the preparation phase is the most critical, if it is possible. Communication needs to be planned, to choose the right place and time, to determine for oneself attitudes towards the results of communication. The first phase of communication is making contact. Self-adjustment is important here, it is important to feel the state, the partner’s adjustment, to get used to it yourself. It is important to position the partner towards you and ensure a smooth start. This period ends with the establishment of psychological contact.

Next comes the phase of focusing on something, some problem, the task of the parties and the development of topics, then - motivational probing. Its purpose is to understand the motives of the interlocutor and his interests. Then follows the phase of argumentation and persuasion, if there are differences of opinion. And finally, the phase of fixing the result. This is always a critical moment in a relationship. As opposed to a break, the end of a relationship is the end of contact. And a mistake in this phase can sometimes completely change the result of many hours of conversation. It is always necessary to end the communication so that there is a prospect of continuation.

In business communication, it is the exchange of information that is significant for the participants in the communicative act that is the most important side. The means that allow you to do this most effectively are divided into verbal (speech) and non-verbal.

It would seem that non-verbal means are not as important as speech ones. In fact, this is not so: we receive and transmit more than 65% of the information just with the help of non-verbal means. With their help, the inner world of a person is revealed. Information received or transmitted in verbal form may not always be reliable. And it is precisely to correctly understand non-verbal signals, which are much less amenable to conscious control, that allow us to establish the degree of frankness of our interlocutor.

All non-verbal means of communication are divided into the following groups:

kinetic, i.e. visually perceived (facial expressions, posture, gestures, gait, look);

prosodic, i.e. rhythmic and intonational aspects of speech (pitch, loudness, timbre, stress force) and extralinguistic - the inclusion of pauses, sighs, laughter, crying, etc .;

takecenic, i.e. dynamic touches in the form of a handshake, patting, kissing;

proxemic, i.e. orientation of partners at the time of communication and the distance between them (distancing).

The use of a number of non-verbal means of communication is rather strictly limited by the national, cultural and religious traditions of a particular people. If the facial expressions, which give a clear and precise idea of ​​the emotional state of a person, are interpreted in the same way, regardless of nationality and culture, then the specific meaning of such non-verbal signs as posture, gestures, distances or norms of approach is different in different cultures.

Non-verbal means of communication help in creating the image of a communication partner, serve to clarify and sometimes change the meaning of a verbal message, to give or enhance the emotional coloring of what was said.

Despite the importance of non-verbal ways of transmitting information, the meaning of the message, its content is still conveyed in a verbal, or speech, way.

The ability to speak correctly, or oratory, was taught in ancient Greece. Currently, a large number of publications are devoted to him, so I will briefly dwell on the most significant points that make it possible to make the speech more beautiful and convincing:

speech should be clear, tone - moderate;

it is necessary to strengthen intonation, highlight important words and subordinate unimportant ones to them;

a change in the pace of speech will give it expressiveness;

pause before and after important thoughts.

The hardest part is usually the beginning of the performance. It should be short, one or two sentences is enough, and sometimes you can do without it at all.

The ending of the speech is the element of the speech that is remembered the most. Therefore, you can end your speech with a quote that is appropriate for the occasion, or with a brief summary of the points made.

When giving a speech, it is important to look not at the floor or over the interlocutor, but at him. The speech should be clear, specific; if the fact being stated is sufficiently abstract, use examples. To strengthen the main thing in the material presented, these thoughts can be repeated, but not to use the same phrases every time. Do not try to cover many questions at once. Try to avoid verbal cliches, hackneyed words and expressions.


Communication is a multifaceted process of developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities. Communication includes the exchange of information between its participants, which can be characterized as the communicative side of communication. The second side of communication is the interaction of those who communicate - the exchange in the process of speech is not only words, but also actions, deeds. And, finally, the third side of communication involves the perception of communicating each other.

Socio-psychological knowledge, the skills of analyzing situations that arise in the process of communication are of great importance for building effective relationships between people. On the one hand, they help a person to better understand himself, his inner world, to realize the socio-psychological aspects of his "I": social attitudes, stereotypes, behavior and interaction strategies, communication style, the ability to listen effectively, control their emotions and adequately understand other people. . On the other hand, such knowledge makes it possible to better understand people, to create such a situation of communication with them, individually attuning to their inner mental state, which would most fruitfully contribute to their creative development, would give a sense of security.

Business relations develop mainly in a small group, a member of which is a particular individual. The people around him play a huge role in shaping the values ​​of any person, and knowledge of the socio-psychological laws of life, groups, the ability to analyze them is the most important part of a person's life.

Using various types and forms of communication, groups of people can most effectively interact with each other and with the outside world, achieve the desired results of activities, make decisions, develop and satisfy the needs for joint activities.


1.Gippenreiter Yu.B. "Introduction to General Psychology". M.: 1997.

2.Kovpak D., Kamenyukin A. "Safe communication" 2012.

.Kuzin F.A. "Culture of business communication" Practical guide. Practical guide. - M.: 2000.

.Larinenko V.N. - Psychology and ethics of business communication - "Unity", M., 1997

.Nakamoto S. “Communication genius, how to become one.”2013.

.Rytchenko T.A., Tatarkova N.V. - Psychology of business relations - MGUESI, M., 2001

.Sukharev V.L. Ethics and psychology of a business person. M.: 2003


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Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Department of Applied Psychology


in the discipline "Psychology"

on the topic: “The role of communication in human life”


Student group SC1-1

Ivanova A.O.

Scientific adviser:

Orlova Elena Alexandrovna

Moscow, 2011

What is the role of communication in human life? What do we understand by this concept?

Communication- a complex process of interaction between people, which consists in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of each other by partners. The subjects of communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level does the process of communication become conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. The person who transmits information is called the communicator, and the person who receives it is called the recipient. The content of communication is information that is transmitted from one living being to another. The purpose of communication answers the question: "For the sake of what does a being enter into an act of communication?" This may be information about the internal (emotional, etc.) state of the subject, about the situation in external environment. The content of information is most diverse if the subjects of communication are people.

Means of communication: ways of encoding, transmitting, processing and deciphering information that is transmitted in the process of communication from one being to another. Encoding information is a way of transmitting it. Information between people can be transmitted using the senses, speech and other sign systems, writing, technical means recording and storing information. One of the basic principles modern life is the maintenance of normal relations between people and the desire to avoid conflicts. In turn, respect and attention can be earned only with respect for courtesy and restraint. Therefore, nothing is valued by the people around us as dearly as politeness and delicacy. But in life we ​​often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, disrespect for the personality of another person. In society, modesty and restraint of a person, the ability to control one's actions, to communicate carefully and tactfully with other people are considered good manners.


I'm sure everyone will say: "Yes, of course." But what form does this communication take? Most often it is just a conversation, an exchange of information. At the same time, everyone knows that the concept of COMMUNICATION is much broader than our usual: “Hello! - Bye!". Although speech plays a huge role in people's communication, everyone knows very well that people, for example, lovers, do not need words to express their feelings and thoughts.

It is enough for them to see each other. Also, facial expressions of interlocutors are of great importance in communication between people. Have you ever had to communicate with someone with the help of glances, gestures? Of course I had to! But if you understood each other, then this understanding was the result of a very hard work. So what does it take to communicate properly? It is necessary, first of all, to respect the interlocutor, to listen to him with possible attention, without interrupting and allowing him to speak, not to “noise” the communication channels. It is also necessary to look appropriately so that there is no disagreement, try to say only what we think, so as not to introduce dissociation.

All this if not universal ways communication, at least they will help to communicate more correctly and find mutual language with people.

We must not forget what our great compatriot Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov wrote 230 years ago:

"... When the prepared parts for the construction of some colossus lie especially and some of the actions determined by themselves do not mutually communicate to each other, then their entire existence is vain and useless. Similarly, if each member of the human race could not explain his concepts to another, then we were not only deprived of this trend, which is consonant with common affairs, which is controlled by the combination of our thoughts, but it would be, if we were not worse than wild animals ... "

It is impossible to imagine the development of a person, the very existence of an individual as a person, his connection with society outside of communication with other people. K. Marx and F. Engels noted in this connection: "... the actual spiritual wealth of an individual depends entirely on the wealth of his actual relationships ...". Historical experience and everyday practice show that the complete isolation of a person from society, his withdrawal from communication with other people, leads to the complete loss of the human personality, its social qualities and properties.

Communication includes all the variety of spiritual and material forms of human life and is his urgent need. It's no secret, writes the Polish psychologist E. Melibruda, that "interpersonal relationships matter to us no less than the air we breathe." The irresistible attraction of communication for a person is well expressed in the famous statement of the French writer A. de Saint-Exupery: "The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication." But how often do we think about the need to analyze the processes of our communication?

As you know, the need for communication is determined, ultimately, by the need for the joint participation of people in the production of material goods. As for the sphere of spiritual life, here the central place is occupied by the need of the individual to acquire social experience, to become familiar with cultural values, to master the principles and norms of behavior in society and a particular social environment, and all this is impossible without contacts with other people.

Interest in the problem of communication has its roots in the distant past. Communication, the processes of interaction between people, their relationships, the issues that a person faces when coming into contact with other people, have always attracted close attention. Psychologist and sociologist I.S. Cohn writes that "people invariably regard genuine friendship as rare and tend to relegate its flowering to the past." This kind of longing for real friendship, for the sincerity of communication in the past, is exaggerated. Indeed, in our time one can observe many manifestations of the true friendship of people, their sincerity and self-sacrifice. A striking example is the manifestations of friendship during the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War. But even now it is difficult to imagine a person who does not have friendly feelings for close people, for comrades in the profession, in common inclinations, interests, aspirations.

It may seem that with the concept of communication, well known to everyone, there are no special problems. Everyone seems to know what communication is. This word is associated with habitual ideas about the contacts and relationships of people with each other, about meeting friends and strangers, about personal relationships arising on the basis of professional, amateur, creative and other common interests.

The elementary function of communication is to achieve a relationship, and to begin with, at the most external, preliminary, formal level. It would seem that it could be easier! A smile, a handshake, an approving nod, a welcome gesture... But already at this simplest level, the most unforeseen and annoying misunderstandings are possible. Russians, British, Americans use a handshake as a greeting gesture. The Laplanders rub their noses. Samoans sniff each other. Latin Americans embrace, French kiss each other on the cheek.

Entering into contacts with other people, we are far from always aware that we are using signs - units of a conditional code, a language that has come down to us from ancient times, a communicative tool that has been created for thousands of years by huge creative teams - peoples and races. Elementary languages, like the language of salutatory gestures, vary not only from one national culture to another, but also within the national culture itself from one professional, class or sex and age group to another, and even from family to family. From this it is clear how universal this source of mutual understanding or, on the contrary, misunderstanding of people is. But if this is the case in the sphere of the most elementary communication skills, then how great is the possibility of mutual misunderstanding, lurking in the semantic plane of human communication, which includes a range of complex psychological, moral, cultural and ideological motives, a fusion of thoughts, moods and feelings that one a person exchanges in the process of communication with others!

Needs modern society, his spiritual and material spheres make the problem of communication extremely relevant. Without the appropriate development of forms of communication, such areas are practically impossible. human activity like upbringing, education, health care, science, art, politics, ideology, etc.

What is the starting point of any communication that gives rise to mutual understanding or, on the contrary, misunderstanding, rejection? Maybe it's a meeting, a handshake, a greeting, an acquaintance? Everything seems to be clear. To enter into communication, people first need to see each other, meet. How else?

We see that the role of communication in human life is enormous! It is impossible to imagine a day without communication. It is necessary for a person like air!

List of used literature:

1. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - M., Aspect Press, 1996

2. Andreeva G.M. Communication and optimization of joint activities. Moscow State University, 1987

3. Voikunsky A.E. I say, we say...: Essays on human communication. - M.: Knowledge, 1990

4. Leontiev A.N. Activity, consciousness, personality. - M., 197