Do-it-yourself desktop drilling machine: diagrams and drawings. Homemade drilling machine from a drill Do-it-yourself drilling machine drawings

Drilling machine- a unique device that is necessary for a home workshop. It allows you not to seek help from specialized workshops, but simply take and carry out the grooving work yourself.

Thanks to this, a person saves a huge amount of money on the services of turning specialists.

You can make such a device from scrap materials. There is nothing complicated in the process.

To make a home drilling machine, you only need an electric drill or a steering rack.

Purchasing industrial units will cost a pretty penny, so it is advisable to make your own model using drawings with dimensions, which are abundant on the Internet.

Before you begin creating the unit itself, you should complete the planning. This is a responsible step that requires a careful approach and drawing up a drawing. You need to carefully measure and display on paper the dimensions of the future machine. If this is not done, something will definitely go wrong in the work.

It’s easy to make a mistake, and having a drawing will not allow you to make mistakes. People who neglect this stage in creating a drilling machine with their own hands overpay during the manufacturing process. What you need to take into account while working:

Drawings with dimensions.

  • Length, width and height of equipment;
  • Thickness of aggregates;
  • Technical characteristics of electrical equipment;
  • Data of the motor that will drive your machine;
  • Power consumption;
  • Grounding;
  • Quantity of consumables.

The drawing will allow you not only to visually understand how to assemble the equipment, but also what it will exactly look like. The project will make it possible to more clearly determine the amount of production costs.

To assemble such equipment in your workshop, you do not need to have specialized items or electrical equipment. All you need is 4 main components. First of all, you should choose a bed for the filler machine. It will serve as a powerful foundation for a future grooving device.

After this, we decide on the rotation mechanism. It's better for him to choose electric drill.

Tip: Take a drill that is not too old, but not too new. The main thing is that it is in working order, otherwise the equipment can quickly fail.

The third step will be to select a device for supplying revolutions

on the working part of the drill, and also decide on a vertical type stand. The drill itself is lightweight, so you don’t need to look for heavy-duty materials for the stand. An ordinary board or chipboard will do.

Tip: An asynchronous motor from an old one is ideal as a drive. washing machine.

The bed, on the contrary, is selected from those materials that will be stronger. It should hold everything on itself, and also absorb the rattling of the drill itself. To prevent vibrations from affecting the equipment and the accuracy of work, it is best to select strong metals. Very good, an old stand from a photo enlarger will work as a holder. True, to create a drilling machine with your own hands, you will need to modify it.

Important! The accuracy of the drilled hole will depend on the quality of the connection between the stand and the unit frame.

The home lathe maker will also need to use several strips of steel to cut two guide bars. They will help to move the block on which the drill is located. You can use screws to secure them. We take and screw everything to the rack.

Clamps will help increase the strength of the drill's fixation. It is best to use steel ones, they can withstand more high load. To further dampen vibrations, it is best to place a rubber gasket. It will help you eliminate the rattling processes of home equipment during operation.

The basis of the movement of the machine is the lever. It allows you to easily move the block with an electric drill in a vertical position. A spring will be installed there, which will allow the drilling apparatus to be maintained at the required tension.

Selecting and installing a steering rack for a drilling machine

To ensure that your home equipment works as conveniently as possible, it is best to use an upgraded steering rack during its creation.

If you are going to buy it new from the manufacturer, prepare a tidy sum,

because it is not cheap at all. More profitable solution- this is to choose a used part, best from a VAZ 2108.

Advice: As soon as you have purchased such a spare part, you should carefully inspect it, carry out preventive maintenance and repairs if necessary. This will give it a smoother ride when working with the drilling machine.

Now let's start making a frame for your future drilling equipment

  1. To make the body you will need to use a drill along with a column. All this should be installed on a table, which will serve as a platform for the future drilling machine. The table dimensions should be around 20x30 cm.
  2. A special structure that will hold your electric drill is installed on the steering part of the unit. Bolts are used to tighten it.
  3. To build the rack itself, you should first select a U-shaped steel profile with dimensions 30x60x30. Then you need to weld it to metal sheet with a thickness of 2 mm. In theory, the stand itself should be 6-7 cm taller than the length of the column itself.
  4. When creating equipment, it is best for the machine operator to use the VAZ 2108 steering rack, which was mentioned earlier, as the stroke of the rod.
  5. To further increase the rigidity of the entire structure, additional ribs should be installed during installation.

To ensure that the operator does not have problems starting or shutting down equipment during operation, you should consider practical system starting and stopping the drilling machine motor.

In everyday life, not a very large machine may be useful, but drilling equipment for working with micro printed circuit boards as in the photo.

To make it, the creator will need:

  • Micromotor or engine operating at high speeds.
  • Special collet for clamping small drills.
  • Several wooden blocks.
  • U-shaped metal profile.
  • A retaining ring that will help secure the engine.
  • A mobile platform for a machine, which is created with your own hands from all kinds of materials found in everyday life.

Important! So that the machine does not disappoint you in the end and works clearly and accurately, you should special attention pay attention to lowering the drill. It must be perpendicular to the board.

If the motor becomes distorted under some circumstances, the user runs the risk of damaging the drills. During the production of home drilling equipment, you need to carefully monitor the quality of the motor fixation. If it is not installed securely, it will simply tear out of the frame when the engine is running at high speeds. This is fraught with damage to your property and the risk of harm to health.

How to make a coordinate table

IN home machine For drilling, the role of the coordinate table will be performed by the feed mechanism. And the same table, but for milling equipment, has a slightly different design. Therefore, it should be considered more carefully.

This equipment is a special manipulator, which consists of the number of axes desired by the user. It is needed to move specialized technological heads of drilling equipment in several directions and planes at once.

Important! To make a milling table at home, you cannot do without using several linear-type modules. They must be made of aluminum profile.

To carry out motion transfer when creating milling table A special toothed rack should be used, as well as a reinforced belt. Instead, a ball-screw element will do just fine.

To establish control of the coordinate table, the creator will need to use CNC or controllers. Thanks to their installation, the user has the opportunity to control the equipment technical tasks, placed on the machine.

Important! When creating a router table for your drill press, be sure to make a drawing before you begin. This will allow you to clearly understand the algorithm of actions and save yourself from unnecessary mistakes.

Calculation in in this case carried out taking into account technical characteristics the drilling unit itself. The design itself can be either lightweight or with increased strength. And also 2 or 3 coordinates can be used there. The first step before creating a machine is to understand its main role in your home workshop. And this can be used as a starting point in the design and further production process.

When everything is ready, you need to make a vice, otherwise you will not be able to fix the part at home; holding it in your hands is strictly prohibited. Purchasing old Soviet vices made of steel or cast iron can be expensive. Models made in China, not everyone will like it due to its fragility. Therefore one of economical options will make them yourself.

You will need:

  • A screw with a 2 cm thread and a length of 15 cm. There must be a slot in the head of the fastener.
  • A special screw with a ring that is used for tightening.
  • Hairpins.

You should make a stationary sponge. How to make this element? To create, use pine wood. It is affordable and quite durable. The board should be grafted onto the tabletop.

To make the mobile part of the vice you need a board with dimensions of 2 cm thick and 1.8 cm wide. The length of the movable jaws for clamps must be from 50 cm.

All you need to do is cut holes with a diameter of 2.1 cm. In studs, this diameter will be 1 cm. Then the creator simply inserts the studs along with the screws into the finished holes, after which he attaches the nuts and tightens them with bolts.

And this concludes the production of home vices.

When you have created your home drilling machine, you should definitely check it.

Plug the engine into the outlet and, if you did everything correctly, it didn’t happen to you. short circuit, there are no uncharacteristic sounds for the operation of the unit - you can congratulate yourself on the successful completion of the project.

A homemade machine will allow you to perform simple drilling operations at home and save on the services of auto repair shops or turners.

Video on how to make a drilling machine

The only thing is that in order for the equipment to work as long as possible, do not be shy or lazy to inspect the working surfaces along with the engine every six months for damage or wear of parts. Timely identification of the problem will allow you to protect yourself from real troubles.

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For all those who like to make a product with their own hands, it will be a great assistant. Such a unit, in a garage or at home, will allow you to accurately and accurately make holes, mill wood, drill broken bolts out of threads, and so on. However, buying a drilling machine can be quite expensive, and why spend extra money when you can easily make a drilling machine yourself.

General characteristics for the drilling machine

Drilling machine drawing

For production you will need a minimum expensive materials. These are basically improvised tools that can be found in any garage. Of course, the material must meet the requirements of the device.

For example, for the manufacture of a large stationary machine, without metal frame not necessary, and in the case of a tabletop unit, only wooden materials can be used.

For all types of structures, three fundamental factors will be required:

  • convenient drill feed lever;
  • precision movement of the drilling mechanism;
  • reliable bed.

Of course, the feed lever should be placed under working hand master, left or right. However, this is not the only condition for convenience. The drill feed lever should not be long, so as not to interfere with work, but not short, so that it is easier to apply pressure on the part. For a better idea of ​​the length of the lever, it is worth considering the drawings of factory drilling machines. There the length is adjusted to the desired size.

Regardless of which drilling mechanism will be used, it should be secured with the smallest possible error factor. To do this, it is best to attach the drilling mechanism to a vertical rod. However, you can use a solid wood panel with guide rails.

Without a reliable frame, a homemade drilling machine will not only perform poorly, but will also become dangerous to use. The base of the tool should be twice as wide as the volume of the structure. This width will allow the structure to be stable during the necessary pressure. In this case, the feed lever should not protrude beyond the edges of the bed. This rule does not apply to stationary machines, because they are fixed to the surface of the table or made with an individual table.

DIY drilling machine

Which engine to use

You can make a homemade drilling machine using several driving force options:

  • from a drill or screwdriver;
  • from an electric motor;
  • from hand drill.

In this case, for each type of structure the characteristics of stationary, portable or desktop machine. In the case of an electric motor, you can make a stationary or tabletop unit, and in the case of an electric drill, you will get either a desktop or portable unit. A hand drill may even have the character of a portable device that does not require power.

Drill as a machine tool

In order to get a good drilling machine from a drill with your own hands, the design for this tool is better to make a tabletop one. In this case, you should avoid fixing the machine to the table. An electronic drill is a fairly popular tool, so it will be useful if it can be removed from the machine. In this case, the structure on the table will be redundant.

A benchtop filler machine will require the following materials:

  • bed 45x30 cm, with a vertical rod attached to it;
  • drill mount that fits well around the tool body;
  • metal slider moving along the bar;
  • a wheel that acts as a lever;
  • steel cable, to control the movement of the lever.

For the frame, it is better to use a metal box with a wall thickness of 3 mm. A stand made of square pipe. This stand will serve as a barbell or tripod. Next, a tight slider should be attached to the tripod, which will hold the drill holder and the drill itself.

It will be difficult to select an exactly suitable slider, so it should be made of metal plates. The free space between the slider and the tripod should be no more than 0.5 mm, despite the fact that the tripod will be perfectly level.

Further sequence of actions:

  • the slider is made 10–12 cm high;
  • a holder for a drill is welded to it on the front side and ears for attaching the wheel on the rear side;
  • a rod is threaded into the ears, to which the control wheel is welded, and secured with a cotter pin or a welded nut;
  • A steel cable (at least 6 turns) is tightly wound around the wheel rod, and both ends of the cable are securely attached to the top and bottom of the tripod. Thus, moving the slider along the tripod will require force, and its own weight (along with the drill) will not be enough to make the slider fall.

Electric motor drilling structure

Such machines perform well as stationary tools. To figure out how to make a drilling machine from an electric motor, you will have to look at the drawings and delve into the field of electrical engineering.

The machine will require a two-phase motor, which will greatly simplify the connection and expand the scope of application of the unit. Such a motor is connected to phase and neutral wires. Incorrect connection will only affect the direction of rotation. If the rotation is in the opposite direction, then the wires are swapped, and the problem is solved.

When making a stationary structure for drilling, you will need:

  • a powerful frame for the engine that will easily move along a vertical line;
  • tabletop, where the pin will be fixed along a strict vertical line;
  • as a pin, you can take it from a car. It will serve as a ready-made device that moves the engine;
  • attach a wheel for movement and weld the motor holder to the rack.

The operating principle of this machine is very simple. The motor drives the drill head thanks to a belt drive. In this case, the engine and the drill chuck are inseparable during operation and move along a vertical line simultaneously, thanks to their joint fastening.

Portable mechanism from a hand drill

It is very convenient to use a drilling machine from a hand drill in cases where it is not possible to connect an electric drill to a power source. To make the machine, you can use a wooden frame:

  • the base is made of boards 30x20 cm and 40 mm thick;
  • a vertical board is attached strictly at an angle of 90 o C;
  • the vertical wall should also be made of a thick board, at least 30 mm, and they will help to secure it securely metal corners and screws.

On vertical wall metal runners are attached (they can be taken from old furniture or buy in a store), a hand drill holder is attached to them. This way, the drill will move up and down freely, however, this is not enough. To prevent the drill from falling under its own weight, a spring of the required elasticity is attached to the drill holder and the base of the machine.

Don’t forget about the handle that you will need to turn. Nothing should hinder its movement. The result should be a unit that is manually driven and does not require power.

Video: Do-it-yourself drilling machine from a drill

It does not always make sense or expediency to buy a factory-made drilling machine. You can make a vertical drilling machine from a drill with your own hands. To do this you will need a drill and materials to make a stand. Such equipment is recommended for use in home workshops or garages, when drilling is not the main operation or is performed quite rarely and the accuracy of the hole can be neglected.

To speed up the process, just buy a specialized stand for a drill at a tool store. The result is something like a household level vertical drilling machine, which is not inferior in drilling accuracy to machines for home workshops.

The photo shows factory-made drill stands. They can be purchased at any online tool store at prices starting from $200.

The article is intended to give you ideas on how to make a drilling machine yourself from a drill, so we do not give a clear algorithm for its manufacture, because it is made from scrap materials: some craftsmen will have it, others will not. Therefore, we give basic ideas, and everyone will apply their own design solutions and make their own vertical homemade drilling machine.

If you are not looking for easy ways, then we will make a homemade stand. The stand can be made of wood or metal. Wood will be cheaper and easier to manufacture, but durability will suffer.

Metal ones are more complex, but have an incomparably longer service life and strength characteristics. The choice of stand material also depends on the workpieces being processed: when constantly drilling metal, it is better to make a metal one.

Machine assembly

The metal stands are assembled from angles for the carriage, 50x50 square pipe for the stand and 10x10 for the drill bracket, strip for the base and eyes. The base and bracket are welded, after which all elements are assembled and bolted together. It is recommended to make several brackets with different adapters (clamping rings) for different types drills. The carriage moves along the rod using a steel cable wound around the handle drum. To ensure that the carriage does not have any play and does not fall down under its own weight, it is drilled, threaded and a bolt (or several bolts) is tightened. This selects the backlash between the carriage and the stand of the future drilling machine. The handle for moving the carriage is made from rolled products with a diameter of 6 - 8 mm.

Having several brackets with different clamping rings allows you to flexibly select drills and process almost any material.

In the future homemade equipment you can modernize and modify it, for example, mark or install a scale that will indicate the length of movement of the carriage. This helps when drilling blind holes.

There are several mounting methods:

  • several clamps;
  • on a metal bracket in the hole under the neck of the drill.

Video of a design version of a drill on a wooden stand.

The easiest way to make a homemade one drilling design at home

A homemade drilling machine made from a drill will never replace a factory one and will always be inferior in build quality and drilling accuracy. The main advantage of homemade is low price, the ability to drill holes when the factory machine is not available for one reason or another.

Using a conventional hand drill, it is almost impossible to manually drill a strictly perpendicular hole in a thick block or perform a series of precise parallel drillings. Buying even an inexpensive drilling machine for this purpose is extremely wasteful if such work is of an occasional nature.

There are special devices for factory-made electric drills that expand their capabilities in this regard. Click on the small pictures on the right to view them in more detail.

Their use allows you to turn a drill into a kind of drilling machine. Of course, you can get one of these devices by choosing it for your tool, but you can make a drilling machine from a drill with your own hands. Let's consider several approaches to solving this problem.

Do-it-yourself drilling machine from a drill, drawings

Detailed drawings of such a device cannot be found even on the Internet. This is partly explained by the multiplicity of approaches and technical solutions, and partly by the simplicity and availability of methods for solving this problem. Let's analyze those that we managed to find.

This one is perhaps the most detailed and detailed. The main advantage of this arrangement is the absence of any gear pairs that ensure vertical movement of the drill along the stand, which is the basis of the device. The spring-loaded holder moves along the stand by the distance between it and the lower stop, minus the thickness of the compressed spring. To prevent it from rotating horizontal plane There is obviously a groove in the rack along which the screw 16 moves. The location for attaching the tool in the holder is determined based on the parameters of a particular drill.

Even easier to implement on your own is a drawing of a wooden stand for a drill.

Not all sizes are shown on it, due to the fact that they are not of fundamental importance. And the lever feed system, as in the previous case, will ensure strictly parallel movement of the electric drill along the rack. Holding the tool in the upper position is achieved due to friction forces in the grooves and on the side cheeks of the holder and is regulated by the tightening force of the screws.

If you have free screw pair, possibly from an old vice, then it can also be used for a tool feed system in a homemade stand for an electric drill.

For small drills, you can also use a regular threaded rod Ø 16-20 mm with a corresponding widened nut, which are sold in hardware stores.

Simple designs of homemade stands for a drilling machine

We have selected for you easy-to-make, but in our opinion interesting designs of stands for homemade drilling machines based on an electric drill.

Such a wooden stand can function successfully without a lever, and the tool is raised and lowered either by the handle of the tool itself, or by top part the box in which it is secured.

An interesting design in which a system of 2 levers is replaced by 1 longitudinal groove, along which the thrust screw moves.

A productive method is to combine materials for stands to turn an electric drill into a drilling machine. Thus, the main material for their manufacture is wood, but the most worn-out components are made of metal, which radically extends the service life of the entire device.

An interesting design using industrially produced furniture runners as guides:

The high precision of their execution has virtually no backlash.

The process of creating a stand for an electric drill is greatly simplified if you have a photo enlarger of any model at your disposal. It is unlikely that it will ever be able to serve you for its intended purpose, but it will make an excellent drilling machine. After all, it already has in its design both guides and a gear rack for moving a rather heavy head along them, instead of which a holder for a drill should be hung.

No less productive is the option of converting old Volgov or Zhiguli rack jacks into a drilling machine rack. After all, you don’t need their entire height to normal operation such a device, but only a small space of a screw.

To do this, you just need to slightly modify the lifting lever, in which to secure the drill, and the thrust pad.

And here is the video:

You can do it even simpler by rigidly securing the drill to the top of such a jack, and placing a work table on the lever. Do not lower the drill for drilling, but lift the workpiece itself, especially since the lower part of the screw in such jacks is the least worn.

And in general, the same principle can be applied to fairly large and powerful drills, securely fixed in any way on a powerful stand of the future machine. And you can make a small lifting table in the image and likeness of what is shown in the video:

Or use a small diamond-shaped car jack for the same purpose, providing it with a reliable base and replacing the upper stop with a working platform with a vise or a prism.

Moreover, both the first and second can be made removable, and in long time intervals between drilling work the jack itself can be used for its intended purpose.

More powerful drill press designs

And yet, when we talk about a drilling machine, we mean something more fundamental than described in the previous section, and the material for such devices should be metal, even if we are talking about very small machines for low-power power tools, like this one:

And even such a primitive design significantly expands the capabilities of a hand drill. But how can you make an almost full-fledged drilling machine with your own hands, without using complex technical solutions? Of the simplest, the most reliable design seems to us to be this:

Its biggest disadvantage is the ability to freely rotate the holder, and with it the drill, around the stand, but if instead round pipes If you use square or rectangular ones, this drawback will be eliminated. The main thing: very carefully select the size of the gaps between the stand and the movable bushing of the drill holder frame.

A slightly different, but no more complex technical solution for feeding the tool to the part being drilled was implemented by a home craftsman from the video:

In conclusion, about choosing a drill

If you are just planning to select a specific drill model with the possibility of using it in conjunction with the device, the designs of which we described above, then:

1. Give preference to a tool with a power of at least 1 kW.

2. Choose a model with removable handle, fastened with a circular clamp in the girth. They have a convenient wide cylindrical part on the body for mounting in a holder.

3. Choose a tool that has multiple speeds or smooth speed control.

4. The button on your drill must have a lock in the on position.

5. It is better to connect the drill on the stand to the network through a socket or extension cord that has a power button, and firmly fix it on the frame in a place convenient for emergency shutdown.

Dear readers, if you have any questions, please ask them using the form below. We will be glad to communicate with you;)

A self-made drilling machine allows you to drill holes in different materials at a sufficient quality level at home.

1 Homemade drilling machine - who needs it and why?

Drilling in the extensive list of various plumbing operations is considered among specialists to be the most accessible and truly simple procedure. It is usually performed on special drilling units, which can have different functionality and some design features. The modern machine tool industry produces many types of drilling machines, ranging from very simple ones (for example) to CNC units that have several spindles.

It is clear that home craftsman in most cases, such machines are simply not needed, since they are intended to perform serial operations. And in everyday life it is usually necessary to carry out some single procedure.

It is for this reason that many home craftsmen decide to make a basic drilling machine with their own hands, using those parts and available materials that are available in any private garage.

As a rule, radio amateurs, as well as people who themselves perform simple household tasks, are inspired by the idea of ​​​​making a homemade mini-installation for drilling. renovation work. In some cases, a simple electric drill is sufficient for this. But, if we are talking about more serious procedures, the drill, of course, is not able to guarantee normal quality and accuracy of drilling. That’s when it makes sense to start making your own mini-machine, on which you can install different ones.

2 How to make a drilling machine from a drill?

In home workshops, such drilling equipment is most often found due to its simplicity. self-made. You do not need high-strength materials or any special devices. The mini hole drilling machine includes just four key components:

  • a bed that serves as the base of the machine;
  • rotation mechanism (in our case, its role is played by an electric drill);
  • feeder;
  • vertical stand.

The stand is usually made of ordinary chipboard or boards, since the small weight of the drill does not require the use of more durable materials. But it is better to make the bed as massive as possible. This will ensure the absence of vibrations during the drilling process, and therefore more comfortable work.

Craftsmen advise using a relatively thick (from 2 centimeters) furniture board for the base of the unit. The ideal option is to use an old photographic enlarger for the manufacture of the frame and stand. It will only need to be modified a little to really get reliable design mini-machine for household use.

The quality and accuracy of drilling on a homemade unit depends on the correct connection of the frame and the vertical stand. Therefore, this part of the work must be approached as responsibly as possible. It is recommended to cut two guides from steel strips, which are then connected to the stand with screws. The block with the drill will move along the indicated guides.

The block itself must be made so that it securely holds the electric drill. This is easy to achieve using small steel clamps. It is also advisable to place a small rubber spacer between the block and the drill. It will significantly reduce vibration and make the installation process more comfortable.

The feed mechanism of a drilling machine from a drill is a simple lever that will move the block with the tool in the vertical direction. It is advisable to equip this mechanism with a spring of relatively high elasticity and power. One end of the spring should rest against a stationary device mounted on the stand. wooden beam, the other - into the block.

If you want to achieve maximum convenience working with a homemade machine and do not plan to periodically remove the electric drill, it is recommended to simply disassemble its switch and mount a separate button on the frame, with which you will start and turn off your drilling unit. As you can see, everything is quite simple. Any more or less handy man can make himself a small and convenient machine from a drill.

3 DIY drilling machine based on an asynchronous motor

Any owner in the garage, basement or somewhere on the balcony of the apartment stores many electric motors from electrical units who have served their term. From these, it is quite possible to choose a motor that will become the propulsion unit for a mini-drilling machine. Ideal option in this case, an asynchronous type motor mounted on drum washing units is recognized.

Work on creating a home drilling machine using an old electric motor is much more difficult than using a drill. But they can also be accomplished, armed with a certain amount of patience and perseverance. It is important to realize here that the motor from the washing machine has more serious weight. And the power of such a “motor” is much higher than that of an electric drill. This means that you will have to take care of preparing a “mighty” rack and base for the machine being created.

Experts say that reducing the vibration level of a unit based on asynchronous motor possible by installing it on a powerful base, as well as by placing it closer to vertical rack. But it is necessary to remember that the close location of the rack and the motor is fraught with complication of the design homemade machine, which is caused by the need to install belt pulleys.

To make a drilling rig using an electric motor from a washing machine, among other things, you will need the following parts:

  • gear;
  • bearings in the amount of two pieces;
  • hexagon;
  • two tubes of small thickness (one of them must have an internal thread);
  • clamping ring (preferably made of durable material, such as tool steel).

A hexagon is required to make the moving part of the machine transfer device. A pulley will be put on it. You also need to attach to the hexagon metal tube with bearing and steel ring. It is important to achieve a very tight connection of these components with each other, since otherwise they will completely collapse during vibration (not immediately, but quite quickly).

The adjustment complex of the unit is made of a gear and a tube on which cuts need to be made. They contain gear teeth. The specified tube is made of such a height that the drill chuck rises by a given amount. An axle with a hexagon is then pressed into the same tube.

From the described diagram it is clear that it is quite difficult to manufacture a machine with an asynchronous motor. Therefore, it can be recommended to do it by analogy with the previous process, when an electric drill was used. But be prepared for the fact that the resulting machine, unfortunately, will not be characterized by particularly accurate drilling.