How to quickly clean removable or non-removable stove handles. How to clean the handles of a gas or electric stove How to clean the handles of a gas stove

The handles on the front surface of a gas or electric stove are the first thing a chef touches before starting the cooking process. Due to the characteristics of the material and the location of the handles, cleaning them is quite problematic. , every hostess knows, but it is much more difficult to cope with small details that are located on the sidebar. Betting on kitchen detergent is often not justified, so it's important to be aware of other cleaning methods as well.

Washing the handles of the stove can be quite difficult.

Contamination during the cooking process can be different:

  • splashing fat from the pan (especially when frying a large amount of food);
  • streaks of liquid food due to strong boiling with large pots or pans;
  • transfer of contaminants from the hands of the cook (dough, flour, sunflower oil and other types of stains).

Regulators can be of two types:

  • removable;
  • without the possibility of removal.

The first version of the product is considered more convenient due to the ease of cleaning. But not always the disassembly of the panel can be carried out.

These types of regulators make cleaning quick and efficient. It is enough to remove the handles of the stove, put them in a container and pour a solution of liquid detergent to remove fat. Small items should be in such a tool for at least 20 minutes.

For ease of cleaning, you can use a hard washcloth or brush to clean your teeth. After processing, the cleaned regulators must be dried and installed on the stove.

Grease stains on stove handles can be removed in various ways:

  1. The use of special household chemicals.
  2. Treatment with normal dishwashing liquid.
  3. Cleansing with ammonia solution.
  4. Treatment with a solution of vinegar or baking soda.

Used to clean the stove and vinegar with soda

When choosing chemicals, it is tedious to remember: the more aggressive substances in the composition of the product, the stronger it is in the fight against greasy contaminants.

Vinegar can kill bacteria and eliminate bad odors. It is used only on removable plate handles. The regulators are removed, placed in a solution of vinegar, after which the container is put on fire and the liquid is brought to a boil. For this method, vinegar essence can be used. It will be required several times less, and the effect (due to concentration) is much stronger.

Soap solution is also actively used. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a few small remnants in warm water. It is better if it is laundry soap, which is effective for severe pollution.

Soapy solution helps to clean the stove well

In the resulting liquid, you need to immerse the handles of the stove and leave them for at least 8 hours. Residual dirt is removed with a coarse brush.

Things are much more complicated if there is no way to remove the handles. In this case, one rag and sponge will not be enough, and the question of how to clean the handles of a gas stove from old fat seems too complicated. You will need smaller "tools" - matches, toothpicks, cotton swabs or a toothbrush. In difficult areas of the surface, long bristles are indispensable.

In this case, you can do it in different ways:

  1. You can choose a dry cleaning option. To do this, dip a moistened sponge in soda ash and rub the handles with it. And the most difficult areas of the joints can be cleaned with a toothpick. After processing, you must first remove traces of soda, and then wipe the surface of the plate dry.
  2. In addition to household chemicals, you can use glass cleaners with ethyl or ammonia in the composition to combat greasy contaminants.

Toothpicks and cotton swabs will help to clean up dirt.

Effective folk remedies can also be used:

  • a combination of soda and lemon. Its main advantage is the pleasant aroma that remains after cleaning. You need to use this mixture in the following ways:
  1. First, the liquid is applied to the switches.
  2. Then, with a brush, lightly wipe and leave for about an hour.
  3. Prepared elements are thoroughly cleaned with a toothbrush.
  4. Surfaces are wiped with a dry cloth.
  • ammonia-anise drops. Drops are applied to a cotton pad, after which the regulators are wiped. After processing, it is enough to wipe the handles with a damp cloth and dry. It is convenient to apply products with a cotton swab into the recesses between the regulators and the panel. It perfectly absorbs liquid and applies it to pollution;
  • for light soiling, wet wipes, which are sold in stores, can be used. They include active cleaning agents: alcohol, citric acid.

There are a number of rules that must be followed when performing work:

  1. Rubber gloves will save your skin from the harmful effects of household chemicals. If you are prone to allergies, you can wear a mask.
  2. When carrying out work, do not connect several household products, as this can lead to a chemical reaction. The release of harmful substances can be a serious health problem. It should be borne in mind that many household chemicals can cause allergic reactions on the skin.
  3. Old stains may require re-treatment. In this case, you must use the same type of cleaning agent.
  4. If the electric stove is cleaned, then before any manipulation it must be disconnected from the mains.

If you follow simple rules, it will become much easier and faster.

Some kitchen cleaning tips

It is better to remove stains from the handles immediately after the end of the cooking process, since when the panel cools down, it will be much more difficult to remove dirt.

In order not to face the painful process of cleaning the surface of the stove, you can wrap the handles with food foil. However, this must be done delicately so that it does not interfere with the adjustment. This solution will help to forget about the long-term wiping of dirt.

In the role of the first assistant in cooking is the stove. It doesn't matter if it's gas, electric or induction, we still use it every day. And our first touch when turning on the stove is to the burner switches. During cooking, they become dirty, then turned on with unwashed hands, then grease splashes from the pan and the like. It is not easy to clean such regulators. Detergents are not able to dissolve grease, the sponge becomes greasy on its own, and the regulators are not cleaned.

First you need to determine what type of regulators are installed on your stove very simply, just pull them towards you and if they are removed, then the regulators are removable, but if you rest and pull it towards you, with all your might and it remains in place, then , alas, the regulator is not removable.

In this case, do not try to remove it by force, as it can be broken.

For example, it is not always possible to quickly clean the switches at the kitchen electric stove using folk methods. But here anise drops or ammonia - the water method will come in handy here, get ready that cleaning from fat will take longer than expected. But cleaning the dirt on the removable gas stove regulator is easy. If the regulator is removable, then the cleaning procedure should be as follows: remove all handles, prepare a container with hot water, almost boiling water, then dissolve grated laundry soap, powder, dishwashing detergent in this water and place all removed regulators in this solution for about 15 minutes, after that we take an old toothbrush and clean the entire switch inside and out as thoroughly as possible. In the end, we will get pure regulators.

How to remove the handles from the Hephaestus gas stove

Any Gefest gas stove has removable regulators. But it all depends on the care of the stove. If after each use you wipe your assistant with a damp sponge, then you are not afraid of strong pollution. Naturally, with such care for the stove, the regulators will not swim with fat and can be easily removed if necessary.

For example, removing regulators from Hephaestus, Hansa and Indesit gas stoves will not make it difficult for you. To do this, you just need to pull the regulator along with the circles towards you.

If suddenly there is some kind of problem when removing, then you need to pry them with a knife, but this must be done carefully.

It will not be difficult for you to wash the regulators from pollution at home. Cleaning the handles at the stove, only at first glance seems to be a difficult and painstaking job. And if you know how to do it right, then it will generally turn into joy, and the stove will be completely clean, it’s cozy and comfortable.

Do-it-yourself gas stove cleaning

Not all housewives and owners of gas stoves know how to properly clean the stove with their own hands, as well as what is required for this. Folk remedies are suitable for those housewives who prefer not to buy household chemicals, but to use safe and proven methods over the years.

The disadvantages of household chemicals are the low level of safety, causing an allergic reaction and storage requirements.

And besides, you can use household chemicals only with gloves, so as not to damage the skin of your hands.

If you still prefer synthetic products, then it will not be superfluous to learn about alternatives and safe methods. Washing and cleaning mixture can be made at home from improvised means that are present in any home. As a rule, such mixtures wash dirt no worse than all popular household chemicals, and at the same time it is also safe.

To clean the gas stove and oven, you can apply:

  • citric acid;
  • Vinegar;
  • Ammonia;
  • Soap dissolved in hot water;
  • Food soda.

Using these components, you can clean not only the stove, but also other kitchen appliances, such as a microwave oven, an electric kettle, a slow cooker, a juicer and other household appliances.

If there is a lot of fat: how to wash a gas stove

For the highest quality cleaning and cleaning of all contaminants, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation.

Hot water poured onto the surface of the stove with baking soda makes it possible to soften old dirt.

We sprinkle soda on a damp surface in an even layer and let it stand for 30-40 minutes. This method is not difficult and makes it possible to clean the stove and oven. The oven can also be cleaned in this way.

After waiting for time, you can start cleaning, water with baking soda must be removed from the surface of the stove with a soft sponge.

In no case should metal washcloths be used when cleaning the stove and oven, as they can harm the surface, but it is better to use a sponge and a toothbrush or cotton swabs, but this is in the most inaccessible places.

To wash the grate on the gas stove, you must use the soap solution written above. Citric acid or juice, vinegar will also be excellent aids. They can be applied in place or separately. Ammonia and vinegar can remove dried and burnt dirt on the surface of a gas stove.

We tried to talk about the most famous methods for cleaning handles on gas stoves. Of course, complex cleaning will not be needed if you spend a few minutes on the handles after each cooking process, but situations are different and perhaps our advice is exactly what you will need in the near future. Stock up on patience, detergents and start restoring beauty to your pet.

The first assistant in cooking is the stove. Whether it is gas, electric or induction, the stove is used daily by us. The first thing we touch when turning on the stove is the burner switches on the front. Simple knobs that allow you to control the power level of the hob. During cooking, they often get dirty - either they hastily turned them on with their hands, sticky from the dough, then fat began to splatter from the pan in all directions. Cleaning these controls is actually not easy: the detergent does not dissolve grease, and the sponge itself becomes sticky and dirty, but does not clean the switches. What to do and how to clean the handles at the stove? We will talk about this in detail later in our article.

Removable and non-removable handles - cleaning rules

Determining which regulators are on your gas stove is easy. If, by slightly pulling the handle towards you, it is removed, then you can be sure that the switches are removable. If you make an effort, turn the handle in all directions, pull it with all your might, but it does not give in - alas, the regulator is not removable. In this case, do not try to forcefully disconnect the regulator, so as not to break it inadvertently.

So, two types of handles from the stove and options for cleaning them.

1. Detachable handle

Washing dirt from a removable handle is not troublesome. If the regulators are removed, then proceed as follows. Remove all switches. Prepare a container of hot water (about 80°C). Dissolve grated laundry soap, laundry detergent or dishwashing liquid in hot water. Place all pens in soapy water for 15 minutes. Then, arm yourself with an old toothbrush and try to thoroughly clean the entire switch, inside and out. The gas stove controls are sparkling clean.

2. Non-removable handle

With regulators that are tightly attached to the hob, it will be more difficult. It is almost impossible to clean the handles inside, but it is quite possible on the outside. They will come to the rescue: cotton swabs, cotton buds, toothpicks, toothbrush. Wet the handles slightly, clean hard-to-reach places from dirt with a toothpick. Soak up any remaining dirt around the switches with cotton swabs. Using a cotton swab soaked in chlorine detergent, thoroughly clean the regulators. Then rinse with warm water using a sponge.

Top 5 Folk Remedies to Remove Dirt from Stove Handles

The household goods department sells a variety of powders, gels, solutions that effectively dissolve dirt and grease from any surface. The price of these miracle jars is high, but there is no guarantee that this tool will help wash the hands. Before emptying your wallet, try the “penny” products that have been tried by the people and cope with pollution no worse than purchased and expensive chemicals.


A vial of ammonia is in every first aid kit. Ammonium hydroxide is surprisingly good at cleaning stains from furniture, dishes, plumbing, and even jewelry. Speaking about how to clean the handles at the stove, take note: you need to use not pure ammonia, but drops called "ammonia-anise". Inhaling ammonia vapor from ammonia, you can get poisoned. Drops are safe - they do not even need to be diluted. Wet the cotton wool with drops, and wipe the contaminated regulators. In hard-to-reach places, clean with a cotton swab dipped in drops. If you plan to wash your hands with alcohol, then use a diluted solution with water, in a 1: 1 ratio.

Lemon juice

Concentrated lemon juice dissolves any dirt.

  1. Squeeze out the juice of 1 lemon.
  2. Prepare an unnecessary toothbrush.
  3. Dipping the brush in lemon juice, carefully clean the surface of the stove regulators in places of contamination. If the switch is so dirty that there are many small, non-washable greasy dots on it, then dip the brush into baking (not soda ash!) Soda and lightly rub the problem area.
  4. Dip the brush alternately in sour juice and baking soda to completely clean the handles. At the end of the handle, rinse with a sponge and clean water to wash away the stickiness of the juice and soda residue.

Wet wipes

Sometimes, in order to clean the handles, it is enough to wipe them several times with wet wipes. Many wet wipes contain castor oil and citric acid, which effectively remove dirt. This is a gentle cleaning method for both your gas stove regulators and your hands. After wrapping a damp cloth around your finger, thoroughly clean and dry the surface of the handles. Change the towel as it gets dirty. After cleaning, dry the stovetop switches with a clean cloth.


Using vinegar is only suitable for removable handles from the stove. It will dissolve strong corrosive dirt, eliminate bacteria and unpleasant odors.

  • Remove the regulators and put them in a small pot or ladle.
  • Mix 200 ml of vinegar and 700 ml of water.
  • Pour the solution into the pen. Put on medium heat, bring to a boil. Boil 7-10 minutes.
  • Drain the water into the sink, let the switches cool down. Dry and wipe dry, install back on the hob panel.

Laundry soap

A strong soap solution from laundry soap will clean the handles well from greasy sticky stains and dirt. Grate 50 g of soap on a fine grater. Mix with 100 ml of boiling water.

If the regulators are removable, they should be soaked in soapy water overnight. After 8-10 hours, wipe them with a sponge and rinse in clean water. Non-removable handles should be cleaned with the hard side of a sponge. Lowering the sponge into the solution, wash off the dirt.

At the end of cleaning, wipe the handles with a damp cloth, allow to dry completely.

If your stove is connected to the mains, disconnect it from the power supply before cleaning. Wipe the handles after each cooking, then dirt will not accumulate on them, your stove will always be clean and tidy.

The modern market of household chemicals impresses with its variety of home cleaning products. And yet there is not a single housewife who would not encounter pollution, which is especially difficult to wash. Take at least greasy deposits and soot, with which we constantly struggle in the kitchen. It takes hours to remove such heavy contaminants, especially if they are deposited in hard-to-reach places. Read our detailed instructions on how to clean stove handles.

If the regulators can be removed

Washing removable handles is, of course, easier. Put the removed parts in a container made of a material that does not react chemically with the product you are going to use; Glass or plastic bowls work well. Apply a generous amount of grease remover to the handles and let them soak.

At this time, tidy up the panel on which the regulators are mounted: equally severe pollution often forms under them. If enough time has passed and the deposits on the handles have softened, you need to clean them. It is convenient to do this with a coarse sponge for washing dishes or a toothbrush with stiff bristles. Rinse the parts properly and reinstall.

If the regulators are not removed

How to clean the handles of the stove if they are not removable? In addition to rags, sponges and cleaning products, you will have to prepare toothpicks or matches, cotton swabs, old toothbrushes: it is almost impossible to clean the surface in difficult places without thin bristles or sharp objects.

The most suitable method in this case is "dry". Take baking soda or soda ash, dip a damp sponge into it and rub your hands. Toothpicks will help to wash the joints and bends. After removing dirt, remove traces of soda, and then wipe the stove dry with special napkins or a soft towel.

What to use for cleaning

To remove grease and soot from a gas stove, you need to use aggressive products. Many of them can be made independently from penny components that can be found in any store. In addition to household chemicals designed specifically for removing greasy stains from kitchen appliances, and universal detergents, you can use glass cleaners, which include alcohol - ammonia or ethyl alcohol. There are also a lot of "grandmother's" funds.

Soda + lemon

The “citrus” method is also good because after cleaning in the kitchen a pleasant fresh aroma remains for a long time.

  • Take half a citrus and squeeze out the juice.
  • Using a cotton swab, apply liquid to the switches, rub lightly, and leave for one hour.
  • Take a toothbrush, wet it and dip it in baking soda to clean the handles.

The method is effective only for light pollution. For stronger ones, take two heaping teaspoons of baking soda and quench it with a little lemon juice. Apply the effervescent solution as soon as possible to the desired areas. Rub the handles and leave them for an hour, then remove the soaked dirt with a hard sponge.


This tool is in almost every home. Ammonium hydroxide is used to clean furniture, dishes, sanitary ware, and jewelry to a shine. To clean the handles of a gas stove, you need to take not pure alcohol, but ammonia-anise drops: concentrate vapors can be poisonous. It is enough just to moisten a cotton swab with such drops and wipe the contaminated surfaces. When there are no drops at hand, you can use pure ammonia, half diluted with water.


This method is only suitable for cleaning removable regulators. Vinegar will not only help wash stubborn stains, but also kill bacteria and eliminate unpleasant odors.

Remove the switches and put them in a small enamel container. Mix a glass of vinegar and 700 ml of water. Pour the parts with a solution, put it all on a small fire, bring to a boil.

Ten minutes is enough for the dirt to fall behind. Now drain the water and let the handles cool. If necessary, clean them with a soft sponge. Then wipe the parts dry and install on the panel.

The most frustrating and time-consuming part of cleaning the kitchen is perhaps cleaning the stove. If there are practically no difficulties with cleaning the hob, then cleaning the switches on the front panel is much more difficult. But the experience of many housewives has shown that it is possible to clean the handles at the stove not only effectively, but also very quickly. And at the same time, you do not need to spend money on expensive cleansers - every housewife already has the necessary ones, and in the same kitchen.

With soapy water

This method is perfect for removable handles. A concentrated soapy solution will help remove not only stuck and dried food particles, but also a layer of frozen fat. The soap solution is prepared from the dishwashing detergent you use, or from laundry soap shavings:

Pour hot water into a deep bowl or saucepan, preferably boiling water;
per liter of water, add 4 tablespoons of dishwashing detergent or soap shavings;
stir well so that the product is completely dissolved;
remove the switches from the stove and lower them into the solution;
leave them in it for a couple of hours to acidify.
To clean heavily soiled pens, soak them in soapy water overnight. If the switches need to be cleaned in a short amount of time, then put the pot with the handles and the solution on the stove and boil them for 5 minutes, then give them another 20 minutes to soak. After the dirt has soaked, rub them with an old toothbrush or the hard side of a sponge, rinse and wipe dry.

With ammonia

The bottle of this liquid is a versatile and inexpensive high-performance cleaner. Helps rid switches of hardened grease and dried dirt in the shortest possible time. It is very convenient to clean the non-removable handles of a gas or electric stove with ammonia:

Dilute ammonia with water 1:1;
take a thick cotton swab, dip it in the solution and apply ammonia on the handles;
leave it on the minutes switches for 5 maximum;
after a while, scrub them with an old toothbrush.
As soon as the handles are clean, collect the soaked dirt with a damp sponge, then wipe the cleaning points first with a damp cloth, then with a dry one. Since it is harmful to breathe ammonia, follow the safety rules: wear a mask and gloves. So that the smell does not stagnate in the apartment, work with the window open, and after cleaning, do not close it for some more time so that the unpleasant smell disappears.

To clean removable switches, put them in a bowl and rub each with a dilute ammonia solution and leave for 5 minutes. Then rub them with a brush, rinse well and wipe dry.

Vinegar or vinegar essence

The vinegar method is suitable for removable handles of any degree of contamination:

Pour water into a saucepan and put the handles there;
pour vinegar or vinegar essence into the pan at the rate of 6 tbsp. l. vinegar or 2 tbsp. l. essences per liter of water;
cover the pan with a lid and put on fire, boil for 5-7 minutes.
After a while, drain the water and let the switches cool down a bit. Then rub them with a toothbrush or sponge with dishwashing detergent, rinse and wipe dry.

Half a juicy lemon and soda

If the fixed handles are not very dirty, then an ordinary lemon will help. It perfectly removes grease stains from any surfaces and does not damage them. Soda will help the dried particles to peel off, and also remove the unpleasant smell of ingrained dirt:

Take half a lemon and squeeze the juice out of it;
using a cotton swab, apply it to the switches, rub and leave for an hour;
after a while, dip the bristles of your toothbrush in baking soda and clean each handle with it.
Soak up the baking soda residue with a damp sponge and wipe the handles and panel dry. To clean very strong dirt, you need two teaspoons of soda with a slide, pour the juice of half a lemon. The sizzling mixture must be quickly applied to the handles, rubbed and left for an hour, then rubbed again with a hard sponge.

There is a small space between the panel and the handles where dirt can get stuck. To clean such places from dirt, take a toothpick, wind a piece of cotton wool around the tip and dip it in ammonia. Clean hard-to-reach places, then wrap clean cotton wool on a new toothpick and wipe the places again.

Cleaning the handles of the stove takes a very long time, so in order not to exhaust yourself with unnecessary cleaning, take preventive measures: wipe the handles and the panel every time after cooking.