How to dilute color with paint. Paint tinting: features and mixing methods. Advantages and disadvantages of manual tinting at home

Everyone knows that by combining 3 primary colors (red, yellow and blue), you can achieve any other color. This theory was developed in ancient times by Leonardo da Vinci. The conclusion from the theory can be drawn that it is impossible to obtain primary colors by mixing others. But what to do and, for example, how to get red? To solve the issue, let's approach it from a practical side and consider how red is made in a printing house, how artists get it and what needs to be done for this.

Red color in printing is made by mixing other basic colors. The CMYK color model is used here. All differences in the colors of the model used are made by mixing the desired base colors:

  • Blue - cyan
  • Magenta (violet) – magenta
  • Yellow
  • Black

As in other color models, you need to take at least 2 colors, and in our case, red on printed products is made by combining 2 process colors: violet (magenta) and yellow. This method is also used to make color engravings. If you acquire these paints, you can make not only red, but also achieve shades of it by adjusting the ratio of yellow and magenta (violet). The range of red colors will be from pale purple to rich orange-red.

Mix yellow and magenta to get red

Information: In addition to printing, the CMYK model underlies the operation of most printers. It is also used for professional painting of cars, decoration of interiors and facades of buildings, and in fabric production.

Natural red

Besides artificial production colors it can be easily made from natural materials. This is how bedstraw flowers allow you to paint objects bright red. To prepare this paint, flowers are dried and boiled with alum for half an hour. Safflower and St. John's wort flowers are also suitable for making red paint by boiling water until thick. Cherry paint, similar in color, is made from orange lichen. You need to finely chop the lichen and mix with baking soda(it is better to use a solution), wait 3-4 minutes and you can use it.

In nature, red color can be found quite often. Therefore it different shades sometimes named based on their natural hosts: fruits, minerals and berries. Among them you can find such names as: raspberry, pomegranate, cherry, coral, blue, wine, burgundy. All similar colors form the red spectrum.

Red shades in painting are made based on pigments of warm and cold shades. Quinacridone ruby ​​or violet should be considered cold, and light cadmium, orange sienna (natural and burnt) should be considered warm.

RGB and CMYK color models

Interaction with other colors

Many people wonder whether it is possible to make red from other colors, for example, pink. Our answer is no! If you replace purple with pink and mix it with yellow, then you won’t see red, only a semblance of it.

Burgundy is made from red by mixing with black. Depending on the types of paints, the ratio can reach up to 2:1 (you need 2 parts red and 1 black). By changing the concentration you can do various shades burgundy

Another question is, what happens if you mix red and yellow? Answer: we get orange.

The most popular question is: “what do we get when mixing red and blue paints?” To clarify, let's look at the RGB color model (red, green, blue), where you can clearly see that using blue in combination with red, we get purple.


The basic colors for red are yellow and magenta (violet). To do desired color When mixing, it is not necessary to take artificial paints, you can use natural ones. Red is the base color in the RGB model and must be mixed with green and blue to make other colors.

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At first glance, tinting water-based paint yourself does not seem like a difficult process. But, in order to choose the required shade, you need to take into account some subtleties. There are ready-made paints and varnishes on sale, which do not always meet the main goal - harmony with the interior. Self-tinting will help the dye blend organically into the existing environment. To do this, you need to choose the right color for water-based paint. But why isn't this easy to do?

Subtleties of choice

There is a wide range of colors on the market, suitable for many types of dyes. Dyes for paints and varnishes can be used independently. Some of the pigmenting compositions are universal, because they are used not only for paint, but also for plaster and putty mixture.

When choosing a color, you must remember that in a jar or bottle the color looks brighter than after drying.

The range of pigmenting substances presented on the construction market is large. They are classified according to their purpose:

  • liquid color and pigment paste, used for primers, various impregnations, as well as varnishes applied to wood and other lumber;
  • concentrates of liquid consistency intended for emulsions and dispersed paints made on water based;
  • pastes used for oil, alkyd enamels and most of the various whitewash mixtures.
  • universal coloring pastes for polyurethane, nitrocellulose, epoxy enamels;
  • color with metallic shine or mother of pearl - this class has a wide range of different compositions, which can be selected for any option suitable for most modern paint and varnish materials.

Mixing proportions

As you can see, pigmenting additives have different purposes and are presented in the form of colorants or pastes. The color composition does not contain binders; instead, dispersing resins are used to increase solubility and reduce the viscosity of the paste. Base paints are mixed with pigment substances in the following proportions:

  • for water-based ones - no more than 20%;
  • for oil - 1.5 or 2%;
  • for other compositions no more than 5%.

This amount is enough to optimally impart saturation without harm to the treated coating. There are two types of pigments: organic and inorganic.

The first option has a rich and bright shade. But the prepared compositions on such a basis are characterized by insignificant light resistance and a low level of resistance to alkalis, which are released from mineral plaster. These include: soot, manganese, ocher, as well as umber and lapis lazuli.

The second option has high light resistance, but the choice of color collections is limited - these are lutein, rhodopsin and carotene.

If tinting pastes and other pigments have a high percentage of saturation, then this will limit their addition and mixing with water-based paint. Do not forget that a high concentration of pigmenting substance reduces the properties of the coloring material itself.

The color of the water-based paint is combined with the paintwork material itself immediately before application to the required surface, so that the pigment does not settle to the bottom. The finished product is used both inside and outside the building. Concrete, wood, brick, and putty surfaces can be painted.

Benefits of use

Main positive quality tinting is the fact that using it you can achieve the desired shade. IN finished form colors are limited and hard to find suitable option. Other advantages include:

  • affordable price;
  • use independently without the involvement of specialists;
  • there is no need to use special equipment;
  • doesn't lose his original color when the surface is exposed to direct UV rays;
  • mixes well with water-based paint.

After application to various coatings the base is smooth.

Features of coloring

The most popular type is the color of water-based paint. This is due to the widespread of this type coloring agent when performing repairs both in a city apartment and a country house.

The shades that can be made for water-based paint are very diverse. This helps to use them in the right combination and achieve absolutely any shade. The following types of paints can be pigmented with specialized types of colors:

  • latex;
  • adhesive;
  • water-dispersed.

If there is a package on the counter of a hardware store that says “pigment for acrylic,” you can be sure that it will be suitable for all of the above categories of paints and varnishes.

It is important to remember that the color of water-based paint has an average consumption of 20% of the volume of the base substance.

Preparation of the dye

To give water-based paints the desired shade, you should follow some tips:

  • calculate accurately required quantity tinting agent for a given volume of paint;
  • when buying a color, you should be guided by the catalog provided by the manufacturer to see what shade the final result will be;
  • if you plan to create a complex tint collection, you need to use special tables that show the final result of mixing paint with different shades;
  • when using an unfamiliar pigment, you do not need to mix the entire volume of paintwork at once, you first need to try it in a small container (the dishes should preferably be white);
  • if the shade of the already dried paint is not satisfactory, you will have to change the proportion of the dye;
  • after a suitable shade has been selected, you can knead the entire bucket;
  • mix the pigment with base material it is necessary to be very careful, because the final result of the painting work depends on this;
  • To obtain the optimal consistency, you can stir the substance using a drill with variable speed control and an attachment for mixing plaster;
  • set the speed to a minimum so that the paint does not fly in different directions;
  • if it still splashes, you should switch the adjustment to “reverse” mode;
  • immediately before applying the paint to the surface, mix it thoroughly again.

Pigmented coatings in the store

As noted, doing coloring yourself is not so difficult if you follow all the recommendations. But, there is a simpler and qualitative method is a computer selection of pigment for water-based paint.

Large construction supermarkets have departments where tinting is done using professional equipment. A container with a base (usually white) is placed in a special machine. The program is set with the introduction of information about which shade is selected. The dispenser pours the appropriate pigment or combination of several dyes into the bucket.

The bucket with paint and additional tint components is hermetically sealed and placed on a platform that constantly vibrates. Because of this, the mixture mixes well, resulting in a homogeneous consistency.

The cost of a specialized tinting process will be significantly higher than self-cooking. But with automatic mixing, the result will exceed all expectations.

If you cannot find water-based paint of the required color, but you are satisfied with the quality of a certain manufacturer, you can improve its palette by using a tint. Let's consider the subtleties of choosing a color, find out what it is, study the types, the palette of popular tones and consumption.

What is it?

By color we mean a concentrated pigment that allows you to give existing paints the required shade. The term “tinting” literally means “color”. Its main function is to create the desired shades for painting concrete, brick and plastered substrates. The tinting pastes that exist today can be used to paint any surface.

The colors offered by paint manufacturers are not always able to meet your needs, so choosing a paint is quite difficult. Color can help in such a situation. If you need to paint any surface, you use white paint as a base. By adding concentrated pigment you can achieve any desired shade.


It is necessary to pay attention to what elements the color consists of, since it may contain organic and inorganic materials. By using natural pigments You can make the color brighter and more saturated. Before you start mixing, you can study the color charts of each brand. This will allow you to choose the tone as close as possible to the desired one, taking into account compatibility with a specific type of paint.

Colors can be classified according to their form of release. They are sold in the form of powder, paste and ready-to-use paint. The most economical option is color in powder form, which is mixed with water-based paint. The disadvantage of this form is the fact that when stirring it is difficult to obtain a homogeneous mass.

In greatest demand color released in paste form. It allows you to get beautiful natural shades. Add the paste to the paint gradually until you get the desired color. Please note that the color may change slightly as it dries.

The packaging of the color is different: you can purchase the product in special tubes, plastic bottles and bubbles. Regardless of its type, the material must be stored in dark place where there will be no direct sunlight. In this case, the temperature should be room temperature. The material under consideration can be divided into 2 main groups: inorganic and organic colors.

The latter are characterized by more rich color. The disadvantages include the fact that this color quickly loses its brightness if the coating is exposed to direct sun rays. Inorganic colors are produced in limited quantities. They have a fairly dull color, but their color properties are maintained for a long period of time.


The color palette of each type is varied. Each company has its own characteristics. Speaking of the powder version, it should be noted that there are only a few possible shades. The paste color scheme is characterized by a wide range of colors that will allow you to embody any design idea into reality. Ready-to-use paints can be purchased from various colors, however, there are not enough of them to allow yourself to experiment.

By purchasing specific color color in the form of a paste, you can vary its shade depending on the proportion. The palette of organic colors includes bright and rich shades, but they fade relatively quickly in the sun. It is for this reason that they should not be used for outdoor work.. Pigments based on inorganic components are characterized by pastel color scheme, they are quite lightfast.

Today, in construction materials stores you can purchase pearlescent colors or pigments with a metallic sheen. This color can be used for most modern paints and varnishes. On shelves today construction stores There are a wide range of colors available. Most Popular trademarks are "Dufa", "Tex", "Dulax". Each of the presented manufacturers provides its own unique palette.

If you are unable to find the desired shade, you can look for it in the palette of another brand or mix it yourself.

Popular shades today are:

  • beige;
  • pistachio;
  • ivory;
  • silver;
  • golden;
  • gold with sparkles.


The average consumption of 1 kg of color per 1 m2 depends on what kind of paint is used. For example, for the emulsion variety you will need no more than 20% of the volume of the base white composition. When it comes to paint on oil based, here you will need no more than 1.5%. In other situations, the amount of color should be no more than 7%. The consumption of this material depends on what shade you want to achieve.

In any situation, adhere to the previously stated proportions. Excessively high content of concentrated pigment in the paint will lead to a decrease in its quality.

How to choose?

The modern construction market offers a fairly large assortment of colors that are suitable for various types of paints. Some manufacturers produce pigmenting compositions that are versatile. These varieties can be used to add color to paint, plaster or putty mixture. This versatility is especially appreciated in the construction industry.

A wide assortment leads to the fact that the consumer is faced with a difficult choice. It is necessary to choose one color or another based on what surface you plan to paint.

Let's consider various types colors and what surfaces they are recommended to be used for:

  • The liquid version is suitable for a variety of impregnations and primers. It can be added to varnishes that are used to treat solid wood. It is also used for various lumber.
  • Concentrates with a liquid consistency are designed for emulsion and disperse paints. Therefore, they are suitable for that basic base, which is made with water.
  • Colors in paste form can be purchased for alkyd and oil enamels. They can be used in various mixtures for whitewashing.
  • Universal materials can be used for different types enamels.
  • The composition of the color, supplemented with mother-of-pearl or metallic luster, is characterized by a different list, which allows you to select it for different paintwork materials.

Based on the purpose for which the color will be purchased and what paint it will be mixed with, you can make the right choice.

How to properly dilute?

The choice has been made, so you can proceed further work: we turn our white base into a certain shade using pigment. The dosage must be accurate in order to tint efficiently. You need to prepare glass jars in advance. You can replace them with plastic food boxes. Before mixing, containers must be thoroughly washed and dried. This is an extremely important point when it comes to tinting.

Pour the base (white paint) into the prepared container. Be sure to write down its volume somewhere so you don’t forget. This information is important for drawing up the correct proportion. You need to add color gradually. If it is liquid, then 2-3 drops will be enough.

Mix the paint thoroughly. If you are planning to create a complex color that was not in the palette, then experiment by mixing 2-3 colors, but at first the quantity should be small. Gradually add 2-3 drops at a time until the desired color is achieved. The number of drops added must be recorded.

Often, poor paint mixing does not allow achieving the desired result. It happens that during the painting process, lumps with a more saturated color form in some areas, which is why the surface is painted unevenly.

Be careful to stir the paint well before applying to the surface. Otherwise you will have to repaint it.

When the desired color is obtained, dye small area surfaces. You need to check the color after a day, when the paint is completely dry. If you are satisfied with the result, you can tint the remaining paint in the same proportion. In a situation where you are unhappy with the resulting shade, you need to increase or decrease the amount of color.

If you don't like the color at all, you can try using a different one. Without proper experience, it is quite difficult to choose the right shade. On the wall, the paint will be several tones lighter, which is important to consider when diluting.

To achieve the desired result, be patient and do not waste your time. After all, the color of the coating should be liked and aesthetically attractive.

Especially for you, we have selected a large list of tips that will help you with the choice, breeding and use of color. Consider these recommendations, which may teach you something new.

  • Surface mixing of the paint will not allow you to obtain a uniform color. It is recommended to use a mixer or a plaster attachment for a drill, which will ensure thorough mixing. In this case, the drill must be set to minimum so as not to splash the paint.
  • It is better to prepare the paint in one container. In a situation where you have not used the concentrated pigment completely, its remains can be stored for about 5 years.
  • To find the desired color that can give you the desired shade, play in your head with the saturation of each of them.

  • If you do not want to experiment with color saturation, you can immediately start diluting large volumes, but if you make a mistake with the proportion, you will lose enough large number base paint, which will lead to unexpected costs.
  • When purchasing a color scheme, calculate in advance how much will be required for the total volume of paint used.
  • In order not to make a mistake with your choice, base it on the manufacturer’s catalog. This will allow you to see the finished shade.
  • If you plan to create original shades, use existing paint color mixing charts.

Knowledge of color mixing options can be useful not only in professional activities artists. Custom design Living space often poses the question to the designer of how to achieve this or that interesting halftone. The proposed combination options and color mixing table will help you achieve the desired effect.

Daily life is filled the widest range all kinds of colors. To get the right one, you need to know the intricacies of combination.

Blue, red and yellow paint are the three pillars on which a wide palette of halftones rests. It is impossible to form these colors by mixing other colors. At the same time, combining them with each other gives an unusually large number of combinations.

Important! You can create a variety of shades by mixing only two colors by changing their proportions.

Depending on the volume of one part of paint added to another, the resulting result approaches one or another original color. One of the most famous examples is the mixing of blue and yellow, resulting in green. The resulting result, when adding new portions of yellow paint, will gradually change, getting as close as possible from green to yellow. You can return to blue by adding more of the original element to the green mixture.

Mixing chromatic colors that are close together in color wheel, give a paint that does not have a pure tone, but has an expressive chromatic shade. Combining colors that are in opposite sides chromatic circle will result in an achromatic tone. An example is combining orange or purple with green. That is, a mixture of colors located closely in the color wheel gives a rich chromatic shade; the maximum distance of colors from each other when mixed leads to a grayish tone.

Individual paints, when interacting, produce undesirable chemical reaction, which may result in cracking of the decorative layer. IN in some cases the resulting background may darken or gray. A clear example A mixture of white lead and red cinnabar is used. Attractive pink It gets darker over time.

It is optimal when the impression of multicolor is achieved by mixing a minimum number of colors. At the same time, it is important to consider which paints, when mixed with each other, give a lasting result, and which ones are unacceptable to combine. The knowledge gained allows you to eliminate paints that fade or darken in the future from your work.

The table of unwanted mixtures below will help reduce the risk of erroneous combinations:

Having tried the examples given in practice, future painters and designers will gain valuable professional experience.

Methods for obtaining red and its shades

Red is one of the three primary colors and is necessarily present even in minimum sets. But for mass press apply magenta tone. The answer to the question of how to get red is quite simple: mix the proposed magenta with yellow in a 1:1 ratio. There are other options for getting red when mixing paints:

The main red is located in the center. Next are the options for mixing. The next circle is the result of combining the first two colors. In conclusion, color options are presented when added to last result red, black or white paint.

Blue and its shades

Blue is considered a primary color, so to form all its shades you will need blue paint.

Attention! No combination of other colors produces a shade of blue, so the presence of this paint in the kit is mandatory.

Even with a set of 12 colors available, the question periodically arises of how to get blue. Classic tone is called “royal”, and in a set of acrylic paints the main color is often ultramarine, which has a bright dark shade with a purple undertone. A lighter effect can be achieved by mixing blue and white in a 3:1 ratio. Increasing the white leads to a lighter tone, up to a sky blue. If you want to achieve a moderately rich result, dark blue paint is mixed with turquoise.

Let's look at what colors need to be mixed to get shades of blue:

  • The effect of a dark blue-green tone is achieved by mixing blue and yellow paint in equal proportions. Adding white paint will result in a lighter shade while reducing the brightness due to the combination of the 3 elements.
  • The creation of “Prussian blue” is carried out by mixing 1 part of the main blue and adding 1 part of a composition of bright green and light green. A rich and deep shade can be diluted with white, and its purity will not change.
  • Combining blue and red in a 2:1 ratio produces blue with a hint of purple. Adding white allows you to lighten a dark and rich tone.
  • Royal blue is distinguished by its brightness; a similar effect is achieved by mixing the main blue with mangento pink in equal parts. An admixture of white traditionally brightens the result.
  • Combination with orange gives a gray mass. Replacing orange with brown in a 1:2 ratio to the base creates dark color with a complex gray-blue tint.
  • The formation of dark blue occurs with the help of an admixture of black in a ratio of 3:1.
  • You can create a blue tone yourself by mixing the main color with white.

A small table of combination options is presented below:

Green color palette

Solving the problem of how to get green if it is not in the set is quite simple: combine yellow and blue. A rich palette of green halftones is created by changing the proportions of the original components and adding additional elements, performing the function of darkening or lightening. This role is played by black and white paint. The olive and khaki effect is achieved by mixing two main elements (yellow and blue) and a slight admixture of brown.

Comment! The saturation of green depends entirely on the quality of the constituent elements: intense tones of the source materials guarantee a bright result.

If green is obtained by mixing, then all subsequent undertones will be duller. Therefore, it is better to experiment with the range of green if you initially have a ready-made primary color. There are many combination options:

  • A combination of blue and yellow in equal proportions produces a grassy green.
  • Increasing yellow to 2 parts and adding 1 part blue results in a yellow-green effect.
  • An experiment on the contrary in the form of a blue-yellow proportion of 2:1 will allow you to obtain a blue-green tone.
  • If you add ½ part of black to the previous composition, you will achieve a dark green effect.
  • A light green warm tone is formed from yellow, blue and white paint in a ratio of 1:1:2.
  • For a similar light green shade, but a cool tone, you need to take yellow, blue and white base in a ratio of 1:2:2.
  • Dark olive color is formed by mixing equal parts of yellow, blue and brown paint.
  • The gray-brown tone is obtained from similar elements in a ratio of 1:2:0.5.

The expressiveness of the green color is directly dependent on the original elements; accordingly, the brightness of the halftones is based on the saturation of the green. The graphic palette gives a clear idea of ​​the mixing options:

As in the case of the red circle, the main paint is located in the center, followed by mixing options, then the result of the experiments. The final circle is the shades of the previous level when adding base, white or black paint.

Other combination options

There are many other techniques to create the desired effect by adding some kind of dye to the base color. The answer to the question of how to get ivory color is multifaceted and depends on the surface where you plan to apply the paint. The simplest option is to mix a snow-white base with a yellowish one. For example, yellowish ocher or a minimal amount of strontium is added to white. To tint paper, a small amount of potassium permanganate is diluted in water. A light pink tint indicates a correctly diluted solution. A cotton swab, brush or sponge is moistened with the resulting composition, after which the surface of the paper is treated.

Advice! For double-sided tinting, the sheet can be dipped in a container with a solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of minutes. After drying, it will acquire the desired ivory effect.

There are also several ways to get black:

  • by mixing the three basic colors of red, blue and yellow;
  • when combining cyan, magenta and yellow;
  • a combination of green and red, but the result will not be 100% clear, but only close to the desired effect.

We will try to answer the most popular questions about mixing options:

  • How to get crimson: the base is blue with the addition of red, white and brown tones.
  • Get turquoise, whose second name is aquamarine, can be used by mixing blue and green. Depending on the proportions, the tones of the new shade range from soft pastels to intense and bright ones.
  • How to get yellow? It is a basic color and cannot be obtained by combining other colors. Something similar to yellow can be created with watercolors by combining green and orange or red. But it is impossible to achieve purity of tone in this way.
  • How to get a brown tint? To do this you will need basic paints: red, yellow and blue. First, a small amount of yellow is added to the red (in an approximate ratio of 10:1), then the volume is gradually increased until an orange tone is obtained. After which they proceed to the introduction of the blue element, 5-10% of the total volume will be enough. Minor adjustments to proportions will produce a wide variety of brown effects.
  • Combination in various ratios of black and white element give a varied range of gray tones.

As you can see, there are options to achieve desired effect V creative process an innumerable variety of designs. The information presented will be supplemented by a table with options for mixing colors and video:

Many buyers search for the appropriate color because ready-made acrylic paint is not available in the desired shade or buyers need a special color. Today on the market you can find a lot of the most different options colors from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. However, before making a purchase, it is very important to know the intricacies of choosing a particular color for acrylic enamel.

What is it?

Color for acrylic paint is a special concentrated dye that is added in a certain volume to the color mixture to obtain a particular shade. Subsequently, the paint is thoroughly mixed with the pigment and applied to the required surface. The shade of the mixture can be adjusted manually according to the recommendations given in the instructions.

With the help of the correct proportion, you can obtain the desired intensity of the tone of a specific color., and you can also mix several shades of colors by adding them to one acrylic mixture.

It is very important to follow the instructions when adding it to acrylic paint, since any deviations from the proportions may further degrade the quality of the acrylic itself.


To choose the right color for paint, you should know the main types of such pigments. Today, many manufacturers offer universal colors that are simultaneously suitable for a wide variety of types of paints. They are considered the most popular among buyers.

Among wide range You can find coloring pastes and colorants for acrylic paints. The latter use special resins that increase solubility, but at the same time reduce the viscosity of the pastes.

Tinting paint, when mixed with acrylic paint or enamel, allows you to achieve any desired shade. Color paste can be universal and suitable for all types of paints or for some specific options. With pastes, it is very important to observe all proportions in achieving one or another shade of paint.

On Russian market colors based on organic and inorganic pigments are presented. Organic varieties are considered brighter and more saturated, but at the same time they are less light-resistant, in addition, chemical and alkaline influences are extremely undesirable for them.

Colors with inorganic pigment are considered more light-resistant; they do not fade over time and do not lose their former brightness, but they do not have the largest color palette.

Many manufacturers offer matte varieties of colors, as well as pearlescent options and colorants with a metallic sheen. All of them are suitable for most types of acrylic paints and enamels.

How to choose?

When choosing a color, do not forget that water-based pigments are in the usual form look much brighter and richer than when already dried. This factor must be taken into account when selecting the desired pigment.

When choosing the right shade of color, do not forget to consider:

  • Indoor lighting. Artificial can give cold colors a slightly warmer shade, but warm shades may look lighter;
  • Light colors colors, for example, one-off, powdery and milky, can help visually expand even small room, for example, if you are going to paint the walls with acrylic paint.

If you have already purchased a specific color and you need to get the same color again, it is best to purchase products from the same manufacturer.

In addition, if you are not sure that you have correctly calculated the amount of material you need, including color, it is best to use the services of specialists.

Where are they used?

Most often, colors are used when you need to choose a certain shade, taking into account the entire design of the room, as well as when decorating the interior, when you may need some special color of acrylic paint. But to get it, you just need to add the necessary pigment to the acrylic mixture.

You may also need color schemes if the shade of paint you need is not on the counter. Thanks to the right colors you can not only enliven the design of the room, but also make cosmetic repairs in a fairly short time.

Before you start choosing acrylic enamel and the required color, be sure to make all calculations of the materials.

Paint tinting can occur in two ways:

  • Manually;
  • Using a computer.

Since everyone works by hand at home, acrylic paints with colors need to be diluted about 10% more than you need. This is done because reproducing the same color can be very difficult, and often completely impossible.

It is best to color the paint in one container so that the acrylic mixture with the shade is homogeneous. Otherwise, diluting paint and color in different containers, you risk getting completely different shades.

In order for the paint to “become friends” with the color scheme, purchase this type of product from the same brand. In addition, it is best to select and purchase in trusted stores rather than online.

Also, do not forget about the following important points before tinting the paint:

  • Acrylic mixtures intended for finishing interior spaces, most often whiter than everyone else. This is a definite advantage, since when tinting such paints, the future shade will turn out cleaner and more saturated, and it will not contain any stains or impurities;
  • Try to purchase acrylic paints and enamels solely for their intended purpose, since their compositions may differ, and this is especially important since the color will also slightly affect the composition. If you continue to use the paint for other purposes, it will not serve you as long as it should;
  • Matte colors will look more restrained compared to glossy options, which can shimmer and play with unique shades.

Despite the fact that both acrylic paints and colors are safe for humans, work with them only with gloves. In addition, it is important to know that high-quality color products do not have characteristic and unpleasant odors. Diluting the paint with color will not be difficult, but the required shade must be thought out in advance.

Tips for tinting acrylic paint are in the next video.