How to prepare your child for school after the holidays. Back to school soon: how to prepare your child for school after the summer holidays

Before the beginning school year there was still (or already only?) a whole month. Expert "Oh!", psychologist Anna Skavitina believes that now is the time to start preparing for school in a calm mode.

Yesterday I saw how the bird leaders began to prepare their flocks for a long flight for wintering in warm countries and circle in the sky, making turns. For me, this is an annual sign: it's time to collect the children for school. Yes, from the end of July-beginning of August, it's time to gradually prepare for the return to a clear work and school schedule. It seems that there is still a lot of time before September 1, almost half of the summer and everything will be in time, but adaptation is not a quick thing. It lasts not a day or two, but a month and a half. Transitional periods are not easy even for adults, and even more so for children.

I know many parents who bring their children home from vacation on the last day of summer to “recreate to the maximum”. To be honest, I did the same a couple of times. Bottom line: the child needs at least 5-6 weeks to build up and get used to the schedule, you still need to remember how to write and what mathematics is, and here the first quarter ended with not very good results. The child has a feeling of failure, unwillingness to go to a terrible school, and then attempts to "take up the mind" in the second quarter with varying degrees success. Therefore, it is better to start adaptation in advance.

Rearrange your sleep schedule

Two to three weeks in advance, start shifting your sleep schedule toward school hours by going to bed and waking up earlier. Don't do it sudden changes, it is better to shift minutes by 15 every day. The most radical parents go on vacation with their children to countries where the time is shifted by 2-3 hours so that the return to the regime goes naturally. I don't know how "natural", but it really works. If you are not ready for such measures, then you can plan various family outings and activities for the morning, give special morning tasks and responsibilities.

Think about summer assignments

It would be nice to remember that for the summer they asked something and, probably, even gave a list of references. There is still time to read books and do what the teacher asked. Even if the school did not give special notebooks or worksheets for the summer, you can easily find them on the Internet or the nearest store and start doing an hour a day. This is especially true for children who do not study very easily. We sometimes play ahead of the curve with them: we not only repeat what has been covered, but also go through 2-3 (no more!) New topics from the textbook: “Let's see what you will go through, oh, interesting!” Our task is to make sure that the child comes to school prepared and immediately feels competent and successful.

Get ready for the new school year, but don't get carried away

You should not force your child to sit over textbooks during the summer hours against his will, even if in your opinion he needs to catch up with the program. Then the school will cause hatred even before the child comes to it in September.

Support the child

The beginning of the school year is associated with changes and separations. New classmates, new teachers, schedule, parting with friends in the country or summer camp. Young children often need parental support, especially if the child is shy or withdrawn. Try to find out at least some of the changes that are coming to the child in order to prepare him for them in advance.

Talk heart to heart

Children look forward to the beginning of the school year with different, often conflicting feelings. Some look forward to school dreading early rises, homework, or relationships with classmates. Someone is looking forward to meeting friends and favorite teachers. Talk to your child and find out what he expects from the beginning of the school year, what he fears, what makes him happy. Perhaps there are problems that can be solved in the summer, or at least find ways to solve them. Sometimes in the summer the child is ready to talk about what he could not talk about during the year. As a result of such conversations, it happens that parents change schools, look for tutors or summer courses for their child, send him to a psychologist.

Pass medical examination

Before school, it would be good to visit the main doctors to make sure that the child is in good health, and holes in the teeth or that nothing can be seen from the blackboard will not interfere with learning. At the same time, you can start to deal with problems schooling: with dyslexia, dysgraphia, school neuroses. In August, many specialists come out of vacation and it is easier to get to them.


August is scheduling time. Discuss the circles and sections that the child would like to attend this year, what he would like to do outside of school. Try to create a tentative schedule with your child, even if you don't know exactly when and where classes will take place.

Go shopping
Organize joint preparation for school: buy together school uniform and stationery. Let the child express himself and choose what he likes. You can make a list necessary purchases and allocate a certain amount of money to the child so that he can practice keeping within the budget, and at the same time remember math. New rulers and pencils will add joyful expectations for the coming school year.

Say goodbye to summer

You can organize a special ritual of "farewell to the summer." For many children, transition rituals are important, showing the reality of change. It can be a family picnic, because the summer is needed, among other things, in order to communicate more with the family. Or a meeting with classmates - familiar faces and established relationships will make you feel calmer in September. Maybe it will be a meeting with friends at a summer camp, where children often become very close friends.

Try to turn the preparation for school into a joyful event, and not a boring job, then the adaptation to the new school year will be easier.

We all know how important it is not to forget about future studies in the summer. And everyone, as a rule, misses this pedagogical opportunity. Well, what kind of summer reading lists or, say, math exercises, when not all puddles have been measured and not all butterflies have been counted yet? It is especially insulting to spend the last summer days on preparation! As a result, the first of September falls on the parents and the child like an avalanche. We managed to collect all the textbooks with stationery - already good. It is then that it turns out that in three months the knowledge has thoroughly disappeared from the children's heads, and the regime has become completely non-school.

Do not worry! How to quickly and painlessly return the child to the working channel, you will learn below. True, you need to understand that the adaptation period lasts at least 2 weeks, and for some children, especially small ones, it easily reaches one to one and a half months.

Looking for reasons to be optimistic

To begin with, parents themselves should not turn sour and infect the child with disappointment in connection with the end of a vacation or vacation. Yay, school! Hooray, old friends! Hooray, new items! At least, this is how you can set up small schoolchildren.

With sophisticated high school students, the trick may fail. As a rule, the “classic” is used: the child is told that he will become a janitor if he studies poorly, or, say, a financier, if he tries. This statement frightens many, but it does not motivate anyone. It is too difficult for children to evaluate and imagine what will happen to them in a dozen or two years. Where better to remind the little smarties what high school the older one follows. A time of fantastic adventures and incredible freedom, when you, dear friend, will get the right to completely independently ... well, for example, manage your pocket money, take public transport to circles or download applications on your phone. In general, outline an enticing, realistic and not too distant perspective, which will lead to good studies in middle school.

Setting goals

“Going to school” and “passing subjects” from these expressions breathes hopelessness and lack of motivation. It is not too late to discuss with the child why he is doing all this. What are your goals with him for the end of the quarter and the year? And what needs to be done to achieve them? Once you have a goal in mind, discuss the steps to achieve it. Break the process into small understandable parts. You can even make a special calendar to mark progress.

Don't lose touch with reality. For example, an autumn cold is almost inevitable. This means that not every week the child will be able to tick off his plan. It's OK.

We build the mode

We are talking about the mode of life, and the mode of study. First, we try to put things in order with the time of going to bed and waking up. If the child is used to not sleeping until late, gradually, half an hour at a time, we return to early bedtime.

Secondly, we deal with the new program. From the abundance of information in the child, most likely, his head went around, and some important details could fly out of one ear at the same speed as they flew into the other. At first, it is worth sitting down with the child together for a new schedule. Check all school requirements in detail. In this way, you will firstly reduce stress, because predictability gives the child a sense of control. And, secondly, you will reduce the number of situations like “and I listened to the weather diary” and “oh, I have to hand over the presentation tomorrow.” And, thirdly, you will find out if you have gone over in the fall with goals and objectives, sections and circles. No matter what born workaholics say that rest is a change of activity, a child’s schedule should always have at least a little time left for ... idleness! And he, honestly, has the right to spend this time at his own discretion.

We decorate reality

The alternation of holidays and the school year should not seem to the child an alternation of imprisonment and freedom. Search in study the good side or create them yourself. If the child is interested in some subject, stir up his curiosity, offer him additional books or interesting films related to the topic.

Pay attention to the organization of the place for lessons in the house. Over the summer, the child has definitely grown up, and may need to New furniture. Be sure to check the height of the chair, table, so as not to provoke back problems for the child.

Beauty is in the details. Try packing your school lunch in an unusual way. Or, as an option, add cute and useless things to a set of useful school things. Especially valuable is what you can impress classmates with. Every year children are overwhelmed by some new fashion, often for something relatively budgetary, like rubber bands for weaving bracelets. Be aware of children's hobbies. The status of an expert in rubber banding can be a great motivator not to miss lessons.

Refreshing memory

Forgetting school wisdom over the summer and picking up triples in the first quarter is a common thing. These days, it’s better to put aside parental pride like “my child does homework by himself” and sit down at the table with your child. Do not be angry if the child suddenly ceased to understand the tasks that he used to crack like nuts.

Before taking on homework, on all problematic subjects, raise old notes and textbooks. Flip through them with your child and figure out where the gaps have formed. The teacher may have absolutely no time to do this, but you calmly repeat what you have learned step by step. Thereafter new information will easily fall on prepared soil.

And no matter how difficult the beginning of the year is, no matter how dissatisfied you are, do not skimp on kind words. There is at least some progress - praise! Yes, and of course, it is not so much the grades that should be praised, but the diligence itself. After all, a child will not always be given marks in life, but you need to try in any business.

Looking for allies

Take a closer look at new teachers, find out what kind of relationship they have with the child. You need to meet teachers, at least talk a little and find out from them what to pay attention to and what you can not worry about.

Ask your child about their classmates. After dacha company, for example, it can be lonely in the classroom, especially if it is the first class. Try to find an opportunity to make the child friends with someone, invite a potential friend to visit, if it's easier - together with his parents. A true friend is also a reason to rush to school and - only ts-s-s! - a person who will always help with homework.

We sincerely empathize

It can be hard for young children to part with their parents before school. They can be overcome by fears: “What if my mother never comes for me!?” Therefore, do not just do not be late for the child to school, but rather come five minutes earlier, let him see that you missed him as much as he missed you.

In addition, it is important not to fuss and not spoil the moment of farewell. Develop your own ritual, for which you should always have enough time. It may include hugs, some kind words. You can give your child something to take with you that will remind you of you. Of course it must be something that matches school norms. For example, a lucky pencil.

Discuss the past school day with your child with curiosity and without pressure. Note that children have a habit of answering questions like "How is school today?" meaningful "Nothing". It's easy to trick them. Come up with more concrete questions like “What did you have in the second lesson?”, “What did they feed you today?” or “What was the most interesting thing about biology?” Such questions will show your interest and allow you to find out really valuable information. Say, if the most remarkable event in biology was a classmate falling asleep from a chair, you will know which subject is worth pushing.

All of these techniques are similar to the method of soft learning to swim. The main subtlety is not to keep the child “in arms” for the rest of the year. Gradually reduce your involvement, but, of course, without denying him support in critical situations and just on difficult days. At some point, the child himself will begin to feel more confident and will safely go on an autonomous voyage.

How to prepare your child for school after the holidays. Our children have a hard time sitting down for school desk after rest. Many parents think that on the very first day of school, the child will tune in to study, concentrate and become attentive. "It's necessary, it means it's necessary!" the adults say. They think that it is worth, as in a fairy tale, to cast a spell: “Pot! Cook!”, and thoughts will tune in to school everyday life, preparing lessons, writing tests. But ... the "pot" does not cook! More precisely, it does not cook as fast as we would like it to. The child needs time to adapt to school after the holidays.

Of course, children have the hardest time after the longest, summer holidays. During the holidays, the daily routine changes dramatically: sleep, food, and walks. The guys, as a rule, "sleep off" until 9-10 in the morning, then have breakfast, spend a lot of time outdoors (at least we hope so), and go to bed late, wanting to watch all the interesting films, which are many in holidays. If in this mode the child continues to exist until last day holidays, then, of course, the transition to study is very difficult for him. Unaccustomed to getting up at 7.00, the first school days he almost sleeps in class. What is the concentration of attention and good grades here?

To make it easier for your child to transition from vacation time to school days, you need to adhere to the regime of the day and during the holidays. Of course, it would be ideal if the old daily routine was preserved (wake up at 7.00, night sleep from 21.30). But this is hardly a feasible recommendation. Try at least in the last 3-4 days of vacation to bring the daily routine closer to the school one. Perhaps, for this you will have to insist that the child will not watch the film, which ends at 23.30. Promise that he will be able to watch it tomorrow, on the daily repeat. Endure all these “Well, mom, please! ' and 'I'm offended by you'. You know that it really will be better this way. Suggest an interesting replacement for the movie: for example, before going to bed, play such a game.

This game is almost magical. It can help you reach a new level of understanding between you. During the game, both the child and the parents experience very warm feelings. We must take any soft toy and pass it to each other with the words: "I like that you ...". At a time, you can end the phrase with only one thought, for example: “I like that you are good at drawing.” Mom can hear from the child that he likes that mom is “kind, gives sweets, buys toys, etc.” And you can tell the child that you like that he " good helper, never offends the younger ones, loves to read, etc.” The more statements like this, the better.

It is clear that two people win this game. The next day you can play "I want you to...". Yesterday you set the stage by giving each other great compliments, and now you can wish for what you both want. I think that your child will not regret the missed film at all and will remember how you played for a long time.

During the holidays, as a rule, they set lessons. And the task of parents is to make sure that all tasks are not completed on the last evening before the first day of school. If the child wants to do all the lessons at the beginning of the holidays, so that later he can “rest in peace”, then so be it. But if he delays the moment when he needs to sit down at the table, then you will have to remind him of the tasks. Don't be lazy, look at the diary and decide together what needs to be done. Then agree at what time he will perform tasks. If the child understands that he does not need more than 20 minutes a day, then he is unlikely to resist much. Moreover, the even distribution of the load allows you to maintain learning activity and greatly facilitates the transition to school life.

The best assistant for many problems is Fresh air. It will be ideal if you make these walks family friendly. A child who spent a lot of time outdoors during the holidays adapts to school much faster than one who spent all this time sitting near a computer and TV.

How you spend the last evening of the holidays will determine how easy it will be for your child to get used to school in the next term.

Make this evening calm. Less reproaches and swearing: “I rested all the holidays, but I forgot about the assignments!”, “You can’t even collect a portfolio yourself!”

Help your child pack a bag

This does not mean that you have to do it for him. Insist that he opens his diary and folds notebooks and textbooks, looking at what subjects will be tomorrow. Relying on a “good” memory, your child may miss a couple of textbooks at school. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with checking if everything you need is in place. Help prepare the clothes to wear tomorrow.

Think over everything to the smallest detail, hang it in a closet or on a chair so that on the first morning of the new quarter you don’t have to nervously look for tights, skirts and jackets all over the apartment.

Try to make him want to go to school tomorrow

Maybe you were on an exciting excursion or an interesting performance? How great it will be if the child will tell his friends about it tomorrow! Did your daughter receive a beautiful blouse that she dreamed of as a gift? If there is no uniform at school, let him put on a new outfit tomorrow! In general, set up the child so that he thinks: "It's nice that tomorrow is school!".

Create a calm and friendly atmosphere at home It is likely that the grades at the beginning of the term will not please you. But laziness and unwillingness to learn have nothing to do with it. It's just that the whole body has not yet tuned in to the learning mood. Instead of lecturing, express confidence that the results will soon improve, because your child has such good potential!

Don't plan other changes in your life

Perhaps you have found a new studio to take your child to. free time and he is eager to go there. But let him begin to visit her after the first 2-3 weeks of the quarter. No matter how positive the changes are, they require the expenditure of psychic energy to get used to them, and your student is already having a hard time.

Keep being outdoors

If possible, keep your walks in weekdays after school or in the evening when you come home from work. We had dinner - and we can take a walk in the yard for 30-40 minutes.

Pay attention to food

Remember to give your child fruits and vegetables every day.

Don't Forget Kindness

Psychologists say: if a child is not stroked on the head every day, then his brain “dries up”. Of course, this is a figurative expression. But it is not far from the truth. Not only kids need affection, but also middle school students, and even teenagers. It has been proven that children whose parents often stroke their heads, hug, kiss, are more optimistic, quick-witted, open in communication. Caress your child, sit next to him for a few minutes before going to bed, read a book, say a couple of kind words, wish Good night and a difficult school day tomorrow will be much easier!

And the last tip for all those who find it difficult to get up in the morning: do the Star exercise. Still lying in bed, clench your hands into fists, and then straighten your spread fingers with force. Do several times in a row at a pace that is comfortable for you. You will feel a surge of energy very quickly. Now you are definitely ready to open your eyes and start your work or school day!

1. The first thing to start with is the transition to the school regime. Already two weeks before the start of the school year, begin to gradually put to bed and wake up the child 20-30 minutes earlier. If you abruptly cut off the usual summer mode and transfer to school - with an early awakening, then this will cause conflicts in the family, stress, school anxiety, psychosomatics (abdominal pain, headaches, etc.).

To facilitate early awakening, you can find a stimulus for the child. For example, a joint pleasant pastime with parents (interesting walks, watching short kind cartoons, etc.). 2-3 hours before bedtime, you need to exclude TV, computer, noisy games, loud music, heavy food. Instead, you can read together, play quiet games, take a walk, listen to a good fairy tale. Sleep should be calm in a dark, ventilated room without extraneous sounds. It is important to remember that the child primary school need to sleep at least 10 hours.

2. In parallel with the sleep regime, we are also adjusting the diet. Choose one similar to the one that will be at school. Try to give your child as much fresh fruits and berries as possible, because. they are rich in vitamins and will protect against frequent colds in the fall.

3. Don't put off buying school supplies and last minute clothes. It is advisable to go to the store with the children in order to avoid mistakes with the size and possible conflicts due to differences in tastes. Do not deny children the pleasure of choosing their own stationery, backpacks. This will help the student get used to the idea that school time will start soon.

4. It is very important to replace empty pastime in front of a computer, phone or TV with useful activities, outdoor games, sports, family walks, hikes, excursions, visits to zoos, exhibitions, and so on. After each walk, you can discuss with your child what interesting things you learned, what you liked the most. And instruct your child to shoot the best moments of your joint family pastime with a camera (with the subsequent creation of a beautiful presentation).

5. Talk to children about school only in a positive way. Remember what your child likes the most at school and focus on this (communication with friends, favorite subjects, school circles, new interesting knowledge, new achievements).

Set your child on the fact that he will succeed, that he will overcome any problems. Say more often how you love him, how proud of him, how you believe in him.

There is no need to frighten children (and especially first-graders) with school difficulties, teacher punishment, and cumbersome homework. This will only increase school fears and discourage any desire to learn. Particular attention should be paid to children who go to the 1st or 5th grade. For first-graders, everything is just beginning, and the anticipation of learning can become very exciting. And for schoolchildren who have passed to the 5th grade, the difficulties are associated with the appearance of new teachers and subjects in their lives.

It is also worth giving special support to the child if he was transferred to new school- in this case, it is even harder for him, since even old friends will not be around. Set your child up in advance to be positive - “You will definitely succeed!”, “You can do it!”

6. Any problems (serious gaps in knowledge, self-doubt, first unrequited love, etc.) associated with the school must be eliminated in advance so that the child does not have fears before the new school year. It is advisable to talk more often with children about what they expect from school, about their fears, friends, and so on. Thus, it will be easier for parents to “lay straws” and prepare their student for school life in advance.

7. In the second half of August, you need to devote about 30 minutes a day to repeating the most difficult subjects for the child, as well as reading the literature assigned for the summer (if the child has not touched it before).

You can conduct small dictations (at least 3-4 lines each) to prepare your hand for writing, restore normal handwriting, and remember the basics of spelling.

It would be nice to do with a child and foreign language (better training through the game).

If the child has serious problems in some subjects, then it is advisable to work with a tutor (but only with someone who can interest the child).

Such classes should take place in a calm, friendly atmosphere and preferably at the same time. Encourage and praise your child more often for the slightest success. This will give the student self-confidence and help improve performance. And, of course, you should not overload children with lessons, so as not to discourage learning. On September 1, the child must wait as a holiday.

It would be great if your family would have a tradition - to celebrate Knowledge Day with your family and give your child gifts in connection with the start of the new school year.

Vera Prokhorchuk | 08/26/2016 | 1246

Vera Prokhorchuk 26.08.2016 1246

After the summer holidays, it is quite difficult for many children to get used to school everyday life. I will tell you how to prepare a child for school and gently set him up for learning.

I have two children of the same age: Sasha moved to the 3rd grade, and the younger Mitya - to the 2nd. Last year, after the summer holidays, they both told me that they did not want to go to school and dreamed that the vacation would continue until the New Year.

And I wanted so much that study was a joy for my sons, and did not become some kind of "hard labor". I consulted with experts who gave me several useful advice preparing children for school.

I put them into practice, and, you know, the period of adaptation to school went pretty easily. This year, I am setting the kids up for learning by putting these tips into practice.

I share them with you, dear parents.

Parents should pay attention to this issue Special attention: after all, difficulties during the period of adaptation to school can lead to psychological problems and even health problems.

Daily routine for children

During the holidays, parents allow violations of the daily routine: children often go to bed late, sleep until dinner, eat at different time. During study, the daily routine will change: the child will go to bed early and get up early, the whole day will be planned.

In order for the children's body to have time to rebuild, a week before the start of the school year, it is necessary to observe the "school" daily routine. Here is a sample daily schedule:

It is also useful for children to use:

  • lean meat;
  • liver;
  • oatmeal;
  • cauliflower;
  • dairy products, especially cottage cheese;
  • about 2 liters clean drinking water in a day.


If a child has forgotten how to handle a pen, writing dictations can help. It is enough to devote about 30 minutes a day to this lesson so that the child’s hand “remembers” how to write.

A joint purchase will also help to tune in to the “school” mood. stationery, clothes and

I want to warn parents: the first month of school can be quite stressful and even nervous for you, and, of course, for the child. But you should be patient, support your child and try to make it as easy as possible for the child to adapt to school.