Cottages made of glued laminated timber with a garage. Projects of houses with a garage made of glued laminated timber Advantages of a house with a garage from the company "Dachny Sezon"

Everyone will agree with the need for a garage in a private house. Unfortunately, sometimes there is simply no place for it. Therefore, if you are just planning the construction of suburban housing, then take a closer look at houses made of glued laminated timber with a garage.

The Terem company offers several different options:

  • 1. Next to the building, we made a canopy where you can hide the car in bad weather. This type is more suitable for those who periodically leave Moscow for nature. If you are also inclined towards such a decision, then consider the houses of the Viking and Varyag series. The car park is set up for your convenience.
  • 2. The garage is located directly in the house. This is a full-fledged detached building with rolling gates. In this way, our architects proposed to separate the living quarters. If you like this option more, then choose from the Viking and Duke series.
  • 3. We not only carry out construction, but also carry out reconstruction and extension of premises. Our specialists, having gone to your site, will offer you several options for building a garage.

You can get acquainted with the projects of buildings on the website

Price for a house with a garage

The Terem company offers several complete sets of houses. Each includes a specific set of services we perform. "Summer" is the most budget option. It is characterized by a minimum set of services. The recommended time to stay in it is summer days. In winter, you will be uncomfortable, since the insulation used in this configuration will not be able to retain heat in cold weather.

"Winter" is an option for those who plan to live outside the city all year round and at the same time do not want to overpay for "unnecessary" services. If you think that there are simply no “unnecessary” services during the construction of a house, then for you we offer the maximum set of work performed in the configuration for permanent residence.

Here is a list of works that you get regardless of the choice of configuration when ordering a house from glued laminated timber with a garage:

  • 1. Foundation work.
  • 2. Building walls.
  • 3. Roof.
  • 4. Insulated ceiling in the house and OSB ceiling in the garage.
  • 5. Windows, entrance and interior doors.
  • 6. When choosing a project with a full-fledged garage, rolling gates will be installed on it.
  • 7. Insulation of the living quarters within the selected configuration.
  • 8. Interior and exterior wall decoration.

In a word, you get a turnkey building with an equipped place for a car.

How to order and pay

The company "Terem" invites you to conclude an agreement in the exhibition complex at: MSK, st. Zelenodolskaya, ow. 42. You will need a passport and copies of documents confirming the ownership of the site.

In the contract, we prescribe all the important points and attach a floor plan of the project you have chosen. The price, terms, all services performed by us, our responsibility and guarantee are indicated. Residents registered in Moscow and the Moscow region do not make an advance payment for construction.

The payment itself is carried out in three stages by transferring funds to our current account in Sberbank. You pay the first part (40%) upon completion of foundation work. We expect the second 40% after the construction of the building and the completion of roofing, as well as the installation of internal partitions and ceilings. Have our builders completely finished the interior and exterior decoration? Then within three working days we are waiting for the remaining 20%.

The construction of suburban housing is expensive. Only now we offer you to save from 10 to 15%. Call and find out about the timing of the promotion. Hurry, discounts are only valid until the end of the month!

A house made of glued laminated timber with a turnkey garage is being built in various versions. It can be a one- or two-story house of any size (a small house up to 100 m2 or a real residence from 250 m2), with an attic or a balcony. A place for a car is provided by the project in several versions:

  • in the form of a covered canopy adjacent to the house (the car is in the fresh air, but protected from the sun and rain);
  • in the form of a full-fledged closed extension to the house (the car is hidden from the eyes of strangers, the garage is equipped with automatic gates);
  • as an underground parking (the car drives into a specially equipped niche under the foundation of the house, where a heated room is set up in advance).

Obviously, the price of a house made of glued laminated timber with a garage depends on the option chosen. The first one is the cheapest: the canopy is built very quickly and does not require a large consumption of materials. An underground mini-parking for a car, which must be carefully designed, will cost more. "Golden Mean" - above ground extension with a gate, where you can keep your car warm and dry, away from the prying eyes of neighbors.

Order the construction of a house from a bar in Moscow and the Moscow region to WoodHouse specialists by leaving a request for a call back or contacting the manager by phone. Thanks to the excellent qualities of glued laminated timber, your future home will be ready in 1-2 months.

Features and benefits of a house with a garage

The room can be designed for 1 or 2 cars, and additional parking spaces are organized outside the house - for example, a separate covered parking for guests is equipped, or an additional building is being erected.

It would seem that the place where your machines are located is a fairly simple room. However, it is especially important that it does not coexist with bedrooms, nurseries, kitchens, and that its ventilation and heating are well organized. The humidity level is another important parameter that must always be stable. After all, it is about the safety of your car.

Compliance with safety regulations plays an important role: well-insulated wiring, properly selected non-flammable, easy-to-clean finishing materials.

A garage at ground floor level is a good, convenient solution. But if the project provides for a zero level, there is no better place to park cars. Especially if the terrain of your site is not ideal.

Our architectural bureau has developed dozens of ready-made projects for houses made of glued laminated timber with a garage. In addition, we are ready to create for you the best customized solution that suits you in every way.

The SVDom company offers projects of functional and aesthetic one-story / two-story houses made of timber with a garage. The use of glued beams allows you to build such a structure in just three to six months.

Arranging a garage will help ensure the comfort and practicality of a new home. The presence of such an additional room has certain advantages:

  • dry, warm and safe car parking;
  • a place to store tools, inventory and other things;
  • the ability to equip the workspace when engaging in any craft.

Description of projects of houses with a garage

When building such a house from glued laminated timber, it is important to properly organize ventilation, this will ensure safe operation.

Two types of projects are available: a separate building or a garage that is part of the house. It is also possible to arrange the building in the basement.

Let us consider in more detail the project of a house with an attached garage made of glued laminated timber. In this case, two entrances are provided - from the street and from the interior. The main advantages of this option:

  • compactness - a separate building does not take up space on the site;
  • placement of tools and interchangeable wheels;
  • getting into the garage in the cold season without going outside is one of the important advantages.

The construction time for a house with a garage will be no higher than for an ordinary cottage. When designing, our specialists must take into account the technical features of such structures. For example, an extension and the main house will have a common roof and wall, one communication system. As a result, you will get a functional, practical and comfortable home!

Traditionally, private houses were considered purely summer buildings for summer holidays. Today, a house made of glued laminated timber with a garage can completely replace an apartment and provide an even greater level of comfort. Own boiler room, several bathrooms, a spacious balcony and a picturesque view from the window. This is simply impossible to exchange for a noisy concrete anthill.

Advantages of a house with a garage from the company "Dachny Sezon"

  1. Even at the stage of housing design, you can modify the garage to suit your needs. Thus, you will have enough space to accommodate and repair any type of machine.
  2. Projects of glued houses with a garage are especially popular due to the purity of the materials used. Natural wood, treated with fire retardant and insect repellent, will not emit harmful fumes during the entire life of the dwelling.
  3. You do not have to overpay for the purchase or rent of additional storage space for the car. At the same time, you will reliably protect your own property from any attempts of hacking or theft.
  4. The price of building turnkey high-tech housing will pleasantly surprise you with its democratic nature, and the project will be completed in just 2-3 months.

The Dachny Sezon company carries out the construction of houses from glued laminated timber with a turnkey garage in Moscow and the Moscow region.