Unlimited internet mts without limits on speed and traffic. What does the word "unlimited" mean in the description of the MTS Vip-Internet service

Until recently, almost all cellular companies could not offer their customers services at truly unlimited tariffs with unlimited Internet access. That was allocated a certain limit, after which it was necessary to pay extra for additional package, then the data transfer rate was so low that it was simply not necessary to talk about downloading large files.

Tough competitive conditions have forced mobile network operators to reconsider their policies, and since 2016 this option has become available to many providers. The mobile operator Yota was the first to offer unlimited, and, following the logic and requests of customers, such opportunities became available to customers of Beeline, MTS, Tele2 and MegaFon. But which of them is really good at the task at hand, and who should be given preference in order not to miscalculate?

If you look at the problem through the eyes of the user, then he means endless possibilities to download any files only at a high data transfer rate.

Providers have a completely opposite opinion - for them, this concept includes the purchase of a certain package of traffic, and after the end of the dedicated Internet, it will also be available, but at a very low speed. So it turns out that subscribers will always have access to the World Wide Web, but after a certain limit is reached, there will be some difficulties for them.

Why do subscribers purchase Internet packages? Everyone has their own task, some need it to communicate via Skype, others - to watch online programs or new film distribution. And for the implementation of all these tasks, certain speed parameters are required. And if you are offered only 1 MB, then it will only be enough to view mail messages, and then not for long. But gamers need at least 512 Kb / s for browser games, otherwise they simply won’t be able to move to another level due to the system freezing.

  1. Tip one
  2. Pay attention to the offered speed, and you should choose from those offers that will best suit your needs.

    Let's say you find an attractive offer, but will it work in your area? It is likely that the provider's equipment has not yet been installed in a remote village, and even having bought an attractive package, it will still not be possible to enjoy the agreed conditions.

  3. Tip two
  4. Study the coverage map and if your locality goes into the coverage area of ​​the network, then find out under what conditions. What does this mean? Outdated equipment is unlikely to have a good data transfer, so it would not be out of place to ask this question to the operator himself.

As a way out, you can think about purchasing additional home antenna amplifiers. Also important will be the moment for which device a SIM card is bought. And if this is a smartphone, then the SIM card intended for the modem will not work on it, no matter how profitable the offer is.

Overview of proposals on the market of mobile operators

We will try to give an exhaustive answer, what is the best unlimited mobile Internet offered by this or that company, under what conditions and whether it will really be profitable and without restrictions, or the client should still think carefully before changing his operator.

Offers from Beeline

It is worth mentioning right away that it was this mobile network operator that was the first to offer profitable Internet packages within the framework of the EVERYTHING service on a postpaid basis of payments and EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Yes, the subscriber first uses the service without any restrictions, and only then makes payments for the traffic used. In contrast to this service, the "ALL IS POSSIBLE" package provides for advance payments, there is a special offer for tablet computers "Internet forever".

  • Postpaid payments in the amount of 500 rubles.
  • Unlimited Internet.
  • Unlimited voice calls to all Russian numbers.
  • Allocated 600 min. for calls to phones of other mobile operators.
  • As part of the package, you can send 300 messages for free.

All these services will be available to the client only for smartphones, they will not work on a tablet or on a modem. In addition, the provider can limit the speed limit if the client begins to use torrents, and the contract provides for a separate clause that he disclaims responsibility if the network is overloaded at some point. That is, the provider already warns in advance that the actual speed may not meet the parameters declared for the tariff.

Internet forever

This line is designed exclusively for tablet computers, at the first connection the subscriber receives 200 Mb of traffic, then he will pay all expenses after the fact. But in order to use voice calls or send sms, you must first connect them to the provider's personal account.

Upon the exhaustion of the limit, the company immediately sends messages about connecting the Highway service, that is, an automatic increase in traffic as soon as necessary.

Price policy:

  • No subscription fee.
  • Free incoming voice calls.
  • For a call in the home region, 1.7 rubles are charged. per minute of communication, to other numbers - 24 rubles.
  • For sending 1 sms is charged at 1.95.
  • Dedicated traffic limit of 200 MB.

Internet tariff "Everything is possible"


If you think about it, each offer is good in its own way, and each company offers very attractive conditions. But if you don't have supportive new hardware in your area, then the money will be wasted.

The choice always remains only with the client, and you need to choose solely from your requirements. You can also consult with friends and colleagues who already have experience using the Internet offers in question, and only then proceed with the choice or change of provider.

The mobile operator "Iota" is known for providing Russian subscribers with the most favorable rates for telephone calls and unlimited, that is, iota unlimited Internet which can be connected to the following devices:

  • smartphones from Apple;
  • android phones and tablets;
  • computers;
  • devices running Windows Phone OS.

When connected and after all the settings, it will be possible to use the Internet without restrictions on speed and traffic.

What is unlimited Internet from the Iota operator and current tariffs

The advantage of connecting to the Internet from the Yota company is that almost all tariffs provide the opportunity to use the World Wide Web without restrictions. On the this moment The provider offers the following tariffs for its customers:

  1. Tablet.
  2. Mobile.
  3. Personal.

The company makes sure that its customers pay as little as possible for an access point and at the same time receive Internet at high speed. Network tariffs from Iota are beneficial in that they impose practically no restrictions on traffic, with the exception of smartphones.

Important: It is impossible to connect unlimited Internet to a smartphone, since unlimited is available only for modems. If you want to use the worldwide web for as long as you need, that is, without limiting yourself, then it is better to buy a sim card that has unlimited internet. Such “sim cards” are already available to those who managed to buy them before January 25 of this year.

When accessing the Internet through a modem from Iota, you can not pay at all for using the network, since the operator offers the subscriber bonus access to the network at speeds up to 64 kbps. Plus, each owner of the Iota SIM card can create a personal tariff for himself.

It should be noted that the company offers several SIM cards, but they all cost 300 rubles.

How to connect Internet to Yota subscribers?

This is not difficult to do, but still the connection different devices to the network has its own characteristics and nuances. Many Yota subscribers, after the settings from the operator arrive on their phones, still cannot activate the Internet. Before purchasing a SIM card or a router from a provider, it is important to take into account your region of residence and coverage map, it is available on the official website.

You can also connect to the Internet using a modem. The fact is that your location must have a coverage area, since without this area you will not be able to use the Internet from Iota.

Among other things, if you plan to go online through your phone, then it must support 2/3/4G networks. Please note that while setting the APN (access point), Wi-Fi must be turned off.

Ways to turn off the Internet

If you decide for yourself to no longer use all the benefits of the Internet, then you can turn it off at any time. To do this, unbind the device.

To perform such a manipulation, you need to go to the profile and go to the "Device Management" section. If necessary, by performing the same actions, the Internet can be restored.

If you want to completely refuse access to the network and withdraw all the money from the profile, then you need to write an application, an example of which is available on the company's website, and send it to the nearest Iota operator center.

You can also apply online, but for this you need to start Personal Area. In it you will learn about what the Internet, how best source information, you can disable and enable as many times as needed.

How to set up Internet from Iota on different devices?

Internet from the Iota provider can be used from different devices, but for this you need to know how to set up yota Internet on a computer, tablet and smartphone.

First you need to buy a SIM card, insert it into the slot and activate it.

After that, you need to choose the most favorable iota tariff for the Internet, while the cost of phone calls can be high, but the Internet will be of high quality and fast.

To connect wireless Internet to Android smartphones, you need to create an access point with the name "Iota".

In settings mobile phone should indicate APN-intermet.yota.

As for the type of access point, it is set automatically, and the rest of the fields must be left blank. As a rule, on a tablet and a smartphone that is equipped with Android OS, the Internet is configured automatically, but if this does not happen, then you will need a manual configuration mode.

The same applies to portable devices running Windows Phone or iOS: if the Internet is not automatically configured, then the access point is registered manually.

After that, data transfer is activated, for which you need to go to any site. After waiting for the redirect, you need to register a personal account, that is, create your profile. In it you can not only learn how to set up iota unlimited internet 2017, but also perform a lot of other useful functions:

  • see how much money is on the balance;
  • find out your account balance;
  • contact the operator and ask him if it is possible to distribute the Internet to other subscribers mobile communications;
  • top up your account bank card and so on.

How to set up the Internet on a PC?

If you want to work with the Internet through a computer, then you also need to configure it. To do this, we connect the modem, wait until it connects to the network, and go to the first site that comes across. After that, you will be taken to the Iota page, where you will need to create your profile. After registering, you need to replenish your account and turn on the Internet. The cost of the service directly depends on the Internet speed you choose.

Activate the Internet on Apple gadgets

Owners of smartphones from the "apple" corporation can also set up the Internet from "Iota", but ideally, after registering the card, all settings should be automated independently. The only exceptions are iPad devices, namely tablet computers. To configure the connection of gadgets to the Internet, you need to go to "Settings", select mobile data and specify the APN name.

Next, we are interested in the "APN Type" section. It contains the "Supl" and "Default" functions. Opposite them you need to put a checkmark. As soon as a signal appears on the phone, you need to go online and go to any site. After these manipulations, you should be redirected to the company's website, where you need to create your profile. Here you will be able to select the internet speed and also increase it if the internet is slow.


Install internet on android

Users of devices operating on the basis of the Android OS can install the Internet from Yota, which works quickly and without interference. To do this, we perform these simple steps:

  1. Go to the gadget settings.
  2. Select "Wireless Networks".
  3. Click on "More".
  4. Select "Mobile network".
  5. now you need to select "Access Point".
  6. Click on the "Create Access Point" tab.
  7. In the field that opens, you need to enter "internet.yota".
  8. The rest of the fields must be empty.

How to activate the network on Windows Phone?

Similarly, you can connect smartphones that run on Windows Phone.

This is done manually if automatic mode the network has not been configured.

To do this, go to "Settings", select "Access Point" and create a new APN using the "+" key.

The name of the new APN (internet.yota) is also entered manually.

No signal: why is this situation happening?

Sometimes users of Iota services complain that the Internet is not working. Often, Android gadgets disconnect from the access point on their own, but do not worry, as the problem can be easily fixed.

Internet may not be available when you leave the coverage area of ​​​​the Iota provider. This problem can be solved in only one way - to return to the access point. This is done like this:

  1. The device is rebooting.
  2. It turns on for a couple of seconds, and then immediately turns off the “Only 2G networks” section.

After these steps, the Internet should work. Such problems most often occur in residents of regions that have a limited coverage area.

Common reasons why the Internet from Iota does not work on the phone

Internet may not be available different reasons so there are several ways to solve problems.

  1. In the event of a network outage, call technical support Yota company. To do this, you need to make a free call to the number 8 800 550 00 07 and explain your situation to the operator.
  2. There is no signal. Such an unpleasant situation is due to the fact that the young operator did not manage to set up its network in all regions. To distribute a high-quality signal, you need to do good zone coatings. Among other things, the Internet does not catch on the territory of underground parking lots and outside the city.
  3. Unfavorable weather conditions often create restrictions and hindrances to the use of the Internet. In this case, you will not be able to solve problems and speed up communication with the network on your own. The Internet will work only after the weather returns to normal.
  4. For all mobile services and the World Wide Web in particular, you need to pay on time. If you do not have time to pay for the Internet or if there is no money on your balance, then you will not be able to use the Internet, since there will be none. Only after payment and replenishment of the account will access to the network be restored.
  5. There may be problems with the equipment itself, which distributes the Internet. If there is no network, then you need to check the integrity of the wires and connectors. Also check the antenna, which may fail and require repair.

The most useful USSD commands from Yota

The Iota operator offers its customers many useful services and USSD commands, which are a set of symbols, numbers and letters. USSD commands are specially designed to quickly change the tariff plan, set up the Internet, manage numbers, as well as activate and deactivate various options. To connect any service, you just need to dial a certain combination on your phone.

In the Russian market, three companies that provide services of this kind have not left the pedestal for a long time: Iota, Bilan and MTS. The only thing in which they differ is in terms of connection and tariffs. Some operators provide tariff plans with a daily subscription fee, others offer packages with different amounts of data, and still others “hit” unlimited Internet.
Connecting to the wired Internet practically does not require your participation. The employee of the organization providing the service will do everything for you, but it is best to connect a wireless device.

Together with the Internet service, companies provide additional services: a home phone, television and installation of antiviruses on one or more devices.

Tariff plans for unlimited internet vary from 500 rubles to 2 thousand per month. The connection always happens. The speed of the Internet during the day and at night may also differ. average speed unlimited Internet during the daytime 30 Mbps.

Important! Often providers use a trick and claim that the Internet speed is up to 50 Mbps. This means that 50 Mbps is the maximum speed limit, and not the constant speed of your Internet. With all this, the traffic is actually unlimited.

Mobile Internet

With mobile Internet, things are completely different. The subscription fee is charged every day or once a month. The average payment per day is 15 rubles. The volume of traffic for unlimited Internet varies from 30 Mb to 200 Mb per day, the speed is not fixed. Although in reality the speed of receiving and transmitting data depends on technological possibilities device (phone, smartphone or tablet) and network congestion, as well as radio wave propagation conditions.

Also, many tariff plans provide the service - "". It will help you out if the balance suddenly runs out of funds.

When choosing a tariff plan, you need to decide how the Internet will be used: Internet surfing, communication through, watching movies in online mode or download them to your device, listen to music, etc. Choose a tariff that will meet only your requirements. Therefore, before you go to a mobile phone salon, write on a piece of paper what you want to receive from the new connected service. This will significantly reduce the time you spend on choosing a tariff plan. Plus, the manager trading floor will not be able to lead you astray.
Be careful and choose what is right for you.

Modern man is in dire need of high-speed mobile Internet. Depending on their own needs, everyone determines the optimal amount of traffic for himself. For some, a few gigabytes for a month is enough, while others cannot imagine their life without unlimited Internet. Each operator tries to please its customers, so the attention of subscribers is given quite big choice tariffs and options with different volumes of traffic. Of course, there are offers with unlimited internet. All Russian operators, including MTS, have similar offers. Speaking about MTS unlimited Internet, most subscribers mean that there are no restrictions on speed and traffic, but the operator has his own opinion on this matter. Let's consider all the tariffs and options that MTS calls unlimited, and then find out which of them really include an unlimited traffic quota.
Unlimited Internet MTS is available in the following offers:

  • Tariff "Smart unlimited";
  • Option "Internet 4 Mbps";
  • Option "Internet-VIP" (only night unlimited);
  • Tariff "Smart Nonstop" (only night unlimited);
  • Tariff "Transformische" (exclusive tariff, available only in the MTS online store when buying a new SIM).

AT this moment MTS has only three offers with round-the-clock unlimited Internet and two with night (from 01:00 to 07:00). It would seem that there is a choice and everything is fine, but it was not without pitfalls at all. You do get an unlimited traffic quota, but there are other restrictions. As part of this review, we will take a detailed look at all offers with unlimited internet. We will tell you how to connect MTS unlimited Internet so that you no longer think about the number of megabytes spent. As for the options that MTS calls unlimited, but in fact, after spending the traffic package, the Internet speed drops (for example, some smart line tariffs and options for the MTS Connect-4 tariff), we will not consider them, since the unlimited They have nothing to do with the internet.

Round-the-clock unlimited Internet MTS

As you already understood, MTS has offers with round-the-clock and night unlimited. Of course, for most subscribers, unlimited mobile Internet is preferable that is not tied to time, that is, with the ability not to control the amount of gigabytes spent day and night. Therefore, we will start with the "Smart Unlimited", "Transformer" tariffs and the "Internet 4 Mbps" option. All of them provide the Internet without restrictions on speed and traffic, but they are also characterized by individual characteristics. On our website you can find detailed overview of all these proposals, here we will consider their main conditions.

Tariff "Smart unlimited"

MTS secures a significant increase client base thanks to the "Smart Unlimited" tariff. Initially, this tariff plan was very good and many were even ready to switch to MTS from another operator solely for the sake of this offer. First of all, the tariff is interesting for unlimited Internet. In principle, other operators have similar offers, but MTS outperformed them in terms of certain parameters, for example, there was the opportunity to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi for free. Why do we speak in the past tense? Yes, because since the advent of the tariff, its conditions have changed a lot.

"Smart Unlimited" tariff includes:

  • Subscription fee - 12.90 rubles. per day during the first month and 19 rubles in the future;
  • Unlimited calls to MTS Russia numbers;
  • Unlimited mobile internet;
  • 200 minutes to numbers of other operators;
  • 200 SMS.
  • Attention
  • The given data are relevant for Moscow and the Moscow region. Depending on the region, the amount of the subscription fee may differ.

Someone will say that the tariff is characterized by too small a package of minutes and unnecessary SMS to anyone. This is true, but do not forget that, first of all, we are talking about MTS unlimited Internet, and here, in addition to this, unlimited calls within the network are also provided, as well as a package of minutes to other networks. There would be no complaints about the tariff if it did not have pitfalls. Unfortunately, unlimited Internet on the Smart Unlimited tariff provides for unpleasant restrictions. Let's consider the most important ones.

Restrictions for the Internet on the "Smart Unlimited" tariff:

  1. The use of file-sharing networks is limited. When you try to download a file via a torrent, you will encounter a significant speed limit;
  2. When distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi or USB, 30 rubles per day are debited (upon the fact of using the service);
  3. The operator reserves the right to limit the speed of the Internet at any time, referring to a significant load on the network (this condition is in the contract);
  4. As part of the "Single Internet" service, you can provide group members with only 10 GB, instead of 50 GB.

As you can see, MTS unlimited Internet at this tariff is not ideal, and it is hardly possible to find it now perfect offer. However, if you need unlimited mobile Internet for your phone, then this is a good choice. You can easily spend hundreds of gigabytes if necessary. We tested the tariff plan and in a month we managed to spend more than 200 gigabytes, while there were no problems with speed. If the offer aroused interest, we recommend reading the detailed one. Do not want to read a separate article and are ready to switch to this tariff plan right now? To activate the "Smart Unlimited" tariff, dial the command * 111 * 3888 # on your phone .

Tariff "Transformer"

Most recently, a new Transformische tariff became available to MTS subscribers. For unknown reasons, the operator did not provide for the possibility to connect the tariff. That is, to start using this tariff, you will have to purchase a new SIM card in the MTS online store. It is currently impossible to connect the tariff to the current number, only the purchase of a starter kit.

The terms of the Transformische tariff are very similar to the previously considered Smart Unlimited tariff plan. The main difference is that the subscriber can choose optimal amount minutes for calls to numbers of other operators (400, 600 or 1500 minutes). Of course, depending on the selected package of minutes, the monthly fee will differ (650, 800 and 1200 rubles). As for the Internet, the same restrictions apply.

Internet restrictions on the Transformische tariff:

  • The tariff is intended only for phones. Cannot be used in a modem/router;
  • The use of file-sharing networks is limited;
  • When distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi or USB, 30 rubles per day are charged.

If you are interested in this offer, we recommend that you study the conditions of the Transformische tariff in more detail before purchasing a starter kit. You can find an overview of the tariff plan in the "" section or on the operator's website.

Option "Internet 4 Mbps"

In addition to tariff plans with unlimited internet, which also include minutes and SMS, there is a separate option for the internet. The option "Internet 4 Mbps" allows you not to overpay for the extra, you pay only for unlimited Internet MTS. In addition, in contrast to the rates discussed above, this option can be used in a modem or router. You could call this option best solution for those who need unlimited internet, if not for one feature. As many have already guessed from the name of the option, the maximum you can count on is an Internet speed of 4 Mbps. This is the main drawback of the option.

Many do not understand what constitutes an Internet speed of 4 Mbps. In principle, this is quite a normal speed, which will be enough to listen to music online and watch videos in standard quality. You should pay attention to the fact that under the option MTS promises speeds up to 4 Mbps, while the actual speed may be less than the maximum.

If you do not need high-speed Internet and you are ready to pay 750 rubles a month, then you can seriously consider the option of connecting the “Internet 4 Mbps” option. By the way, if you plan to use torrent clients, there is bad news for you - when using this option, the provision of file-sharing network services is limited to a speed of 512 Kbps. As for connecting the option, there are also some nuances here. The “Internet 4 Mbps” option is activated automatically when purchasing the “MTS Connect” tariff, as well as two weeks after activating the kit with a 4G modem or 4G router. You can find out more about the conditions of the option in separate review on our website.

Night unlimited Internet from MTS

Unfortunately, the days when operators provided the opportunity to use unlimited mobile Internet without any restrictions are gone. All modern tariffs with unlimited Internet from MTS have a lot of restrictions. Subscribers have no choice but to choose from what is available on the mobile communications market. Perhaps you do not need round-the-clock unlimited MTS Internet, then it makes sense to consider the offers below. The "Internet-VIP" option and the "Smart Nonstop" tariff may be of interest to subscribers who actively use the Internet at night, and during the day a limited package is enough for them.

Despite the fact that we put the "Internet VIP" option and the "Smart Nonstop" tariff in the same row, these are completely different products. As for the “Smart Nonstop” tariff plan, there are conditions that are almost similar to the Smart Unlimited tariff. The difference is only in the amount of the subscription fee, the volume of packages and the absence of the first round-the-clock unlimited. As for the "Internet VIP" option, this is the most best option for modem and router. Let's consider both proposals separately.

Tariff "Smart Nonstop"

Tariff plan "Smart Nonstop" is very popular among MTS subscribers. It is hardly worth considering this tariff solely for the sake of the Internet. If you need a tariff plan that includes not only a large Internet package + night unlimited, but also equally large packages of minutes and SMS, then this is a good option.

Smart Nonstop tariff includes:

  • Subscription fee - 500 rubles per day;
  • 10 GB of Internet during the day + night unlimited (from 1:00 to 7:00);
  • Unlimited calls within the network;
  • 400 minutes to all networks;
  • 400 SMS.

The tariff is quite good if you use it as the main one. Paying 500 rubles only for the Internet and not using minutes does not make sense, because there are better offers. In addition, MTS unlimited Internet at this tariff also has pitfalls. As with all tariffs of the smart line, there is a restriction on using a SIM in a modem, distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi and downloading torrents.

Internet VIP option

If we take into account offers with unlimited Internet from MTS for a modem / router, then the “Internet VIP” option is the most voluminous. That is, today MTS subscribers do not have the opportunity to officially connect a tariff or an option designed for a modem, which will include more Internet. We do not take into account the option "Internet 4 Mbps" due to its features and complexity of connection.

The MTS Internet VIP option includes:

  • Monthly fee - 1200 rubles;
  • 30 GB per month during the day;
  • Unlimited Internet at night (from 01:00 am to 07:00 am).

To activate the "Internet-VIP" option, dial the command *111*166*1# on the phone or in the modem control program. Also, the option can be connected through the MTS personal account. The optimal tariff for the option is Connect-4, although the option is also compatible with other tariffs. True, when using a tariff plan other than Connect-4, the monthly fee will be 100 rubles more.

Subscribers who want to use the Internet to the maximum can take advantage of a special offer from the MTS mobile operator. The "Internet-VIP" tariff provides not only the maximum possible amount of Internet traffic, but also opens up the possibility of unlimited access to the Network at night. This option will be useful primarily for those subscribers who use the Internet to download large files, watch movies and TV shows online, and download music.

Description of the MTS Internet VIP option

The cost of the most advanced Internet option from the MTS operator is 1200 rubles per month. For this amount, the subscriber receives 30 GB of Internet traffic for a month for use during the daytime, as well as unlimited access to the Network from 01:00 to 07:00. Thus, the "Internet-VIP" option allows you to significantly save traffic on any tariff plan, for those people who use the Internet mainly at night. "Owls"...

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1. The "BIT" service allows the subscriber, using a device supporting GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA, HSPA, HSPA +, connected to the network of JLLC "Mobile TeleSystems" (hereinafter referred to as MTS), to receive wireless and mobile access to the Internet in the radio coverage area of ​​the MTS network with the support of the corresponding technology, and without additional deductions in addition to the cost of the service, use Internet traffic in an unlimited amount for a month, with the exception of Internet traffic to resources for wireless and mobile access to which a separate billing is established. The "BIT" service is available to individuals and legal entities, individual entrepreneurs(hereinafter referred to as the Subscriber).

2. The "BIT" service is provided on following conditions: when a subscriber reaches 100 MB of incoming and outgoing Internet traffic in total during a calendar day, the maximum available Internet connection speed is automatically set at a level of no more than 256 Kbps until the end of the current calendar day. With the start of new...

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With the growing popularity of mobile devices, in particular, functional smartphones and tablets, the demand for Internet tariffs, which a large number Internet traffic. Using them, the user can download various entertainment content: applications, music, games and videos, for which there is now such a great demand.

Providers meet halfway by providing large or even unlimited traffic packages.

In this article, we will talk about which mobile network operators have unlimited Internet (mobile), and if this is not the case, then we will describe the tariffs that have maximum amount traffic. Also consider the pricing policy of each of them.

general information

You should start with a kind of “introductory word”, in which you need to indicate the general position of most of the operators. In general, mobile networks are reluctant to provide unlimited plans for the reason that traffic by subscribers on such packages can be spent ...

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Several ways to disable unlimited Internet on your phone from Megafon, Beeline and MTS using SMS, a call to the operator or USSD commands

When they say that the Internet is "unlimited" - this means that the provider takes only a fixed subscription fee, regardless of traffic.

Usually, the higher the speed, the more expensive the tariff.

And how to turn off unlimited Internet, on your phone (mobile) or home? Let's figure out exactly how to turn off unlimited Internet on Beeline, Megafon or MTS.

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways solutions legal issues but each case is unique.

If you want to know how to solve your particular problem, please use the online consultant form on the right! It's fast and free!

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Pros and cons of "unlimited"


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Today, the Internet literally surrounds us in Everyday life. We use social networks, watch movies, download programs that make our work easier. Each of us, in fact, is in a parallel “online life”, consisting of accounts on various services, games and platforms for communication. Not surprisingly, for constant contact with all these resources, you need uninterrupted access to the Internet. Preference, of course, is given to mobile communications, which allow, for example, to access a social network anywhere and at any time: at home, at work or even on the road. So, in fact, there is a demand for 4G Internet.

Internet communication formats

It should be noted that the mobile Internet is not something new and inaccessible both around the world and in our country. It's just that earlier it was slow, weak and rather expensive: from GPRS to 2G. The latter, by the way, has become quite acceptable for viewing pages in a browser, ...

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Unlimited Internet MTS for home, summer cottage and trips around the country

Mobile unlimited Internet MTS - optimal choice for those who need round-the-clock access to the World Wide Web from anywhere in the country. Unlike other providers, MTS has not abandoned full unlimited, but has offered several tariff options and plans for smartphones, tablets and home computers.

Internet anywhere

Mobile phone users are offered several options for accessing the network - by connecting special options, additional services or combined tariff plans. Options and services are packages of prepaid traffic limited to days or months. If the package ends earlier, you can purchase a new one or buy additional megabytes.

For those who need the Internet constantly, it is most advantageous to connect the tariffs of the SMART line. Unlimited Internet MTS throughout Russia is included in "SMART UNLIMITED". The rest of this group...

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AT recent times MTS Ukraine offers its customers a very wide range of services for the provision of mobile GPRS Internet. Among them, it is worth noting the updated line of unlimited services "Super Internet". Depending on your need for Internet access, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself:

"Super Internet for a day"

For those who occasionally, on occasion, enter the Global Network, the company offers "Super Internet for a Day". "Super Internet for a day" allows you to use mobile unlimited Internet for 1.1 UAH per day on a prepaid basis.

This service works only if there is a GPRS connection. Service activation occurs within a day. After the option is enabled, the subscription fee is automatically charged from the subscriber on a daily basis, regardless of whether he uses it at the same time or not. In addition, although the operator positions Internet access as unlimited, only 100MB of traffic per day will be available to you at normal speed....

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Relatively recently, when high-speed 3G and 4G technologies were not yet widespread, and you only dreamed of tablets and smartphones, Internet traffic was billed by megabytes. Times have changed, and users of modems, smartphones and tablets have a need for inexpensive access to the World Wide Web.

In response to consumer demand, mobile operators have begun to reduce tariffs, offering more services that include unlimited and affordable Internet. One of the leading operators that offered users convenient billing for high quality services, became MTS. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the tariffs of the mobile operator.

Tariffs for mobile Internet from MTS

The existing range of tariffs that MTS offers to those who wish to use the Internet is divided into 3 categories, for:

Phones; tablets; computers (modems).

The service packages offered to users, including MTS Internet tariffs for the modem, have ...

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How to connect unlimited internet to MTS?

Modern Cell Phones designed by no means only for making calls. Most of them also go online quite calmly. Social networks, information search, maps and navigation - all this has recently become an integral part of people's lives, without which it is impossible to do.

Therefore, in order to make Internet access from the phone fast, convenient and inexpensive, the MTS telecom operator offers its users to connect unlimited Internet at a reduced price.

How to connect the Internet to MTS?

Before you sit down to select the appropriate tariff and option from MTS, check if your phone has access to the network. To do this, open the built-in browser and try to go to any site. Most modern phones do not require special settings to connect to the mobile Internet, but there are situations when you have to enter such settings yourself or ask...

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