Wallpaper in the corridor of the apartment. Combined wallpaper in the hallway. - we will tell in a separate review

It's no secret that your home starts with a hallway. Your guests are struck by the interior of the corridor, its design, decoration and other little things. Many people have a question about that, for their hallway.

Wallpaper is used to decorate the room most often. They give the room a cozy atmosphere, besides they are offered in different colors and patterns. Wallpaper leaves a pleasant feeling when you touch it. If you decide to paste over your corridor with such material, then be sure that you will definitely increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway in visual terms. It will no longer be perceived as a "draft".

Stylish wallpaper in the interior of the hallway

Let's try to figure out which wallpaper to choose in the hallway so that it is light and spacious, uplifting.

Of the types listed below, you should pay special attention to liquid, vinyl and washable. Glass fiber is often additionally painted, because. initially they are white, and this color is not very practical. Paper wallpapers are not recommended for use in the hallway, but they are the most affordable and therefore are still sometimes used with extreme financial constraints.

Liquid wallpaper

A capricious, maintenance-requiring method for decorative finishing, that is, a true professional in their field should be engaged in pasting them. In fact, in terms of application features, they have more similar elements with plaster. After complete drying, a monophonic and beautiful background is formed.

Two colors of liquid wallpaper are separated by a golden border

If you are an adherent of a pleasant background coverage, then this material was created just for you. Nowadays, manufacturers have not yet come up with many color options for liquid wallpaper. Naturally, before deciding to use the same wallpaper, it is recommended to look at them live. It is possible that you will refuse their choice.

Liquid wallpaper with filler

Liquid wallpaper is one of the most modern solutions for your hallway. In fact, this is such a dry mixture that must be diluted with water and applied using a spatula. To date, some liquid wallpaper has a unique antistatic effect.

Liquid wallpaper - almost like decorative plaster

The material boasts excellent heat and sound insulation. If the area is dirty, you can remove it with a spatula. After removal, it is important to apply a new layer. After drying, it will merge with the first.

Washable wallpaper

There is nothing unusual about washable wallpaper. In practice, these are completely ordinary paper wallpapers, which are covered with a special layer that can be easily wiped with a damp sponge or soft brush. It is worth remembering that they are still wallpaper, so do not overdo it with cleaning dirt from them.

Washable masonry wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers

Do not lose their popularity and vinyl wallpaper. Firstly, they are cheap, but have a different texture. The color range is wide, you can choose from many patterns. Their original texture is achieved through the process of foaming vinyl. Thanks to this technology, you can hide certain irregularities near the walls.

High-quality vinyl wallpapers guarantee you a high degree of resistance to various damages. If you cover the walls with vinyl wallpaper, then even cracks cannot appear on the walls. As we have already said, thanks to them, you can successfully hide minor irregularities on the surface of the wall. This feature is especially useful for people who decide to repair in a new building.

Vinyl - easy to clean

This type of wallpaper is not afraid of the sun's rays, if you have an entrance hall with windows. Non-woven fabric usually acts as the basis for these wallpapers. The main advantage of the material is that it is tear-resistant. To create an original decoration, you can choose special stickers. Let's imagine such a situation. You have wallpaper in the hallway of the same color, but to create variety, you can stick a large flower bud on the wall. It will look amazing.

Pay attention to silk-screen printing - a separate subspecies of vinyl. Such wallpapers will be extremely easy to care for, besides, they serve you faithfully for a long time. They, as a rule, are made on a paper basis, but with an original top layer made from special strong silk threads.

Glass fiber

We will describe another new finishing material that is actively used today - glass wall paper, which can be presented with any shade you wish. At any time, a certain area can be tinted, this step will help preserve the appearance of your hallway.

Glass fiber can be repainted in a different color at any time

If you are tired of a certain color of the walls, you can change them, and remove the old coating with a solvent. Feel free to use a brush.

Wall mural

In a small hallway, photo wallpapers will look great. For example, among the images on them, you can choose a city perspective, stairs going into the distance.

Colored photo wallpaper with a view of the old street

In addition, it must be borne in mind that the color palette you have chosen can emphasize the positive aspects of the hallway, but also highlight its main disadvantages. Remember that light plain wallpaper immediately draws attention to all detected irregularities. This can be avoided by opting for oversized printed material.

Black and white panoramic wallpaper

To visually expand the space, you can give the hallway a different color wallpaper from opposite sides. And what about the use of contrasts in the hallway? Designers are confident that this can be done. But the overall texture solution should remain the same.

Textile wallpapers

If you have high humidity in your room, then beautiful textile wallpapers can lose their visual appeal in an instant, that is, they will quickly darken. Remember that under normal conditions they will serve you for decades.

Chic textile wallpaper in the interior of a large hallway

The price of textile wallpaper is formed depending on the naturalness and environmental friendliness of the coating used.

paper wallpaper

If you are short on money, then choose paper wallpaper for your hallway. They are single and double layered. Of course, you should not expect a long service life. Maximum ten years. In addition, they are very unstable to a number of mechanical influences.

Wallpapers of this type are of several types: on the basis of a solid canvas or on the basis of special threads. If you stop at the canvas, then it is quite possible to paste over the entire room at once with one joint.

Wallpaper marking

Depending on the degree of water resistance, wallpaper can be divided into three varieties. To determine which type you, look at the label for the wallpaper you buy:

Markings on wallpaper

  • One wave. These wallpapers need to be carefully protected. Use suede or microfiber to remove dirt. This way you will carefully deal with the dirt on the wallpaper.
  • Two waves. Wallpapers have an average degree of moisture resistance. You can wipe the dust on them with an ordinary damp cloth.
  • Three waves. The coating in this case has a high level of stability. Detergent is suitable for cleaning wallpaper. If there is a sign with a brush, then the wallpaper is heavy-duty.

- we will tell in a separate review.

Wallpaper design for the hallway and corridor

The selection of wallpaper is not a matter of one day. As a rule, the entrance hall is the smallest room in the whole house, it is necessary to approach the choice of drawing with all responsibility, knowledge of the matter and design experience.

Monochromatic wallpaper

These wallpapers are simple. They are the perfect backdrop for decor. If you opt for "plain" for the hallway, then choose washable wallpaper. Or at least washable.

Washable plain wallpaper

Stripes in the hallway

Here you have to be careful. It is possible to create a “well” in the room with inaccurate actions due to the stretching of the room in height. The strip should not be too contrasting.

Horizontal stripes are ideal for parallel and "short" walls for visual lengthening.

Photo: bright horizontal striped wallpaper


Traditional option. Functionality and aesthetic appearance will be at the highest level. You can use different shades of materials from the same collection. Thanks to the polyurethane molding, you can separate the types of wallpaper.

Combining wallpaper with wall panels

Application of abstraction

Abstract patterns look great in the hallway. It is practical, scratches, damage will be barely visible. In addition, their strength is originality.

Wallpaper with geometric patterns

wood look

If you are going to decorate all the rooms in your home in one classic style, then in the corridor it is not recommended to deviate from the severity and charm of the classics. Among the finishing materials, choose natural wood. With modernity, it is desirable to place mirrors in the corridor, metal fittings for entrance doors, as well as for your furniture, are also suitable. Metallic sheen on lighting fixtures will look amazing.

Wallpaper with imitation of folded tree trunks

In our time, pasting with rich, bright textured wallpaper that imitates natural materials has gained popularity.

The answer to the exciting question "what kind of wallpaper to choose for your hallway?" depends on a number of factors. Going through a lot of options in an online store or on supermarket shelves, do not be too lazy to think about what a hallway is and what its functional purpose is. After all, often after wallpapering and the first rain on the street, the owners think about how to clean their chic walls, finished with plain paper. The following characteristics of the room are important points:

  • quadrature;
  • the form;
  • ceiling height;
  • evenness of the walls;
  • lack of natural light;
  • the possibility of frequent pollution;
  • the style of the rest of the rooms;
  • the presence and appearance of furniture in the hallway;
  • convenience.

The list is far from small, which once again emphasizes the importance of a deliberate, reasonable approach to choosing wallpaper for the hallway.

The hallway performs the following functions in the house:

  1. Checkpoint - all guests, without exception, pass through this room, unlike, for example, from the bedroom, where they may not reach. Every day, all family members also do not pass the corridor, putting on or taking off outerwear, putting on or taking off their shoes. Almost all routes in the apartment usually pass through the corridor - to the kitchen, to the rooms, to the bathroom or bathroom.
  2. The wardrobe function flows smoothly from the previous one. Having removed clothes and shoes, they need to be identified somewhere. For this, a wardrobe is equipped in the corridor. Everyday things are hung here, as well as those for which the season has not yet come.
  3. The warehousing and storage function is often also associated with the corridor. In the case when there is a pantry in the hallway, they keep everything that could not be found in the apartment - from nails to conservation.
  4. The representative role of the hallway is its comfort for those present and aesthetic, pleasing to the eye, interior.
  5. The redistributive purpose of the corridor is possible if there is a pronounced hall, as an intermediate zone to the entrance to the hall. Here you can install a sofa or several armchairs, a small table, think over lighting and mirrors to make the room look cozy.

In addition to these main purposes, the hallway can be a place where they wash dogs' paws, dry umbrellas, watch through a video surveillance camera, talk on the phone, and relax after a long journey.

Wallpaper, taking into account the above features of the premises at the entrance to the apartment, should be:

  • washable;
  • durable;
  • practical.

These types of coatings fully meet these requirements:
1) Paper wallpaper, covered with a special layer on top, which is not afraid of water and washing. This variety may have several markings on the package, indicating a different degree of resistance to friction and detergents:

  • one wavy line indicates that the coating needs careful care, it is enough to wipe them with soft suede or a microfiber sponge;
  • two waves one above the other - this is the average degree of moisture resistance, such wallpapers are not afraid of regular treatments with a damp sponge;
  • three lines in the form of a wave, respectively, imply a variant of coatings resistant to chemical detergents.

The presence of an additional schematic brush icon indicates that the wallpaper will not tear even with regular intensive loads.

2) Paper or non-woven wallpaper with a vinyl top layer. A lot of advantages for an affordable price:

  • practicality;
  • the possibility of laying even on uneven walls and masking their shortcomings due to the relief texture;
  • variety of colors, shades, decorative finishes.

Silk-screen printing, which is fashionable today, can be considered one of the varieties of vinyl coating with an additional layer of natural durable silk threads, which give the wallpaper an amazing internal shine and gloss.

3) Liquid wallpaper. Only a professional with experience in wall decoration can apply them correctly and aesthetically. Such wallpapers are laid according to the type of plaster, forming at the end a pleasant, smooth, even, monophonic texture on the wall. Their growing popularity is fully justified due to the following features:

  • high sound insulation;
  • good heat retention;
  • antistatic properties;
  • ease of care;
  • easy replacement of a very heavily soiled or damaged area - an unnecessary element is simply removed with a sharp spatula, and the same layer is applied in its place, as a result - again a perfectly smooth, clean surface.

4) Wallpaper made from fiberglass - innovations on the walls of the hallway. Their advantage is that the owners of the apartment can change the style of the room by painting the walls with glass wallpaper whenever they want. Do this regularly, the old paint is simply washed off with a solvent. The coating perfectly withstands any mechanical stress.

5) For corridors in eco-styles, natural wall coverings are preferred, using bamboo, cork, palm leaves. The view from such a hallway is very cozy, warm. The walls seem to give a sense of life, nature, reliability, confidence in the future.

A little secret that can be done in the hallway is a combination, a combination of different types of wallpaper, for example, expensive natural ones with more economical vinyl or paper options.

It is also necessary to think over the places most prone to pollution in the corridor, usually the lower third of the wall near the entrance doors, this is where the strongest and most stable wallpaper will come in handy. Areas higher and further away from the entrance may differ in the type of wallpaper, the main thing is not to forget about the rules of style consistency.

Wallpaper for a narrow hallway

The principle of interior design in a narrow hallway, which is often also long, is a ban on the use of dark-colored wallpapers replete with large figures, otherwise entering the apartment, you will feel that the ceiling and walls are pressing on you.

The second “no” is to any striped patterns. Frequent horizontal lines will make your corridor even longer and smaller than it really is. A vertical strip will visually narrow the room.

When choosing a color scheme for a narrow hallway, stop at the wallpaper:

1) Light.

2) Without eye-catching drawings.

To expand a narrow corridor, designers sometimes resort to such a technique as covering opposite walls with wallpaper of various colors. In this case, the texture should be the same, and the tones should be contrasting or matching.

Lighting in such a corridor requires soft and plentiful. Lamps are used both on the ceiling and on the walls. The original version is illuminated plasterboard niches covered with wallpaper. An additional plus - shelves for various little things.

Large oval or rectangular mirrors on the walls will help expand the narrow hallway. It is also not recommended to clutter up such a corridor with massive furniture; elegant hangers and wardrobes with mirrored doors would be appropriate.

Wallpaper for a small hallway

A small hallway requires all sorts of tricks aimed at at least visually expanding the space. Wallpaper can easily cope with this task. What qualities should they have?

1) First, be practical and resilient to everything, as noted earlier.

2) Second, have an appropriate color. Having chosen white or very light solid colors for the walls of the hallway, you may soon notice that they need to be replaced with new ones. Dust, dirt, water splashes, sometimes the prints of not very clean hands - all this will sooner or later settle on your wallpaper. In a situation with choosing the color of wallpaper for a small hallway, consider the following options to make sure that dirty places are not conspicuous:

  • light, but with a small pattern;
  • original wall coverings interspersed with decorative vinyl chips;
  • cullets painted with glossy paint will add chic to the corridor and expand the space;
  • a combination of different types of coatings.

3) Thirdly, boldly optimize a small space with stripes. Vertically directed striped patterns will help to increase the height of the ceiling. In order to reduce too high ceilings in a small hallway, use wallpaper with a horizontal stripe.

In a small hallway, a special type of wallpaper is sometimes used, which has a smooth, shiny surface, like a mirror, with a metallic decor on top. Such elements reflect light and make the room full of elegance and luxury.

The entrance hall is the face of the house and you need to properly pay attention to its appearance. Nowadays, there are countless different materials for decorating rooms on the market. Everyone chooses finishing materials to their taste and taking into account their financial capabilities.

Many prefer wallpaper, especially since their choice is very diverse. Not only is their choice in terms of quality possibilities great, their color range knows no bounds. Wallpapers come with a pattern that imitates other finishing materials, such as brick, wood or plaster.

Choosing a color scheme

For a small room, it is important to choose colors so that they do not visually reduce the space of the room. There are several basic rules for choosing colors:

  • Wallpaper for a small hallway is usually chosen in light pastel shades, this makes the room larger and brings coziness to it.
  • In the presence of small children or animals, the lower part of the hallway is pasted over with more wear-resistant materials.
  • Bright colors can hide the volume of a small hallway, they are often glued in the form of separate inserts or combined with calmer shades.
  • Dark colors are good because they will hide dirt, but they will make an already small hallway much smaller than it is. Moreover, most often there are no windows in it, which means that a lot of additional lighting will be required.
  • Dark colors are good to use, combining with contrasting light ones. This technique will help hide the uneven walls.
  • When choosing wallpaper with a pattern, you need to know that a large pattern will visually reduce the hallway. Patterns located vertically will raise the ceiling, and horizontal patterns will expand the walls.

Important ! When choosing wallpapers, make sure that they are combined with the furniture in the hallway.

Wallpaper characteristics

A variety of finishing materials for walls is huge, knowing their characteristics, you can choose something of your own. Wallpaper quality is most often:

  • Washable.
  • Natural.
  • For painting.

Often these qualities are simultaneously in the same type of wallpaper.

Types of wallpaper

paper wallpaper

Paper wallpapers are the most popular and cheapest. They are environmentally friendly, easy to use, a large selection of colors and textures, they can be used to hide the imperfections of the walls. They are of two types:

  • Single layer - simplex.
  • Two-layer - duplex.

The disadvantages of such a coating are that it is not moisture resistant and deteriorates under mechanical and chemical stress. With frequent friction, their surface will lose its original appearance. Fading quickly in natural light. When dirty, you can not wipe them with a damp cloth or brush. If you hit them with something sharp, you will immediately tear them.

Because of its disadvantages, such wallpapers are not suitable for the hallway, especially small ones.

Cork wallpaper

Cork wallpaper is a good sound insulator. They are anti-static, which means they don't attract dust at all. Eco-friendly as they are made from pressed cork chips. They do not have an allergic reaction.

The disadvantages are: high cost, good moisture absorption, a small color variety and difficulties in gluing. For such a coating, a special glue is required.

They can be used in a small hallway, additionally treating the surface with varnish or wax

bamboo wallpaper

Bamboo wallpaper - environmentally friendly, have good wear resistance, UV resistant. They are easily applied to the walls with liquid nails and the walls do not need to be additionally primed or leveled.

Their disadvantage may be high cost, meager colors and appearance features, this is not suitable for every interior.

Such wallpapers are well suited to a small hallway, if its interior is in a tropical style.

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper - they pass air well, are inexpensive, are not afraid of water and humidity, are wear-resistant and environmentally friendly. They hide cracks on the wall well and can be painted if you want to change the interior. A variety of colors and textures will please any owner.

The disadvantages include their transparency, before sticking to the wall, it must be well prepared. This can turn into a plus if the wall is painted with a suitable shade before pasting. Also, a rather small selection of drawings can be a minus.

When choosing such material for the hallway, consult with a specialist about their moisture resistance, there are several varieties according to these criteria.

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpapers - have a huge variety. They are on a paper or non-woven basis, smooth and embossed or in the form of silk-screen printing. Various techniques for their manufacture:

  • Foamed vinyl - has a voluminous texture, good for painting;
  • Flat vinyl - smooth, easy to clean;
  • Thick vinyl - the most expensive of this type, very durable and moisture resistant;
  • allows you to create views imitating wood, stone, plaster and more.

The disadvantages include their airtightness and when burned, they release toxic substances.

In the hallway, such wallpapers with high moisture resistance are used.

Acrylic wallpaper

Acrylic wallpaper is a good choice for families with small children or pets. They are a cross between non-woven and paper wallpaper. They are easy to care for, just wipe with a damp cloth, they let air through and are available for any financial opportunity.

The downside is that they will not tolerate strong humidity, as well as strong mechanical stress. And the choice of patterns and patterns is less than other species.

They are not advised to use in the hallway if you have a large family.

fiberglass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpapers are environmentally friendly as they are made from natural materials. They are not afraid of water and fire, there is no need to additionally process the walls before gluing, such wallpapers will easily hide all the irregularities. Good for repeated painting.

The disadvantage is their weak elasticity, such material is applied to a special glue and it is difficult to remove them. Very small selection of patterns.

Metallic wallpaper

Metallized wallpaper - made using foil, due to which they resemble metal. They are durable and tolerate moisture well. They do not lose their original appearance and look very impressive and expensive.

Their minus is in a meager variety, dark and cold colors, and they do not let air through at all.

You can use them in a small hallway only if the interior style of the room is high-tech.

Textile wallpapers

Textile wallpaper - accentuate the sophistication of the interior. They are environmentally friendly, because of the thinness, you can create seamless walls. They have good thermal insulation and sound insulation. Huge selection of colors and patterns.

Their high price and only dry care are a minus. They attract odors and dust. Sticking such wallpapers requires special skills and not everyone can stick them on their own.

This wall covering is not suitable for everyone in the hallway.

Liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper - in essence, are a kind of plaster. Sold in powder form and diluted with water. They are applied without any joints, eco-friendly, easy to apply, non-fading and soundproof. In case of minor damage, it is easy to wash off the damaged part and apply a new layer.

Easy rinsing is a big disadvantage of this material, since it is impossible to carry out wet cleaning. But with additional surface treatment with varnish, this minus can be removed. A small color variety can also be attributed to the minuses, as well as the high cost.

Important ! Such wallpaper in the hallway is used, only with an additional coating.

Wall mural

Photowall-paper - well will be suitable for creation of an individual interior. A variety of drawings will satisfy even the most capricious buyer. They are versatile and fairly easy to care for. Eco-friendly and easy to use.

The disadvantage is the additional preparation of the walls so that the drawing looks perfect and even. Also, over time, the picture can get bored and you have to redo everything.

Such material can be used in small hallways if the pattern does not hide the space of the room.

How to stick wallpaper correctly can be seen on the video:

Quartz wallpaper

Quartz wallpaper - a new material for customers, has a grainy surface. Eco-friendly, wear-resistant, good for painting, although their colors are also diverse. They do not fade, well mask the unevenness of the walls and the joints are almost invisible.

They are quite expensive, they are afraid of moisture, they are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. When gluing, special glue is required, which is also expensive.

Such wallpapers are not suitable for everyone in the hallway.

stone wallpaper

Stone wallpapers - a good replacement for natural stone, consist of a gypsum base. They are lightweight, moisture-resistant, wear-resistant, with a variety of textures and colors. Compatible with any other materials.

The disadvantage of such wallpapers is their high cost and complexity of installation. Their embossed surface collects a lot of dust, which requires frequent cleaning.

Such wallpaper will look good in the hallway if combined with another type of wallpaper.


Knowing the types and characteristics of the wallpaper, it remains only to choose the color scheme for the intended interior style or invented interior, using the rules for using shades to visually expand a small hallway.

The hallway is the first place that a person sees when entering the house. The design with combined wallpaper can make the corridor attractive and unusual.

The benefits of combining

The interior of the apartment begins with the design of the hallway. Every day she sees off and meets the owners, forms the first impression of the house with the guests. The original design of this room can not only "revive" the interior, but also correct the shortcomings of the layout. The combination of wallpaper is the most optimal option for an interesting finish in terms of price and ease of implementation.

Its advantages have long been appreciated by both professional designers and people who prefer to do their own repairs.

  • Style. Simple combination techniques allow you to make the room individual and attractive, to emphasize the personal taste of the owner of the house. You can also pay attention to the style of the room. For example, floral patterns will complement the eco-style, contrasting shades will emphasize the influence of modernity, and discreet stripes will demonstrate a commitment to the classics.

  • optical effect. This technique allows you to lighten the corridor, visually make it more spacious, increase the height of the ceilings, hide irregularities. Properly choosing a photo wallpaper with a realistic pattern, you can even create the illusion of additional space and a special mood of the room.

  • Zoning. With the help of a bright shade or a large print, you can draw attention to one of the walls or some part of it. Accents are often created on functional areas with a mirror or shelves. Niches are also highlighted, new geometry is created.

  • Practicality. By placing dark wallpapers at the bottom of the walls, you will protect your corridor from possible pollution, while the room will not seem gloomy, because light colors will be located in the upper part.

  • Affordable cost. The combination technique does not require the use of expensive materials. Even economy-class wallpapers with the right combination will provide the desired effect.

  • Simplicity of the process. Unlike some methods of wall decoration, wallpapering them does not require great skills and professional knowledge. Even complex combination options are performed easily and quickly, you just need to mark up and paste the wallpaper in the required sequence.

How to paste wallpaper, see the next video.


There are several options for combining wallpaper to achieve a harmonious interior.

  • Horizontal division of the wall into two parts. This method of decorating walls is now rare. It belongs to the classical direction in design and is not very suitable for modern styles. However, the effect of solidity and elegant nobility that this combination gives still has its fans. In this case, the wall is divided into two parts: the lower part is approximately one meter high from the floor, the rest of the wall belongs to the upper sector. By tradition, darker wallpapers without a pattern are located below. The top is decorated in a lighter palette, it can have an elegant pattern. This distribution of shades makes the corridor lighter and more voluminous.

At the junction of the two parts is a decorative border. Usually it has a white color, although other options are possible (for example, in the color of the print).

  • horizontal stripes. Horizontal lines visually expand the space, but they can also visually reduce its height, so this decoration method is recommended only in corridors with a decent ceiling level. It can be a wide strip of wallpaper with a pattern running in the middle of the wall and dividing the plain wallpaper into two parts, or it can be alternating strips of plain and colorful (or bright and neutral) canvases.

  • vertical stripes. This technique refers to modern methods of decorating walls. It is able to increase the height of the room and hide the imperfections of the finish, drawing attention to the design features. Usually, either light and dark shades of the same palette alternate, or bright and neutral tones, or plain and printed wallpapers. The stripes can be the same or different in width. The second option is more original. As a rule, not the entire corridor is designed in this way, but only one wall.

  • Zoning. A kind of vertical combination - the allocation of individual zones of the room. It can be a whole wall or part of it. In addition to giving the hallway originality, this method can significantly correct its shortcomings. A small corridor visually increases. A square-shaped room becomes more harmonious if you darken one wall, leaving the rest light. This technique is also relevant for spacious halls with a small amount of furniture. The combination of shades and textures allows you to make such a hallway less empty, give it comfort and a bright personality. Zoning also highlights important parts of the room and places accents: for example, you can highlight an area with a clothes hanger, effectively designate a niche or wall section with shelves.

  • Accent. An interesting way is to place individual inserts against the general background. This technique is similar to zoning, but here the emphasis is not on highlighting corridor zones, but on decorating it. This includes the use of photo wallpapers, as well as inserts from textured patterned wallpapers in the form of original panels or paintings. The first option is used in modern interiors, the second refers to the classics.

Inserts in this case are decorated with moldings and frames.

  • Patchwork. Making hallways in this technique is a rarity. Usually nurseries and kitchens are designed this way, however, if desired, this method can also be applied in the corridor. The second name of patchwork is “patchwork quilt”, and this is not accidental. A wall pasted over with small fragments of different wallpapers creates just such associations. It is not necessary to decorate all the walls of the hallway in this technique, it is better to single out one wall for this. In addition, designers do not advise using more than 3-4 types of "patches". So that the wall does not annoy with its variegation, it is better to select wallpapers of similar colors, united by some common parameter.

Rules for combining two types

To make the design of the hallway harmonious, you should follow some simple rules.

  • Wallpaper should match in color or texture. When combining embossed and smooth coatings, it is worth using only plain types, but if plain and printed wallpapers are used, they should have the same texture.

  • Usually, wallpaper coverings of the same type are used for combinations. If you decide to go the other way, evaluate the thickness of the purchased materials. If it is the same, this will save you from the problems of masking irregularities at the place where two different canvases are combined.

  • It is also important to pay attention to the nature of the surfaces. Glossy wallpapers in the light will shimmer and form glare, so it is not recommended to use them in small rooms where such an effect is undesirable. Combining such wallpapers with matte ones is also very careful and only in spacious halls.

How to choose colors?

Small corridors need visual expansion, so a combination of light shades (plain and with patterns) will be an excellent option for a small hallway. Beige, cream, light blue, light pink and other pastel colors will perfectly cope with the task. Dark and too bright colors are inappropriate in this case. They will only exacerbate the situation, creating the effect of even greater crowding. If the hallway is spacious enough, color choices are limited only by personal taste and the particular style of the room.

  • The combination of beige and brown, pale blue with rich turquoise, cream and burgundy fits perfectly into the classic interior.

Gold and silver patterns, decorative borders of white and other suitable colors are appropriate.

  • The Provence style is characterized by combinations of white with blue, pistachio, light gray, as well as beige and other pastel colors. As drawings, you should choose floral and floral motifs.

  • Modern styles allow any combination. This is black and white, and metallic, and all kinds of prints. Bright shades are allowed, but it is worth remembering that it is better not to use too saturated colors in small rooms.

Also, with caution, you should choose white wallpaper for the hallway. After all, the corridor is a place of constant congestion of people, and in this case it will not be easy to maintain the impeccable cleanliness of the walls. As a last resort, try not to have snow-white areas near the front door.

The simplest and most recommended combination includes two wallpaper options. In some cases, three colors are acceptable, but no more, otherwise, instead of a harmonious combination, a tasteless variegation may turn out. If it is difficult for you to decide on the choice of the components of the combination, stop at the options for the same color scheme (solid and printed), or look at examples of companion colors from popular manufacturers.

In order for the design result to be successful and please you for a long time, it is worth considering some tips from professionals.

It is not easy to arrange the corridor and the hallway correctly: the areas are usually small, and the functionality should be wide. Moreover, both of these rooms are a link that unites all the rooms into a single whole. Therefore, it is not easy to choose wallpaper for the corridor.

What wallpaper to choose in the corridor

Since the room is a walk-through, with a heavy load, there are increased requirements for finishing in terms of strength characteristics, and all materials must be well washed and cleaned. From these points of view, you need to choose the type of wallpaper, and then talk about colors, patterns and combinations.


Vinyl coating (polyvinyl chloride or PVC) creates a very dense and durable film on the surface. Such wallpapers are also called detergents - for their ability to normally tolerate cleaning with a rag with detergents.

The basis for vinyl wallpaper can be paper or interlining. It is easier to glue non-woven. You simply apply glue to the surface of the wall and apply the cut-to-size canvas. Such wallpaper for the corridor can also be glued to slightly uneven walls.

Paper-based wallpaper must first be smeared with glue and folded so that the smeared surface is inside. At this time, it is necessary to smear the wall, and then glue a slightly softened canvas. This is where the danger lies: soaked paper is easy to stretch, which will cause distortions, folds and other troubles to appear on the wall. So it is easier to work with a non-woven base, especially since they better hide surface imperfections and there is no need to carefully level the walls. However, there is one “but” - are they more expensive than paper-based ones? and the difference is about 40%.

In addition to the different bases, vinyl wallpapers also differ in the way they are applied.

Any type of vinyl wallpaper will work well in a hallway. They are highly durable, fade resistant, wash well. The average service life is about 7-10 years. Vanillin wallpaper for the corridor is good for everyone, except that some of them are difficult to join, but this can be dealt with by gluing a special tape at the junction.

Glass fiber

This type of wallpaper is paintable. The canvas has a certain relief, most often medium-sized. The relief of the pattern allows you to hide flaws in the processing of the wall. You can paint from 3 to 8 times - depending on the type (and price) of the paintings. well pass air, are vapor-permeable, do not emit harmful substances. In general, a good choice if you are satisfied with painted walls.

Liquid formulations

Is it a mixture of cellulose, cotton, and sometimes chemical? fibers with a coloring pigment and an adhesive composition. There are two forms of release: ready-to-use in the Vedas or in bags for dilution with water. Apply with spatulas to the prepared surface. It should not be ideally even: the layer thickness can be up to 5 mm, but too much consumption is financially unprofitable.

The composition is applied with a spatula. Some craftsmen use plastic plexiglass, some use ordinary stainless steel, and someone generally works with “trowels”. There are many techniques, choose the one that is most convenient for you.

According to the characteristics of the surface, liquid wallpaper for the corridor is a good option. Since the compositions are painted to the full depth, scratches are not visible, many of them can be washed not just with a rag, but also with a brush. But before buying, check all the performance characteristics and features. They may have significant differences.


There is also a group of wallpapers, in the manufacture of which natural materials are used. On the base, most often fabric or interlining, cork chips or bamboo are glued. They look great - the surface is natural. However, they have their own characteristics. The cork is torn off, which can be a problem in families with children. Some types of bamboo sheets need to be varnished, and they also need to be glued to a special glue. Although I must say that bamboo wallpaper for an oriental-style corridor is a godsend: they look magical.

Bamboo wallpaper for an oriental style corridor is a great choice

Cork look no worse with the right approach. An example can be seen in the photo. Above - wallpaper from bamboo, below - from cork.

How to glue: the choice of color and design

The color design of the corridor often has to be matched to the existing decor of other rooms in the apartment or house. And this means that you have to stick to the same range or choose from matching colors. Moreover, the choice of color is complicated by the presence of a large number of doors. It is impossible to ignore them.

The best option if you are planning multi-color wallpaper for the corridor, and you can find those in which there is a color similar to the color of the doors.

In the corridor with light doors, light shades look more organic.

If the color is too dark - wenge, for example, then you will have to beat it with a plinth and / or decorative elements, and the walls in such a corridor are definitely better than light ones: against their background, dark doorways look like decoration.

If we talk about colors in general, then you can use any. Even the dark ones. But they look good in spacious rooms with plenty of light (). And one condition: it is better to avoid variegation and small drawings. They make the room even smaller. If your corridor is small and narrow, then you will have to choose from light, neutral tones, and with a soft pattern.

In general, narrow corridors are a separate conversation. With the help of some tricks, you can achieve the effect of expanding space. For example, with a sufficient ceiling height, in a narrow corridor, approximately in the middle of the wall, you can make a strip of a different color. This technique allows you to "destroy" the walls to the sides. The effect is increased if there is a large mirror or mirrored cabinet doors on the opposite wall.

You can use striped wallpaper in a narrow corridor. But you need to look for wide bands. Narrow ones will create a variegated effect. If none are found, you can combine two colors of the same type (). If the ceilings are high, you can place the stripes horizontally, if not - vertically.

In order not to overload a small space with color alternation, the stripes are placed in fragments, the rest is glued with plain wallpaper. This, by the way, is one of the methods of combining in the interior.

One wall is striped - the rest are plain painted

How to combine wallpaper in the hallway

If desired, you can combine a strip with a large floral ornament. But it is extremely difficult to choose wallpapers from different collections without the appropriate skills. In this case, it is easier to use a single collection. Many manufacturers produce canvases with different patterns, which are combined with each other. An example of a combination of striped and floral wallpaper in the corridor is in the photo below.

By the way, pay attention, the color of the door almost exactly matches one of the stripes, and the jambs - on the other. Perhaps that is why this option looks beautiful.

There is a classic combination option: when 1/3 of the walls at the top or bottom are covered with other wallpapers. The lower part, as a rule, is made darker, the upper part is lighter. This technique visually "lowers" the ceiling, which is useful if the room is narrow and high.

The lower third is darker - one way to combine

Moreover, the lower part is not necessarily monophonic. It can be a medium-sized pattern, a strip, sometimes a monogram. It all depends on the style of the apartment or house.

Another version of the same technique is in the photo below. In this case, the darker part occupies 2/3 of the walls, and so that the room does not seem gloomy, a large floral pattern is chosen.

Wall mural

Modern technologies allow you to transfer any images to paper. With the advent of high-quality large-format photo printing, it became possible not to assemble an image from pieces, but to glue it as a continuous sheet. This looks much better. Wall murals are also used in the corridor.

But, with such a design of the walls, one condition must be observed: everything else is very calm, almost monochrome. The main focus is photography. Otherwise, something incomprehensible will turn out.

Flowers, plants, nature - the second popular motif

Wallpaper for the corridor: photo ideas

A bit of gold on the walls - new in the wallpaper design of the last season

Poppies on the wall - cheerfully

Blue wallpaper is a rarity in the hallway

Different patterns and textures in the same range - a great combination

striped corridor

For a classic interior, a classic pattern is suitable

A combination of smooth and foamed vinyl, backlighting does the trick

Below - bamboo wallpaper, above - smooth

One accent wall is lilac, the rest are neutral

Different wallpapers of the same collection