How to choose a favorable tariff for unlimited Internet. What is unlimited internet from mts


Most 3G and 4G network operators do not offer truly unlimited Internet tariffs: there are either speed limits, or traffic limits, or both. There are combined options when, for example, Internet traffic is limited during the day, and not limited at night. But all such tariffs and conditions cannot be called “unlimited Internet”. And you want, as a rule, . And now we will explain why.

  1. Online video. As Internet access speeds increase, so do the needs. Now on iPhones, iPads and other Androids, built-in processors and video chips allow you to process large amounts of data on the go, including encode / decode video in high resolution(HD - High Definition). And HD video is megabytes per second or gigabytes per hour. Watching a 2-3 minute video on Youtube can take 30-40 Mb of Internet traffic. And to watch the movie online in good quality all 2-3 GB. Accordingly, if the tariff provides for a maximum of 30 GB, then this is 10-12 films per month, and you will have to forget about the rest. And there are more than enough services for broadcasting online video. And for both adults and children. Children can turn on cartoons online and watch them for 4-5-6 hours in a row, until their parents forbid. A few days in this mode, and the Internet will end.​
  2. Streaming audio. Along with video, online audio is also very popular. Almost all radio stations have gone online and have Internet streaming. Services such as iTunes Match,, Tunein Radio or Yandex.Music are becoming more popular day by day. And this is also megabytes and gigabytes of traffic, and if you do not have an unlimited tariff, then you will not be able to listen to music for a long time.
  3. Torrents. Yes, not everyone uses torrents and P2P networks to download files, perhaps this is not entirely legal and correct. But it is impossible to deny this phenomenon. It is convenient, most often free, fast and convenient again. However, files transferred on torrent networks can be up to 50 GB or more in size (this applies to high-definition video or specialized programs). Standard BDRip in Full HD quality can "eat" 10-12 GB of Internet traffic on your tariff. Keep this in mind if you do not use an unlimited tariff and went to your favorite torrent tracker to download the new film industry. Many operators generally block the ability to use torrents in 3G and 4G mobile networks, consider this fact.
  4. Mail. It would seem that it could be more banal. Everyone who has access to the Internet uses email. Many use special applications for this, many do it online through a browser. But few people think about the volume of information transmitted by mail. Meanwhile, it can be from 500 MB to 2 GB per month. Email files are getting bigger. If you go to the mail through a browser, then various ad units, pictures are loaded, the pages themselves take up a certain place, etc. Of course, if Internet access is limited to occasional reading of online correspondence, then the standard tariff will be enough, however, if you use e-mail along with the rest of the World Wide Web, then, as they say, follow the traffic.
  5. Skype and other video communication. Who hasn't heard of Skype? Skype is as much a computer norm as a web browser. However, the transmission of video messages is akin to video broadcasting, but also in the opposite direction. And the data volumes are comparable. An hour of Skype conversation is about 200-250 Mb of traffic. It would seem a little, but add it to the rest of the tasks on the Internet. But here, too, speed matters. If it is very limited in the tariff, then you won’t be able to use Skype normally: the image will now and then crumble into squares, and the sound will disappear altogether.
  6. Online Games. Many modern PC and console games are moving online. And this is quite understandable: it is natural for a person to compete with his own kind. But for good Online Games needed good internet. Here both speed matters, and ping (response time). However, if we talk about traffic, then in this case you can’t do without an unlimited tariff at all. The game distributions themselves are quite heavy (from 3-4 to 25-30 GB), as well as various updates, patches, add-ons, and more. In general, everything is downloaded from the Internet.
  7. Operating system and software updates. Here comes an important point, which in general, few people think about for the time being. Operating system Your computer, whether Windows, Linux or OS X, is constantly updated. You may not even know or notice it, she does it in background, sometimes reporting to you about the next successful update, or vice versa, constantly offering to update. So all these updates are huge amounts of data. It can be several gigabytes per month. And if you add updates to related programs here, such as office or antivirus, then the total amount of updates for one computer can reach ten gigabytes. And if there are several computers at home or in the office ... In the office, in this regard, it can even be easier if there is a system administrator, and he takes care of everything himself. But at home, as a rule, no one pays attention to this, it has been updated and updated.
  8. Social networks. Here, at first glance, everything is prosaic, social networks consume a minimum of traffic. Well, what is there: correspondence, sending pictures, uploading videos ... Wait, but videos can be uploaded in HD quality, many people listen to music, exchange files, upload tons of photos of kittens and puppies on Instagram, etc. Many people of the current generation simultaneously "sit" in different social networks and are active everywhere. This significantly affects the consumption of Internet traffic.
  9. Other. Here you can add any Internet activity that is not listed in the above categories, for example, cloud services (Yandex.Disk, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.). Any transmitted or received file is a certain amount of data that is charged by your operator from your tariff.

If we sum up all of the above, then we can draw the only correct conclusion - vital if you do not want to limit yourself on the Internet. Or tighten your belts and count every calorie every megabyte.

On average, the profile of one Internet access point, to which several computers, tablets or smartphones are connected, and which all family members use to one degree or another, varies from 100 to 150 GB of transmitted and received information per month. If we are talking about an office, then everything depends on the number of computers with Internet access, and on what employees are doing at the workplace.

Thus, the standard tariff offer from mobile operators in 3G and 4G networks is usually not enough. And the operators of Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele2 on standard tariffs now mainly offer a maximum of 30 GB of traffic, in some cases with a nightly unlimited. And if we consider a 3G or 4G network as the main communication channel for accessing the Internet, then you should definitely think about an unlimited tariff. These are the rates we offer to our customers. without Borders.

Subscribers who want to use the Internet to the maximum can take advantage of a special offer from the MTS mobile operator. The "Internet-VIP" tariff provides not only the maximum possible amount of Internet traffic, but also opens up the possibility of unlimited access to the Network at night. This option will be useful primarily for those subscribers who use the Internet to download large files, watch movies and TV shows online, and download music.

Description of the MTS Internet VIP option

The cost of the most advanced Internet option from the MTS operator is 1200 rubles per month. For this amount, the subscriber receives 30 GB of Internet traffic for a month for use during the daytime, as well as unlimited access to the Network from 01:00 to 07:00. Thus, the "Internet-VIP" option allows you to significantly save traffic on any tariff plan, for those people who use the Internet mainly at night. "Owls"...

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1. The "BIT" service allows the subscriber, using a device supporting GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA, HSPA, HSPA +, connected to the network of JLLC "Mobile TeleSystems" (hereinafter referred to as MTS), to receive wireless and mobile access to the Internet in the radio coverage area of ​​the MTS network with the support of the corresponding technology, and without additional deductions in addition to the cost of the service, use Internet traffic in an unlimited amount for a month, with the exception of Internet traffic to resources for wireless and mobile access to which a separate billing is established. The "BIT" service is available to individuals and legal entities, individual entrepreneurs(hereinafter referred to as the Subscriber).

2. The "BIT" service is provided on following conditions: when a subscriber reaches 100 MB of incoming and outgoing Internet traffic in total during a calendar day, the maximum available Internet connection speed is automatically set at a level of no more than 256 Kbps until the end of the current calendar day. With the start of new...

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With the growing popularity of mobile devices, in particular, functional smartphones and tablets, the demand for Internet tariffs, which require a large number Internet traffic. Using them, the user can download various entertainment content: applications, music, games and videos, for which there is now such a great demand.

Providers meet halfway by providing large or even unlimited traffic packages.

In this article, we will talk about which mobile network operators have unlimited Internet(mobile), and if this is not the case, then we will describe the tariffs that have maximum amount traffic. Also consider the pricing policy of each of them.

general information

You should start with a kind of “introductory word”, in which you need to indicate the general position of most of the operators. In general, mobile networks are reluctant to provide unlimited plans for the reason that traffic by subscribers on such packages can be spent ...

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Several ways to disable unlimited Internet on your phone from Megafon, Beeline and MTS using SMS, a call to the operator or USSD commands

When they say that the Internet is "unlimited" - this means that the provider takes only a fixed subscription fee, regardless of traffic.

Usually, the higher the speed, the more expensive the tariff.

And how to turn off unlimited Internet, on your phone (mobile) or home? Let's figure out exactly how to turn off unlimited Internet on Beeline, Megafon or MTS.

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways solutions legal issues but each case is unique.

If you want to know how to solve your particular problem, please use the online consultant form on the right! It's fast and free!

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Pros and cons of "unlimited"


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Today, the Internet literally surrounds us in Everyday life. We use social networks, watch movies, download programs that make our work easier. Each of us, in fact, is in a parallel “online life”, consisting of accounts on various services, games and platforms for communication. Not surprisingly, for constant contact with all these resources, you need uninterrupted access to the Internet. Preference is, of course, given mobile communications, which allows, for example, to enter social network anywhere and anytime: at home, at work or even on the road. So, in fact, there is a demand for 4G Internet.

Internet communication formats

It should be noted that the mobile Internet is not something new and inaccessible both around the world and in our country. It's just that earlier it was slow, weak and rather expensive: from GPRS to 2G. The latter, by the way, has become quite acceptable for viewing pages in a browser, ...

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Unlimited Internet MTS for home, summer cottage and trips around the country

Mobile unlimited Internet MTS - optimal choice for those who need round-the-clock access to the World Wide Web from anywhere in the country. Unlike other providers, MTS has not abandoned full unlimited, but has offered several tariff options and plans for smartphones, tablets and home computers.

Internet anywhere

Users mobile phone offers several options for accessing the network - by connecting special options, additional services or combined tariff plans. Options and services are packages of prepaid traffic limited to days or months. If the package ends earlier, you can purchase a new one or buy additional megabytes.

For those who need the Internet constantly, it is most advantageous to connect the tariffs of the SMART line. Unlimited Internet MTS throughout Russia is included in "SMART UNLIMITED". The rest of this group...

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AT recent times MTS Ukraine offers its customers a very big choice services for the provision of mobile GPRS Internet. Among them, it is worth noting the updated line unlimited services Super Internet. Depending on your need for Internet access, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself:

"Super Internet for a day"

For those who occasionally, on occasion, enter the Global Network, the company offers "Super Internet for a Day". "Super Internet for a day" allows you to use mobile unlimited Internet for 1.1 UAH per day on a prepaid basis.

This service works only if there is a GPRS connection. Service activation occurs within a day. After enabling the option, the subscription fee is automatically charged from the subscriber on a daily basis, regardless of whether he uses it at the same time or not. In addition, although the operator positions Internet access as unlimited, only 100Mb of traffic per day will be available to you at normal speed....

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Relatively recently, when high-speed 3G and 4G technologies were not yet widespread, and you only dreamed of tablets and smartphones, Internet traffic was billed by megabytes. Times have changed, and users of modems, smartphones and tablets have a need for inexpensive access to the World Wide Web.

In response to consumer demand, mobile operators have begun to reduce tariffs, offering more services that include unlimited and affordable Internet. One of the leading operators that offered users convenient billing for high quality services, became MTS. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the tariffs of the mobile operator.

Tariffs for mobile Internet from MTS

The existing range of tariffs that MTS offers to those who wish to use the Internet is divided into 3 categories, for:

Phones; tablets; computers (modems).

The service packages offered to users, including MTS Internet tariffs for the modem, have ...

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How to connect unlimited internet to MTS?

Modern Cell Phones designed by no means only for making calls. Most of them also go online quite calmly. Social networks, information search, maps and navigation - all this has recently become an integral part of people's lives, without which it is impossible to do.

Therefore, in order to make Internet access from the phone fast, convenient and inexpensive, the MTS telecom operator offers its users to connect unlimited Internet at a reduced price.

How to connect the Internet to MTS?

Before you sit down to select the appropriate tariff and option from MTS, check if your phone has access to the network. To do this, open the built-in browser and try to go to any site. Most modern phones do not require special settings for connecting mobile Internet, however, there are situations when you have to enter such settings yourself or ask...

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It so happened that the concept unlimited Internet has become a fashionable slogan that each of the mobile operators uses in order to attract customers, often putting into it a meaning that is very far from the original. Let's try to figure out how the real unlimited differs radically from the tariffs that are usually offered to customers in communication stores.

Even a person who has never studied English understands perfectly well that buzzword unlim (unlimited - unlimited) means unlimited, that is, having no restrictions, most likely no restrictions at all. With regard to the Internet, this should mean the following:

  • no restrictions on daily or monthly traffic volume
  • no restrictions on the speed of receiving and transmitting data
  • no restrictions on the type of traffic
  • no restrictions on distribution, that is, the real number of traffic consumers
  • no restrictions on the type of equipment (standards 2G, 3G, 4G (LTE))
  • lack of time frames in which you can use the Internet without restrictions
One of important points- SIM card operation outside the home region. Usually, real unlimited Internet involves working without roaming throughout Russia, sometimes with the exception of certain regions (Far East, Crimea).

Naturally, no one cancels the physical speed limits associated with the standard used, the equipment of the receiving and transmitting parties, and the capacity of the stations. From here, by the way, there are restrictions on the maximum amount of data, but they are very large, usually hundreds of gigabytes per day.

Alas, during advertising campaigns it is often forgotten that the advertised tariff satisfies only two, maybe three of the above conditions. And what is served as the Internet without restrictions may well not meet the expectations of the client, especially if he did not carefully read the description of the tariff or did not ask the necessary questions to the seller. A typical example is the speed cut to 64 kbit after the 10 GB limit has been used. It seems that there is no speed limit (as long as the client has not gone beyond the limit), and there are also volume limits (if you have patience - download further), but few users will like such an "unlimited".

Operators have other interesting moves - night unlimited and unlimited promotions for two weeks or a month. For example, MTS and Beeline in a number of regions promoted shareware unlimited 4G Internet within a certain time interval. In principle, it is very convenient in areas with good coverage. But not everyone was satisfied - 4G catches badly in places, and there are severe restrictions on 3G, and the need to look for other options after the end of the promotion is also alarming for many.

Another notable example is the Yota operator. Many perceive his decisions as promising and profitable. Quite possibly, that is exactly what it is. But Yota provides unlimited internet different type at different rates. Each of the types of such unlimited contains restrictions either on speed, or on the type of traffic, or on the type of device, or on the standard (3G / 4G). The most profitable and popular tariff - Yota unlimited Internet for a smartphone today cannot be connected at all in ordinary communication stores.

Of course, this does not mean that it is impossible to connect real unlimited Internet. But the prices for it are not as low as many would like. And operators usually do not give full guarantees that the tariffing conditions will not change in the future, despite the fact that some tariffs have been operating for years without serious failures and significant changes. However, there are tariffs on the market that may well compete with wired Internet, especially where it is underdeveloped.

Considering the appearance on the market of really inexpensive mobile 4G routers, which make it possible to literally carry the Internet with you and the ease of changing providers unprecedented for wired Internet, we can consider the prospects for mobile unlimited Internet as very encouraging. It is quite possible that in a few years the dominance of wired technologies in the field of high-speed unlimited Internet will come to an end.

Unlimited mobile Internet is in great demand among Beeline subscribers. But often the operator and his clients put different meanings into the concept of unlimited Internet. And if the vast majority of subscribers dream of mobile Internet without restrictions on speed and traffic volume, then the operator is ready to offer only tariffs with a fixed amount of Internet, but at the highest possible speed. It is in Beeline that they are called "unlimited". These tariffs include the line of tariff plans "Everything", as well as the family of Internet options.

But recently the situation in the mobile communications market has finally begun to change, and in favor of subscribers. By the end of 2016, all mobile operators, including Beeline, began to receive tariffs with real unlimited mobile Internet - without traffic restrictions. It is these new tariff plans that will be discussed in this review. From the article you will learn about all tariffs with unlimited mobile Internet from Beeline for different devices and how to connect them.

Unlimited Internet Beeline on the phone

  • Opens a list of tariff plans with unlimited mobile Internet Beeline tariff. In addition to unlimited Internet access (valid throughout Russia), this tariff provides unlimited calls within the Beeline network, 250 minutes calls to phones of other operators and 250 SMS monthly. The subscription fee for the tariff is 20 rubles per day, and for new customers there is a promotional price of 10 rubles per day during the first month after connection.

    You can switch to the “#everything is possible” tariff by calling 0781, in “ Personal account” or via SMS with a special code that must be sent to your number from the page with a description of the tariff on the official website of the operator.

  • Tariff line "Everything" from Beeline also gives subscribers unlimited access to the Internet. But few people know that these tariffs exist in two versions - for different systems calculations. And if Internet traffic is limited in a prepaid system, then for postpaid SIM cards, mobile Internet is not limited either in terms of traffic or speed. And the packages of minutes for calls included in the tariff here are a little more than in similar prepaid tariffs. Let's consider each of the options in more detail:

    "All for 500"
    Prepayment: 5 GB of Internet, 550 minutes for calls and 300 SMS for 16.66 rubles per day.
    Postpaid: unlimited internet, 600 minutes and 300 SMS for 500 rubles per month.

    "All for 800"
    Prepayment: 7 GB of traffic, 1000 minutes and 500 SMS for 26.66 rubles per day.
    Postpaid: unlimited internet, 1100 minutes and 500 SMS for 800 rubles per month.

    "All for 1200"
    Prepayment: 10 GB of traffic, 2000 minutes and 1000 SMS for 40 rubles per day.
    Postpaid: unlimited internet, 2200 minutes for calls and 1000 SMS for 1200 rubles per month.

    "All for 1800"
    Prepayment: 15 GB of traffic, 3000 outgoing minutes and 3000 SMS for 60 rubles per day.
    Postpaid: unlimited internet, 3300 minutes and 3000 SMS for 1800 rubles per month.

    You can switch to one of the tariffs of the "Everything" line in your "Personal Account" or by calling 0781. Unfortunately, not all Beeline subscribers can switch to the tariff of a postpaid settlement system. You can find out if the tariff is available for connection on your SIM card at.

Unlimited for tablet

There are only two offers with unlimited mobile Internet for tablets:

  • "#everything is possible.Tablet", the subscription fee for which includes only unlimited Internet traffic. By the way, the monthly fee is 600 ruble th. The tariff does not include packages of minutes and SMS, so you will have to pay extra for these communication services. Calls to all local numbers will cost you 1.7 rub./min., and intercity - by 2.9 rubles in a minute. The cost of one SMS message will be 1.95 RUB.

    Switching to the tariff "#everything is possible. Tablet" is carried out by calling the service number 067-410-888 or through the "Personal Account".

  • Just like its brother, the tariff "Unlimited for tablet" provides subscribers only mobile Internet. Calls and SMS are paid separately, the billing of minutes and messages is the same as on the tariff "#everything is possible. Tablet". But the subscription fee for "Unlimited for Tablet" is 890 rubles per month.

    Based on the characteristics of the tariff and its cost, its existence is not entirely clear, since there is a much cheaper analogue. But if you suddenly decide to switch to the “Unlimited for Tablet” tariff plan, then, as in the case above, this can be done either in the “Personal Account” or by calling 067-410-888.

Beeline unlimited internet on modem

Alas and ah, but Beeline does not have offers with unlimited mobile Internet for modems. It remains to be hoped that one day, in order to compete with other operators (for example,) with unlimited Internet tariffs for modems, Beeline will give up and open such a tariff. In the meantime, modem users have to be content with the services of Internet options. "Highway", which provide high-speed Internet with restrictions on the amount of traffic.

To connect on modems, the operator offers to use the tandem options "Highway" (8, 12 or 20 gigabytes) and "Internet forever", which provides 200 MB free traffic monthly.

  • Package "Internet forever + Highway 8 GB" will cost you 600 rubles monthly and provide 8 GB + 200 MB the Internet.
  • Subscription fee for "Internet forever + Highway 12 GB" (12 GB + 200 MB per month) will be 700 rubles.
  • Monthly fee for "Internet forever + Highway 20 GB"1200 rubles.

You can connect one of these options with unlimited internet to your modem by calling 067-40-999 or in the "Personal Account".

Unlimited Internet for a day from Beeline

The Internet package included in your tariff ended ahead of time, and you desperately need to download some large file or just want to watch an interesting movie? It would seem that the solution lies on the surface: you just need to extend the traffic for a day (then you can somehow manage without the Internet). Ideally, traffic should be unlimited, or be quite impressive - 100 gigabytes, for example))) Tele2 has one - you can connect unlimited mobile Internet for only 20 minutes ... No matter how! With Beeline, this number does not work. Apparently, unlimited Internet for a day is too unprofitable for Beeline, so there is no such service in the operator's arsenal.

Named options "Internet for a Day", in my opinion, are generally unworthy of attention, since they provide ridiculous traffic volumes by today's standards - 100 and 500 megabytes cost 19 and 29 rubles per day, respectively. In a word, too little and too expensive. The service "Internet for a day" is suitable only for those subscribers who do not go online every day, and therefore do not want to overpay for large volume traffic packages. Active Internet users, if necessary, can be advised to use the options "Extend speed 1 GB" and "Extend speed 4 GB".

Unlimited 4G Internet Beeline

This service is in the archive of the operator and is no longer available for connection.

Service "Unlimited 4G" from Beeline allows subscribers to use high-speed (up to 75 Mbps) mobile Internet in the 4G network without restrictions on the amount of traffic in just 3 rubles per day.

It's nice that this service works throughout Russia (the 4G coverage area of ​​Beeline can be viewed on the official website of the operator), and the package of Internet traffic included in the tariff is not consumed in the 4G network. And even if your main traffic package ends, the speed in the 4G network will still remain high, and you will be able to use the Internet!

You can activate the "Unlimited 4G" service only if:

  • you already have a tariff with mobile Internet;
  • your mobile device supports the 4G standard.

To activate the service and start using Beeline unlimited 4G Internet, call the service number 067-4090-9871. You can disable "Unlimited 4G" by calling 067-4090-9870.

How to connect unlimited Internet to Beeline

To connect unlimited mobile Internet from Beeline, just select the appropriate tariff plan (or option) and connect / switch to it either in the "Personal Account" or by calling a special service number. It goes without saying that the Mobile Internet service is already connected to your SIM card. Since it is included in the basic set of options and is activated when you purchase a SIM card, and if you have not disabled this service before, be sure that you have mobile Internet connected and you can use this service in full.

As for setting up the mobile Internet, then, as a rule, the user does not need to take any action for this. The fact is that when you first install a SIM card in a mobile device, the mobile Internet is configured automatically. An exception may be rare phone models or "gray" Chinese gadgets, the owners of which may have to enter the settings manually. How to do this is described. If you have completed all necessary actions, and the Internet did not appear on your device, it will help to figure out the problem.

Today, the Internet literally surrounds us in everyday life. We use social networks, watch movies, download programs that make our work easier. Each of us, in fact, is in a parallel “online life”, consisting of accounts on various services, games and platforms for communication. Not surprisingly, for constant contact with all these resources, you need uninterrupted access to the Internet. Preference, of course, is given to mobile communications, which allow, for example, to access a social network anywhere and at any time: at home, at work or even on the road. So, in fact, there is a demand for 4G Internet.

Internet communication formats

It should be noted that it is not something new and inaccessible both throughout the world and in our country. It's just that earlier it was slow, weak and rather expensive: from GPRS to 2G. The latter, by the way, has become quite acceptable for browsing pages in a browser, mail and working in some online programs. For more - downloading videos or downloading music - he, unfortunately, was not capable of.

Everything has changed today. We have the most advanced technology to date - 4G Internet. Given the wide territorial coverage of mobile providers, such a network is available almost anywhere, even in areas outside the city. Thanks to this, anyone can enjoy all the benefits that 4G coverage opens up.

Benefits of 4G

So, the latest generation network format (this communication format is also called LTE) has advantages in all respects compared to 2G and 3G. This, in particular, connection speed and cost.

For example, using unlimited 4G Internet, a movie can be downloaded, on average, in 7 minutes. If compared with the third generation communication format, then this is about 4 times faster, and with 2G - 10-12 times faster. Impressive, isn't it?

In addition to downloading movies, of course, the high speed of the 4th generation Internet is noticeable in all other types of work. This can be an instantly opened page in a browser, a song downloaded in a couple of seconds, or a stable high-speed connection in Skype without slowdowns and disconnections.

In fact, 4G can be compared with conventional fixed connection. The only drawback that this network format has so far is the volume. Yes, the tariff plans that operators are promoting in the market are available at a normal price. But the downside is that they all have limits on the amount of data transferred. Sometimes these are large packages with a size of 20-30 GB, but still there are limitations. If we talk about the absence of restrictions, then the price rises quite sharply. This means that unlimited 4G Internet (that is, one in which there is no limit on the amount of data transmitted and received by the user) is still not so accessible to us. Although, of course, the first steps towards its popularization and reduction in price are already being taken.

Perhaps the reason for this is the very method of organizing signal transmission over the LTE network. Let's consider it in more detail.

How does 4G internet work?

The reason for such a high signal speed of the fourth generation Internet is the use of more advanced equipment. If you don't go into technical features, we can say this: operators have invested in 4G signal transmission, therefore both the cost of such Internet and the volumes in which it is provided are due to these investments and the need to return them.

In addition to the costs associated with transmitting a signal of this format, there is another category of costs - devices capable of receiving a signal. It's one thing if you have a latest phone or tablet that probably supports LTE; another is when you are looking for a special one for your personal computer or laptop. In this case, of course, you need to pay attention to what characteristics such a device has and whether it will work on the network you have chosen.

Which devices receive 4G signal?

As already noted, among tablets and smartphones (and other mobile devices), the most advanced models have the support function for working in the LTE network. As a rule, this is indicated in the description of such a device or allocated a place in the name of the device (for example, Google LTE). Therefore, it will be quite easy for you to choose the gadget with which you can enjoy the benefits of working on the fourth generation Internet using this guideline.

As for another category of signal receivers - modems, the situation here is somewhat different. Portable modems are different: some of them are configured to work exclusively in one format, for example, 3G; others work both in the 4G network and in older communication formats. Here, again, you need to pay attention to the characteristics and take into account whether you plan to work with a modem, say, also with a card in a 2G network. If yes, then you need to choose a universal device.

Who provides 4G communication services?

Now let's move on to an overview of operators that provide communication services. Traditionally, these are cellular communication providers with technical capacities(a network of towers) capable of transmitting a mobile signal. Through the same towers, the fourth generation Internet network is being created. Consequently, the 4G service is also provided by operators within the framework of those tariff plans that are valid for subscribers.

Now in the market of the LTE network, three largest service providers can be distinguished: MTS, Beeline and Megafon. In this article, we will write separate sections about them, in which we will try to outline the main conditions for the provision of services, including the cost of data packages.

In addition to those mentioned, there is also a Yota company that provides Internet services in the Russian Federation.

About the tariffs of each of the mentioned operators - later in the article.

Internet from MTS

Let's start with MTS. The official website of the company indicates the availability of three tariff plans. These are Internet Mini, Internet Maxi and Internet VIP. Accordingly, the cost of service for all plans is distributed as follows: 350, 700 and 1200 rubles.

Now let's figure out how much data is available to the user for these amounts in 4G format. Internet MTS provides in the following packages: 3, 12 and 30 GB. It should also be clarified that two latest plan- Maxi and VIP - give you the opportunity to use the Internet without restrictions at night. The service is called "Night unlimited". She can become great helper for those who would like to download a new movie to their mobile device by simply leaving it on overnight.

MTS connection speed does not limit. Concerning additional packages, then 2 GB on top will cost the user 250 rubles, and another 5 - 450 rubles. Thus, even if you run out of your 4G Internet, MTS is ready to provide more for a moderate fee.

Internet from Megafon

Megafon has the same tariff plans for the Internet of all formats. There is definitely some logic in this in terms of customer convenience. In fact, he must pay more for one or another signal transmission format, since he is interested in the mobile Internet service as a whole.

Tariffs for 4G Internet Megafon offers the following: XS, S, M, L, XL with a cost of 7 rubles / day, 350, 590, 890 and 1290 rubles per month, respectively.

For this amount, the subscriber ultimately receives 70 megabytes (per day), 3 GB, 16 GB, 36 GB and unlimited Internet per month. It is quite convenient and inexpensive: the user himself chooses how much traffic he needs and for how long.

Another argument in favor of ordering MegaFon 4G Internet is additional promotions for providing devices for reception. In particular, this operator is ready to offer you an excellent mobile router or USB modem for favorable price. Also, it will come with a starter package of the company, due to which it is possible without extra costs switch to Megafon tariff plans.

Plus, the company also provides the opportunity to purchase traffic in the amount of 1 or 5 GB for 150 and 400 rubles, respectively.

Internet from Beeline

Yellow and black "Beeline" is another provider of mobile Internet services. On its website, like other operators, there is a whole table of advantages of this communication format, various promotional pages and videos have been created, proving a lot of advantages of fourth generation communication.

As for the tariffs for which Beeline 4G Internet is provided, they are called as follows: “All for 200”, “All for 400”, “All for 600” and “All for 900”. The numbers indicated in each of the names are the price at which the package is offered. The traffic volumes within each of them are as follows: 1, 2, 5, 6 GB. In addition to the Internet, the packages include (as, indeed, with other operators) Additional services like free calls on the network and inexpensive calls to numbers of other operators.

If we compare Beeline 4G Internet with other providers, of course, the difference in prices and volumes of packages becomes obvious. For 900 rubles, this operator gives 6 gigabytes, while Megafon - 36 GB for the same amount.

Internet from Yota

This provider seems to have much more loyal conditions. For example, for only 300 rubles you will be provided with unlimited Internet. MTS 4G connection at the same cost (for comparison) is ready to connect in the amount of only 3 GB. You can feel the difference, right?

Other Yota tariffs are three packages (each of which is also unlimited), which are characterized by different speeds and, accordingly, differ in price based on this. So, a connection of 1 Mbps is available for 300 rubles, in 3 - for 590, and the "Maximum Speed" package is provided to the subscriber at a price of 790 rubles.

Yota's LTE connection is clearly more profitable, but do not forget that other mobile operators make it possible to make calls within the network or beyond it at a cheaper rate, as well as use SMS packages. It is less profitable for the same provider to carry out such actions.

How to connect?

In this article, we have provided a list of mobile operators providing 4G Internet services (including unlimited). The question remains how to connect. The answer to it is quite simple.

First, you need to find a device with which you would like to work in the future and which supports the fourth generation communication format. We recommend looking for it from the company whose services you will use, for example, from Megafon, the 4G Internet modem is cheaper if you use it to "sit" in their network.

Secondly, purchase a SIM card from a provider whose conditions are closer to you. Thirdly, activate the card and replenish your account. Activation is carried out by dialing a combination of numbers (you will see them on the starter package of the card), as well as by dialing service center(although there you will most likely be told to make a set of combinations). After that, you need to replenish your account - and mobile Internet is with you!