Yuri Baranchik is a cunning wolf in sheep's clothing. What is Trump's secret plan? Yuri ram latest on regnum

Yuri Baranchik - a cunning wolf in sheep's clothing .
(Objections to the article)
I suggest you, friends, first read the article by Y. Baranchik, before reading my objections, his arguments are stuffed with very base morality. The thoughts of the cunning and inventive sold their own Motherland, and became the reason for this article of mine.
Ukraine divided by Y. Baranchik

Yuri Baranchik February 9, 2018 15:00
Editor-in-Chief of the Analytical Editorial Board of IA REGNUM Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, specialist in the philosophy of language, modern security policy in Eurasia, new technologies of political communications (Moscow).

Why Zakhar Prilepin is wrong
Y. Baranchik: The joint division of Ukraine not only meets the interests of Russia, Poland and Hungary, but also serves the strategic rapprochement of our countries.

Zakhar Prilepin


Recently, the highly respected Russian writer Zakhar Prilepin said that Russia would not let Poland divide Ukraine:
“Russian writer and adviser to the head of the DPR, Zakhar Prilepin, considers Poland’s claims unfounded. He argues that the Poles, out of envy of Russia, want to regain the territories they consider their own, but these dreams are futile. Prilepin is confident that Russia will not allow Ukraine to be divided, preserving it "for our great joint future."

Firstly, it is a pity that Zakhar Prilepin did not provide any arguments in support of such a point of view.

Secondly, Western Ukraine (very specific three regions) was annexed to the Ukrainian SSR only at the end of the Second World War, and when they talk about some of the mistakes of Joseph Stalin, it is precisely the annexation of these regions mentally alien to the Russian world that caused the infection of the rest of Ukraine Galician spirit, he is imputed as a mistake.
But there live really alien to us people. Therefore, there is no need to spare a pawn if you can win a queen: we have enough land and people, and removing historical problems with Poland and thus achieving a strategic peace on the western borders of the Russian world will be a very big joint victory.
The Poles will not want a new war between the West and Russia, because they understand very well from history how it will end - a new partition of Poland. And they will have to save new territories. Therefore, the joint and legal, I emphasize, Russian-Polish-Hungarian partition of Ukraine, when this incomplete country finally collapses and its population needs humanitarian assistance under the auspices of the UN, will only help to strengthen the strategic partnership between our countries.

Thirdly, such an alliance is extremely important in the context of the processes that are taking place in Europe, namely, the formation of a two-level Europe. But this is at best. At worst, we are talking about its disintegration and fragmentation, the growth of political and economic bifurcation processes in Eastern Europe. Under these conditions, it is extremely important for us to consolidate a geopolitical alliance with the leading countries of Eastern Europe, and joint participation in the division of a failed state, secured by international legal solutions - what could be better than such a political practice?
Eastern Ukraine (Kyiv is questionable whether we need it in this form or not, in any case, without territories, Kyiv is a deeply subsidized entity) and so it will be ours. But if at the same time we solve the issues of strategic cooperation with Poland and Hungary, then such a decision will be very long-term and will cement the western border of Russia for a long time and make it safe, since ensuring the security of this region will not only be the task of Russia alone, but also of Hungary and Poland.
The Poles take some pages of our common history very hard. Although there could be very interesting options for its development, when exactly the Polish imperial component could make the union of our countries really great. But the mutual mistakes of the Russian and Polish elites of the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries prevented this great union from happening. This situation must be corrected, and if there is such an opportunity, and now it appears, then it must be used as efficiently as possible and in this way close the previous rather complicated history and begin to look into the future together.

Yuri Baranchik is a cunning wolf in sheep's clothing.

Proving Zakhar Prilepin wrong, he writes:
“But people who are really alien to us live there.
The argument is stunning. I propose to judge this way: Marseians who are really alien to us also live on Mars, we give them to Poland, offended by us. In addition, it’s absolutely not our Swedes, Norwegians, Germans, necessarily the British with their Belgian vassals, you can still dig deeper and find “NOT OURS”, WHAT to be ashamed of, because nothing can be spared for friendship with Poland!
Ask Baranchik: “Are you a sheep?”
Proof of:
1. Question: The Baltic States. Why is she still not Polish? After all, for nothing, take it and rejoice.
No, give them "Terska volost". Poles, take the Balts, what are you waiting for? There, even the monuments will not have to be demolished, everything has already been demolished before you.

Answer: The Poles do not need our territory as such. What to take from the Baltics? You need to build there, and this is not included in the plans of the occupiers, this is not the USSR for you. They, the Poles, need some other territory that is inhabited by Russians. It’s not serious to fight with stone blocks of monuments, did you decide to continue to rivet “zombies” from our people in western Ukraine? And so that no one would guess, they called them "people really alien to us." The principle of teachers of Poles, Anglo-Saxons is to stick a certain new word to the object of their desire and put into this word a meaning that is beneficial only to them. According to Yu. Baranchik's cunning idea, we are not obliged to care about the fate of some "really strangers to us people." Whether they are killed or simply maimed, we should not care...

2. Question: What is friendship with Poland at the state level? When Russia restored the Polish state three times after its destruction by foreign troops, "grateful" Poland was not a friend for long. Why?
Answer: When Russia state weakened, the Poles came to the Kremlin and staged a state apocalypse there. It was not a "friendly visit!". When Russia was at war with the Turks for ... (many things), no friendly gestures were seen from Poland. In 1941, Poland was preparing to fight together with Nazi Germany against the USSR (the same Russia). Is that what friendly nations do? This is what hidden hostile elements do, shooting in the back. This list is far from exhaustive…

3. Question: Are the fraternal peoples of Russia and Poland united by a single Christian Faith?
Answer: No, it does not. Judge by their deeds. As soon as a certain territory breaks away from Orthodox Russia, impudent forces appear and begin pogroms, up to the physical extermination of Orthodox Christians and their churches. There are many examples: Ukraine, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo. Someone will say that these territories did not suffer from Poland, there are no Poles there. This can be forgiven for Baranchik, he is still a small ram, but when he becomes an adult ram, he will also understand. In the Orthodox world, the only schismatic and provocateur is the Catholicism of Poland, incited by the "Papal Throne". Most of the Ukrainian militants, today's pogromists of Orthodox churches, trained under the supervision of Polish instructors. These dirty events have been discussed more than once at the Highest Church level and are well known.

Enough evidence? Now to the main thing - no matter how much you feed the wolf, he always looks into the forest. And what can a wolf see in the forest? In the forest he sees his lair. So if you give Poland a part of Orthodox Ukraine, the "wolf" will drag her into the dark forest to his lair. And where is Poland's lair - in the Vatican and in London. The Vatican will destroy Orthodoxy in the separated territory, that is, break people from the inside, and London will take out the furniture. This is what will be called "Poland's friendly gesture to Russia's peace initiatives." Twenty years is enough, maybe less. Further, the claims of “friends-Poles” will continue, but the claims of other “friends” will be added to these claims. And so on ad infinitum. What will we be friends with the whole world?
But that's not all! When the angry and robbed people of Western Ukraine realize that they, as a PEOPLE, are of no interest to anyone, it will be too late, as a “one people” they will no longer exist: Power is pan, education is primary, religion is UniAD (Catholicism is an unaffordable luxury for slaves) , the language is synthetic, the history is far-fetched, the territory is confiscated, the nation is serfs (lower Polish caste without the possibility of advancement, this is already manifested and clearly seen among the visiting workers in Poland). The people of this part of Ukraine will be doomed to extinction.

This is a small part of the arguments against the only argument of Baranchik, that there are completely strangers to us people, joined by Stalin's mistake. There are native people to us, these are our brothers Slavs, these are Russian people! The Poles are the same native people to us, who found themselves under the political influence of London and poisoned by this influence. But as soon as this pernicious influence of the Anglo-Saxons ends (Alexander I, I.V. Stalin), the Poles easily turn into peace-loving friendly Slavs. While Poland was under the protection of Russia, it did not attack any state and no one attacked Poland itself, industry, population grew. However, as soon as Pan Pilsudski became friends with Hitler, Poland immediately disappeared from the map of Europe. Yuri, do not mind that the USSR occupied part of Poland along with Hitler. The USSR returned its own territory, torn away from Russia by Poland after the First World War. Then, in 1918, the Bolsheviks acted with the Russian territory and the people as you propose to do today. Yes, and Vilnius, Grodno, Brest is a sin to call Polish territories.

Quote: “The Poles take some pages of our common history very hard. Although there could be very interesting options for its development, when exactly the Polish imperial component could make the union of our countries really great.

Yuri, one should not judge the age-old neighborhood of two spiritually close peoples by some moments of cohabitation. If you solve big issues related to the people of your country, then you can show heroism, you can even die, but not give your brothers to the amusement of the enemy. And you are going to please the pride of the ruling elite, hostile to the memory of our fathers and grandfathers, with a piece of your own territory and the well-being of the population of these territories. Make gifts to them, the British pristebayam, who are disgusted with the monuments that saved them from complete destruction by the Nazis ??? That's not how friendships are made so servile.
Yuri, change your role and don't grow up from a small sheep into a mature stupid animal that hates its own new gates, just like its compatriots. And all this for the sake of the ratings of your articles in the eyes of our sworn partners. You, Yuri, failed to hide the predatory wolf body, under a small sheep's skin it is on you in the form of Trishka's caftan. The toothy mouth of the beast was covered, but the ass with the tattered wolf tail betrays the predator.

PS: The last warning to Yuri Baranchik - do not settle in the territory that you are going to transfer under the authority of the Polish Panism, I do not advise, it is a pity even for such a ram as you.

Yuri Baranchik

In Russia, it is customary to look for a fifth column among NGOs, especially those with foreign participation, opposition bloggers like Navalny, on the streets and squares of Russia. Although it is often not necessary to look for enemies and ill-wishers of the country - you can just turn on the TV.

Apparently, among polished gentlemen like directors of TV channels, imposing venerable journalists, it is much more difficult to discern a truly insidious and dangerous enemy. And it would be okay for the country and the people, but in the first place - the government itself. Wouldn't it be too late to ask later about what kind of snake they warmed on their chest?

IA REGNUM columnist Yuri Baranchik, analyzing the conflict that flared up around one of the programs of Nikita Mikhalkov, wonders how it could happen that in a state inhabited by 80% of Russians, ardent Russophobes often succeed on central television channels, and people trying to ask uncomfortable questions about this, there is no place. And isn't it time for a radical change in our lives?

Yuri Baranchik: "New Russia needs a new elite"

The scandal with the ban on the 38th edition of Nikita Mikhalkov's author's program "Besogon", dedicated to the problem of Russophobia on the central Russian television channels (!), suggests that the program lived up to its name - the demons fussed and showed themselves.

It would seem that what is wrong here - to analyze the public statements of a public person? However, for some reason, in a mono-ethnic country, which is Russia - more than 80% of which are Russians, disrespectful statements to Russians were allowed, but a position in their defense was banned. The answer here is obvious - those who speak in words about allegedly protecting the interests of Russia often do it only in words, but in reality they do everything to harm. They only do it competently, so that the highest eye does not notice.

About the author: Yuri Vladimirovich Baranchik. Expert on Belarus, Russia, CIS, EU, USA, Belarusian-Russian relations, world geopolitics. Candidate of Philosophy, head of the Internet project "Empire". The last place of work was the director of the Information and Analytical Center of the Research Institute TPGU of the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The most sensible article about the events of recent days. Now the hysteria of the "six" is understandable. Absolutely nothing more shines for sure. We wish GDP a good bargain.

An analysis of the past 8-9 SCO and G7 summits showed how competently two world leaders - Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump - “dissolved” the rest (with the exception of China) of the political party during these days.

What really happened:

Expressing surprise and incomprehension at the absence of Russia at the upcoming G7 summit in Canada, Donald Trump sent a very clear message not only to the American Democrats (Obama-Clinton) and the rest of the G7 members under whom this happened, but also to Vladimir Putin:

"Whether you like it or not, and it might be politically incorrect to say, but we need to rule the world. And there is the G7, which was earlier than the G8, expelled Russia, it must return Russia, because we need Russia at the negotiating table. Why are we holding a meeting when Russia is not at the meeting? I will recommend it, it depends on them, but Russia should be at the meeting, should be part of it.”

And if this idea in relation to our own and others' Democrats was clearly made in order to put them and their media on the ears, so that again only Trump's name would be on the media world agenda, that message addressed to Vladimir Putin required a very subtle response from the Kremlin so that the American side would be convinced that it was heard, and Moscow's response would show that the message was heard.

“As for Russia's return to the G7, G8, we have not left it. Colleagues at one time refused to come to Russia for well-known reasons. Please, we will be glad to see everyone there, in Moscow.” - Vladimir Putin answered this idea, thus showing the West not only the way to solve all existing problems, but also that there will be no other way for Russia to return to the G8. And if the West tried to obstruct us, now please Moscow to atone for the mistakes and sins that have been committed.

The G6 is thus caught between a rock and a hard place.

Moreover, Trump did not stop there and strengthened his signal to all the world's elites by withdrawing the US signature from the communiqué agreed upon at the end of the summit. What does this signal say? That the G7 as the head structure of the world's ruling group is coming to an end. That the time has come for other coalitions.

This signal from Trump caused misunderstanding among many experts who see this as only the impulsiveness of the American president, thus supporting the version of Clinton and the mental illness of the American president. However, despite the opinion of respected experts, Trump's actions in no way fall under the category of "impulsive subjectivism."

Trump's foreign policy line has a very clear, understandable and rational character - he gets rid of the excess US imperial infrastructure, thereby trying not to repeat the unsuccessful Soviet experience of "perestroika", as a result of which a similar disposal of the USSR imperial infrastructure followed one of the most catastrophic scenarios for the collapse of the US itself. Empire and its provinces.

According to Trump’s clear logic, all the limitrophic feeding agreements imposed on America by the world democratic lobby in order to maintain its supposedly Imperial status, but in fact, sucking juices out of the country just like supporting African regimes from the USSR, will be broken, no matter what the cost.

What Trump does. What is the main outcome of the G7 in Canada? Not a trace remains of the former solidarity of the West and "Euro-Atlantic solidarity". In fact, Trump, by his demarche, showed everyone that he does not keep anyone in the G7 by force, and, above all, he will not force the United States there. The G6 cannot act as US partners even purely economically - their total GDP is less than one US.

Another such summit and no one can guarantee that Trump will tweet about the US withdrawal from the G7 when flying away from it. And the leaders of the G6 understood this very well - either they do not interfere with the US and Russia to build a new world order and line up in the wake of new geopolitical processes, or the US will write them off ship to shore and arrange a G2 with Russia or a G3 with Russia and China.

This political line of the world powers is understandable and not subject to discussion - it is high time for Russia, China and the United States to get rid of the guardianship of the limitrophes, whose lobbies are constantly trying to push us head-on, determine the regions of their geopolitical interests, calmly go down the mountain and start ruling the world based on understandable principles of justice, morality, economic mutual benefit.
Only in this case, humanity will have a long and happy life. Otherwise, "we will live in poverty, but not for long."

Makei's group launched a campaign to intimidate Lukashenka

In the last two or three weeks in Belarus, the most relevant political topics are, firstly, the unexpectedly loud marches of “parasites”, as a result of which the authorities were forced to suspend the odious Decree No. 3, and secondly, the ongoing conflict with Russia. We analyzed the second story in detail in the latest review of the blogosphere “Lukashenko launched the Maidan scenario, and he knows it.”

As for the first plot, despite the disproportionately large number of analysts in Belarus on this topic, in our opinion, it is too early to say something definite on the results of the first part of the Marlezon Ballet. So far, we have only a “run for the ruble” (there are no questions, few people expected such protest activity from Belarusian citizens, especially in the provinces), but whether there will be a similar protest “hit for the ruble, not for a penny” - we can only assess this according to the results of the protest actions on March 15 and 25.

At the same time, in addition to Belarusian stories that are quite understandable and open to most observers, a more complex story continues to unwind in the republic, connected with a sharp aggravation of the confrontation between the pro-Western and pro-Lukashenko groups in power. And I consider it the most important. So how exactly will the further promotion of the marches of the "parasites" go, how exactly will the conflict with Moscow be resolved in Minsk - will Belarus remain in the Union State with Russia and the EAEU or will it join, for example, GUAM, whose next summit is at the level of heads government will be held on March 27 in Kyiv, depends solely on which of the two groups - pro-Lukashenko or pro-Western - will win surrounded by Lukashenka himself.

In this regard, I consider it a fundamentally important level of development of this story that the very existence of such groups in the republic itself is finally openly recognized by our ideological opponents, which they very violently and stubbornly resisted six months ago, since the very recognition of the presence of various groups in power would immediately confirm the truth of my assumptions that Lukashenka's successor in the form of the head of the pro-Western group in power - the head of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry Vladimir Makei - is actually ready to take up his duties in a new post.

It was precisely this fact - the unwillingness to admit the existence of groups in Alexander Lukashenko's entourage - that was the reason for the sharpness of our discussion with Aleksey Dzermant in August 2016 on the pages of the REGNUM news agency, on the side of which almost all the pro-Western media of the republic later spoke out:

“As for the Belarusian pro-Western opposition media zealously standing up for Makei, what is happening is very similar to a whole information network that very clearly and easily revealed itself under very simple circumstances. In this regard, when seven (!) of the eight most widely read pro-Western, oppositional and anti-Lukashenka Internet resources and two main information state media - one television and the second printed - come to the defense of one official in the person of their leaders, they are perceived only with a smile the arguments of some experts who write on a resource led by Alexei Dzermant that the “Makei group”, about which Baranchik is tearing himself up, is a fiction. There is no evidence that it exists at all."

Analysis shows that the situation is exactly the opposite. And if the control of the “Makei group” over the opposition media has long been no longer surprising - only the owners, so what is there to hide, then the degree of control over the state media shows that the clan of Alexander Lukashenko in the information sphere no longer controls the situation very much. And for the fact that the author of the material introduced into the circulation of Belarusian political science the phrase “Makey’s group” (which, by the way, I didn’t have - there was an “expert group”), to the author, who, apparently, due to his youth and inexperience, simply let it slip about the conversations of the elders comrades, I must say a special thank you - now it is, which you can safely write about with reference to Andrei Lazutkin, and there is no need to “tear yourself”.

That is, six months ago, it was dangerous for a pro-Western group in power to designate itself as a kind of decision-making center under Lukashenka, so they diligently mimicked ordinary servicemen. But the other day, with their open public “attack” on the Belarusian security forces, they nevertheless revealed themselves in the public space, so now the argument that the “Makei group” does not exist does not work: it does exist, and leads to the Belarusian opposition pro-Western and anti-Lukashenko media a very powerful information campaign to intimidate Lukashenka. Only not by the Maidan, but by the security forces (!) who are the only ones who can protect him from him.

I will give just two examples. The start of the campaign to attack the Belarusian security forces was given, as usual, by the leading propaganda mouthpiece of the Makeya group - the Center for Strategic and Foreign Policy Studies, which is trusted to voice the most complex tsrushka multi-move:

“After the return of A. Lukashenko from Sochi to Belarus, sound measures in his policy, such as the suspension of the decree, the announcement of an open dialogue with society, announced during the meeting on March 9, 2017, were also accompanied by directly opposite signals and measures related to the intensification of repression from the state and intimidation of the population. Such a lack of a clear strategic vision and a consistent public line of behavior probably indicates that A. Lukashenko is trying to combine natural and only correct steps in the current situation to de-escalate tensions with strengthening the role of the power resource.

Judging by a number of signs, this behavior of the first person is connected with his frank misinformation about the essence of what is happening in the country. In particular, as evidenced by the broadcast of the republican media (“Special report” on March 6, 2017, “Main air” on March 12, 2017), as well as the statements of A. Lukashenko himself (meeting on March 9, 2017), a group of security officials imposed on him an idea of ​​the supposedly active managerial influence on social protests by people living in Ukraine.”

What is interesting about this passage. Firstly, that sensible steps on the part of Lukashenka mean "an open dialogue with society." What is an open dialogue with society in the context of the active participation of the West in this dialogue - everyone saw perfectly in 2014 on the example of Ukraine and the fate of Yanukovych, who, instead of crushing the Maidan in its very bud, bought into the slogans about "dialogue". When the West talks about “dialogue” (or this or that grouping surrounded by the leader of any country speaks on its behalf), in fact, it talks about ways to surrender power - it was the same with the USSR, it was the same with Yanukovych.

That is, Makei's propagandists offer Lukashenka to follow the path of Yanukovych. Accordingly, their role in this “corps de ballet” is extremely clear - Makei’s group today occupies exactly the same place in Lukashenka’s entourage as the group of Levochkin’s head of administration occupied in the winter of 2014 in Yanukovych’s entourage, which, in fact, initially played a double game under the leadership of the US intelligence services and ultimately betrayed her boss in strict accordance with her obligations.

Secondly, the experts of the Center state that Lukashenka has “lack of a clear strategic vision and a consistent public line of conduct” in the current situation, which just indicates the presence of different groups in his environment - which we talked about six months ago, and which propagandists zealously resisted then Makei at all levels.

And, thirdly, the experts of the Makeyevka center very rudely and unsubstantiated (from an analytical point of view) set up those who, in their opinion, are behind these contradictory actions of Lukashenka. In their opinion, these are the security forces, who not only supply him with disinformation, but also “impose on him the idea of ​​​​the alleged active administrative influence on social protests by people living in Ukraine.”

Strictly speaking, this fragment of the text raises only two questions. Firstly, when someone says that a certain group, in this case, a group of Belarusian security forces, is exercising an active managerial influence on the head of state, then on behalf of which group is this said? Secondly, what happened that Makei's grouping decided to designate itself as a grouping, albeit not yet explicitly speaking about their opponents, but nevertheless coming out of the shadows?

The answer to the first question is again given by the Ukrainian situation and the analysis of the processes that took place in Yanukovych's entourage between the security forces supporting him and the pro-Western group in his entourage, which only pretended to support Yanukovych, but in fact handed him over with giblets. The chronicle of the Ukrainian Maidan perfectly shows that if Yanukovych had not surrendered his security forces and gave them the command to disperse the Maidan even at the stage when it began (similarly to the leaders of the PRC, who suppressed their Maidan on Tananmen in the same way), then today he would sit quietly in Kyiv. However, due to his insufficient education for political activity at such a level and his desire to outwit everyone, he betrayed his security forces and fell under the active management influence of a pro-Western group in his environment, which initially set as its goal his surrender.

What do we see in the republic? That Makei is actively in favor of deepening the dialogue with the West, saying that only he can save the republic from “Russian absorption”, and, for example, his companion in the fight against “Russian aggression” Pavel Yakubovich has not only almost ideologically merged with the pro-Western opposition in a number of ways. questions - from Kurapaty and marches of parasites, having formed a united information front with the "Belarusian Partisan" and "Nasha Niva" - the worst critics of Alexander Lukashenko, but also asks for a very symbolic forgiveness from pro-Western activists, which looks very ambiguous… Pavel Izotovich is preparing again, as in 1994, to defect to the camp of the winners, or has the senator already defected?

Thus, on the first question, we see that the situation in the republic is almost a mirror image of the Ukrainian one, only with a slight Belarusian specificity due to the fact that the struggle of clans and groups surrounded by the leader takes place in a much more shadowy format than in Ukraine.

The answer to the second question is that the Makei group began to see the first signs of the defeat of its line in the intra-apparatus struggle with the group of security forces and decided to resort to media support (which they have by orders of magnitude stronger than that of the security forces, who today do not even have state media at their disposal. ) from their information resources in order to have the necessary impact on Lukashenka.

In this regard, the following passage of Tsarik and Sivitsky attracts attention: “The information provided by A. Lukashenko from the special services, on the basis of which key decisions regarding national security are made in a critical situation, is in the nature of direct misinformation and naturally pushes the first person to commit further rude political mistakes. The fact is that the coordination of all Belarusian special services is carried out by the Assistant to the President of Belarus for National Security Viktor Lukashenko. Accordingly, accusing the security forces of being engaged in gross disinformation of the head of state, in fact, they blame it not so much on the heads of the republic's law enforcement agencies as on the eldest son of Alexander Lukashenko, thus driving a wedge into their relationship and trying to form against Viktor Lukashenko distrust on the part of the head of state.

This thesis again brings us back half a year to the situation of summer 2016, when on the pages of the REGNUM news agency in the articles “Belarus: the elite has already chosen Lukashenka's successor” and “Why did they forget about Lukashenka in Minsk? Mistake or…” this confrontation between Vladimir Makei and Viktor Lukashenko was very substantively presented as two potentially different scenarios for the development of the republic. But if then the propaganda chicks of Makei's nest fiercely argued with this thesis, today they, in fact, but only in their perverted form, repeat it, like everything they do.

Thus, six months ago we were right in our fundamental assessments of the main balance of power in the elites of the republic. Today they are actually confirmed verbatim by our opponents. Furthermore. What Makei’s propagandists are trying to squeeze out of their fingers in a more or less scientific way is much more brutally voiced on the Belarusian Partisan website, in fact, by the current head of this website, journalist Dmitry Galko, known for his connections with the neo-Bandera junta in Ukraine:

“Lukashenka is now being pushed to repeat the scenario of December 2010 - that is, to the brutal dispersal of protests and the destruction of civil society structures. Which, of course, will lead to the curtailment of liberalization, make further rapprochement with the West impossible and once again turn Belarus into an international pariah tightly tied to Russia.

The president himself is ready to take reasonable steps and make concessions in the current situation in order to reduce social tension. But there is a certain force that takes him in the opposite direction, slipping a fake danger in the form of a “Ukrainian scenario”. And this force was dug in in the power block.

Power is not monolithic, this is quite obvious. They have their own “pointers” and “blunt-pointers”, that is, supporters of unscrewing the screws and supporters of tightening them, those who support moderate pro-Western views and those who immoderately support Russia, those who love the NKVD uniform, and those who condemn the Stalinist repression. They whisper different things into the president's ears from two sides, which is why he rushes about chaotically. In my opinion, throwing here cannot and should not be. Only concessions, only dialogue, only the cessation of repression, the release of all those arrested and the continuation of "perestroika". An attempt to repeat the scenario of December 2010 this time may turn into a Romanian scenario. With subsequent hybrid aggression already according to the Donbass scenario.”

Thus, with his text, Galko confirms both the theses of Tsarik and Sivitsky, and the fact that a pro-Western group is operating in Lukashenka's entourage. But if it exists, then there is absolutely no doubt about who its leader is, as well as the fact that its goals - the removal of Lukashenka from power - are exactly what “perestroika” is responsible for. How "perestroika" ended for Gorbachev and Yanukovych is not worth reminding.

It is also important to note that, in fact, the harshly anti-Lukashenko Galko and the pro-Makeyev Tsarik and Sivitsky say the same thing. A logical question arises - does Lukashenka really not see this bunch?

regnum author Yury Baranchik

19:43 — REGNUM Recently, both in our country and abroad, both politicians and experts are asking the same question - what is Trump doing anyway? Why does it create not only in all areas of American foreign policy, but also more globally - in world geopolitics and the economy for all key players a lot of small and large problems? Why is NATO and transatlantic solidarity falling apart? Why is he leaving the Middle East? Why is it declaring a trade war not only on China and Russia, but also on its main ally, the European Union?

Ivan Shilov © IA REGNUM

There are many versions put forward, but the maximum that experts offer as an explanatory hypothesis is that Trump's actions are of an economic nature, like he seeks to rid the United States of enslaving economic agreements.

“The era of tor-go-y wars and rob-le-ny”, na-cha-taya of the now-nesh-ni-mi ho-zya-e-va-mi of the White House, is not an “episode” and does not happen tea-naya fluk-tu-a-tion "ry-night eco-no-mi-ki". These are quite systemic and, moreover, conscious and necessary long-term steps on-chi-o-nal-but ori-en-ti-ro-van-noy " Trump's commands. Someone-paradise, different from the previous administrations, co-bi-ra-et-sya ego-and-stitch-but work in in-te-re-sah precisely on-chi-o-nal-noy eco-mi-ki. And not the “glo-ba-list-sky” financial circles, who solved their tasks for the total re-ordering of the world, including at the expense of their own -no-go ameri-kan-ko-th people, and not just all the rest.

And it must be very clear, damn it, that these pro-tech-qi-o-nist measures are pe-re-zhi-voo pre-zi-den-ta Trump, they are for a long time, if not for -always. The shaft of “tor-go-ogra-no-che-ny” and other sanctions will only grow. Moreover, no matter how our pro-dv-well-eco-but-mi-sts laugh at the stra-te-gi-it-it-for-the-me-shche-tion, in the USA she is also ofi-qi-al-but for-pu-sche-na and is in full swing. This program is na-zy-va-et-sya Buy American and Hire American (“Po-ku-pai Amer-ri-Kan-skoe - na-ni-may Amer-ri-Kan-tsev”) and approved in the spring of 2017. Its meaning and pre-significance is to return to the USA those productions and jobs that some left the country in the era of glo-ba-li-za-tion na-chi-naya from the yes-le-ki of the 1970s and 1980s.

That's why yes-wai-te just con-sta-ti-ru-em - this is not a new eco-but-mi-che war. This is such a new world, in which someone will come to live. And all the thinking about “for-to-the-global-markets”, all the attempts to “embed-and-va-niya of the domestic eco-no-mi -ki in inter-na-rod-distribution ”and other blessings in this new world of senseless-len-na.

All this is, of course, correct from an economic point of view. But what do such abrupt gestures of Trump mean from the point of view of political metaphysics? What paradigm or concept do they start from? What produces them?

It is impossible to understand the reasons for such a sharp activity of Trump as a political actor, as well as those people who stand behind him, only within the framework of the economic paradigm, but only on the basis of political metaphysics, understanding the political processes that have been taking place in the world for the past two years. three years, and at least thirty or forty years. And the most important event in this period of world history was the collapse of the USSR.

Ryzhkova Anna © IA Krasnaya Vesna

What can be called one of the most important reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union? In addition to the subjective factor (betrayal of the elite), there was also an objective factor - this, which crushed the Soviet economy more and more, but from which, for ideological reasons, the country's party leadership could not get rid of, since this would mean not only the collapse of the socialist idea, but and would create a number of serious problems for the CPSU. As a result extra imperial infrastructure crushed the USSR. How in its time it crushed the Roman Empire, Spain, the British Empire and many others.

Part of the Soviet leadership, concentrated mainly in the special services, understood that it was necessary to get rid of the extra imperial burden. In principle, preparations for this have been going on since the time of Yu. Andropov. However, in the final stages of the collapse of the empire, something went wrong. Perhaps even just theoretical knowledge on how to get rid of unnecessary imperial ballast was not enough.

As a result, the planned demolition of the excessive imperial infrastructure and the transformation of the country and the world socialist system did not take place - the Union collapsed in an emergency mode. Nevertheless, the excess infrastructure was dumped, after which Russia got the opportunity to breathe freely, and with the advent of Vladimir Putin to power, begin a new stage of imperial development.

It is no coincidence that George W. Bush, in a stunningly candid interview in 1992, spoke of this as follows:

« The collapse of the Soviet Union is my biggest defeat. I am afraid that this is a foreign policy Catastrophe, the extent of which we still do not understand. You misunderstand what happened. Russia is not defeated, on the contrary, she has become very strong, and we need her to be our Friend. And those who defeated me - they only want to rob. The Russians will not forget that and someday they will send us a return bill.

Russia and the Union are like Matryoshkas. They were invested in each other. In reality, we competed with Russia, but it was in the form of the Union, that is, it had huge weights on its feet. Now these Weights have been removed during the collapse of the Union, Russia will overcome its current problems and become much more evil and powerful and will remember well everyone who offended it today. And I would like to be the same Friend of Russia as I was the Enemy of the Soviets.

Do you want to know what Gears she had? This is in numbers - there were two bottomless holes in the Union, where all budget surpluses flowed - Agriculture and Social Assistance. Since today's Russia can have the same income and not spend money on these unprofitable items of expenditure, in the coming years it will become stronger and more dangerous than the USSR».

It is also far from accidental that Madeleine Albright's insight that the Americans should not have claimed victory in the Cold War was voiced the other day: “I think it was a mistake on our part to say that we won the Cold War. They lost in the cold war. And the difference here is not only semantic. The communist system has failed."

What does it say? This indicates the awareness of a certain part of the Western elites of the processes taking place in the last thirty years. Russia with the collapse of the USSR did not die and did not die. It was pelted with rubble, but over the time that has elapsed since the collapse of the Union, it has not only cleared the rubble, but has strengthened so much that it can now hold the Olympics and the World Cup without any problems, while under sanctions and without socialist belt-tightening, not to mention such achievements, such as the return of Crimea to their homeland and the operation in Syria.

How was it in the Soviet Union? Let me remind you of just one quote from the correspondence between Brezhnev and Kosygin:

“Somehow it happened in such a way that we decided to hold a sports Olympics in the USSR. This event costs a lot of money. Perhaps we should reconsider this issue and refuse to host the Olympics. I know that this will cause a lot of misunderstandings, but when resolving this issue, we should probably proceed from the fact that questions about the cost of this event come to the fore.

Some comrades suggested to me that it was possible to refuse this event by paying some small contribution in the form of a fine. I would also like to know your opinion on this matter. In addition to the colossal expenses, in this case there is such a question that from the experience of holding similar Olympics in the past, there may be all sorts of scandals that can denigrate the Soviet Union. At the same time, we should remember the Federal Republic of Germany and other places. And with regard to the Soviet Union, I think that our enemies will especially try in this. If you also have doubts about this, maybe today, in order to exchange views, raise this issue at the Politburo.

Indeed, it was not the West that defeated us, but we lost. But the further actions of the West, especially the United States, which began to inflate its imperial infrastructure without dimension, affected them in the most deplorable way.

What is the US economy today? It's a colossus with feet of clay. The negative trade balance is about $850 billion. The US is consuming more than it produces and is losing resources to resist. Today they are the same frog that China, the European Union, even Mexico are slowly roasting on fire so that they do not notice it: of the de-fi-cited 566 billion dollars, most of all - 375 .2 billion dollars comes from China, 151.4 - for the European Union, 71.1 - for Mexico, 68.6 - for Japan.

Ivan Shilov © IA REGNUM

What was the task of the neo-Trotskyist democrats who conceptually ruled the United States (with the help of Nazi money laundered and invested in the country's economy) all the years after the Second World War? To make the United States, as the Trotskyists in the USSR once tried to do, the base of the world revolution, only by other methods. However, both there and there, no one was interested in the interests of the people. Both the Russians and the Americans were to serve as an exclusively expendable resource to keep the fire burning. That is why the tendencies of deindustrialization in the late USSR and the USA are so similar, this is the reason for the general purposeful drop in the level of mass culture, which is why the Soviet and American professors, who forged space programs and nuclear shields, stood in the same queues at American labor exchanges in the 90s. e.

In recent years, it seemed to this American party that it was worth a little more exertion, and everything, the task would be completed - they would rule over the whole world. However, this was an illusion. While they hovered in their clouds and built their castles, Russia, China, Iran, the European Union got stronger. And ready to submit your invoice.

Trump, or rather, the people who stand behind him, understand all this very well - that if the United States does not have time to throw off its excessive imperial infrastructure, then it will crush them, as it once crushed their main enemy - the USSR. That is why Trump is rapidly destroying it and everything connected with it. And since it is, in fact, the current global geopolitical and geo-economic system - the WTO, NATO, Euro-Atlantic solidarity, multilateral agreements, and so on, the United States is forced to destroy precisely these "global bonds" so beloved by the liberals of all countries.

(ss) Victor Freitas

Trump's task is to dump all this as quickly as possible, while no one understands anything, and start negotiating anew. But it is clear that any negotiator, and Trump is a very experienced negotiator, guards the main task like the apple of his eye. Therefore, he behaves in such a way that no one understands anything, but only sees a beast (or an elephant in a china shop) madly rushing around the cage, which destroys everything it touches.

Very talented. Almost brilliant. Like many Hollywood productions. Trump is an actor who does not understand this himself, but those who put him up to play this particular role understand very well. But if the West thinks that this will deceive us, then they are mistaken. We also have such professionals. And they worked according to the same scenario, only much earlier, when they put up Vladimir Zhirinovsky to prevent a return to the USSR. Exactly the same actor, but who plays how he lives. Trump in this regard is his complete analogy, only at a higher level (which does not at all mean an increased level of self-reflection, like Zhirinovsky's). In this regard, Trump plays more like Hitler, who was also chosen by the play's directors for his "special" mission.

If we think that Trump's goal is in the field of the economy, some kind of trade wars with China and the EU, tariffs, oil prices, gas exports, the dollar, that he is a businessman, then we will undoubtedly lose, since buy into what the United States is initially ready to give. But we will not see the true purpose of his, at first glance, chaotic actions at this level of analysis.

But as soon as we rise from the level of economics to the level of geopolitical metaphysics, then the true goal of Trump will appear before us in all its glory - getting rid of redundant imperial infrastructure, which puts pressure on the United States with its weight more and more.

That is why the Directors give us the Middle East again, and China - Asia. We are even ready to give back to Moscow the entire territory of the former USSR and even (in the second course of the agreements) Eastern Europe. They want to return to us those Weights that Russia got rid of with the collapse of the USSR, and to get rid of them themselves.

In any case, the post-Yalta peace associated with the victory of the Soviet Union in World War II, to which the United States, Britain and France managed to cling, as well as, among other things, the period associated with the defeat of the USSR in the Cold War and the short American twenty years, is ending. And a new peace treaty, perhaps after World War III, is just around the corner. How might he look?

The US is leaving for North and South America, returning to the Monroe Doctrine. Russia is given back the entire post-Soviet territory, part of Eastern Europe and interspersed with the Middle East, North and Central Africa. China - Asia. Europe, that part of it that understands what is happening, will cluster around Germany. She will be in alliance with Russia, France and Austria (new Imperial Concert).

The new Middle East will indeed be new - Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia will seriously decrease in size so as not to introduce unnecessary and unnecessary unrest into the processes in their region and the world with their excessive political mass. Those who are against such a course of events will simply be torn apart, and their countries will plunge into the abyss of chaos and suffering.

The world will indeed become multipolar. And the United States will seriously work on this together with us and China. Because if they do not do this, they will come to disintegration, the consequence of which will also be a multipolar world, only without the United States in its current form, but with two or three countries in the place of today's America.

Does Trump understand all this? It may well be. At your level. But he only plays as well as he can, and the old saloon principle says - "do not shoot the pianist, he plays as well as he can."

Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Donald Trump - all these leaders at the head of their countries are far from accidental. Planet Earth is indeed entering a new planetary cycle of its development. Those dark forces that were at the helm of human history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries are fading into history.