Unlimited Internet megaphone 5 rubles per day. Unlimited internet for one day from megaphone. To activate the tariff, you can

All users of modern smartphones have their own needs for the mobile Internet. 1 GB of traffic for a month is enough for someone with a margin, and 30 GB is not enough for someone. It all depends on the scenario of using the mobile device and many other factors, including the presence of wired Internet at home or in the office with no restrictions. At the end of 2016, the Russians had the opportunity to purchase one of the tariff plans from Russian mobile operators, which has absolutely unlimited Internet.

However, for several reasons, all Russian mobile operators have abandoned absolutely unlimited mobile Internet in favor of tariff plans that include certain traffic packages. Fortunately, gradually all mobile operators are launching new services that allow at least partially regaining unlimited access to the Internet. As you know, most of the Internet traffic on a smartphone goes to watching video content, that is, videos.

Not so long ago, the MegaFon operator launched unlimited mobile Internet, which costs only 6 rubles per day. With it, you can get unlimited Internet traffic for the three most popular services that show videos. Among those were YouTube, Rutube and Vimeo. All of them are incredibly popular among the inhabitants of Russia, so such a generous offer from a Russian mobile operator for many Russians can be extremely beneficial. It is also worth noting that this service is valid throughout the country, which can be extremely important during travel or business trips.

In addition, for 2 rubles per day you can connect unlimited Internet traffic for Instagram, for 4 rubles per day for the social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook, while for another 4 rubles a service called "Music" is available daily, which provides unlimited access to four extremely popular services - Boom, Zvooq, VKontakte and Yandex Music. In other words, all MegaFon subscribers have the opportunity to activate the desired service, which allows them to receive unlimited access to the Internet when using certain services.

For the service "Video +", which costs 6 rubles per day, you will not have to pay extra in the future. Money will be debited from the account every month, and if desired, it can be easily connected or disconnected. It is available to owners of tariff plans "Speak", "Communicate", "Look" and "Warm welcome M", to which anyone can switch for free. If you use unlimited Internet to watch videos for the whole month, then you will have to pay only 180 rubles, that is, a very small amount of money. At the same time, you can spend at least 500 GB of Internet traffic on watching videos.

All prices indicated in the article are relevant for the Moscow and Moscow region region. In other regions of Russia, they will be slightly different, and, as a rule, in a smaller direction.

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Millions of users choose Megafon tariff plans in Moscow, the Moscow region and throughout Russia, thanks to the high-quality and maximum coverage of the operator, as well as high-speed and uninterrupted 3G / 4G Internet. We are also pleased with the large selection and prices, especially for unlimited packages. The more you communicate, use traffic and use other services of the company, the cheaper they are for you.

What tariffs of the mobile operator Megafon are available for ordering?

  1. and "Turn on". If you make a lot of calls or spend a lot of time on the Internet, this is the best choice. For a good price, you will get the right amount of minutes and mobile data.
  2. . If you often travel on business trips to other countries, or you need to make a lot of calls abroad, choose among these packages. They will allow you to save a lot on mobile communications.
  3. . Packages are suitable for you if you need a lot of mobile traffic at a good price and the ability to choose additional Internet options. There is no subscription fee.
  4. Other rates. Corporate universal direct. Select if you need a direct Moscow number with a prefix of 495 or 499.

What is the cost of Megafon tariffs, and how to order inexpensively?

How to connect the Internet on Megaphone? Of course, it is most convenient to use the Internet options for this purpose. Indeed, in this case, you do not have to change your tariff - the Internet options will help you adjust it in accordance with your needs.

Megafon has a fairly large selection of tariff options for mobile Internet. Among them, there are both Internet packages with different amounts of traffic (from 70 Mb/day to unlimited), and Internet options specially designed for communication in social networks or instant messengers, watching videos or listening to music, as well as options for Internet roaming.

It's nice that with regard to the most popular Internet options, the operator does not have strict restrictions on their use on various devices. The same option can be connected to a phone, a tablet, and a modem. At the same time, there are a number of Internet options designed for a strictly defined type of device, or tied to a specific tariff plan.

How to connect the Internet on Megaphone on the phone

Megafon has a number of Internet tariff options with different amounts of traffic, focused on different devices from phones to modems. Of course, we are talking about a line of unlimited options familiar to many subscribers. "Internet XS, S, M, L, XL". In addition, there are several additional Internet options for phones with unlimited traffic, designed to be connected on the “Turn On!” tariffs. Let's consider each of them in order.

How to connect Internet XS, S, M, L or XL

Options "Internet XS, S, M, L, XL" can be connected to any tariff plan without included Internet packages (for example, "It's simple" or "Go to zero"). It is very convenient that all options from this line (except "Internet XS") are valid throughout Russia. That is, subscribers do not need to worry about connecting additional Internet options while roaming around the country.

Each of these options can be activated via ( lk.megafon.ru), as well as using special USSD commands or via SMS. Commands for connecting the "Internet XS, S, M, L, XL" options on the phone:

  • To activate the tariff option "Internet XS"(70 Mb/day) dial the USSD combination ✶ 236 ✶ 1 ✶ 1 # on your phone or send an SMS with the text 1 to 050-09-121.
  • To connect "Internet S"(3 GB/month) send a USSD request from your phone ✶ 236 ✶ 2 ✶ 1 # or send SMS with text 1 to 050-09-122.
  • To connect unlimited option "Internet M"(16 GB/month) use the command ✶ 236 ✶ 3 ✶ 1 # or send SMS with text 1 to 050-09-123.
  • To use the option "Internet L"(36 GB/month) dial the combination ✶ 236 ✶ 4 ✶ 1 # on your phone or send SMS with the text 1 to 050-09-124.
  • Option "Internet XL" is a truly unlimited mobile Internet from Megafon: traffic is not limited in terms of speed or volume. Therefore, "Internet XL" is more suitable for a modem, router or tablet, but nothing prevents you from connecting it on your phone if you so desire. USSD command for connecting "Internet XL" - ✶ 236 ✶ 5 ✶ 1 # or SMS with text 1 to number 050-09-125.

It should be noted that on the Internet M and L tariff options, half of the included traffic is provided during the daytime (from 7.00 am to 1.00 am), and the other half - at night. The operator also limited the daily traffic in "Internet XL". Here, from 7.00 am to 1.00 am, it is allowed to spend only 30 GB, but at night the traffic is unlimited.

How to connect unlimited Internet to Megafon on the tariffs "Turn on!"

In the tariffs of the new line "Turn on!" Internet packages are already provided. In addition to the main Internet package, each tariff plan also provides unlimited traffic to popular Internet resources. For example, to communicate in social networks or watch videos from Youtube.

By connecting additional Internet options with unlimited Internet for the “Vklyuchaysya!” you can improve your tariff a little and not spend megabytes from the main Internet package on visiting your favorite web resources.

Commands for connecting additional Internet options on the tariffs "Turn on!":

  • "Social media"— unlimited internet on VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki.
    Connection command: ✶ 456 ✶ 1 ✶ 1 # or SMS with the text YES to the number 050-04-561.
  • "Social Networks+"- unlimited Internet on Instagram.
    Activate the option: ✶ 456 ✶ 2 ✶ 1 # or SMS with the text YES to the number 050-04-562.
  • "Music"— unlimited internet for music BOOM, Yandex.Music, Zvooq, Music VKontakte.
    Connection: ✶ 456 ✶ 3 ✶ 1 # or SMS with the text YES to the number 050-04-563.
  • "Video+"— 20 GB of traffic on YouTube, Rutube, Vimeo.
    Activate the service: ✶ 456 ✶ 4 ✶ 1 # or SMS with the text YES to the number 050-04-564.
  • "Messengers+"— unlimited internet for sending text messages and calls via instant messengers WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, TamTam.
    Connect the option: ✶ 456 ✶ 5 ✶ 1 # or SMS with the text YES to the number 050-04-565.

How to connect mobile Internet Megafon on a tablet or modem

For tablets, modems and routers, the Internet M, L or XL options are perfect. How to connect them was told a little.

Megafon also has two Internet options with a small amount of included traffic for tablets. They are perfect for those users who do not access the Internet very often from these devices.

  • Option "Internet Tablet XS" provides 1.5 GB of traffic per month. It can be connected with the command ✶ 105 ✶ 1026 ✶ 1 # or by sending SMS with the text 1 to the number 050-01-026.
  • "Internet Tablet S" is a 4 GB internet package per month for tablets. To activate the service, you need to dial the USSD command ✶ 105 ✶ 1127 ✶ 1 # or send a free SMS with the text 1 to 050-01-127.

How to connect the Internet in Russia from Megfon

Some Internet options (for example, "Internet XS") and tariffs of the "MegaFon - All Inclusive" line are valid only in the home region. This means that when traveling around the country you will have to pay for the Internet, and quite a lot: in roaming 1 megabyte of traffic costs 9.9 rubles.

In order not to overpay such a huge amount of money for mobile Internet while traveling, activate the option "Internet in Russia". True, it still does not operate in all regions of our vast country. So, the exceptions are Kamchatka, Magadan, Taimyr, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), as well as the Crimea.

You can connect the "Internet in Russia" option both in the "Personal Account" and using the USSD request ✶ 105 ✶ 0042 #. You can also activate the "Internet in Russia" service by sending an empty (or with any text) SMS to the number 0500-942.

How to connect unlimited Internet to Megafon? This question is frequently asked by subscribers of this company. And this is not surprising. Megafon presents a wide range of options designed for use on a phone, tablet, modem.

Now unlimited traffic is simply necessary to view high-quality content online, download the necessary files, and constantly work on the network.

Unlimited internet connection Megafon

At the moment, Megafon has presented five options that allow you to go online without traffic restrictions: “XL, XS, S, M, L, Tablet S”.

"Internet XL"

This service provides unlimited traffic when activated on a modem or router. "XL" will be simply necessary for people who are constantly online. The service is suitable not only for searching for information, but also for viewing and downloading large files in the highest quality: movies, photos, music. The peculiarity is that the entire amount of gigabytes is provided free of charge only when using the service from 1:00 am to 6:59 am. The rest of the time, from 7:00 am to 0:59 am, there is a limit for use - no more than 30 GB per month. If the modem has used up all the provided volume before the end of the paid period, the service is suspended. Renewal is possible only in two cases:

  • on the day of the new period, where again nightly use will be free;
  • activation of the speed extension service.

Activation of the "XL" option is possible upon payment of an invoice in the amount of 1290 rubles. Depending on the region of Russia, the cost may vary slightly. You can find out how much the service costs from the consultants of the Megafon office.

You can connect the option for free in your personal account in several ways:

  • sending to number 05009125 SMS with short text 1 ;
  • by dialing the command *236*5*1# .

It simply turns off. It is necessary to send an SMS to the number 050091253 with the text stop.

"Internet XS"

"XS" ​​is designed for use on a phone, smartphone. The peculiarity of this tariff is that the client is provided with 70 MB per day without any speed limit. This traffic is enough for the phone to:

  • search for information;
  • communicate online;
  • use internet mail.

If the traffic for the day was exhausted before their end, the maximum speed will not exceed 64 Kbps. The ability to restore the speed appears only from the next day, or the activation of the "Extend speed" service. If the traffic issued for a day has not been used up on the phone, then at the end of this period it will be canceled. The disadvantage is that the service is valid only on the territory of the region of Russia where it was connected.

In order to connect unlimited Internet "XS" you need to do the following:

  • replenish the balance by at least 190 rubles. Upon initial connection, payment is debited in one payment. In the following months of use, the write-off is carried out daily, in the amount of 7 rubles;
  • dial the command *236*1*1# in the line for USSD requests or send 1 to 09121. Connection is made on the day the request is sent.

Connecting the option by these methods is free of charge. Disabling the service of providing 70 MB per day, possibly by sending the word stop to 05009121.

"Internet S"

This option, like the previous one, is suitable for activation on phones. But unlike "XS", traffic is determined here not for a day, but immediately for 30 days. The option provides more options for work. With the "S" option, you can:

  • be constantly on social networks;
  • watch videos online and download small files (photos, music);
  • control mailing lists;
  • look for the information you need.

The phone provides a limited traffic of 3 GB with unlimited speed for a month. The monthly payment is 350 rubles. If there is time left until the end of the service validity period, and the traffic is exhausted, it is possible to activate the “Extend speed” service. Unlimited here is that the traffic is provided with an unlimited data transfer rate.

You can activate the “S” option for free on any day of the month in several ways:

  • send text 1 to 05009122;
  • type in the USSD request line *236*2*1# .

This procedure is carried out in the Personal Account on the official website in several steps:

To disable unlimited Internet "S" on your phone, you need to go to your Personal Account, or send a stop to 05009122.

"Internet M"

Unlimited Internet "M" is designed to connect to a router or modem. Under the terms of this service, the user is provided with 16 GB without speed limit for 30 days. The peculiarity of the option is that you can use all traffic in strict accordance with a certain time: 8 GB is designed for use during the day (7:00 - 0:59), 8 GB - at night (1:00 - 6:59) . When the rated limit is completely exhausted, the speed is limited, which does not exceed 64 Kbps. Restoration is possible upon activation of the Extend Speed ​​service or only at the beginning of a new paid period.

The option is activated free of charge if the account has an amount of 590 rubles, in two ways:

  • sending text 1 to number 05009123;
  • by typing the command in the query line *236*3*1# .

To disable the service on the modem, you need to send an SMS with the text stop to the number 05009123.

The only condition: unlimited Internet connection "M" is not possible with tariffs "XL", "XS", "S", "L".

"Internet L"

The best option for active users connecting the Internet on a modem or router. Unlimited Internet at unlimited speed 36 GB of traffic for a month with a one-time payment of 890 rubles. Traffic has an equal division into daytime and nighttime: 50% of the total volume each from 7:00 to 0:59 and from 1:00 to 6:59. This volume is enough to:

  • track the work of mail;
  • download high quality files in large volumes;
  • distribute the Internet using additional devices;
  • work professionally with the help of Internet programs online;
  • communicate in online messengers.

After the tariff limit on the modem is exhausted, the speed is reduced to 64 Kbps. Here, as well as in other options, the rule applies: speed extension is possible at the beginning of a new paid period or after activating the corresponding option that provides additional traffic.

To connect the option on the modem, you just need to use one of several options:

  • send 1 to number 05009124 ;
  • type in the command line *236*4*1# .

Both options activate the service for free.

This option can be disabled at any time by sending the word stop to 05009124 . The deactivation of the service will fall on the day when the SMS was sent. When the service is disabled, the remaining traffic is not compensated.

"Tablet S"

"Tablet S" is designed to be activated on the phone and tablets. The provided amount of traffic, equal to 4 GB, is quite enough for the needs of users:

  • download photos, small videos, text documents;
  • To communicate in social networks;
  • work with your mail.

Traffic is provided for 30 days and is paid at a time before connection, making an amount equal to 400 rubles. The amount of payment may vary depending on the region of connection and the main tariff plan. When using the MegaFon-Login, MegaFon-Online and Start tariffs, the option will cost slightly less than when using other tariffs.

To connect the option for free, one of two options is used:

  • dial the request *105*1127*1# in the USSD line of the Personal Account;
  • send 1 to Megafon number 05001127.

If you need to disable the service, then you should type the word stop and send to 05001127.

It can be activated together with the service "Extend speed 5 GB"

Important:in addition to the connection methods described above, you can use the help of consultants at Megafon offices, or activate the option for free through the help desk service 0500.

Additional terms

In the review of the listed services, the main activation conditions were considered. In addition, the company has defined additional conditions that apply equally to all services:

  • unlimited Internet Megafon cannot be activated on the tariff plans: "Children's Internet", "All Inclusive", "Video Control", "Optimal", "MegaFon-Login", "MMS-Camera";
  • activation of options is possible only with a positive account balance in the amount determined on the day of activation. The cost may vary depending on the connection region. You can find out how much the option costs in your personal account or from Megafon office consultants;
  • the activated option has no expiration date;
  • shutdown is possible at the request of the user. At the same time, the volume of traffic not fully used on the day of deactivation is not compensated in any way. In this case, the possibility of re-activating the service remains;
  • if payment is made immediately for several months, then Megafon provides the user with discounts on the amount of the monthly payment: 3 months - 10% discount, 6 - 20%, 12 - 30%;
  • unused traffic remaining on the day the validity period ends is not transferred to the next valid period;
  • when spending traffic before the expiration of the period, a reduction in the maximum speed to 64 kbps is provided.

Helpful information

For each of the considered options, it is possible to use a service that provides additional traffic. It's called "Speed ​​Up".

The service provides the opportunity to increase traffic in several ways:

  • for 70 MB for 19 rubles. To activate, send 1 to 000105906 or USSD command *925*3# ;
  • for 1 GB for 150 rubles. To activate the service, send 1 to 05009061 or *370*1*1# in the USSD line;
  • for 5 GB for 400 rubles. Connection is possible when sending 1

    How to connect unlimited Internet to Megafon: A detailed overview of options and connection conditions