How many races of people on earth. Human races, their origin and unity

Among the variety of features inherent in representatives different peoples, scientists are looking for traits typical of large groups of the Earth's population. One of the first scientific classifications of population was proposed by K. Linnaeus. He identified four main groups of people who are characterized by similarities in skin color, facial features, hair type, and the like. His contemporary Jean-Louis Buffon called them races (arab. races - beginning, origin). Today, scientists define races not only by the similarity of hereditary features of appearance, but also by the origin of a particular group of people from a certain region of the Earth.

How many races are there on our planet?

Disputes around this issue have been going on since the time of C. Linnaeus and J.-L. Buffon. Most of the scientists in modern humanity four large races are distinguished - Eurasian (Caucasian), Equatorial (Negroid), Asian-American (Mongoloid), Australoid.

Race origins

Remember: view Homo sapiens originated in Africa, from where about 100 thousand years ago its gradual settlement began in Europe and Asia. People moved to new territories, looked for places suitable for living, and settled in them. Millennia passed, and separate groups of people reached the northeastern border of Asia. In those days, there was no Bering Strait yet, so Asia and America were connected by a land "bridge". Him and came to North America, immigrants from Asia. Over time, moving south, they reached South America.

Settlement continued for tens of thousands of years. Scientists believe that during migration, racial characteristics were fixed, according to which residents differ. different regions planets. Some of these traits must be adaptive in nature. Yes, mop curly hair in the inhabitants of the hot equatorial belt creates air layer, protects the vessels of the head from overheating, and the dark pigment in the skin is an adaptation to high solar radiation. Enhanced evaporation of moisture and, accordingly, cooling of the body contributes to a wide nose and large lips.

fair skin Caucasians can also be regarded as adaptation to climate. Vitamin D is synthesized in the body of light-skinned people under conditions of low solar radiation. The narrow slit of the eyes in representatives of the Asian-American race protects the eyes from sand during steppe storms.

Due to the resettlement of people, isolation and mixing became factors in fixing racial characteristics. In a primitive society, people united in small isolated communities, where the possibilities of marriage unions are limited. Therefore, the predominance of one or another racial trait often depended on random circumstances. In a small closed community, any hereditary trait can disappear if the person who has this trait leaves no descendants. On the other hand, manifestations of a certain trait can become massive, since, due to the limited number of marriages, it is not replaced by other traits. Because of this, for example, the number of dark-haired residents or, conversely, fair-haired ones, may increase.

Reasons for the isolation of human communities

The reason for the isolation of human communities there may be geographical barriers (mountains, rivers, oceans). Remoteness from the main migration routes also leads to isolation. On such a "lost island" people live in isolation, their appearance retains the features of distant ancestors. For example, the Scandinavians "mothballed" physical features that were formed millennia ago: blonde hair, high growth etc. For many millennia there was also a mixture of races. People born from marriages between representatives of different races are called mestizos. Thus, the colonization of America resulted in many marriages between Indians (representatives of the Mongoloid race) and Europeans. Mestizos make up about half of the population of modern Mexico. Usually, most of the racial traits in mestizos are less pronounced than in the extreme manifestations of these traits: the skin of Mexican mestizos is lighter than that of the Maya Indians, and darker than that of Europeans.

Effort to explain origin of human races goes back to ancient times. In particular, the ancient Greeks called the reason for the emergence of the black race of Phaethon, the son of the sun god Helios, who flew too close to the ground on his father's chariot and burned white people. The Bible erected the origin of human races to the skin color of the sons of Noah, whose offspring were people with different characteristics.

The first attempts to scientifically substantiate racegenesis date back to the 17th-18th centuries. The first to propose their classifications were the French physician Francois Bernier in 1684 and the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus in 1746, who singled out four races of people in them. Linnaeus, in addition to physiological, put psychosomatic signs in the basis of his classification.

The first who began to use the parameters of skulls in the classification of races was the German scientist Johann Blumenbach, who in the 70s of the 18th century identified five races: Caucasian, Mongolian, American, African and Malay. He also relied on the then prevailing ideas about the greater beauty and mental development of the white race compared to others.

In the 19th century, many more complex and branched classifications appeared, researchers began to distinguish small races within large ones, focusing most often on cultural and linguistic features. In this series are, for example, the classification of J. Virey, who divided the white and black races into their constituent tribes, or the classifications of J. Saint-Hilaire and T. Huxley, who singled out four or five main and many of their minor races.

In the 20th century, two main approaches to the characterization of races and their classification dominated: typological and population. With the typological approach, the definition of race was carried out on the basis of stereotypes, which were considered inherent in the whole race. It was believed that races have some absolute differences. These differences were distinguished on the basis of the description of individual individuals. Among the typological classifications is the classification of I.E. Deniker, who was guided solely by biological characteristics and based his classification on the type of hair and eye color, thereby dividing humanity into six main groups, within which races were already distinguished directly.

Typological approach with development population genetics showed his inadequacy. To a greater extent, scientifically substantiated is the population approach, which considers not individual individuals, but groups of their populations. Classifications using this approach are not based on stereotypes, but on genetic traits. At the same time, a lot of transitional races are distinguished, between which there are no absolute differences.

The main hypotheses of the origin of races

There are several main hypotheses of the origin of human races: polycentrism (polyphilia), dicentrism and monocentrism (monophilia).

The hypothesis of polycentrism, one of the founders of which was the German anthropologist Franz Weidenreich, suggests the existence of four centers of origin of races: in East Asia(center of origin of the Mongoloids), in South-East Asia(Australoids), Sub-Saharan Africa (Negroids) and Europe (Caucasoids).

This hypothesis was criticized and was rejected as erroneous, since science does not know cases of the formation of one species of animals in different foci, but with the same evolutionary path.

The hypothesis of dicentrism, put forward in the 1950s and 60s, offered two approaches to explaining the origin of races. According to the first, the center of formation of Caucasoids and Negroids was in Western Asia, and the center of formation of Mongoloids and Australoids was in Southeast Asia. From these foci, Caucasians began to settle in Europe, Negroids along the tropical belt, and the Mongoloids initially settled in Asia, after which some of them went to the American continent. The second approach of the hypothesis of dicentrism refers the Caucasoid, Negroid and Australoid races to one trunk of racial genesis, and the Mongoloid and Americanoid races to another.

Like the polycentrism hypothesis, the dicentrism hypothesis has been rejected by the scientific community for similar reasons.

The hypothesis of monocentrism is based on the recognition of the same mental and physical level of all races and their origin from one common ancestor in one rather extended place. Proponents of monocentrism attribute the region of race formation to the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Asia, from where human ancestors began to settle in other regions, gradually forming many smaller racial groups.

Stages of the origin of human races

Genetic studies date human outcome modern type from Africa a period of 80-85 thousand years ago, and archaeological research confirms that already 40-45 thousand years ago people living outside Africa had certain racial differences. The formation of the first prerequisites for the formation of races, therefore, should have occurred in the period of 80-40 thousand years ago.

V.P. Alekseev in 1985 identified four main stages in the origin of human races. He attributed the first stage to the time of the formation of modern man, that is, 200 thousand years ago. According to Alekseev, at the first stage, the formation of primary centers of race formation took place and two main trunks of race formation were formed: the western one, which includes Caucasoids, Negroids and Australoids, and the eastern one, including Mongoloids and Americanoids. At the second stage (15-20 thousand years ago), secondary centers of racial formation emerged, and the formation of evolutionary branches began within the western and eastern racial trunks. Alekseev attributed the third stage to the period of 10-12 thousand years ago, when the formation of local races began in the tertiary centers of race formation. At the fourth stage (3-4 thousand years BC), the differentiation of races began to deepen and came to its present state.

Factors of the origin of human races

Natural selection has had the greatest influence on the formation of human races. In the course of the formation of races, such features were fixed in populations that made it possible to better adapt to the conditions of the population's habitat. For example, skin color affects the synthesis of vitamin D, which regulates calcium balance: the more melanin it contains, the more difficult sunshine stimulating the production of vitamin D, get deep into the body. Thus, in order to get enough of the vitamin and have a normal balance of calcium in the body, people with lighter skin need to be further from the equator than people with dark skin.

The difference in facial features and body type among representatives of different races is also due to natural selection. It is generally accepted that the elongated nose in Caucasians developed as a means of preventing hypothermia of the lungs. The flat nose of Negroids, on the contrary, contributes to better cooling air entering the lungs.

Other factors influencing the formation of human races are genetic drift, as well as isolation and mixing of populations. Due to genetic drift genetic structure populations are changing, which entails a slow change in the appearance of people.

The isolation of populations contributes to a change in the genetic composition within them. During isolation, the signs characteristic of the population at the beginning of isolation begin to be reproduced, as a result of which, over time, differences in its appearance from the appearance of other populations will intensify. This happened, for example, with the indigenous inhabitants of Australia, who developed separately from the rest of mankind for 20 thousand years.

The mixing of populations leads to an increase in the diversity of their genotypes, as a result of which a new race is formed. Nowadays, with the growth of the world's population, the intensification of globalization processes, the migration of people, the process of mixing representatives of different races is also intensifying. The percentage of mixed marriages is increasing, and, according to many researchers, in the future this may lead to the formation of a single human race.

All humans living on planet earth currently belong to the same species - Homo sapiens. Within this species, scientists distinguish human races.

The human race is a historically formed group of people with common hereditary morphological features.

These features include: hair type and color, skin and eye color, shape of the nose, lips, eyelids, facial features, body type, etc. All of these features are hereditary.

A study of the fossil remains of Cro-Magnons showed that they had features characteristic of modern human races. For tens of thousands of years, the descendants of the Cro-Magnons lived in the most diverse geographical areas of the planet. This means that each human race has its own area of ​​origin and formation. Differences between human races are the result natural selection in different conditions habitats in the presence of geographic isolation. Long-term effect of factors environment in places permanent residence led to the gradual consolidation of a set of features characteristic of these groups of people. There are currently three major human races. They, in turn, are divided into small races (there are about thirty of them).

Representatives Caucasoid (Eurasian) race adapted to life in cold and humid climates. The distribution area of ​​​​the Caucasian race is Europe, North Africa, a small part of Asia and India, as well as North America and Australia. They are characterized by predominantly light or slightly dark skin. This race is characterized by straight or wavy hair, a narrow protruding nose and thin lips. On the face of men, hairline is expressed (in the form of mustaches and beards). The protruding narrow nose of Caucasians contributes to the warming of the inhaled air in cold climates.

People Negroid (Australian-Negroid) race are most represented in areas of the planet with a hot climate. They inhabit Africa, Australia and the islands Pacific Ocean. Adaptations to data climatic conditions are dark color skin, curly or wavy hair. For example, the curly hair on the head of the Negroid race forms a kind of air cushion. This feature of the hair arrangement protects the head from overheating. Representatives of the Negroid race are also characterized by a flat, slightly protruding nose, thick lips and dark eye color.

Mongoloid (Asian-American) race distributed in areas of the Earth with a harsh continental climate. Historically, this race inhabited almost all of Asia, as well as North and South America. Mongoloids are characterized by swarthy skin, straight hard dark hair. The face is flattened, with well-defined cheekbones, the nose and lips are of medium width, the hairline of the face is poorly developed. There is a skin fold in the inner corner of the eye - epicanthus. The narrow slit of the eyes and the epicanthus of the Mongoloids are adaptations to frequent dust storms. The formation of thick adipose subcutaneous tissue allows them to adapt to low temperatures cold continental winters.

The unity of the human races is confirmed by the absence of genetic isolation between them. This is expressed in the possibility of the appearance of fertile offspring in interracial marriages. Another proof of the unity of races is the presence of arched patterns on the fingers of all people and the same character of the arrangement of hair on the body.

Racism- a set of teachings about the physical and mental inequality of human races and the decisive influence of racial differences on the history and culture of society. The ideas of racism originated when the laws of evolution of living nature discovered by Charles Darwin began to be transferred to human society.

The main ideas of racism are the ideas about the initial division of people into higher and lower races due to their biological inequality. Moreover, representatives of higher races are the only creators of civilization and are called upon to dominate the lower ones. So racism seeks to justify social injustice in society and colonial policy.

Racist theory existed in practice in Nazi Germany. The Nazis considered their Aryan race to be the highest and by this they justified the physical destruction of a huge number of representatives of other races. In our country, as one of the most affected by the aggression of the fascist invaders, any adherence to the ideas of fascism is condemned and punished by law.

Racism has no scientific justification, since the biological equivalence of representatives of all races and their belonging to the same species has been proven. The differences in the level of development are the result of social factors.

Some scientists have suggested that the main driving force behind evolution human society is the struggle for existence. These views formed the basis of social Darwinism, a pseudoscientific trend according to which all social processes and phenomena (the emergence of states, wars, etc.) are subject to the laws of nature. Supporters of this doctrine consider the social inequality of people as a consequence of their biological inequality, which arose as a result of natural selection.

Features of human evolution at the present stage

In modern society, at first glance, there are no clear signs of further evolution of the species Homo sapiens. But this process continues. Social factors play a decisive role at this stage, but the role of some biological factors evolution.

Constantly arising under the influence of environmental factors mutations and their combinations change the genotypic composition of the human population. They enrich people's phenotypes with new traits and maintain their uniqueness. In turn, harmful and incompatible with life mutations are removed from the human population by natural pollution of the planet, primarily chemical compounds, is the reason for the increase in the rate of mutagenesis and the accumulation of genetic load (harmful recessive mutations). This fact can somehow influence the evolution of man.

Formed about 50 thousand years ago, Homo sapiens has practically not undergone external changes to date. This is the result of action stabilizing natural selection in a relatively homogeneous human environment. One example of its manifestation was the increased survival rate of newborns with body weight within the average values ​​(3-4 kg). However, on present stage due to the development of medicine, the role of this form of selection has significantly decreased. Modern medical technologies allow nursing newborns with low body weight and enable premature babies to fully develop.

Leading role isolation in human evolution was traced at the stage of formation of human races. In modern society, thanks to the variety of means of transportation and the constant migration of people, the importance of isolation is almost negligible. The lack of genetic isolation between individuals is an important factor in enriching the gene pool of the planet's population.

In some relatively limited territories, such a factor as genetic drift. Currently, it manifests itself locally in connection with natural disasters. Natural disasters sometimes claim the lives of tens and even hundreds of thousands of people, as happened in early 2010 as a result of the earthquake in Haiti. This undoubtedly has an impact on the gene pool of human populations.

Therefore, the evolution of the species Homo sapiens currently only the mutation process is affected. The effect of natural selection and isolation is minimal.

All people living on planet Earth at the present time belong to the same species - Homo sapiens. Within this species, human races are distinguished. The signs of races were formed under the influence of environmental factors. Currently, there are three large human races: Caucasoid, Australo-Negroid and Mongoloid. At the present stage of the biological factors on the evolution of man in an unchanged form, only the mutation process acts. The role of natural selection and genetic drift has been significantly reduced, and isolation has practically lost its significance.

Hi all! Who is interested in what the human races are, I will tell you now, and I will also tell you about how the most basic of them differ.

- large historically formed groups of people; division of the species Homo sapiens - Homo sapiens, are represented by modern humanity.

At the heart of the concept lies the biological, primarily physical similarity of people and the common territory that they inhabit.
Complex of hereditary physical features race is characterized, these features include: eye color, hair, skin, height, body proportions, facial features, etc.

Since most of these traits can change in a person, and mixing between races has been going on for a long time, it is rare that a particular individual owns the entire set of typical racial traits.

Big races.

There are many classifications of human races. Most often, three main or large races are distinguished: Mongoloid (Asian-American), Equatorial (Negro-Australoid) and Caucasoid (Eurasian, Caucasian).

Among the representatives of the Mongoloid race the skin color varies from dark to light (mainly in North Asian groups), the hair is usually dark, often straight and coarse, the nose is usually small, the eyes are oblique, the folds of the upper eyelids are significantly developed, and in addition, there is a fold covering inner corner eyes, hairline is not very developed.

Representatives of the equatorial race dark pigmentation of the skin, eyes, and hair that is broadly wavy or curly. The nose is predominantly wide, the lower part of the face protrudes forward.

Representatives of the Caucasian race light skin color (with variations from very light, mostly in the North to dark, even brown skin). The hair is curly or straight, the incision of the eyes is horizontal. Strongly developed or moderate hairline on the chest and face in men. The nose is markedly protruding, with a straight or slightly sloping forehead.

Small races.

Large races are divided into small, or anthropological types. Within the Caucasian race are distinguished White Sea-Baltic, Atlanto-Baltic, Balkan-Caucasian, Central European and Indo-Mediterranean minor races.

Now practically all the land is inhabited by Europeans, but by the beginning of the Great geographical discoveries(mid-15th century) their main area included the Middle and Front, India, North Africa.

All minor races are represented in modern Europe. But the Central European version outnumbers (Germans, Austrians, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Ukrainians, Russians). In general, the population of Europe is very mixed, especially in cities, due to migrations, influx of migrations from other regions of the Earth and miscegenation.

Usually, in the middle of the Mongoloid race, the South Asian, Far Eastern, Arctic, North Asian and American minor races are distinguished. At the same time, the American is sometimes considered as a large race.

All climatic and geographical zones were inhabited by the Mongoloids. Big variety anthropological types are characteristic of modern Asia, but different Caucasoid and Mongoloid groups predominate in numbers.

The Far Eastern and South Asian minor races are the most common among the Mongoloids. Among Europeans - Indo-Mediterranean. The indigenous population of America is a minority, in comparison with various European anthropological types and population groups of representatives of all three major races.

The Negro-Australoid or Equatorial race includes three minor races of African Negroids(Negroid or Negro, Negril and Bushman) and the same number of oceanic Australoids(Australian or Australoid race, which in some classifications is distinguished as an independent big race, also Melanesian and Vedoid).

The range of the equatorial race is not continuous: it covers most of Africa, Melanesia, Australia, partly Indonesia and New Guinea. The negro small race numerically predominates in Africa, and in the south and north of the continent it is significantly specific gravity has a Caucasian population.

The indigenous population of Australia is a minority relative to emigrants from India and Europe, as well as quite numerous representatives of the Far Eastern race. The South Asian race predominates in Indonesia.

At the level of the aforementioned races, there are also races that occurred as a result of a long mixing of the population of certain regions, for example, the Ural and Lapanoid races, which possess both features of the Mongoloids and Caucasoids, or the Ethiopian race - intermediate between the Caucasoid and Equatorial races.

Thus, now you can figure out by facial features which race this person belongs to.🙂

On planet Earth, there is a huge variety of nationalities, which are characterized by a certain religion, traditions, cultural values. Races are a broader concept, uniting people according to morphological characteristics. They were formed as a result of evolution and socio-historical development of the population. The racial affiliation of a person has always been of interest, anthropology studies its origin, formation, signs.


The etymology of the word "race" appeared from the middle of the 19th century as a result of borrowing from the French language "race", German language"rasse". The further fate of the word is unknown. However, there is a version that the concept comes from the Latin word "generatio", which means "the ability to give birth."

A race is such a system of human populations, which is characterized by similarity in hereditary biological characteristics (external phenotype), which were formed in a certain geographical area.

Morphological features that allow dividing the population into groups include:

  • growth;
  • body type;
  • the structure of the skull, face;
  • skin color, eyes, hair, their structure.

Do not confuse the concepts of nationality, nation and race. The latter may include representatives of different nationalities and cultures.

The significance of races lies in the formation of adaptive features in the population that facilitate existence in a certain territory. The study of groups of people with identical morphological features is carried out by the section of anthropology - racial studies. Science considers the definition, classification, how they appeared, the factors of development and the formation of racial characteristics.

What are the races: the main types and resettlement

Until the 20th century, the number of races in the world was 4, depending on the characteristic features. Large groups united representatives of humanity, while differences in appearance often became the reason why strife and conflicts occurred between peoples.

The main races of people that are on earth, taking into account the territory of settlement, are shown in the table:

There are no Negroids outside the African continent. Australoids are located within a certain range. The percentage of races on earth was distributed according to the following indicators:

  • Asian population - 57%;
  • Europeans (without Russia) - 21%;
  • Americans - 14%;
  • Africans - 8%;
  • Australians - 0.3%.

There are no inhabitants in Antarctica.

Modern classification

After the 20th century, the following classification became widespread, which includes 3 racial types. This phenomenon is due to the unification of the Negroid and Australoid groups into mixed races.

Allocate modern varieties races:

  • large (European, mixture of Asian and Negroid, equatorial race - Australo-Negroid);
  • small ( different types, which were formed from other races).

The racial division includes 2 trunks: western and eastern.

  • Caucasians;
  • negroids;
  • capoids.

The eastern stem includes Americanoids, Australoids and Mongoloids. According to anthropological characteristics, Indians belong to the Americanoid race.

There is no generally accepted classification of division according to various criteria, which is considered direct evidence of the continuity biological processes variability.

Signs of human races

Racial features include many characteristics of the human structure, which are formed under the influence of the hereditary factor and the influence of the environment. External signs Biology studies the human form.

Races have been of interest to specialists since ancient times. Them distinctive features, description, pictures, help to understand the race of a particular person.


Representatives of white people are characterized by a light or swarthy skin tone. The hair is straight or wavy from light to dark in color. In men, hair grows on the face. The shape of the nose is narrow and protruding, the lips are thin. belong to this race.

There are sub-races of the Caucasoid race:

  • southern Caucasian;
  • northern european.

The first type is characterized by dark, and the second - light hair, eyes and skin.

The appearance of a classical European is personified by the Falian race. The Falids are a variety of the Cro-Magnid race, which has undergone Nordic influence. The second name of this subtype is northern Cro-Magnid. They differ from the Nords in low and broad face, low set nose bridge, pronounced red skin tone, steep forehead, short neck and massive torso.

Falids are common in the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Iceland, Germany, the western part of the Baltic states. In Russia, falids are rare.


Australoids include the Veddoids, Polynesians, Ainu, Australians, and Melanisians.

There are several features of the Australoid race:

  • The skull is elongated in relation to other parts of the body - dolichocephaly.
  • The eyes are set wide apart, the incision is wide with a dark or black iris.
  • A wide nose with a pronounced flat bridge of the nose.
  • Body hair is developed.
  • Dark coarse hair, sometimes blond due to a genetic mutation. Hair may be slightly curly or curly.
  • Average height, sometimes above average.
  • Lean and lean physique.

It is difficult to recognize a representative of the Australoid race due to the mixing of different nations.


Mongoloid people have special features that allow them to adapt to difficult climatic conditions: sands and winds in the desert, snow drifts.

The characteristics of the Mongoloid appearance include a number of features:

  • Oblique cut of the eyes.
  • On the inner corner of the eye there is an epicanthus - a fold of skin.
  • Light, dark brown iris.
  • Short-headedness (a feature of the structure of the skull).
  • Thickened, strongly protruding ridges above the eyebrow.
  • Weak hair on the face and body.
  • Dark straight hair with a rigid structure.
  • A narrow nose with a low nose bridge.
  • Narrow lips.
  • Yellow or swarthy skin.

A distinguishing feature is a small growth.

Yellow-skinned Mongoloids predominate in numbers among the population.


The fourth group is characterized by a list of features:

  • Blue-black coloring of the skin due to the increased content of the pigment - melanin.
  • Eyes large form with a wide slit in black or dark brown.
  • Rigid, curly black hair.
  • Short stature.
  • Long hands.
  • Flat, wide nose.
  • Lips are thick.
  • The jaw protrudes forward.
  • Ears are large.

On the face, the hairline is not developed, the beard and mustache are weakly expressed.


For a long period of time, people with white skin were considered representatives of the superior race. On the basis of this, military conflicts were unleashed in the struggle for the first race on earth. Entire peoples were mercilessly exterminated for the right to dominate the planet.

Note some Interesting Facts about the origin of races. The German anthropologist F. Blumenbach considered the most beautiful representatives of the Georgians. There is a special term "Caucasian race", which is considered the most numerous.

Mixing of the blood of representatives is common different groups. For example, mulatto is a term for a mixture of an Asian and a European. A mixture of a Negroid and a Mongoloid race is defined by Sambo, and a Caucasoid and a Mongoloid is a mestizo.

Of interest is the question of which race the Indians belong to - they were formed from the Australoid group.

Races are one of known variety Great Race. In world history, her descendants were called Tyrrhenians.

The appearance of the Rasen is characterized by a number of features:

  • Brown eyes;
  • dark blond or dark brown hair;
  • short stature.

Most often, racens have 2 blood types. Representatives of this race are characterized by steadfastness, strong spirit and rage that contributed high level military readiness.

They act as an East Slavic ethnic group. In terms of numbers, this is the most numerous people on the planet. According to Wikipedia, there are a total of 133 million representatives of Russian nationality.


Deciphering racism: "Discrimination against people on the basis of ethnic origin, skin color, culture, citizenship, religion and mother tongue."

The term refers to reactionary ideology and politics, which is aimed at the justified exploitation of people.

Racism flourished in the middle of the 19th century in America and England, Germany and France. It was this that served as ideological support for the slave trade, the seizure of land by colonies in Oceania, Australia, Asia, Africa, and America.

Racists adhere to the ideology that there is a certain connection between mental, intellectual, social qualities and physical structure. Higher and lower races were distinguished.

Adherents of the racist ideology believed that initially pure races arose, and later a mixture of peoples formed new ones. Children appeared with combined features appearance.

It is believed that the mestizo is different from its blood parents:

  • attractive appearance;
  • poor adaptation to the conditions of existence;
  • predisposition to genetic diseases;
  • low reproductive function, blocking further mixing of blood;
  • possible homosexual preferences.

The problem of incest is a crisis of self-identification: during military conflicts, it is difficult to determine a person to one citizenship and nationality.

Crossbreeding is constantly observed and as a result, transitional types appear at the boundaries of the ranges, smoothing out the differences.

The mixing of races from the point of view of science is considered as the species unity of people, their relationship and fertility of offspring. However, the problem is the possible disappearance of a small people or a small branch of a large race.

Racism is contrary to the ideals of any human society. It is a global problem for humanity.