How to choose the right air conditioner for an apartment and a house. Working with coolness Which air conditioner is better to take for cooling

Very often, the summer heat annoys the residents of houses and apartments no less than the winter cold. However, if the heating system has always been considered in our area an indispensable element of any housing, then until recently, no special attention was paid to maintaining optimal coolness at the household level. Air conditioners were seen only as some kind of special luxury, and the prevailing opinion was that it was quite possible to do without them.

However, the situation is changing, and an increasing number of homeowners prefer to spend a certain amount in order to create the most comfortable conditions for themselves and their loved ones. Air conditioners have become a very popular and extremely popular type of product, and their range can even confuse a consumer inexperienced in these matters at first. And this means that many people will find useful information: which air conditioner is better to choose for an apartment rating of popular models, criteria and assessments of choice, what issues require focused attention?

In brief - what should be considered when choosing an air conditioner

To begin with, consider the list of questions to be answered in order to choose the optimal model of air conditioning for an apartment:

  • It is necessary to immediately decide which design scheme will best suit the existing operating conditions - floor, window or split system.
  • The most important parameter of climate technology is its.
  • Features of the planned operation - will the equipment be used only for cooling the air, or is the heating function also necessary.
  • The energy efficiency of the device should be taken into account - the efficiency of its operation depends on this.
  • The noise level of the equipment is important.
  • You have to choose between a conventional type model or an inverter one.
  • Additional functions such as filtration and "improvement" of the conditioned air are of considerable importance.
  • The customer needs to decide if they need additional automated equipment options.
  • And, finally, when choosing such expensive equipment, its class and the rating of the manufacturer are extremely important.

Consider the main criteria for choosing an air conditioner in more detail.

Varieties of household air conditioners

So, the first thing to start with is to decide what type of air conditioner you purchase should be. All models can be divided into two large groups - these are monoblock devices and split systems, consisting of two or more blocks. These groups also have their own division into types, the main criterion of which is already the features of the installation of the air conditioner.

Monoblock air conditioners

To monoblock air conditioners include window and mobile.

  • Window air conditioners not so long ago completely dominated in this area. At present, they are not particularly popular, since this scheme has much more disadvantages than advantages.

The advantages of window air conditioners include their relatively low cost. Another "plus" is that such devices do not require complex installation - it is enough to turn on the power.

split system

But creating such an opening can turn into a serious problem. It is necessary either to violate the integrity of the window, or to cut an opening in the wall - both of which will require quite complex construction operations. With the current widespread use of plastic windows with double-glazed windows, the possibilities for self-installation have become even less - you will have to order a window structure of a special configuration, which will certainly affect its cost.

After installing a window air conditioner, it will be necessary to seal the gaps between the body and the prepared opening - also unnecessary trouble. And, finally, the operation of such air conditioners is quite noisy, since the compressor unit is located in the same monoblock.

Such an air conditioner would be more appropriate for a temporary summer residence of a family in a country house. At the end of the season, it is easy to remove it and take it away for winter storage, and close the opening with a shield for this time.

  • Mobile floor standing monoblocks also have their advantages, but again they will not be the best option for apartment conditions.

Their mobility, by the way, is also very conditional. Such an air conditioner will still be “tied” to the channel made, to which a flexible corrugated sleeve is connected to bring hot air out into the street. It is possible, of course, to organize such an output through a half-open window, but, you see, it is not very reasonable to consider this as a permanent way of air conditioning an apartment. In addition, such devices are quite large and massive, and by themselves, and even in combination with a stretching corrugated pipe, seriously clutter up the room. Plus the noise factor - the compressor is placed directly in the room. Another nuance is the need to monitor the accumulation of condensate in order to prevent overflow of the collection tank.

In a word, this is also an excellent option for temporary conditions of summer residence - it is easy to take such a device with you out of town and install it in any room where air conditioning is required. But for a city apartment, such a solution is still not optimal.

Split systems

Split systems differ in that they consist of at least two blocks. One of them, outdoor, including almost the entire power component, that is, the compressor and the cooling system, is taken outside. Only a block (one or several) of direct air cooling and its distribution throughout the room, with a monitoring and control system, remains in the room. It is immediately clear that the noisiest modules of the system are located outside.

Indoor units can have different designs and purposes:

  • In domestic conditions, wall blocks are most often used. They have, as a rule, a horizontal arrangement, an elongated rectangular shape, with one or another case design - you can choose the best one for the existing or

  • For large apartments, you can choose multi-split system when two are “tied” to one external block, and sometimes even more internal ones.

Interestingly, each of the indoor units can have its own personal settings. Buying a multi-split system is, of course, an expensive pleasure, and installing it with the laying of long communications is not an easy task, but it can still be more profitable than purchasing, installing and operating two or three separate sets of equipment.

  • Indoor unit is well suited for suspended ceilings cassette type. It fits very unobtrusively into modern interiors, and most importantly, it is able to distribute air-conditioned air flows in all directions.

Typically, the dimensions of these indoor units are adapted to the standard dimensions of the elements of suspended cassette ceilings of the "armstrong" type - 600 × 600 mm.

  • An interesting feature is the internal blocks floor-ceiling type. Their design provides the opportunity to vary the way of placement.

Such a block can be installed on a wall near the floor, like a heating convector - in this case, the air flow is directed along the wall. Another option - the unit is mounted horizontally on the ceiling with the direction of the flow of cooled air along its surface.

  • In the domestic conditions of an ordinary apartment, they practically do not find application, but nevertheless systems deserve mention. columned and canal type.

The indoor unit of the duct type system is hidden, and air ducts are laid from it to supply conditioned air to different areas of one spacious room or even to different rooms of the house.

The column-type indoor unit is installed in large areas in order to distribute the cooled air as evenly as possible throughout the entire volume.

Every year you probably languish in the summer heat, and if there is no air conditioning in your home or office yet, it's time to admit that this is the most effective solution to the problem. The fan is far from being as efficient, but the air conditioner will create ideal conditions for a quiet work or rest in the room.

In the next section, we will talk about the important characteristics of air conditioners that you should consider when choosing, and at the end of the article we will talk about several models worthy of your attention that you can buy from sellers in our catalog.

Key features to look out for


Air conditioners are highly complex devices that often run for many hours without interruption. This means that they must be not only functional, but also very reliable, because repairs can cost a pretty penny. It is believed that the most reliable models are manufactured by Japanese companies Mitsubishi and Daikin. Shivaki, Panasonic, Toshiba, Fujitsu, Electrolux, Hitachi and Sharp air conditioners are also considered very reliable. Korean LG and Samsung do not differ in increased reliability - naturally, individual models may be an exception.

All air conditioners are divided into three main types: monoblocks, split systems and multi-split systems.

Monoblocks consist of one housing, which houses both the electronics and the compressor system. They are inexpensive, very easy to use and can be installed either directly on the floor or in a window. Unfortunately, with all this, monoblocks are quite noisy - you won’t be able to sleep with such an air conditioner in the same room.

Split systems consist of an outdoor unit, which is mounted outside the premises on the outer wall of the house, and an indoor unit, which is placed on the inner wall. They are much less noisy, but noticeably more expensive than monoblocks. In addition, the need to lay communications inside the walls (pipes, electrical cables) requires professional installation, which will also cost a certain amount (depending on the specific conditions in your home or office).

Multisplit systems instead of one indoor unit, they have several units that need to be used to cool the air in several neighboring rooms at once. They are suitable for multi-room apartments and offices.

Indoor unit type

In home and office conditions, in the vast majority of cases, either monoblocks with mobile or window indoor units, or split systems with wall-mounted indoor units are used.

Mobile monoblocks move around the room on wheels - the only requirement for their installation is a tube for the removal of hot air, which must be led to a window or a hole in the wall.

Window monoblocks are quite easy to install directly into the window, but interfere with the installation of blinds. In addition, they are just as loud as mobile all-in-ones.

Wall-mounted indoor units of split systems can be installed in almost any convenient place in the room, where they will not interfere with the people inside. The possibilities for their installation depend on the specific room, its walls and the model of the air conditioner (in particular, the maximum length of communications).

Operating modes

Most modern air conditioners can both cool and heat the air in the room. The second mode usually consumes a little more power. It is worth noting that at temperatures below -5 Celsius it is better to rely on a separate heater - most air conditioners are not designed for serious heating.

Maximum area covered

This parameter directly depends on the power of the air conditioner. Be sure to check that the model you choose will be able to effectively cool the room in which it will be installed. A difference of 1-5 m2 will not be too noticeable, but no more.

Inverter power control

The presence of an inverter allows the electronics of the air conditioner not to turn off and turn on the compressor, depending on the ambient temperature reached, but to smoothly change its power. This directly affects the reliability and service life of the model, as well as the noise level during its operation. It is best to choose exactly models with inverters.

Maintained temperature

This parameter specifies the minimum and maximum room temperature that a particular model can maintain. In most cases, this is not too important - almost all air conditioners are able to cool the room so that the average person will be too cold.

Minimum operating temperature

An important parameter for residents of countries where the air temperature varies greatly throughout the year. If you plan to use your air conditioner in the winter, make sure that it will work properly in the cold. Most often, the minimum temperature is -10 or -15 degrees Celsius.

Noise level of the indoor unit

One of the most important characteristics of any air conditioner that will be used at home. The best models of split systems in the minimum noisy mode work quietly enough so that you can comfortably sleep in the same room with them - from 17 to ~ 20 dB. It is worth noting that in this mode they can only keep cool - cooling a room from a high temperature in night mode, especially if it is quite spacious, in most cases will be very, very slow.

Fine air filters

The presence of such filters makes the air conditioner also a good air purifier that traps microparticles, pollen and microorganisms. It is important to understand that these filters will have to be replaced at a frequency of 6 months to 2 years.

Deodorizing filter

Air conditioners with such a filter purify the air in the room from unpleasant odors and tobacco smoke. This is usually not very useful at home, but in some cases (for example, if you live near a farm), such a filter is indispensable.

Plasma filter

A very effective type of filter that does an excellent job of cleaning the air from microparticles, dust, odors, smoke, and so on. It is not necessary to change such a filter - the particles are retained by a powerful electric field.

Anion generator

The presence of such a generator allows the air conditioner to fill the air with negatively charged particles and additionally act as an ionizer. Anions have a positive effect on sleep and general well-being of a person.

Anti-ice system

If you are going to use the air conditioner in the winter, then it simply must be equipped with such a system. Low temperatures in our area are not at all uncommon, and the system against the formation of ice will allow the external unit of the air conditioner to work normally in almost any conditions (however, you should not neglect the minimum operating temperature that we talked about above).

Maximum communication length

An important parameter for those who want to install the indoor unit of the split system quite far from the external one. Before buying and installing, be sure to make sure that the communications (pipes and electrical cable) will “get” from one unit to another.


Most air conditioners are equipped with remote controls, and the most modern models can also be controlled using mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) via Wi-Fi and a special application. It is worth noting that monoblocks quite often have only control buttons on the case and do not provide for the use of remote controls.

It is human nature to protect oneself from the vagaries of the weather, which constantly brings some surprises. One of the ways to always maintain your own special microclimate in the apartment is a household air conditioner. Manufacturers offer many models of such devices. Therefore, the question of how to choose an air conditioner for your home is by no means an idle one. In the article we will try to answer it.

Which type is better?

Answers to the question of how to choose an air conditioner for an apartment of 20 sq. m or, say, 40 sq. m, of course, will be different. Household devices for air circulation differ in several ways:

  • type;
  • place of installation;
  • principle of action;
  • power;
  • the presence or absence of additional features.

Room air conditioners - how to choose the type?

Household units designed to make the air in your apartment cleaner and fresher are of several types:

  • monoblocks;
  • split systems;
  • multi-split systems.

Let us now deal with each type in more detail in order to clearly imagine the whole picture.

Monoblock units

Their distinguishing feature is that the refrigeration unit is built into the housing. In turn, the refrigeration machine consists of several elements:

  • compressor;
  • condenser;
  • evaporator.

In addition to the refrigeration unit, there are other elements in the monoblock case, without which the system simply will not work:

  • fan;
  • air filter;
  • Control block;
  • drainage pump (for some models).

The monoblock system works in the same way as other air conditioners:

  1. Air is sucked in from the street.
  2. The heat exchanger and compressor are cooled by the fan.
  3. Hot air is expelled outside.

Important! A monoblock air conditioner can also work as a conventional fan, in which case the air from the street is not taken in and does not return there.

What are monoblocks?

Having studied the catalog of any company supplying air conditioners to the market, you will see that monoblock devices are also different. They are divided into several types:

  • evaporative;
  • mobile;
  • window.


Window units are relatively rare for sale - they are almost out of use and remain mostly where they were put a long time ago. These are reliable, simple and durable systems, and they are also very cheap.

Important! They have one serious drawback - they do not always peacefully coexist with modern double-glazed windows.


Mobile monoblocks are good because they can be placed in different rooms, moved and even taken to the country. No installation difficulties, ease of use - these are their main advantages. True, such devices are more seasonal than stationary.


In urban apartments, evaporative monoblock air conditioners are most widely used. There are many reasons for this:

  1. Outside, no one will notice that the apartment has air conditioning - there is no box on the facade.
  2. The evaporative monoblock can be installed even where a magnificent and very expensive repair has already been made - no alterations are required.
  3. No approvals from architects and utilities are required.
  4. Very easy to install and almost impossible to install incorrectly.
  5. There are no drainage and freon channels.
  6. It is easy to choose a model that will also become an interior decoration.

Let's talk about split systems

If you are thinking about how to choose an air conditioner for a room, pay attention to split systems. They are becoming more and more widespread, especially when it comes to private houses and spacious apartments. However, owners of premises of a relatively small area can also pick up something suitable.

Split systems are divided into several types, depending on the design features and installation location:

  • ceiling;
  • floor and ceiling;
  • wall;
  • channel;
  • cassette;
  • columned.

Important! Ceiling systems in houses are rarely installed; they are intended for workshops. The wall-mounted option is considered the best for the house. It is also suitable for small spaces. All the rest belong to the category of semi-industrial, that is, they are designed either for very spacious houses or for small enterprises.

That he has?

The design of all these units is similar. Split systems differ from monoblock devices in that they have not one unit, but two:

  • external;
  • interior.

External, as the name implies, is placed outside the room. This is to some extent good - it is he who makes quite a lot of noise. It is connected to the inside with copper pipes and wire. Freon flows through the tubes, due to which cooling is performed.

Sensors and control

Modern split systems are quite complex devices, they are equipped with many elements:

  • liquid crystal monitors;
  • timers:
  • various sensors;
  • touch controls.

Important! Split systems are more expensive than monoblocks. In addition, their installation in apartment buildings requires coordination, and the installation itself is rather complicated and expensive.


How to choose an air conditioner for a house by area? First of all, you need to evaluate the power. The larger the room, the more powerful the unit should be. You need to do some simple calculations. For an area of ​​10 sq. m requires an output power of 1 kW. This is the main point, but there are additional considerations that are usually taken into account when choosing:

  • floor;
  • location of rooms;
  • wall material;
  • window area;
  • the presence of other electrical appliances.

Roof and side of the world

The floor itself is not that important - you need to consider how close the apartment is to the roof. Even if the thermal insulation of the roof is made with high quality, proximity to it increases the heat exchange between the room and the street.

Important! Rooms with windows facing north or a permanently shaded courtyard require less air conditioning than sunny rooms that receive unhindered sunlight.

Windows and appliances

A room with small windows needs a more powerful cooling system than one with large windows. True, windows affect power less than the presence or absence of electrical appliances. Indoors can stand and work at the same time:

  • TV set;
  • a computer;
  • music Center;
  • washing machine;
  • Dishwasher;
  • oven;
  • other appliances.

In this case, an increase in the operating power of the air conditioner by an average of 1 kW is required. If normally only one device is running, an addition of 0.5 kW will suffice.

Important! Power consumption and working power are different things, they should not be confused.

What is your goal?

Before choosing an air conditioner for your home, decide what exactly you want:

  • provide heating and cooling of the air in the room without ventilation;
  • provide not only heating and cooling, but also the exchange of air masses.

Usually buyers prefer the second option, which means that you need to pay special attention to channel devices.

Reading the certificate

Any manufacturer always indicates the technical parameters of the equipment that he supplies to the market. The documentation is always clear and understandable. But a potential buyer must take into account that all the characteristics are given for the operation of the device when all windows are closed in the room. So it must be taken into account that if you turn on the air conditioner and open the windows at the same time, the unit will need more energy.

But if the house has forced ventilation, no increase in power consumption is needed. These systems coexist perfectly with air conditioners and work successfully simultaneously. However, if you buy a unit with automatic power control, there will be no problems even when the windows are open. The device will automatically switch to the desired mode. Such systems are called inverter - they are reliably protected from overloads.

Additional functions

The more expensive the model, the more various additional functions it has. And here you need to look very carefully whether you are going to use everything that a caring manufacturer offers, or whether you will never need all this.

Elite-class air conditioners can, among other things:

  • maintain the required humidity;
  • provide additional purification of air masses;
  • regulate the room temperature.

Budget models, as a rule, perform only their main purpose. When choosing, you also need to focus on the personal preferences of family members:

  1. How annoying is the noise?
  2. Are you looking to save energy?
  3. Are you going to use the unit at home all the time or are you planning to transport it to the country in the summer?

Important! If noise annoys you, choose a quiet split system, they are on sale. For those who are inclined to save money, an inverter device is suitable, and for those who do not want to part with the unit even in summer, a mobile air conditioner.


So, you figured out the design and types of devices. Now you can find something suitable for your apartment:

  1. Estimate the area of ​​the room, taking into account the fact that there should be a free space of at least two meters in each direction near the air conditioner.
  2. If you like a split system, see if you can position the indoor unit so that there is a gap of 10 cm between it and the ceiling.
  3. See if the outdoor unit can be placed near the middle of the window opening.
  4. Please note that the length of communications connecting the blocks should not exceed 6 m.

Important! Everything you need to know about connecting the air conditioner - choosing a place for mounting the indoor and outdoor units, installation, possible errors and other useful information, you will find in our article.

We compare the required power with the ratings

Manufacturers of air conditioners, of course, cannot take into account that someone has a room of 25 square meters. m, and someone has 22 or 26. They provide rated power, and the buyer himself decides which one is suitable for his conditions.

Important! Incorrect calculations can lead to unpleasant consequences. If the power is lower than that required by the area, the unit will constantly overheat and quickly fail. At higher power, the air conditioner absorbs much more energy than required.

Don't be afraid to round. For example, if your room is less than 20 sq. m, two kilowatts will be enough for you, and if there are factors that require it to be increased, then two and a half, but no more. But for a room of 10 square meters. m you need a device that gives no more than 1.5 kW, and preferably 1 kW.

What else to pay attention to?

Why is it better to buy household appliances from a reputable manufacturer? Among other things, this approach will cause fewer repair problems. The more reputable the company, the more likely it is that you will find both a service center and a company store nearby where you can buy failed components. Be sure to ask where it will be possible to repair the device if such a need arises. In addition, it is useful to know about the warranty period.

When buying, also pay attention to additional amenities:

  • is there a remote control system;
  • number of modes;
  • on and off timers;
  • quality and type of filters.

Important! Owners of air conditioners should be aware that this technique needs to be cleaned periodically. How often to carry out this procedure? Why is this needed? You will find answers to these many other questions in our separate post.


Navigating the sea of ​​home appliances for air cooling is not so easy. These products are supplied by many and many firms - both well-known and not very well-known. Best proven in the market of air conditioners:

  • mitsubishi electric,
  • Toshiba;
  • Electrolux;
  • Samsung;
  • Panasonic.

Important! The buyer, of course, should be aware that the production of these companies are located in various countries - India, Thailand, Malaysia. But at the same time, all standards are observed, so you can not pay much attention to where exactly the device you like is made.

Different companies produce products of different categories, you need to pay attention to this. There are only three categories.

First category

  • Daikin;
  • Mitsubishi Electric;
  • carrier;
  • hitachi.

These are elite devices, durable and high-quality, but they are more expensive than others. They have reliable protection against errors in operation, there are self-diagnostic systems and many additional functions.

Important! As a rule, expensive models have very modest dimensions and make very little noise.

Middle class

  • Toshiba;
  • Electrolux;
  • Panasonic;
  • Gree;
  • Zanussi;
  • Hyundai.

These are good reliable devices, almost as good as the elite ones in terms of quality. Maybe they only have fewer additional functions, but they are much cheaper.

Important! The system of protection against misuse is not so impressive, but it is usually enough.

Budget models

  • Samsung;
  • ballu;
  • general;
  • Dantex;
  • General Climate.

Third-class models can vary greatly in quality - among them you will find air conditioners that are almost in no way inferior to elite ones, but it is easy to stumble upon those that will last a very short time. There are more defective products than among models of other classes.

Important! Protection against misuse is weak or non-existent. In addition, the noise from these devices is much greater.


Consider all of the above factors in combination to choose an air conditioner for a room of 20 sq. m or any other area. If you miss something, the result may not satisfy you in the end or cause serious problems with the operation of expensive equipment.

They are used to cool the air and maintain the optimum temperature in various types of premises: apartments, houses, server rooms and industrial rooms.

When choosing designs, pay attention to the number of operating modes, functionality, and the level of sound insulation of devices. Be sure to check the contents of the product.

  • Pay attention to the type of floor air conditioner: with or without air duct. The former provide high-quality air filtration, but they are not as transportable as mobile products without an air duct.
  • Be sure to look at the power of the device. For cooling 10 sq. m. of the room will need 1 kW of power.
  • Take a look at the recommended working area. For use in an apartment or house, cooling of 25-30 sq. m. For industrial and server rooms, these figures should be much higher (45-60 sq. m).
  • The best devices are equipped with automatic mode change, timer, filtration system. Models operating in three to four modes are considered functional: ventilation, cooling, heating, dehumidification.

Look at the declared noise level, because floor-standing devices have low sound insulation. Noise up to 50 dB should not cause inconvenience and annoyance.

This indicator also depends on the dimensions of the device. Before buying, be sure to test the product for noise level.

  • Pay attention to air exchange indicators. The higher this characteristic, the faster the air will cool. The average figure is 300 m 3 per hour.
  • Buy products with a special tank for collecting condensate. Modern devices are often equipped with an automatic evaporation system.

  • Weight of portable devices - up to 30 kg. Such products are transportable, easily move around the room.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the technical reliability of the device. Among the protection functions are freon leakage control, filter status, automatic defrosting, protection against current and low temperatures. Devices must be stable and reliable.
  • Look at the complete set of goods, the presence of a warranty card, maintenance instructions. Be sure to check all parts, fasteners and accessories. Buy products from trusted manufacturers.

  • Pay attention to whether the device is in automatic mode. This allows you to maintain the set parameters of temperature and humidity in the room.
  • The device must be equipped with a temperature control function.
  • An important function is the fan speed control.
  • Pay attention to the direction of air flow, choose devices with the possibility of vertical and horizontal air direction.
  • See if the product is equipped with a timer. With this function, you can set the time for automatic turning on and off of the air conditioner.
  • Night mode operation allows you to set the minimum fan speed.
  • The restart function allows the device to turn on after a power failure.

  • Choose the color and shape of the air conditioner according to your own preferences. Most often, light devices are produced, they look more organic in design.
  • It is desirable that the design of the device matches the furniture ensemble of the room.

Inverter floor air conditioner

Mitsubishi Electric Inverter MFZ-KJ50VE2 Designed for rooms where wall-mounted appliances cannot be placed. The product is compact and lightweight, the visible depth of the block can be reduced by 145 mm. The model is equipped with a nanoplatinum filter and a bactericidal silver insert.

A product with a 24-hour timer, the ability to automatically change modes, control via the Internet, self-diagnosis. Convenient remote control, stylish design of the device.


  • modes (cooling, heating);
  • power - 5-6 kW;
  • noise level - 27-44 dB;
  • dimensions - 840 by 330 by 880 mm;
  • working area - 50 m 2;
  • airflow - 646 cu. m/hour;
  • functions (automatic operation, timer, remote control).


  • compactness, lightness;
  • stylish and elegant design;
  • functionality;
  • air supply in two directions;
  • automatic mode change;
  • convenient remote control.


  • cheap device.

Powerful floor air conditioner

Slogger SL-2000 effectively cools a room from 50 sq. m. The device moisturizes and ionizes the air, creates a favorable microclimate.

The model is economical and functional, the air conditioner is mobile, so it is easy to move it. It features a capacious water tank - 30 liters.


  • air consumption - 2000 m 3 / hour;
  • weight - 15 kg;
  • serviced area - 65 sq. m;
  • number of speeds - 3;
  • water tank capacity - 30 liters;
  • mechanical control;
  • dimensions - 350x1150x420 mm;
  • functions (timer, aqua filter, ionizer).


  • economy, high efficiency;
  • precise regulation;
  • equipment with an aqua filter;
  • compact size, light weight;
  • quality equipment;
  • large working area.


  • inferior to other devices in control.

Small floor air conditioner

Electrolux EACM-10AG with exclusive design and original appearance. The device with the function of air purification provides an even distribution of air flow in the room. The conditioner works in three modes: ventilation, cooling, automatic.

The innovative remote control is integrated into the body of the device. The design is equipped with an electronic thermostat, three-speed and a timer.


  • power - 2.93 kW;
  • working area - up to 15 m 2;
  • electronic control;
  • modes: ventilation, cooling, automatic;
  • airflow - 4.67 cu. m/min;
  • noise level - 45 dB;
  • functions (automatic condensate removal, anion generator, setting memory);
  • dimensions - 43.6 by 79.7 by 39 cm;
  • weight - 28.3 kg.


  • innovative remote control;
  • functionality;
  • low noise level;
  • equipment with an air filtration system;
  • compact dimensions, portability.


  • short power cord;
  • small working area.

Floor air conditioner without duct

Midea Cyclone CN-85 P09CN Designed for installation in offices and residential areas. The device is functional, effectively cools, heats and ventilates. The built-in ion filter reliably cleans the air from polluting particles.

The device is equipped with a timer and a remote control with which you can set the necessary parameters, time and mode of operation. The downside of the product is the lack of a tank for collecting condensate.


  • working area - 25 m 2;
  • air exchange - 400 m3 / hour;
  • power - 2.6 kW;
  • noise of work - 50 dB;
  • weight - 30 kg;
  • dimensions - 950 by 1070 by 290 mm;
  • functions (filtering, timer, autosave settings).


  • fast air exchange;
  • compactness, mobility;
  • transportable design;
  • changing operating parameters, setting the required mode;
  • thorough air filtration;
  • functionality.


Floor air conditioner with heating

Saturn ST-09CPH with convenient and simple touch control, good condensate drainage system, elastic outlet hose. The model provides high-quality work in three operating modes.

The device heats medium-sized rooms - 30 square meters. m. The air conditioner is small in weight, functional. Air purification occurs with the help of a special antibacterial filter.


  • working area - 30 sq. m;
  • dimensions - 500 by 460 by 865 mm;
  • cooling and heating power - 2.5 kW;
  • electrical control via digital display;
  • weight - 30 kg;
  • functions (automatic evaporation of condensate, automatic diagnostics);
  • equipment (air conditioner, manual, control panel).


  • equipped with an automatic condensate drain;
  • convenient fastening of the air duct;
  • automatic diagnostics of work;
  • simple touch control;
  • functionality;
  • compactness, portability.


  • low sound insulation.

Mobile floor air conditioner

Ballu BPAM-09H suitable for use in apartments, cottages, shops. The device operates in three modes, heats an area up to 23 square meters. m. The device is portable, mobile, does not take up much space in space.

Features a comfortable and practical package. Reversible model: To switch from cooling mode to heating mode, the air duct and the air grille must be reversed. The weight of the structure is small, easy to transport.


  • power characteristic - 2.6 kW;
  • mechanical control;
  • 3 operating modes (ventilation, cooling, dehumidification);
  • recommended area - up to 23 sq. m;
  • noise effect - 53 dB;
  • weight - 27 kg;
  • dimensions - 64 by 51 by 30 cm;
  • functions (power on indication, filtering);
  • kit (wheels, condensate tank, flexible hose);
  • color - silver.


  • technical reliability;
  • compactness, portability;
  • functionality;
  • removal of condensate;
  • rapid cooling of small rooms;
  • comfortable and practical equipment.


  • there is no option to set the temperature.

Floor standing air conditioner with humidifier

Honeywell CHS071AE Effectively cools a room up to 15 sq. m. The device is intended for use in apartments, houses, kindergartens, schools.

The device not only heats or cools the air, but also provides good filtration, so the risk of diseases is reduced, and a pleasant microclimate is established in the room. High noise isolation, compactness.


  • working area - 15 m 2;
  • cooled air volume – 300 m3/h;
  • cooling power - 50 W, heating - 1200 W;
  • noise level - 20-29 dB;
  • dimensions - 24 by 39 by 65 cm;
  • weight - 5.9 kg;
  • functions (timer, filtering).


  • air purification from dust, allergens;
  • provides a favorable microclimate;
  • small dimensions, transportability;
  • high level of sound insulation;
  • reducing the occurrence of respiratory diseases.


  • there is no separate air cooling mode.

Quiet floor air conditioner

Zanussi ZACM-14 VT/N1 Vitorrio with high power and performance provides comfortable living conditions and maintains an optimal temperature. The device cools the area of ​​25-36 sq. m. The air conditioner operates in three modes, providing excellent sound insulation.

Convenient control with a remote control. The design weighs 31 kg, so it is easy to transport. The device operates in three modes: cooling, dehumidification and ventilation.


  • working area - 25-36 sq. m;
  • power - 4.1 kW;
  • air exchange - 300 m3 / hour;
  • noise level - 47 dB;
  • dimensions - 475 × 405 × 747 mm;
  • weight - 31 kg;
  • 3 operating modes (cooling, drying, ventilation);
  • functions (timer, automatic evaporation of condensate, remote control);
  • White color.


  • high energy efficiency;
  • the ability to adjust the air flow;
  • modern and stylish design;
  • functionality;
  • transportability, reliability;
  • compactness, mobility;
  • convenient remote control with a remote control.


  • a small air outlet.

Floor air conditioner for home

Compact BORK Y502, so it can be placed under or near the windowsill, take it with you to the office or to the country. At temperatures above 25 degrees, the device operates in cooling mode. When the temperature drops, the device switches to ventilation mode.

At the same time, air circulation occurs without cooling, which contributes to efficient operation and energy savings. The product with a convenient remote control operates in two modes. The design is small in size, weighs a little, transportable.


  • the design weighs 27 kg;
  • dimensions - 460 by 540 by 450 mm;
  • touch and remote control;
  • 2 operating modes (cooling, ventilation);
  • sound effect - 50 dB;
  • ventilation - 260 m3 per hour;
  • power - 1 kV;
  • working area - 25 sq. m;
  • equipment (air duct, remote control, drain hose, batteries, accessories for the hood);
  • color - silver-black.


  • mobility, compactness;
  • possibility of remote control;
  • air filter equipment;
  • practical equipment;
  • stylish and ergonomic design.


  • the noise level is exceeded.

Floor air conditioner with ionizer

Dantex RK-09PNM-R with an ionizer creates a favorable atmosphere in the house, provides high-quality air filtration. The appliance saves energy.

The kit includes an air duct, a set of fasteners for installing the device in a vertical and horizontal position. There is no condensate collection tank in the design.

The device is compact, effectively cools the area up to 25 square meters. m. Noise of work within the permissible limits.


  • power - 2.63 kW;
  • dimensions - 430 by 720 by 320 mm.
  • air consumption - 377-422 cubic meters. m per hour;
  • noise level - 50-56 dB;
  • remote control type;
  • working area - up to 25 sq. m;
  • equipment (compressor, hose, remote control).


  • good sound insulation;
  • elegant and stylish design;
  • convenient remote control;
  • functionality;
  • low noise level;
  • night work.


  • no condensate tank.

Air conditioning and cooling systems have long ceased to be a luxury, having become a real vital necessity. Modern designs allow not only to reduce the air temperature in the room, but also to adjust the level of humidity, filter, getting rid of unpleasant odors. Some designs can act as a heater.

10. Wall split system General Climate GC/GU-A09HR

The device is part of the latest line of not only compact, but also efficient split systems for domestic use, it is also equipped with a digital liquid crystal display. The indoor unit is produced in standard white color. The dimensions are insignificant, all the lines are smooth, due to which the device will successfully fit even into a limited space. It can become an additional decoration of the interior and provide a comfortable microclimate in the room during the hot season. The user is able to independently set all the necessary settings - this is done using the remote control, there is also an automatic mode when the system itself selects all the required parameters.

The split system is distinguished by the presence of air ionization technology, which not only refreshes, but also disinfects the air in the room. Negatively charged particles emitted by the air conditioner can improve the functioning of the lungs, stimulate blood circulation, and protect the human body from respiratory diseases. In automatic mode, the outlet louvers move up and down evenly to distribute cool air evenly throughout the room. There is also a forced "Turbo" mode, in which the air conditioner will work for some time at the limit of its capabilities, so a comfortable temperature will be created within just a few minutes. The device has a system of carbon filters, which is able to eliminate all unpleasant odors in the room, and the filters do not have to be changed throughout the life of the air conditioner.


  • Works pretty quietly;
  • Precisely maintains the set temperature;
  • The outdoor unit is also very well assembled;
  • Long service life;
  • There is a system of filters and ionization.


  • Not very clear instructions - it is difficult to understand the operating modes.

Evenly distributes the air flow throughout the room at a very wide angle. The design independently searches for errors in the system and issues them if necessary. The device is economical. It can pass through itself up to 6.2 cubic meters of air per minute. Perfect for installation in the bedroom, as it makes almost no noise.

It has enough power to cool a room up to 20 square meters. The filter system will easily retain dust and pathogenic bacteria. Comes with a remote control. The case is made of high-quality plastic, the assembly is reliable, there are no backlashes even after a long service life. At an outside temperature of -5 and above, the air conditioner can be used as a heater. If necessary, the user has the ability to adjust the fan speed.


  • A comfortable temperature is reached quickly;
  • Soft backlight;
  • The presence of a curtain that regulates the flow of cooled air;
  • Easy to operate;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • Works very quietly.


  • Short power cable.

This is one of the best air conditioners for an apartment. The design works reliably, has a number of useful functions, a high level of electrical safety, and consumes almost no electricity. Well suited not only for an apartment, but also for an office or a small retail space. The design has a large number of filters that purify the air, it is possible to eliminate unpleasant odors.

Inverter control. The modes switch automatically, the air conditioner makes almost no noise during operation, and, if necessary, reduces air humidity. One of the design features is the presence of a motion sensor that starts the device when someone enters the room. The choice of functions is made from the remote control, there is a timer. The design independently conducts diagnostics of its condition.


  • Well maintains the set temperature;
  • Filters the air;
  • Very convenient control panel;
  • There is a humidity control sensor;
  • For domestic use, operating modes are quite enough;
  • Beautiful design.


  • The high cost of the product;
  • Expensive installation, especially from official specialists - if you do not use it, then the warranty period is reduced from three years to one year.

7. Split system Ballu BSAG-12HN1_17Y

A very stylish and easy-to-use system that combines modern design solutions and an extended set of features. With this device, you can adjust the air flow, which changes in four directions at once. The original Cold Plasma function is used here, which is responsible for ionizing and filtering the air in the room, making it as useful as in the forest. A long period of operation and reliability of the device is ensured by a protective coating on the Golden Fin heat exchange element. This technology prevents the oxidation of aluminum parts of the radiator, and also prevents them from being exposed to various types of aggressive environments. The control principle here is very simple, so the product has a long service life. In the manufacture, only components of the highest quality are used, which are able to guarantee stable operation of the device during the entire period of use.

A split system can work for air heating if the ambient temperature outside the building is not lower than -15 degrees. The device works very quietly - at the highest power level, it emits no more than 21 dB. There is a hot start function, when the product immediately after switching on starts to produce the set temperature. The timer which can be programmed on a daily cycle of work is provided.


  • There are many modes of operation;
  • The direction of the air flow is adjustable if necessary;
  • High quality filter system;
  • There is an automatic cleaning function of the indoor unit;
  • Works economically even when using turbo mode.


  • When setting the timer, you will have to understand for a long time how it works.

It is an inverter-type wall-mounted split system that allows for filtering, cooling and heating indoor air. When cooling, the power of the device is 2.05 kW, when the heating mode is activated, the figure increases to 2.80 kW. The timer is double, there is a system of very comfortable curtains that will distribute the cooled air masses well throughout the room. The design has two built-in motion sensors - Econavi and AutoComfort.

The air conditioner is equipped with a filter system that not only removes excess dust from the room, but also eliminates all extraneous odors. The device consumes a minimum amount of electricity. Another advantage is the presence of an anion generator that will ionize the air. There is a convenient mode of accelerated cooling or heating, if necessary, you can remove excess moisture from the air.

On the body is a liquid crystal display, characterized by good brightness, a convenient remote control is included. It passes over 12 cubic meters of air per minute.


  • Works very quietly;
  • High power;
  • Humidity adjustment;
  • Possibility of air filtration;
  • Low power consumption;
  • Low cost.


  • the build quality is not too high, there are backlashes, over time the case begins to creak.

The air conditioner is based on inverter technology, which provides low energy consumption, largely due to the high level of seasonal energy efficiency SEER A ++. This is one of the best models in its price range, as it not only cools the air with high quality, but also does it almost silently. The power control employs 180-degree AC technology to improve system reliability and stability. Temperature accuracy is maximum regardless of the operating mode - for cooling or heating air. The split system has a filter element equipped with silver ions. It kills bacteria or reduces their activity. The silver element constantly releases negatively charged ions, which not only freshen the air, but also help fight pathogens.

In order to protect the device from overheating and to save energy, the device automatically turns off after 10 hours of continuous use. There is also a self-diagnostic function for the device. It consists of more than 20 types of checks, which helps to reliably protect the model from external influences and check the current state of the product. When using the automatic mode of operation, the air conditioner independently chooses how it should function - for heating or cooling, in this case the user only needs to set the required temperature.


  • Decent power allows the device to work effectively in a room up to 30 square meters;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • Compact overall dimensions;
  • Low power consumption;
  • Able to work even at very low temperatures outside the window;
  • Long service life.


  • Quite expensive.

This is one of the best air conditioners designed specifically for residential premises - apartments or houses. The appearance is very beautiful - it combines smooth lines and high build quality. The case is made of reliable impact-resistant plastic, there are no backlashes, they do not occur even after prolonged use of the device. If desired, you can adjust the fan speed - set one of four modes.

The model differs in low power consumption, practically does not make noise in an operating time. The design provides for the presence of an HD filter of increased density, due to which it is much more effective than other models. The indoor unit has a self-cleaning system - there is no mold or an unpleasant smell under the body. The liquid crystal display appears on the panel only when the air conditioner is turned on. The device has a timer, soft dehumidifier.


  • Reliable assembly;
  • Cools the air until the temperature near the remote control is equal to the set one;
  • The indoor unit is almost silent;
  • The outdoor unit is made of stainless steel.


  • When the drying mode is activated, it starts to get very hot;
  • Curtains sometimes get stuck, they have to be corrected manually;
  • The remote control does not have a night mode;
  • Some difficulties in the settings of the operating mode.

This is a pretty good air conditioner, which not only has wide functionality, but also has an attractive appearance. Its design provides for the original AIR GATE filtering system, consisting of carbon filters with a cold plasma generation device. The front panel is covered with an acrylic mirror. It is resistant to scratches, dust is not visible on it, and this plastic will not fade over time.

Can be used for heating, cooling, dehumidification and ventilation. Effective protection against voltage surges is provided, during operation it emits a minimum amount of noise, there is a turbo mode. It practically does not require personal care - it independently defrosts and cleans. There is a possibility of a delayed start.

R410A class freon is used as a coolant, which is absolutely safe for the environment. The blinds are wide and allow a significant volume of air to pass through them - more than 8 cubic meters per minute. There is a liquid crystal display on the panel, a remote control is included, the device consumes little electricity.


  • Very convenient remote control;
  • Attractive appearance of the indoor unit;
  • Works almost silently;
  • Quickly cools the air to the set temperature;
  • Acceptable price.


  • Short power cord;
  • The remote control does not have a backlight;
  • Noisy in night mode
  • The outdoor unit can be heard when the windows are open.

2. Split system Mitsubishi Heavy Industries SRK20ZSPR-S

The model, which is in second place in our ranking of the best air conditioners for the home, has 8 directions of air flow at once. The left and right sides of the dampers can be controlled separately, thereby adjusting the direction of the air flow from different parts of the model. If desired, the user is able to adjust the most preferred direction of the air flow, and in this case it will be possible to minimize energy losses, but keep the efficiency at the same level. In the manufacture of the device, advanced technologies were used, which contributed to the expansion of the temperature range both in cooling and heating modes. Thanks to this approach, the device can be operated in any mode at an ambient temperature below -15 degrees.

The device has a special room temperature sensor, which is combined with a humidity sensor, so you can quickly achieve a comfortable microclimate in the room. An antimicrobial fan is also installed here, which is equipped with an antibacterial layer that easily resists germs and mold. Due to this, it is possible to ensure not only the purity of the air in the room, but also to maintain the system for a long time.


  • High efficiency;
  • Insignificant power consumption;
  • Extended functionality;
  • Can work at very low air temperatures;
  • Does not dry the air, creates a comfortable microclimate in the room.


  • There is no timer.

1. Daikin FTXB20C / RXB20C split system

One of the latest models, which rightfully occupies a leading position in our rating. It combines a large number of the most advanced features and technologies. The motor here is inverter, works reliably and within a few minutes creates a fairly comfortable temperature in the room. During operation, it makes almost no noise - only 21 dB.

Due to the use of an inverter, the main components of the device wear out longer, which prolongs the life of the air conditioner. The filters are dense - they will easily trap not only dust or animal hair, but also microscopic pathogenic bacteria, extraneous odors. The indoor unit also contains a photocatalytic filter that fights harmful microbes. It consumes little electric current, for its installation it is not necessary to lay a separate line from the shield. The buyer can choose one of several options for the external design of the case. The design is strict, the assembly is very high quality, the air conditioner works great in a room up to 35 square meters. Up to ten cubic meters of air can pass through it per minute.


  • Ideal value for money;
  • Virtually no noise
  • It filters the air well, removing large dust, microorganisms and any unpleasant odors from it;
  • Small power consumption;
  • Attractive design;
  • A significant number of operating modes that allow you to achieve a comfortable environment in the room.


  • Not found.

In conclusion, educational videos