How to independently assemble the wardrobe compartment "Basya"? Instructions on how to assemble a sliding wardrobe with your own hands. Photo report and visual video Video: do-it-yourself wardrobe. how to assemble wardrobe

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AT recent times sliding wardrobes are becoming more and more popular. They are compact and convenient for storing all the things you need in everyday life. Behind the sliding door hides not only clothes, but also shoes, accessories and even the necessary Appliances. This allows you to save a lot of space in your room due to rational use every inch of your room.

The sliding wardrobe can be installed not only in the bedroom, but also in the living room or corridor. It does not take up much space, so it can even fit in an apartment. small sizes. All these characteristics are relevant for a simple and inexpensive wardrobe Basya, which will be discussed in this article.

Characteristics and features

This wardrobe is great for those who are on a budget and are looking for an inexpensive wardrobe with compact dimensions. This model costs two or even three times cheaper than its counterparts, but it also looks good and lasts no less. It is available in several basic colors, so you can choose for yourself a cabinet that will perfectly fit into any interior you choose. The closet is spacious enough, so you can fold and hang in it not only things from your basic wardrobe, but also what is on this moment do not wear or use.

The only drawback that almost all buyers note is the difficulty in assembling it. More precisely, the lack of a simple and clear instructions, which explains in detail how and in what sequence to assemble Basya's wardrobe.

How to mount

The easiest way to deal with all the complexities of installing Basya wardrobe is to entrust this process to professionals. But, if you do not want to spend extra money, or are simply used to doing everything yourself, then you can try to mount your furniture on your own.

This process begins with the installation of the frame. All structural details are marked with a special number, which is also indicated on the drawing. The assembly of the wardrobe body begins from the bottom corner. To do this, one of the side walls is attached to the bottom. A parallel wall is installed nearby. The installation is completed by fixing the roof.

When the frame is ready, you can nail the back wall to the base. Chipboard sheets fastened with self-tapping screws. They begin to fix from above and fall down. It is necessary to fix the back wall both from the outside and from the inside. After completing this process, it is advisable to check whether all the parts are evenly fixed - an installation error can significantly reduce the life of the cabinet.

Having fixed the main parts, you can fix individual shelves inside the cabinet. To fix five shelves, you will need self-tapping screws, wood dowels, glue and a drill. Main advice, which is worth remembering when installing shelves - you need to start from the top and move down. When installing shelves, pay attention to the fact that their front edge is in front, and not rough raw edges.

The hardest part is installing the door. sliding mechanism wardrobe doors must be installed so that the door opens and closes well. It depends on how correctly the mechanism is installed, how convenient it will be for you to use the closet. All rollers and fixing elements are included with the main parts. In addition, there is also a mirror for the facade on a film basis. Finally, after all these procedures, close all visible holes with decorative plugs that come with the kit and check the build quality.

Define quality assembly sliding wardrobe Basya can be done in a few simple details. First of all, a well-mounted cabinet stands flat on the floor, without tilting anywhere. There are no gaps or openings in the attachment points. And the compartment door slides smoothly when opening and closing and does not make any extra sounds. Correctly mounted cabinet you can move to the desired area and start filling it with things.

Hello again. Today we will assemble our wardrobe, we will do this according to the instructions below.

So, we took the parts from the cut. We ourselves did not want to glue the edge, so we ordered gluing in the same place, especially since the price of gluing is not so big.

We also bought all the necessary fittings for the cabinet and the necessary fasteners.

The floor turned out to be not quite even, so the cabinet had to be made not on a plinth, but on adjustable legs; accordingly, the detailing was also slightly redone.

The introductory part is over, let's start assembling.

Instructions for assembling the wardrobe

The procedure for assembling the wardrobe will be as follows.

You need to start assembling from the bottom of the cabinet, namely from assembling the base and installing the legs.

We take the part, which is called the bottom, and mark it bottom side for the installation of the base and legs as shown in the diagram below:

The plinth can be fixed to the bottom with the help of mini fixes (eccentrics, rastex - whoever calls it), confirmations or ordinary plastic corners.

Since this will still be an invisible zone, and the cabinet will not stand on the plinth, but on legs, I decided to fix the plinth with plastic corners. I fixed the legs with screws 3.5 * 30.

Only when you screw the legs - do not overdo it (you can twist it, and the sharp part of the screw will come out from the back).

We fasten the four parts of the base to each other with the help of confirmations. For convenience, take yourself an angled clamp. You can use .

Do not twist the corners of the front plinth, as you have to remove it to adjust the legs.

We will fasten the sides to the bottom and roof with minifixes. They are great for fastening perpendicular parts, and they also manage to completely hide the fastener.

If space permits, it is convenient to assemble the sliding wardrobe lying on the front and fasten it with the help of confirmations. But since I didn't have a room free space, I had to assemble it while standing, and use eccentrics (rastexes, minifixes) as fasteners.

At the bottom and on the roof of the cabinet (on the inside) we mark the holes for installing the minifix rod.

Before installing the sidewalls, using a level, the bottom of the wardrobe must be leveled as evenly as possible. Just lean on the level and adjust the legs to the maximum horizontal position.

Now you need to mark the sidewalls, the holes must exactly match the installed rods on the bottom and roof. In the sidewalls, you will need to do two different drillings in two different planes.

The first hole is made under the metal eccentric, which will tighten the stem, it is done during inside sidewalls, with a special cutter 15mm, at a distance from the end edge to the center 34mm (this is if the stem has a total length of 44mm, like mine).

In general, when landing a part on a rod, its head should look out by 6 mm. If you are installing minifixes for the first time, practice better on rough parts, so you will feel more confident when assembling.

The second hole is made at the end of the part, with a 6-6.5 mm drill, strictly in the center (8 mm from the edge).

For a more detailed understanding this step assembly, you can use our materials on .

  • When you have made all the necessary holes, do not rush to immediately install the sidewalls and the roof.
  • To give the structure initial rigidity, immediately assemble the central partition with the upper shelf (we fix it with confirmations).
  • At the next stage, we need to put the sidewalls, the back wall of the console and the assembled T-shaped partition on the lower rods, tighten with eccentrics, and fix the upper shelf to the sidewalls (confirmations). Use an angle clamp for support.
  • Next, we fix the roof, and check the verticality with the help of a level.
  • If everything is fine, to ensure additional rigidity, we install additional shelves with the help of confirmations.
  • Now, with 3.5 * 16 screws we fasten the back wall of the fiberboard. We start with two upper corners, and after perfect alignment, we begin to screw in the screws throughout the box, in increments of 15-20mm. You should also fix the fiberboard to the central partition and the top shelf.

The hardest part of the job is over. We put the cabinet in its place, once again check the position of the cabinet in terms of level and proceed with the installation of shelves, hangers and drawers.

Shelves can be made both rigid (secured with confirmations) and removable (on shelf holders).

In order to have fewer hole plugs on the visible side of the closet, I decided to install the shelves on the shelf supports.

Everything is simple here. On the sidewall we mark desired height, with a 4.5-5 mm drill we do NOT through hole, up to a depth of 8mm and hammer in the shelf holder.

In this article, you can get acquainted with step by step instructions wardrobe assembly and save money on furniture assemblers.

Before assembly, in order not to scratch the cabinet parts or the floor, we recommend covering the floor with the packaging from the cabinet.

Screw the plinth to the bottom of the cabinet. Make sure that the corners are straight, and the indentation from the edge of the bottom is the same along the entire length.

Now we fill the supports-nails.

Assembling the cabinet body

As a rule, sliding wardrobes, like all furniture, are assembled in the lying position of the cabinet. Study carefully the assembly diagram of the wardrobe. Most often, all cabinet parts and accessories have their own designation. It is also important to follow the cabinet assembly sequence indicated in the diagram. Otherwise, it may be necessary to disassemble previously fastened parts and reassemble in the desired sequence.

When assembling a cabinet, it is very often done simple mistake, which is expensive - they confuse the top and bottom of the parts. As a result, sometimes it is necessary to disassemble practically assembled cabinet and reassemble it. Make sure that the holes in vertical rack under fasteners and shelf holders corresponded to the opposite rack.

The cabinet is assembled on minifixes. It is very important until the cabinet body is fully assembled to prevent warping of already screwed parts, as they can simply be broken out.

It is important to tighten the minifixes to the end. Minifixes are always duplicated with a dowel to reinforce the fastening.

Installing the back of the cabinet

When the main parts of the cabinet body are assembled, the cabinet must be turned face down. Better assembly closet, start already with the front part to the floor, so as not to scratch the furniture.

Before fixing the back wall of the fiberboard, which will stiffen the cabinet, you need to make sure that all corners of the wardrobe are 90 degrees. Otherwise, the cabinet will stand crooked, and the doors will not close tightly. To do this, you need to measure the length of the diagonals as indicated in the figure in red. The distance from the corners must be the same. Now you can mount the wall. In order to avoid detachment of fiberboard, as it often happens, the back wall should be fixed not with nails, but with self-tapping screws or long brackets construction stapler. Make sure that the self-tapping screws (staples), having passed the fiberboard, do not go past the end of the chipboard.

We put the cabinet in a vertical position. Better closet lift with an assistant, so as not to harm your health and not to drop the cabinet. Be careful not to touch the chandelier.

Now you can attach the shelf supports and the pipe for hangers. We fix the drawer guides.

It is important that the heads of the self-tapping screws are fully sunk, as they can interfere with the movement of the rollers of the drawers.

For shelf holders, there are often several levels of shelf height.

Now that the sliding wardrobe body is assembled, you can install it in the place where it will stand.

If cabinet supports are provided, which are adjustable in height, set the level of the cabinet. If the supports are not adjustable, as in this cabinet, but the floor is curved, the level can be set by placing a dense material under the plinth. If the cabinet is not level and stable, the doors will not close properly and not tightly.

Installation of sliding wardrobe doors

First we fix the top guide. If there are no holes for self-tapping screws in it, they must be drilled with a drill with a diameter of 4 mm. Two holes on the edges and one in the middle.

The top rail is fixed flush with the edge of the cabinet lid.

We also make three holes in the bottom guide. After drilling a hole for the self-tapping screw, carefully remove the chamfer with a drill larger diameter so that the self-tapping screw is "drowned". Before fixing the lower guide, do not forget to insert two springs into it that fix the door rollers.

When installing doors, first start upper part doors into the upper guides, then insert the lower rollers into the rails.

Now you can adjust the slope of the doors with a hex key. Lastly, the protective film is removed from the door profile and rails. sliding system. We glue a sealing brush on the ends of the doors. If the end where the Brush is glued is touched with hands, the brush sticks worse, since the hands leave fat.

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Step-by-step instructions for assembling a sliding wardrobe

Assembling wardrobe. If you by purchasing closet, decided to save money on furniture assemblers, then this article with detailed instructions and some secrets will help you assemble a closet without the mistakes that beginners usually make. We hope that this article will save you not only time for assembly and disassembly, but also your expensive nerves. Sliding wardrobes have different designs, and how to assemble them may differ slightly. We offer you the most common and common wardrobe, assembly instructions which will help during the assembly of other models.

Wardrobe assembly tool

To assemble the wardrobe, you need a screwdriver, a screwdriver, a set of hex keys, a tape measure, and a clerical knife. Sliding wardrobe with three doors with sliding shelves and a bar for hangers
Cabinet plinth assembly There are two types of wardrobes, in some the plinth is screwed to the body separately, in others the side walls are the base of the plinth and are connected by a longitudinal plank-plinth. This cabinet has a separate base, which is assembled using Minifixes(furniture corners).

The indent should be the same on all sides.
Make sure the corners are 90 degrees. Usually furniture makers use self-tapping screws with a size of 4 * 16. Sometimes the plinth can be screwed a little closer to the front side if you have a wide plinth in the room. We nail the support legs to the base. Sometimes the manufacturer completes the cabinet with adjustable legs, with which the level of the cabinet is adjusted.
Cabinets are assembled for convenience mainly in a lying position, so it is recommended to provide enough space for mounting the cabinet in advance.

Assembling the cabinet body

Follow the enclosed instructions carefully. All parts and fasteners have their own designation. It is very important not to confuse the body parts, which at first glance are the same and may differ by only two or three holes. Otherwise, when the cabinet is almost assembled, you will have to disassemble it again and put the parts in their place. Lay the pieces of the side walls parallel. Important! Be careful not to confuse the top and bottom of the parts, as well as the front side with the back. The front side always has an edge, the back side can have a groove for the back wall made of fiberboard.

This cabinet is also assembled with furniture fasteners Rafix. A part that looks like a minifix, but has a plastic case. We screw the rods from the rafixes into the holes intended for them and tighten them with an eccentric. Be careful until the cabinet body is assembled and installed back wall, all fastenings can be easily break out. Do not skew cabinet parts, keep even corners. Installing the rear wall of the cabinet. After the cabinet body is assembled, the connections are tightened, it is necessary to turn the cabinet over and lay it face down. In order not to scratch the front of the cabinet, it is advisable to put cardboard or a rag under it. You can use cabinet packaging.

Cabinet Diagonal

Before fixing the wall of the cabinet, you need to set the diagonal so that all corners of the cabinet are 90 degrees. To do this, you need to measure the two diagonals of the cabinet with a tape measure. They must be equal in length (See the diagram). Some cabinets do not have a groove for the back wall and it is simply nailed to the end. It is better to use self-tapping screws or a stapler with long hardened staples. Since the wall usually consists of two or more parts, a connecting strip is provided at the junctions. If there is none, then it is better to attach it to internal details stapler, since the thickness of the chipboard body is 16 or 18 mm, when you screw two pieces of fiberboard to it, you only have 9 mm left. stock. It is easy to miss with a self-tapping screw and go past the end of the part, where the back wall is connected and screwed.
Now the cabinet can be placed. Lifting is best done with an assistant. It's easier and safer that way. When the cabinet is installed in its place, you can mount the shelves. For this, either shelf holders, or corners, or rafiks are provided. We screw the rods of the raffixes into the sockets under them and lower the shelf on top of them. It's easier to start the installation with upper shelves.
We fasten the roller guides. Self-tapping screws should not protrude so as not to interfere with the course of the rollers.
Insert into guides assembled crates. They should slide out easily without rubbing. We fasten the flanges for the rod. Usually there is a markup for self-tapping screws. If not, then it is necessary to step back from above 7-10 cm, enough to be able to hang hangers.

Installation of wardrobe doors

Now that the cabinet is almost assembled, it remains to install the doors. It is desirable to pre-adjust the level of the cabinet. Otherwise, the doors will not close tightly.
To install the top rail, you need to drill at least 5 holes for self-tapping screws, two on each side and one in the middle. The guide should be aligned with the edge of the cabinet lid.
To install the lower guide, it is also necessary to drill three holes with a diameter of 4 mm, and chamfer with a larger diameter drill so that the head of the self-tapping screw is flush with the guide. Sliding wardrobe guides different manufacturers require a different indentation of the edge of the cabinet. To simplify the installation, you can simply put the guide on the installation site, and fix it when the doors are installed.
Installing the door in the rails. First, the upper rollers are inserted into the upper guide and raised to the stop, then the lower rollers are inserted.
First, two side doors are inserted into the second track, then the middle door into the first track.
The doors are adjusted with a hex wrench (sometimes with a “cross” screwdriver). When correctly set, the door should fit snugly against both walls of the cabinet.
Now you can glue the sealing brushes. First, the protective film is removed. Attention, after removing the protective film, it is not recommended to touch the place where the brush will be glued with your hands. Oily fingerprints will make the brushes stick worse.