We wash the fat on kitchen cabinets with folk methods. What is the best way to wipe grease from kitchen furniture How to wash old kitchen sets from grease

The owners of glossy kitchens often have a question: how to wash a glossy kitchen set?

Today, the most popular are kitchen sets made of bright and stylish glossy materials. Such a kitchen looks aesthetically pleasing and completely changes the room. Thanks to a variety of colors, even the most capricious person will find the right one for himself. Many people like standard white kitchens, others prefer darker tones, but the reflective abilities of glossy surfaces of any color transform the room, increase the visual volume.

But the owner of such a kitchen should not forget that proper care for it will help to preserve such beauty. The owner of a glossy kitchen must have certain knowledge and follow the conditions for proper care of it. What needs to be done to keep the bright and shiny surfaces of such a kitchen?

A glossy kitchen has a number of advantages.

Gloss, reflecting light, visually enlarges the space of the kitchen. This coating is resistant to fading, so the beautiful appearance remains for a long time. The gloss is resistant to minor damage. Cleaning the headset does not require any particular effort. A glossy surface, regardless of color, can bring something new to your interior.

Glossy Kitchen Care Methods

Users of glossy kitchens recommend purchasing only wall cabinets with a glossy finish. An important role is played by the color of kitchen furniture. On a surface that is black, spots and marks are most visible. Therefore, many are confused by this kitchen set. White color hides all these defects.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to clean glossy facades daily, because the gloss perfectly collects all drops of grease, fingerprints, liquid stains and more. By fighting them, you prolong the time during which you will enjoy the beauty of your kitchen.

So, what are the “enemies” and how to deal with them in order to emerge victorious:

Abundance of moisture. Glossy facades are prohibited from cleaning with a large amount of liquid, since the film that covers the furniture will suffer from moisture penetration. What should be done? Always keep the kitchen dry, clean with a little water. At the stage of ordering a kitchen, you need to consider which places will be most susceptible to excessive moisture and order their production from another material that is not so capricious. For example, the upper facades are made of glossy material, and the lower ones are made of MDF.

Several applications of these compounds will cause irreparable damage to your kitchen. Therefore, it is better to use products specially designed for delicate cleaning of glossy surfaces. They have a liquid base, do not contain a large amount of abrasive agents in their composition.

Important: the main rule is that the surface of kitchen furniture should always be kept dry, otherwise moisture will penetrate into hard-to-reach places, as a result of which the film will peel off a little.


This is the most important question: how to wash a glossy kitchen set, if powders, aggressive substances cannot be used for cleaning?

There are tools and methods that will help you get rid of various stains, stains or traces of something:

In order for a glossy headset to please your eye, you need to follow a certain algorithm of actions:

First, the headset must be cleaned - the spray will handle this.

  1. Then dry the surface with a microfiber cloth.
  2. To enhance the shine, apply polish with wax.

If you carry out these actions regularly, you will be able to extend the life of your kitchen furniture, and you will not have to do a general cleaning afterwards, getting rid of old stains formed from grease. Just do not forget to wipe the headset with a soft cloth or wet wipes after each cooking. After rubbing, the facade will acquire the desired gloss. To maintain it, you just need to wash small grease stains daily.

Important: before using any detergent, it should be tested on an area of ​​kitchen furniture that is almost invisible.

There is no one specific option for caring for a glossy kitchen set. This decision is individual, the owner or hostess decides which detergents to use and how often to wash the furniture.
You can make a mixture consisting of apple cider vinegar and vodka. With this mixture, you can wipe the surface of kitchen furniture constantly, the dirt simply will not have time to accumulate.


The main thing in caring for a glossy kitchen set is the daily elimination of grease stains and marks. We think the tips in this article will help you keep your kitchen in the best possible condition.

Due to cooking, fat accumulates in the kitchen, and fatty deposits form almost everywhere. It is present on household and electrical appliances, tiles and panels, kitchen furniture, sinks and plumbing, ceilings and walls.

The longer the fat accumulates, the thicker and stronger the fat layer becomes, the more difficult it is to wash off the dirt. You can clean a greasy kitchen with special household chemicals or folk remedies.

In this article, we will consider which tool is better to choose. We will learn how to wash grease in the kitchen quickly and efficiently, and how to do it correctly.

Six Ways to Clean Fat in the Kitchen

  1. Special products for cleaning grease in the kitchen. In this case, it is important to choose the right cleaning composition for each material, since each material requires compliance with certain cleaning rules. Use products suitable for this type of product and follow the instructions. Do not exceed the recommended volume and concentration, otherwise the surface will be damaged. During cleaning, wear rubber gloves and open the window or window, after completing the procedure, thoroughly ventilate the room;
  2. Mustard powder is an effective fat dissolver that is used to clean sinks, refrigerators and stoves, kitchen cabinets made of plastic or panels with a protective coating. This method is not suitable for natural wood. Rinse the contaminated area with clean water and sprinkle with mustard powder. Then wipe with a dry cloth, as a result, grease and dirt will remain on the cloth. Remove the remnants of the product with a sponge or cloth with warm water;
  3. Soap solution with soda is the fastest and most affordable way to clean kitchen utensils and household appliances. Grate a piece of laundry soap on a coarse grater and dissolve in warm water until foam forms. Wipe the areas with the resulting solution and immediately apply a small amount of soda. Once again, carefully wipe the surface with a sponge and leave the soda for twenty minutes. Then rinse off with a clean, damp sponge and pat dry. Do not use soda for glossy and varnish coatings, otherwise it will leave scratches!;
  4. Baking soda and vegetable oil are suitable for cleaning wood furniture in the kitchen and other wood surfaces. To do this, mix oil and soda in a ratio of 1 to 2 and apply the resulting solution to contaminated areas. Then brush the surface with a soft brush without strong pressure. Leave the composition for ten minutes, then wipe with a damp cloth and wipe dry. Such a tool will provide gentle care, will not damage or scratch the countertop, cabinets or utensils made of wood. By the way, wooden utensils!;
  5. Ammonia is suitable for cleaning grease from plastic or glossy kitchens. Dissolve a tablespoon of ammonia in a liter of water and apply the resulting composition to greasy surfaces. Then remove the solution with a soft cloth and wipe the products dry;
  6. Vinegar and alcohol are a universal remedy that cleans and disinfects kitchen furniture, appliances and utensils. To prepare the solution, add vinegar and alcohol to water in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Put a third of a teaspoon of any essential oil and mix. Pour the resulting composition into a spray bottle and treat the desired surfaces with the product. Leave the composition for 15 minutes and then wash off the residue with a damp cloth or sponge. Alcohol and vinegar will clean grease stains and dirt, eliminate bacteria and fungus, and the essential oil will kill the pungent odor and leave a light pleasant aroma.

Cleaning the kitchen with steam

An original, effective and safe way to clean the kitchen is to use steam. This method is applicable to almost any surface, including walls and ceilings, kitchen furniture and equipment.

Steam perfectly removes greasy and burnt stains, traces of oil and scale. It eliminates unpleasant odors, restores the shine of glass surfaces and stainless steel sinks, and kills fungus and harmful bacteria. Let's look at how to clean grease in the kitchen with steam.

In this procedure, a steam generator is used, into which water is poured and heated to about 150 degrees (medium mode) and the surfaces are treated. This is a safe way to clean both surfaces and humans, since the steam generator does not cause allergies.

In addition, it is suitable for cleaning upholstered furniture and curtains, tiles and porcelain tiles. The steam generator is indispensable for things that cannot be ironed.

But remember that MDF panels cannot be processed with a steam generator! Also, abrasive compounds, acidic and alkaline solutions, products containing chlorine and sodium, rough and hard sponges, brushes should not be used for kitchen furniture.

We examined the main means of how to wash old fat in the kitchen. And then we will consider the methods applicable to various products and materials.

How to wash kitchen furniture from grease

  • Natural wood furniture is washed with a soft, damp sponge and a mild soapy solution. Natural wood can also be cleaned with a steam generator. Then the surface is wiped with a clean, damp cloth so that there are no soap stains and wiped dry with a dry cloth. Periodically treat wooden products with a protective wax polish for wood;
  • The kitchen from MDF panels is washed with a mild soap solution or a weak solution of alcohol. After treatment, the surface is washed with a clean damp cloth and wiped dry. Also at the end periodically use a polish containing wax;
  • A matte kitchen is washed in the same way as MDF panels, but without the final treatment with wood polish;
  • You can wash the glossy facades of the kitchen with a mild soapy solution. After that, wash off the composition with a damp clean cloth and wipe the product dry. To restore the shine and gloss of such a surface, a special varnish and paint, PVC film or acrylic coating will help;
  • The plastic kitchen is washed with a mild soapy solution or detergents with a small amount of alcohol or lemon. Cleaners for glass, windows and mirrors are also suitable. After washing, the composition is washed off with a clean damp cloth and wiped dry.

How to clean greasy walls in the kitchen

The walls in the kitchen, as a rule, are covered with wallpaper, and in the area where the kitchen set and sink are installed, they are tiled. The wallpaper must not be washed, unless it is a special water-resistant washable wallpaper. In this case, the surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or wiped with a soft, damp sponge, which is carefully squeezed out before use.

You can clean the tiles in the kitchen with soapy water. To remove heavy dirt, grease stains and salt stains, 6% vinegar or citric acid is used. By the way, vinegar will not only clean the surface, but also disinfect the surface, remove fungus and bacteria.

When cleaning, use a cloth, a soft sponge, or only colorless brushes, otherwise the colored ones will leave colored lint, which is then difficult to remove. After processing, the tile is washed with clean water and wiped dry with a soft microfiber cloth.

Baking soda will help remove old and stubborn stains. To do this, mix the product with a little water and wipe the contaminated areas. Rinse off with clean water and pat dry. But clean the tiles very carefully, as this solution can scratch the products!

Ammonia will restore shine, cleanliness and attractive appearance to products. Alcohol is diluted in the proportion of a tablespoon to two liters of water. Spray the composition and leave for five minutes, then rinse with clean water and pat dry. You can clean the seams between the tiles in the kitchen with an old toothbrush using the tools listed above.

We wash the greasy ceiling in the kitchen

The ceiling, especially above the stove, also gradually accumulates grease and dirt. Cleaning of products depends on the type of materials of manufacture or surface treatment. The painted or plastered ceiling is cleaned by dry methods with a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner with a special pad.

Severe dirt and grease stains on the painted ceiling are removed with a vitriol-water solution, which is applied only to contaminated areas. Do not wash the plaster with water! If stains cannot be dry-cleaned, renew the plaster layer.

The wooden ceiling is washed with a damp and well-wrung cloth using a mild soapy solution or plain warm water. After processing, the wood is wiped with a soft dry cloth.

Ceilings with plastic trim can be washed with any means that do not contain solvents, chlorine or abrasives. Detergents for windows, glasses and mirrors are well suited. , a soapy solution, soda, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia or acetone will help restore whiteness.

Ceiling tiles are washed depending on the type of materials. Laminated boards can be cleaned with a mild soapy solution and a soft cloth, non-laminated boards - only with a dry method using a brush, cloth or vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle.

Mirror and glass tiles are washed with special products for washing mirrors and glasses. Do not use large amounts of water on the ceiling tiles!

To wash the stretch ceiling, use an ordinary soapy solution with warm water or special alcohol-containing polishes with antistatic action, which return the surfaces to shine and gloss, do not leave soapy stains, do not deform or spoil the material.

For a glossy stretch ceiling, you can also use classic detergents for mirrors and glasses. But such products are not suitable for a matte ceiling! How to wash the stretch ceiling in the kitchen without streaks, read.

When washing any type of ceiling, do not use abrasive detergents and bleaches containing chlorine, soda and solid powders, acids and alkaline solutions, hard sponges, washcloths and brushes!

How to clean pipes and plumbing from grease

To clean the faucet and pipes, choose only those products that are suitable for this material. Do not use bathroom rust removers, bleaches, products containing chlorine and various acids, powders. Otherwise, scratches, small cracks and dark spots will appear on the surface.

For regular cleaning, use a regular soap solution with laundry soap. For general cleaning and cleaning of stubborn dirt, use soda for impurities. Wipe dirt with a sponge and soda and rinse with clean water. You can also dilute the 9% vinegar solution halfway with water or wipe the products with lemon juice. Do not use citric acid!

You can wash pipes, taps and mixers with a sponge or cloth. For hard-to-reach places, use an old toothbrush. Do not forget about specialized cleaning compounds for pipelines, taps and plumbing.

Removing old grease from kitchen surfaces is perhaps the most time-consuming part of cleaning. When the stains are still fresh and easily washed off, they are not noticeable either on the headset or on the countertop. It is worth the fat to harden - and it is already clearly visible, but it is difficult to wash off. Fortunately, it lends itself to various professional and folk remedies for cleaning kitchen surfaces. How to wash the fat in the kitchen from the headset panels, tiles and countertops?


As a rule, kitchen furniture facade panels are made with a coating of veneer, plastic or PVC film. These are materials that are resistant to moisture, scratches, shocks, chips, and temperature effects. And, most importantly, they can be cleaned with conventional household chemicals, including those with abrasive properties.

Before removing old grease stains, the panels should be wiped with a sponge dipped in hot water. This is necessary so that the contaminant is soaked and easier to move away from the surface. After 5-10 minutes, you can start cleaning using one of the following products.

  • mustard powder. Mustard perfectly launders grease and is suitable for cleansing not only the kitchen set, but also stoves, sinks, refrigerators, pots and pans. It is undesirable to process only a wooden array with it. To remove grease with mustard, apply it to contaminated areas and rub with a dry cloth. The remains of mustard are removed with a rag or sponge.
  • Soda and laundry soap. In tandem, these universal remedies work better than alone. Soap is a grease remover, baking soda is an abrasive. Rub the soap on a coarse grater, fill with water until a cloudy solution is obtained and wipe the contaminated areas with it. Sprinkle baking soda on top, rub a little and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off the cleaning products with a sponge afterwards. The method is also suitable for metal surfaces.
  • Soda and sunflower oil. The second component will help wash the fat no worse than soap. To prepare a cleaning solution, dilute baking soda in oil in a 2:1 ratio. Get a composition with the consistency of sour cream. Apply it to the grease spots with a sponge, preferably with a soft brush, and leave for 15 minutes. Afterwards, remove the remnants of the product from the panels with a damp cloth.
  • Ammonia. Dissolve a tablespoon of ammonia in a liter of water, pour into a spray bottle and spray on contaminated surfaces. Leave the mixture for a short time so that it dissolves the fat, open the window so as not to suffer from a specific smell. Then remove the solution with a damp cloth.
  • Alcohol and vinegar. Alcohol is a universal grease solvent with a sterilizing effect. Mix two parts of water and one part of table vinegar and alcohol. Optionally, you can add 10 drops of any essential oil for aromatization. Type the mixture into a spray bottle, spray on the surface of the headset and leave for 15 minutes. The fat will dissolve, and it can be easily removed with a damp sponge, and a pleasant aroma will reign in the kitchen.


The tile in the kitchen, especially if it is decorative, requires careful maintenance. It must not be cleaned with metal brushes and sponges, as this may damage the surface. For tiles, special scrapers and household chemicals are produced that allow you to maintain shine. If we are talking about expensive tiles, it is better to clean it with compositions for ceramic coatings. For example, Shumanit, Sanita, Mister Muskul and others.

Tiles can be cleaned of old grease with steam generator. First, pour hot steam over the contaminated places, and then wipe them with a wet rag or sponge. This method does not require the use of household chemicals.

Another effective tool for a smooth surface - melamine sponge. It acts like an eraser, adheres well to dirt and gently removes them. It is only necessary to moisten the tile so that the stain of fat gets a little wet, wet the sponge and rub it on the contaminated places.

How can you wash the fat in the kitchen from such a delicate surface? From folk remedies, those that do not have an abrasive effect are suitable:

  • Laundry soap. Lather them with a sponge and walk over the contaminated surface.
  • Vegetable oil. Apply to dirty areas for a few minutes and wipe off with a sponge.
  • Mustard powder. Quite a delicate abrasive that is suitable for tiles. Dilute it to a paste or use liquid mustard, apply to the tile, leave for 10 minutes, and then clean with a damp sponge;
  • Alcohol. Moisten greasy dirt with it liberally, rub and immediately rinse off the residue with water.

solid wood

The wooden surfaces of the kitchen set require the most delicate handling, otherwise the color or texture will suffer. Solid wood kitchen sets are best cleaned with special wood surface care products. From folk remedies, the following are suitable.

raw potatoes. The tuber is divided in half and the contaminated area is rubbed in halves, then the trace is removed with a wet cloth. The method is quite laborious and is suitable only for small contaminants, but it can be used on polished surfaces.

pharmacy talc. Sprinkle the powder on a damp sponge, wipe the contaminated areas. Residues are removed with a dry cloth. The method is suitable for delicate polished panels.

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Kitchen furniture is most often exposed to various pollution - during the day there are many actions: food processing, cooking various dishes, washing dishes and wet cleaning. The most difficult problem is frozen fat - its small droplets settle on the surfaces of cabinets, on walls, and on a stove. When hardened, they create a sticky crust that quickly collects dirt and dust particles. This cannot be avoided - even with a good hood, oil splashes during frying or drops that fall on various coatings by negligence cannot be ruled out.

Daily cooking requires no less frequent cleaning in the kitchen.

The question of how to wash grease from kitchen furniture is always relevant. Removing the frozen crust is a lot of work, this requires special compositions of an aggressive effect. The right choice of cleaning agent should ensure a quality result and safety for coatings.

In the case of capricious surfaces that can be scratched by an abrasive, as well as with household appliances, it is better to use liquid detergents.

With the modern diversity in the field of household chemicals, it is easy to choose a product that takes into account the characteristics of any surface. Including there are gentle species that perfectly cope with pollution on expensive materials. Do not lose popularity and proven folk recipes for cleaning agents.

In order for the kitchen to serve for many years, you should choose the right cleaning products.

Range of kitchen care products

Various types of chemicals provide many ways to clean grease from kitchen furniture without spending a lot of time and effort. According to the type of impact, they are divided into several types.

Chemical solutions provide high performance but are often hazardous. An improperly selected composition can damage the expensive material of the kitchen set, and toxic substances cause poisoning and allergies. For this reason, household chemicals should be chosen with great responsibility, and when using, be sure to strictly follow the instructions and use gloves to protect the skin.

We carefully get acquainted with the composition when choosing cleaning products and detergents in order to avoid allergies.

How to wash kitchen furniture from grease. Folk recipes

Simple tools for quick cleaning

Much more gentle and less expensive are mixtures based on folk recipes. Their effectiveness and safety has been tested by the experience of entire generations, do not neglect these simple and effective methods.

  • Alcohol with vinegar. The solution will quickly cope with oil stains, disinfect the room. To prepare, mix alcohol or vodka with vinegar in equal proportions, dilute it by half with water, pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle. Grease contamination should be sprayed abundantly, allowed to stand for 10 minutes, wiped with a damp cloth or sponge. For a pleasant aroma, just drop essential oil into the mixture. The alcohol mixture is suitable for delicate cleaning of furniture made of wood, various household appliances.

    A mixture of alcohol and vinegar for kitchen cleaning

  • Baking soda. For the best degreasing, it is recommended to use in combination with laundry soap. First, a warm soapy solution is prepared (previously, laundry soap needs to be finely grated, then it will quickly dissolve in hot water). With a sponge moistened in the resulting mixture, all contaminated places are carefully wiped - the surface should remain wet. Soda is poured onto the sponge, the wiping procedure is repeated. After 20 minutes, the soda, along with the remaining dirt, is washed off with warm water. To clean wooden cabinets, it is recommended to use baking soda in combination with vegetable oil. They are mixed until the consistency of sour cream is obtained, the mixture is applied to the stain, leaving for 15 minutes. It is recommended to rub with a brush or sponge, and wipe the mixture thoroughly with a damp cloth. Baking soda cleans fat very well in a mixture with hydrogen peroxide - the composition is used to clean carbon deposits from dishes, baking sheets.

    Baking soda in the kitchen is used not only in baking, but also as a safe detergent.

  • Citric acid - is no less effective than industrial acids, while being safe for health. The acid is diluted with water and poured into a spray bottle. The desired place is abundantly sprayed, leaving for 15 minutes, wiped with a sponge. Citric acid helps to dissolve the old crust of fat, a layer of soot, soot - for this it is only slightly diluted with water, stirred to a thick slurry and applied to the problem area.

    Citric acid is a natural stain remover

  • Sea salt. Works well on oil stains. Salt is mixed with water to a mushy consistency, then the contaminated areas are lubricated. For abrasive action, use a fine powder of salt on a damp sponge.

    Sea salt is not only a source of nutrients and trace elements, but also an excellent remedy for fighting stains.

  • Mustard. It is used as a powder for rubbing difficult stains or diluted with water. Mustard powder is excellent against grease stains, but will not work on wood furniture.

    Dry mustard to remove stains

  • Ammonia. Its advantage is rapid evaporation, the absence of streaks on glass, mirror surfaces. To prepare, dilute a spoonful of alcohol in a liter of water, pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle. A sponge soaked in the solution will be effective. The desired place is sprayed, left for five minutes, wiped with a damp cloth. When applying, the room should be well ventilated (with an open window, window).

    Ammonia is a great helper for cleaning in the kitchen and in the bathroom

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Works great on oil splashes. An additional advantage of peroxide is disinfectant properties. The solution kills bacteria, protecting the room from the appearance of fungus and mold.

    Hydrogen peroxide should be kept not only in the first aid kit, but also in the kitchen

There is a wide variety of recipes for how to wash a kitchen set from fat with folk remedies, but if the pollution is very old and complex, household chemicals that are stronger in effect will be required.

Folk remedies will help to bring perfect cleanliness in the kitchen without difficulty and cost.

Cleaning Safety Rules

Keeping a clean kitchen with modern tools is easy, but not always safe.

Qualitatively get rid of problem stains in the kitchen, without wasting time and harm to health, following safety rules will help.

  1. It is necessary to ensure that the selected product is suitable for the material of the kitchen set. Most types of household chemicals contain chlorine or acids, which is contraindicated for use on wood floors, MDF.
  2. Abrasive chemistry should be used for metal, ceramics, plastic. It cannot be used on lacquered or painted surfaces, it is not recommended to take enamel cleaning powders.
  3. Do not mix different formulations (use simultaneously).
  4. For natural stone (granite or marble), it is necessary to choose specialized products.
  5. To reduce the risk of surface damage, it is recommended to pre-wet the contaminated area with warm water before applying household chemicals, leaving it for a while. The water will soften the dried crust, eliminating the need to rub the stain and risk scratching it.

To avoid irreparable damage to kitchen furniture, use products correctly, according to the instructions.

Be sure to wear gloves when working with chemical solutions, and if the product gets on an open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, it must be washed off immediately. A number of substances, sprays require the use of a mask to protect the respiratory tract.

The use of gloves when cleaning surfaces in the kitchen is mandatory.

How often do you need to clean the kitchen

Wiping the furniture in the kitchen once every two days, it’s enough just to keep things in order

The answer to the question “How to wash the kitchen set from fat?” depends on the type of soiling and the frequency of cleaning. Fresh oil splashes that have not had time to harden are removed without difficulty; for cleaning, it is enough to wipe the surface with a drop of ordinary dishwashing gel.

Very convenient and effective device for cleaning the kitchen - steam cleaner

But if the stain has had time to harden or the soot with soot is to be washed off, aggressive cleaning compounds will be needed. To keep cleaning efforts to a minimum, it is recommended that you do a light maintenance cleaning every few days.

We clean the fat in the kitchen from different surfaces, effectively without harm to the surface and our own health

Video: How to wash kitchen doors from grease

Regardless of the type of material from which kitchen furniture is made, every hostess knows how difficult it is to maintain it in proper condition. The task becomes more complicated if the cabinets are located near the stove. Drops of fat, one way or another, fall on the kitchen set, worsening its appearance and aesthetics. How to wash kitchen grease? There are many effective ways, which we will talk about.
In order not to damage the furniture and get an excellent result, it is recommended to try the selected product first on an inconspicuous area.

Use of special equipment

You can free surfaces from greasy deposits with special compounds, for example, such as Faberlic or Amway. They work very effectively, freeing cabinet doors from dirt, making them almost new. Wipe the surfaces with a sponge moistened in the product and wash with plain water after a few minutes. But the fact is that such progressive tools are not cheap, so you have to look for a replacement for them. Do not forget that compounds containing abrasive particles can leave scratches, and even worse, corrode the protective layer of the surface, so when choosing chemistry, familiarize yourself with the components that make up its composition.

How to clean your kitchen with simple recipes

There are many substances that can cope with the greasy coating on kitchen furniture, but you need to know which ones are best for your case. Baking soda is suitable for washing various surfaces. The only exceptions are polished panels.

How to wash cabinets in the kitchen from grease using this tool?

  1. To make it easier to get rid of fat, pre-prepare all surfaces. Soak a cloth in hot water and dampen thoroughly, let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
  2. For convenient application of soda to problem areas, you need to prepare a suitable substance from warm water and a few tablespoons of baking soda.
  3. Using a soft brush, gently rub the gruel into the surfaces, paying attention to areas with a sticky layer of dirt.
  4. It will take more time to dissolve the old grease, so allow time for the soda to dissolve the dirt, but not have time to dry out.
  5. After that, rinse everything with warm water and polish the furniture with a dry, soft cloth.

Many housewives for this purpose use a composition of vegetable oil and soda. It not only cleans well and helps to care for wooden furniture, but also prevents drying out, gives it a fresher and renewed look.

Vinegar remains a tried and tested and safe remedy for combating various raids. This weak acid also kills germs and adds shine to coatings. Moisten the sponge in the product and wipe all problem areas. To achieve a greater effect, you can add a few drops of dish gel to the vinegar. If your furniture needs polishing, do it only after cleaning and washing. Thus, you will keep the original look of the kitchen set.

Such a universal remedy as salt is used in many areas of life. When cleaning sticky deposits on plastic and other facades, it was also not without it. Prepare a solution of 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. l salt. Soak a soft cloth in it and treat all surfaces of the cabinets to achieve the desired result, repeat the procedure several times.

, using laundry soap? This tool is safe for any kitchen sets. It not only copes well with fat, but also does not have a harmful effect on people. Rub the sponge with soap until a lush foam forms and rub all the problem areas, after removing all the dirt, rinse the furniture with clean water and polish to a shine.

The use of other products to achieve perfect cleanliness

To maintain kitchen furniture in good condition, you should prepare a mixture of alcohol, vinegar and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Pour it into a spray bottle and use to remove greasy stains.

Many housewives know how to wash dishes well using mustard. However, not everyone realizes that this tool can be used to clean kitchen furniture from sticky dirt. To do this, pour mustard on a dampened sponge and wipe all cabinets. As a result, you will be able to get fresher and cleaner surfaces.

To make it easier to take care of the kitchen set, experienced housewives cover the top of the cabinets with paper, which is periodically changed or pre-treated with laundry soap.

You can also clean your furniture with a steam cleaner, which does an excellent job of removing any greasy contaminants.
In order to less suffer with dirty cabinets, it is better to wash them in a timely manner, since it is much easier to deal with fresh splashes than getting rid of old grease and dust adhering to it.