Building a wooden garage with your own hands is a clear instruction for home craftsmen. Do-it-yourself wooden garage How to make a do-it-yourself frame wooden garage

A properly equipped frame garage will provide reliable storage of the car at any time of the year. People are increasingly giving preference to frame buildings. Wood is extremely easy to process and install, and financially, this option is one of the most profitable.

There is nothing super complicated in the construction of a frame garage. You can handle the basic construction activities with your own hands. You just need to understand the main features of such work and follow the instructions in everything.

One of the main advantages of a frame garage for most private developers is the possibility of building it with your own hands. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the main provisions of the manual and do everything according to the instructions. Start by preparing the necessary project documentation with all required drawings.

Required project documentation

The listed drawings will make the work on arranging the garage as simple and convenient as possible. With their help, it will take a minimum amount of time to complete the necessary construction activities.

However, it is extremely difficult to draw up such a detailed project without the required skills. In such situations, it remains either to turn to professionals, or to select suitable drawings from open sources.

Place for a garage

Before you start building, choose a suitable place for arranging a garage. Think over everything so that in the future there will be no difficulties with the exit and entry of the car.

It is better that the garage is located near the house. The optimal size of the site for arranging a garage is 10x10 m. You can choose the dimensions of the garage itself at your discretion. It is strongly not recommended to tie the building area to the dimensions of a particular car, because after a while you can change your car to a larger model.

Clear the selected site of any kind of debris and other third-party items. Remove vegetation from the site. Level and tamp the ground.

Mark out the site according to the plan of your garage. Simple pegs and any rope will help you mark the territory.

Garage Building Guide

Start building a frame garage. You need to start, as with the construction of any other structure, with the arrangement of the foundation.

The first stage is the foundation

The finished frame building will have a relatively small weight, due to which the requirements for the strength of the base are significantly reduced. The most important thing is that the site is level and stable.

If desired, a small frame garage can be built even on compacted gravel or a flat asphalt path, but it is better, after all, to give preference to a concrete surface.

Dig a trench around the perimeter of the future foundation. A pit with a depth of about 400-500 mm will be enough. Install formwork.

Fill the bottom of the trench with a small layer of sand and gravel. If the foundation is being built on difficult soil, lay a reinforcing mesh over the compacted backfill.

Pour concrete solution. Filling can be done independently or entrusted to a specialized team.

In the case of self-filling, you will have to spend extra time and effort preparing the solution.

After pouring, the concrete must be treated with a special vibrator. He carefully compacts the mixture and removes excess air from it. In the absence of a vibrator, it is necessary to at least pierce the concrete in several places with a reinforcing bar. All recesses are subsequently sealed with concrete.

Leave the foundation to harden for 3-5 weeks. After that, you can proceed to other construction activities.

Stage two - gender

Start arranging the floor.

Backfill the area with gravel. Lay a reinforcing mesh over a thin layer of gravel and pour concrete. Lay a roofing material on the hardened concrete.

Lay wooden beams on top of the roofing material. Nail the deck boards to the timber.

If the level of groundwater passage and soil features allow, you can equip a viewing hole in the garage. If you wish, you can also make a full-fledged cellar. Such additions will definitely not be superfluous.

The third stage - the frame

After completing the work on arranging the base and floor, proceed with the installation of the frame.

To equip the lower part, use 10x5 cm boards pre-impregnated with an antiseptic. Mount the corner posts of the frame, as well as the gate posts, from a 10x10 cm beam. For the manufacture of all other posts, beams, as well as

For truss elements, use boards 10x5 cm.

Mount the racks of the lower garter in increments of up to 120 cm. These racks can be fastened to the bottom harness using corners and self-tapping screws, nails, or a tongue-and-groove connection.

Build the frame in accordance with the project.

If the width of the garage exceeds 4 m, it is preferable to use high-quality 10x5 boards rather than 10x10 beams for the manufacture of ceiling beams. They will make the finished building much stronger and more reliable.

For the manufacture of longitudinal elements and the necessary jibs, use a 5x5 cm timber.

It usually takes several days to assemble a garage frame. To make the work go faster and easier, you can enlist the support of 1-2 assistants.

Fourth stage - the roof

Fill boards 10x2.5 cm over the rafters - they will serve as a crate. Finishing roofing material choose at your discretion. You can give preference to both budget bitumen and more expensive materials such as euroslate, metal tiles, etc. At this point, be guided by your personal preferences and affordable budget.

Fifth stage - wall decoration

For the interior decoration of the frame garage, use the lining. Wall cladding is carried out with parallel arrangement of steam, heat and moisture insulating layers.

To install insulation layers, you need to fill the crate. Usually the crate is assembled from a wooden beam. The beam fastening step is selected individually in accordance with the thickness of the heat-insulating plates.

The outer skin can also be made using lining. Siding is often used. Choose the material of the outer skin of your choice.

Finishing is completed with the installation of double-glazed windows and doors. At this stage, you also have to make your own decision regarding the best option for the structures mentioned.

Stage six - gate

Choose your gate. A huge range of garage doors is presented on the modern market - from ordinary and most popular swing metal structures to modern automatic lifting gate systems consisting of several sections.

The cost of finished gates will vary in accordance with the features of their design, ease of use, quality of insulation and finish, appearance and other parameters. If desired, garage doors can be made with your own hands, having previously studied the provisions of the assembly manual for the selected type of system.

Choose the dimensions of the gate so that you can freely enter the garage. After a while, you can change the car - remember this and make an opening for the gate with some margin.

The seventh stage - interior arrangement

In conclusion, it remains only to carry out work on the internal arrangement of the garage. Recommendations for wall cladding were given earlier - lining is excellent for this work.

If there is an attic space, it is enough to lay out its floor with boards 25-30 mm thick and install a ladder.

An inspection pit and a cellar are arranged accordingly. Electrical wiring is being installed.

All other work is done solely at the discretion of the owner.

For greater convenience, water and sewer pipes are connected to the garage. It is also recommended to consider solving the issue of heating the garage so that it can be used as comfortably as possible even in cold weather.

Successful work!

Video - DIY frame garage

It is quite possible to build a wooden garage with your own hands, and in a fairly short time. It will look harmoniously on a site where all other buildings are made of wood. It remains only to choose how to build a wooden garage yourself.

A wooden garage will look good on a site where all other buildings are made of wood.

Preliminary preparation

The stage of preparation for the construction of a wooden garage includes design, calculation of materials, marking the building on site.

The garage project and the calculation of building materials will not only speed up the process of building a garage, but also eliminate unnecessary costs for the purchase of wood. The project should take into account the number of cars that are planned to be placed in the garage, the presence or absence of a carport for storing a car in the summer, as well as the construction of an attic, which can be located above the garage.

The project can display lighting fixtures around the future garage, paths and driveways, and also draws the trajectory of the gate opening to avoid inconvenience after construction or during its process. The project reflects the type of building - it will be an independent building or a garage will adjoin one of the walls of an existing house. If the garage will be combined with the house, then you need to calculate the building materials.

Of course, the calculation of the required amount of building materials and variety is determined depending on the chosen technology for the construction of a wooden garage. If the garage is framed, then this is a bar of different sections, OSB or plywood sheets, insulation, self-tapping screws, metal corners. If log technology is taken as a basis, then these are rounded logs, insulation. At the same time, the necessary materials for the roof: boards for lathing, roofing material (bituminous tiles, corrugated board, metal tiles).

After the calculations are made, you need to mark up on the spot. This can be done with pegs and twine. In addition to building a garage, you will need:

  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • axe;
  • a hammer;
  • concrete mixer and others.

The foundation and its nuances of construction

The foundation is the basis for any building. The garage is no exception. The foundation for a wooden garage using frame or log technology should not be very strong, since the structure will be quite light. A monolithic foundation structure during the construction of a garage is only necessary if the groundwater occurs at a depth of less than 10 m.

In all other cases, a strip foundation will suffice. Its depth is 50 cm, width - 20 cm, height above the ground - at least 20 cm. This is quite enough to withstand the upcoming load of the garage building for a long time. Drainage will be a pillow of gravel 5-7 cm high.

For the construction of the foundation, they dig a trench according to the previously applied markings according to the specified dimensions. Next, formwork is installed. As it can be used boards that are firmly interconnected with screw studs to avoid possible leaks.

After that, reinforcing bars with a diameter of 10 mm are laid, which are tied together with wire or plastic clamps. Concrete mortar, which is a mixture of cement, sand, fine crushed stone and water, is poured into the foundation. During pouring, it is necessary to tamp the solution to prevent the formation of voids. After that, it is necessary to allow the foundation to completely harden for 10-15 days.

Walls, floors, garage roof

The wooden floor in the garage is laid on logs.

The floor for a log garage can be laid on the bottom trim. Previously, a layer of waterproofing - roofing material - should be laid on the foundation. The embedded beam is fastened at the corners in the way in a paw or on a root (plug-in) spike. The choice of attachment depends on the skill and skill. The main thing is that the connection must be reliable.

Further, logs (beam 150x100) cut into the lower harness, the distance between which does not exceed 50 cm. If the logs are quite long and in order to avoid floor deflections, supports must be installed under them along their entire length. Brick pillars are most often used as supports. The distance between such columns is no more than 60 cm. They are also covered with a layer of roofing material. It should be noted that the logs, the bars of the lower harness must be treated with antiseptics.

Further, during the construction of walls, the beam connection is used the same as in the lower trim. The rows are fastened together with dowels - wedges made of hard wood, which are hammered into pre-drilled holes. The dowel is sunk into the beam to avoid the formation of cracks during drying.

In the upper crown, cuts are made for rafter bars.

On a wooden garage, you can make a roof from a profiled sheet.

The shape of the roof depends on the design and dimensions of the garage. When adjoining a garage, it is more reasonable to make a shed roof, for a detached garage - a gable roof. Next, they perform the crate, a layer of roofing material across the crate, and then - the roofing material.

For floors, they take a grooved board, fix it on the logs with nails (self-tapping screws). After that, the entire space inside the garage is covered with a special fire-fighting compound. For safety, floors can be covered with metal sheets, at least in places where flammable liquids may spill.

For such a garage, it is preferable to carry out a monolithic foundation. This is due to the fact that the floors are quite difficult to securely fix with a very light structure of the frame garage. The monolithic foundation will play the role of the floor.

For a monolithic foundation, it is necessary to remove the soil along the marking and build a formwork 30-40 cm high around the perimeter. The bottom layer of the foundation will be sand and gravel, which, when laid, are poured with water and rammed. The layer height is 20 cm. Next comes the waterproofing layer - waterproof membranes or roofing material.

After laying the reinforcement, its binding, the foundation is poured with concrete mortar. At the same time, he is rammed. After hardening for a month, the construction of the garage can be continued.

Walls, roof frame garage

Corner posts are placed on the lower trim, which is made of a 150x100 mm beam. However, the strapping can not be performed, but the racks can be attached directly to the foundation using metal corners. The support beams must be set strictly vertically at the building level. Guides, which are mounted perpendicular to the racks, can be boards with a section of 100x40 mm. The distance between them does not exceed 1 m. When fastening the rails, nothing should protrude beyond the rack.

Rafter beams are attached to the upper harness in pre-cut grooves. They are fixed with metal brackets, which ensures reliability. The distance between the rafters is no more than 1 m. A crate is laid on them, then a layer of waterproofing (roofing material), and then roofing material.

Insulation is laid between the racks - heat-insulating mats or foam. On the inside of the garage, a vapor barrier film is attached to the racks with a construction stapler. From the outside, a layer of vapor barrier is attached over the insulation, first, and then waterproofing. Further, the frame can be sheathed with OSB sheets or plywood from the inside, siding or clapboard for outdoor use.

What the garage will end up with is the choice of everyone. But building a wooden garage with your own hands is a very real event.

Garage projects from boards, along with projects from modern high-tech materials, are quite in demand. This is due to the availability of material, which has an attractive price compared to others, and brick buildings do not always look organic next to a wooden house. How to build a garage from boards with your own hands, the article will tell you.

Features of building a garage from boards

The construction of a wooden garage can be carried out in one of two ways:

  • . This is the cheapest and fastest way. It is most suitable for a temporary car parking space. But it can store both tools and spare parts, and even carry out minor repairs and maintenance of a car. The peculiarity of such a structure is to assemble the structure using bolts and self-tapping screws.
  • Garage from logs or timber. This is a reliable structure, perfect for building on a summer cottage. If necessary, this version of the structure can be performed with heating. In this case, such a building will not need additional insulation.

The advantages of garages from boards are:

  • Ease in processing elements.
  • Light weight, but sufficient structural strength.
  • Environmentally friendly material.
  • All operations can be performed without the involvement of expensive construction equipment.
  • You can create any geometric shapes.
  • You can not make a ruined foundation.
  • Low cost of building a garage.

The disadvantages of garages from boards include:

  • Increased fire hazard of the building, which requires additional sheathing with non-combustible materials, and insulation should be done with stone wool, which does not support combustion.
  • To protect against mold, fungus and wood insects, treatment with protective agents is needed.
  • Relatively short service life due to the negative effect of moisture.

Tip: Impregnation with an antiseptic can extend the life of the boards.

Materials for building a wooden garage

Before you build a garage from planks, you need to choose the right type of wood that is best suited to specific climatic conditions and the chosen project.

It can be:

  • Wooden beam:
  1. solid, made from a tree trunk;
  2. glued, made profiled and sheet. These are wooden sheets glued together.
  • Wooden board. The most popular and cheapest option is pine. But this material is very capricious, easily exposed to mechanical stress, strongly absorbs moisture, and changes its geometry throughout the year, which negatively affects the attachment points. Fir and spruce have the same shortcomings.

More suitable for construction:

  • Oak is the most durable and fairly reliable material. But it is very difficult to process due to hardness.
  • Beech is a comfortable and practical wood with a pleasant, natural color and is quite easy to process.
  • Alder. Possesses high moisture resistance and an opportunity to imitate valuable breeds of a tree.
  • Larch is recommended for construction in regions where there is heavy precipitation.
  • Alder. Suitable for most regions, but in the regions of the north and far east it is better to use oak, which is more resistant to low temperatures.

How to build a wooden garage

Any construction begins with the construction of the foundation. For a wooden garage, it is enough to make a slab foundation (see), as shown in the photo.

The advantages of a slab foundation are:

  • Construction speed.
  • Relatively low costs.

To make a foundation from slabs, it is necessary to prepare a site for it in advance.

Tip: When equipping a slab foundation, you should carefully seal the ends of the slabs, which will avoid the accumulation of water and snow in these places. The ideal option is to seal the longitudinal holes in each reinforced concrete slab with crushed stone, broken bricks or sifting.

Frame wall construction technology is the most economical and fastest way to build a structure. In this case, the frame is made of beams.

For the construction of the frame, beams with square sections from 100 to 150 millimeters are usually used. The dimensional accuracy of the elements is affected by climatic conditions and the average wind load at the construction site.

Installation instructions:

  • Beams are installed in holes prepared in advance in the slab foundation.
  • Roofing material is laid under the beams, and the ends of the logs are treated with resin, which increases the life of the garage.
  • The frame is installed.
  • Sheathed inside and outside with a board.
  • is carried out by laying in the gap between the boards of layers of mineral wool or glass wool.

Tip: Thermal insulation of a wooden garage should only be done using mineral-based insulation. The use of polystyrene foam and similar flammable materials is strictly prohibited.

  • On both sides of the glass wool layer, waterproofing barriers made of polyethylene film are made.
  • For the interior and exterior cladding of the walls of the garage, you can take boards, wood boards or lining. Boards should be preferred.

Tip: The inside of the garage should be sheathed with drywall. This will facilitate the internal finishing operations and will become additional internal insulation of the room.

When building garage walls using rounded timber, standard wall construction technology is used. At the same time, it is very important to ensure high-quality sealing of the space between the tow bars. In the absence of work experience, it is better to use the services of a team of builders.

If necessary, insulation is used mineral wool, on the inside it is additionally sheathed with plasterboard or clapboard.

How to make a wooden garage roof

On any garage, the technology for erecting a roof is the same:

  • Rafter trusses are assembled.
  • Mounted on walls.
  • Attached board for filing.
  • The heater is installed.
  • Steam and waterproofing is being done (see).
  • The outer cover is fixed.

When using soft tiles, before installing the outer covering, the roof slopes are sewn up with an OSB slab, and bitumen is glued to it. How to calculate how many boards you need for a garage, how to build it correctly - the video shows in detail.

A frame garage is one of the easiest options for building a utility room for storing a car. It is not only technically simple, but also cheaper than brick or concrete walls. Price and technical accessibility are the main advantages of frame buildings. How on your own? What features are important to consider for reliable and proper construction?

Frame types

Frame garages can be made of various materials - wood, OSB, slate asbestos-cement sheets, plastic siding, metal panels. Depending on the material of frame elements and walls, garages are divided into the following types:

  • wooden buildings- in them, wooden beams or logs are more often used as supports, and edged and unedged boards, lining, panels made of wood materials are used as wall cladding. As a rule, wooden boxes are erected when working with “what is”, when the building is built from improvised means available - wooden panels, boards. Wooden walls require high-quality protection against moisture and getting wet. They need to be painted or varnished annually. And also periodically change rotten damaged boards, replace them with new wooden panels.
  • metal- the most private types of frame structures for storing cars. They use metal corners, channels, beams as supports. As wall cladding - metal sheets. It can be profiled metal sheets or even rolled products. In order to build a frame garage with your own hands from metal, you must have a welding machine and be able to work with arc welding.

On a note

Mixed options are possible. Wooden beams can support plastic panel walls. It can be sheathed with asbestos-cement sheets (flat slate).

Read more about the construction of a frame garage from different materials - on the video.

Construction of a frame garage

A drawing of the frame and future construction is necessary for novice builders. It is also needed to calculate the consumption of building materials - support beams, wall cladding, roof panels. You can use ready-made drawings of garages, standard solutions that are given in various recommendations for the construction of frame garages with your own hands, in step-by-step instructions. Or contact the experts and order a calculation and drawing of your garage with individual dimensions, the required design.

Expanded drawing.

In there should be a sketch of the future frame.

Sketch drawing of the frame.

There should also be a drawing indicating the dimensions of all frame elements, the distance between them and the methods of attachment to each other. The drawing also indicates the type and dimensions of the wall sheathing panels, and how it is attached to the frame racks. The material, the size of the roofing sheets, as well as the step-distance of the roofing lags, is negotiated. A correctly drawn up drawing with all dimensions can be used as instructions for building a garage.


The construction of a frame garage begins with design. And the work on its construction begins with laying the foundation. The walls of the future garage building can be light and cold, but the base must be deep (if there is a viewing hole) and strong.

Most often, a foundation slab is used as the basis for a frame garage. It has sufficient strength indicators, and fits in a short time. However, it differs in weight and requires the work of loading and unloading equipment. When using a crane, the slab is laid in place of the future utility building within an hour.

Foundation plate.

Before laying the slab, preparatory work is carried out - they level the soil, if necessary, make a small depression, or vice versa, raise the future by making an embankment. When laying a concrete slab in a pit, its bottom is first covered with a layer of sand - to drain groundwater, as a drainage layer. If the slab is laid on top of the ground without deepening, or on an elevated place, then it is enough to level and compact the ground.

A finished foundation slab is used if there is no need to build an inspection hole under the garage. If there is a need for a traditional garage pit, then they first build it, and only after that they proceed to the foundation, walls and roof.

A pit for a garage is arranged in the form of a soil recess of the required length, width and depth. Its walls are laid out with bricks, or cast with concrete, the bottom is also laid out with a small concrete slab. After arranging the pit, they begin to pour the main foundation slab.

Monolithic foundation with a viewing hole.

To prepare the soil for pouring, the bottom of the future slab is covered with sand. After that, the sand is spilled with water and rammed. On top - lay out the frame of the future foundation - from metal reinforcement, mesh, wire, formwork is built around the perimeter of the foundation. After that, concrete is poured.

A month is given to solidify the foundation slab. You can step on the base plate in a day. The concrete will be strong enough to support the weight of a person and carry out further construction work. But you can put the car only after the set of final strength - after 28 calendar days.

On a note

If the work is carried out in the heat, then the surface of the concrete is covered with a wet canvas in order to prevent its excessive drying and cracking of the slab due to the rapid evaporation of moisture from its surface. Periodically, as it dries, the canvas is moistened with water to maintain moisture in the surface layer of concrete.

The surface of the garage slab must be moisture resistant. When setting up the machine, water will drain from its wheels and bottom. Penetrating into the pores of concrete, when freezing, drops of moisture will expand the pores and initiate cracking of the surface. Therefore, before pouring concrete, moisture-resistant components such as Penetron, Aquastop are added to the mixture. When installing the finished foundation slab, its surface is impregnated with a waterproof mixture.

Frame assembly

Under the garage begins with the arrangement of vertical supports. In this case, the supports can be concreted into the foundation slab during the pouring process, or can be attached to the concrete base on anchor connections, together with the bottom trim. The most high-quality and reliable option is concreting racks with penetration into the foundation slab and soil. It is used for construction in open areas with a large wind load. It requires the construction of a pit for each support and its separate cementing.

Racks in the ground with concreting.

A simpler and more affordable option is to use the lower logs and fasteners. In this method, the vertical support is not buried in the ground, but is attached with a metal corner to a concrete floor or a wooden beam, which acts as a lower harness. Such a beam is pre-attached to the foundation slab, and then the frame supports are installed on it.

Upper horizontal logs are placed on top of the vertical bearing supports. On them - construct ceilings under the roof. The roof itself is constructed from roofing sheets, which are laid on top of the floor lag (roof frame elements). The bottom row of the roof is laid with a slight overhang.

Its edge should extend beyond the perimeter of the building by 50-60 cm. Such a roof overhang prevents excessive wetting of the walls and this ensures their dryness, durability and the absence of moisture, mold in the garage. The minimum size of the eaves, up to half a meter, guarantees the protection of the walls from draining waste rainwater.

On a note

The assembly of the frame using threaded elements makes it possible to dismantle the garage and reinstall it in another place. The frame garage, if necessary, can be disassembled if the fastenings are made with bolts and screws. Assembly on bolts and screws provides the possibility of dismantling the walls, roof and frame of the garage building.

Read more about connecting the supports of the frame garage - in the video.

Roof types

The roof of the garage can be made in the form of a single or gable structure. To do the work with your own hands with minimal building experience, it is easier to build a shed roof. In this case, rainwater will be drained to one side of the garage building. In order to evenly distribute the drain on both sides of the garage, the roof structure is made gable.

Single roof.

For the construction of a shed roof, the walls of the garage are made different in height. One wall is raised higher than the other by 300, 400 or more mm. The difference in the height of the walls determines the angle of the roof, which, in turn, depends on the amount of snowfall in the winter season.

On a note

The angle of inclination of the roof is determined by the amount of precipitation in winter. The more snow, the greater the angle of the roof slope. For regions with a temperate climate and an average amount of snowfall, the angle of inclination of the roof is chosen 20-25 °. For warm winters with little snow, 10-15° is sufficient.

With a wall height difference of 300-400 mm and a garage width of 3 m, the roof gets a slope of 10-15 °. Which is enough to roll snow in regions with moderate rainfall. For the construction of a garage in areas with heavy snowfall, the angle of inclination of the roof is made large, up to 30 °.

Shed roof made using frame technology.

After the construction of the frame, they begin to hang the roofing elements. Step-by-step instructions for a frame garage regulate the rules for installing roof panels. Work begins with laying the bottom row of roof sheets. On top - lay the sheets of the next row. The top row, located along the raised wall, is laid last. Thus, the roof sheets overlap each other and prevent moisture from entering the garage space during rain or snowfall.

For construction, they are assembled from triangular frame elements. Their size is determined by the width of the garage and the angle of the roof. Triangular elements are assembled on the ground and then raised to the roof. Here they are installed on the upper trim of the walls. On top of the finished roof frame - lay slate or metal profile.


The interior decoration of the utility room is often absent altogether. Especially if the garage is built without insulation. Less often, when arranging a warm garage, it becomes necessary to close the insulating material from the interior space. In this case, it becomes necessary and mandatory.

Moisture resistance requirements are not imposed on the material of the inner wall cladding. Therefore, panels from waste wood production (OSB, chipboard) or plywood sheets are often used. If necessary, they carry out shelves and cabinets built into the wall, attaching them to the supports of the garage frame.


The need for insulation arises when it is necessary to carry out any work in the garage in winter. Or when it is planned to equip a warm garage with the ability to dry the bottom of the car after driving in the cold and wet season.

Do-it-yourself warming.

Garage insulation differs from similar work in residential buildings by the choice of a heat insulator. If it is important to ensure a healthy microclimate in residential premises, to arrange natural air circulation, then in garage insulation is easier. You can get by with a forced periodically operating hood. And also use less useful and cheaper heaters - polystyrene foam and glass wool.

When insulated with glass wool, it is placed between vertical posts. Thanks to its compressibility, it is easily held in place. The thickness of the cotton wool insulation is determined by the level of winter temperatures. For residential buildings at an average temperature of -10 ° C, the thickness of wool insulation is chosen up to 100 mm. For garages and other utility rooms choose a thickness of up to 50 mm.

On a note

When insulating with glass wool, it is important to consider that over time the material may sag. In places where glass wool sags, "cold bridges" will form, through which heat will "leak".

Foam insulation does not have the disadvantages of using glass wool. Styrofoam does not settle over time and does not lose its shape. At the same time, it is quite inexpensive, which makes it a popular material for frame garage insulation.

If living quarters are not recommended to be insulated with polystyrene foam due to possible harmful fumes, then this type of insulation is optimal for the garage space. It is inexpensive, easy to install and works as a heat insulator for a long time, keeping heat inside the building.

When installing foam, gaps form between the racks of the frame. This is due to the rigidity of the foam boards. The resulting mounting slots are blown with foam.

Types of garage doors

Frame garages in the photo differ in the design of the entrance gate. Traditionally, garage doors are double-leaf. However, other designs are also possible. What are garage doors?


Swing - the traditional form of the gate in the form of doors that swing open, open to the outside of the room. The simplest and most affordable do-it-yourself construction. Opens manually.

Sliding - an improved form of entry into the garage, which can be supplemented with an automatic device. In this embodiment, the garage door slides off the rails to the side when a signal is given from a remote device.

Roll-up structures are also possible, but their cost is much higher, so they are less often used in frame structures.

A garage made of wood in many regions of our country is the most optimal construction option, due to the affordable cost of materials, ease of installation and beautiful appearance of the finished structure. In this article, we will tell you how to make a wooden garage with your own hands, what materials to build it from, and also show diagrams, photo and video instructions.

The choice of construction technology

The main thing is to choose the optimal construction technology and complete all the stages in strict accordance with the chosen type of construction.

The most common are two technologies for building garages made of wood: using frame technology and from logs.

It is necessary to give preference to the construction of a box for a car using log technology if the main building, house or cottage, is built from a similar material. The frame structure will be cheaper, it is easier to pick up materials for it, and the time for construction will be significantly reduced. In addition, a wooden framed garage on the outside can be finished with any facade materials suitable for the style of a country house immediately after the construction of the building or after a certain period of time.

Preparatory work

Maximum speed and ease of work are the main advantages of frame technology. But, despite the simplicity, the construction of a frame garage requires preliminary preparation, the development of a project with which it will be possible to calculate the required amount of materials and components. The project is calculated independently, with the involvement of experienced specialists or downloaded from specialized Internet resources. The dimensions of the building should take into account the number of cars, the presence of an open carport for summer storage of cars and the attic floor, which many motorists arrange above the garage.

At the preparatory stage, the location of the future garage and the type of building are established: detached, attached to the main task, the type of gate opening and alignment with the common entrance area to the site. The selected site is thoroughly cleaned, leveled and, if necessary, rammed.

Foundation works

A high-quality and reliable foundation is the basis of any structure. The choice of technology for the construction of the foundation depends on many different factors: the constructive solution of the structure, the characteristics of the soil, the financial capabilities of the owner, etc.

Basically, for the construction of a garage, the base is a concrete slab, poured using monolithic technology.

The concrete slab will serve as a subfloor, which can then be revetted with any finishing materials. Being a kind of "floating" foundation, the concrete slab perceives uniformly high loads, helping to avoid deformation of the structure during its operation.

To equip a monolithic foundation along the perimeter of the intended development, they dig a shallow trench and install the formwork. First, they make a pillow of sand and gravel, tamp it down. Then the base is reinforced with two meshes of metal rods, preparing the site, and it is poured with concrete. After this, the foundation must be allowed to stand for about 3 weeks.

Assembling the frame from boards and timber

The lower harness is made of a wooden board 100x50 mm, pre-treated with an antiseptic. For racks at the corners of the garage and in the gate leaves, a beam of 100x100 mm is used, for other parts of the structure - rafters and floor blocks - 100x50 mm. In the lower trim between the posts, a step of no more than 1200 mm is maintained.

To give the frame greater strength, struts should be installed in the corners of the building.

If the garage is planned in width over 4 m, it is better to make ceiling beams from a more durable and reliable board 50x100 mm. Longitudinal elements are made of timber not less than 50x50 mm.

Roof and walls

For the arrangement of the roof, a board of 100x25 mm is used, which is sheathed with a pre-selected roofing material. Metal tile or slate can be mounted directly on a wooden crate, while not forgetting to equip a hydro and vapor barrier system to organize a comfortable microclimate in the garage.

Outside, a weir is necessarily installed along the roofing system, which can be independently made from a plastic pipe cut in two.

For sheathing outside the building, you can use a special facade lining or a solid wooden board, pre-treated with impregnation to protect it from moisture. From the inside, the garage is insulated with mineral wool, it is necessary to lay a layer of vapor barrier and sew it up with clapboard.

Wooden garage 6×4

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the principle of building a garage, the size of which is 6 × 4 m with a ceiling height of 3 m. A gate with a size of 2.8 × 2.5 m will be installed in it, the foundation is made of reinforced concrete slabs, and the frame is made of wooden beams 100 × 100 mm. As for the exterior finish, it will be made of corrugated board or other similar material.

The first thing to do is to clear the construction site. At the site of the future structure, remove the soil up to 10 cm deep. The bottom of the pit is covered with sand, leveled and rammed.

Lay boards for formwork 1.5 × 0.5 cm along the perimeter, and 15 cm high. The base is reinforced with wire Ø 12 mm. The cells must be made 20 × 20 cm. The resulting mesh should be in the middle of the formwork. After that, concrete is poured. Although it may seem that such a foundation is unreliable, it is important not to forget that the weight of the 6 × 4 m garage frame structure is relatively small.

The principle of building a frame is already described in this article. Here the difference lies in the fact that it is important to respect the dimensions of the garage. So, a frame is being built from beams 3 m long. The assembly starts from the bottom crown. You fix the corner drains on it and the upper crown is already on them.

In order for the racks to have a secure fixation, they should be temporarily fixed with the help of rails or boards.

The resulting structure will have a sufficiently high strength. If necessary, the frame is reinforced with jumpers for greater rigidity. As for the opening, a beam is laid horizontally on top of the racks. It must also be securely fastened.

In our case, we will build a gable roof of the garage. The ridge beam will be attached to two supports, the cross section of which is 10 × 10 cm. These supports will rest on the gables. For the manufacture of rafters and a ridge, a board 40 × 100 mm is used.

Rafters are installed close to each other. This will allow the roof to remain stable under strong wind loads. Between themselves, they are tightened with puffs. This technology will unload the skate. The boards themselves should not be fastened to the crossbar with an overlap, but under the ridge on top of the puffs. At the end, the structure is sheathed with USB or plywood.

The floor in the garage can be made using different technologies. For example, you can make it wooden, concrete, or use self-leveling floor technology. The walls can be treated with construction paper, and hardboard is attached on top of it. But you can apply other finishing materials. As mentioned at the beginning of this description, outside we propose to install corrugated board on the facade. To do this, you need to make a small crate from a bar 40 × 40 mm. The ceiling can be hemmed with wooden boards.

So that the roof does not sag under the weight of snow, it is recommended to fix the filly to the rafters from the side of the walls. It will also allow you to make the filing of the cornice and the overhang of the roof more attractive.

For wall cladding, it is better to use sheets of 3 m. So, the design will be airtight without unnecessary joints. In conclusion, it remains to make metal gates.

Following such a simple technology, you can make a wooden garage, 6 × 4 m in size.


The process of building a frame garage in video format:

A photo

In the provided photo gallery, you can see various options for building a wooden garage:

Schemes and drawings

If you decide to build a wooden garage yourself, then first study the diagrams and drawings: