Catering concept. Main classes of catering establishments

Restaurant. The restaurant is the most comfortable catering establishment. This is an object Catering With a wide range dishes of complex preparation, including custom-made and branded, wine - vodka, tobacco and confectionery, purchased goods with a high level of service in combination with leisure activities. A custom dish is a dish that requires individual preparation and presentation after receiving an order from the consumer. Signature dishes include dishes that are prepared on the basis of a new recipe and technology or a new type of raw material. These dishes reflect the specifics of this food object. They must be different original design, successfully combine products according to taste properties. Service in restaurants is carried out by highly qualified waiters. Restaurants can have deluxe mark-ups, superior, first and second. Depending on the mark-up category, requirements are set for restaurants in terms of material and technical equipment (furniture, dishes, table linen and appliances), interior design of the hall, advertising, assortment (specific weight of custom-made and branded dishes on the menu).

There are restaurants:

According to the range of products sold (fish, beer, national cuisine or cuisine of foreign countries);

By location (at a hotel, train station, in a recreation area, restaurant car, etc.). When choosing a place for a restaurant, any businessman first of all finds out how many potential visitors pass by the doors and signs of the establishment every day.

Bar. A bar is a specialized catering facility with a bar counter that sells various drinks: mixed, strong alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic; snacks, flour confectionery and bakery products, purchased goods. It provides visitors with the maximum level of comfort. Bars can function as standalone facilities or attached to other catering facilities (such as restaurants).

The bar can specialize in:

According to the range of products sold or the method of its preparation (beer, dairy, grill bar, cocktail bar, cocktail hall, wine, coffee),

According to the specifics of customer service (video bar, karaoke bar, variety bar) Usually they are assigned a luxury category, the highest or the first. Bar service is provided by bartenders or waiters.

The class of the restaurant and bar determines the degree of use of decorative elements in the design of the hall: refined (luxury), original (highest and first).

Tables in restaurants and bars can be of different capacity (2,4,6 or more seats), but with soft coating(luxury, supreme) or polyester coated (first).

As tableware and cutlery in restaurants and bars are used:

Metallic: cupronickel, nickel silver or stainless steel (luxury, superior); stainless steel (first);

Porcelain and faience ware with a monogram or decoration(luxury, superior); semi-porcelain and faience (first); in themed restaurants with national cuisine (luxury), it is allowed to use dishes made of ceramics, wood, etc.

Assorted glassware: crystal, artistically designed blown glassware (luxury, superior); high-quality glassware without a pattern (first).

White or colored tablecloths are used as table linen in restaurants and bars of all classes, and branded tablecloths are recommended for luxury restaurants and bars. In specialized restaurants and bars of the highest and first class, in the presence of tables with polyester coating or artistically designed covers, it is allowed to replace tablecloths with individual cloth napkins. Change of table linen (tablecloths) at the enterprises of luxury classes and the highest - is obligatory.

Canteen. The canteen is a public catering facility intended for the preparation and sale of breakfasts, lunches, dinners that are varied on the days of the week, as well as their home delivery. Thus, a characteristic feature of canteens is the presence in the menu of a complete diet. Canteens can be of the 2nd and 3rd mark-up category. Self-service is used to serve consumers. Set menus can be used. A canteen can function - distributing. This is a canteen intended for the sale of culinary products and purchased goods received from other catering facilities.

The canteen is the most accessible type of enterprise providing services to the general population, producing and selling dishes.

Canteens are classified:

According to the range of products sold (general and dietary);

In canteens at industrial enterprises, higher and secondary educational institutions, schools, it is recommended to organize diet rooms, distributing or ration complexes diet food in the trading floors of public catering establishments. Public catering services are also provided through canteens and distribution centers that sell finished products received from other enterprises.

By location (public or at the place of work, study);

The dining room can be public or provide services to a certain contingent and be located in the city in places determined by rational standards for providing the population with enterprises and service institutions.

By contingent served;

There are canteens organized to provide food to the population at the place of work, study and in medical institutions where breakfasts, lunches and dinners prepared in accordance with physiological and natural standards are prepared and served.

Cafe. A cafe is a public catering facility for catering and leisure of consumers with a limited range of culinary products compared to a restaurant. Depending on the range of products sold, cafes are divided into enterprises general type and specialized.

The general cafe is a catering facility with a wide range of hot and cold drinks, bakery and confectionery, dishes and culinary products of simple preparation, fermented milk products. As a rule, they are assigned the highest, first or second category. Requirements for a general type cafe of the relevant categories. Their menu should include custom-made and signature dishes.

Specialized cafes are created

According to the range of products sold (cafe - confectionery, cafe - ice cream, cafe-dairy),

According to the specifics of the contingent of visitors (children's cafe, youth cafe)

Also, cafes are distinguished by the method of service. The service method is a way of selling catering products to consumers. Within the framework of the service method, forms of customer service are distinguished. The latter means an organizational technique, which is a variety or combination of customer service methods. In catering establishments, two main methods of service are used:


Individual service by waiters.

The most rational method of customer service is self-service. This method can significantly reduce the time spent by consumers, increase the throughput of catering establishments.

The type of cafe can also include cafeterias (cafe departments), which are mainly organized at stores for the sale with consumption on the spot of a limited range of products that do not require complex preparation, purchased goods (hot and soft drinks, juices, sandwiches, confectionery, some other products).

In public catering, there are various forms of self-service:

With advance payment;

With subsequent payment;

With direct payment;

With payment after meals (self-calculation system).

In order to speed up customer service and increase its level at catering establishments, progressive types of service can be used as an addition to the main methods:

Advance sale of checks for lunches and individual meals;

Advance sale of subscriptions for food for a different number of days at the request of the consumer;

Release of completed food rations;

Vacation lunches credit.

Subscriptions for food can be used in the organization of school, work, medical and preventive, dietary nutrition, special nutrition (for example, milk according to the harmfulness of production). Combined forms of service can be widely used in catering establishments. For example, self-service can be combined with the preliminary sale of checks, subscriptions.

Diner. A snack bar is a public catering facility with a limited range of simple dishes prepared from a certain type of raw material, designed to quickly serve consumers with intermediate meals. Basically, all specialized snack bars belong to enterprises of the first or second category, they use self-service, with the exception of barbecue ones. Where service is provided by waiters.

It is possible to distinguish such types of specialized eateries such as Bulbya, barbecue, cutlet, sausage, dumplings (varenichnaya), patty, pancake, tea, pizzeria, donuts (donuts), pasties, sandwiches, wine glasses, etc. Bulbyanaya specializes in cooking dishes of the Belarusian national cuisine using potatoes. Bistro refers to the type of eateries.

The peculiarities of eateries are that they work mainly on semi-finished products, have a narrow assortment and are small in size. They use both ordinary furniture and high tables for standing meals. If the diner is assigned the first category, then the menu includes custom and signature dishes. Disposable tableware can be used in eateries

Tables in cafes must have a polyester coating, in canteens and snack bars - a hygienic coating. AT certain types cafes allow brackets for standing meals. Dishes and cutlery made of aluminium, stainless steel, faience, high-quality glassware without a pattern (for cafes) and pressed glass (for canteens and snack bars) are used for portioning dishes. In canteens and snack bars, the use of disposable tableware is allowed. There are paper napkins on the tables.

The menu of the enterprise should be made in the national (s) or Russian language, neatly designed.

For cafes and eateries specializing in the preparation of dishes from a certain type of raw material, it is mandatory to sell several types of these dishes.

In addition, catering services may be provided through other structural units.

Other catering establishments

Buffet is a structural subdivision intended for the sale of a limited range of culinary products, confectionery products, purchased goods. They can function as independent catering facilities or at other catering facilities (restaurants, canteens). In the latter case, the buffet category must correspond to the category of the enterprise at which it is located. Buffets come in the first, second and third mark-up categories. Buffet service is provided by the bartender. Disposable utensils are allowed.

Cafeteria - a public catering facility intended for sale with consumption on the spot of a limited range of products that do not require complex preparation, purchased goods.

Company - vending machine - an enterprise that sells products of a certain range through vending machines.

Cooking shop (department) - a store (department) in the public catering system that sells to the population culinary products, semi-finished products, flour confectionery and bakery products, purchased goods, as well as fermented pickles. Culinary shops are located on the territory industrial enterprises, as part of integrated catering establishments, restaurants and canteens. Usually designed for 2-4 jobs.

Combine of public catering - this is an industrial and economic complex, consisting of a complex consisting of procurement and pre-cooking public catering facilities with a single technological process for preparing products, as well as culinary shops and auxiliary services. It usually includes a canteen, a restaurant or cafe, a culinary shop, a bar, one or more workshops for the production of semi-finished products, confectionery. As a rule, catering plants are the main objects of unitary public catering enterprises in the system of consumer cooperation.

Culinary Combine - This is a manufacturing company. Procurement facilities (workshops) of public catering are intended for centralized production of culinary products, bakery and confectionery products and supplying them with pre-cooking facilities, culinary shops (departments), retail trade networks. Culinary factories usually have cafeterias and culinary shops.

Tent - a catering facility that sells a narrow range of products own production and purchased goods, belonging to a stationary trading network, located in a light building closed type having two more jobs as well utility room and not having a trading floor.

Pavilion - a public catering facility that sells a narrow range of products of its own production and purchased goods, belonging to a stationary trading network, located in a permanent or temporary building with or without a trading floor and having utility rooms.

Quick Service Establishments (FSPs) - a public catering facility intended for the production and sale, with the organization of consumption on the spot, of dishes of simple preparation of a constant assortment using semi-finished products of industrial or own production, produced by procurement enterprises.

Public catering (catering) is an industry National economy engaged in the production and sale of prepared food and semi-finished products. Such enterprises include: a restaurant, a cafe, a bar, a canteen, a pizzeria, a coffee shop, culinary and confectionery shops, dumplings, pancakes, as well as different kinds"fast food". All public catering enterprises are divided into: public and private. The above institutions are more typical for private sector institutions. The public sector includes catering establishments for children, schoolchildren, military personnel, the elderly, people undergoing treatment in a hospital and other similar establishments.

Term "public catering" was more used in Soviet times, and today in most countries of the world the concept of "restaurants", "restaurant business", "restaurant business" is used to refer to this industry. But in any case, these are enterprises that provide catering services to the population through the production of culinary products, their sale and catering for various groups of the population.

All establishments of the restaurant industry, depending on trade and production activities, the range of products, the forms of customer service used, are divided into the following main types: procurement, pre-preparation, and having a complete production cycle.

To blank establishments include enterprises in which raw materials are processed and various semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products are produced from it to supply them to pre-cooking establishments. These enterprises have at their disposal large warehouses, refrigeration and freezing chambers, specialized vehicles, both refrigerated and uncooled, high-performance technological equipment. Such production equipment is necessary for the uninterrupted production, storage, transportation and sale of semi-finished and finished products, which ensures high productivity and product quality. Such enterprises include various culinary, confectionery, flour shops, as well as specialized shops.

To pre-training establishments include enterprises in which most of the dishes and culinary products are produced from semi-finished products obtained from procurement enterprises and organize customer service. These include snack bars, cafes, bars, individual restaurants.

For institutions that have completed production cycle, include enterprises that have conditions for the processing of raw materials, the production of semi-finished products, lunch, culinary and confectionery products and their sale to the population. These include companies that have industrial premises, and serving trading floors (lunch and banquet halls). These are large restaurants, cafes, pizzerias, etc.

A distinctive feature of the establishments restaurant business consists in the fact that they produce and sell products, as well as organize its consumption in dining rooms, combining it with cultural recreation and entertainment for consumers. This greatly complicates the work of restaurant business establishments and increases the responsibility for servicing, both management and the whole service personnel.

Type of catering establishment- type of enterprise with characteristic features of service, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to consumers. In accordance with the classification of restaurant enterprises, depending on the forms of service, the interior of the dining and banquet hall, location, comfort, type and range of products, all restaurant business establishments are divided into the following types: restaurants, bars, cafes, snack bars, canteens.

Also, when determining the type of restaurant establishment, such indicators are taken into account as: - the range of finished products sold, its variety and complexity of preparation, - production and technical equipment, architecture, interior design and layout, material base, - quality of service and service, - the level of qualification of the attendants , - methods and forms of service, - the provision of related consumer services, - the contingent of the serving population, - the location of the institution.

Restaurant- a catering company with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with an increased level of service, combined with a stylish and original design and interior of the premises, as well as organizing cultural recreation and entertainment for restaurant visitors. The following restaurants are distinguished: - according to the range of products sold: with national cuisine, with cuisines of the countries of the world (Italian, French, Japanese), as well as a beer restaurant, fish, etc. - by location: a restaurant at a hotel, at a recreation area , at the station, dining car, at sea ​​vessel etc.

The restaurant is the most comfortable catering establishment, with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded ones. A custom dish is a dish that requires individual preparation and presentation after receiving an order from the consumer.

Signature dishes include dishes that are prepared on the basis of a new recipe and technology or a new type of raw material. These dishes reflect the specifics of this food object. They should differ in original design, successfully combine products according to taste properties. Service in restaurants is carried out by highly qualified waiters and cooks. The owner of the restaurant business is called a restaurateur; both words are derived from the French verb restaurateur(restore, strengthen, feed).

Restaurateur- this is a person on whom the success and future of the restaurant depends, this is a manager who controls any event taking place in the restaurant, and is also in charge of all the affairs of the restaurant, such as:

Organization, planning and coordination of restaurant activities.

Provides high level production efficiency, the introduction of new equipment and technology, progressive forms of service and labor organization.

Exercises control over rational use material, financial and labor resources, assessment of the results of production activities and the quality of customer service.

Studying consumer demand for restaurant products.

Makes decisions on personnel matters positions held by restaurant employees;

Applies measures to encourage distinguished employees, controls the production and labor discipline and much more.

Bar is a drink bar with a limited range of products that sells mixed, strong alcoholic, low alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, immediate consumption, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and purchased goods. According to the range of products sold, bars are divided into: dairy, beer, wine, coffee, cocktail bars, grill bars, fresh bars, etc.; according to the specifics of service: - video bar, variety bar, karaoke bar, etc.; by operating time - day and night. Some bars may be part of a restaurant or hotel.

Term "bar" comes from the name of a specialized counter, behind which alcohol is poured. Most often, behind the bar, out of reach of the client, there are decorative shelves filled with glasses and bottles of alcohol. Sitting right at the bar, you can order various dishes from the menu, even if the bar is part of the restaurant and the main order is placed in another area of ​​the establishment.

In Switzerland, for example, there may be bars such as:

Sports bar frequented by sports fans who come to watch sport games and meet other fans.

A cop bar frequented by cops on duty.

Vega bar for yogis, without alcoholic drinks.

A biker bar frequented by bikers,

Cafe- an enterprise for organizing catering and recreation for visitors with a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. It sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks. Depending on the range of products sold, cafes are divided into general enterprises and specialized ones.

General cafe is a public catering facility with a wide range of hot and cold drinks, bakery and confectionery products, dishes and culinary products of simple preparation, fermented milk products.

Specialized cafes are created depending on: the range of products sold: an ice cream parlor, a patisserie, a dairy café, a coffee house (hot drinks, mainly coffee), a quick service bistro; by contingent - youth, children's, Internet cafes, etc.
Cafes are also distinguished by the method of service: self-service, individual service by waiters.

Canteen - publicly available or serving a certain contingent of a catering establishment that produces and sells dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week. According to the range of dishes sold, canteens are divided into general type and dietary. According to the serving contingent of consumers - school, student, worker, etc. By location - public, at the place of study, work.

diner- a catering establishment with a limited range of dishes of simple preparation, from a certain kind raw materials and designed for quick service to visitors. According to the range of products sold, snack bars are divided into general and specialized enterprises: dumplings, sausages, pancakes, patties, donuts, chebureks, shish kebabs, tea shops, etc.; by type of implementation - snack bar, bistro, cafeteria, etc.

There are also the following types of catering establishments:

Complex catering enterprise: - association in a single complex various types catering establishments, for example: a restaurant, a cafe, a snack bar and a cookery shop; - catering establishments designed to serve certain operating institutions and enterprises (the so-called "Closed network").

Public catering establishments - mass catering establishments accessible to all groups of the population, in contrast to catering establishments designed to serve certain operating institutions and enterprises (the so-called “closed network”).

Catering network- a single-managed group of organizationally and technologically interconnected catering enterprises with the necessary related enterprises ("McDonald's").

To date, in the public catering system, there are mark-up categories “luxury”, “highest”, “first”, “second” and “third”. Public catering facilities of the public network belong to the first three categories. The objects of public catering of the third category include canteens of educational institutions and industrial organizations.

The first and second mark-up categories are assigned by the commission of the main department of the consumer market.

Currently, enterprises of the second mark-up category have received priority development - these are public catering facilities, in which the mark-up on products of their own production does not exceed 70%.

Catering Class- aggregate hallmarks enterprises of a certain type, characterizing the quality of services provided, the level and conditions of service. According to the level and methods of service, the range of services provided, technical equipment, the range of products sold and the qualifications of the staff, restaurants and bars are divided into three classes: deluxe, superior, first.

Suite- sophistication of the interior, high level of comfort, wide selection services, a range of original gourmet custom-made and branded dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom-made and branded drinks, cocktails - for bars.

Higher- originality of the interior, comfort, choice of services, a diverse range of original gourmet custom-made and signature dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom-made and branded drinks, cocktails for bars.

The first- harmony, comfort and choice of services, a diverse range of signature dishes, products and drinks of complex preparation for restaurants, a set of drinks, cocktails of simple preparation, including custom-made and branded drinks - for bars. Cafes, canteens and snack bars are not divided into classes.

Organization of production and jobs in the hot shop cafe "Exchange" for 150 seats in the hotel "Radisson-Slavyanskaya"

Work completed:






Vasilyeva I.V.

Moscow 2012

Introduction. 3

Chapter 1. Characteristics of a cafe as a public catering establishment 5

Chapter 2. Characteristics of the hot shop. eight

Chapter 3 Development production program enterprises. 13

Chapter 4. Calculation of the amount of raw materials. 28

Chapter 5. Calculation of the hot shop. 29

Chapter 6. Description of the organization of jobs in the hot shop with a description of the equipment and inventory. 47

Chapter 7. Sanitation and hygiene rules in the hot shop. 51

List of used literature.. 55


The need for people to eat outside the home arose deep in the past. A branch of activity is singled out, the main task of which is to organize food for people outside their homes (at the place of work, study, recreation).

Public catering plays an important role in society. It most fully satisfies the nutritional needs of people. Catering enterprises perform such functions as the production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products by the population in specially organized places. Food establishments carry out independent economic activity and in this respect do not differ from other enterprises.

Catering includes commercial businesses various forms property, united by the nature of the processed raw materials and manufactured products, the organization of production and forms of public service. Various types of enterprises operate in public catering: restaurants, cafes, canteens, bars, cafeterias, etc. The task of public catering is to serve various contingents of consumers and provide them with services. The catering service is understood as the result of activity legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to meet the needs of the population (consumer) in nutrition and leisure activities.

The system of catering establishments, as a rule, is a structural subdivision of the hotel complex and consists of enterprises of various types and marginal categories with different operating modes.

The service process in public catering is a set of operations performed by the contractor in direct contact with the consumer of the service in the sale of culinary products, confectionery and bakery products, purchased goods and leisure activities.

The work consists of 7 chapters, which deal with:

Cafe as a public catering enterprise;

Characteristics of the hot shop at the enterprise;

Development of the production program of the enterprise;

Calculation of the amount of raw materials;

Calculation of the hot shop;

Description of the organization of jobs in the hot shop with a description of the equipment and inventory;

Rules of sanitation and hygiene in the hot shop.

Chapter 1

A cafe is a public catering enterprise designed to organize the recreation of consumers. The range of products sold is limited compared to the restaurant. It sells branded, custom-made dishes, flour confectionery, drinks, purchased goods. Dishes are mostly simple cooking, an extended range of hot drinks (tea, coffee, milk, chocolate, etc.).

Cafe distinguish:

  • by the range of products sold - non-specialized and specialized (ice-cream cafe, confectionery cafe, dairy cafe, pizzeria cafe, etc.);
  • according to the contingent served and the interests of consumers, including interior design - youth, children's, student, office, cafe-club, Internet cafe, art cafe, etc.;
  • by location - in residential and public buildings, including, in separate buildings, buildings of hotels, stations; in cultural, entertainment and sports facilities; in recreation areas;
  • by methods and forms of service - with service by waiters and with self-service;
  • by operating time - permanent and seasonal;
  • according to the composition and purpose of the premises - stationary and mobile (car cafes, cafe cars, cafes on sea and river vessels, etc.).

Cafes are not divided into classes, so the range of dishes depends on the specialization of the cafe.

Universal self-service cafes sell clear broths from first courses, second courses of simple cooking: pancakes with various fillings, scrambled eggs, sausages, sausages with a simple side dish.

Cafes with waiter service have specialty, custom-made dishes on their menu, but mostly fast food.

Drawing up the menu and, accordingly, the recording begins with hot drinks (at least 10 items), then they write cold drinks, flour confectionery (8-10 items), hot dishes, cold dishes.

The cafe is designed for visitors to relax, so great importance has a shop floor decorative elements, under lighting, color scheme. The microclimate is maintained by a supply and exhaust ventilation system. The furniture is standard lightweight construction, the tables must have a polyester coating. From tableware it is used: metal from stainless steel, semi-porcelain faience, high-quality glass.

In a cafe, in addition to trading floors, there should be a lobby, a cloakroom, and toilet rooms for visitors.

The area norm for one seat in a cafe is 1.6 m 2.

Services provided to consumers in catering establishments of various types and classes are divided into:

Catering services;

Services for the production of culinary products and


Services for the organization of consumption and maintenance;

Services for the sale of culinary products;

Leisure services;

Information and advisory services;

Other services.

Cafe design has a number of features. This is largely due to the need to comply with strict sanitary regulations governing food handling. So, in the kitchen it is necessary to allocate separate workshops: meat, fish, vegetable, hot, cold, as well as production facilities for harvesting, cooking, distributing and storing food. Enterprise project - size required space, the number of staff, the level and format of the cafe, the number of dishes, their storage and washing systems, all depend on the set of dishes. Special requirements are also imposed on the design of ventilation, heating, hot and cold water supply, and sewerage in a restaurant.

Care must be taken in the selection and installation kitchen equipment. Therefore, it is important to choose efficient equipment With high performance and return, which consumes a minimum amount of electricity and allows rational use of production areas.

Currently, the importance of public catering enterprises is increasing. This is due to changes in the methods of processing raw materials, the development of communications, the intensification of many production processes, improvement of delivery methods. Let's take a look at what food service is today.

general characteristics

The main issues that relate to the area under consideration are explained in various regulations international and domestic type. Standards and requirements for this sector are established by GOST. Public catering can be characterized different ways. Thus, it is understood as the methods of preparing food in large quantities implemented without prior agreement with consumers. Any type of food organized outside the home is also called public.

General classification

Catering establishments may be in the private or public sector. The latter includes institutions for schoolchildren and preschoolers, convicted persons, military personnel, as well as people employed in the civil service and undergoing treatment in hospitals. AT private sector may include many of the catering establishments listed above. It also includes restaurants and other types of outlets that generate income. The private sector includes organizations that produce prepared food sold through any of the channels listed above.

The value of the sphere

The development of society contributed to the formation of a socially organized nature of nutrition. The economic significance of this area is to create conditions for increasing productivity and improving the quality of labor activity. This is achieved by providing adequate nutrition at the place of study and work of citizens. The most important tasks of the sphere under consideration also include saving labor and money, creating prerequisites for increasing the free time of people, especially women. Public catering is a type of activity related to the production, processing, marketing and consumption of relevant products, as well as the provision of services to citizens.


The catering industry includes all organizational forms, in which mass consumption is expressed (in children's institutions, hospitals, etc.), whose tasks include the restoration and maintenance of required level population health. Services within the industry in question are provided in exchange for cash citizens. One of the main features of the sector is the commonality of trade and technological, material and technical, administrative and economic structures.

Industry functions

Within the framework of the sector under consideration, the production and marketing of products, as well as the organization of public catering, are carried out. The first function is considered the main and initial. In the production of food, labor costs account for about 70-90% of all industry costs. This process involves the creation of a new product. Own catering products are sold with additional cost and new consumer qualities. In terms of the complex of their functions, organizations in the industry under consideration differ from companies involved in other industries. For example, businesses operating in Food Industry, produce products that can usually be consumed after additional processing. As for the goods produced in the sector under consideration, they are not subject to long-term storage and transportation. This, in turn, requires the organization of consumption of products on the spot. However, it should be noted that the situation has changed somewhat in recent years. In particular, enterprises engaged in public catering are organizing the production of confectionery and culinary products, semi-finished products and other goods, as well as their sale to the retail network through wholesale distribution.


Catering services today provide:

Snack bars;



Their activities can be carried out through the use of unprocessed raw materials or semi-finished products. They can be part of the system of structural education or be independent. The organization of a public catering enterprise is a process to which rather stringent requirements are imposed. In particular, they concern external and interior design establishments, indoor microclimate, appliances and tableware, furniture, assortment and menu, music services, etc. The rules of public catering provided for in regulatory enactments must be strictly observed by all entities involved in the industry.

Company classification

Public catering enterprises by the nature of production are divided into:

  1. Preparatory.
  2. Handouts.
  3. Blank.

The latter can be separate workshops or their complexes. Each such division may have separate production tasks and functions. The workshops are intended for mechanized centralized production of culinary, bakery and confectionery products, as well as for supplying pre-cooking companies, shops, and retail outlets. Such enterprises specialize in the processing of raw materials and the production of semi-finished products. varying degrees readiness, as well as culinary products from poultry and other animals, fish, vegetables. Pre-cooking companies carry out direct preparation of dishes with subsequent implementation and formation of a consumption system. Such establishments use various recipes in their work. For catering establishments of a distributing type, the presence of any special production is not typical. Such establishments sell finished products, which, in turn, are received from procurement and other companies. The organization of public catering by such establishments is carried out in special halls. For companies of a mixed type, they carry out the production and trade process in a full cycle.


Depending on it, catering establishments are distinguished universal and specialized. The first carry out the preparation of dishes from different, and the second - from a specific type of raw material. Today, the filling of the service market occurs horizontally. This means that quite a lot of Chinese and Japanese restaurants are opening, and traditionally there are few European ones.

The nature of the service

Catering services can be provided at different levels:

  • First.
  • Higher.
  • Suite.

The class of the institution is called the complex distinguishing features enterprises of a particular type, which characterizes the conditions, level and quality of service. The above categories are assigned to bars and restaurants. Cafes, canteens and snack bars do not have classes. Depending on the contingent, there are public institutions and those located on the territories of educational and medical institutions, industrial structures.

Time and place of operation

Catering establishments can be permanent or seasonal. In the spring and summer, various summer cafes are open. They offer a relatively small assortment of homemade and purchased products. Such establishments are located in buildings of a semi-closed, closed or open type. Catering equipment in such temporary cafes is simple. They do not have exquisite furniture; counters are usually made in the same way as those in pavilions and kiosks. Permanent establishments are fundamentally different from summer cafes. First of all, they are placed in enclosed structures, equipped with equipment for carrying out various operations. Depending on the place of action, institutions can be stationary or mobile.

Functional affiliation

A separate group includes the organization of public catering in aircraft, road, sea and rail transport. Hotel services cover different market segments. Off-site provision of products, production of culinary products is also specific. The fast food system includes mobile kiosks and stationary establishments.

Other catering establishments

Establishments such as buffets are considered separately. They represent structural units, which are intended for the sale of culinary products in a limited range. Buffets can work independently or operate at other facilities in which public catering is carried out (restaurants, canteens). In the latter case, the institution must have the same category as the structure to which it belongs.


They are industrial and economic complexes. They include pre-cooking and procurement establishments that use the same technology for preparing products, culinary shops and support services. They usually act as head objects unitary enterprise in the system of consumer cooperation. The culinary plant is a procurement enterprise. The workshops are intended for the centralized production of bakery, culinary and confectionery products. They also carry out the supply of pre-cooking enterprises, trading retail network, shops. Culinary factories have their own outlets and cafeterias.

Fast food establishments

Public catering can be carried out in the "fast food" system in stationary or portable facilities. Quick service establishments are designed to produce and sell, as well as ensure consumption on the spot of a constant range of dishes. easy cooking. In their activities, such enterprises use semi-finished products of industrial or domestic production.

Stationary objects

The tent is a public catering facility that sells a small assortment of home-made products and purchased goods. The tent belongs to the stationary network, is located in a light closed building. It provides for two or more jobs, a utility room. Shopping room missing. The pavilion is a public catering facility that sells its own products in a narrow range and purchased goods. It is located in a temporary or permanent building. The pavilion may include a trading floor.

General requirements

The range of standards is established by GOST R 52113. The general requirements for activities are as follows:

  1. social targeting.
  2. functional suitability.
  3. Safety.
  4. Ergonomics.
  5. Aesthetics.
  6. Informativeness.
  7. Flexibility.

Social targeting

This catering requirement includes:

  1. Security and accessibility for consumers of different categories.
  2. Compliance of the services provided with the expectations of customers, including regarding the range, form and method of service, professionalism of the staff.
  3. Availability of certain conditions and benefits for vulnerable categories of citizens (children, disabled people, and so on).


This requirement includes:

  1. Timeliness and accuracy of work, including compliance with the regime established at the enterprise, the assortment list of dishes, drinks and products, compliance with the waiting time and order execution, and so on.
  2. Ensuring the choice of services by the consumer.
  3. Compliance of personnel involved in the service, professional purpose, qualifications, competence, and so on.

Other requirements

The ergonomics of services reflects the compliance of the conditions for their provision and the instruments and furniture used in the process of servicing the physiological, anthropometric and hygienic capabilities of customers. Aesthetics characterizes the harmony of design and stylistic unity of the premises. This requirement also applies to the appearance of employees, table setting, menu design, and so on. Informativeness implies timely, reliable and complete receipt by consumers of information in the service hall and outside it regarding services, products and the company itself. The requirement of flexibility characterizes the ability to change. The list of services provided is adjusted in accordance with the needs of the population and living conditions.

Catering Technology

Without knowledge of this area it is impossible to build production. The technology of catering products includes various ways preparation of dishes, processing of raw materials, standards of components. Specialists involved in this area must know the procedure for dispensing products, the limits of manufacturing costs. One of highlights is the technical equipment of the whole process. Professionals must be aware of the features and be able to rationally use various devices used in the course of production and sale of products. The technology of catering products also includes a culture of service. The training of specialists is carried out in the relevant specialized institutions. The duties of the employee include:

  1. Development and implementation of optimal production modes.
  2. Usage modern ways cooking.
  3. Development of norms for material and labor costs, work order.
  4. Process optimization and cost reduction.
  5. Monitoring compliance with discipline and proper operation of equipment.
  6. Supervision over the implementation of sanitary and hygienic standards in the production process.

The technology of catering also involves the study and use of the experience of world-class establishments that have proven themselves in the area under consideration.

Public catering is an industry that is widely developed in many countries. Currently, there are a huge number of companies that carry out a similar process. And there are a lot of options that these organizations offer. Different types dishes, cuisines and a wide range of culinary products are offered to the consumer in any country. However, in order for this activity to develop successfully, many requirements must be met.

However, these requirements must be followed carefully. What is included in such conditions? And what can happen if you do not follow the rules of catering? Detailed information is detailed in the current article.

Industry as a service

Today, there are a huge number of catering establishments around the world. This includes bars, all kinds of coffee shops, pizzerias and much, much more. They can also be classified into public and private enterprises. But it should be remembered that public catering is an area of ​​activity that is designed to feed people not only with tasty, but also with high-quality products. In its manifestation, this industry is the provision of services, and they must be performed at the proper level.

Not only the health of a person, but also his life depends on this service. There is a lot of evidence for this opinion, and any adult tries to take it seriously. Of course, there have been cases when harm to health was inflicted not only on adults, but also on children. And for them, in turn, it is much more difficult to endure any diseases or infections. Someone may object, but sometimes a dangerous infection can be contracted through food.

Relationship with trade

Trade and catering are closely related. The thing is that the two industries under consideration are largely dependent on each other, excluding only some options for goods. The main purpose of institutions is to make a profit. Trade also works the same way. Of course, not in all trade enterprises you can find exactly food products, but there are many such places. And such a business is relevant at any time.

People have always spent, spend and will spend money on food. Foodservice products in this case are very diverse. Catering establishments offer dishes from almost any cuisine in the world. And it is necessary to monitor the proper quality of these products very strictly. Otherwise, the institution may not only suffer materially (absence of visitors, imposition of a fine for inadequate quality, etc.), but also close on the strict recommendations of the relevant authorities or authorities.

Complying with GOSTs (30389-2013, 30389-95, etc.)

To carry out the work of public catering and the procedure for passing certification for its services, it is necessary to comply with certain GOST standards. Public catering also undergoes a classification procedure, depending on the nature of the enterprise's activities.

This includes many factors, ranging from service conditions and staff qualifications, ending with the time of service to visitors (consumers) and the range of products sold. Of course, it is also necessary to provide all conditions for preserving the life and health of consumers, to equip access or pedestrian access to the enterprise, to illuminate the surrounding area and improve it. Compliance with these and many more requirements become the way to carry out this activity. Otherwise, the organization of a public catering enterprise will certainly not take place.

Product quality

Naturally, all conditions must be met at the maximum level. This will help not only attract consumers, but also save a lot of time, money and effort to correct defects. Along with this, the quality of the products produced must also be constantly taken into account. Food service products must also be manufactured and meet certain standards. For each catering establishment may vary slightly, but the general principle must be respected.

Proper conditions for storage, processing, processing and manufacturing of food are the key to the success of this enterprise. The existing procedure for such actions must be strictly observed. Surely any person will want to use only high-quality products that have all the necessary properties. In situations where the manufacturer manufactures and sells a low-quality product, there is a decrease in its financial performance.

Shortage of specialists

Every company has its own collection of catering. Most cafes and restaurants face a huge problem that prevents them from achieving the desired results. What is it? Despite the fact that at present there are many specialized educational institutions, professional courses for the preparation of high-quality culinary products, not all specialists in this field are close to ideal.

A simple example: a visitor comes to a restaurant and wants to put on the menu not only the name, composition and price of the dish he wants to order. What else does he need if all this is written on the menu? Product calories! In order to prescribe this item on the menu, we need specialists who can correctly compose technological maps. Such employees are able to calculate tables of fats, proteins, carbohydrates that make up meals. This is also an important criterion in the conduct of such a case.

Guidance Document

The catering recipe book is a guiding document. This document contains all the information that the production chefs need to know. It indicates the weight and names of the products included in the dishes, the volume and weight of the finished product (yield), establishes the size and procedure for applying waste standards during thermal and primary processing of products, the consumption of raw materials, the sequence technological processes, temperature conditions cooking and cooking and much more.

Such documents are constantly updated and maintained at the level of changes that occur in the industry. If the product contains any food additives, dyes, preservatives, then the development of their formulation must undergo a mandatory approval procedure with regulatory authorities. It is necessary to indicate contraindications for the use of these additives for certain human diseases.

Clear requirements

The catering recipe is drawn up in a certain way so that the weight norms of the finished product take into account the losses that will occur as a result of processing or cooking the dish. All the detailed conditions for heat treatment vegetables. For some dishes, they must initially be boiled in the skin and only then separated from it, for others, they must first be peeled and then boiled. And this is not all instructions for the preparation and processing of products.

As mentioned earlier, in various enterprises these standards are almost the same, but there are differences. It depends on what specific products are manufactured and sold by these enterprises. Of course, the direct recipe of dishes in different establishments may vary, and the cooking technique may not be the same. The main thing remains exactly how the products are stored, processed, and how accurately they correspond to established standards. For non-compliance with these procedures, a fine is imposed on the institution (enterprise) or another form of liability is applied.

cooking difference

The collection of public catering recipes includes a huge mass of different processes, product compositions, techniques for its preparation and processing. It would seem, why such detailed summaries of rules and regulations? It is clear that any cook knows his business and has certain skills in this activity. And what about a chef who has changed his job? AT previous place they prepared only dishes of the Soviet times (for example), and in the new place they offer guests only gourmet dishes of European or Chinese cuisine.

Perhaps many of the components that make up this or that dish, this cook has never used, does not know how to cook them correctly. Of course, in most cases there are special people who will teach you the necessary skills of cooking or serving a dish, but experience comes with age. If a product is cleaned or processed incorrectly, it is very easy to harm the life and health of the consumer. And this is extremely serious.

Fatal error

Catering is quite painstaking work. This requires full awareness of the rigor of the process and an understanding that food is the most important criterion in this industry. There are cases when owners are forced to pay huge fines, close establishments or even face criminal liability for non-compliance, violation of generally accepted norms. Yes, of course, if a piece of tile fell off at the entrance to the institution - it's not scary. They called a repairman, put him on glue - and that's it.

And what awaits the owner in whom such a situation has occurred: a young man orders an expensive pizza with seafood and he comes across a particle (shard) of a shell? She got there because the cook poorly processed a certain seafood. And the result? Perhaps the worst thing is that the visitor will remain disabled. Why? Everything is very simple - a fragment can easily injure the esophagus, as a result of which the consequences can be very sad. Who will be held responsible for what happened? How exactly will it be paid? And will it be incurred at all? These questions belong to another topic, but the fact of a colossal error is obvious. And the worst thing is that the consumer could not prevent a similar situation, which was allowed by the specialist of the institution.

Personal choice

Yes, a similar incident can occur in a private institution, but are state institutions insured against such incidents? How many cases are there about mass poisonings in kindergartens and schools? There are a huge number of them! Canteens, of course, adhere to the required recipe of catering establishments, so what's the deal? There may be many options. However, it is clear that such situations should not occur. On such illustrative examples it is very well possible to understand why and why detailed regulations. Products must not only be properly prepared, but also stored, processed, processed, and follow the necessary rules.

Many express the opinion that it is safer to prepare and eat food at home, and not risk your health, and still pay money for it. However, you should not take it so categorically. Nevertheless, for the most part, almost all catering establishments try to approach the process with responsibility and make sure that everything is in order: a high-quality selection of the necessary personnel is carried out, only high-quality products for cooking are purchased, all sanitary standards are maintained.

Division into classes

In addition to the fact that there are various types of public catering enterprises, there is also their class difference. Public catering is an industry that also has its own stratification into “thrifty” and “rich”. Classification takes place according to many parameters, such as the level and conditions of customer service, the quality of services provided, the qualifications of personnel, and the range of products offered.

But similar divisions into a certain class occur among restaurants, bars, private enterprises. As a rule, cafes are not divided into classes. What are these classes and what are their differences? The institution of the first has a harmonious and comfortable atmosphere, a certain choice of services, a range of signature dishes and drinks of simple preparation. Institutions upper class have a unique and comfortable atmosphere, unique branded and custom-made dishes, original cocktails and drinks. Luxury establishments have a refined atmosphere and a particularly high level of comfort, a wide range of services, characteristic specialties and drinks that are difficult to prepare.

Going on a trip

Of course, the cost of services that were chosen by consumers and visitors also varies from the choice of a particular class. Public catering is an area where the quality of a product largely depends on how much consumers are willing to spend on it. Of course, cheap food can also be tasty and high-quality, but gourmet food always stands out against such a background.

There is a huge variety of tours around the world, they are purchased for a certain cost. Again, the price of these vouchers may vary from various firms, on the conditions that are included in the tour and many other criteria. Such vouchers can also either include meals (a person pays for a voucher, which already includes meals), or not included. In the second case, tourists decide on their own where they want to eat. Is the travel agency responsible for the included food services? Yes, because she is obliged to carefully study this issue.

Way to success

Production in public catering plays a major role. As mentioned above, it is divided into several stages: preparation necessary documentation, the availability and equipment of the necessary areas for cooking, work with the professional skills of the staff. All these and many other aspects are taken to be observed at the proper level, not only for the preservation of people's health, they are also necessary for the development of the institution. In a place where visitors are tried and loved, there will always be guests. It's permanent! And a favorable environment will give good memories not only to customers, but also to employees of this institution.