How to open your own furniture store. How to open a furniture store from scratch

Before starting the activity, you need to decide on the format of the furniture store.

We can distinguish the following formats of furniture stores:

  1. "Furniture Hypermarket". This store has a full line of furniture products: kitchen furniture, cushioned furniture, walls, hallways, bedrooms, bedside tables, garden furniture, interior, related products and so on. The product range of the furniture hypermarket contains at least 1,000 items. With this format, the sales floor area must be at least 1,000 sq.m.
  2. "Standard". It presents the furniture necessary for furnishing the apartment (kitchen furniture, upholstered furniture, bedrooms, etc.). The assortment of such a store is 200-500 positions. With this format, the sales floor area is 300 - 1,000 sq.m.
  3. "Shop-showroom", it presents only product samples, you can buy only by order. Assortment of 5-6 types of each position. Mostly products that are in mass demand (kitchen furniture, bedrooms, hallways) are presented. The area of ​​the trading floor should be at least 200-300 sq.m.
  4. "Highly specialized shop". In such a store, products of a certain product group are presented: upholstered furniture, kitchen, and so on.

The competition in the furniture retail segment is very strong. Thus, in the Hypermarket format, the leading role is played by international and federal chains. In the Standard format, the main players are large regional networks, but recently there has been increased competition from federal networks.

The most acceptable option for starting a business is to open a store in the "Showroom" format. Assortment: kitchen furniture, hallways, walls, 5-7 types for each item.

Step 2: Capacity calculation

After you have decided on the format of the future store, you need to calculate the market capacity.

According to Federal Service statistics retail turnover of furniture products in Russia in 2010 amounted to 270 billion. The furniture trade is one of the largest segments in the non-food retail trade. The turnover in this segment is comparable to the turnover building materials.

Based on the fact that there are about 54.5 million households in Russia (according to the results of the 2010 census, average population households is 2.6 people), annual expenses for furniture is 4.9 thousand rubles.

Using the above data, it is easy to determine the market capacity for any locality.

So let's say the calculation of the market capacity for the city of Orsk (population 278 thousand people) is as follows:

  1. Determine the number of households: 278,000 / 2.6 = 106,923
  2. We calculate the market capacity: 106,923 * 4.9 thousand rubles = 523 million rubles.

Important point: The presented calculation is conditional and is necessary for understanding the market capacity.

With such a market capacity, it can freely accommodate 15-20 furniture stores of various formats.

Stage 3: Drawing up an economic plan

The main cost items for opening a store will be the following:

  • Repair, lighting, signboard. The amount of expenses under this item depends on the condition of the premises, the quality of building materials, as well as on the area of ​​​​the store. The share of expenses under this item in the total budget: 40%
  • Commodity stock. For a store operating in the "Showroom" format, it is necessary to purchase 5-7 types for each item. The share of expenses under this item in the total budget: 40%
  • working capital. This article must include a two-month amount. rent, as well as a monthly payroll for employees. The share of expenses under this item in the total budget: 20%

On average, the cost of opening a furniture store in the "Showroom" format is 2.5 - 3 million rubles, the payback period is 1.5 - 2 years.

Revenue and payback planning

According to expert data, the revenue of a furniture store (“Exhibition Hall” format) located in a city with a population of 250-350 thousand people is 1-2 million rubles per month. There is a seasonality in the activity, the peak of revenue falls on September - December.

The average markup on products sold is 30-40%.

Net profitability 6-8%.

Payback period is 2-3 years.

Now you know the main stages of planning a furniture store, if after all the calculations made, everything suits you, then you can safely open a business.

To open a store, you need to do the following:

  1. in INFS
  2. Finding a place to open a store
  3. Conclusion of contracts with suppliers
  4. Search personnel
  5. Opening.

Encyclopedic reference: a furniture store is a trade enterprise specializing in the sale of sofas, armchairs, cabinets, and other furnishings and interior items.

Analysts believe that at present the Russian furniture market is far from being saturated, especially in the middle class segment. In times of crisis, the stratification of society into rich and poor becomes pronounced, and the middle class at this time practically disappears. A sale inexpensive furniture profitable in almost all regions of Russia. If you want to know how to open your own furniture store and turn it into profitable business, the tips in this article may be helpful.

Step by step to create a cost-effective furniture store

Step one: choose a specialization

At the planning and registration stage (you can work as an individual entrepreneur or LLC), think over the format of the future store. You can open:

The so-called furniture supermarket, where you can buy any furniture, from kitchen shelves to bedroom sets;

A highly specialized salon of furniture for kitchens or bedrooms, living rooms or offices;

Score exclusive furniture (self made made from rare materials or brought from exotic countries).

Decide also on price segment- it depends on whether a furniture store will be profitable exactly where you decide to open it. The highest demand is cheap furniture, but the premium class has its customers. The study of the consumer audience and analysis of the assortment of competitors will help to develop a pricing strategy correctly.

step two: looking for a room

In prestigious areas, it is advisable to open luxury furniture stores, and buyers of middle-class new buildings and residents of residential areas will be interested in a store with affordable prices. In both cases, spacious premises with convenient entrances and parking are needed. Please note that a warehouse will require approximately the same area as a trading floor.

Pay attention to the interior - marketers advise not just to display furniture, but to create in trading floor small living rooms, bedrooms or hallways so that buyers can immediately see how furnishings can be arranged.

Step Three: looking for suppliers

When selling furniture, it is most profitable to work directly with manufacturers. If you decide to focus on the sale of economy or middle class furniture, pay attention to the products of factories from Russia and neighboring countries. Luxury furniture can be purchased in Italy, France, Spain and other European countries.

When choosing suppliers, pay attention to their reputation and fame - it is easier to sell products of well-established brands than to market to anyone famous brand. If the manufacturer you have chosen has a dealer network, it is better to conclude an agreement with the nearest wholesaler - this will speed up the turnover and save on delivery.

Where to get money?

Opening your own furniture store requires a significant initial investment. To calculate how much it costs to open a furniture store, estimate the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, renting and repairing premises, purchasing the first batch of goods, advertising, tax deductions and salary payments in the first few months.

When choosing a loan program, consider what pays off furniture store quite a long time - from 1.5 to 2 years, and the first payments can be planned no earlier than the second half of the year after the start. cut down start-up costs possible by agreeing with suppliers on deferred payment.

Underwater rocks

Another important point- quality of service. The more additional services you offer (development of a design layout, free measurements, delivery or installation), the more convenient it is for your customers, the more willingly they will tell their friends and acquaintances about you.

Summing up

Due to the low saturation of the market, the furniture trade can become a source of good stable income. Building a store requires a lot of investment. Economy class furniture is the most in demand, but the final choice of strategy depends on the market situation in your chosen area.

MS Word Volume: 39 pages

Business plan

Reviews (36)

Pay attention to the furniture store business plan, because this is an opportunity to start your own business, which will certainly be successful if you have necessary calculations for the commissioning of this commercial enterprise. The sale of furniture is a constantly in demand direction, years and decades pass, but people constantly want to update headsets, buy something new, appropriate fashion trends. Expensive natural wood or democratic materials: MDF or chipboard is chosen by consumers by voting for new furniture with your ruble.

This example of a business plan for a furniture salon will help you decide on the prospects of areas: make furniture to order, trade in finished products and sets, or combine both of these areas. It is also possible to engage in the sale of upholstered furniture, kitchen corners, specialize in the sale of cabinet furniture or take manufacturing as a basis luxury furniture. You just need to decide on a clear sequence of your own entrepreneurial actions.

Use the furniture showroom business plan to better understand the future business, which involves not only trading floors, but also spacious storage facilities, which may even exceed rented trading floors in area. Think about this for sure, as well as about providing the right furniture for storing furniture. temperature regime. Low temperatures and dampness do not contribute to the preservation of an excellent, acceptable appearance of products.

This document on organizing a furniture store will help you find your place in this segment. The furniture market of our country still has niches that can be filled with your own trading company. High-quality tables and chairs, sets, chests of drawers, sofas, office furniture, ottomans and armchairs - a huge number of types of furniture are waiting for their customers, and it is up to you to make your business successful and profitable.

Unlike Soviet times, now there is no shortage of furniture on the Russian market, on the contrary, it is overflowing with products various manufacturers, and it is not always the case quality furniture. There are fewer and fewer free niches in this sector of the economy, but a competent businessman always has a chance to take his place and make a furniture store a profitable project.

Due to declining profitability this business some entrepreneurs who decide to open a furniture showroom are forced to sacrifice their reputation, turning a blind eye to the quality of the furniture they sell. As a rule, such an unpopular decision sooner or later backfires on the businessman himself. More experienced merchants go to meet the buyer, developing loyalty programs, reducing product prices, arranging promotions and providing discounts to regular customers.

According to statistics, a little more than half of the furniture sold falls on products domestic production, 40-45% - to the share of imported manufacturers, among which Italy and Germany are in the lead. AT recent times sales increased sharply Chinese furniture, and, judging by the reviews of buyers of furniture stores, the quality of such products leaves much to be desired.

Opening a furniture store can turn you into a successful businessman, or leave you penniless. It all depends on how competent the organization of the business - a furniture store - will be. First of all, it concerns the format outlet. Taking into account the peculiarities of the market segment that your project focuses on - your own furniture showroom, there are several ways to enter furniture business.

The first and perhaps the most popular option is to become one of the dealers of major furniture manufacturers. Minimum Capital, which is required for this, is approximately 25-30 thousand dollars. It is important to carry out a thorough analysis of the furniture supplier in advance in order to choose a truly reliable partner. The second method, which is also popular among entrepreneurs, is the acquisition of a franchise of well-known commercial and industrial brands. The costs are about the same as in the first case, but at the same time you will not have to invest huge funds in business promotion. But the organization of the work of the furniture salon is built under the control of the franchisee.

Deciding to start trading in a narrow niche, such as opening an inflatable furniture store or building a wicker furniture business, you can avoid competing with the main furniture monsters, but the risk in this case is also much higher. In this situation, it makes sense to regularly conduct a survey of buyers of a furniture store to identify consumer demand in order to take timely measures to change the range. To minimize risks, you will be able to use professional example business plan for opening a furniture store with ready-made calculations. Literate organizational plan will help to accurately determine the structure of the furniture store. You will deal with such an important issue as organizing a credit line in the furniture business, you will be able to independently calculate the planned volumes of cabinet furniture sales per month, and as a result, count on a good profit.

The furniture market is no different high profitability, but there is one exception - the segment of office furniture, which is in stable demand. Written and computer tables, office chairs, racks, tables for conference rooms, cabinets - all this wealth is an integral element of any office. And businessmen who care about their own reputation strive to regularly update the furniture in their office, rightly believing that the first impression of the company is usually the most stable.

Sales volumes of office furniture products are growing every day, as the number of offices is increasing at the same rate various firms and enterprises. In this regard, the profitability in this sector of the market reaches 30-35%. By opening your business - a furniture store - from scratch, you can recoup the initial costs within 2-3 years.

When planning to conclude an agreement with an office furniture supplier, decide in advance on the assortment, which is usually divided into 3 main groups: operational furniture for ordinary employees, furniture for the offices of managers, as well as middle managers, and the third group is furniture designed for the offices of top managers.

The maximum share in the total volume of the Russian office furniture market falls on the first group - inexpensive and practical furniture.

Most of the entrepreneurs who rely on opening a furniture store prefer to sell all groups of office furniture, which allows them to attract the maximum number of buyers. In addition, it is also beneficial from the point of view that most often office owners purchase furniture from three groups at once, and it is more convenient for them to do this in one place. But, focusing on such buyers, it should be understood that in order to place all copies of office furniture in one store, significant retail space will be required - at least 150-200 square meters. m. If you do not have enough space, a visual demonstration of the product will help save the situation - catalogs, according to which a potential client can choose the furniture of interest to him.

It is not advisable to open a business such as furniture trading without your own warehouse. Many buyers are not ready to wait weeks for their order to be completed, preferring to receive the goods here and immediately. Therefore, when planning to open a business based on furniture sales, it is necessary to pay special attention to this problem. Having a warehouse is not a mandatory element if your main supplier is located in the same city.

It is impossible to achieve high sales volumes without active promotion of your company. The basic rules for creating advertisements for a furniture store are to make it recognizable, for which you should not limit yourself to ads in printed publications. Advertising on TV, distribution of booklets with offers potential clients- office owners, developing your own website on the Internet and, of course, the appropriate design of a furniture store - all this will help you attract new customers.

Pay close attention to customer reviews about the quality of the furniture products of the company with which you cooperate. If the quality does not meet the customer's expectations, you risk ruining your reputation. And, on the contrary, working with a reliable partner, you will soon be able to transfer the furniture store to a higher category. To do this, you also need a professional sample business plan for a furniture store, which contains all the information necessary for business development, including a list of basic documents regulating the activities of the enterprise.

The idea of ​​​​a cabinet furniture production business is interesting because it is suitable for entrepreneurs with any income level. If there is no money, we are looking for clients and organize the assembly of furniture from ready-made elements. If we are ready to invest several million rubles, we open our own production workshop. Our business plan considers both options.

The technological process of manufacturing cabinet furniture can be divided into three groups:

1. Full technological process, starting with the manufacture of material (MDF, chipboard, furniture board) and ending with the assembly of the product. This option is suitable for mass production, allows you to minimize the cost of materials, but requires the greatest investment and quality.

2. Medium– production of furniture using ready-made sheets of fiberboard, chipboard, MDF (cutting and assembling elements).

3. Short- the entrepreneur is engaged in assembly, using canvases of chipboard, chipboard and MDF. This is the most suitable option to start your business from scratch. No cutting equipment required. After earning enough client base as an extension of the business, you can buy cutting and edge banding machines.

Market analysis in Russia

Data from the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Industry Enterprises regarding the volume of furniture production in Russia:

  • cabinet (hallways, sets, headset) - 25%;
  • soft - 17%;
  • office - 23%;
  • kitchens - 22%;
  • bedrooms - 13%.

Domestic furniture assortment can be divided into groups according to the following parameters:

  • by functional purpose: for storage (cabinets, cabinets, chests of drawers, shelves), for sitting and lying (armchairs, chairs, beds, sofas), for eating (tables);
  • by constructability: universal-prefabricated, non-separable, sectional, built-in, transformable;
  • materials: wood or wood materials, plastics, metal.

A furniture company must offer customers the entire range of functional purposes. Our business plan is designed for the manufacture of furniture from chipboard.

Use of ready-made components

Necessary equipment and cost (prices are in rubles):

  • – 2000;
  • – 2200;
  • – 2500;
  • – 2000;
  • – 7000;
  • – 2500;
  • – 2500;
  • – 2200;
  • – 1600;
  • cutting tools (drills, knives, cutters and crowns) - 3000;
  • classic set hand tool home master – 1000;
  • clamps - 1000;
  • miter box - 800.

total - approx. 35 000 rub. When buying more expensive equipment, the investment is 70 000 rub.

Other expenses

Requires space to assemble furniture. Can be opened. Area - from 25 sq.m. Basic requirements - it must be dry and light. You also need at least one assistant. Included in expenses wages(10,000 rubles) or a percentage of output.

With the right organization of sales, the investment will pay off in 3-4 months. Great option to start a business from scratch.

Opening of a full-fledged production workshop

To open a large-scale production, you can buy the following equipment (prices in rubles):

  • 1500 (cutting blanks of cabinet furniture) - 294,000;
  • milling and copying machine HighPoint R 600 (performing curly parts and grooves) - 220,000;
  • edge banding machine HighPoint BT-T (removal of excess glued edge) - 130,000;
  • drilling and filler machine HighPoint BR 21 (drilling holes for fasteners) - 360,000;
  • cordless drill driver Makita 6271DWAE (assembly of elements) - 7,000.

How are MDF facades made?

We select personnel:

  • a designer who takes orders, goes to the client's house, draws projects, coordinates them and hands them over to the workers;
  • workers of the production workshop - from 2 to 8 people, depending on the volume of production;
  • driver - 1 person ( this work can be performed by the entrepreneur himself);
  • seller to the store (if the trading area is open).

Initial Costs(in rubles):

  • purchase of the necessary equipment - 1,000,000;
  • purchase Supplies – 150 000;
  • LLC registration - 30-40 000.

To start a project for the manufacture of cabinet furniture to order, you need 1,200,000 rubles. The money can be your own or borrowed. For the second option, you need to take into account the cost of paying interest. With an annual interest rate of 22-25%, the profitability of production should be from 30-35% . It also takes into account the payback period, profit after taxes, monthly costs and contingencies. This plan involves the use of own funds.

Variable monthly costs(in rubles):

  • raw materials and materials - 150,000;
  • wages for workers - 100,000.

Fixed monthly costs(in rubles):

  • workshop rent - 50,000;
  • office worker salary - 20,000;
  • advertising costs - 10,000.

Make a product catalog, how the furniture looks in the interior

Furniture belongs to the group of consumer goods, without which the existence of a modern person is impossible. In addition, existing furniture production technologies, a variety of styles and designs, as well as logistics, have made available to the majority of the country's population types of furniture that were previously the privilege of wealthier citizens.

In developing this business plan as business case The project used two main trends that exist in the furniture market in Russia:

  • Among Russian consumers over the past 20 years of a free economy and market, a European culture of choosing a style and standard of living has developed, where the arrangement of one's home and its interior occupies not the last place. People have become more selective in the choice of furniture, its design, quality. Moreover, the majority of Russians no longer consider the purchase of furniture as something capital in terms of investment and are not going to pass the purchased furniture by inheritance to their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Those. there is a purely practical approach to furniture, and, for example, when changing the place of residence or acquiring an apartment, preference is given to buying completely new furniture. Thus, the existing diversity on the market encourages customers to change their furniture interior more often, which is directly reflected in the fact that the Russian furniture market is growing at about 5% per year.
  • The second point is related to the fact that the new opportunities for inexpensive delivery of high-quality furniture from almost any country in the world allow entrepreneurs working in the furniture market not only to quickly adapt to the consumer preferences of buyers, but also to some extent form the demand for different types furniture products. A clear confirmation of this trend is that almost 45% of the Russian furniture market is occupied by foreign-made furniture.

In addition, the fact that the import substitution policy is bearing certain fruits and there are already many furniture factories and companies wholly and completely working for the Russian market using domestic forest raw materials.

The payback period is 10 months.

The initial investment will be 1 720 000 rub.

The break-even point is reached at 3 month of store operation.

Average profit per month 195 000 rub.

2. Description of the business, product or service

This project considers work in the local (local) furniture market with a predominant focus on the consumer belonging to the middle class, as well as work with furniture suppliers for commercial companies, state and municipal institutions.

Buyers are offered a range of the following furniture products:

  • Living room furniture (cabinet furniture) is predominantly an imported product. average price check - 24,000 rubles. for one set.
  • Upholstered furniture for bedrooms and living rooms. 50% of the goods are supposed to be purchased from domestic manufacturers. The average check for each set is 22,000 rubles.
  • Kitchen sets and dining room furniture. It is supposed to purchase from domestic producers at the level of 40%. The average check for a set is 20,000 rubles.
  • Office furniture - 70% of the assortment is supposed to be formed from a domestic manufacturer. Average bill for a set of office furniture ( workplace) - 16,000 rubles.

For customers, systems of cumulative discounts and delivery of purchased furniture within the city are considered.

As additional service buyers are offered a selection of furniture for individual orders.

Strengths of the project:

Weaknesses of the project:

  • constant demand for furniture;
  • a large selection of sales channels and product deliveries;
  • quick adaptation to a changing market
  • the possibility of forming an individual approach to customer requests in terms of assortment and scope of delivery.
  • competition from networks, branded furniture stores, companies - dealers of imported furniture;
  • poor quality work of staff
  • risks of furniture damage during transportation;

Project features:

Project Threats:

  • business expansion by increasing the range and model range furniture;
  • the ability to work with corporate clients, state and municipal organizations;
  • the possibility of creating related types of business - organization wholesale deliveries, work on exclusive orders;
  • High competition in the market;
  • Increase in prices for furniture and accessories in the market;
  • Rent increase / termination of the lease agreement;
  • Reduced purchasing power of the commercial sector and reduced demand for furniture products.

3. Description of the market

To conduct a comprehensive analysis of the local sales market for furniture store products (data analysis - average number potential buyers, total capacity market, market segmentation of competitors), in this business plan it is proposed to use the following parameters.

To date, the Russian furniture market has mainly products of Italian, German, Swedish and domestic furniture manufacturers. A lot is represented on the Russian furniture market (especially in the part that is located in Siberia and Far East) products from China and from other countries South-East Asia. For example, they are very popular furniture sets from bamboo and cheap varieties of mahogany (Malaysia and Indonesia).

If we take into account the price parameter, then the most expensive furniture- it's German. Its quality is very high. Next come Italian manufacturers. Their products are cheaper, but in the field of design they have no equal. Russian furniture mostly middle class. It is still slightly inferior in design style, but in some cases it surpasses Swedish and Italian counterparts in quality. In Russia, the furniture market, starting from the beginning of the 2000s, begins to develop actively and in the last ten years (since the crisis year 2008) the growth rate has averaged 5% per year. The ratio of Russian and foreign manufacturers is 60% to 40%.

In Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian major cities countries - this is a ratio of 70 to 30% in favor of imported manufacturers.

The market capacity is approximately 8 - 10 billion dollars annually. Furniture consumption according to the average annual indicator is 4500 rubles. per person, which is 6-8 times lower than European indicators. For our country, this figure is too small, but given fast growth market capacity and a gradual improvement in the well-being of Russian citizens, one can hope for a rapid increase in this indicator.

The bulk of the demand in Russia is for cabinet furniture. The second position is occupied by upholstered furniture. Honorable third place - kitchen furniture. Serious positions today are occupied by office furniture - a sector that is steadily leading domestic producers. Along with the growth in demand for office furniture, there is an increase in the level of sales of furniture for home offices.

Furniture for cafes and restaurants occupies no more than 5% of the market. Today there are about 6,000 furniture manufacturers in Russia, including medium and small enterprises. And the competition in the market is quite high. The leader in furniture production is the Central District, which produces more than 50% of all Russian furniture.

Taking the above data as a basis, the following conclusions can be drawn.

  • The furniture market in Russia is in a growing trend, adding about 5% per year. This in 10 years will lead to a doubling of sales of furniture products.
  • The average market share, where there is a relatively stable demand from wealthy citizens, is about 20 - 30%.
  • The volume of the Russian furniture market lags behind its European counterpart by several times, which gives a confident hope that with the improvement in the quality and standard of living of Russians, the furniture market will be one of the first favorites to increase market demand.

For a city with a population of 300-400 thousand people, the maximum market volume will be approximately 1.35 - 1.5 billion rubles a year. If you cover only 1% of this entire market, then a furniture store can count on its share in the amount of at least 15 million rubles (competing only with the same small stores). This is a fairly convincing incentive to develop the furniture business, despite short-term crises and recessions in the economy.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

A distinctive feature of organizing a furniture store business is that such activities do not require going through the procedure for obtaining licenses in various licensing, regulatory authorities (this will significantly save not only time, but also money).

On the initial stage optimal use of organizational legal form IP. This will allow, on the one hand, to reduce the workflow for maintaining various reports, and on the other hand, to choose the most optimal taxation regime. In this case, the variant of the tax regime was chosen according to the form of the simplified tax system with a 6% tax burden (according to the scheme: "income - expenses").

In addition, when applying for registration the best option is an indication in addition to the main OKVED activity code - 52.44.1 - “ Retail furniture" as well as similar codes related to the sale of furniture to retail and wholesale consumers. Such codes, in particular, can be:

  • 52.12 - Other retail sale in non-specialized stores;
  • 52.44 - Retail sale of furniture and household goods;
  • 52.48.1 - Specialized retail trade in office furniture, office equipment;
  • 52.48.11 - Retail sale of office furniture
  • 51.15 - Activities of agents in the wholesale trade of furniture, household goods, hardware, knives and other metal products;
  • 51.15.1 - Activities of agents in the wholesale trade of household furniture;
  • 51.47.1 - Wholesale household furniture, floor coverings and other non-electric devices;
  • 51.47.11 - Wholesale of household furniture;
  • 51.64.3 - Wholesale of office furniture.

Such foresight will make it possible in the future, when expanding the business of a furniture store, to work freely on the market without additional registration and paperwork with the Federal Tax Service.

By the time the store opens, you must have the following documents:

  • Official permission of the Rospotrebnadzor to trade in consumer goods.
  • Positive conclusion of the local SES and Rospotrebnadzor departments on the readiness of the store premises to serve customers.
  • Drawing up contracts for carrying out deratization, disinfestation, disinfection work, which involves the execution of sanitary work to exterminate pathogens, rodents, insects.
  • Certificates of conformity and quality for each batch of imported furniture. Special attention should be given to obtaining phytosanitary certificates for imported furniture arriving on the Russian market from the countries of the South - East Asia and China.
  • Permits received from the local division of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - (fire supervision) for the compliance of the premises of the furniture store with accepted standards fire safety. Since the premises for the store are supposed to be used on a leasehold basis, the owner of the premises (landlord) is obliged to provide a certified copy of such a certificate.

Based on the existing Russian practice, the full legal registration of a furniture store business will require about 70,000 rubles and 2-3 months of time.

6. Organizational structure

The full payroll calculation, taking into account the bonus part and insurance premiums, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

8. Risk factors

Usually, when considering the risks of a business operating in the consumer market, it is customary to put the systemic risk of competition in the first place. This is a little strange, because at its core, all commerce is competition. Of course, there are risks of unfair competition, but in practical terms, the degree of its danger for most businesses is not so critical. Most noteworthy are the other types of risks that a furniture store business can face.

Risk one- risks of damage to goods, furniture due to utility accidents. This risk is more likely for those furniture stores that are located on the ground floors. residential buildings or office centers. In case of any communal accident (breakthrough of water supply, heating systems), damage to furniture in the trading floor or in warehouses can lead to significant losses for the store. Moreover, the demand for compensation from the owners of the rented premises will not bring results and you will have to file lawsuits against the direct perpetrators of such accidents. The best measure to counteract such risks is to insure the premises of the furniture store and the goods found in it.

The second risk is poor-quality logistics. Despite the fact that more than 65% of the country's furniture market is provided by furniture supplies from domestic enterprises, more than 1/3 of the goods come to the market under import contracts. Often the delivery of furniture from abroad is carried out by complex logistics routes, which significantly increases the risk of furniture damage along the way (in railway cars, car trailers or sea containers). So, for example, if furniture is delivered from the Chinese city of Guangzhou or Foshan (furniture "capitals" of China) by sea, then along the way sea ​​container crosses a number of climatic zones until it reaches Russian ports. Naturally, such changes in humidity and temperature can significantly affect the quality of furniture. Such risks are neutralized either by reducing the logistics shoulder, buying furniture from wholesale or customs warehouses in Russia, or by insuring the cargo.