How to start a furniture business? Business for the production of cabinet furniture from scratch How to create a furniture business from scratch

Furniture Manufacturing: Analysis of 9 Concepts + Detailed Furniture Manufacturing Business Plan: 4 Steps to Building Your Own Business.

Furniture manufacture good business idea.

Expensive, difficult and a lot of competition? Yes, to get into furniture production, you need to have a clear plan of action that will lead you to success.

“Why this particular idea? I can get into making British hats: less competition, you can easily become a leader.

Yes, one cannot but agree with this statement. The furniture business is a tough, competitive environment.

But here is what you get in return for the money spent and efforts in organizing your own furniture production:

    You can earn much more on the production of furniture than on fur hats.

    It is not only about the manufacture of goods: selling, assembling, dealership activities all bring real income.

    Regular customers.

    Wholesale purchases and long-term cooperation are the basis of the work of furniture factories.

    Sustainable profitability of production.

    Quality furniture is always on sale. Every year the demand for domestically produced goods of the middle price category is growing.

    Opportunity to expand your business.

    The percentage of Russian products on the market has grown to 55-70%. Demand creates supply.

    The formation of regional production units will allow competing in the battle for a monopoly in the furniture market.

How to open your own furniture manufacturing business without huge investments? Here is the main question of the article.

Is it real? Yes, no doubt, without large investments it is quite possible.

When you read this article to the end, you will have no doubts about the veracity of this statement.

First step: decide on the concept of furniture production

Why do you think the demand for furniture has remained stable over the years?

Diversity is the key to the success of this industry. The versatility of the market allows each manufacturer to find their "island" of responsibility.

Let's list the areas of life where various modifications of the same furniture can be used:

  • educational institutions;
  • shops (hypermarkets, trading floors);
  • official representations;
  • business centers;
  • residential buildings;
  • apartments;
  • , cafes, public canteens;
  • entertainment centers.

Each of these establishments has a certain style of interior, which means that the furniture must have a unique design. Variety is the basis for special product offerings.

The market is divided into a dozen sections, each of which differs from the rest in production materials, furniture design, and pricing policy.

Deciding on the concept of your product is the first step to the success of production.

Let's evaluate together the main sections of furniture production in Russia.

1) Manufacture of wooden furniture.

The basic version for production is the most accurate description of this direction. Wood is considered the so-called warm material.

Wooden furniture is used in residential premises, educational institutions, hotels, any service centers where the emphasis is on the client.

What are the advantages of manufacturing wooden furniture?

  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • ease of processing;
  • sufficient amount of raw materials for production + moderate cost;
  • variety of furniture designs.

Also, one should not forget about other important features of wood: it perfectly retains heat + has a low density (the weight of the material is relatively small).

Is it worth it to manufacture wooden structures or is it better to find analog materials?

Nothing beats wood for a beginner carpenter.

2) Manufacture of metal furniture.

Production of metal furniture: what is it intended for?

  • Warehouses requiring practical furniture that can withstand heavy loads.
  • For the storage of drugs, as well as maintaining safety, metal structures are better suited than others.

    Food industry.

    Working with some products (meat, fish, quick-frozen products) requires the use of stable and easy-care structures.

    banking industry.

    The main purpose of using metal furniture is maximum safety.

  • Chemical industry, metallurgy and other industries involving the use of specific materials.

Working with metal is very different from trimming and shaping wood structures. Without special skills and abilities, you should not take on welding and metalworking machines.

3) Manufacture of solid wood furniture.

Readers may have a question: “What is the production of solid wood furniture?”

Solid wood is solid materials, i.e. boards, wooden shields that did not lend themselves to any processing. The principle of mining an array is sawing solid wood.

Solid wood products have a unique look, and working with them requires special knowledge and many years of experience working with wood.

The cost of raw materials for such furniture is high, so you can use this expensive and fragile material only if you are completely confident in your skills.

Is this the best idea for a start-up business? Definitely not! Only the most experienced entrepreneurs take the risk of taking on the production of luxury solid wood furniture.

Too big a chance to burn out, especially considering the fact that serious customers turn only to experienced market players who have managed to strengthen their reputation with deed and time.

4) Manufacture of upholstered furniture.

Upholstered furniture is an indispensable attribute of a cozy home interior of an apartment, a private house.

The trend of the 21st century is office equipment with all the amenities for employees, so the scope of this concept is only growing.

The design of upholstered furniture sometimes impresses with its functionality and thoughtfulness of details.

But, it is necessary to understand that the client's demand is always focused on simple and understandable forms, comfort and low price.

What problems will you face if you choose the production of upholstered furniture?

    The need for hand upholstery.

    Automated upholstery equipment costs a lot of money, so it will be cheaper to use the services of a professional upholsterer.

    The manufacture of the frame + upholstery of the cover takes up to several days.

    The impossibility of full automation can adversely affect overall productivity.

    Cost of materials.

    The price of upholstery materials for furniture may exceed the cost of a frame assembled from fiberboard and chipboard.

Upholstered furniture is not a panacea for a novice entrepreneur. The cost and labor intensity of production require serious capital investments.

5) Manufacture of cabinet furniture.

Simple cabinet furniture made of chipboard is used in all spheres of human life. A bench for a classroom, a kitchen corner, a simple book table - all these are case products.

The technological process of its production can be either 90% automated or manual, depending on the complexity of the design.

Why is the production of cabinet furniture a great idea for a small business?

    Simplicity of design.

    You do not need to use expensive designer services. Simplicity of design is the key to success in this sector of furniture production.

    Easy assembly.

    The process can be automated, but in-home furniture collection services can also be provided.

    This will serve as another marketing advantage for your business.

    High profitability.

    There will always be clients.

    With a little effort, you can establish contact with business centers, or educational institutions.

    It is necessary to choose the direction for permanent cooperation, this will ensure the stability of orders + the uniformity of work.

6) Manufacture of office furniture.

The production of office furniture is a narrow specialization of the "cabinet" direction. Often, the production of cabinet furniture for the office differs from the production of household furniture.

The most obvious sign is the rigor of design + discreet shades.

The best format for selling your services is to place orders for complete office furnishing.

What are the features of design in the production of office furniture?

  • The designer must develop a general concept of the room, i.e. each piece of furniture in the office should match the overall atmosphere.
  • Clear product lines: nevertheless, the rigor of the workflow must be displayed in every detail.
  • Materials: the use of the same type of materials for production allows you to invest minimal amounts in production.

Manufacture of cabinet furniture for office? Yes, but only if you initially take the right position in the market.

Make furniture in a moderate price category, focusing on small offices. Then success among buyers is guaranteed.

7) Manufacture of furniture to order.

Custom furniture manufacturing is a separate business sector. Also perfect for your own business.

The main goal of such an entrepreneurship is to get one order, fulfill it with high quality, and only then take on the second one.

If you are a self-employed entrepreneur who has a garage with a minimum set of equipment, this is your gold mine. Of course, you need to have experience working with wood and be a high-level specialist to organize such a production.

Customers order the services of an individual master carpenter only if there is a need to produce exclusive furniture.

The professionalism of the entrepreneur and his team is of paramount importance in business development.

8) Manufacture of children's furniture.

The production of furniture for children should be accompanied by constant control. It is important to remember who you are creating the product for.

The basic quality standards that the production of children's furniture has:

    Environmental friendliness of materials.

    Particular attention should be paid to the use of polymers.

    Any open contact of a child's skin with industrial chemicals can lead to irritation and other unpleasant consequences.

    Design practicality.

    Furniture should be stable and practical, this will ensure the safety of the child.

    Interesting design.

    Young children perceive the world differently. For them, not only practicality is important, but also the visual component.

If you are just starting your entrepreneurial journey, leave the production of children's furniture to other market players.

Any slip in the production of an inexperienced businessman can put an end to all expectations.

9) Manufacture of kitchen furniture.

Kitchen furniture, for the most part, is cabinet, assembled from finished sections of fiberboard and chipboard.

An important indicator of quality is practicality. Work in the kitchen is associated with the constant use of each element of the interior.

Kitchen furniture should be simple and understandable even for a child: no extra shelves and decorative elements.

What are the advantages of manufacturing kitchen furniture for a novice entrepreneur?

    It is not necessary to have a furniture workshop or factory.

    It is enough to be a good designer to correctly describe the wishes of the customer.

    Those. you have to assemble a design layout, and then simply order the necessary sections and assemble them together already in the client's house.

  • The simple design simplifies the work of production, allows for greater automation of the process.
  • Cheap materials.

    If you dismantle 90% of modern structures, inside you will see a mixture of fiberboard, chipboard, glue and varnish.

All financial transactions related to the acquisition of IP income must be carried out using a current account.

Decide on the accounting format.

Now everything is ready for the official start of the project. The only thing left to do is to think over the format of your production.

STEP 2: Determine the base for the supply of materials. Equipment for the production of furniture.

Think about the question: where to get the materials needed for production?

The best option is to approve an agreement with a woodworking shop on bulk purchases of chipboard, fiberboard and other consumables.

The advantage of such cooperation is the ability to order cutting material according to the dimensions you specify. This eliminates the need for expensive woodworking machines.

List of materials for the production of cabinet furniture

Material name
unit of measurementPrice, rub.)
Chipboard 12 mmsq. m.95
Chipboard 16 mmsq. m.90
Fiberboard 3.2 mmsq. m.25
Edge materialp.m.2
Packing (cardboard)sq. m.2
Cutting toolset7 800

Getting materials is not a problem. It is much more difficult to make a high-quality cut to the requirements of the design.

Do not want to pay for the services of a woodworking shop? Rent equipment for the production of furniture for a certain time.

To do this, you need to contact the administration of the nearest furniture factory and agree on the use of machines after hours. The management of furniture production is interested in the constant operation of machines, because every minute of downtime costs them a lot of money.

Main machines for furniture production

panel saw
It is used for sawing boards fiberboard, chipboard.

It is fundamental in the work of a carpenter with cabinet furniture.

The cost starts from 100,000 rubles. Depending on the manufacturer and type of material supply, it can reach 300,000 rubles.

edge banding machine
Allows you to close the edges of fiberboard and chipboard boards by means of high-temperature action on the roll facing material.

The cost is from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Drilling and filler machine
Used for drilling through and blind holes in chipboard and fiberboard boards.

The cost is 100,000-150,000 rubles.

Renting machines will allow you to independently create the desired shape of the cut.

But if your level of professionalism does not allow for perfectly accurate work, trust the specialists of the woodworking shop.

STEP 3: "Where do I store the finished furniture and how do I deliver it to the customer?"

There are no problems with storing materials, if you work with a woodworking industry - use the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir warehouse.

The cost of rent will be minimal. It is enough for you to have an area of ​​​​10-15 square meters. m., the price is 5,000-8,000 rubles. per month.

Delivery of components to the customer will also not be a problem. If you do not have your own car, use the services of a transport company.

Cabinet furniture has a distinctive quality: it is divided into convenient sections, which simplifies transportation.

STEP 4: Furniture installation and payment.

When you have delivered the product sections to the customer at the site, there is one step left - assemble the structure and get your money.

To do this, you need to have the simplest tools with you: a screwdriver, a puncher and the necessary fasteners.

The greater the level of professionalism you show during the assembly process, the better the client will leave feedback on the work performed.

“How much will I earn on each completed project?” This is the most important question that worries an entrepreneur.

There is no single answer. Consider a specific example and evaluate the prospect of earning yourself:

  • The cost of material for assembling a kitchen corner is 10,000 rubles.
  • The cost of a finished corner in a hypermarket is from 40,000 rubles.
  • Unique design solution at the request of the client + 2,000
  • The final price for the execution of the order by you is 37,000 rubles.

Conclusion: having spent 10,000-15,000 rubles on materials + sawing work, you receive a reward of 37,000 rubles.

Such a price is lower than the average market, which will allow you to win the competition + you personally receive from 20,000 rubles.

Profitable enough? The answer is obviously yes.

Furniture manufacture great idea for an entrepreneur. If you do not have initial capital, but you know how to work with your hands and head, welcome to the business.

Determine your sector of the furniture business and carefully consider the basic principles of work.

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Finding a niche in the flood of opportunities is not easy. It will help you orient yourself and find the scope of your abilities by collecting information, as well as statistics on the most profitable and actively developing areas of business.

Now there is a tendency to increase the volume of construction and the growth of mortgage lending, so the demand for furniture in the near future will be at a high level. If you've ever thought about starting your own business, you can't lose by trying your hand at the furniture business.

Today, in the market of offered goods, works and services, one can observe a trend towards narrow specialization. By developing certain types of furniture models, entrepreneurs can focus on its unique properties, original design and specialized applications.

Manufacturers stop at a specific type of product and try to find their consumer, who would provide a constant profit.

Business Specialization

Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses focus on a narrow market niche. Having fixed in one direction, entrepreneurs are already making a choice in favor of stability or expansion of production, capturing all new profiles.

There is a large set of companies that specialize in the production and sale of furniture for pharmacies, restaurants and workshops, car services, supermarkets, etc.

The number of potential specializations is extremely large. Absolutely in any kind of activity furniture is required. Experts are sure that in the near future the appeal to specializations will only increase.

Now innovators are already appearing on the market, offering glass, plastic, frameless and multifunctional furniture made from rare species of trees.

The direction of restoration and restoration of furniture is also developing. This type of business flourishes exclusively in big cities and is imprisoned for antiques. Like a business, furniture restoration also satisfies the needs of its customers.


When choosing a field, you should decide on the range of products. Among the furniture, there are such groups as:

Operating Instructions

  • household;
  • for public areas.

According to those properties

  • collapsible;
  • sectional;
  • bent;
  • wicker;
  • built-in;
  • non-separable.

By appointment

  • case;
  • for sitting or lying;
  • furniture for work;
  • dining furniture.

Domestic manufacturers strive not only to provide the population with furniture, but also to provide a range of additional services for the delivery, assembly and selection of individual design.

There is both serial production of the same models, and the creation of custom-made furniture. In the latter case, customers can provide everything - from the size and purpose of the model, to the design and selection of materials.

Choosing a place for furniture production

The choice of a place for locating your production should be treated with particular care. For the first time, it is best to rent a commercial space. In the future, if the business develops steadily, you can move on to buying your own space or building a production building on your own.

When choosing a place, be guided by the following characteristics:

  • Availability of convenient transport interchange;
  • General condition of the building;
  • Indoor temperature;
  • Humidity level.

All these components are necessary to maintain the optimal mode of storage of materials. The recommended temperature should not exceed 18 degrees Celsius, while the required indoor relative humidity is between 55 and 70%.

With these characteristics, raw materials will not be damaged and will be stored in a warehouse for a long time.

Otherwise, the wood will swell and the paintwork will fade.

Often, if the regime is not followed, mold and spots appear on the raw materials, indicating that the wood is susceptible to decay.

For initial production you will need:

  • Workshop premises;
  • Warehouse for finished products;
  • Commercial premises;
  • Administrative building or central office.

Equipment for the enterprise

High-quality furniture production requires high-tech equipment and components.

To produce furniture parts, the following types of equipment will be required:

  • CNC machines, with modeling programs;
  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Milling machine;
  • Lathe;
  • Other tools.

It is almost impossible to create competitive furniture by working only with domestic suppliers. Such a problem is solved only if the company provides itself with the necessary equipment of the required quality or resorts to the use of foreign technological products.


Working in the workshop requires specialized knowledge in the field of furniture production. For hiring, you will need craftsmen with the appropriate qualifications. Properly select staff, because the quality of products and the efficiency of order execution will depend on their work.

For the first time, for a standard workshop for a beginner furniture business, you should hire:

  • 5-7 specialists of the workshop with experience in working on the main types of machines for processing wooden blanks, chipboard and MDF;
  • 1 master of production with experience in organizing production activities;
  • 1 driver with driving category for cars and trucks.

Wages are paid in accordance with the Labor Code. Observance of the rights of workers for a businessman is one of the priorities.

For the first month of work, the total salary of all employees should occupy a special expense item and be at least 150,000 - 200,000 rubles.

The average payment depends on the region where the business is implemented. In big cities, you need to take the maximum amount threshold.

Purchase of raw materials

There are a number of metropolitan distributors who will help you purchase equipment from imported manufacturers.

Start-up companies quite often order the following components abroad:

  • Laminated boards;
  • Films;
  • MDF boards;
  • Fittings;
  • Paints and varnishes;
  • sliding systems;
  • aluminum profiles, etc.

Preference is given to Western companies, especially Germany, Latvia, Great Britain and Sweden. Manufacturers from these countries guarantee durability and, of course, excellent product quality.

If you are guided by the expected volume of products, it is quite possible to plan the volume of purchases. You will need to choose reliable suppliers who will provide your business with the required raw materials, accessories and related products for production.

Sales and promotion

Even if your company produces unique and high-quality furniture, it will be very difficult to sell products without the right sales mechanisms. The main thing is to competently build a marketing policy, keep the business in a stable position and, as far as possible, continue its development.

Experts in the business world advise to be guided by the following components when building sales tactics and, of course, promotion:

  • Products;
  • Price policy;
  • Promotion;
  • Place of sale.

Do not focus on your products, try to navigate the world of furniture, visit exhibitions, participate in competitions, be on the wave of new products and current trends.

Keep your competitors in mind, set the average price for the market, relying on a flexible policy of discounts and bonuses to attract new customers.

There are currently two main implementation paths: sales of products through own outlets and work through distributors.

The first way will shape the name and reputation of your new company, as well as make the entrepreneur more independent. However, this path is complicated by considerable financial losses.

A more effective way would be to sell your own product through existing distributor stores. You can sell furniture in bulk, rent it out for interest, or rent one of the halls. The distributor will take the risk of the sale, which will require you to prove your competitiveness.

It is worth considering that the furniture business can also be promoted through an online store. Create a user-friendly website with an up-to-date product catalog and price list, register in furniture company catalogs, open pages on social networks and organize a newsletter for potential customers.

Marketing via the Internet is the most suitable way for a start-up business. It doesn't cost much and can bring real results.

The financial analysis

To calculate the initial business plan, all initial and recurring investments must be taken into account. This includes the cost of launching the project, promotion, sales of goods and advertising. It is necessary to compare them with the financial indicators of the project: profitability, investment and payback period.

Main items of expenditure

Focus on items such as:

  1. Purchase of equipment and related tools (1,000,000 rubles);
  2. Purchase of consumables (150,000 rubles);
  3. Registration of an enterprise (30,000 - 40,000 rubles);
  4. Raw materials (150,000 rubles);
  5. Remuneration of workers (150,000 - 200,000 rubles);
  6. Rent of premises (50,000 rubles);
  7. Advertising (20,000 rubles).

The cost is approximate, there is a reasonable error. 1,600,000 rubles - this is the approximate cost of launching a furniture business.

Business Profitability

The furniture business differs from other areas of business activity by a high percentage of profitability - 40% per year. Therefore, even at the initial stages of a business, amazing results can be achieved.

With a profitability of 30%, the expected profit will be 400,000 rubles per month. With intensive business development, this amount will increase by 20% every year. The payback period for such a project will be 14 months.

Pros and cons of furniture business


  • High profitability up to 40%;
  • Constant demand for products;
  • Relatively short payback period;
  • Expanded choice of ways to sell goods;
  • Possibility of a narrow specification on one type of furniture;
  • A large number of suppliers of raw materials and low prices for materials;
  • Governmental support.


  • Sufficiently high requirements for personnel;
  • Lack of quality equipment in our country;
  • The high cost of the initial business project;
  • Special conditions for keeping raw materials in warehouses;
  • Sanitary and other requirements for the materials used.


In view of the fact that in Russia one of the priority areas for many years has been the construction of apartment buildings and cottages, it is worth assuming that in the next decades, the furniture business will remain afloat.

Over the past few years, the demand for furniture has increased significantly. At the same time, the number of Russian companies in this area is incredibly small. This is due to the high level of competition with Western manufacturers and poorly developed strategies of bankrupt companies.

If you correctly build a furniture business, the profitability of production can reach 40% per year. But to achieve such results, you will need to carefully approach the matter.

-> Production, construction, agriculture

furniture making business

Have you ever tried to make furniture yourself, with your own hands? At home. At home, in the garage...

If you are completely unfamiliar with this issue in general and the process of organizing a furniture manufacturing business in the so-called “home conditions” (as a result of this knowledge and skills), then I will tell you that this is done in an elementary way!

Learn to make your own furniture and, perhaps, start your furniture business- believe me, it is available to everyone!

That's what you think it is furniture business in Russian today?

And this is a business that:

Does not require large financial investments;
- has a profitability of 80 to 300%;
- the product of which all people use;
- can exist and develop independently of the technical equipment of your future enterprise;
- will never end;
- every year it develops more and more.

A business that people are already doing and quite successfully. A business that even a full-time student can do.

Piece manufacturing and mass production of furniture today have become simple to disgrace ...

It can no longer be called production ... Rather, it is a process that can be called: "Assemble the designer without outside help if you are 14 years old."

Today there is a real opportunity make your own high quality, modern, absolutely any furniture, any configuration that you are used to seeing in a store - be it a kitchen, a wardrobe, a wall ...

And in order to make this furniture, you don’t need to have any machines - only a computer, a printer, a hand drill and a small amount of hand (not electric) small tools in the form of screwdrivers, a hammer, etc. And of course, knowledge of how it’s all assembled , I emphasize, is not manufactured, but assembled.

Does this sound unbelievable to you?

But what if I tell you that making modern, elite furniture that is sold in expensive, allegedly Italian salons, in which there are more “bells and whistles” than in a car, is no more difficult to make than assembling a computer from components. Of course, provided that you understand something in this ...

And if I also add that this furniture is not made in Italy, but in the garages closest to the store?

Yes, yes, I am talking about the very kitchen that you have been dreaming of all your life, with an aluminum or wooden front ... with a worktop that resembles natural granite ... with smoothly opening wide drawers ... with self-opening fronts ... with a granite sink ... with various chrome tubes , baskets, dryers, and aluminum profiles ... The one that costs from 80,000 rubles ...
About that very closet that has huge aluminum doors with a huge mirror and cooler stuffing than in BMW… which also costs more than one thousand dollars…

You just don't know anything about how furniture is made today!

Making furniture at home? Easy to learn!

You will learn many secrets of the furniture business, which can be done by any person who has never thought of engage in furniture production.

And the most interesting thing is that you do not have to invest a lot of money in this business, but at the same time, this business has a profitability of 80% or more.

And even a full-time student can do it, in their free time from study.

“How so?!”, you ask, “If a business has at least some profitability, therefore, it is necessary to invest at least some amount of money in it in order to make a profit.”

All right. But you will not invest money. You can be 100% sure of this. All you need is a minimal set of tools that almost every owner has and a place to assemble finished parts...

To make your own furniture, you do not need to have a special technical education and have innate design skills. Everyone (even a housewife or a child over 10 years old) will be able to independently design and manufacture almost any cabinet furniture without outside help. At worst, if you doubt your creativity, you can always recreate furniture from any photo or picture from a furniture magazine that catches your eye.
Can you imagine the seriousness of such knowledge and skill and what role it can play in your life?!

Let's look at a specific example of the manufacture of the most complex type of furniture - the kitchen. Why is the kitchen the hardest thing to do? Because the kitchen package includes the most various fittings and materials, this is the first, and the second - all the details are small, and even the smallest flaws are immediately evident.

Let's take as a basis such an expensive kitchen:

What can be said about her? Large expensive kitchen, made of the most modern materials. It is relatively expensive, 48,000 rubles, excluding household appliances, stoves, ovens and microwaves. Honestly, its price in the store will be more than 15 thousand for sure.

The facade is made of frame MDF, has built-in appliances, lighting, deep drawers, roof rails, long handles. The boxes are made of high-quality German laminated chipboard, the fittings are also German, by Hettich. The cuisine is no worse than Western analogues, neither in quality nor in price.

Can you make your own kitchen? Not? And what is the difficulty? Don't know how it's done? Okay, I'll try to convince you otherwise.

Take another look at this kitchen. Could you assemble it if you were given everything disassembled, with an understandable sketch of each individual cabinet or bedside table and all the necessary bolts and nuts attached to this “constructor”?

Thought? And if you were given, let's say, 24,000 rubles for collecting it? And on top for the installation of 8% percent of the total cost, which will be another 4,000 rubles?

Would it be worth the effort of 5-7 days?

Do you think no one will give that much for assembling a kitchen? They will! You just need to think a little. Of course, if you buy such a kitchen in a store, then you will receive no more than 3% of the cost for the assembly, and if you “make it yourself”, you will receive at least 50% of its cost.

Your task is to find everything and order according to certain sizes or buy.

That is, at the first stage, you need to make clear documentation for the product, in which you will have to write out for yourself all the materials and accessories necessary for the manufacture of the kitchen and calculate all possible costs for making the order.

The material is purchased at a regular warehouse, sawing is ordered there. Facades, countertops, accessories, components are made at huge factories, they have representative offices in every city. So when buying, you are on an equal footing with all furniture makers. They also buy everything in a specialized store. You can buy anything, if not in stock, they will bring it to order. Glass is cut in glass workshops to your dimensions. We submitted an application indicating the name of the glass and the size, and received the finished glass...

What then comes out of all this?

All you need is to drill holes for the euro tie to assemble the furniture, install all the necessary fittings, handles, hinges, guides.

Well, stuff like that ... All this can be done in any garage, on a balcony, or even on the spot in an apartment.

Let's say, in order to assemble the kitchen that you saw above, you need to spend a maximum of 5-7 days (or sacrifice three days off) for everything - from the delivery of material to the installation of the finished product.

It is difficult to imagine a comfortable and cozy home without furniture. Opening a business in the furniture industry, with proper preparation and taking into account all the nuances, can bring considerable profit. In the article, we will consider a furniture production business plan with calculations from scratch, how to open and not burn out.

Business plan for furniture production

The furniture business exists in two versions: the sale of manufactured furniture or the production of its own. Often, businessmen start with sales, and then, having studied the specifics of consumer requests, open their own production. In this line of work, you will need furniture business plan.

We will make the calculation for a furniture workshop that produces cabinet furniture in the middle price segment. This includes kitchens, office furniture, cabinets, etc. The organization of the enterprise will be carried out on the principle of an incomplete cycle: suppliers will prepare raw materials, and the company will produce finished panels for assembly using the developed drawings. For an additional advantage in the formation of pricing policy and a shorter payback period, own funds will be used at the start of the project.

Before drawing up a business plan, it is important to carefully study the market - suppliers, consumers, competitors. The volume of furniture production in the Russian Federation, according to the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Industries, is distributed as follows:

  • Office furniture - 23%;
  • Cabinet furniture (sets, hallways, suites) - 25%;
  • Kitchens - 22%;
  • Bedrooms - 13%;
  • Upholstered furniture - 17%.

The range of domestic furniture presented is distributed according to the following parameters:

  • Functional purpose: cabinet furniture for lying or sitting: armchairs, chairs, deck chairs, beds, sofas, etc.; for storage: chests of drawers, cabinets, cabinets, shelves; for work and eating: desks, dining tables, coffee tables, etc.
  • Constructivity: non-separable, sectional, universal-prefabricated (it can be repeatedly disassembled and assembled), built-in, bent, transformable, wicker.
  • Materials: made of wood materials and wood, plastics, metal.

Planned assortment

We will preliminarily compile a list of the range of our products (the data will change as demand is studied):

  • Facades for kitchens, kitchens;
  • Cabinets, cabinets, drawers, shelves, chairs, dining tables, stools;
  • Office furniture - shelves, computer tables, filing cabinets.

Target group

  • End consumers (wholesale) - hotels, restaurants, large government agencies, office centers, etc.
  • End consumers (retail) are business people with average incomes who update furniture every 2-3 years.
  • Intermediaries - design studios, specialized stores of interior items, furniture.

Furniture production business plan: marketing organization

Ways to sell products:

  • Through his office, which is also a showroom.
  • Using a network of stores, concluding partnership agreements with them (including also stores from other regions and CIS countries).
  • Direct sales to government agencies, hotels, large private firms, using mailing lists and calls through the database of potential customers.


  • Your own website on the Internet, its creation and promotion, weekly updating of the catalog, sending news to regular subscribers - contributes to the geographical expansion of the circle of consumers.
  • Placement of advertising blocks in interior and design publications, furniture magazines and other specialized press.
  • Placement of advertising banners on Internet resources of similar subjects.

Required documents

In terms of taxation and work with legal entities, it would be preferable to register an enterprise in the form of a limited liability company.

Documents for registration of LLC:

  • Information about the name of the company - should be associated with its field of activity.
  • Agreement on the establishment of an LLC with a decision to open;
  • Statutory documents with a list of activities and the size of the authorized capital of at least 10,000 rubles (paid in money or property - office furniture, office equipment, etc.).
  • Data of the director and chief accountant - a copy of the passport, identification number, contact phone number, address.
  • Documents on payment of state duty.
  • Details of the bank where the current account is opened.

Production plan

Business plan for furniture production includes one of its most important parts - the production plan. Production will be arranged according to the principles of an incomplete cycle. Running models of cabinets, prefabricated cabinets, kitchens, tables and other cabinet furniture will be produced according to the configuration and required dimensions. Processing of purchased ready-made chipboard and MDF boards under the given patterns is envisaged. The furniture is delivered to the consumer and assembled on site.

Requirements for the premises

It will take 2 rooms: for the production of furniture and for receiving customers. It is desirable that they be located close to each other. The premises have different functionality, so the requirements for them are different:

  • The area of ​​​​the production premises is not less than 500-600 m², you need a heated spacious room on the ground floor, the possibility of arranging storage space and installing equipment, an equipped entrance with a platform for unloading materials and raw materials and shipping finished products.
  • Accessibility for the client is important for the office. Preferably its location in the center of commercial and business activity, on the ground floor, with an equipped showroom for displaying product samples. Area - 50-60 m². Be sure to have communications and cosmetic repairs.


List of equipment for the production of cabinet furniture parts:

  • Machine tools controlled by computer programs for the manufacture and modeling of furniture - "Astra-Furniture Designer", "Astra-Cutting".
  • Milling machine.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Lathe.
  • Some small tools.


List of employees with special skills and knowledge:

  • Shop workers - 5-7 people. Requirements: experience on the main types of furniture machines for processing chipboard and MDF boards.
  • Production master - 1 person. Bears financial responsibility for machines, raw materials and materials. Requirements: knowledge of the features of the production processes of assembly and manufacture of cabinet furniture, experience in organizational work.
  • Driver - 1 person.

Raw material suppliers

Raw materials for use in production are chipboards (chipboards), MDF boards. You will need domestic or foreign suppliers of plates, consumables (glue, paint, coatings, hinges, handles, drawer guides, hinges, locks, fasteners, etc.).

Requirements for suppliers: the company's reputation, availability of certificates, delivery, the possibility of deliveries with deferred payment. The search for suppliers is carried out in specialized publications, on the Internet, several offers are selected and compared.

Financial plan

To calculate the business plan for the production of furniture, we take into account all the initial costs for launching and promoting the project, fixed costs, and compare with cash receipts. We analyze the main financial indicators: profitability, size of investments, payback period of the project.

Initial costs:

  • Purchase of equipment - 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Company registration - 30,000-40,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of consumables - 150,000 rubles.

Total for the launch of the project - 1200000 rubles.

Type of borrowed funds - own, borrowed. In the second case, additional costs for interest on the loan are taken into account. With an average interest rate of 22-25% per year, the profitability of production is required at least 30-35%. The payback period depends on the profit after paying all taxes, interest on loans and other costs.

We will consider the option of own funds to start production.

Variable costs (per month):

  • Salary of workers - 100,000 rubles;
  • Raw materials and materials - 150,000 rubles.

Fixed costs (per month):

  • Salary for office workers - 20,000 rubles.
  • Rent of premises - 50,000 rubles.
  • Advertising costs - 10,000 rubles.

The planned sales revenue is expected to be about 400,000 rubles per month. Intensive promotion will contribute to the growth of revenue per year by 20%.

Taking into account 30% profitability, the monthly income will be 150,000 rubles. Monthly fixed costs - 80,000 rubles. Profit after deducting fees, taxes and costs - 70,000 rubles. In case of profitability of 30%, the payback period will be 14 months.

Business risk analysis

The main risks include the smuggling of cheap low-quality furniture from China and Poland. Such furniture is short-lived and can be harmful to health.

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Overview section

The proposed model business plan for the production of furniture is aimed at getting acquainted with the main issues of creating your own business project for the manufacture of furniture.

From the point of view of the organizational and legal side, the proposed form of entrepreneurial activity should be referred to as a "private entrepreneur". This is due to the fact that individuals act as final consumers.

But if it turns out that the demand for furniture will be quite high among state institutions and legal entities, it will be possible to additionally register a limited liability company.

The success of the furniture production project is expected to be high, as the demand for furniture has been on the rise since 2000. The growth rate is 15-20% per year.

Description of the enterprise

It is proposed to open an enterprise that will accept orders from individuals and furniture stores for the production of various pieces of furniture: cabinet, kitchen, office and others.

Production plan

When implementing a business plan, the first step is to find suitable premises.

They must have at least two.

One room will serve as an office.

Orders will be accepted here, as well as coordination of actions with customers.

The office should be located in such a way that it is easy for customers to get to its address.

Another room will be used as production. The production hall can be located separately, even outside the city, if this reduces the cost of rent.

The best option is a combination of an office, a production facility and a store in one place.

The next stage in the implementation of the business plan for the production of furniture is the purchase of the necessary equipment. You will need a milling machine, an electric jigsaw, a lathe, a panel saw.

It is important to properly organize the support of employees for all the proposed vacancies. There should be a person at the pick-up point who is well versed in at least one of the programs developed for furniture modeling.

He must also get along well with people, be able to communicate with customers.
The furniture assembly shop should be staffed by employees who know their job well and are not prone to alcoholism. The main materials used today for the production of furniture are MDF and chipboard.

Depending on the volume of production, from 2 to 8 workers will be needed.
If you decide to combine a furniture store with a production facility, you will need a qualified salesperson.
If your company will offer a service such as home delivery, then you will need a driver for your staff.

Sales plan

In accordance with this business plan, the following sources of sales of manufactured products are provided:

  • - furniture stores;
  • - individual customers;
  • - a company-owned store or showroom.

Financial plan

Consider those aspects of our business plan for the production of furniture that are related to the financial side of furniture production.

Good to know!

We respect your choice, but we want to remind you that the least risky, relatively easy and comfortable start of a business can be organized under the wing of a successful company on a franchise basis. We invite you to get to know "Catalog of profitable franchises".

Why it is easier and more convenient to start a business with a franchise can be found in the selection of articles published in the section: "Articles about franchising"

Expenses and income:

  • — renting a room for office space (100 thousand rubles per year);
  • — rent of a production workshop (300 thousand rubles per year);
  • — rental of a showroom (200 thousand rubles per year);
  • — consumables (300 thousand rubles per year);
  • — salaries of employees (minimum 1.2 million rubles per year);
  • - equipment (200 thousand - 1.5 million rubles).

Total: 2.3 - 3.6 million rubles. as start-up capital.
Income from the sale of finished furniture - 400 thousand rubles. per month or 4.8 million rubles. in year.

Calculations show that the enterprise for the production of furniture will pay off in at least six months. But many aspects of production are highly dependent on how competently the business will be organized in accordance with the developed furniture production business plan. Practice shows that over time, the amount of income of the enterprise exceeds the calculated above.

On our website you can easily download a typical business plan for the production of furniture.

Watch the video: "Answer No. 13 - Office or remote work"