Interesting franchises. Centers for Molecular Diagnostics CMD. Workshop of kitchen furniture - "We eat at home!"

OKR-Invest has been operating since 2013. She launched the franchise in 2017. Today, five franchisees work under this brand. The company has three of its own branches.

The OKR-Invest franchise involves a business selling apartments on an installment plan. The scheme of work looks something like this: the company purchases an apartment for the client at its own expense and then sells it to him, providing an installment plan with a small percentage. According to information from the franchisor, this is much more profitable than conventional mortgages in banks and allows people to buy housing even with a bad credit history.

The only drawback here may be that for customers there may be more serious limits than when applying for a mortgage. For example, this is a large down payment and a limited amount of installments. As a rule, relatively inexpensive apartments are purchased here and installment plans can also be provided for a short period of time. Roughly speaking, the tougher these conditions, the more profitable for business owners. Therefore, you need to consider this factor when buying a franchise.

The starting investment for opening a business under the OKR-Invest franchise is 150 thousand rubles. Payback period: about two months. Royalty is not charged here. As emphasized by the franchisor, the minimum profit per client here is 100 thousand rubles. Depending on the available investments, the partner can choose one of several franchise packages.

As noted in the information about the franchise, the partner receives advertising support in the form of a personal website and development advertising campaign in the Yandex.Direct system. All necessary consultations are provided, and the franchisee in this case works closely with the head office. There are no special requirements to work here.

App Sale

Selling iPhones today is more relevant than ever. Based on this, many entrepreneurs prefer to sell Apple products. App-Sale, in turn, also specializes in this area. It appeared relatively recently - in 2016, and from the same year it began to work under the franchising program. Today, three partners are working with her so far.

The App-Sale franchise is a business based on the sale of refurbished iPhones. The latter refers to Apple phones that have already been activated and restored under a factory warranty. The advantage of such gadgets is that they are much cheaper compared to brand new products from the company.

The downside here is that refurbished iPhones cause a lot of suspicion among customers. Naturally, these products can no longer be returned to the manufacturer and the iPhone replaced with a new one - this has already been done by the previous owners of such devices. In addition, some parts here can be assembled in China and, in fact, there is no guarantee that they will fail again. At the same time, the owners of such iPhones rarely complain about the quality and it is quite tolerable here.

To start cooperation under this franchise, you do not need to pay royalties and a lump-sum fee. Only net investments in the amount of 289 thousand rubles are needed. Then a monthly marketing fee is paid in the form of five thousand rubles a month. According to information from the franchisor, the average monthly turnover here is 160 thousand rubles. The minimum payback period here is one month.

When buying a franchise, an entrepreneur receives comprehensive assistance in launching channels to attract buyers. In addition, a personal marketing strategy. A separate site is provided for the work of the branch. Appropriate accounts are created to promote the business. Training is being carried out.

The room here should be about five to ten square meters. Business with this company involves working with clients through a regular office.

city ​​services

Advertising on various sites is relevant for many entrepreneurs. Naturally, this allows the owners of such Internet resources to receive stable income. The company "City Services" is a partner network of Internet portals that serve paid ads. The franchisee can make one of these sites for his city and attract various advertisers to it.

The first City Services website was launched in 2014. Starting from 2017, the company began to develop under the franchising program. At the moment, nineteen partners throughout Russia work under this brand.

The lump-sum fee for this franchise is paid in the form of 55 thousand rubles (this is minimum size start-up investment). Royalties are charged in the form of fifteen percent of the profits.

The payback here starts from three months, and the average monthly turnover is about one hundred and sixty thousand rubles.

The entrepreneur under this franchise is granted the status of the only partner in his city, all the necessary recommendations for starting and running a business are given. After buying a franchise, an Internet portal is created on the company's subdomain. Basic promotion and technical support of the site is carried out. The necessary promotional materials are provided and comprehensive business support is provided. To work under the City Services franchise, office rent is not required.

Of the minuses here, you can indicate the probable lack of customers, since not all entrepreneurs are ready to advertise on unverified sites. In addition, it is far from a fact that the investments invested in such advertising will justify themselves in the future.

Bitcoin Blockchain Center

The BB-Center company appeared in 2014, and it has been cooperating under the franchising program since 2017. Today it has more than a hundred partners, and the company has ten representatives.

This business involves the provision of services in the field of mining, ICO, trading and other related areas.

To purchase this franchise, you must pay a lump-sum fee of 270 thousand rubles. Royalties are not taken in this case. The total initial investment here starts from 1,500,000 rubles. Monthly required to pay 50 thousand rubles in the form of fees for marketing. According to information from the franchisor, the average monthly turnover here is about one million rubles. The estimated payback period is approximately three months.

The partner is provided with all the necessary consultations for starting and running a business. It is carried out by training in all the subtleties of the market, technical support is provided. Scripts are given information materials to attract customers. Assistance is provided in closing deals. A personal web page with customized contextual advertising is being developed.

Of the negative points here, one can note the possible low demand for the services offered. Bitcoin, although it is a rapidly growing currency, still does not cease to cause a lot of doubt among potential investors. Naturally, not everyone is ready to invest large amounts of money in this direction.

An entrepreneur is required to have practical business experience of at least three years, and the annual turnover of his business must be at least ten million rubles. Also, the staff of his company must employ at least three people. To start a business, it is necessary to prepare a site for various events with clients.


The FBN franchise involves opening a real estate agency specializing in rental housing. Employees of the company provide assistance to clients who want to rent an apartment, room or house for a long time.

The first FBN office opened in 2015, and the company has been operating under the franchising program since 2017. Today it has six franchised and four of its own branches.

To start a business with FBN, you need to pay a lump-sum fee in the amount of 300 thousand to 1 million rubles (calculated individually). Royalties are also charged here individually. According to information from the franchisor, the average monthly turnover here is about 600 - 700 thousand rubles. The minimum payback period for this franchise starts from three months. The total amount of initial investment: from two hundred to three hundred thousand rubles. Seven thousand rubles is charged monthly for technical support.

A representative of the company leaves to open a new branch. The partner is provided with a personal website, contextual advertising is set up. A proprietary CRM system is being implemented. An up-to-date database of local properties is provided. The contract specifies guarantees for a profit of 100,000 rubles per month. Search and training of employees is carried out. An analysis of the real estate market in the city where the franchisee plans to work is carried out. An office space is selected, provided necessary equipment for successful business. Technical, legal and accounting support is provided on all working issues.

If we talk about the cons of this franchise, they are also very obvious. Finding the owner of an apartment without a realtor is quite simple today, and the Internet easily helps in this. The exception is, of course, clients with higher requirements, but it is sometimes quite difficult for a realtor to satisfy their demand. Great competition in this market also suggests that not every client will apply specifically to FBN. Naturally, private realtors are more likely to provide discounts to tenants. What can we say about the low average check in this area, because the cost of renting most apartments is not so high, therefore, taking into account all the costs (gasoline, phone, time), earnings can be quite low and unstable.


Armos specializes in selling various furniture, mattresses and other accessories for sleep. The first store under this brand was opened in 2002, and the company has been cooperating under the franchising program since 2017. Today she has twenty-six franchised and thirty own stores.

To purchase this franchise, you must pay a lump-sum fee of 100 thousand rubles. The amount of royalties depends on the sales area and is paid at the rate of 100 rubles per square meter. The total initial investment is 150 thousand rubles. Estimated payback period: three months.

The franchise package includes a certain number of beds and mattresses for sale. Also, when buying a franchise, the necessary trading equipment is provided. Samples of products are given to attract customers. Business training materials are provided. Developed individual design project point of sale. All-round advertising support of the partner is carried out.

Here, the disadvantage may be the presence of competitors offering more low prices and more a wide range of goods. Furniture is popular everywhere, so more and more stores are opening in this area every day.

American Visa Application Center

Many Russians dream of visiting the United States, and assistance in obtaining visas is always relevant here. The American Visa Application Center has been operating for several years - its first office opened in 2011, and the company has been operating under a franchise since 2015. Today, more than forty partners work with her.

Earnings here are based on the following algorithm: the partner finds a client who wants to visit the United States, and then transfers information about him to the head office - there already experienced specialists provide a visa processing service. That is, for cooperation under this franchise, you do not need to have any practical experience. From each client, the franchisee receives twenty percent of the cost of his visa.

To purchase this franchise, you must pay a lump-sum fee of $1,500. Royalties are not required to be paid. The minimum payback period is two months.

The partner is provided with a package of all required documents, initial training and further consolidation of knowledge are carried out. The call center provides consulting support to both the partner and his clients. A corporate CRM system is provided. To run a successful business, you need an office area of ​​ten to fifteen square meters.

The only negative here is the low demand for services, since the cost of a trip to the United States for many Russians is quite high. In addition, many people who speak English can complete all the documents on their own.


The VapeClub company involves the sale of electronic cigarettes and accessories for them. Today, this direction, of course, enjoys great success. It is obvious that the payback of such a business will be quite fast.

Like all companies in this industry, VapeClub was founded in 2016 and has been operating as a franchise since 2017. Today, twenty-six own and one franchised points of sale operate under this brand.

To purchase this franchise, you must pay a lump-sum fee in the amount of 125 thousand rubles - its size depends on the chosen cooperation option. Royalties are not required here. The total amount of initial investment here is 489 thousand rubles. Estimated payback period: two months. The average monthly turnover is about 400 thousand rubles.

The partner is given all the necessary recommendations for opening and running a business. The franchisee is also assigned a personal manager. Training and training of employees at existing outlets is carried out. Branded promotional and informational materials are provided.

To work on this franchise, a small “island” in mall. The area of ​​the place for trade can be one square meter. To work in a store format, an area of ​​\u200b\u200b8 square meters is required.

Cherish the Miracle

The Cherish the Miracle franchise will be of interest to those who want to sell goods for babies and their mothers. The first store under this brand appeared in 2014, and today the company has five retail and two online stores. It is noteworthy that the clothes sold here are produced under their own brand.

The approximate amount of investment here starts from 200 thousand rubles. A lump-sum fee is paid in the form of 50 thousand rubles. Royalty must be paid monthly and its size is 10 thousand rubles. Average turnover per month: about three hundred thousand rubles. Approximate payback period: about three months. The margin here is from twelve to twenty-five percent. Average bill: about two and a half thousand rubles. Average profit per month: about eighty-five thousand rubles.

In this case, the partner is provided with all the necessary consultations, and the goods are subject to favorable prices from suppliers. Provided with modern software for detailed control over sales.

As practice shows, the payback of such stores is highly dependent on the patency of the area in which the point is located. Naturally, when placing a store in the city center, the cost of rent will be quite high and the return on investment may stretch for a longer period.

Akari Kar

The Akari Car company appeared in 2008, and the franchise program has been operating since 2017. Today, it has sixty of its own branches, and six franchised ones.

To start cooperation, you need to pay a lump-sum fee in the amount of 25 thousand rubles (depending on the chosen form of work). Royalties similarly range from 10 thousand rubles per month. The total amount of initial investment: from 25 thousand rubles. Average turnover per month: from 60 thousand rubles. Approximate payback period: about three months.

The essence of business with Akari Car is to work in several directions. In particular, this is the search for a suitable car for the client, its delivery, diagnostics and verification of legal purity. Also, the company's employees help to draw up a contract of sale and assist in registering a car with the traffic police.

The franchisee can choose one of three packages, depending on their preferences and their financial capabilities. You can also work, both legal and individual. You can start a business without renting a room. At the initial stage of cooperation, no staff is required.

Of the minuses here, you can indicate, perhaps, the low demand for the main service. People who are looking for a suitable car can do it themselves. Moreover, in the age of the Internet, it is extremely easy to do this. If we talk about this and other services of the company, then their cost is quite high and not every client is able to pay a substantial amount for a relatively simple job.

Niki Filini

Niki.Filini's franchise is to sell youth clothing. The brand appeared in 2013, and the franchise program has been operating since 2015. Today the company has seven franchised and two own representatives.

To start working on this franchise, you need to pay a lump-sum fee in the amount of 80 to 200 thousand rubles (depending on the chosen cooperation format). Royalties are not required. The total amount of initial investment starts from three hundred thousand rubles. Estimated payback period: three months. Average turnover per month: about two hundred thousand rubles. The monthly average profit, depending on the chosen work option, ranges from seventy to three hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

The partner can choose one of three packages: an online store, an "island" or a full-fledged store with a separate entrance. To open the first option, Internet experience and / or relevant knowledge is desirable. The required area for the "island": from twenty square meters. For the store: from thirty "squares". For business in the "online store" format, you can work from home.

As in most cases, earnings from this franchise can be highly dependent on the passability of the point. In addition, when placing a store in a large shopping center, you can face high competition.


Choconel franchise selling realistic chocolate products. For example, it can be bolts, wrenches, pistols and other items that are hard to distinguish from the real ones. The brand itself was founded in 2015, and the company has been working on franchising since 2017. Now she has two own and two franchise outlets.

To open a business under this franchise, you need a starting investment in the amount of five hundred thousand rubles. The lump-sum fee here is from 150 thousand rubles (depending on the type of cooperation). The partner is not charged royalties. The average turnover per month is about two hundred and twenty thousand rubles. Estimated payback period: three months. The average check for this franchise is about five hundred rubles. Net income per month is about fifty thousand rubles.

Partner receives development individual design project points of sale. Market analysis and selection of a suitable assortment is carried out. Layouts of informational and promotional materials are provided. Chocolate is provided for tastings. Provided documents for the work of staff. Comprehensive consulting assistance is provided throughout the entire period of cooperation.

To open a Choconel point of sale, an area of ​​five to ten square meters is required.

Of the negative qualities of the franchise, a high average check can be noted. These products are more suitable as a gift and, accordingly, are unlikely to be in mass demand. In addition, the range of products offered is quite modest, so not all customers may be suitable for one or another thematic product.


The Azerit franchise will be of interest to those who want to open a store selling paving slabs and paving stones. The construction industry is one of the most profitable, and even during a crisis, the demand for goods here remains consistently high. Of course, there may be some seasonality in terms of income, but in the warm season, earnings are quite high.

Azerit has been operating on the market for quite a long time - it started its activity in 2005. She has been franchising since 2017.

The investment required to start a business under this franchise is about six hundred thousand rubles. When buying this franchise, you need to pay a lump-sum fee in the form of 390 thousand rubles. Royalties are charged in the form of two percent of the profits. Starting a business is carried out within two to three weeks. The return on investment here occurs in just three months. At the same time, the average monthly turnover is about one and a half million rubles.

When buying a franchise, company representatives analyze the market in his city and provide comprehensive support. Information about the partner is posted on the main website of the company, and this allows you to attract additional customers in accordance with the region. Training is provided for franchisees and all managers at the head office of the company. Information and marketing materials are provided, leaflets and booklets are developed to attract buyers. It is possible to participate in tenders in your region, and in this regard, the company is also ready to provide assistance.

Here, the downside is the high probability of additional investments that may be required for a long time. High investment volume and low profitability can significantly increase the payback period.

🎓 Franchise- in simple words, this is a business tool that effectively helps the brand owner (franchisor) and his partners (franchisees) to build mutually beneficial cooperation. When franchising, partnerships are built on the Win-Win principle.

Franchise - the opportunity and the right to use technologies and brand name on the terms specified in the commercial concession agreement, with the help of franchisee books and other regulated instructions. What is important, franchises can only be real for businesses in which all processes are described and regulated. If this is not the case, then the buyer, instead of franchising, buys only the right to use the brand, which does not at all guarantee an easy start and success, and also carries many risks.

We've packed over 300 lucrative franchise deals to make it easy for you to start your own business under a strong brand name. Conventionally, they are divided into:

  • Recognized top brands of 2019, whose names are always on everyone's lips. Basically, they are aimed at finding franchisees in large cities or even in certain areas.
  • The excellent students from the regions entering the federal market are small businesses that plan to replicate their success with the help of franchising and grow into a network.
  • Microbrands that have chosen franchising as a strategy for capturing the market in their own or neighboring regions.

🏨 Franchise for big and small cities

The easiest way to use the catalog offers will be for entrepreneurs from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Tyumen, Kazan and Ufa. This is due to the presence of our branches in the listed regions. We offer a free consultation in our offices from an expert on ready business and franchising for any interested franchise.

However, this does not mean that the catalog franchises are tied only to the specified cities. Since franchising is a multi-regional scalable project, it is possible to open your own business with its help in any city in Russia. Moreover, some of the proposals are designed with an eye to opening specifically in small towns!

📊 Franchise price segments

The ultimate cost of franchising to buyers is made up of two key features: a lump-sum fee and a start-up investment. Their sum means the final figure that needs to be invested in starting a turnkey business - then it takes into account all payments for starting

Offers by price segments are distributed as follows:

  • Up to 500 thousand ₽- less than 10% of all offers. Basically, these are coffee-to-go and street food points, vending, services, tiny islands of trade in the shopping center. Also in this range is franchising for an existing business, when the owner can brand his business and use the franchisor's technologies for growth and development.
  • Up to 1 million ₽- around 30%. Franchises with this price can be found for almost any category of small business: from retail to micro-industries.
  • Up to 3 million ₽- over 30%. In the segment, it is possible to find franchising of large and well-known chains.
  • Over 3 million ₽- approximately 10%. Top and exclusive franchises, including medium-sized businesses. Some of them have already lined up buyers.

The catalog is balanced in such a way that entrepreneurs can comfortably search and choose franchises, regardless of the opening budget.

🎓 Top 3 trends small business franchising 2019. After speaking with 53 representatives of the best franchises in our directory, and interviewing more than 30 experts, we noted several important changes. Let's talk about the three most interesting ones:

  • ⚡ Strong market players have significantly tightened the requirements for franchisees, their entrepreneurial experience and skills. This will somewhat violate the established thesis about franchising as a way to enter into a good business. profitable business even without having own experience in entrepreneurship.
  • ⚡ The number of offers in the IT segment will increase by 2-3 times. It seems that the IT industry really liked the development model with the help of partnerships with the franchisee.
  • ⚡ There will be even more franchises without a lump-sum fee and royalties. Brand owners are reconsidering their attitude to business replication. Previously, ≈ 85% of them viewed franchising as a way to make money from the package and the franchisee's monthly deductions. That is, they used to strive to earn on franchisees. Now franchisors are ready to make concessions to make it easier for franchisees to start and then earn more not on them, but with them.

🔍 Franchise in terms and definitions

To work comfortably with the catalog, you will need to know and correctly interpret several key franchising terms. Check them out to avoid confusion:

  • Franchisor- Owner and owner of the franchise.
  • Franchisee- a partner of the franchisor who opened a business under his franchise.
  • Lump sum- a one-time fee to the franchisor for the purchase of a franchise. It is often confused with the total cost of franchising, which is wrong. The amount of the fee, as a rule, depends on the prestige and fame of the franchisor, as well as on the set of options in the purchased franchise package. There are franchises without a lump-sum fee.
  • Royalty- Monthly deductions to the franchisor after the opening of the franchise. Typically, royalties are either fixed or based on revenue or net profit franchise outlet. Some franchises are offered royalty-free.
  • Startup investment- expenses for opening a franchise (rent, equipment, personnel, and others) excluding any payments and deductions to the franchisor.
  • Franchising package- a specific partnership format in which the various options of the franchisor are packaged. Most franchises offer 2-3 cooperation packages with different costs and options.

If you have questions or find it difficult to make a choice - please contact us! We will explain any subtleties, since we have personally packed more than 100 franchises and we know everything about franchising! We will also help you buy a franchise that will shoot in your city and allow you to become the owner of a profitable business.

No one will argue with the fact that the Russian economy has been stagnating for the past few years. In a difficult economic situation, it becomes extremely difficult for entrepreneurs to independently develop a business - their own financial and other necessary funds is not enough, therefore, in order to maintain their positions in the market, many companies that previously did not even look towards selling franchises are now actively using them. As a result, franchising in the country, even in this difficult period, is developing quite dynamically.

Important! Experts in the field note that in the coming years, franchising may surpass ordinary startups in terms of success.

Trends in the Russian franchising market in 2017

Before considering the development of franchises in Russia this year, it is necessary to identify the main trends of the past. In 2016, the number of transactions concluded in this market was decreasing. Rospatent noted that compared to 2012 - the peak of issued licenses and commercial concession agreements (about 12 thousand) - in 2016 their number was almost halved.

Last year, in order to attract potential franchisees, franchisors provided various discounts, promotions, loans for the development of their network. In addition, when choosing a franchise, entrepreneurs were guided by the required amount of capital investment, and not by the industry.

The most successful franchises of 2017 in Russia according to Forbes

This year, only those companies that started working before December 2015, and also opened 50 or more outlets in the state, got into the rating of the organization. In this case, the size of the initial investment was not taken into account. But the Forbes shortlist did not include companies that did not provide financial indicators, as well as those that in 2016 closed half of outlets.

For the second year in a row, the rating is headed by the laboratory service "". Its creator is Y. Andreychuk, a graduate of the biological faculty of St. Petersburg State University. The first franchise laboratory was opened 10 years ago. As of 2017, there are 20 own outlets and 242 franchised outlets. Helix offers five various kinds franchises - from opening "from scratch" to expanding existing clinics. At the same time, the initial investment of the business will be 150-700 thousand rubles. In 2016, the company opened 61 new points, and closed 3. Revenue in this period amounted to 23.4 billion rubles.

Reading time: 21 min.

Everyone who is engaged in business has come across such a concept as a franchise (from French - benefit, privilege). A franchise, in itself, is an object of relations between market entities, when one party allows the other to use its trademark for a fee. When registering a franchise, an agreement is concluded between the parties on copyright and payment for the provision of intellectual property. This ranking represents best franchises of 2017 , according to Forbes magazine, for already experienced entrepreneurs and those who are just taking the first steps in creating their own business.

Burger Club

The Burger Club fast food chain from Poltava, which opened back in 2008, already in 2010 launched a large franchise network for Russia. The snack menu includes a classic set of products: burgers, salads, pies, rolls, as well as drinks and desserts. For everyone who wants to start their own business under the sign of Burger Club, there is a choice - either to open a stationary restaurant or organize a food court. The budget spent on opening a restaurant starts at 3.2 million rubles, the food court will have to spend a little less - 2.95 million rubles. In addition, the purchase of inventory and repairs will take at least 800 thousand rubles. The company, according to the assurances of the network, will start receiving income in a month and a half.


This company already has its branches in nine countries of the world and provides its data through online services, on various resources, for approximately three million different organizations. Already today, 2GIS has 15 branches and 77 partners in terms of franchising. The contract is concluded for ten years, buyers work on collecting and analyzing data in their territory, followed by the sale of advertising and the brand mark in the local market. Today, the franchise network unites about three hundred cities. The break-even operation of the enterprise is about two years, and the return of investment deposits is at least three and a half years.

Traveler's Coffee

Novosibirsk is the birthplace of the famous coffee house chain, the year of opening of the first institution is 2000. Already in 2006, the company decided to expand, and another institution was opened, already outside Novosibirsk, under a franchise. The menu, and also, of course, the main source of income is based on coffee drinks and desserts. In addition to food, in the coffee shop you can buy branded goods: dishes, tea, and coffee beans. Beverages account for 50% of revenue, cuisine and desserts 20%, 10% related branded merchandise, and the rest is service. There are five proposed types of coffee shop interiors designed by British designers. Monthly royalty is 3% of the company's turnover.


Serginnetti is a well-known company that originates in Kazan, which is engaged in women's clothing, from the design of the model to the moment of sale. In 2007, it had a completely different name - Mascot, but when the competing company Mascotte (which specializes in shoes) appeared on the market, consonant with it, the management decided not to sue, and in 2008 rebranded. Now, Serginnetti fully control the production and sale of products: designers are working on new collections, followed by shows and presentations, and only then, clothes are sent to store shelves. Due to the wild popularity of the brand, the franchise was launched in 2011. Already more than eighty cities in Russia, as well as Kazakhstan, use the agreement on the use of the brand name. After the sales season, the company allows to return to its partners up to 7% of the products.

Van Cliff

Clothing for children from seven to seventeen years old, as well as menswear is the direction in which the Van Cliff chain is developing. As a Dutch brand, they opened their first stores in the CIS back in 1997. The company's line includes at least three hundred models and every year it produces more than 250 thousand finished products. Highly interesting fact- all clothes are divided into four price categories. Franchises are strongly advised to choose a room with parameters from 80 to 150 square meters, there is no lump-sum fee and royalties, to obtain a franchise, you only need to purchase the first batch of products. The owners of the company assure that partner investments will pay off in a year, in extreme cases, one and a half.


The Finnish company Ruveta OY opened its first factory back in 1960, it owns the Finn Flare brand. The brand began its promotion in the CIS countries, in the GUM and Beryozka stores, clothes of this brand were often found. Since 2003, a design bureau has appeared in Russia, which develops and adapts collections to the aesthetic tastes of Russians. A quarter of the range of clothing comes out in Russia. This is not surprising, because at least 150 franchised and own stores are already operating in Russia, as well as throughout the CIS. 17.1% is the average store profitability. 7% discount, works for new partners, for the purchase of consignments of goods, during the first year of cooperation.

SUN Studio

SUN Studio is a photo printing studio that provides services for printing images on various surfaces: wood, glass, stretch ceiling and even porcelain tiles. The company's services are used by individuals, but the main contingent that seeks services from a photo printing studio is b2b (business to business). The international holding company IQDEMY provides franchises, which in 2012 included Sky Group, a manufacturer of ultraviolet printers, which is the owner of the SUN Studio brand. The franchise operates in a very specific way: if the investment does not pay off in a year, then the company has the right to buy out the studio. At least 130 studios are now working under a contract, 98 of them are based in Russia.


Syoma, as a brand, unites a whole network of children's centers, only in Russia there are at least 300 points that provide services for the development of children aged from six months to eleven years. The company is engaged in the production and distribution of products (children's, educational toys), under its own brand, arranges documentation for partners and is recruiting. To open a franchise store, at least 350 thousand rubles must be spent, and the franchise itself will cost 170 thousand rubles. The costs invested in opening a point, theoretically, should pay off from 4 months to six months, and the profit of each month should be estimated at 150 thousand rubles, and the amount of royalties is fixed - 7 thousand rubles.


After the failure of his first venture to sell building materials, the married couple of Barno and Sherzod Tursunov did not despair, and opened the Wilgud car service. They bought a “killed” service, south of the center of Moscow, set about establishing business processes, and later discovered franchising. By 2016, the number of car services has multiplied, more than four times, long-term partners of Vilgud have at least two services. To get a franchise, you need to go through a serious selection, the initial investment starts from 2 million rubles, and the maximum can be 8.5 million rubles, respectively, from the tasks - either the reconstruction of an existing service or the construction of a new enterprise.

Gelateria Plombir

The company - a cafe specializing in ice cream, united in a network, was founded in St. Petersburg in 2007, and after 8 years it launched a franchise program. In the CIS and Russia, there are already more than a hundred points, twenty of them belong to them personally. The cheapest package of franchising services will cost 130 thousand rubles, it will be a street format, which includes the purchase of both goods and equipment. 148 thousand rubles - a lump-sum fee, fixed for all formats, will be returned if the business is unprofitable. There is no royalty in the program, and if you open several points at once, then the bar for a single contribution will drop to 20 thousand rubles.

Yotto Group

Virtual reality is the area in which the Yotto Group develops, it produces and distributes ExoBox (cinemas - cabins) and ExoJet, ExoPlane attractions (virtual reality attractions). The first days of December 2016 are marked by the release of ExoPlane, a simulation of a paraglider. With attractions, as a gift, there are also six games, according to the developers, the interest in which will not pass even in ten years. To buy other games, franchisees will have to pay half the price at a discount. The “feature” of the attractions is multiplayer, which allows corporate passage, which will be an interesting opportunity for competitions, holidays and corporate parties. 200 thousand rubles - a lump-sum fee for all franchise packages.


In 2014, the first express teeth whitening studio appeared in Russia, the history of which is associated with a network of French studios, already in 2017 there are more than 150 studios in Moscow and nearby cities. The budget spent on the franchise ranges from 150 thousand rubles to 500 thousand, while there are no royalties and a lump-sum fee. The franchise amount has such a spread, depending on the package of services - whether you will open a new studio, or new services will appear in an existing beauty salon. The most interesting point is that you can get a franchise from White & Smile even without a license and medical education. It is regulated that services can be provided with an extra charge of three and a half times, partners receive support in matters of promotion and marketing. The room should have good traffic and a square of ten square meters.

fast and shine

Oleg Gerasimov, by his decision to move from the compressor station, stationary car wash to mobile dry, has dramatically changed its business. He took a chance and was the first to become interested in the Uber model, the advantage of which was mobile movement, when the client could report his geolocation through the application, and a specialist with a device drove up to him. For 2017, the company already makes more than 23 thousand trips weekly, and more than 70 million cars have been laundered in the entire history of the company. Franchises have full access to the database of orders through Mobile Internet, have access to the software for administration and monitoring of car washes, advertising support for the federal network, as well as consumables. You can always find out the amount of the franchise from regional managers.

John Kid

Farit Galimullin and his colleague Emil Minlibaev, from Kazan, decided to start holding competitions with bows and crossbows, at holidays, parties and other corporate and thematic events. Following the trends, entrepreneurs decided to expand the sphere of influence, and created a shooting range, computerized it, it was possible to shoot at 3D figures of birds and animals. Since 2009, the partners have decided to promote the sale of the franchise. There are no royalties or lump-sum fees, and the sale of crossbows and bows should bring additional income. You will have to invest a lot in the franchise - 250 - 300 thousand rubles, taking into account the cost of renting the premises for the season and the equipment necessary for the operation of the shooting gallery.


In 1992, the first CMD (diagnostic laboratory center) was opened, which is engaged in multidisciplinary research, since the Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory was opened infectious diseases humans and animals, under the patronage of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology. Every year, the laboratory conducts at least 5 million tests. CMD offers three franchise options: Mini (taking into account that the population is less than 100 thousand people), Standard and СMD for Kids. Franchise packages can be viewed on their official website, a license is required to obtain a franchise.

Workshop of kitchen furniture - "We eat at home!"

TV presenter, as well as actress, Yuli Vysotskaya, with the support of the factory for the manufacture of furniture, "Maria" launched the project "We eat at home!", Two years ago. The first month should already bring the franchises to break-even production, and the investment will pay off in six months. The revenue of one point, monthly - about 2 million rubles. The company recruits and trains studio employees; shows how to create a competent design, which is very important - improves sales techniques; works on signage and decoration. But the best thing that motivates the franchise is the wild popularity of Yulia Vysotskaya on television, which attracts the attention of viewers, respectively, sales are growing on their own.


At the beginning of the harsh nineties, Miel and their partners from America came up with an automatic telephone communication system, especially for the White House. After that, the agency was rebranded and began to provide real estate services (purchase - sale and rental of real estate). Spain, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Russia, Czech Republic - a list of countries in which there are points of sale under the Miel brand. Eighty offices operate in Moscow and nearby regions, while the region is still promising: according to expert data, the capital is attracting more and more new customers.

Tea Funny

Tea Funny - a cafe specializing in the sale of the drink "Bubble Tea" - cocktail, base which tea, which add jelly-like balls with milk, juice and syrup. Due to the popularity of the franchise, over the five-year period, the network has grown to almost four hundred points in Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan. Partners receive not only equipment, but also the opportunity to Maintenance, the secrets of the kitchen menu recipes are open to them. There are four franchise packages, depending on the requirements of the client - from the opening of a new cafe to an elementary expansion of the product shelf. Investment deposits, on average, amount to 800 thousand rubles.


GrossHaus is a stationery store that has already become an extensive franchise project, was founded in 2009 by a general group " business style", in Nizhny Tagil. They also supplied stationery The "groups of comrades" were part of the Erich Krause company. A total of 5 franchise packages are available, stores operate in a self-service format. 200 - 700 thousand rubles - a lump sum, 1% of sales - royalties. The investment will pay off in one and a half to three years. About two hundred stores now represent the network.


CDEK has been transporting cargo, business documents and goods since the late nineties. Initially, it was planned that SDEK would be an online store, but there was some problem with the delivery of goods. The founders took notice and changed direction a little more than completely. Far East and Siberia, were conquered in territorial terms, and the SDEK went beyond the home region. Now CDEK is engaged in transportation around the world, and in particular in Russia - more than 60 thousand orders per day. In 2016, the number of outlets increased by 40%. Points located in the CIS, China and Russia.

The Novosibirsk company Unibrat supplies components and equipment for applying a mirror coating on various products: from advertising billboards to cars. The network offers five options for franchising packages, respectively with their own developments. The application of a mirror coating on iron is included in the Unibrat Iron package, it costs only 150 thousand rubles. To avoid competition, the number of franchises in one city is limited to a maximum of five. Royalties are paid only after six months of active work.


Speed ​​reading, memory development, calligraphy (a branch of fine art) are the areas of study of the IQ007 school, which was opened in 2009 in the city of Zlatoust. Franchising agreements were opened in 2013 by the owners of the school. The company in the list of its duties for the franchise includes maintaining documentation, is engaged in marketing on the Internet on the territory of the partner. 600 thousand rubles - the first lump-sum payment for one center, the income of such a point is estimated on average from 540 thousand rubles. There are about 250 branches of the school in Russia and abroad. has been an Internet platform for selecting tours and a resource for ads from travel companies since 2010. The company also includes subsidiaries: an IT company and a booking center. Since 2014, has positioned itself as a franchise network. The main agency is located in St. Petersburg and almost 400 outlets stretch from Khabarovsk to Kaliningrad. Almost 140 branches in the Moscow region and Moscow itself. Every year, more than $30 million worth of tours are bought from the agency.

Helix Laboratory Service

Yuri Andreychuk is a graduate of the biological faculty of St. Petersburg State University, who opened the Helix laboratory in 1998, in addition to this, he was engaged in the development of vaccines. In 2007, he launched a franchise in St. Petersburg. Now Helix is ​​more than 250 points, only in Russia. The franchise today is distributed in five versions, it costs 700 thousand rubles to open your own laboratory, and 150 thousand rubles for investment deposits. Provided free education, as well as profit from medical operations.

Inexpensive franchises of 2017 are represented by interesting and varied offers related to activities in various fields of activity. The potential of companies developing projects is fully reflected in the opportunities provided by Russian businessmen, participants in the franchising market. The softness of the conditions for entering the business, the absence of the need for large financial investments are successfully combined with the organizational and advisory assistance provided by the franchisee.

Inexpensive franchises in 2017 include the development of companies of various sizes. The breadth of the range also differs in the time spent by franchisors engaged in the implementation of their projects in the franchising market Russian Federation. Here you can find interesting developments both from domestic well-known enterprises, and from familiar and little-known manufacturers from Europe and Asia. Most low-cost franchise sellers are characterized by a constant growth in the number of their branches, both their own and franchised ones. No need for significant financial investments inherent in 2017 to many market niches. There is a tendency to further change the situation for the better.

Franchise "Personal Solution"

The Personal Solution franchise is among the most stable startup projects profitable business. By purchasing this franchise, a businessman should not be engaged in renting an expensive office and buying goods and equipment. Among the partners of the organization on the basis of a franchise agreement are franchisees who had no previous experience in business. When choosing an inexpensive franchise in 2017, pay attention to this franchise offer.

The signing of the contract is accompanied by the provision of:

  • business plan;
  • detailed instructions;
  • legal and marketing support;
  • consultations at every stage of cooperation.

The effectiveness of the model used in working with franchisees has been noted in well-known business publications: Forbes, Delovoy Petersburg, and others. The company has repeatedly become the winner of competitions.

Send a request to the franchisor "Personal Solution" directly right now!

The Rustravelers franchise is represented by the hotel booking service network of the same name. The peculiarity of enterprises opened under the terms of this franchise is also associated with the booking of recreation centers and apartments, cottages. The work of an employee of an enterprise is a selection of several options and providing them to the client. Reservations are made free of charge and without prepayment. This is what makes this franchise offer one of the low-cost franchises of 2017. Among the most strengths business under this franchise, it is worth noting the simplicity of its management, which is associated with a detailed elaboration of the business scheme. The low cost of entering the project is complemented by the absence of risks and the need for any special skills.

The Twice Two franchise is represented by the company of the same name, specializing in providing financial protection different segments of the population of the Russian Federation. The project is attractive for a number of advantages, including a short payback period for investments made. If you are considering options for low-cost franchises in 2017, then we advise you to pay attention to this franchise offer. The demand for the activities of the enterprise is due to the need to protect against misconduct debt collectors and banking services. The parent company has a unique author's Financial Protection Program.