The role is social. What is behavior: concept, types. Rules of conduct. Norms of human behavior in society. Psychology of behavior

1. ___________________________ – This is a collection of individuals who have a common interest, on the basis of which their relationships are built, regulated by generally binding rules of behavior (norms), supported and protected by organized power.

2. _________________________ - a certain territory that has state affiliation

3. _______________________ - political organization that manages the population of a certain territory

4. ______________________ – is a group of people formed on the basis of a common territory, economic ties, language, culture, consciousness of its internal unity and differences from similar entities

5._______________________ – a set of norms and rules of behavior in a certain area of ​​human life

6. _____________________ - this is a certain area of ​​social life, including the most stable forms of human interaction

7. _________________________ - various relationships between different groups of society.

8. _________________________ - the ability of some groups of people and their representatives to influence other groups, based on custom or law.

9. __________________________ - relationships that arise in the process of creation, development and transmission of spiritual values

10. _________________________ – the totality of all material and spiritual values ​​created by humanity throughout its existence

11. _________________________ – gradual, slow quantitative changes that over time lead to a transition to a qualitatively different state

12. _________________________ – radical changes that involve a radical breakdown of pre-existing relationships, are universal in nature and rely, in some cases, on violence.

13. _________________________ - increasing production by attracting new sources of raw materials, labor resources, increased exploitation labor force, expansion of sown areas in agriculture.

14. __________________________ - the use of new production methods based on scientific and technological progress

15. __________________________ - development human society in an ascending line from lower to higher, more perfect

16. ___________________________ – a society in which its constituent parts are homogeneous; there are no rich and poor, no leaders and subordinates, structural division is either absent or in its infancy.

17. ___________________________ a society with highly developed structural elements that are interconnected and interdependent on each other

18. ___________________________ - the unity of development of all humanity, the strengthening of interaction between different countries of the world in the economic, political and cultural spheres is called

19. ___________________________ – this is the sphere of his life in which he manifests his intellectual and creativity

20. ___________________________ – a set of views, ideas, assessments, norms that determine a person’s attitude to the world around him and act as regulators of his behavior

21. ___________________ -social science and socio-philosophical category that synthetically characterizes the traits of a person with different sides

22. ____________________- is formed in the process of a person’s personal practical activity.

23. ___________________- denies the possibility of comprehending and explaining the world.

24. ____________________ is a worldview based on the dogmas of religions that currently existed in the world.

25. _____________________ - gives an explanation of reality from the position of reason, includes views on the nature of man, his destiny and the meaning of human life.

26. ______________________ - includes a scientific picture of the world, generalized results of the achievements of human knowledge, principles of the relationship of man with the natural and artificial environment

27. ______________________ - manifestation of human activity in any sphere of his existence

28. ______________________- associated with the creation of a variety of material objects.

29. _____________________- is aimed not at creating, but at servicing material objects (transportation of goods, their loading, warranty service, home renovation, etc.).

30. __________________ - view labor activity with a specific character and purpose labor functions

31. _______________________ - the presence of special, more in-depth skills and knowledge in this profession

32. _________________ -

33. ___________________ - interaction between its members in society

34. ___________________ -

35. ___________________ - the uniqueness and originality of a person in all his richness personal qualities and properties

1. Activities- manifestation of human activity in any sphere of his existence

2. Profession- type of labor activity, with a specific nature and purpose of labor functions

3. Qualification - level of training, experience, knowledge in this specialty

4. Verbal communication - communication using words

5. Interactive communication - communication that occurs when people interact in the process joint activities(at work, study, while spending leisure time together, etc.)

6. Communication - transfer of information from one subject to another without feedback

7. civilization- this is a set of spiritual, material and moral means with which a given community equips its members in their confrontation with the outside world

8. Culture is a specific way of organizing and developing human activity, represented in the products of material and spiritual labor, in the system of social norms and institutions, in spiritual values, in the totality of people’s relationships to nature, to each other and to themselves

9. Values– beliefs approved and shared by the majority of society regarding the goals set for a person and the main means of achieving them

10. Subculture - a system of values, attitudes, modes of behavior and life styles of a certain social group, different from the dominant culture in society, but associated with it

11. Counterculture- O a particular type of subculture that opposes it, is in conflict with it, i.e. its representatives abandon the values ​​and norms of society

12. Morality- form public consciousness, which reflects the views and ideas, norms and assessments of the behavior of individuals, social groups and society as a whole

15. Science- this is a type of activity whose goal is to understand the world, obtain new knowledge and rationally comprehend it

16. Education- purposeful cognitive activity of people to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, or to improve them

17. Economics- is a sphere of human activity in which wealth is created to satisfy their various needs

18. Economic system - is a way of organizing the economic life of society, which is a set of ordered relationships between producers and consumers of tangible and intangible goods and services

19. Population income – this is the amount cash and material benefits received in social production produced by a household or some other activity over a certain period of time

20. Real wages – the number of goods and services that can be purchased with a nominal wage.

21. Nominal wages – the amount of money that employees receive

22. Competition- this is the competition between participants in the market economy for best conditions production and purchase and sale of goods

23. Monopoly- the exclusive right of production, trade and other activities belonging to one person, a certain group of persons or the state

24. State budget- this is the main one financial plan states for the current year

25. Budget surplus- excess of budget revenues over its expenses

26. Taxes- these are mandatory payments levied by the state from individuals and legal entities to the budget of the appropriate level in the amount, manner and under the conditions determined by the current legislation

27. GDP- the gross value of final goods and services produced from all factors of production available in the country, regardless of who owns them

28. GNP– gross market value final goods and services produced during the year based on the use of national factors of production

29. Unemployment- a situation in the economy in which people who are able and willing to work are in search of suitable jobs

30. Money- a universal commodity equivalent, expressing the value of all goods and serving as an intermediary in their exchange for each other

31. Bank- a commercial institution created in accordance with the current legislation of the state, engaged in entrepreneurial activity in the financial sector and operating on the principles of commercial settlement

32. Inflation is a long-term, sustainable increase general level prices for goods and services entering the country's domestic market

33. World economy is a system of national economies of individual countries united international division labor, trade, financial, production, scientific, technical and other connections

34. Social role it is a pattern of behavior that has become established as appropriate for people of a certain status

35. Family – a group of people related by marriage and kinship, which ensures the upbringing of children and satisfies other socially significant needs

36. Marriage – an equal, voluntary union of a man and a woman, concluded in compliance with the procedure and conditions provided for by law, with the goal of creating a family and giving rise to mutual personal and property rights and obligations for spouses

37. Divorce – termination of marital relations for the future

All people are individual. Their differences are due to a number of factors, the most significant of which are ethnicity, nationality, external data, character, thinking, worldview, goals, habits, interests, etc. Even among the seven billion population of the Earth, there are no two absolutely identical people.

But, despite this, all people have one thing in common - their full life is possible only within a social unit. It is society that is the most comfortable living environment for a person, regardless of personal factors.

general concepts

Norms of human behavior in society are a rather multifaceted concept that reflects the forms of interaction of an individual with the world around him.

A person as a social unit must be guided by the rules and customs established in a particular society. For each specific situation There is a set of rules, which, however, are not fixed. Thus, actions that are acceptable in one society are categorically unacceptable in another. On the other hand, social norms of individual behavior can change depending on the situation and time.

For example, imagine that you met with old friends with whom you are friends for many years. You can allow yourself to be free, to wear what you think is necessary, not to be shy about expressions containing profanity, cheeky gestures and bad habits. Friends are used to you and perceive all your actions as the norm. Now imagine that you come to work for a large corporation and plan to achieve considerable career success here. Your image, actions and gestures in this situation will be radically different from the previous situation: your appearance corresponds to the dress code, your speech takes on a business-like tone, bad habits veiled as much as possible. But after a year or two you go with your employees to a long-planned corporate party. In this situation, you can allow yourself to show a part of your true self. After all, despite the fact that the composition of society has not changed, the situation has changed, and too restrained behavior may be perceived by others as distrust or hostility on your part.

If norms of behavior can be mobile, then the fundamental principles that determine behavioral manners and outlook on life must have clearer boundaries.

Components of social norms

Lifestyle and behavior are dictated by a combination of external and internal factors, which were influenced by both the surrounding society and the person himself.
The system of norms of behavior includes the following concepts:

1. Social norms- point to required model behavior in a particular society.

2. Habits is a set of personal behavioral models for a particular situation, consolidated as a result of repeated repetition.

There are positive, neutral and bad habits. Positive Habits are perceived with approval by society (greeting at a meeting, using polite words), neutral habits often do not cause any reactions (drinking tea without sugar, keeping a diary), bad habits indicate bad manners and characterize a person with negative side(smoking, slurping, talking with your mouth full, loud belching).

3. Manners- forms of behavior based on habits. They characterize a person’s upbringing and his belonging to a certain social stratum. Well-mannered man knows how to dress elegantly, knows how to clearly formulate his thoughts and express them in a form understandable to the interlocutor.

4. Etiquette- a set of norms of behavior (politeness, tact, tolerance), relevant for the highest social strata.

5. Social values- this is the standard of ideas approved by the majority of social units: goodness, justice, patriotism.

6. Principles- these are especially important and unshakable beliefs that a person creates for himself. These are a kind of boundaries set for self-control. For example, for one person a family - highest value, and he will never allow himself to cheat. For another, fidelity is not included in the list of principles; he can repeat betrayal repeatedly without remorse.

Religion as a lever for controlling human behavior

Despite the achievements of science, progressive thinking and modern views to life, religion is still one of important factors in the formation of norms of individual behavior.

The priority importance of religion for a person is due to several factors:

1.Help from above. Sooner or later, every person faces troubles that become a real test for his will. Bankruptcy, loss of property, divorce, serious illness or death of a loved one... It is in such situations that people most often remember the presence of an invisible force in the sky. Their faith may be fickle, but at such moments they need someone to whom they can shift some of the responsibility, from whom they can expect help, even if illusory.

2. Setting up principles. It is religion that often becomes a dogmatic guide pointing to behavior. The Bible's commandments are against murder, robbery, and adultery, and some people take these principles personally.

3. Search for the meaning of life. Another reason for turning to religion is the search for answers to eternal questions.

Behavior patterns

Every action performed by a person is determined by a corresponding motive, which, in turn, dictates the order of reproducible actions.

All actions are divided into two categories:

1. Automatic- these are actions that are based on innate and acquired reflexes and skills that do not require mental awareness and are performed inertia. These include the ability to chew, breathe, walk upright, read, and speak their native language.

2. Conscious- these are more complex actions or a combination of them that require the use of human intellectual capabilities. This model of behavior is based on the choice of one or another pattern of actions in an unfamiliar situation.

For example, you are angry with a person and want to express your indignation to him, insult and humiliate him. But you understand that your desire is temporary and is connected not only with this person, but also with your bad mood and general failures. If you succumb to aggression, you will most likely lose contact with the person forever. It is consciousness that decides what to do in this situation, evaluating all the pros and cons. In addition, the predominance of the logical or emotional component in the character plays an important role.

Youth behavior

Youth is the perspective of the nation. Therefore, it is very important how exactly the younger generation will be raised.

The norms of human behavior in society call on young people to:

Be active participants in society;
- set life goals and strive to achieve them;
- diversify your personality;
- exercise;
- get a decent education;
- lead a healthy lifestyle without smoking and drinking alcohol;
- do not use profanity and rude expressions in conversation;
- treat the older generation with respect;
- create a value system for yourself and stick to it;
- know and follow the rules of etiquette.

But in modern world the behavior of young people in society often differs from established standards and has a deviant character.

Thus, some young people aged 14 to 20 believe that smoking and drinking alcohol is fashionable, and attending lectures at the institute is an activity for cramming. They prefer discos to books, are rude in their statements and have promiscuous sex.

This behavior is most often formed under the influence of the company and requires immediate intervention from parents.

Interaction of youth with the older generation

Interoperability problem different generations will always be relevant. on which one age group was brought up, by the time another grows up, it partially loses its relevance. Consequently, misunderstandings and disagreements arise.

Among the main causes of conflicts are incompatibility of interests, different, immoral behavior of one of the parties, lack of a culture of communication, struggle for superiority, and unwillingness to concede.

Nevertheless, the values ​​and norms of behavior instilled in us from childhood say that the younger generation should yield to their elders in any situation, even if such a decision seems unfair. In addition, you must adhere to a certain model behavior. When communicating, you need to use a respectful form of address - “you”, and also avoid slang. Ridiculing and making fun of elders is not allowed. And refusal to help is considered bad manners.

Standards of behavior between spouses

To build a stable house, you need to lay down reliable foundation and build walls brick by brick. So in family relationships- love is the foundation, behavior is the building blocks.

Married life is not only about joyful moments, it is also about disappointment, irritation and resentment. In order to get through all the unpleasant moments with dignity and maintain the integrity of the marriage, you need to follow a few simple rules:

Treat your partner as an equal;
- appreciate his personal qualities;
- support in any endeavors and do not ridicule failures;
- discuss important points and make decisions together;
- do not resort to insults and insults;
- do not allow yourself to be assaulted;
- be faithful to your spouse.

Business etiquette

If general norms human behavior in society can vary depending on the situation, then business etiquette- this is a set of behavioral models that have the most defined edge.

There are 5 rules of etiquette in the business world:

1. Punctuality. Arrive at all important meetings on time, this will show that you are organized.

2. Competence. Be knowledgeable about what you're talking about. Sometimes it is better to remain silent than to give false information.

3. Speech. Learn to speak competently and clearly. Even the most successful idea, presented in clumsy and uncertain language, is doomed to failure.

4. Appearance speaks about your taste and status, so in your wardrobe, in addition to jeans and T-shirts, there must be a suit for an important meeting.

5. Interaction. Listen to the opinions of others and do not trust your idea to the first person you meet.

Compliance with these rules is very important, as it reflects the level of professionalism and seriousness of the approach to the matter.

Deviant behavior: deviation from the norm

Rules and norms of human behavior cannot always be expressed according to regulated standards. Some behavior patterns may deviate significantly from the norm. This manner is defined as deviant. She can have both positive traits, and negative.

A striking example of opposite deviants are terrorists and national heroes. The actions of both of them deviate from the behavior of the “average masses”, but are perceived by society differently.

Thus, general norms of behavior can be placed on one axis, and deviant deviations at different poles.

Forms of abnormal behavior in society

Norms of human behavior in society, expressed as deviant, have four distinct forms:

  • Crime. In recent years, this figure has increased by 17%. In many ways, crime is due to the transition to market relations and high level competition, unemployment and low standard of living, as well as psychological disorders. In addition, corruption in the legal and judicial-executive sectors is of no small importance, which allows, if you have enough wealth, to avoid responsibility for violating the law.
  • Alcoholism. Alcohol is an integral part of holiday feasts and ordinary friendly meetings. It is consumed to celebrate something, relieve pain, or simply relieve stress. People are accustomed to the fact that alcohol has become a part of their lives, and are not aware of its harmful effects on the individual and on society as a whole. According to statistics, 70% of crimes are committed while intoxicated, and drunk drivers are to blame for more than 20% of fatal accidents.

  • Addiction. Dependence on a psychotropic substance, which depletes the body and leads to its degradation. Unfortunately, despite the official prohibition of narcotic drugs, every tenth teenager has tried one or more types of drugs.
  • Suicide. Suicide is the deliberate desire to take one's own life because of problems that seem insoluble. According to world statistics, suicide is most common in highly developed countries, where there is high competition both in the business sphere and on the personal front. The age group most at risk is teenagers from 14 to 18 years old and people of retirement age.

Sanctions for non-compliance

Rules and norms of behavior are regulated by approved state laws and unspoken rules of society.

Sanctions for deviant behavior vary depending on the severity of the violation.

For example, murder or robbery falls under the article of violation of the criminal code, therefore, is punishable by imprisonment. Provocation or fight are administrative violations. As a punishment for the misdemeanor, the violator will be asked to pay a fine or perform civil work. Violations associated with habits (not washing the dishes after yourself, not cutting your nails, being late for an important meeting, lying) will cause social disapproval and further ignoring or contempt.

Norms social behavior

Ways of thinking and behavior accepted in a given society and shared by the majority of its members. Agreement with the norms of social behavior implies that a person considers himself part of society and obeys its rules; disagreement can lead to hostility and alienation.

Psychology. A-Z. Dictionary reference / Transl. from English K. S. Tkachenko. - M.: FAIR PRESS. Mike Cordwell. 2000.

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There are 19 presentations in total

A set of norms that determine the behavior of those operating in social system persons depending on their status or position, and the behavior itself that implements these norms. In a role description, society or any social group appears as a set of definitions. social positions (worker, scientist, schoolchild, husband, soldier, etc.), being in which a person is obliged to obey the “social order” or the expectations (expectations) of other people associated with this position. By fulfilling this “social order”, a person carries out one of several. possible options execution of R. s. (say, a lazy or diligent student, etc.).
The concept of R. s. was proposed independently by Amer. sociologists R. Linton and J. Mead in the 1930s, and the first interpreted R. s. as a unit of societies. structure, described in the form of a system of norms given to a person, the second - in terms of itself. interactions between people, " role playing game“, in the course of the cut, due to the fact that a person imagines himself in the role of another, social norms are assimilated and the social is formed in the individual. Linton's definition of R. s. as a “dynamic aspect of status” was entrenched in structural functionalism and developed by Parsons, Radcliffe-Brown, and Merton. Mead's ideas were developed in interactionist sociology and psychology. Despite all the differences, both of these approaches are united by the idea of ​​R. s. as a nodal point at which the individual and society merge, individual behavior turns into social behavior, and the individual properties and inclinations of people are compared with those existing in society regulatory guidelines, depending on what the selection of people for certain R.s. Of course, in reality, role expectations are never straightforward. In addition, a person often finds himself in a situation of role conflict when his different R.S. turn out to be poorly compatible.
In the latest app. sociologist and psychological theories, there is a noticeable desire to overcome the inherent R. s. “robot-shaped” idea of ​​a person as a culturally and socially programmed being. Hence the calls to return to the study of the subjective determinants of human behavior, his “internal. essence" (Rogers, Maslow - USA).
The emergence of the concept of R. s. reflected the progressive trend of transition from individualistic. interpretation of personality to understanding it as a social phenomenon. It is used both in Marxist sociology and psychology. Marx back in the 19th century. emphasized the impersonal-role nature of societies. relationships and at the same time objected to individualistic. theories of personality and self-awareness. However, the Marxist understanding of R. s. different from functionalist or interactionist. When analyzing social structure society, Marxism attaches decisive importance to the class structure, in relation to a swarm of other socialist societies. act as derivatives or secondary. Based on static the model of society, the role approach is insufficient to describe societies. development and the underlying creativity. convert. activities of people. Human activity is not limited to role-based, i.e., template behavior; outside of R. s. remain various types deviant (deviant) and spontaneous behavior, including innovative human activity that creates new norms and new R.s. In the same way, the structure of personality is not reduced to the totality of personalities: their internalization (assimilation) and subordination always presuppose a specific individuality that develops over the course of life path individual and characterized by great stability.
Shibutani T., Social psychology. lane from English, M., 1969; Smirnov G. L., Sov. man, M., 19803; Social psychology M., 1975; Kon I. S., Discovery of “I”, M., 1978; Andreeva G.M., Social psychological. M., 1980; Role, ed. by J. A. Jackson, Camb., 1972 (Sociological Studies, 4); Role theory: concepts and research, ed. by B. J. Biddle and E. J. Thomas, Huntington, 1979.

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