A child born in the year of the black snake. Names for boys by month, male names and their meanings

In 2018, will your family be replenished with a long-awaited son? Without wasting time, start choosing a name for the future baby. As practice shows, it is much easier to decide on the choice of a crib, stroller or wallpaper in a nursery than to reach a consensus on the issue of a name. It is quite clear that when choosing a name for a boy, parents want to take into account several factors at once: it must be strong, harmonious and bring happiness to the child.

Each name is not just a set of sounds and letters. The name has a deep meaning, laid down by its origin, and is quite capable of exerting a huge influence on the future fate of the child, his character and the formation of relations with the outside world. Let's figure out what approach to take when choosing a name for a boy, and also find out which names will be the most fashionable for little ones born in 2018!

Whatever you call a ship, so it will sail! Choose a name wisely.

How to choose a name for your son in 2018?

Finding a name for a baby forces you to take into account many nuances that you simply would not attach importance to before. Having estimated the possible birthday of a child, you can roughly calculate his future zodiac sign. Based on this, you can immediately select names that will strengthen the positive dominants in the character of the crumbs, minimize the influence of negative traits and supplement it with the necessary, but missing qualities of this sign.

2018 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Dog. The totem will endow your baby with a remarkable mind, make him honest, fair, friendly, loyal, open and unpretentious - all these qualities suit a real man! However, this sign Chinese horoscope often grumpy, frivolous in words and deeds, and also characterized by a lack of tolerance. Knowing this and choosing the right name for the baby, you can somewhat level out these character traits.

Do not forget about the time of the year in which the baby appeared. Winter boys are the most severe, and can even be somewhat tough; spring guys are dreamers who are not always ready to go ahead to their goal; summer children are very active, but often subject to impulsiveness and even aggression; and babies who were born in the fall are creative, talented, but often overcautious and may be considered indecisive.

Our ancestors called the child by the name of the patron saint, comparing his birthday with the saints. Many mothers and fathers adhere to this tradition, rightly believing that in our difficult life it will not hurt the boy to have an intercessor in heaven. But modern realities are as follows: the guy named Akakiy is likely to be teased by his peers. In this case, it is worth choosing for him not only a baptized name, but also a secular one, more familiar to the ear.

Attention: superstitious parents should remember that you should not give your son the same name as that of a deceased relative, so that the baby does not repeat his fate. Especially if the life of the ancestor was filled with unfortunate events.

Remember: a fashionable foreign name will never get along with a Russian surname!

An important role is played by the harmonious sounding of the name, patronymic and surname of the child. For example, the fashionable names Michael or Arnold sound rather silly in combination with the simple Slavic surname Ivanov and patronymic Vasilyevich. In addition, your baby will someday become a father himself, that is, his current name will later be a patronymic for a newborn boy or girl. Think about it: how will the patronymic on behalf of Georges sound? Do not force the guy and his wife to remember you with an unkind word, solving this problem.

Remember also that your son will be called not loud for a long time. full name, but its diminutive variations. It is worth considering immediately whether they can be formulated. For example, affectionately calling Augustine is not at all easy. Having discussed everything important points in choosing a name for a boy, let's take a closer look at the list of fashionable names in 2018.

Fashionable male names in 2018

Every few years there is a change in fashion for male names. Until recently, you all the time came across little Platons or Davids on playgrounds, and in a few years the names Aristarchus, Matvey or Yegor will be heard from all sides. It is worth noting that the trend for borrowed names today is a thing of the past. Popularity is gradually returning to simple but sonorous names from our childhood.

How to name a boy born in winter?

Winter boys are strong and healthy kids who are distinguished by endurance, strong character and incredible perseverance. On the one hand, they rarely give in to difficulties, but on the other hand, they often remain lonely because of their uncompromising disposition.

Names filled with harmony and constancy are suitable for winter boys.

Guys born in December will please their parents with an inquisitive mind, but they can upset their unsociable attitude towards others; January babies are very stubborn, but sometimes overly stubborn and cruel, and those born in February are overly pragmatic and prudent. For such guys, one of the following fashionable names can be recommended:

  • Arkady- the name, interpreted as "living in a happy country", provides its owner with a huge supply of good luck. Little Arkasha can be too cautious and distrustful of strangers but it's not bad at all these days. Such boys are very reasonable and know how to accept with dignity praises and censures, victories and defeats. They are sociable and know how to find an approach to almost any person, which provides them with a wide range of communication. Arkady is a person with an inexhaustible supply of optimism and an almost complete absence of complexes. At the same time, he is surprisingly pedantic, which makes it possible to build a successful career in almost any field.
  • Vadim- a sonorous and very beautiful Old Slavic name, which is often interpreted as "beautiful." Such boys never sit still and constantly come up with some original activities for themselves, so it will not be easy to keep track of this little fidget. He quickly and easily makes friends who stay with him for life, is an authority for others and can always give good advice. He grasps new knowledge literally on the fly, but will not refuse the opportunity to fool around in the classroom, so get ready for calls to school due to behavioral problems. In the chosen business, Vadim always strives to become a professional - he is almost one hundred percent likely to take a leadership position and reach serious material heights.
  • Artemy- a soft name filled with inner strength and harmony. From childhood, such kids show remarkable intelligence and ingenuity, therefore, the company of adults is always preferred to the company of peers. The kid will have an enviable prudence, responsibility and seriousness. You can always be sure that he will not let himself be drawn into an unseemly business and will not contact a bad company. These personalities simply exude confidence in their superiority, which can cause negative emotions other's. You will have to try to teach the child to listen to the point of view of other people and convey the idea that he can also be wrong. Such boys always achieve high sports results, so immediately think over the section in which you can enroll your son.
  • Bogdan- "God-given" child, who immediately becomes the favorite of the whole family. The kid is very attached to his mother and is unlikely to exchange her company for a company of peers in the yard. This can lead to isolation and reclusiveness - unobtrusively introduce the child to other children and often arrange joint walks with friends who have boyfriends right age. Bogdan is unhurried, calm and self-confident. This boy knows his worth, clearly sets goals and knows how to find a language with others. The only reason why he can get stuck in some unenviable position at work or lag behind in the middle in school is his laziness. However, with proper upbringing, this deficiency is easily corrected in childhood.
  • Vitaly- an unfairly forgotten name, which is again becoming very popular. In translation, it means "life-affirming", so Vitaly does not have to occupy a supply of energy and strength. These boys are very affectionate, caring and attentive, so already in early childhood they can be safely compared with real gentlemen. Having matured, Vitalik begins to demonstrate independence and responsibility, therefore he will become an excellent older brother. These children are quite indecisive, and it is the parents who should make sure that Vitalik learns to believe in himself. A subtle mind, technical abilities and an excellent analytical approach help Vitalik to achieve success in the exact sciences.

How to name a boy born in spring?

On warm spring days, indecisive and sensual children come into the world, who are rarely leaders in a team and will not fail to calculate every step ten times. They are scared to shiver by sudden changes in life, so parents are not recommended to change their place of residence and school so that the child does not earn stress that can provoke neuroses.

Soft and kind children of spring need a courageous, strong-willed name

Boys who are born in March have a great thirst for adventure, April children are reasonable and balanced, and children born in March days are very smart and grow up as conquerors of women's hearts. Spring children have an unnecessarily soft disposition, so the name should give the boy firmness and fortitude. Among the fashionable names can be mentioned:

  • Boris- a name that translates as "wrestler". This guy will never shy away from difficulties and will definitely complete the work he has begun. Boriss are always pedantic - even girls rarely have such order in the room as little Borenka has. He will always be around to help mom peel vegetables or tighten a couple of nuts with dad in the workshop. He prefers thoughtful calm games, loves to read and often collects something. Boris is independent - do not even hope that you can outguess him when choosing clothes, a university or a girl. He will defend his decision to the bitter end. At the same time, Boris greatly honors his parents and will always provide them with all possible assistance.
  • Victor- a name that means "winner", endows its owner with great willpower and self-confidence. Victor often becomes the leader and ringleader in the company. Such babies are very stubborn, so mom and dad will have to show extraordinary patience in matters of education. Ordinary punishments will definitely not help - Victor from an early age can only obey an authoritative and reasoned decision. These children are distinguished developed intellect, incredible quick wit and charm, so that at school they usually not only study well, but also become teachers' favorites. Victor often becomes a successful businessman, because his natural ingenuity and even cunning allow him to make very successful deals.
  • Egor- the name, translated as "plowman", gives its bearer pragmatism, perseverance and determination. This is a real pedant who clearly fulfills any assignment and never deviates from instructions. Egor is rarely lucky with creative talents, but he has no equal in the exact sciences. Such children with early years distrustful, so you can be sure that he will never follow a stranger who promises candy. Egor cannot be deceived - mom and dad must learn to be as honest as possible with the baby so as not to lose his trust. Among the not-so-positive traits of such children, one can name excessive temper - they are easily irritated because of trifles, but natural quickness almost immediately makes Yegorka apologize for the outburst of anger.
  • LeonidGreek name, combining two words - "lion" and "appearance", which gives its owner a truly regal posture and a proud look. Leonid is extremely lucky and will get out of even the most difficult situation. He has a developed intuition and a strong disposition, enjoys authority among people and is very diplomatic. You can be sure that he will resolve any conflicts with peers without the involvement of parents. These minions of fate easily conquer both creative peaks and the exact sciences, so you can be calm about studying at school and university. The only thing that can give parents trouble is Leonid's excessive amorousness. Literally since kindergarten he develops his first childhood sympathy for girls, and any quarrel with the object of adoration plunges him into depression, from which the baby must be carefully removed.
  • Igor- Scandinavian name meaning "warlike". active child who never sits still and loves to be the center of attention of adults. This is a born leader who easily makes new friends and is never alone. Of course, the role of a ringleader often leads to problems with teachers, but a sharp mind, excellent memory and quick wit help Igor easily overcome difficulties in his studies. Any defeat will only force him to accumulate strength, think about the situation and rush into battle again. Igors often become excellent athletes and successful businessmen. Difficulties in education can create the stubbornness of your kid. In addition, he is somewhat tyrannical, so it’s worth considering several times whether you should have another child - there is a risk that Igor will completely subjugate his little brother.

How to name a boy born in summer?

Babies who came into the world in one of the hottest summer days, are distinguished by their cheerfulness, cheerful and easy disposition and inexhaustible optimism. They are very hardworking, they know how to bring things to their logical end, but most often they are not led by the mind, but by emotions and impulses. Any desire summer child requires immediate satisfaction, and if this does not happen, he can instantly turn from an angel into a capricious and harmful creature.

Names that balance their impulsiveness are suitable for summer boys.

June boys are considered the most friendly, boys born in July are naturally artistic and able to manipulate adults, and August babies are very delicate and kind. When choosing a name, parents should find one that will help tame this unbalanced nature. Among the most fashionable names we can recall the following:

  • Konstantin- the name, the meaning of which can be expressed by the word "permanent", promises its owner concentration and the ability to concentrate on the main thing. This boy has incredible sensitivity and always worries about his relatives. However, he can be quite blunt and stubborn if things go against his wishes. Patient and attentive parents will be able to correctly correct these features in childhood, but the adult Konstantin does not lend himself to the educational process at all. Kostya always settles well in life thanks to natural cunning, perseverance and prudence.
  • Maxim- a child whose name is translated as "great" will certainly never be mediocrity. From the first steps, the baby will show independence and will clearly know what he wants from life. Mothers are usually afraid of such zeal, so they try to constantly keep the little explorer under vigilant control. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because with your endless pulling and care, you can easily undermine your son's faith in yourself. Maxim is well versed in people and will never get involved with a bad company. He usually has few friends, as he is prone to self-confidence and can behave somewhat arrogantly.
  • Stanislav- the name, translated as "glorious", provides the child with tremendous inner strength. The nature of such a baby cannot be called simple: outwardly, he may seem very soft and docile, but he is extremely proud and will not tolerate obstacles on the way to his goal. Stasik does not tolerate failure and will blame anyone but himself for the defeat. This is what parents should pay attention to: it is important to convey to the baby that sometimes we ourselves are to blame for failures. Such children are very responsive and kind, easily share toys on the playground and love to be in big company. In their studies, intuition helps them more than the mind. They study pretty well, but too often get carried away with the decision. global problems, not noticing small things and momentary tasks that seem uninteresting to them.
  • Nikita- a name that means "winner". Such boys are distinguished by purposefulness, perseverance and stubbornness. Nikita is unlikely to allow anyone to command him and can grow up to be a selfish child if his parents indulge his whims too often. These children learn without problems, grasping new knowledge literally on the fly. They are especially good at the humanities - Nikita impresses with his oratorical abilities and the ability to express his thoughts in a reasoned and coherent way. Excessive activity of the baby should be directed in the right direction by enrolling him in the sports section, otherwise he will raise the whole house to his ears. In the chosen profession, Nikita always achieves significant success, as she is not afraid of difficulties.
  • Rodion- the name, interpreted as a "hero", gives the baby a penchant for altruism. This child is slow and does not like empty talk. Rodion is an independent and responsible boy, so parents can entrust him with solving lessons and not resort to constant control. Only pride and ambition spoil his character, which often complicate Rodion's life and relationships with others. Rodion has exceptional balance - it is very difficult to get him out of himself. Creative professions are unlikely to be the field in which he will succeed, but technology or engineering can become a life's work.

How to name a boy born in autumn?

At this fertile time, wise, honest and principled natures are born, who have the pronounced qualities of an orator and diplomat. Such children will never be the instigators of conflicts and will always be able to resolve the matter peacefully, without resorting to fists or the help of their parents.

Autumn's children need names that will reward them with a sense of purpose.

Boys born in September are children with a light character and a penchant for philosophical reflection, October babies are very fond of animals and have a good heart, and guys who are born in November are very patient and good-natured. Babies born at this time are often prone to mood swings and can sink into despondency, so we looked at the trendy names of 2018 and compiled this list for new parents:

  • Oleg- Scandinavian name, which has the interpretation of "sacred." This child has incredible learning abilities, he is focused and never distracted by trifles. An analytical mind will ensure him a successful career and a decent life. However, all this will be possible only if Oleg does not turn off the beaten track. Such children are often led and can easily fall under the influence of bad company. It is precisely for this that the parents of little Olezhka should zealously follow. The kid is very attached to his mother and will always find time and desire to be with her in the kitchen while she prepares lunch or dinner. Oleg is a child with a big heart. He will always take pity on the offended and provide protection for the weak, so that he has no shortage of friends.
  • Philip- an ancient Greek name that provides the owner with excellent health and fortitude. Little Philip is an excellent psychologist who will carefully select the strings that allow him to manipulate others. However, this feature is very easy to level. It is enough just to show the little cunning one that his plans have failed - and he will immediately stop being capricious, listening to your arguments. Philip is distinguished by a clear mind, a developed imagination and excellent organizational skills - not a single event at school can do without your son. Such bright natures do not accept routine work, but they excel in creative professions, in the field of journalism or in leadership positions in creative firms.
  • Jan- concise, but very beautiful name which has been undeservedly forgotten for a long time. Such a child develops much earlier than their peers and often amazes others with serious thinking and deep knowledge in various areas of life and science. However, constant praise can ruin it. In Jan, arrogance and impatience for people whom he considers below him very quickly develop. The main thing that parents should take into account when raising a baby is the timely development of tolerance and respect for others in him. An excellent doctor or researcher can grow out of such a child, since natural willpower and the ability to solve complex problems give him the opportunity to reach professional heights in this field.
  • Yuri- a name meaning "farmer". Such boys are quite unpredictable and very extraordinary, so he will definitely not be on the sidelines if a funny prank is started somewhere. The character of little Yura is formed early, so parents need to start the process of education literally from the first months of a child's life. Kids are very easy to communicate, extremely relaxed and not shy public speaking at matinees or concerts. Yura is a benevolent boy, attentive to the needs of others, good-natured and cheerful, but he knows how to insist on his own if the issue is fundamental for him.

2016 will come very soon, and many expectant mothers who recently learned about pregnancy are already thinking about how to name the baby who will be born in 2016. We propose to consider the names of the boys who will be the most popular in the coming year. This article may be useful topics who wants to choose a beautiful and original name for their child, which is unlikely to be repeated among your baby's peers.

According to astrologers, the name of the child greatly affects his life, success in school, personal life and the conquest of career heights. Every parent wants their child to live happy life, and, if you believe in astrological and church signs, then we highly recommend choosing a name based on the basic canons. Other parents, on the contrary, believe that for the success of the child, the most important thing is that the surname, name and patronymic sound harmonious. Thus, the choice expands a little, since parents do not focus on church calendars and astrologers' recommendations, but simply sort through a number of names for the child in the family circle and choose the most optimal one.

Be that as it may, most parents really do not want the child in kindergarten or school to have more than one with that name. Therefore, many, following modern trends, abandon the classic names of boys in favor of more exotic and original ones.

In any case, choosing a name for a child is a very responsible step. Parents are trying so scrupulously to choose a name also because they do not want the baby to express any claims to them in the future. Let's take a look at which boy names can become the most popular next year.

The next year's patron will be the Fire Monkey - a charismatic, playful and rather charming creature. People born in the year of the Monkey are usually endowed with a number of different talents, mostly requiring public display. For example, among famous personalities born in the year of the Monkey, illusionists David Copperfield and Harry Houdini can be distinguished. From which it follows that the individuals patronized by the Monkey will surely be able to feel confident on stage in the role of a magician, artist, comedian or singer. In the gut of such people to laugh, amuse and fool. Along with these qualities, Monkeys are also quite charming, but meanwhile unpredictable and independent.

Children born in the year of the Monkey can have a rather tough disposition, which will manifest itself in a craving for pranks and innate indiscipline. However, these children also early age they begin to reach for any kind of creativity, demand recognition, respond with gratitude to praise, rarely take offense and have an excellent sense of humor.

The names of boys born in the year of the Monkey should slightly balance their rather wayward character, but not completely contradict the habits of the monkey. To do this, we highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of boys' names, their brief description and origin, which can be easily found on the Internet.

So, for example, if you want your child to be quite measured, without wind in his head, to be fond of technology and a true male passion - cars, we recommend choosing such boy names as Artem, Nikolai, Sergey, Alexander and Anatoly. If you want to raise a future banker and financier in the Monkey (which, by the way, is extremely unusual for monkeys), name the boy Mark or Leonid. For the boy to be physically strong and love sports, give him the name Philip or Yegor, and if you want the child to excel in all sciences, name the child Eugene, Adam or Valery.

Believing parents, or very lazy ones, often use church calendar choosing a name for the child. This gesture is justified, because according to belief, the saint in whose honor he is named will patronize the baby and protect him. In this case, the names of the boys are not at all tied to the year, but depend on the month of the child's birth.

So, for example, Ivan's name day happens almost every month, so naming a boy by this name is a completely win-win option.

In January, Artem, Konstantin, Mikhail, Yegor, Adam, Prokhor, Nikita celebrate their name days. And in February - Luka, Makar, Kirill, Alexander, Yuri, Roman, Maxim. In March, the boy's names can be chosen from the following list: Savva, Viktor, Fedor, Grigory, Daniel. In April - Andrei, Mstislav, Yakov, Rodion, Peter, Plato. In May, it is recommended to bow to the names Arseny, Joseph, Semyon, Dmitry, Kuzma, and in June - Anton, Gabriel, Nazar, Pavel, Julian. In July, the birthdays of Leonty, Svyatoslav, Julius, Ivan, Mark are celebrated. In August, the following saints can patronize a child: Stepan, Herman, Naum, Valentin, David. September good month for Andrian, Vyacheslav, Sergey, Vladislav. October - for Nazar, Demyan, Kasyan, Khristoff, Arseny. In November, the boy can be called Rodion, Taras, Dmitry, Vikenty or Yakov. And those born in December - Gabriel, Yaroslav, Zakhar or Vsevolod.

According to the statistics of 2015, the name Alexander took the first place in popularity. Despite the fact that it may seem boring to some, the parents of 2015 once again brought him to the top of the top. Among other names that were and are in favor in 2015: Artem, Nikita, Roma, Danya, Ivan and Kostya.

But in 2016, popularity may shift to more exotic names. For example, the name Adam has every chance of becoming the favorite of 2016, who will read the child outstanding talents and hard work.

The name Arthur can also become quite popular in 2016, on the one hand, it is familiar to our Slavic ears, and on the other hand, it has deep Anglo-Saxon roots. This name will bring good luck to the owner also because at one time this was the name of the most famous pseudo-historical king of medieval Britain - Arthur.

Among others, claiming popularity and originality, one can single out the names Boleslav, Benedict, Adrian, Walter, Demyan, Elisha, David, Christian, Nathan, Oscar, Jan, Taras and Plato.

Boys names: video

Was your child born in the year of the Snake? This is a wonderful child - wise, stubborn, persistent, cheerful, inquisitive, courageous, benevolent and caring.

The snake is a symbol of wisdom, and this wisdom is combined with deep calculation. If the Snake has decided something, you can be sure that all the moves have been calculated, all the possibilities have been considered and one, the only correct decision in this situation, has been made. The negative features of the sign include excessive isolation and suspicion of the Snake towards others. From an early age, the Snake Child is able to make independent, correct decisions, surprising, and sometimes confusing his parents. How, so small, but he can sometimes make a decision very difficult questions! Trust your child, give him the opportunity to make decisions, control and correct him as imperceptibly as possible, make him trust you, and you will be amazed at how smart and correct a little man you are growing.

Snake children do not immediately converge with their peers, and, as a rule, have no more than one or two friends, but - the real ones! In learning, Snake children are helped by their quick wits and perseverance. They are easily given the exact sciences, which others are often not even able to do - mathematics and physics. As, however, all subjects where good logical thinking is necessary, they overcome without any difficulties. But sometimes such children choose the humanities. But parents should not force their children to study this or that subject, he himself must make a choice, let him do what he likes. Only in this case, the Snake child will be able to achieve his goal and become a successful person.

He is not indifferent to art, especially to music. But get ready for unexpected difficulties. It is not at all easy to be the parents of a child born in the year of the Snake.

Already in the little Snake, the features of a wise, strong adult are visible. These are “little old men” who can give advice to adults from childhood. They love to help everyone, sympathize, empathize. Just like that, because of loneliness, your baby never cries. It is temperature sensitive, so the room should be warm but not hot. He will love bathing only when he gets older and learns to swim.

A particularly difficult period will come when the child begins to crawl and walk. He grabs everything, explores. Everything new attracts him. Remove all sharp dangerous items he might get hurt. Lock up everything household chemicals. Do not let him into the kitchen, this is too dangerous a place for him, he can crawl everywhere.

The Snake Child loves to climb stairs, trees, and overcome obstacles. Restricting him to physical activity is harmful. Equip for him a sports corner where the child could spend his energy, or take him to the playground more often. When your child grows up, he will love sports because he is stimulated by the competitive atmosphere. Generally, he likes to be first. Offer him different activities: build a house out of cubes, assemble a pyramid or a car from designer parts. He can scatter everything if it doesn't work out. Be patient and insist on doing the same task another time. You will have to make a lot of effort to accustom your child to intellectual pursuits. If you do not do this in childhood, he may grow up physically healthy and strong, but rough and stubborn. Teach him from childhood to books. Let these books tell about noble heroes, your child loves exploits and adventures. Try to give him a good education then his adult life will be much richer. In any case, he is not ambitious.

If your child is a boy, he may be short-tempered, even aggressive. Never reciprocate his irritability, otherwise he may grow up cruel and prone to violence. Do not encourage in boys the love of weapons and rough games.

How should you treat your child in order to achieve what you want without disturbing his inner balance?

1. Do not rush him and do not urge him, do not get annoyed. Strain your intellect: find arguments that are convincing not only for you, but also for your child, appeal to his sense of justice, which is very developed in him. It must be handled firmly, but kindly.

2. Never order him without explaining why you need to do this and not otherwise. Despite the bravado, he is afraid that he might stop being loved, because. he has a great need for love.

3. Try to trust your baby, give advice, not commands. If the house is quiet, calm, then you can provide your baby with a happy childhood. Snakes can't stand noise.

4. Do not undermine the foundations of his security, never, even in jest, tell him: "Get out of the house, since you are so bad." He also should not have two houses, because, from his point of view, two houses are the same as not one. He, like no one else, must be sure that his house is his fortress. Your child needs a peaceful and friendly environment.

But a lot depends on when your little Snake was born: at night or during the day. The one born at night, especially around midnight, will be free from any traps, and her life will be less turbulent compared to the Snake, who was born after sunrise, especially at noon. Their life will be more eventful, passionate, sharp, but on the other hand they are more successful.

Combination of the year of the Snake with the signs of the Zodiac

Please note that the general forecast is made only for typical representatives of the Zodiac (this is determined on the basis of a personal horoscope, in this case, at least 3 planets must be in your birth chart in your Zodiac sign). In other cases, you should

Aries is a very passionate Snake who is able to speak clearly and directly about her feelings. Aries highlights your child's artistic ability and unique sense of humor. Mood swings can occur because of the perky Aries. This is a bright and attractive personality, but he can be changeable and envious if he did not manage to be in the spotlight. If the Snake can remain cool, control the impulses of Aries, make him hold his tongue, then she will go far thanks to her innate intuition.

Taurus is a balanced Snake, but only too receptive, even scrupulous. The Snake with this sign has more generosity, but also more temper and stubbornness. Taurus will increase the "serpentine" tendency to introversion and add objectivity and determination. Both signs in this combination are prone to solitude and reflection, but your child will also feel responsible for others, and will try to become a support for the family. He is ambitious, reliable and practical. He establishes strong relationships with others and knows exactly what he wants to achieve in life. And with such strength and stamina, he will surely achieve his goal.

Gemini is the Snake of crazy and risky activities, although, in general, he achieves success in life.. The Gemini-Snake child is born to win; he is worthy of the most cunning rivals. To the incomparable constancy and persuasiveness of the Snake, the razor-sharp mind of Gemini is added. Your ambitious and charming baby will easily cope with many difficulties. He is distinguished by ingenuity and prudence. The snake never gives up or gives in. It's a winning combination that combines strategic thinking with insight and creativity. The Gemini will teach the Snake to subtly intrigue and get their way without stepping on anyone's toes.

Cancer - this Snake is a lover of a fireplace and a small fire who prefers moonlit nights and a sedentary lifestyle during the day. Knows how to make friends and keep secrets. The elegant Snake will be endowed not only with perseverance, but also with prudence and resourcefulness. Your adorable baby has many friends, more and more of them as he grows up. When he needs, he will receive any information. This child will be very close to family and friends - perhaps even too close - because he is sentimental towards loved ones and even considers them to be something like his "property". On the one hand, such feelings are very rare; but it will be very difficult for him to break such a connection. This child will take care of his parents and will always be attentive to their needs.

Leo - by nature, these children are noble and generous, self-confident and proud, hardworking with a strong sense of self-worth. "All or nothing" is their motto. Such a Snake has more cheerfulness, and, accordingly, there is more freedom and speed in her life. Other Snakes may be too attached to material values, but this Snake does not have such a tendency. When your child grows up, he is likely to be popular with the opposite sex, since both the Snake and the Lion attract a lot of attention. A child with this combination of signs is energetic and sincere. The Snake strives for stability, while the Leo will give your baby flexibility, and in an unfavorable situation, he will not hesitate to change his mind.

Virgo is the Snake, for whom realism and the practical side of life are above all else. He always sees his life goal and inexorably moves towards it. Such children are the greatest realists and practitioners. The Virgo-Serpent combination gives strength and wisdom. Their prudence and analytical thinking, captiousness, criticism are manifested from early childhood. Virgos, as a rule, do not disappoint their parents, caregivers, or teachers. Punctuality and accuracy are manifested from an early age. These children know what they want and what they can achieve, but they are sometimes disliked because of their sharp tongue, because they always know more than they are given and belong to the self-taught type. Communication with these children should be easy, relaxed.

Libra - this Snake is most similar to a domesticated and tamed one. But Libra-Snake will not only be a pleasant companion, but also a very useful companion in all matters. Libra endows your sweet baby with warmth, friendliness and the ability to trust, so this Snake is more capable of love than other Snakes. Such a Snake easily makes friends, and people are usually drawn to her. This pretty Snake is not as nervous as the others; she prefers balance and practicality. Your child's loyalty knows no bounds, and he will do anything to protect and justify those he loves. A snake with Libra as the inner self will not be a selfish individualist. In the nature of such a Snake there is no jealousy and exactingness; she knows how to get along with others. This property of the Libra sign allows the Snake to think less about himself and more about his team.

Scorpio is a Snake too complex and too dangerous, from which you can expect anything, because. born to fight and achieve their goals, which is well developed by dangerous professions. Scorpio children will develop according to how they are raised. Amenable to persuasion and ready to accept arguments, always sincere, frank, but they have a capricious disposition. Parents should learn to cope with them from a very early age, to become their friends and accomplices in all their affairs, secrets and experiences. Scorpios are great scoffers, they love humor and satire, but at the same time, impulsiveness and aggressiveness incline them to disputes and quarrels, which greatly interferes in games with other children, and then in family life. From childhood, they show an increased interest in the opposite sex. He is patient and intelligent, has first-class intuition and strong and deep convictions. People around you are guided by your baby in order to understand what is important and what is not. This mysterious child will rightfully be the master of thoughts.

Sagittarius - such a Snake can go very far. For the most part, these children are noble and generous, inquisitive, honest and fair, however, too frank and straightforward, with a great desire for freedom. Their main quality is optimism and faith in the future. In games with peers, there is a great need for power and strength, ostentatious splendor, they try to win recognition and popularity. Ideally, such children should have young parents, because they need games and activities at 2-3 sports sections, interesting trips, travels, etc. Sagittarius children are capable and talented people, have a good memory, they grasp everything on the fly. When dealing with such children, one should always speak only the truth and teach them frugality.

Capricorn is a sensible snake. She perfectly avoids all life traps and other troubles. From an early age, he shows seriousness, hard work and efficiency, perseverance and perseverance, endurance, patience and endurance. And this helps him confidently move forward and climb up the social ladder. His motto is: "From addiction to independence." Take advantage of every opportunity to improve their position in life. Good friends, but emotionally there is some tightness, coldness and irritability. In this sign, the mind completely controls the emotions. The main sources of danger for the Capricorn child are falls, bruises and sprains. Parents need to carefully monitor Capricorn in childhood, as this is the most dangerous period in his life.

Aquarius is a smart Snake who will always find a balance between thoughts and decisions, actions and deeds. This type of child is one of the funniest in the entire Zodiac. Aquarius is an intellectual sign, and Aquarius children usually have a lively, agile mind. They are persistent and succeed in what they set out to do. Parents involuntarily have to get acquainted with the trendy ideas of their children, be surprised at their newest morality, where not family ties, but friendship and camaraderie are considered the ideal model of union. There is no jealousy and exactingness in the character of Aquarius; she knows how to get along with others. This property allows the Snake to think less about himself and more about his team. Literary ability and ingenuity are two talents that Aquarians are gifted with, and if they are properly developed, this will allow them to choose a specialty related to scientific research.

Pisces is a Snake sometimes funny, sometimes crazy, very impressionable, sophisticated, and often even very dangerous, especially for oneself. The weakest and most sensitive creatures of the entire Zodiac, but here you can hope that the Snake will give them some confidence and wisdom. Crybabies, they can cry with or without reason - just to shed tears. Their little hearts are filled with a sense of fear and fear of life, of the future. Because of this, from an early age they are looking for friends and partners more strong in spirit and strong in character, which could always protect them from various hardships and dangers of life.

Most often, too ambitious fathers who dreamed of a hero-offspring are upset and disappointed in their child, so the mother should definitely become a faithful friend to her child, open access to his heart in order to significantly facilitate him life path. These children are endowed with great creative talent and parents should contribute to its development, help to choose the right direction. It is also very important for parents to ensure that their children do not fall under the influence of bad company, as they learn both bad and bad equally well. Until they learn to choose the right paths in life for themselves, their parents should monitor this.

The birth of a boy is a responsible step in family life. Parents begin to prepare and “arm themselves” with strollers, diapers and diapers. But it is worth arming yourself with a name that will help the baby in his future life. The birth of a boy in the year of the pig (boar) is a good time. The child will be very friendly, open to the world, a strong leader, because he has pronounced organizational skills. The symbol of the pig will reveal the full potential of the baby.

In this article:

Names for boys born in the year of the Pig (Boar), by month

Have you ever noticed that children born in different time years, may differ in character? Indeed, there are differences. In the year of the Pig (Boar), it is especially worth paying attention to this. The name of the future boy also depends on the season and month of his birth. Here is a list of the most appropriate male names for the Year of the Pig:

  • January - Anton, David, Maxim, Ilya, Cyril;
  • February - Timofey, Roman, Nikolai, Ivan, Yuri;
  • March - Victor, Semyon, Denis;
  • April - Zakhar, Ivan, Cyril;
  • May - Alexey, Vitaly;
  • June - Igor, Alexander, Ivan, Fedor, Dmitry;
  • July - Denis, Artyom, David, Anton;
  • August - Roman, Maxim, Ilya, Boris;
  • September - Cyril, Alexander, Mikhail;
  • October - Fedor, Oleg, Vyacheslav, Andrey;
  • November - Pavel, Ivan, Artyom;
  • December - Roman, Alexander, Egor.

Pig (boar) and the energy of twelve signs

If you are fond of astrology, then pay attention to the following tips.

  • In the year of the Pig (Boar), the following names are suitable for Aries boys: Vyacheslav, Gregory, Timur. They coincide with the energy of this zodiac sign.
  • Taurus born in the year of the Boar will reveal their full potential under the names Anatoly, Viktor or Bogdan.
  • The mobility and sharp mind of the Gemini are combined with the friendliness of the Pig, if you call the baby - Anton, Vladislav, George, Yaroslav or Oleg.
  • Pig and Cancer will be in harmony with Vasily, Valentine, Daniel.
  • Vitaly, Konstantin, Peter and Semyon, born this year under the sign of Virgo, will show their diligence and responsibility to the whole environment in the future.
  • Libra and the sign of this year will create harmony in the lives of Alexei, Maxim, Sergei.
  • Scorpions will show their determination in alliance with the Boar under the names Gleb, Boris, Dmitry, Robert, Egor.
  • Boys under the sign of Sagittarius this year are best called Alexander, Igor, Nikita, Fedor or Andrey.
  • The boar and Capricorn will reveal their honesty and energy with Ilya, Svyatoslav or Edward.
  • Aquarius-Pig will become real intellectuals and professionals in their future business, if you give him the name Vladimir, Ivan or Yuri.
  • Vadim, Vsevolod and Rodion will become happy in the union of Pisces and the Year of the Pig.

Future family man born in the year of the Pig

From a boy born in the year of the Pig, an excellent dad will grow up. By nature, the boys of this sign are very friendly. They are light on their feet, and they also have a soft character, but this does not mean that they are "soft-bodied". Ready to work tirelessly, especially for your family. The names for boys in the year of the Pig are very diverse, it all depends on the preferences of the parents, on consonance with the surname and patronymic. The most suitable for the future family man:

  1. Maxim;
  2. Novel;
  3. Yuri;
  4. Denis;
  5. Leonid;
  6. Sergey.

Businessman in the year of the Boar - what to call it?

Boys born under this sign are real knights. They are very easy-going, ready for compromises, have a cheerful disposition, reckless. They are distinguished by extreme honesty in everything: they are good interlocutors, because they speak sincerely and to the point. Such qualities are characteristic of a true leader. Parents can influence the further development of these qualities, in which case it is better to name the child that way.

Of course, each child is unique and unrepeatable, and no horoscope will tell about your crumbs better than his relatives and friends do. And yet the location of the stars often influences our lives. This horoscope is dedicated to children who will be born in 2016, the year of the Red Fire Monkey.

It will help you figure out what to expect from your child, what will positively affect his development, and what to watch out for. After all, each sign of the zodiac has its own character traits, abilities and talents. And it is important to know in advance what you should pay special attention to.

Children born in 2016 require a special approach!

Aries born in the year of the Monkey

These babies are very fast reaction. They are constantly on the move, jumping from place to place and changing their point of view with lightning speed. Little ones get carried away quickly and are just as quickly disappointed. They strive for leadership and love to rule, but occasionally they can be withdrawn and calm.

Capable of deep feelings and affection. They love praise very much, do not hesitate to speak and be in the spotlight. They are stubborn and rarely give up on their goals, trying to achieve their goal in any way. If it is beneficial for them, they will be honest and frank, but they can become complaisant and disingenuous in order to eventually achieve what they want. They know how to prove their case and defend themselves.

Brief description of the sign
lucky numbers 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63
Gems Diamond
lucky colors Orange, pink, white, sky blue, dark yellow
patron planet Mars
lucky months January, February, March, April, May, July, October
Bad months June, August, September, November, December
Most Compatible Signs Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus, Aquarius
Most incompatible signs Gemini, Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces
Innate Skills Enterprise
Positive traits Independence, generosity, optimism, courage
Negative qualities Boredom, monotony
Scientific activity, politics, coaching
energy sign Jan
Problem organs Brain, CNS

Aries Boys

This is a "storm in a teacup" - they involve parents and other children in their active games, they are not afraid of bruises and bumps. Naturally born ringleaders and leaders, Aries know how to endure pain and are known as daredevils. Failures do not disappoint them, but only give excitement. Aries boys must learn not to test their courage, but to be reasonable.

Explain to the little Aries that giving up stupid goals is not a sign of weakness. He must learn to control his irrepressible energy and enthusiasm. Efficient leaders and pioneers in any business grow out of such boys. Parents need to teach them to listen to others and to consider other people's opinions.

Aries girls

These are far from obedient goodies. Impulsive, persistent and bold, they resemble Pippi Longstocking. It is very important for such a girl that her parents do not “extinguish” her energy, but accept and praise her - otherwise she will close up and begin to hide behind a mask of integrity and humility, being alone at home, and on the street - a completely different girl.

Aries babies require adventures, trips and an eternal kaleidoscope of impressions from their parents. For quiet and calm parents, such a girl is a natural disaster. They run before they walk, breaking something all the time, taking it apart and tasting it. However, Aries girls quickly grow up and become independent. They have a sense of responsibility and usually achieve their goals.

Taurus born in the year of the Monkey

Completely devoid of aggression, harmless and naive sincerely love and want to be loved. They are lazy and clumsy, but, nevertheless, have excellent brains and ingenuity. They can sit still for hours, creating or composing something. They are loved by educators and teachers - these are the most calm and reasonable children, obedient and understanding.

A flexible mind, sociability and a great sense of humor make them favorites in any team. True, parents should prepare for the amazing stubbornness and resentment of their little Taurus. Although ambition, determination and consistency ultimately allow them to make a good career, the ability to find compromises in any situation will help them achieve a high position in society and the family.

Brief description of the sign
lucky numbers 6, 24, 33, 42, 51
Gems Agate
lucky colors Blue, white, yellow
patron planet Venus
lucky months January, February, March, June, September
Bad months April, October, December
Most Compatible Signs Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces
Most incompatible signs Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo, Taurus
Innate Skills Thoughtfulness
Positive traits Reliability, loyalty, generosity, patience
Negative qualities Stealth, laziness, materialism
Preferred specialty Engineering, banking
energy sign yin
Problem organs Neck, GI tract

Taurus Boys

Smart and inquisitive, from early childhood they will disassemble all the mechanisms in order to find out their structure. The Taurus boy does not like empty running around, but he can freeze for several hours in one position, disassembling a vacuum cleaner or a mobile phone. Very quickly, Taurus learn to do something with their own hands.

This is what “golden hands” say about them, because already at school age they will be able to fix everything - from a computer to a car. Usually all cases are brought to an end. Slowly and confidently, they go to the goal and do not turn anywhere. For Taurus boys, the authority of the father is very important, although the son treats his mother with great feeling - she will always be main woman in his life.

For such children, tactile contact is important, so they should be hugged and kissed often, otherwise they will think that they are not loved. Taurus, born in the year of the Monkey, love books and smart educational games. Prudent and reasonable, they often become the backbone of the family and the real leaders of the family clan.

Taurus girls

Sensual, curious and very affectionate - they are perhaps the most practical and "earthly" of all signs. With their little fingers, they must definitely touch everything that surrounds them - tactility is very important for children born in 2016. But they do it gently and carefully, without disturbing the harmony. They sincerely enjoy life and please their parents without causing problems.

Having such a child is not troublesome - you can devote time to yourself. Most of all they value in life the beauty of nature, the sincerity of relationships and Tasty food. Therefore, from the very beginning, monitor the weight of your crumbs and do not let her overeat. Taurus girls are real girls, feminine and charming. They adore beautiful, but comfortable clothes - they will never wear something that restricts movement.

Love for all living things makes them drag stray animals and injured birds into the house. Taurus girls do not like cruel fairy tales and cartoons. In all stories, they are waiting for a "happy ending". Prone to playing music, drawing and any other aesthetic pursuits. From early childhood, they can write good poetry and prose, so their creativity should be developed, but do not forget about sports.

Gemini born in the Year of the Monkey

Inventive, dexterous and quick-witted kids, they often infuriate their parents with rash acts. Their head is filled with new ideas for committing small dirty tricks and understanding the world. But it is difficult to be angry with them for a long time - they know how to charm and have many talents, and their ideas are often really brilliant.

Gemini children born in the year of the Monkey need constant monitoring - it is important to make sure that they do not go too far in their experiments. Sometimes doubting and unsure of themselves, and sometimes vice versa - self-confident and looking condescendingly at others, Gemini needs advice on how to live in society correctly.

Brief description of the sign
lucky numbers 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50
Gems Pearl
lucky colors Black, blue, dark brown, dark green
patron planet Mercury
lucky months January, March, April, June, August, November
Bad months February, May, July, September
Most Compatible Signs Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Pisces
Most incompatible signs Aries, Leo, Capricorn, Sagittarius
Innate Skills intelligence, diplomacy
Positive traits Creativity, energy, wit
Negative qualities Superficiality, spontaneity
Preferred specialty PR, working with people, journalism
energy sign Jan
Problem organs Blood, CNS, shoulder joints

twin boys

Unbridled fantasy and a brilliant mind from early childhood distinguish Gemini from total weight. These are pranksters who know how to arouse rage and admiration at the same time. They are very fast, and are especially happy when the whole house is trying to catch them and stop them. However, the Gemini have the ability to sensitively detect any changes in the mood of their parents, and they themselves can suddenly stop and become obedient and calm. True, not for long.

They are skilled imitators, learn heaps of poems and songs early, thanks to which they are able to entertain the audience for at least a whole day. Witty and original, they are fond of everything in a row and are often considered "smarts" in the children's team. They are constantly in search of new knowledge and try to achieve perfection in everything.

Usually, excellent competent specialists grow out of them, who are valued "for their weight in gold", although they hate the role of subordinates. Geminis either lead themselves or work alone. They do not tolerate routine and monotony, therefore, parents should always captivate them with something, otherwise they can become depressed and bored out of boredom.

Gemini girls

They are just little fairies! Girls born in 2016 are charming and smart. They constantly ask questions and tell their own fascinating stories, but they are good at noticing what is happening around them. They are interested in the whole world and all the events that take place, so parents need to be ready to answer a hundred thousand whys a day.

Like all double signs, Gemini suffers from mood swings - rushing from laughter to tears is normal for them. Girls are very mobile and love active pastime, but with the same success they will be carried away by games that develop thinking. They are not cowardly, and will climb anywhere to gain life experience.

No need to constantly pull and protect them - they will still see for themselves that the fire is hot and the knife is sharp. It's just that parents should not let them out of their sight and constantly create the ground for learning new things. And then out of boredom, cute charmers can turn into evil, harmful and grumbling creatures.

Cancers born in the Year of the Monkey

Cancer children are highly intelligent and quick-witted, and their rich imagination and artistry make them cute and attractive. They like to do everything at the same time - play ball, watch cartoons, eat and tell their fantasies. They dream of growing up quickly, and can be good nannies for their younger brothers and sisters.

Responsible and talented people need constant confirmation of this, so parents are encouraged to celebrate all their achievements and emphasize how proud they are of them. Sensual and tender children born in the year of the Monkey react sharply to injustice and resentment. Babies need hugs and kisses, even if they look harsh and unapproachable.

Brief description of the sign Cancer
lucky numbers 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61
Gems Ruby, Onyx
lucky colors Orange, pink, bright red, white
patron planet Moon
lucky months March, May, June, August
Bad months February, September, July, December
Most Compatible Signs Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo
Most incompatible signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini
Innate Skills Understanding
Positive traits Reliability, flexibility, responsibility
Negative qualities Egocentrism, sensitivity, meticulousness
Preferred specialty Real estate
energy sign yin
Problem organs stomach, reproductive system

Cancer Boys

Cancer boys should not be brought up in severity - their high sensuality should be welcomed by their parents, otherwise they will withdraw into themselves and become gloomy. The boy is especially attached to his mother, so it is she who should bring him up as a real man and protector of the family. Cancers are very family children, they love and appreciate all relatives, they love delicious homemade food and comfort.

They gladly bring their friends to the house in droves, generously treat them and share toys. Perhaps the Cancer boy lacks pressure and aggressiveness, but he knows how to appease opponents and avoid conflicts. In the future, these are the favorites of the teams; even if they become bosses, subordinates do not have a soul in them. Cancers are great loyal friends and good specialists. They are commonly referred to as "bright heads".

Cancer Girls

Girls born in 2016 are gentle, caring and affectionate. Cancer babies sincerely love their family and friends. For them, a calm and cozy home atmosphere is very important, they can get physically sick from scandals and rudeness. They intuitively feel any tension in the family and react very sensitively to it. Able to be healers of souls - they protect everyone who needs it.

They love nature and animals very much, they can even grow on the windowsill luxury garden. Parents should encourage and praise their daughters, developing their self-confidence. From an accidental unfair remark, Cancer girls are lost and discouraged. Talented and smart, they sometimes hesitate to enter a prestigious university because of their insecurity.

They are afraid to apply for a high position, although they can fully correspond to it. The tendency to "make an elephant out of a fly" often creates unnecessary problems for Cancer girls - that is why it is so important that loved ones reassure them and dispel doubts.

Leo born in the year of the Monkey

Gambling, brave, sometimes even eccentric children. They are ready to take risks for the sake of showiness and beauty of action. They can be authoritative and reliable, but they like to show off and splurge. Good and generous friends, but prefer to lead. They never cheat - open and honest, they easily forgive insults and put up.

Born in the year of the Monkey, very energetic and sweet, but often overstep the bounds of what is permitted, they do not know how to stop in time. It is recommended to keep the Lions in strictness, but not to put pressure on authority - these children are smart and quick-witted, it is quite logical to explain to them why this should not be done, and they will not do it anymore. However, they will no less selflessly be naughty otherwise.

Brief description of the sign
lucky numbers 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 51, 71
Gems Peridot
lucky colors Yellow, green, dark brown, blue
patron planet The sun
lucky months April, August, September, December
Bad months February, March, October, November
Most Compatible Signs Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius
Most incompatible signs Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio
Innate Skills Inspiration
Positive traits Kindness, responsibility, determination
Negative qualities Aggressiveness, arrogance
Preferred specialty Organizational activity
energy sign Jan
Problem organs Hearts, lower back, circulatory system

Lion Boys

Lion boys especially need a man's hand and the severity of education, but without violence. They need to be directed to the right path and kept from foolishness. They are energetic, quick-tempered, great inventors of various pranks, but mothers cannot be angry with them - their pranks cause only smiles. A quiet life for the parents of Lion cubs is not expected - babies constantly require attention and admiration.

They will do everything to keep your eyes on them day and night. They need an arena and spectators - and they provide themselves with them. It is best to put the energy of Lions into sports and creativity at the same time - they are quite capable of attending school and a couple more sections. Their unbridled thirst for adventure must be directed in the right direction, otherwise they themselves will find a use for it, and often an unsafe one.

Leo girls

Lioness daughters usually make the whole family their own service personnel, but with such charm and love that adults do not even notice how they become loyal subjects of the little tyrant. It requires attention and reverence, admiration and gratification. She does not order, but favorably allows herself to be looked after. But if you indulge all her whims, then she will soon turn into a capricious and spoiled creature.

Lionesses have a lot of talents, dignity and pride. Parents should try to reveal them - self-realization is very important for babies born in the year of the Monkey. This will give the girl the opportunity to flourish, and then she herself will begin to take care of others. It is very important for her to be appreciated. Lionesses are generous and immensely kind to those in whose hearts they occupy a place of honor.

Virgos born in the Year of the Monkey

These are resourceful and inventive children, smart and selfish, but kind and generous to those they truly love. Excellent memory, dynamic mind, consistency and methodicalness make them favorite students and role models. They lack intuition, which they more than replace with logic and reasoning.

They do not have deep feelings, but always remain faithful to their family and relatives. They can boast of good administrative talents, although most often they do not shine in the sciences. Good taste and the love of life in abundance helps to always look great.

Brief description of the sign
lucky numbers 5, 14, 23, 32
Gems Sapphire
lucky colors White, yellow, green
patron planet Mercury
lucky months April, July, November, December
Bad months February, March, May
Most Compatible Signs , Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces
Most incompatible signs Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Aries
Innate Skills Passion for continuous learning
Positive traits Logic, accuracy, reliability
Negative qualities Grunting, stiffness
Preferred specialty teaching
energy sign yin
Problem organs GI tract, diaphragm

Virgo Boys

These are thinkers who prefer quiet games and mental activity. They dislike physical exertion so much that they almost never play sports, swim or go hiking. Reflection and comfort are more important for them than any competition in speed and agility.

Intelligent, prudent and logical, such boys rarely get into fights and do not show belligerence. They have everything neatly arranged on the shelves, they are always ready for lessons and exams. Virgo boys are very observant and picky about others, but also demanding of themselves. In the future, they are good students, excellent workers and "correct" fathers of families.

Virgo Girls

From early childhood, these babies know what they want, understand more than others and reason like adults. They know how to communicate with people of any age, listen carefully and analyze what is happening around. Methodicalness and accuracy make them the best students. Even without great talents, they perfectly express their thoughts and know how to present the material in such a way that there is no doubt about their knowledge.

Virgo girls are very demanding of themselves - they strive for perfection, so parents should teach them not to panic because of mistakes and explain that making mistakes is normal. Sometimes they drive themselves into “hard limits”, so they need to be taught to be naughty and not always be exemplary girls.

Libra born in the year of the Monkey

They begin to be active in infancy. Constant movement and the desire to impress others - that's the whole point of Libra babies. Polite and considerate, they can take unnecessary risks just to be noticed. If they want something, they will make every effort to achieve the goal.

They can trick and cunning, they can flatter and beg, acting under the motto "the end justifies the means." Being carried away by something or someone, they are ready to sacrifice everything. But, having lost interest in someone (or something), they leave without looking back. Parents should teach such kids to bring everything to the end.

Brief description of the sign
lucky numbers 6, 15, 24, 33, 51, 60
Gems Opal, tourmaline
lucky colors Yellow (lemon), coffee, magenta
patron planet Venus
lucky months January, February, March, July, September, November, December
Bad months May, June, October
Most Compatible Signs Gemini, Aquarius, Virgo,
Most incompatible signs Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Innate Skills Artistry
Positive traits Diplomacy, friendliness, tact
Negative qualities Superficiality, laziness, insecurity
Preferred specialty Creation
energy sign Jan
Problem organs Kidneys, back

Libra Boys

Non-conflict, calm and flexible, Libra boys can adapt to any situation. They do not tolerate loneliness, so they will be in any company, even if they do not really like it. Such boys need to be taught to say the word "no", because they are easily pushed to bad deeds - in order to remain in the team, Libra agrees to do everything they are asked to do.

Charming, sweet and dependent, Libras become favorites of mothers, grandmothers and sisters. They are educated and pleasant in communication, and also obey with pleasure, receiving affection and love in return. Libra boys need a solid male upbringing - dad must teach them to make choices and not pay attention to the opinions of others.

Libra Girls

Even in the stroller, the Libra girl flirts with others, smiles sweetly and does everything to evoke reciprocal love. The thirst for attention can teach her to please and be nice to everyone. She will give up her interests in order to belong to some community. That is why parents should teach their daughter to be able to defend their point of view and not be afraid of loneliness.

The obedient and feminine Libra girl does not cause trouble for either parents or teachers. She never plays pranks, is not impudent, and does not do anything for which she can be condemned. She is smart, well-read and intelligent, but if the environment is below her level, then she will pretend to be a silly simpleton. Libra girls make excellent housewives, wives and mothers, but often girls put all their talents and abilities on the altar of the family.

Scorpios born in the Year of the Monkey

This is not a child - this is a cunning imp with the mobility of mercury. Unpredictable and uncontrollable, he is able to overcome any obstacles and prohibitions. He never compromises and deftly bypasses all obstacles. Most of all in life, these children love to play, they are selfish and stubborn.

Parents need to constantly pacify them and teach humility, but not by force, but by conviction and love. Scorpio always keeps everyone under control, so it is difficult for them to manage. A complex, but very interesting and outstanding Scorpio child will not let his parents get bored for the rest of his life.

Brief description of the sign
lucky numbers 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 72
Gems Topaz
lucky colors Orange, pink, white
patron planet Mars
lucky months January, February, April, September, October
Bad months March, August
Most Compatible Signs Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces
Most incompatible signs Leo, Gemini, Virgo
Innate Skills Passionarity
Positive traits energy, mindfulness
Negative qualities Laziness, jealousy
Preferred specialty Science oriented
energy sign yin
Problem organs reproductive system

Scorpio boys

Boys born in 2016 diligently hide their emotions, so parents should first of all study all the nuances of their behavior. little scorpion. They painfully perceive criticism, are sensitive to tears, but outwardly behave rudely and harshly, hiding true vulnerability. The boy wants to always look like a strong and invincible superhero.

Parents should explain to their child that tears and emotions are not a weakness, and that superheroes fail too. Scorpios express love and dislike towards others immediately and without embellishment. Their straightforwardness often backfires. These are very enthusiastic natures, it is difficult for them to do what the soul does not lie in.

That is why they often have problems at school - no deuces will force them to learn the subject that they do not like. Loyal to those they truly love, Scorpios will protect their family and friends from all adversity. You can rely on them.

Scorpio girls

These are real women. They comprehend the science of seducing and cunning while still in a wheelchair. Smart, efficient and talented, they always know exactly what they want and achieve it. Girls are very friendly with their mothers, making them their spiritual mentors. If the mother listens sensitively to all revelations and takes the side of her daughter, then better friend she won't have.

They subtly feel the attitude towards themselves and their relatives, therefore, in the presence of unpleasant people, they become suspicious and withdrawn. Most of all, Scorpio girls need strong love and faith in their strength - this will help them achieve a lot in life.

Sagittarius born in the Year of the Monkey

Calm, strong-willed, with great organizational talent, Sagittarius children can achieve a lot if they do not act arrogantly with others. They have a bright head and excellent intuition, which helps to study well. And the ability to get along with teachers and everyone who is higher in rank will help the birth easily and quickly make a career.

Sagittarians absorb information like a sponge and always draw the right conclusions, so it seems that they know much more than their peers. They have great authority and value their spotless reputation very much. Honest, not able to cheat and dodge, faithful and generous Sagittarius are usually lucky in life.

Brief description of the sign
lucky numbers 3, 12, 21, 30, 33, 42
Gems Turquoise
lucky colors Dark red, dark blue, dark green
patron planet Jupiter
lucky months January, February, May, August, November, December
Bad months July, September, October
Most Compatible Signs Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Virgo, Sagittarius
Most incompatible signs Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Taurus
Innate Skills Sociality, intelligence
Positive traits Optimism, friendliness, honesty
Negative qualities Callousness, anxiety
Preferred specialty Dynamic non-routine work
energy sign Jan
Problem organs Back, knees

Sagittarius boys

The boys are like frisky and cheerful puppies - they love life and energetic games. Little Monkeys behave like Mowgli - feeling their unity with nature, they climb trees, swim in all water bodies, go hiking with pleasure and live in tents. The greatest happiness for the little Sagittarius is to sculpt pies out of mud with impunity and to launch boats in a puddle.

You should not try to calm the baby, smartly dress him and put him at the table. He cannot stay clean and tidy, and old shorts and torn sandals are his favorite clothes, because they are comfortable and allow the baby to be himself. Sagittarians are very active in taking on new things, but quickly cool down and give up what they started. Parents should teach Sagittarius to bring things to the end - only then will the child achieve good results.

Sagittarius girls

These girls enjoy family life. They are very domestic, although far from docile. The energy of Sagittarius babies is able to charge the whole family. They tend to learn well and without problems. They have fearlessness and know how to take risks - failures do not upset them, because they believe that life is a fun and interesting thing. In addition, Sagittarians have a great sense of humor and love to laugh.

In the house and in the company they are loved and considered easy, pleasant people. But sometimes the Sagittarius girl begins to engage in "self-digging" and is in a gloomy mood, from which everyone becomes ill. True, this quickly passes - an hour later she is again full of enthusiasm and ready to laugh. Usually, the Sagittarius girl is lucky in life, and she achieves her goals without any problems. It becomes independent early, but never forgets its parents.

Capricorns born in the Year of the Monkey

This is a stubborn, hard-working and purposeful child - sometime in the future, when he grows up a little. In the meantime, this is a prankster, a lover of outrages and fun. Dexterous and cunning Capricorn children manage to do all the work and have fun. Diligent and responsible, they can control their environment. They never conflict and try to resolve all disputes peacefully.

In the event of a fight, they will not flee, but will be able to stand up for themselves and their comrades. They have indestructible logic and draw the right conclusions. Usually they grow up early and are able to solve any super-tasks. Despite the seeming inaccessibility and restraint, they are in desperate need of love and recognition, so parents should often emphasize how proud they are of their little Capricorns.

Brief description of the sign
lucky numbers 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31
Gems Garnet
lucky colors White, dark brown, green
patron planet Saturn
lucky months February, March, April, June, July, November
Bad months January, May, September, October
Most Compatible Signs Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Capricorn
Most incompatible signs Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Libra
Innate Skills industriousness
Positive traits Independence, Patience, Loyalty
Negative qualities Autocracy, jealousy, suspicion
Preferred specialty Working with people, consulting
energy sign yin
Problem organs Knees, bones, skin

Capricorn boys

Quietly and calmly go to the goal, without making noise out of it. They like the company of adults more than the environment of their peers, so the Capricorn boy will be happy to sit with his father's friends. He has many talents and develops them independently. Often he decides which sections to go to and with whom to be friends. A very adult and reasonable Capricorn loves order and appreciates discipline.

He likes to plan everything in advance, and then stick to the plan. With all this, Capricorn boys are quite timid, so the father must teach them to boldly and openly declare themselves to the world. Most of all they value stability and peace in the family. They never climb with their opinion - they wait until they are asked. In any society behave appropriately.

Capricorn girls

Capricorn girls value fortitude, independence and self-control. You can never call them weak sissies. They will not yield to a man in rights, but will take an equal place next to him. Possessing hardness and endurance, they are able to lead a team from kindergarten. Usually they become a support in the family and at work. The Capricorn girl will do the most difficult and responsible work in order to become useful and gain recognition.

You can always count on her - they don't let you down. They are very demanding of themselves and others, they study well and always lead by example. But with all these qualities, Capricorn babies born in 2016 will need recognition and praise. It is important for them to know that their work is appreciated, and they are doing everything right. Parents must convince their daughter that she is loved regardless of her achievements, grades and good behavior.

Aquarius born in the year of the Monkey

Extraordinarily wise Aquarius children amaze everyone with their abilities - they dance equally well, play many instruments, draw, write poetry and prose, quickly and easily master foreign languages and technical sciences. Generous and kind to family and friends, they have a subtle intuition and are very sociable.

Dynamic and extremely curious, they saturate their brain with a lot of knowledge and are known as very smart and erudite children. With such data, any heights are subject to them, but often they need parental love and care more than conquering peaks. It is very difficult to experience separation from someone they truly love, and they can even get sick.

Brief description of the sign
lucky numbers 5, 6, 8, 11, 19, 22
Gems Amethyst
lucky colors Blue, light green, yellow
patron planet Saturn
lucky months March, April, May, July, August, October, November
Bad months January, February, June, September
Most Compatible Signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius
Most incompatible signs Aries, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer
Innate Skills Creativity
Positive traits Honesty, intelligence, wit
Negative qualities Stubbornness, callousness
Preferred specialty Marketing
energy sign Jan
Problem organs Ankle

Aquarius Boys

Aquarius boys will never listen to advice - they will find out everything and decide for themselves. An inquisitive mind and solid logic allow them to correctly understand the events and actions of other people. They love to experiment to learn more about life. Aquarians look at the world from a completely different angle, so they are often inventors and discoverers.

Boys are constantly in search of something interesting, and parents have no time to be bored with such sons. Strong will and perseverance distinguish these kids from their peers. Having a vulnerable and subtle soul, the boys express their emotions sparingly, therefore the main task parents - not to hide their love and tenderness, and also to teach this to their son.

Aquarius Girls

Little Aquarians are deeply individual personalities from birth. They can act contrary to everyone, but not out of harm, but only in order to break the rules. Stubborn in achieving the goal and rebellious, they just go their own way. Natural charm and the ability to communicate with people make them desirable in any team. They quickly get to know each other and make friends.

Calm and balanced Aquarius girls know how to take care of others. The family for girls born in the year of the Monkey plays a huge role, therefore family ties will always come first for them. They have a delicate aesthetic taste and are able to create beauty and comfort around themselves. Very emotional and friendly, they value family and friends above all else.

Pisces born in the Year of the Monkey

These children have a very high intelligence and a whole list of abilities. There is practically no area in which small Pisces could not show themselves with better side. They value family ties very much and unite all relatives around them. They have amazing acting talent, excellent memory and subtle irony.

It is very important for Pisces to get along with everyone, so they easily and simply resolve any conflicts. Perhaps these children lack the depth of feelings, but they have an excess of charm and charm. Parents need to teach these children to take people and things seriously, because they easily take on the most difficult task and just as easily leave it as soon as something more interesting appears.

Brief description of the sign
lucky numbers 3, 7, 12, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52
Gems Aquamarine
lucky colors Yellow, green, white, pink
patron planet Jupiter
lucky months January, February, March, April, June
Bad months May, July, September, October
Most Compatible Signs Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn
Most incompatible signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Virgo
Innate Skills omniscience
Positive traits Tolerance, flexibility, creativity, dedication
Negative qualities Escapism, irrationality, laziness
Preferred specialty The medicine
energy sign yin
Problem organs Feet, toes, liver

Pisces Boys

Soft and conscious, they never dictate their conditions and do not demand their fulfillment. They understand others and do not tolerate violence - neither physical nor mental. It is easier for Pisces to reconcile with others than to prove the case by force. Parents should teach their son how to stand up for his needs and develop self-confidence.

Vivid fantasy and endless imagination allow them to live in their own world. They can have imaginary friends and heroes, they boldly interfere with reality and fiction and completely sincerely confuse where the truth is and where the fiction is. They can only learn what they are interested in. They will never do routine things - they are always full of ideas on how to spend time more excitingly.


Their main features are sensitivity, compassion and rich imagination. They are talented in all kinds of art, so parents should develop this gift in them. As a child, the Pisces girl changes her goals every day - yesterday she wanted to be a doctor, today a ballerina, and tomorrow you will have a strict tiger tamer in front of you. In the same way, she chooses sections and circles. No need to stop her and demand that she visit one thing.