How to deal with dust in the apartment. Effective ways to remove dust in the apartment and house. The most dangerous dust collectors

Do you have to dust every horizontal surface in your house every day? Starting to feel like the dust will never go away? Of course, there is no magic tool that will remove dust once and for all, but it is quite possible to reduce its amount. We will tell you where dust comes from, why it accumulates quickly and how to deal with it properly.

It is impossible to get rid of dust completely: even in an empty house without tenants and with closed windows, a thick layer of dust accumulates over time. Why is this happening? To answer this question, you need to know what the dust in the apartment consists of.

What is dust

Dust are fine solid particles ranging in size from 0.01 to 10 microns. First of all, it is necessary to separate coarse and (or fine) dust. Large dust is just what annoys us so much. A layer of gray "fluff" that accumulates in the corners, on the bookshelves and under the sofa.

In fact, the greatest danger to us is fine dust, which we do not even see. It is found in large quantities in polluted urban air and penetrates into our body, damaging the walls of blood vessels and causing harm to health.

A significant part of the dust, as a rule, consists of the smallest particles of dead skin and tissue fibers. Other dust contributors range from human hair and pet hair to soil particles, pollen, mold spores, dust mites and other minor sources. Also in some homes, the dust contains the waste products of cockroaches, termites, ants or other insects. Especially a lot of dust happens after repair.

In addition to household sources of dust, there are also natural ones - for example, scientists recognize the Sahara Desert as the largest source of dust. Volcanic ash, fires, meteorites and comets, seas and oceans are also to blame for the formation of dust. Even hundreds of thousands of kilometers are not afraid of such dust: for the sake of getting into your apartment, it will overcome all obstacles.

You cannot remove large sources of dust from your life, such as clothes, furniture, carpets and, in fact, human skin. However, you can use quality house cleaning methods. Then the amount of dust will be significantly reduced.

Always wipe dust from top to bottom– otherwise, dirt from the surfaces that are higher than the rest will settle on the already cleaned furniture.

Carpets should be vacuumed and shaken out every week. Carpets – world-class dust collectors, and when you step on them, they "throw" the dust back into the air.

It is worth taking care of the furniture. For example, sofa cushions, like carpeting, create, collect and spew dust into the air when you sit on them. Sofas, beds, chairs can be vacuumed or knocked out with a dense, damp cloth. Also note the curtains.: They need to be washed and steamed regularly.

Dust mites live in almost every home because they like warm, humid environments. They breed in bedding and other places where there may be many epidermal particles, and contribute their waste products to the general level of dust. In most cases, this is not a problem: just wash your bedding regularly and take care of your upholstered furniture.

Take inventory of your apartment. Perhaps something should be thrown out altogether, and something just replaced. Instead of feather pillows, take synthetic winterizers, get rid of unnecessary decorative items and unnecessary clothes, old upholstered furniture. Don't forget about stuffed toys: they are a great home for dust mites. It is absolutely not necessary to throw them in the trash, it is enough to wash them at a high temperature or put them in the freezer for several hours.

Why is there a lot of dust in the apartment? The answer is simple: dust loves clutter. Clutter demoralizes even the most desperate housewives, forcing them to spend a lot of time and effort cleaning. Store various knick-knacks and things that you rarely use in a cabinet behind glass or in a drawer. Spend 5 minutes a day to put everything in its place - there will simply be no place for dust to come from.

Our wardrobe also affects the total amount of dust. Just imagine how much dust we bring from the street along with our clothes! Pay close attention to laundry and wardrobe space organization. Seasonal items are best packed in vacuum bags.

The most terrible accumulation of dust is located where it is quite difficult to clean., - under the bed, sofa, behind the refrigerator or closet, in the corners of the pantry, etc. When wet cleaning, it is recommended to pay the most attention to these places. Fortunately, mops and vacuum cleaners are now being produced with a wide variety of nozzles that can penetrate hard-to-reach places.

The most inaccessible places are at the top of the cabinets - to wipe them from dust, you always need to stand on a chair and stool. How to remove dust in this case? If you are not very concerned about the aesthetic appearance of the room, you can put old newspapers or large format paper on the “roof” of the cabinet - when dust settles on it, it can be rolled up and thrown away. There is no need to deal with a thick layer of dust on the surface of the cabinet itself.

Another tip: if you need to remove dust from embossed surfaces, such as a picture frame, lampshade and other decorative elements, use an ordinary brush.

Wet rag is all you need to collect dust from hard, smooth surfaces. The dust sticks to the fabric instead of flying and spreading through the air. The main thing is not to use an excessively wet cloth: a large amount of water combined with dust forms dirt and can ruin the finish of your beautiful furniture. Rags made of cotton or microfiber are better at absorbing water and removing dirt.

During cleaning, it is better not to use a broom or a whisk - they only raise dust into the air and spread it throughout the apartment.

It is widely believed that clean the air and partially eliminate dust help houseplants. We already know that the role of green helpers is somewhat exaggerated. Of course, plants have a positive effect on the microclimate, but wet cleaning in combination with climate technology will wipe the nose of any ficus 🙂

How to wipe furniture so that dust does not set?

A bit of physics: As is known, microparticles have a small electric charge and are attracted to a surface charged with the opposite charge. To prevent this from happening, antistatic agents are used: they reduce the ability of objects to accumulate static electricity, and dust simply does not settle on furniture and household appliances.

The modern market is flooded with a variety of cleaning products with very different degrees of effectiveness. To choose the right tool, you need to know what it is intended for. Before use, you must read the instructions - otherwise, instead of cleanliness in the house, you run the risk of observing an ugly dense coating on horizontal surfaces.

  • To prevent dust from settling on furniture for a long time, use polish(or anti-dust). It contains antistatic for furniture from dust. And polish also adds shine to furniture elements. Thus, the dust does not settle on the armrests or the table, but simply “slides” off them. Nevertheless, anti-dust for furniture is not a panacea: you still have to do wet cleaning, but at least not so often.
  • For TVs and computer monitors there are special antistatic agents that remove dust and dirt. It is best to choose an antistatic agent that can be used on the switched on equipment and that does not require subsequent processing with a napkin or rag.
  • Some sprays eliminate static electricity and kill dust mites. They should be used no more than once every six months. They mainly process walls, carpets and textiles.
  • Everything is clear with hard surfaces, but how to wipe upholstered furniture? Special impregnation spreads over the entire surface of a piece of furniture, as if forming a protective film that prevents dust from penetrating inside. However, the furniture will have to be cleaned so that the impregnation does not turn into a dense coating.
  • If you prefer folk remedies, it will help you vinegar. In a glass of cool water, add 50-75 ml of vinegar, two teaspoons of olive oil and a couple of drops of any essential oil. Then pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and treat the furniture with it. This method also eliminates unpleasant odors.

The main thing when choosing household chemicals is to carefully select the composition of the product. Avoid the names of toxic substances on the packaging - these include chlorine, ammonium, phosphates, triclosan. Also remember that many cleaning products cause irritation to the skin and respiratory tract, so it is worth arming yourself with rubber gloves and a face mask.

Even the most thorough cleaning will not rid the house of dust by 100%. Do you want even the smallest dust to disappear? Trust smart technology. with high-quality filters will definitely help in the difficult fight against dust, and those that also have the function of inactivating microorganisms will protect you and your family not only from dust, but also from various viruses, allergens and harmful bacteria.

A HEPA filter must be built into the air purifier - it is capable of retaining the finest dust.

A room without an influx of fresh air is much more dusty than a constantly ventilated room. In addition, in a stuffy room it is simply hard to breathe and go about your business. To exclude the possibility of street dust entering your home during ventilation and, you can install a compact supply ventilation system with built-in filters for air purification.


The first assistant in the fight against dust is nature itself. It's hard to believe, but behind the walls of our apartments there is much less dust than at home. Precipitation fights dust, the sun disinfects the dust, and the wind blows it into water bodies. An analogy can be drawn with .

First, do regular wet cleaning. To do this, take a napkin dipped in water and walk through the dust collectors - shelves, window sills, household appliances. Soft and stuffed toys are a real problem for people with allergies, because the dust settles in them firmly. Therefore, the upholstery and chairs should also be cleaned with a damp cloth. Use the following trick: put on rubber gloves that are sold in a pharmacy, wet them with water. It is a pleasure to clean furniture with such gloves: dust easily rolls out of furniture upholstery. And the toys are machine washable. Since high temperatures are detrimental to linen, try to wash toys, your clothes and bed linen at a temperature of at least 60 ° C.

Ventilate the apartment regularly, and also keep the ventilation system in good condition. The air in the apartment should change completely several times a minute!

It is known that the computer and the TV attract dust to themselves, being essentially magnets, which means that such devices should not be in the bedroom. If you have nowhere to put them, then regularly give the system unit to the equipment maintenance salon for cleaning.

When vacuuming floors, use wet vacuum cleaners. There are even vacuum cleaners that vacuum the air. Vacuuming should start from the wall carpets, moving down.

In summer, the problem of dust is not as acute as in winter. In winter, the air is very dry due to heating, so dust is constantly carried in the air. Install humidifiers to prevent this. Water microparticles will adhere to dust particles and settle with them. Humidifiers, air conditioners and built-in vacuum cleaners, which are, in fact, vacuum cleaning systems will help you effectively deal with dust. The role of a natural humidifier and air purifier is played by aquariums, mini-fountains, water vessels placed near heating devices.


Moreover, allergy to dust manifests itself gradually. A person may consider himself allergy-free for many years until one day he wakes up with an allergic rhinitis, cough and watery eyes. In addition, urban dust contains toxic elements. Effective air purification from dust in industrial premises is carried out using special bulky and expensive devices. But how do you get rid of dust at home?

Useful advice

At first glance, the answer to the question of how to get rid of dust at home and in an apartment is obvious: do the cleaning more often. But not everything is so simple. Let's deal with dust competently so as not to drive it around the room. You can get rid of dust, knowing well the effective methods of struggle. Ways to get rid of dust: If possible, exclude the so-called "dust collectors" in the apartment: open shelves with books, soft toys, scattered clothes, etc. Things should be stored in closed cabinets.

Every hostess at least once in her life wondered "how to get rid of the unfortunate dust in the apartment for a long time?". Dust particles are constantly in the air and within half an hour after cleaning they settle on furniture and interior items. It is unlikely that it will be possible to permanently get rid of dust in the house, but any housewife can reduce its amount.

Read this article:

Eliminate dust collectors

Dust not only spoils the appearance of the home, but also harms the health of the people living in it. The highest concentration of dust falls on the first 1.5 m above the floor, so the child's body suffers from it much more.

In order to eliminate dust, you need to try to get rid of its sources as much as possible. For this:

  • Avoid floor and wall carpets if you can't vacuum them at least once every two days.
  • Share with friends or throw away things you don't use. An old coat that you have never worn, or a bag that has been hanging idle in the hallway for the third year in a row are typical dust collectors.
  • Reduce the number of decorative elements in the interior. All kinds of boxes, figurines, soft toys accumulate dust and make the cleaning process more difficult. If you find it difficult to refuse some memorabilia, hide them in a closet or behind glass.
  • Remove bulky curtains and replace them with more concise ones. The best option is to close the windows with horizontal blinds, which are easy to maintain and do not accumulate dust.
  • Remove natural wool products, replace natural bedspreads and pillow fillers with synthetic ones.

Dust Prevention

If you are puzzled over how to get rid of dust in the apartment, you should know that it is much easier to prevent dust from appearing than to remove it from carpets, furniture, valuables, etc.

In order for dust to be a rare guest in your home, you must follow a simple but effective instruction:

  • Ventilate the room as often as possible. In order for the dust to be as small as possible, and for all family members to have excellent health, it is necessary to renew the air in the apartment at least every hour.
  • Ensure good ventilation of the premises, install a hood over the gas stove. Ideally, smells from the kitchen and fumes from the bathroom should not spread throughout the house.
  • The temperature in the house should be maintained at 18-20 degrees. The apartment should not be too dry, but excessive humidity should not be allowed either.

  • Buy a humidifier. Don't skimp on this device. Remember that a quality humidifier equipped with filters can absorb up to 75% of the dust in the air.
  • Chemical agents that are poured into air humidifiers can also be used against ticks. Attention! Chemicals against dust mites can harm some types of pets, such as amphibians and fish. Therefore, before purchasing the liquid without fail, consult your veterinarian.
  • Store books in cabinets behind glass.
  • Remember that dust mites are afraid of cold and heat. To this end, it is recommended to iron bed linen as often as possible with a hot iron.
  • Ventilate your bed outdoors. Put it outside: in summer - in sunny weather, in winter - in dry and frosty weather. Ultraviolet destroys dust mites and decomposes their metabolic products, which are dangerous not only for an allergic person, but also for a healthy person.
  • Cover mosquito nets with gauze soaked in water to prevent dust from getting in during airing.

Systematic cleaning

Regular cleaning also helps fight dust. In order for the house to literally smell of cleanliness, follow these rules:

    • Do not forget to dust hard-to-reach places: on cornices, fireplace grates, baseboards, computer and TV screens, cabinets. At least once a month, walk with a damp cloth along the walls: dust also settles on them, although it is not as noticeable as on horizontal surfaces.
    • Beat rugs and bedspreads at least twice a year. Along with carpets, upholstered furniture can also be beaten out. Fortunately, sofas and armchairs you do not have to take out into the street. To prevent dust from getting into the air, before knocking out furniture, cover it with gauze soaked in water. In this case, the dust will not settle on the surrounding objects, but will remain on the fabric.

    • If you still have not managed to give up your favorite curtains, provide them with proper care. Curtains can be easily processed with a steamer. Under the influence of this device, the fabric is smoothed, dust disappears, pathogenic bacteria die.
    • Pay attention to plants and pets. Veterinarians say: a pet is one of the main sources of dust in the house. Wipe the paws of pets after each walk, systematically comb the animals, regardless of the length of the coat. Periodically wipe the leaves of plants with a damp cloth and spray with water from a spray bottle.
    • Wipe smooth surfaces of furniture (cabinets, tables, bedside tables, etc.) with a cloth dampened with an antistatic agent. Antistatic polish is not recommended for use in homes where allergy sufferers live.

  • Vacuum carpets, bedspreads, floor coverings and furs at least once a week. Keep the windows wide open while vacuuming. Unfortunately, most modern vacuum cleaners are designed in such a way that mites, sucked along with dust into the vacuum cleaner pipe, are immediately thrown back through the outlet. In order to rid your home of dust mites, buy special filters for your vacuum cleaner, such as HEPA. A good purchase would be the purchase of a washing vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter.

Assistants in the fight against dust

To get rid of dust in the apartment you will be helped by special devices and tools that can be bought at any store. These include:


In a room with humidified air, it is much easier to deal with dust. Dust stops flying randomly in the air, settles on the floor and on furniture, from where it can be quickly removed with a rag or vacuum cleaner.

A vacuum cleaner

A vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter will allow you to remove dust not only from the treated surface, but also from the air. Thanks to a good vacuum cleaner, a dust-free room will sparkle with new colors.


A plant that, according to knowledgeable people, is able to reduce the amount of dust in the room.


A hygrometer is used to control the humidity in a home. If the humidity level is exceeded, ordinary household dust can turn into a dangerous reagent, not to mention the appearance of mold.

Window membranes

Devices that protect the home from dust particles and dangerous allergens entering it from the street. Quality window membranes keep bacteria, pollen, smog, insects, molds, etc. out of your home.

"Air Wash"

A modern device that passes through all the air in the room and cleans it from dust particles. Air washing is particularly effective in homes where dust is difficult to remove with improvised means, such as newly renovated premises and new buildings.

When choosing an "air wash", pay attention to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the goals that you set for yourself. So some devices effectively humidify the air, others help get rid of bacteria and unpleasant odors, others ionize the air in the apartment and disinfect it. If you want to get rid of dust, it is recommended to buy those "sinks" that effectively cope with the tasks of purifying and humidifying the air.

Thus, getting rid of annoying dust in the house is a rather painstaking and long process. However, the implementation of all the above recommendations and systematic cleaning will ultimately lead you to the long-awaited result - the complete elimination of dust in the apartment.

Dust in the house is a problem that we face every day. Its accumulation spoils the appearance of housing, leads to allergies and other health problems. It is impossible to permanently get rid of dust in the apartment, but there are special methods of cleaning and air purification that will help to significantly reduce its volume. It is about them that will be discussed in our article.

Dust in the house can be found on any surface, how to deal with it, read our article.

Dust and its sources

House dust is an accumulation of the smallest particles: fabric and paper fibers, dead skin cells, animal hair, pollen, crumbling whitewash, mold spores and much more. All this is a favorable environment for the appearance of dust mites. Waste products of ticks are the strongest allergen and the cause of many diseases.

Skin irritation, conjunctivitis, clogged pores, allergies, asthma are just a few of the consequences that constant exposure to dust can cause.

Description of some sources of dust in the apartment:

  • textiles - clothes, towels, bed linen, rugs, curtains, carpets, upholstered furniture, lampshades and other interior elements made of fabric;
  • paper and decor - napkins, newspapers, books, paintings, figurines and other designer decorations;
  • pets - care for them should be regular (combing hair, bathing, washing paws after a walk);
  • TV, computer and other equipment - while working, they attract any particles that are in the air;
  • walls and furniture - whitewash and paint are peeling off the walls and ceiling, fibers are separated from worn-out wallpaper, and dust is removed from old wooden furniture.
Dust is caused by hard water: it wears out clothing and linen, and after washing, the fibers of the fabric spread throughout the house.

Man is also a source of organic dust. You can reduce its amount if you regularly remove dead particles from the surface of the body with a washcloth or scrub, moisturize and nourish the skin.

In addition, dust enters the home through the windows. Most of all, it appears in apartments located on the lower floors, near roads, near construction sites and industrial facilities.

Dust Control Methods

To get rid of dust in the apartment, one cleaning is not enough, an integrated approach is needed in this matter. Let's consider all methods in detail.

Removing blockages

Above, we described what most often becomes places of accumulation of dust. Getting started cleaning, you need to first deal with the following blockages:

  • put figurines, vases, and other knick-knacks in glass-doored cabinets. Fold the excess decor in bags and hide in the pantry;
  • throw away old magazines and newspapers. Collect the publications that you want to keep in boxes and take them to the pantry. Books are best kept behind glass in a cupboard;
  • collect seasonal items and shoes that you do not use, put them in boxes or cases and hide them in a closet;
  • to get rid of dust in the apartment, reduce the amount of textiles in the interior (carpets, blankets, etc.). If you are not ready for this, tune in to frequent cleaning. Remember to regularly wash, vacuum or steam curtains, upholstered furniture and fabric lampshades;
  • sort out all the clutter in closets and pantries. Store rarely used items in bags, cases and boxes.

When putting away interior items for storage, do not forget to wipe them from dust. Things and clothes must first be washed or shaken out, shoes must be washed and dried.

Proper cleaning

To get rid of dust in the apartment for a long time, after removing the blockages, carry out a general cleaning. To begin with, thoroughly vacuum the floors so that during the cleaning process you do not raise and spread dust over all surfaces.

Vacuum cobwebs from the ceiling and upper corners, lift sofas and chairs, walk through all hard-to-reach areas

Then start cleaning all textile dust collectors:

  • wash, vacuum or steam curtains, carpets, blankets, toys, etc.;
  • knock out the mattress, pillows and blankets in the great outdoors. Prepare bed linen for change;
  • clean upholstered furniture.

After processing textiles, remove dust from upper and hard-to-reach surfaces. Dust is removed from top to bottom so that swept particles do not settle on already cleaned objects.

If you have stretch or false ceilings, be sure to wipe them down. How to do it better, read this article.

Wipe the plants with a damp sponge. If handling dust by hand is difficult, take the pot to the bathroom and gently rinse the leaves in the shower. Most plants love this procedure.

Wipe the TV, speakers, kitchen and other appliances (it is advisable to use special sprays for them)

Wipe the rest of the furniture: cabinets and chests of drawers, sofa handles, headboards, tables, chairs, shelves, etc.

After you have collected dust from all interior items, start cleaning the floor: you need to vacuum and wash it again. You can find floor cleaning methods in our article "How to wash floors properly".

Carpets are the biggest dust collectors. They need to be vacuumed 1-2 times a week, knocked out and cleaned regularly.

To get rid of dust in the apartment, use the right equipment.

Take on board household chemicals with an antistatic effect: window cleaner, furniture polish, floor washing liquid. They reduce the ability of objects to accumulate static electricity and attract dust. On sale there are hypoallergenic odorless products.

Use antistatic dusters (including electric ones). They neutralize static charge and attract dust to the villi

Buy a microfiber cloth. This fabric collects and holds dust, but with a piece of an old T-shirt, you will only brush off the dust, not remove it.

Carry out a light wet cleaning once every 2 days: wipe the floor in the kitchen, in the hallway and in the bathroom

To clean upholstered furniture, cover it with a damp sheet and beat it out: deeply clogged dust will settle on the damp cloth. Then the furniture can be vacuumed and treated with a steamer.

Dust can be removed from books with a vacuum cleaner using a special soft brush attachment, and then wiped with a slightly damp cloth.

Blinds can be cleaned of dust without removing them from the windows. Turn the plates so that they become a single sheet, and go over them with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth. If heavily soiled, wash the blinds in the bathroom. Read more about this in this article.

Wallpaper also needs to be cleaned from time to time so that dust does not accumulate on the walls. Almost all modern types of wall decor can be wet cleaned. Vacuum them before processing to avoid dirty streaks.

To get rid of dust in the apartment, use the advice of experienced housewives:

  • moisten a rag in water with the addition of potassium permanganate or a drop of detergent (dishwashing liquid, shampoo). After such processing, an invisible film is formed on the surface of the furniture, which will prevent dust from settling;
  • get chlorophytum. This plant is unpretentious in care and significantly reduces the amount of dust;
  • to vacuum upholstery, wrap the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner with gauze soaked in saline solution (1 tablespoon of salt diluted in 1 liter of water; hold the rag for 10 minutes and wring it out well).

Air purification

To make dust control more effective, use special devices:

  • air humidifiers (ultrasonic, steam, etc.). In dry air, microscopic dust particles can hang for a very long time;
  • air purifiers (coal, quartz, etc.) They rid the air of dust and harmful impurities;
  • air washer. The device sucks in air, passes it through the filter and releases it already cleaned and humidified;
  • ionizers. Under the action of ions, dust particles become heavier and settle, making it easier to remove them;
  • vacuum cleaner with water filter. Such devices retain up to 99% of dust and humidify the air.

Additional measures

It will not be possible to permanently get rid of dust in the apartment, but you can reduce its amount if you take a number of measures:

  • install window membranes or mosquito nets. They prevent the penetration of dust from the street;
  • eliminate cracks on doors and windows with sealant;
  • use pillows and blankets with synthetic filling (it produces less dust than feathers and down, and it is easier to clean);
  • replace draped curtains with simpler options or blinds;
  • make sure your home is well ventilated. Ventilate the premises regularly;
  • change or wash the filters of devices (air conditioner, vacuum cleaner, ventilation, exhaust, etc.) more often.

How to get rid of dust after repair

Especially a lot of dust remains after repair work. Consider step-by-step instructions for removing dust after repair:

  • open all windows and doors so that the room is ventilated;
  • put on a protective mask and gloves;
  • collect all large construction waste in bags and take it out of the apartment;
  • draw water into the spray bottle and spray the room so that the dust is nailed to the floor;
  • remove the protective film from the surfaces, folding it inward so that the dust does not fly off;
  • vacuum the ceiling, walls, corners, protruding trim, perimeters of doorways, etc. You can rent a construction vacuum cleaner;
  • wash windows and window sills. Change the water as often as possible;
  • wipe doorways, sockets, switches and other protruding objects with a damp cloth;
  • wash the floor. It will have to be washed several times to get rid of white stains and re-deposition of dust. Apply detergents;
  • once again collect settled dust from shelves, window sills, etc. Wash the floor again with detergent.

We hope that we have provided you with comprehensive information on how to get rid of dust in the apartment. If you have any questions, write in the comments. We will gladly answer them.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

To combat moths, there are special traps. In the sticky layer with which they are covered, pheromones of females are added to attract males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

The threads of gold and silver, with which clothes were embroidered in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with tongs to the state of the required fineness. This is where the expression “pull (raise) the gimp” came from - “engage in long monotonous work” or “delay the execution of the case”.

If the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets appear on your favorite things, you can get rid of them with the help of a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to a decent look.

No matter how wonderful the hostess is, the dust in the apartment still appears. However, knowing effective ways to deal with it allows you to observe the ideal order. In order for each method to achieve the best results, it is important to know the origin of the dust. The correct choice of a way of its elimination depends on it.

According to a study by scientists, more than 70% of the dust is of natural origin. The remaining 30% is from human life. It is these types of dust that appear in our home.

To natural includes dust from the following sources:

  • the soil;
  • water resources (oceans, seas, rivers);
  • forest fires, volcanic eruptions;
  • air currents in deserts;
  • space - the remains of burnt meteorites and comets;
  • flower pollen.
Dust from human activities has the following origin:
  • skin microparticles;
  • hair;
  • pet hair;
  • materials that make up the walls, ceiling, floor, furniture, carpets.

The most "productive" source of dust is the remnants of human skin. This factor must be taken into account, and try to carry out body treatment procedures in sanitary rooms.

Basic rules for dust control

To minimize the accumulation of dust in the apartment, it is advisable to observe the following rules:
  • Use the vacuum cleaner correctly, change dust bags more often or empty the container in a timely manner (after each cleaning). It is recommended to purchase a vacuum cleaner (see) equipped with a water filter.
  • Regularly carry out wet cleaning: mopping, wiping with a damp cloth places that are not afraid of moisture. The rest - with a dry cloth with special care products for furniture and interior items.
  • Combing hair should only be done in the bathroom. Sweep them off the floor as often as possible.
  • The main attention should be paid to cleaning the kitchen, which is the leader in collecting dust. Loose products are best kept in closed containers. Take out the trash every day, no matter how much. It is recommended to change the hood filter frequently.
  • Give preference to furniture covered with leather. This option is expensive, but such furniture will become an interior decoration, it is easy to clean it, and it almost does not attract dust.
  • Frequent change of bed linen means a minimum of dust, consisting of particles of leather.
  • Drying and airing pillows outdoors in dry sunny weather. Regular (at least once a month) shaking out blankets, blankets and bedspreads from dust.
  • The use of a minimum number of carpets and rugs. The ideal option is small rugs or paths that are easy to shake out or wet clean (see).
  • You should not keep unnecessary things in the apartment that do not perform any functions other than a dust collector.
  • Periodically contact a company that cleans upholstered furniture and carpets using special equipment.
  • The presence in the room of living plants that help purify the air. Indoor plants require regular spraying or showering for them, depending on the characteristics of the flowers.
  • Carefully care for pets (bathing, cleaning paws, combing).
  • Airing is recommended only during calm, calm weather, ideally after rain.
  • Do not smoke in the house, use special humidifiers and air purifiers.
  • It is more practical to use curtains that can be washed at any time. Blinds are less practical and much harder to clean.
  • To make it easier to wipe the furniture, especially at the top, it is desirable that it be at least 30 cm high from the ceiling.
  • If you wipe the dust daily in all accessible places, and once a month you do a general cleaning, order in the house and a minimum of dust will be ensured.

People have become more selective in the use of cleaning products in their home. Most prefer to use products without chemicals, they can be prepared at home.

Spicy carpet cleaner. Its preparation resembles cooking food, because food products, more precisely, spices are taken as the basis: pour 1 liter of water over a pinch of cinnamon and cloves, 3-4 bay leaves, in which 2 cups of baking soda must be dissolved before that. Shake the mixture and you can start processing carpets. Apply the product with a sponge or brush, rub and leave for several hours. After that, you need a vacuum cleaner that will pick up the dried soda residue along with spices and dust. Soda acts as a disinfectant element, spices - to create a pleasant aroma.

Bath popper. To 1 cup of 9% vinegar, add half a cup of baking soda. Wipe the tile, sink and bathtub with the resulting sizzling mixture. Rub lightly after 15-20 minutes, then rinse and pat dry. The effect is amazing whiteness and brilliance, and the complete absence of dust.

Homemade cleaning wipes. Place soft rags from old unnecessary things in a basin with a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 3. To muffle the smell of vinegar with any essential oil (a few drops). Leave closed. Such rags will help out when processing kitchen utensils, household appliances.

Home polish. Fill the vessel 3/4 with vegetable oil, add 1/4 vinegar plus the juice of half a lemon. This product is stored in the refrigerator. Shake well before wiping wooden furniture surfaces.

People's Councils using improvised safe means:

  • mustard powder instead of dishwashing detergent;
  • diluted vinegar instead of chemical glass cleaner;
  • baking soda from stains and dust on furniture (rub with a soft damp cloth with a pinch of soda sprinkled on it);
  • vinegar in half with water for the care of the bathroom and toilet;
  • cleaning tiles with raw potatoes;
  • using vinegar (added to water) to wash the floor and remove dust from it as much as possible.
Here is a video showing how to make a citrus spray. It is a safe and effective home remedy for removing dust and dirt.

Water is the main means for cleanliness and dust control. It dissolves dust microparticles, washes away its accumulations, and removes odor. If you have to get rid of light dusting, clean water with a soft cloth is enough.

But sometimes it is necessary to eliminate strong pollution, all kinds of stains that appeared from a large amount of dust, turned into garbage. In this case, household chemicals will help. What exactly do you need to have in order to do the perfect cleaning? It is worth taking a closer look at the recommendations of professionals:

  • special liquid for the care of glass and mirrors;
  • bath and toilet cleaners with a disinfectant effect;
  • concentrate for washing the floor;
  • air freshener.
Chemicals are on the market in various forms: gels, liquids, powders, concentrates, emulsions, pastes, creams, sprays. Their range is so wide that there will be no problems with the purchase - you can easily buy a product to your taste and for your needs.

When choosing a household chemical, you need to pay attention to the composition. If an allergic person lives in the house, you should purchase a product without components that cause allergies.

There are also general warnings: do not buy chemicals containing:
  • chlorine, ammonium and phosphates (contain toxins that cause malignant formations);
  • tricloban and triclosan (decrease in the protective functions of the body);
  • flavorings based on chemical elements - allergens.
Any chemical household products, even with a gentle composition, often have a harmful effect on the skin and respiratory organs. Therefore, cleaning should be done with rubber gloves in a ventilated room. If you have a thorough cleaning, a protective mask will not interfere.

Technical assistants in the fight against dust

Cleaning can turn into a simple, and even interesting activity, and fast and high-quality. For these purposes, the industry produces household equipment, presented in the distribution network in a wide range and variety of types:
  • vacuum cleaners (ideally - the presence of wet filtration);
  • air humidifiers in the room (too dry air is humidified, not saturated with dust particles);
  • hygrometer - determines the humidity of the atmosphere in the room;
  • special mops (see), brushes, brooms, brushes, sets of rags;
  • electric brushes (mini vacuum cleaners).

Indoor plants and clean air

Growing houseplants is not only an exciting hobby, it is also an opportunity to provide healthy air in the room. Many plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, sorb dust particles.

What types of plants are advisable to plant in an apartment, and what properties should they have:

  • Chlorophytum- one of the most useful flowers, it is able to absorb formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and other toxic air elements.
  • Aloe (agave), Benjamin's ficus save tenants from toxic fumes from plastic furniture.
  • dieffenbachia has a unique ability to kill staphylococcal infection, destroys xylene and toluene released by polished and varnished surfaces.
  • Spathiphyllum fights against such elements harmful to humans as trichlorethylene, formaldehyde.
  • Shefler"Loves" smoking tar, nicotine, frees them from the atmosphere in the room.
  • begoniae prevent the harmful effects of electrical appliances, destroy fungus, microbes, increase air humidity.
  • Bay tree, geranium, lemon purify the air from pathogens.
  • Dracaena and gerbera absorb carbon dioxide, benzene, trichlorethylene from the air and release oxygen.
  • sansevier removes nitrogen oxides from the air.

It is necessary to properly care for indoor plants so that they do not turn from a number of "useful" into an additional source of dust. They need to be regularly watered, sprayed, washed in the shower, and the house will become much less dust and harmful substances.

The finer points of dust control

In addition to knowing how to do high-quality cleaning and dust removal, you also need to know and understand what is the main source of dust in your apartment. It is necessary to conduct a full "audit" of the things in it:
  • If the entire floor in the apartment is covered with carpets, carpets and rugs, immediately get rid of them or reduce them to the very minimum (put small ones so that they can be easily shaken out or washed). Read more about carpet cleaning methods -.
  • There are too many figurines, accessories, photos on stands, napkins and other small crafts, it is more expedient to put them in boxes and hide them in a closet.
  • Determine the purpose of each item and discard what is not needed, or put in the pantry items that are extremely useful.
  • If the apartment has too thick curtains, they collect a lot of dust, so it is better to change them to light ones that can be washed more easily and more often.
  • It is advisable to exclude woolen elements of decor and interior, it is better to change sofa feather pillows for synthetic ones that can be washed and dried.
Dust control is a never-ending job, as dust comes up again and again. However, based on the recommendations considered, we can conclude that, first of all, it is necessary to get rid of unnecessary sources of dust, and for prevention, wet cleaning more often using products that are safe for health.