Arrangement of plans for the future. "Plans for life" or the secret to making plans with ease

Drawing up a personal life plan for self-development by example.

Why make a plan

The point of making a plan for the year is to live a happier year than without a plan. The plan must guide us along the way happy life. Support our growth above ourselves. Expand our capabilities and grow our self-image.

Plan for the year - structures our development and slightly pushes in the back when we stop. It should have goals, the achievement of which is significant for us. It is overvalued to be effective, the plan for the year serves this task.

And “keep the goals in mind” is a slingshot, smoothly turning into a remote control from the telly.

I've been planning goals for 5 years now. To convince you of the benefits of drawing up a plan and not clog the article, it’s hard for me to give not hundreds, but just one strong argument. Heard everyone wants to "travel and lie under a palm tree." Without work is a boring fairy tale. So I work and live in the palm countries 260 days a year.

The plan is to expand our freedom, and not to squeeze us into the framework of old and imposed goals. If our life is shackled: the obligation to earn a living or work for other people's goals, then it will be more far-sighted to make a plan to change our lives.

Basic principles of life planning

The first step is to make a draft list of goals. It is convenient from December to start collecting goals, to look closely at them. You can check them for compliance with yourself, if it is vocal - go to a trial lesson.

But even before you start making a plan, it's helpful to adopt the principles to make it fun to follow the plan:

Goal Sources

The main source of goals for the year is our personal meaning of life. If we have compiled it, it will be much easier for us in the future: to determine what is valuable for us in the year, and what to discard. Or we will proceed from the idea - what we want to achieve in 5 years. I'll give you abbreviated examples.

My draft version of the personal meaning of life: figure out "Who am I?" and where I am.
Goals for the year: read books on psychology, philosophy, religion. Expand "I" - unusual behavior, roles, habits, self-image, travel.

Year planning results

We don't know what will happen in a year. We can be wrong about our desires. Example - planned to move to the city center, but left abroad. The plan didn't work - we just changed.

We are planning for the New Year. If it is implemented, we will be delighted. And an unfulfilled plan will remain in our head - an unpleasant burden. Therefore, we are cunning.

The plan for the beginning of the year is taken as 100%. Those 25% of free space - we fill with new goals. We consider everything based on the original plan, and additional goals as overfulfillment of the plan.

The plan is necessary for us to feel better, so that it fills us with the will to move forward, and not slow us down. In life, an order of magnitude more will happen than is written in the plan. Unplanned meetings with friends, emotional gatherings, some joyful moments. But they will not be taken into account in the plan. Remember that following a plan is a part of life, not all of life.

It is important not to draw up a plan correctly, but the planning of life itself is significant.

let's consider plan for 5 years, which is different from those task lists that you previously made for the formation of short-term, medium-term and long-term plans. This plan differs from others in that it requires more concentration in deciding what to do or not to do in order to make your plan come true. Plan with enumeration certain tasks will play the role of a measure that will exercise control over necessary changes in your life so that you can build the future you want. Now you need to connect your imagination and paint a picture of the life that you want for yourself in five years. Go to the virtual cinema and give yourself a viewing where you are in the lead role. So what do you look like now? Where are you? What are they wearing? What do you do? Where and by whom do you work? Who is next to you? How do you feel? What kind of house and car do you have? Try to work out this whole picture in as much detail as possible, so precisely that you can feel the pleasure of your future life.

Now describe everything that you saw in the present tense, as if everything that you drew in your imagination has already happened to you. Something like this: “Five years have passed, and I ... and I have ...”

Ask yourself what exactly you need to do in order for the plan to become a reality? How to acquire the skills necessary for this? What can not be abandoned for the sake of translating the painted future into reality? And write down the sequence of actions that are presented to you, adding to them all the new steps that will arise in your brain.

Once you have a plan required types activities aimed at recreating the future you desire, you can also use the information from your to-do list to serve as a support for your life plan. And remember that absolutely everything is taken into account, and if in your virtual future you saw yourself in great shape, slim and, say, eloquent, then now you need to control your nutrition. And do not put off your affairs for later, and engage in your self-development both in the physical and in the intellectual spheres.

What will our plan for 5 years? We make it a commitment:

Five year life plan:

It's been five years and I...

To make the future a reality, I...

To make such a future possible, I will avoid...

I accept all obligations to bring this plan to life.

The date. Signature.

Locate this life plan for 5 years so that it is always in front of your eyes, and every thirty days make notes in the diary to monitor its implementation. As you review, make certain changes and note how much progress you have made. This action will help you focus and direct your efforts towards setting new, deeper goals, each time you are close enough to completing any current goal, while guiding you towards the right decisions.

Copyright © 2013 Byankin Alexey

With this publication, I would like to open a cycle of 4 posts dedicated to life planning. In it I will present my practical experience transition to a state of complete control over my own life, which took me a little less than a year.

First, let me explain how it all started. Now I am 36 years old, I am quite successful leader small company. From the moment I entered adulthood in the late 90s to the beginning of my 40s, I lived quite by myself. ordinary life not unlike the lives of many other people of my generation. An important feature this life was that 90% of it passed in unmanaged mode: its long-term and medium-term goals were not clear, daily activities were carried out in reactive mode, decisions related to career, money, personal life, health, etc. were made in a similar way. Of course, like many others, I read all the classics from The 7 Habits to Time Drive, but all the knowledge gleaned from these sources did not make me a person who could be proud of being in control of his life.

A few years ago I, one might say, accidentally, achieved visible results in the field of self-improvement, such as giving up smoking, losing 13 kilograms, or learning a foreign language from almost zero level. All this, as well as the emergence of a family and a child, finally led me to the idea that life should be lived in a “managed drive” mode, or, as David Allen calls it, cruise control. Better late than never! Having set out to plan my life and take control of it, I began to study the well-known books and publications on the subject and was faced with amazing fact: despite the variety of sources on this topic, I couldn't find any step by step method. Those. there was not a single, let’s say, “manual” that would clearly say what and in what sequence I need to do in order to reach the state where I live my life not “as it will turn out”, but “as I want”.

So, to begin with, I would like to point out that the control over life implies the answer to two fundamental questions: “where do I want to go” (life goals) and “how to be sure that I am moving there” (daily activities that bring us closer to achieving our life goals).

There are classic symptoms that demonstrate the lack of answers to these questions. Here they are.
Regarding life goals:

  • lack of vision / meaning / goals of all life;
  • lack of a clear description of personal values;
  • living year after year downstream;
  • lack of drive guiding star» or ikigama;
  • feeling of impending so-called "mid-life crisis".
Regarding daily activities:
  • lack of a direct connection between life goals, albeit not formalized, and daily activities;
  • constant worry about missing tasks or that the tasks being completed are not important in the context of a lifetime;
  • the presence of "worms" that sharpen our minds every day;
  • an enduring feeling of imbalance in the work-life balance;
  • lack of movement in some areas of life and work;
  • continuous work on urgent matters instead of important ones;
  • regular time wasting and procrastination;
The idea expressed in many sources is very simple: formulate the main goal of life and decompose it into daily actions. However, in reality, it turned out to be not so easily achievable. The fact is that it is very, very difficult for an “unpumped” person who has just embarked on the path of taking his life under control to formulate many postulates that lie at the top of the pyramid of life goals: personal mission, values, global goals of all life by area, and so on. Further. The books say, "meditate and formulate." Need to think? How can you think about such high-level things if any average person is simply not ready for it? Thus, in my opinion, the recommendations of 90% of books in the style of “life goals - decade goals - yearly goals - daily goals” do not work and only demotivate and move us away from building a system for managing our own lives.

Here we come to the first practical advice to any person who decides to embark on this difficult path: "start from the middle":-) What is meant? It is about planning the first year of your new life on a whim, using only your intuition, and including in this plan the goals necessary to create a complete life management system. The advantages of this approach are: 1) easy to start, 2) no chance to plan forever, 3) a quick transition to using at least some system, 4) having enough time (a year) to form all the components of a life plan.

Take for example simplest way planning of the year: 101 tasks for the year. Despite the criticism of this approach, I find it quite workable. We include in this plan everything that comes to mind, systematizing tasks by area. Each one may be different. For example, I had:

  • Self-development;
  • Business, money;
  • Health and beauty;
  • Self-organization;
  • Friends;
  • Training, education;
  • A family;
  • Culture, art, religion;
  • Relaxation;
In the “Self-development” section, in addition to what you might just think of, we write tasks such as “Formulate a personal mission”, “Define personal values”, “Define areas of my long-term interests”, “Create a description of my days in 10, 20 , 30 years" and, most importantly, "Create a plan for life."

It took me 2-3 weeks to form the first “plan 101” in my life, plus, during the first two months, the plan was added and corrected.

Then during the year it is necessary, using any tool you like (I used GTD), to progressively move on these tasks. The features and best practices that I have discovered in using GTD will be described in a future post.

In conclusion of the first publication, I would like to describe a few recommendations regarding the formation of your first "list of 101".

First. Trust your intuition. Let go of the thought that you don't have long-term goals that would give you solid guidance on what to do in this very first year. Life is long, and you will come to a point where all the goals for the year are clearly related to your life plan.

Second. Consider that there are five types of goals you can set for yourself.:
One-time. Goals that you can achieve at any point in time during the year. For example, skydiving. In order to achieve this or a similar goal, you just need to decide exactly when you want to do it and ... do it. Everything is simple.

  1. One-time, requiring monitoring. Goals of this type are similar to the previous ones with only one clarification that you will need to monitor for a year, and maybe for the rest of your life, that this goal is still in the “achieved” status. For example, wake up early. You can start getting up at 6 am from tomorrow, and the goal will be achieved in this way, but you need to make sure that you do not return to your old habit of lying in bed to your heart's content.
  2. Goals that take time. In order to achieve this goal, several steps must be taken, which can take weeks or even months. My experience is that there is a pitfall here, which is that you need to determine in advance how much time you need to achieve this goal and determine the time period within the year when you would work on it. An example of such a task from the screenshot above is "Take a course at a Western university or equivalent." To achieve this goal, you need to choose a course, enroll in it, and spend several weeks to successfully complete it. As soon as this happens, the goal is achieved.
  3. Goals that require time and monitoring. These goals are similar to the previous group, plus we add monitoring, which was mentioned in the second group of goals. An example of such a goal is to pull yourself up 20 times. It is necessary not only to spend time to learn how to pull up, but also to maintain this skill for a long time.
  4. The last group of goals are goals, the achievement or non-achievement of which we will be able to determine only after a whole year has passed. The simplest example such a goal is to receive X rubles of passive income based on the results of the year.
Third. A lot about goal setting, so I’ll just highlight those recommendations that seemed to me the most useful:
  1. Goals should be yours. Don't let stereotypes or outside opinions determine what's important and what's not important to you.
  2. Goals should be interesting and promising.
  3. Goals should be realistic, meaningful, measurable and specific. I would like to pay special attention to this, because when you first make a plan for enough long term, there is a fairly good chance of formulating an unrealistic, immeasurable (how will I understand that the goal has been achieved?) and not a specific goal (an example of such a goal is “to be a good friend”).
  4. Goals must be flexible. Do not wear iron shackles. If by the middle of the year you realize that the plan is 10% completed, the level of motivation will fall so low that you will most likely end the year with 20% completion. I recommend adding to the plan a few goals that are not difficult at all, which will be easy for you to achieve. This will allow you to see the dynamics and satisfaction from the fact that the movement according to the plan is taking place.
  5. Goals must be balanced. Make sure that in every area of ​​your life there are several goals, and there are no biases in one direction or another.
  6. Goals require effort. As you understand, engaging in self-deception, making absolutely all goals unnecessarily easy, is the last thing a person who decides to change his life should do.
That's all. In my next post, I'll share the techniques you can use to achieve the goal of "Formulate a manageable and orienting plan for life."

In the world of people around us, there are more successful and less successful. There are those who have realized themselves in many areas, and understand what they want to achieve in the future. And there are those who And all this is our own choice.

Meanwhile, you can learn to control your own destiny. To do this, you need to master the art of correctly prioritizing and realizing yourself in all areas of life that we need to be happy and move forward. How to learn this?

Secret one: universal recipes There is no one that suits everyone! But this does not mean that it is impossible to use the experience accumulated and tested by other people. On the contrary, you need to start with this. And you can correct and adapt the advice of coaches, business coaches and psychologists to your needs later.

Primary and Secondary Goals

Do you have the most important, main goal in life? And the most important goal this year? Surprisingly, but English word Priority, which arose in the 15th century, did not have its existence for more than five hundred years plural! It seemed right and normal for people to have the only, most important goal. This situation continued until the 20th century. Now, in any company and at any meeting, employees are given ten or more priority tasks just for the current day.

If you let this principle into your life, then the feeling of being a squirrel running on a wheel will remain with you until retirement. Learn to reduce the number of priorities and clearly understand what your the main task- to start at least for today.

At the same time, immediately try to understand whether this is your goal, or imposed on you from the outside - by friends, relatives, management, and so on. In our society, the volume of contacts with other people is so great that it is difficult to distinguish between what we want to do ourselves and what society imposes on us. Therefore, often more than half of the time is spent on things that are not important for ourselves, but urgent and important for others.

This does not mean that we should refuse to help other people. But it is important to realize that these are not your tasks, and you are engaged in them, willingly postponing your own affairs for later.

Five steps to manage your time

The principles of time management are extremely popular now, which allow you to make life more meaningful, organized and harmonious. Volumes have been written about time management, and yet a huge number of psychologists and coaches continue to teach people how to properly manage their time.

Keep in mind that it is much more important not to talk about it, but to start implementing it into your own own life at least certain principles of time management, and you yourself will understand which techniques are suitable for you and which are not. These principles are quite simple, but it is important to systematically implement them.

First What needs to be done is to highlight the very priorities that have already been discussed. In practice, this is difficult, so you need to make a list of the most important, global goals. And then filter it by importance and urgency. It is necessary to do this. Here is what psychologist-consultant Victoria Timofeeva said about this to the correspondent of Mir 24:

“If you do not plan for your future, if you do not have a goal or a plan, then you are like a boat that drifts aimlessly in the ocean, hoping to be somewhere in good location. Agree, it's stupid to wait for this. Just like GPS guides you to your destination, you need your own internal GPS to guide you.”

Second step is to break down big big plans into a list of smaller tasks that can actually be done. Don't delay starting great work! When the idea is voluminous, it scares you, but as soon as you start doing the first of the points, the path to the final is already presented as a list of quite feasible tasks.

Third step is the refusal to do secondary things. Focus only on the essentials! This is called the Pareto principle. It says that 80% positive results we get by putting in only 20% of the effort. And all the rest of our forces go to the execution of the remaining small list of cases. Therefore, we need to do only what we can be effective in. And what remains is better to outsource, outsource, or even dismiss as not the most important thing.

Fourth- by all means bring to the end the implementation of one or two pending tasks per day.

And finally fifth- Evaluate your efficiency, improve it all the time. Do not leave long-term affairs halfway, but bring them to their logical conclusion and set new goals.

That's all. Although each of the points can be deployed in several lectures. But instead of endlessly studying the theory, it is better to take the methods invented by other people and try to apply them yourself. You will quickly understand what suits you and what does not. After all, managing your time is just a skill. But it makes our life much more meaningful and structured.

Plans for the year, for the week, for the month

In parallel with long-term planning, which still needs to mature, it is worth starting to create more understandable and realistic plans for the day and for the week. Ideally, you should have related plans for the year, for the month, for the week, for the day.

Plans for next year it is best to write at the end of the previous one, but in January, of course, it is not too late to think about it. First, formulate the main goals and note the main events. When will they happen? Now start planning your vacation! Include in the annual plan the vacation and where you will spend it, as well as all vacations, trips and travels. Now decide when you should organize them in order to buy the best and cheapest tickets and book hotels.

Your annual plan should also include something new that you plan to do, whether it's learning a language, losing weight or training, changing jobs or renovating an apartment. Designate important dates, and not only related to work or study, but also with hobbies and personal life.

Plans for the month are also written, but with a more detailed study of the deadlines. They must be written at the end of the previous month, and then they can be corrected, as, indeed, annual plans- this is normal!

Make sure that the first monthly plan reflects those global goals that are in the annual one. The sooner you start implementing them, the better! It is better to immediately assess the “scale of the disaster” and understand what about a tenth of which needs to be done in the first month is. It is the tenth, and not the twelfth, because there will be more holidays and vacations, during which you will be busy with rest, and not with business.

Don't forget friends' birthdays, visits to relatives, and other visits. Record all plans on the calendar. Find out which planning apps you are comfortable using. Try several electronic and paper organizers or other planning tools.

Plans for the week are made on Sunday evening, or, if you prefer, on Friday. Here it is necessary to clearly filter out unimportant things! How to fill your week is not a question. But how to find time for the main thing? Therefore, start with the main thing. Write in the plan what moves you towards those priority goals that you formulated in the annual plan.

Decisively enter into the weekly plan and what you were going to start, but put off or were afraid of. Would you like to exercise three times a week? It's time to set the days and times of training!

It is better to reflect in the weekly plan everything that will require your time and mental resources in order to properly distribute them and weed out everything unnecessary or unnecessary. Do not forget to leave in the plan time for communication with children and family, for meetings with friends, pleasures and relaxation!

Daily planning is the most responsible. After all, our life is made up of days. This means that it is at this stage that we project all our future successes and failures. It is best to plan your day in the evening of the previous day. So you already give yourself the installation in advance that you will cope with everything and will be in time for everything planned, and you wake up immediately with this knowledge.

Photo: Alan Katsiev (MTRK Mir)

Arrange the tasks in the list in order of priority and do only the most urgent and important first. If you leave the most difficult for later, then it will plunge you into a state of stress. It is better to quickly deal with everything difficult or unpleasant and exhale.

True, some psychologists argue that such a strategy is not suitable for everyone. After all, we must take into account our own biorhythms too. If you are a “night owl” and your peak activity is in the afternoon, then perhaps the tactic of gradually increasing the complexity of the tasks performed will be more effective for you. One way or another, the list of your tasks for the day should always be at your fingertips. If at the end of the day all the cases turned out to be crossed out, then your efficiency was at its best!

SMART - a technique that works wonders?

Life-coach from Rostov-on-Don Dana Doronina shares her secrets with the readers of Mir 24. One of the most effective, and at the same time simple, in its practical application she thinks SMART methodology, which is used in management, goal setting and, of course, in planning. Here's what it is: once you start managing your time and prioritizing, it's important to follow the five things behind SMART.

S (Specific) . When making plans, you must have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the end result you want to achieve will look like. For example, the goal to “lose weight this month” is a blurry goal. A more correct wording is “lose weight this month by 5 kg.”

M (Measurable) . You must define for yourself the criteria by which you will judge the implementation of your plan. Additionally, you can designate for yourself the lower and upper bars - the minimum indicators (below which you cannot go down in the implementation of the plan) and the maximum (your best result).

A (Attainable) - reachability . At the stage of determining achievability, it is necessary to answer the question: “Is the task set realistic for me?”. If, for example, you are overweight and have set yourself the goal of losing 20 kg in a month. - then this goal belongs to the category of unattainable. In this case, it is necessary to carry out its adjustment and replace it with a more achievable and realistic one. For example, to lose weight by 8 kg.

Working through the point of attainability of the goal, you also need to identify the tools and ways by which you can achieve this goal. In the weight loss example, these options could be: visit a nutritionist, start jogging in the morning, change your diet, take certain drugs, sign up for a massage. Your task is to evaluate all the resources that you can theoretically use to achieve the goal. After you analyze them, you will need to choose those that you can actually put into practice.

R (Relevant) - significance . When determining the significance of a goal, ask yourself: “Do I really want to achieve this result?”. Maybe this is not your goal and you will only waste your time and energy. Also analyze how this goal is consistent with your other plans, those that were set before. Does it conflict with them, will it violate the spiritual comfort of your loved ones?

T (Time bound) - time indicator. The difference between a project and a dream and a simple desire is that the project has a clearly defined period of time in which you will implement it. So it is necessary to register the start date of work on the project and the date of its completion.

According to Life-coach Dana Doronina, her clients who used this technique, in short time received results that led them to a new round of personal growth.

Tatyana Rubleva

Making a list of goals for the year is perhaps a long tradition for many people, which they follow on the eve of the country's largest holiday. They decorate the Christmas tree, buy tangerines and champagne, plan life changes. It's exciting and by no means useless.

The meaning of the list

Firstly, we are talking not just about some kind of list of tasks for the coming year, but about drawing up a personal annual plan. The formation of such a list is the first step in the transition to new level self-development. And that's why:

  • The man is serious about the matter. He asks himself questions - what does he need next year? What would he like to strive for? What would you like to get? Where to be and what to achieve? Then he gives himself answers, passing questions through the prism of personal values, and forms a goal.
  • Writing it down on paper, he once again comprehends his task and visualizes it. Fixes in writing, one might say, makes a memo to himself, which serves as an additional incentive in the future.
  • A person thinks how to become better. After all, the goal is the final result of the aspiration. And it is impossible without the desire to improve yourself or your life. When compiling a list of goals for the whole year, a person once again evaluates his capabilities, resources, abilities and thinks about how and on what he will have to work for the sake of the result.

Such a plan is a means leading its compiler to achieve the desired, which also allows you to grow and expand the boundaries of reality. At a minimum, such a list of goals, in plain sight, will “push” in the back and remind you of the desire to strive for something when it is overpowered by the craving for procrastination and laziness.

Compilation rules

The first thing to learn is that the list of goals for the whole year should be structured, neat, clear and orderly. And it’s better to write out the tasks not in a single “canvas”, separated only by fads, but to divide them into blocks. It is desirable that in each of them there was also a distribution of tasks by months. For example, the block will be called "Finance". And inside: “January - open an interest-bearing savings deposit in a bank. Start keeping track of expenses and income. February - explore all modern methods earnings and business options. And so on.

And, of course, you need to be guided by the system of productions SMART goals. According to her, any task should be:

  • Specific - specific.
  • Measurable - measurable.
  • Attainable - achievable.
  • Relevant - relevant.
  • Time-bound - limited in time.

Compliance with these principles allows you to set the most clear goal, and also makes you think thoroughly about your capabilities. SMART is already a separate topic, and we can talk about it for a long time. But the fact is this: when making a list on it, a person will ask himself a huge number of questions and more clearly imagine what he wants. He will not just include “Buy a car” in the list, but will know which one, when, for how much and how he will earn on it.

Personal goals

It was said above that it is better to delimit the list by blocks. It's comfortable. One of the main ones should be the “Personal Goals” block. Everyone will write something of their own. But here are the ones that most people in the world ask most often:

  • Lose weight.
  • Start writing a book.
  • Stop procrastinating - put off things and dreams for later.
  • Love.
  • Find true happiness.
  • Get a tattoo.
  • Spontaneously take off on a journey, deciding it literally in one second.
  • Start blogging or diary.
  • Learn to save.
  • Read a lot of books.
  • Interesting and active life.

In general, the list of goals for a year of a personal nature includes tasks that are not only of particular value to a person, but in most cases require some kind of effort and work on themselves. It also includes dreams and hopes.


As many people know, this term refers to highest level self-regulation and development of a mature, whole personality. Many want to become more highly spiritual, but this requires capital work over himself, his character and views, so that it can be formed into a goal list for the year. Here are some examples:

  • Learn to be calm and unruffled in any situation.
  • Try to meditate.
  • Learn to think coldly, quickly and soberly in especially tense and emotional situations.
  • Practice gratitude.
  • Help someone for free.
  • Refuse stereotypes and clichés, learn to understand and accept other values, respect them.
  • Overcome your three fears.
  • Find answers to important questions: “Who am I in this world? What is my role? What is the meaning of my life?

Also in this block of the list of goals for the whole year, you can include reading thematic books, practicing various meditations and states, watching developing lectures and programs.

money and work

This block must also be included in the list of goals on next year. Here, by the way, specificity is especially important. Good thing, it can be expressed in numbers, and in the future to strive for them. Here's what it might look like:

  • Monthly save 15,000 rubles from the salary for vacation.
  • Buy a new powerful laptop for ~70,000 rubles.
  • Go to Greece for 10 days in the summer, the price of a ticket and accounting for expenses - ~ 70,000 rubles.
  • Increase your income by at least 20%.
  • Find new sphere promising activities and try yourself in it.
  • Start watching blogs successful people, read books about them.
  • Do time management.
  • Improve productivity.

When compiling a financial list of goals for the year, do not neglect the numbers. In the same block, several additional “windows” can be distinguished in order to visually calculate in them the amounts necessary for earning and saving, which will then be spent on purchases.

Personal growth

Every day you need to get better. This is one of the most correct. Having completed the points of the “Personal Growth” block, a person at the end of the coming year should note with satisfaction that he did everything he wanted. He got better. Here are the goals on the list New Year can include:

  • start learning foreign language, by the end of next December, master it at the everyday conversational level.
  • Read 12 scientific books.
  • Find an interesting but not entertaining hobby. For example, start studying chemistry.
  • Sign up for some courses.
  • Learn to make "emotional" purchases. It's about getting the things you want. this moment, but after two weeks, a person has a question about why he took them?
  • Develop your vocabulary. Memorize one new term per day and memorize its meaning.
  • Learn mnemonics.

This block can include both educational goals and those related to purely personal self-improvement.


Also a very important block. Here is an example of a list of health-related goals for the year:

  • Avoid white sugar completely.
  • Start eating right, balance your diet.
  • Give up unreasonable drinking, a la "Yes, I only have a bottle of beer in the evening."
  • Join a fitness club and hire a personal trainer.
  • Go to the pool.
  • Instill in yourself the habit of drinking 1.5-2.5 liters of pure water every day.
  • Start running on the track. For a year, increase the speed from the minimum to the maximum.

Here, too, there may be numbers. This is especially true for girls - in the list of goals for the year, many of them include weight loss and carefully paint how many kilograms they want to get rid of in a month.


Everyone knows that they need to be worked on. And if the question arose of how to make a list of goals for the year and what to include in it, then we must not forget about the topic of relationships. Here the list could be:

  • Learn to listen and hear your partner.
  • Accept people for who they are. To understand that attempts to “reshape” them are disrespectful, because in this way a person seems to say that he does not care about their true, sincere essence.
  • Learn to find the right words of support that the interlocutor needs at a particular moment, which could really console him.
  • Make nice gifts for friends and family just like that.
  • Find a new joint hobby with your significant other. Do something unusual, bring novelty to the relationship.
  • Experiment more in intimacy.
  • Learn to give constructive advice.
  • Instill the habit of putting yourself in other people's shoes in order to better understand them.

Well, there are still a lot of goals that can be formed. But in this case, not only quantity is important, but also quality. The list should include only what is really important and has value. And then, having compiled it and beautifully designed, you can fix it in a conspicuous place. Or even put it in a frame - it will look better and inspire additionally.