Common types of cypress trees. Cypress (False cypress) Yellow, dry needles that are starting to fall off

(Chamaecyparis) is a genus of evergreen coniferous trees of the Cypress family (Cupressaceae). Outwardly, the plants are very reminiscent of cypress, but differ from their relative in flatter branches and two, not many seeds, on each cone scale that matures in a year. Smaller cypress cones are spherical in shape. Cypress is a monoecious plant with a cone-shaped crown and drooping branches. Its trunk is covered with dark gray or brown bark that cracks into strips. Scale-like, opposite needles densely cover the shoots. Quite often, cypress trees growing in nature reach a height of 70 m. Most types of cypress trees are frost-resistant.

The genus cypress includes 7 species originating from temperate and subtropical regions. North America and East Asia. Three local species grow in the USA: thuya cypress (Chamaecyparis thyoides), or "white cedar", Nutkan cypress (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) - a tree about 36 m high with cones 1.3 cm in diameter and blue-green needles, among the names of which there is also "Alaska cedar", as well as Lawson's cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana), which grows in Oregon and California. This is one of the tallest trees among the cypress family, cultivated in countries with a warm temperate climate. At home this species cypress is valued for its strong and light yellowish wood, which has nice smell and easy to process, due to which it is used in furniture production, construction and other industries.
Four species of cypress are common in East Asia. In the mountainous regions of Central China, the mourning cypress (Chamaecyparis funebris) is found. It grows up to 20 m, has flat, drooping shoots, giving the crown a weeping character. This species is bred in its homeland and in the Eastern Himalayas, mainly near temples and monasteries. In the mountains of Taiwan, you can find the Formosan cypress (Chamaecyparis formosensis), individual trees of which reach a height of 65 m, its trunk diameter is 6.5 m. According to some reports, this type of cypress lives for more than 2500 years. In the mountains of Japan, at an altitude of 500 m above sea level, there is a pea-bearing cypress (Chamaecyparis pisifera), which is very beautiful thanks to its silvery bluish-green needles. This one is very frost-resistant species has a huge amount decorative forms, which differ in size and appearance and are highly valued in landscape construction. The blunt cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) also grows in Japan, preferring areas with high humidity. It differs from other species in elegant orange cones.

Like many others conifers, cypress, or rather its decorative forms, can be grown at home. The most suitable for indoor cultivation are cypress species such as pea (Chamaecyparis pisifera) and Lawson (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana).

For successful growth and development of the plant, it should be placed on the north or west window in a cool room, while not forgetting to spray it often. If in room conditions provide cypress with proper care, it is able to turn into a large plant in a short period of time, so it is better to keep it in large rooms. However, if you grow cypress using the bonsai technique, then it does not reach large sizes.

Cypress is shade-tolerant and resistant to urban conditions, but is sensitive to lack of moisture in the soil and air, so it is recommended to spray it regularly at a frequency of once or twice a week, depending on weather conditions. Irrigation of cypress trees is carried out at the rate of 8-10 liters of water for each plant; during a long period of dry and hot weather, the plant's water consumption doubles. Heat air adversely affects its life, affects the growth and development of cypress, especially in the first years of life, so young trees are shaded and sprayed more often. In order for moisture to evaporate from the surface of the earth more slowly, it is necessary to mulch with peat or wood chips (layer 5-7 cm), then watering can be done less often - when the top layer of the earth dries up.
For the winter, cypress trees, especially young plantings, are also mulched with peat, which is poured with a layer of 10 cm under each tree, and spruce branches. Do not rush to open this plant after winter, because long winter thaws, followed by severe frosts, which lead to cracking of the bark. Shelter is left until the end of April - beginning of May.
Spring near trunk circles cypress trees should be sprinkled with Kemiru-universal fertilizer at the rate of 100-150 r / sq. m, which is mixed with the soil, after which the plants should be watered. It is also recommended to remove dry branches in the spring, and smear the sections of the trunk that have frozen during the winter cold with garden pitch, after removing the exfoliated bark.
If necessary, the cypress crown can be easily molded, which is usually done in the spring.
Soil: cypress grows well on moist light, sandy and slightly acidic soils, with the addition of leafy and sod land. Too dense soil around cypress trees is recommended to be periodically loosened.
Landing pits must be prepared in advance. At the same time, the gardener must remember that cypress trees with golden needles should be planted only in open and sunny areas, other species prefer partial shade. Cold is detrimental to these conifers, so make sure that they are not planted in lowlands where cold air lingers.
Before planting, special soil should be prepared - humus, leaf ground, peat, sand (3:2:1:2). Cypress trees do not grow well on calcareous and heavy clay soils. If the soil is heavy, drainage from gravel or broken bricks with a layer of 20 cm is required. Usually the distance between plants is 1-2.5 m, sometimes a little more. Planting depth is at least 70 cm, sometimes up to 1 m, in trenches for hedges, 0.6-1.0 m should be adhered to with earth filling and drainage to half the depth of the pit. When planting, the root neck of the cypress should be at ground level. During the first two years after planting, mineral fertilizers in the amount of 40 g/cm.

By seeds: preliminary stratification of seeds increases their germination.
Cuttings: decorative forms reproduce vegetatively. Root quickly when cuttings. Cut from young lateral shoots apical cuttings, needles are removed from below and planted in flower pots with light substrate. Clear plastic bags can create a humid and warm climate that encourages root formation.
Layering: Young plants can also be obtained with the help of layering. To do this, the shoots growing near the surface of the soil are carefully bent to the ground and an oblique incision is made in the place where the roots should subsequently form. To make the incision open, a small pebble is inserted into it and the incision site is fixed in a shallow hole with a wire bracket. The top of the shoot is tied to a wooden peg. Once roots are formed, cuttings can be cut from the mother plant and transplanted to a permanent location.

Cypress trees are most often affected:
Spider mite. These are very small sucking arthropods that settle on bottom side needles, braiding its surface with the thinnest web. In this case, the upper side of the needles is covered with yellowish spots. As a result, the needles fall off prematurely. As a rule, female ticks hibernate in groups of several tens of specimens under lumps of soil, dry plant residues and debris. In the spring, with the onset of warm weather, ticks leave their wintering grounds. Control measures: at the first signs of infection, the plant should be repeatedly sprayed with acaricides, repeating treatments after 5-7 days. During this period, the biological preparation Bitoxibacillin (3-5 kg/ha) is effective, the use of which preserves useful entomophages and does not accumulate in the soil.
Shchitovka. All scale insects have protective shields and look like plaques on the plant. The scutellum is especially dangerous because, just a few hours after leaving the eggs, the larvae already settle throughout the plant and immediately begin to suck out all the juices from it, and the leaf surface is completely covered with shields. The brown scale insect damages mainly the leaves, settling on their upper side. All scale insects and false shields cause great harm to plants. At the site of suction of the scale insects, yellow spots appear on the leaves, which increase in size as the cell sap is sucked out, then the leaf turns completely yellow, curls and falls off. The plant stops growing, the branches become bare, then the entire bush begins to dry out and the plant dies. Control measures: try to isolate the plant and check those cypress trees that grow nearby. Adult scale insects are protected from insecticides by a shield, but they can be removed from the plant mechanically. To do this, it is best to use an old toothbrush, which should be moistened with an insecticide (actellik, aktara, karbofos) and carefully wipe each shoot on both sides. In a similar way, it is recommended to treat the entire plant, because even one surviving insect will begin to multiply rapidly, and after a few days the whole tree will again be sprinkled with scale insects. If the cypress is heavily affected by the pest, then it is easier to destroy it until other plants are infected.
Most frequent fungal disease cypress - root rot, caused by stagnation of water in the soil, often leads to its death.
Cypress can be saved only with early diagnosis of the disease. Control measures: the diseased plant should be transplanted into more appropriate place while cutting the roots to healthy tissue. In case of severe damage, the tree is destroyed.

At present, many decorative dwarf forms of cypress are cultivated, which look unusually attractive. As a result, they have become widespread in recent years. garden plots many lovers of conifers.
It is recommended to plant them singly or in small groups: 2-3 plants each. In addition, these evergreen conifers can be used as a very effective background for planting roses, as well as combine various decorative forms of cypress trees.

general characteristics . The name from the Greek words "chamai" - on the ground, at ground level, and "kuparissos" - cypress, is given by the external similarity of these two genera.

FAMILY Cypress - Cupressaceae Bartling.

Tall evergreen monoecious trees 25-50 m. Young plants with a dense, pyramidal habit. The crown of mature trees is cone-shaped, often drooping. The branches are densely leafy, flat. The trunk is covered with brown-brown scaly or deeply fissured bark. The needles are aromatic, small, scaly, 0.3-0.4 cm long, with pointed tops, tightly pressed to the shoot. Leaflets numerous, opposite in pairs, densely imbricate. On young plants, juvenile needles are 0.7-1 cm long, needle-shaped or linear. Microstrobils and macrostrobils become visible already in winter, are located on the same tree, and open only in early spring. Cones are small, 7-10 mm in diameter, round, located at the ends of small shoots, spherical, hard, consist of 6-12 shield-like woody seed scales, usually ripen in the first year in autumn. Each fertile scale contains from 1 to 5 seeds. Winged seeds.

8 types. North America, (Pacific and Atlantic coast), Japan, China.

Cultural history and degree of distribution . It has been known in Europe since the middle of the 19th century. 7 ornamental species are known, many of which are widespread due to their variable habit and diverse needle color. In Russia, it is popular only in southern zone, in parks on the Black Sea coast North Caucasus, although many species are quite winter-hardy for the middle zone.

Growing features . Prefers partial shade, but forms with yellow needles are planted only in the sun. High summer temperatures adversely affect plants, especially at a young age. Prefers elevated sites, fertile, well-drained, neutral to slightly acidic soils. Moisture-loving. Suffering from stagnant moisture. Requires drainage with a layer of up to 20 cm. Sensitive to lack of moisture in the soil and air. Recommended regular watering and spraying plants once a week, in hot summer twice as often when calculating 10 liters of water per plant. Young plants require abundant watering in drought. It is advisable to mulch the trunk circle with a layer of peat 5-8 cm in height. Sanitary pruning is required in the spring. Good for crown shaping. Durable, lives up to 500 years. Recommended species are winter-hardy without shelter or with little shelter. Young plants of all kinds, except for the pea-bearing cypress in the middle zone, should be sprinkled with a layer of peat up to 10 cm in height for the winter and covered with snow and spruce branches until the snow begins to melt.

The usual thuja for our latitudes with its soft green needles resembles a cypress, whose homeland is called North America, the island of Taiwan and Japan. In total, six main species of this tree are known, within each of which quite numerous varieties of cypress are traced. All trees of this genus have a pyramidal crown and brown-brown bark. Their needles are scaly, the needles are opposite, cross. Round female cones differ from small ovals of male ones. In a temperate climate, three types of cypress (pea-bearing, nutkansky and thuja-like) are well grown, and Lawson and blunt cypresses are experimented with in order to adapt them to our conditions.

Did you know? Due to the high embalming effect of cypress resin, the ancient Egyptians used it for the mummification of the dead, and sarcophagi were made from cypress itself.

This cypress tree feels great in winter and does not like drought, although it practically does not lend itself to burning in the heat. The pea-bearing cypress prefers the sun's rays, although a slight shade also suits it. Arrived to us from Japan, the cypress pea grows up to 10 meters in height, although at the age of 10 it reaches only one and a half meters.
Smooth bark with a reddish tinge exfoliates in thin stripes. Branches are placed horizontally and in a fan. Loose short (1.5 mm) and flat needles pea cypress a sharp top, a dark green top and a whitish-striped stomatal bottom, as well as the presence of a keel on the back, are inherent. The diameter of dark brown cones reaches 0.6 cm. In a hundred different varieties pea-bearing cypress is easy to find well adapted to the conditions of the middle lane.

A truly magnificent cypress tree, rewarded by nature with a growth that viewers need to lift their heads in front of as it rises to 70 meters. But those who want to grow this type of cypress, which is distinguished by a more miniature size, will be able to choose the most suitable option for themselves from the known 250 varieties (far from all of them, however, are suitable for our climate).

Lawson's cypress usually leans a little with an evergreen narrow cone of its crown, as if looking at us from the height of its position. The reddishness of the thick bark, the cracks in which separate the pleasant roundness of the plate from each other, has, as it were, a thickening, and a brown tint.

If you force Lawson's cypress to creep along the ground, bending its branches that are easily burned and unaccustomed to winter cold to it, then an attempt to grow this species may be successful.

Important! The greatest success awaits gardeners whose plots are located in places prone to good snowfalls - snow shelter will make it easier for cypress branches to endure the winter.

Growing in horizontal plane skeletal branches bend over the years, and the lowest ones may be at earth's surface. The lower part of the needles (narrow millimeter needles grow up to 2 mm in length, and the lateral needles up to 4 mm) are marked at the bottom with whitening stomatal stripes at the base, and spectacularly gleam with bright greens from above. The diameter of light brown oval cones is up to 1 cm.

For our latitudes, the best are:

  • the English cypress variety "Ellwoodii" (Ellwoodii), a compact pyramid of which grows up to two meters in height, has needle-shaped bluish-bluish needles, and the branches and shoots that are slightly drooping at the ends are vertically raised;
  • the frost-resistant Blue Surprise variety, rare for Lawson's cypress, reaches a height of 3.5 m in adulthood with a dense cone-shaped crown having a diameter of up to 1.2 m. It got its name ("blue surprise") from - for the wonderful bluish-green color of the needles and numerous light brown cones, which also cast blue.

Nutkan cypress (yellow)

The Nutkan cypress is in no hurry to grow, and by the age of 10 it moves up only to a meter level. Its crown is in the form of a narrow pyramid. The brown bark has gray shade and crushed into large thin layers. Skeletal branches are directed slightly upward or widely spread. At the same time, other branches (there are both rounded and with four faces) are somewhat thick and slightly lowered.

The needles of a dark green color (in classic version), as a rule, there are no glands. Small (10 mm in diameter) spiky cones on a brown-red background have a bluish coating. The most popular among us (mainly due to winter hardiness and fire resistance) is the yellow variety of Nutkan cypress (there are about twenty of them in total), bred by the Dutch in the last quarter of the 19th century.
After a decade and a half, it grows up to 2 m. The result of vertically sagging branches of the second order and a bent top is a frankly weeping appearance of the entire habitus. The needles are not so yellow as they look when sunshine but more of a greenish grey.

Did you know? In nature, the Nutkan cypress lives 5-6 hundred years, and a 3000-year-old plant was found in Greece.

The thuja-like cypress, as well as its Nutkan and pea-bearing counterparts, is characterized by a love of fertile soil and good watering. The more years this plant becomes, the more its red-brown bark is divided into long stripes. It seems that someone specially flattened the thin twigs.

The needles smell pleasantly of resin, especially if you rub the flat needles with the obligatory glands and keel. It differs from the side only in location, but they have the same green color with a bluish tinge. Cultivated infrequently, as not everyone likes the appearance. About four dozen varieties are known, including forms rarely found in our latitudes that change in winter period needle coloring.

Important! Plant growers are attracted by the greatest winter hardiness in the cypress family.

cypress obtuse

The blunt cypress (nevertheless, such a perfectly acceptable term sounds nicer than the blunt cypress) prefers to bathe in air well saturated with moisture. On light sandy soil, successful growth is almost guaranteed for this cypress. This must be taken into account when choosing the appropriate variety.

Cypress is a member of the Cypress family, a monoecious coniferous plant in the form of a slender tree or fluffy shrub of a neat shape. Under natural conditions, it grows in eastern Asia and North America. It began to be cultivated in the 18th century, it took root perfectly in middle lane Russia due to undemanding care and the ability to easily endure slight frosts.

Cypress is often confused with Cupressus close to him (). Latin name - Chamaecuparis- literally translated as "false cypress" or "half-cypress". Despite the fact that the two genera are visually very similar, there are still differences. Cypress has flatter branches and smaller, round, brownish buds than Cupressus.

ON THE PICTURE:Cypress is easy to distinguish from Cupressus by the size and structure of the buds.

Thin branches of Cypress are covered with dark brown, sometimes grayish bark. Already in the first years of the plant's life, it begins to crack slightly. Krona saves saturated color(green, yellow, silver, bluish) throughout the year. AT natural conditions Cypress grows up to 70 m.

Popular varieties

The varietal diversity of the genus is quite large. Very decorative trees with blue needles, leaves of an interesting metallic tint or bright yellow shade("Glauca" , "Aurea"), weeping specimens ("Pendula"), varieties of strict columnar form ("Columnaris") and unusual pyramidal ("Cyano Viridis").

In Russia, the dwarf form of Cypress "Сompacta" is popular - a shrub no higher than 1 m with few straight branches and thin light green needles. And the white sheen of the twigs and the original bluish-green color of the crown of the Cypress "Variegata" make them decorations for hedges, garden plantings and rock gardens.

ON THE PICTURE:Pyramidal Cypress trees with blue needles of the "Cyano Viridis" variety.

Cypress is also grown as an indoor coniferous plant, for example, in the form of a bonsai, which will perfectly complement an oriental-style interior.


Cypress, like others coniferous plants, required Fresh air. In summer, it is useful to take out pots with indoor Cypress trees under the open sky. At the same time, they are planted in front gardens and on terraces. Some specimens may not be brought into the house until late autumn.

The plant prefers moderate temperature in warm time year, in winter - cool.

ON THE PICTURE:Despite its southern origin, Cypress does not tolerate extreme heat.

In December, it is advisable to take Cypress trees to a glazed unheated balcony. They hibernate best in sub-zero temperatures.

The room in which the shrub or tree is located should be well lit. But it is not recommended to leave Cypress on the south side in summer: under the influence of direct sunlight, the needles begin to turn yellow and dry. In winter, the "soft" sun will not harm the crown, so you can place the plant near a south-facing window.

Cypress easily tolerates a small shadow: when choosing between a place with too bright lighting and partial shade, it is recommended to stop at the second one. Exposure to sunlight in this case will be more gentle.

An exception to this rule is the forms of Cypress with yellow needles - for full growth and high decorativeness, they need direct sunlight.

Cypress needs moist air, so regular spraying (at least once a week) should not be neglected.

Diseases and pests of Cypress

To protect Cypress from common diseases, you can prophylactically treat the plant with a solution of iron sulfate, or ( optimal concentration for all of these drugs - 0.2%). Modern insecticides (effective against scale insects,) and acaricides from ticks -, will help to prevent pest damage and cure Cypress trees from them.


Cuttings, seeds, less often - layering.

First steps after purchase

When choosing Cypress, pay close attention to the condition of its stems, green branches, needles and root zone. The crown should be an intense saturated shade (even if you liked the variety with yellow needles), without visible manifestations of disease, dry patches and damage.

ON THE PICTURE:Needles of a saturated shade without dry patches are a sign of a healthy Cypress.

Dry tips of coniferous "legs", small insects and white coating on the ground - a serious reason to refrain from buying a copy.

A few weeks of rest - required condition after the acquisition of Cypress. It should be protected from animals and children that can damage the crown or stems.

Success Secrets

The container for Cypress (when it comes to growing indoors) is selected taking into account a fairly developed root system. It is best, especially for adult specimens, to buy clay pots. They are heavy, therefore they will not allow the plant to roll over under the weight of its own weight.

ON THE PICTURE:Cypress "Teddy Bear" feels great in a clay pot.

Cypress loves well-drained, well-drained soil. At the same time, you cannot flood it and turn the substrate into a swamp. But overdrying of the soil is also harmful to Cypress. As soon as the top layers of the soil begin to dry out, watering should be started immediately. The watering rate is 8-10 liters. water to the plant. During a drought, the amount and frequency of soil moisture should be doubled.

If the previous container was too tight and some sections of the roots died, they must be removed. This will revitalize Cypress and hold back its growth a little, thereby ensuring the desired compactness.

With the onset of warm days, Cypress comes out of dormancy and begins to develop more intensively. During this period, it is necessary to "support" it with complex fertilizer (for example, mineral fertilizer containing humates "For conifers"). Fertilizer is applied in a diluted (according to the instructions) form into the soil, which must first be loosened. Garden cypress trees are fed with a complex fertilizer for conifers with a low NPK content in an amount of 100 to 150 g per m 2. It is scattered near the trunk circles and buried in the soil.

Cytovit, Zircon, Epin can be used as immunostimulants for Cypress.

Possible difficulties

Elongated, unattractive crown.

Cause: lack of light.

Yellow, dry needles that are starting to fall off.


  1. exposure of the plant to direct, "aggressive", sunlight,
  2. insufficient soil moisture.

Red spots on the stems, rotting roots, whitish coating on the soil.


  1. too much watering
  2. lack of good drainage.

The appearance of cobwebs, small insects on the stems, growth retardation.

Cause: damage to the plant by pests.

Family: cypress (Cupressaceae).

Homeland: North America, China, Japan.

The form: evergreen trees and shrubs.


Cypress - evergreen conifer tree. Height 25-40 m, in natural environment cypress can reach a height of 70 m. The trunk is slender. The bark is brownish-brown or dark gray, scaly, with deep cracks. The shape of the crown is conical. The branches are unevenly spaced from the trunk. The branches are located in the same plane, drooping. The needles of young plants are needle-shaped, small, soft, adults are scaly. Cones are small, firm, spherical in shape, ripen in the first year. Under each scale of cones there are 2 seeds.

In total, 7 species of cypress are known. All types of cypress have many ornamental varieties and forms.

Cypress pea (Ch. pisifera). Homeland - Japan. Height up to 30 m. In central Russia, height up to 2 m. The bark is reddish-brown. The crown is openwork, wide-cone-shaped. Branches are horizontally spread. The color of the needles is bluish-blue. Cones are small, up to 6 mm in diameter, yellowish-brown.

Lawson's cypress (Ch. lawsoniana). It grows naturally in North America (Oregon, California). Height up to 60 m. Trunk diameter up to 1.8 m. In central Russia, height up to 2 m. Bark reddish-brown. Branches are short. The drooping tips of the branches contribute to the formation of a cone-shaped crown with a slightly drooping top. The color of the needles is greenish-gray. Cones are small, up to 8 mm in diameter, numerous, light brown with a bluish tint.

, or cypress yellow (Ch. nootkatensis). Homeland - the Pacific coast of North America. Height up to 40 m. Trunk diameter up to 1.5 m. Bark gray-brown. The crown is narrowly cone-shaped, the tips of the branches are drooping. The color of the needles is dark blue-green. Cones up to 10 mm in diameter, grow in bunches of 4-6 pieces, the only ones among all cypress trees ripen in the second year.

(Ch. funebris). Homeland - the mountains of Central China. Height up to 20 m. Branches drooping. The shape of the crown is cone-shaped, weeping. The color of the needles is gray-green.

cypress (Ch. thyoides). Homeland - the eastern regions of North America. Height up to 25 m. Trunk diameter up to 1 m. Bark red-brown. The crown is narrow, conical in shape. The color of the needles is dark bluish-green.

(Ch. obtusa). It grows naturally in Northern Japan. Height up to 40 m. Trunk diameter up to 2 m. Bark red-brown. The crown is wide, dense, conical. The color of the needles is dark green. Cones up to 10 mm in diameter, orange-brown.

Formosan cypress (Ch. formosensis). Homeland - Taiwan. Height up to 65 m. Trunk diameter up to 6 m. The color of the needles is greenish-brown.

Growing conditions

Almost all cypress trees can be grown in central Russia and, especially, in the south of the country. Mature trees are frost-resistant to -20 (pea-bearing cypress - up to -25C), light-requiring and at the same time shade-tolerant, they prefer all types of fertile drained moist soils, except for calcareous ones. Adult cypress is a drought-resistant plant. Cypress trees need high humidity air, which is achieved by plant care measures. Young trees only tolerate temperature drops down to -12C, so they need shelter for the winter.

Cypress home needs special conditions cultivation.


Cypress is a great choice for those who want to add Mediterranean touches to their garden design. Almost all types of cypress have a huge number of varieties and decorative forms. And this means that every gardener can choose cypress varieties that are in perfect harmony with other plants on the site. Traditionally one of the most popular types- Lavson's cypress.

Cypress trees are planted singly or in small groups of two or three plants. The choice of landing site depends primarily on the shape of the tree crown. Cypress with a wide spreading crown is an ideal or component of small solo groups. The pyramidal and columnar shape of the crown is good for cypress trees in alley plantings or in clipped hedges. Dwarf cypress with a spherical crown will look great in and. The blunt cypress will decorate rocky gardens.

Extremely popular indoor cypress. At home, cypress can be grown as. Indoor plant cypress in the summer can serve as a balcony decoration.


Before planting this plant on the site, you need to figure out how to care for cypress.

It is necessary to water the cypress at the rate of 10-12 liters of water per plant, increasing the volume of water during hot dry periods. To ensure constant non-stagnant soil moisture, it can be peat or fallen needles. The best method of watering is sprinkling. Thus, the required high humidity is created for the plant. If the air humidity is low, the cypress dries out.

AT spring top dressing only young plants need complex fertilizers.

The main event for the care of cypress trees is the protection of the tree from winter frosts. A layer of mulch is poured around the trunk for the winter, which is covered with spruce branches. A low tree is surrounded by spruce branches, creating a kind of hut. Higher trees are tied with spruce branches. Shelter is left until mid-April. Cypress, which was carefully cared for, will survive the winter well.

In the spring, dry branches are cut, the plant is watered abundantly, and the cracked or bare bark is coated with var.

Cypress easily tolerates decorative. Do it also in the spring.

Indoor cypress must be constantly sprayed and shaded, protecting from direct sunlight. Indoor cypress, which is properly cared for, can please the eye for many years.


Reproduction of cypress is a simple event. The most effective and reliable way to propagate cypress is cuttings. Apical cut off from young shoots, planted in a pot and covered with a plastic bag to create a humid microclimate. Cuttings root easily and quickly. Also, decorative cypress reproduces well by grafting.

Seeds are best propagated by wild-growing forms. Seed germination increases.

Sprouted plants and rooted cuttings are not planted in the ground immediately. First, a cypress in a pot is taken out into the street and given some time to adapt. Then the cypress is planted. Cypress very easily tolerates a transplant.

Diseases and pests

Outdoor cypress is very resistant to diseases and pest attacks. Indoor cypress is susceptible to attacks by spider mites, scale insects. Cypress growing in stagnant soils suffers from root rot.

Popular varieties and forms

Varieties and forms of pea cypress

    ‘Boulevard’- dwarf form. cypress ‘Boulevard’ has silver-blue needles.

    ‘Compacta’- height up to 1 m, the shape of the crown is flat, the color of the needles is dark green.

    ‘Filifera’- height up to 2.5 m. ‘Filifera’ has a broad pyramidal crown.

    'Filifera aurea' - dwarf variety, the shape of the crown is wide-conical, the shoots are filiform, the color of the needles is golden yellow.

    ‘Filifera Nana’- dwarf variety, spherical crown shape, filiform shoots.

    ‘Plumosa’- form with a cone-shaped crown, pinnate shoots.

    ‘Squarrosa’- form with hanging shoots.

    ‘Squarrosa dumosa’- dwarf variety, the shape of the needles is needle-shaped, the color of the needles is bluish-green.

Varieties and forms of Nutkan cypress

    ‘Glauca’- height up to 20 m, narrow-conical crown shape, bluish-green needles.

    ‘Pendula’- weeping form, height up to 15 m, dark green needles.

Varieties and forms of cypress

    ‘Andaliensis’- height up to 2.5 m, the color of the needles is bluish-green.