Junkers column how to adjust the water temperature. Do-it-yourself Junkers column repair, typical malfunctions: goes out, goes out, does not light up. Typical malfunctions of the Junkers geyser

Geysers are necessary for houses and apartments in which there is no central hot water supply. This technique is safe and reliable, it is easy to use, it allows you to change the degree of heating, which is a big plus.


Junkers specifications indicate that the device is ideally suited for Russian conditions. It is adapted to the pressure maintained in Russian gas pipelines and is equal to 13 millibars. In addition, the system is able to work with low water pressure, inherent in Russian water supply systems. Junkers is enough 0.1 atmospheres to perform the intended functions.

Such a gas burner is capable of heating from 11 to 16 liters of water per minute, which is considered a very high indicator. In addition, the power of the flame automatically changes, depending on the strength and size of the water flow. Designs are safe and able to serve for a decent time. The devices are able to provide fast water heating and look great, which explains their popularity around the world.

Strict design, a variety of models that differ in performance, design and ignition system, affordable price and simple operation are among their main advantages.

Device and principle of operation

A typical column consists of a casing that is connected to the chimney through a pipe, a heat exchanger (the best is copper), gas burner, ignition systems, sensors and a mechanism responsible for gas supply. The geyser is connected quite simply.

Its principle of operation can be considered on a model that has a piezo ignition.

  • The slider is set to the middle position, after which you need to click on it. At this moment, the valve opens, and the gas enters the wick, which is also the igniter.
  • The piezoelectric element, located at the bottom left of the gas column, supplies a spark that ignites the gas. In this case, the slider button is kept pressed for up to 40 seconds. When it is released, the wick still continues to burn.
  • At this time, the thermocouple of the column is heated, which then will maintain the electromagnetic gas valve open.

You can set the required flow of water and gas.


All in all Junkers speakers can be divided into three groups, depending on the ignition method.

  • Those in the B series do not have an igniter that can burn constantly. Two batteries are responsible for ignition, and the column itself turns on automatically. Safety systems control draft and flame, there is a fuse. The pressure of water in the plumbing affects the temperature.
  • The P series works on the basis of piezo ignition. This means that the igniter does not stop working. Water and power have to be regulated separately.
  • Finally, the G-series models work thanks to HydroPower technology. There is no igniter at all, and a hydrodynamic generator is responsible for ignition.

Such a water heater can serve up to three water points.

Available models are standard and mini. The difference between them is only in size. Junkers branded products are priced based on dimensions and such additional services like delivery and installation. Reviews are most often worn positive character. Users only mention the need for timely cleaning of equipment and elimination of blockages.

Preference is most often given to models of the Junkers brand with piezo ignition. When the faucet opens hot water, gas will be supplied to the main burner. As a result, it will ignite from the igniter and heat the water.

Installation and connection

It is better to entrust installation and connection to a specialist who has been instructed to work with this type of equipment. In addition, he will be able to suggest which original spare parts should be purchased, diagnose the equipment and prevent any malfunctions. However, even a professional should follow the instructions that come with the product itself.

  • The column is usually mounted in a warm room near the chimney so that the flow of combustion air is not hindered. Need for additional protection no combustible surfaces. The device is installed in compliance with the required gaps, separating it from the wall and furniture. The temperature in the room should be positive.
  • First of all, the casing is removed, then it leans on itself and rises up. Connecting Junkers to gas network, shut-off valves should be installed as close to the unit as possible. Before connecting to the water pipes, they will need to be thoroughly rinsed, otherwise sand, lime and other contaminants will lead to a delay in the water supply. Both pipelines (gas and water) must be ideally matched to the parameters of the dispenser.
  • To avoid blockages, it is necessary to install protective filters.
  • The column is attached to the wall with brackets. It must not rest on water or gas pipes. If the column has an electric ignition, then you will need to insert two batteries, the power of which is 1.5 Volts.
  • At the end of the work, the stopcock and water valves are closed, and the operation of the draft sensor is checked. The launch occurs according to the instructions.

Operating rules

It should be remembered that some actions can lead to breakage of the geyser. Junkers will be disrupted if there is no inflow fresh air. In addition, breakdowns will occur when using too long hoses, leading to a decrease in pressure, while simultaneously opening hot and cold taps. Naturally, the lack of periodic prevention will also lead to negative consequences.

It has already been indicated above how you can turn on the Junkers column - this is done using a valve and a piezoelectric element that can light the wick. It is necessary to light the burner, and it will work throughout the day. Moreover, as soon as the hot water tap opens, the boiler will automatically connect. You can change the gas pressure and water pressure by switching the two control knobs.

If you decide to clean gas equipment, this is done according to a certain algorithm.

  • First, gas and water are turned off, then the casing is removed.
  • At the next stage, the water unit and smoke inlet are dismantled.
  • Finally, the heat exchanger is removed at the end. The radiator can be washed in warm water where a non-abrasive cleaning solution has been added. The brush should be long-haired and fairly stiff.
  • The wick and the main burner are well cleaned with a special awl. In addition, you will have to remove carbon deposits from each nozzle. However, doing it yourself is not recommended. It is better to invite a specialist once a year who will combine the check with descaling. A professional will also remove deposits, check the tightness of the fittings and clean the plates from the side flue gases.

If you smell gas, do not use electrical switches and telephone in the area where the gas burner is located. It is important to close gas cock, open the windows, ventilate the room and call the specialists who installed the equipment. To prevent dangerous situations, liquids and objects prone to ignition should not be stored near Junkers.

When the room temperature falls below zero degrees, the burner turns off and is emptied. If such a procedure was not carried out before the winter months, then when connecting the device in the next season, you need to check whether the water is heated.

Possible malfunctions

Of course, the operation of any equipment does not always go smoothly, you should be prepared for anything. Fortunately, a significant part of the possible malfunctions that occur at the Junkers geyser are easy to solve on your own.

There are actually many reasons why the burner does not light up.

  • It may turn out that both the inlet and outlet pipes were initially installed incorrectly. In addition, the water supply may be interrupted.
  • Traction problems are possible. When the chimney is dirty, the products of combustion do not go away, but accumulate inside, which slows down the operation of the equipment. The draft also suffers due to the lack of fresh air, for example, when the window is closed.
  • It happens that the chimney is blocked, and this creates a potentially dangerous situation. We urgently need to turn off Junkers and call specialists.
  • If the pilot flame goes out, this indicates that the protective relay needs to be replaced.
  • It may be trite that the burner does not burn because the battery is discharged, and therefore the automatic ignition system does not function. You will have to disassemble the front panel and charge it yourself or replace the battery.
  • Weak pressure in the line leads to a weak water supply, which again leads to problems in operation.
  • The wick goes out when the flame is uneven. As a result, the main burner is turned off. To solve this problem, simply clean the device.

Sometimes the Junkers column does not light up, and sometimes the device turns itself off.

  • The first reason is that the batteries have already become unusable.
  • The second reason is that it is necessary to change the membrane, which is deformed or torn. It's good when the repair kit contains a replacement.
  • Next possible variant is that one of the control sensors does not work or the microswitch is worn out, this can be determined by the absence of a characteristic click.

In addition, the igniter can become clogged from the inside, which can be easily fixed by cleaning. The abundance of rust, dirt in the filters due to water Bad quality and electrodes leads to similar consequences. Finally, faulty installations, a shut-off valve on a gas pipeline, and problems with wires are also common causes of service interruptions.

Geysers are very popular type water heaters. Picking up suitable model and having installed it in an apartment or house, it remains very little - to learn how to turn on the column. Among the mandatory manipulations, it is necessary to name the opening of a gas pipeline valve that supplies gas to the device, as well as the opening faucet through which cold water will enter the machine. In this case, your actions will depend on the type of ignition used in your column model.

How to ignite according to the type of ignition?

Manual ignition

This method is already outdated and is rarely used in modern speakers. Such devices are poorly protected both from water pressure drops and from fire attenuation. Installing such devices at home is not recommended now.

How to light a column with manual ignition:

  • Turn off the valve on the tap that supplies water to the column.
  • Light the fuse with a match or lighter.
  • Open the valve on the valve supplying gas to the column.
  • Sometimes it takes a little time to ignite the burner until air is expelled from the burner duct. To speed up the process, first open and then close the tap several times hot water.

Piezo ignition

This option for igniting the column is more modern and common. It is very easy to use, but it has such a disadvantage as increased gas consumption. While the column is not working, the wick is still smoldering inside it, so the gas, although in small quantities, is burned constantly.

How to light a column with piezo ignition:

  • To start, you need to press a button that acts on the piezoelectric element. This will provide a spark to ignite the pilot burner wick.
  • Open the valve supplying gas to the apparatus.

This is clearly shown in the video below.

Automatic ignition

This is the most modern and profitable option ignition of geysers. It is also called electric because it is based on the transmission of an electric spark. Its appearance is provided either by batteries or a hydraulic turbine. Combustion will be controlled by different sensors, and as soon as the user closes the hot water tap, the ignition wick will go out.

How to light a column with electric ignition:

  • Make sure that gas and cold water are supplied to the column.
  • Open a hot water tap.

See a small preview.

Answers from users on the repair of a geyser Junkers

Question: A Junkers WR-10 geyser has been installed for a very long time, you have to fiddle with its ignition. Piezo ignition. First you have to hold the button for a long time (about a minute). Then, from the piezo igniter, it somehow does not ignite (rarely). Well, it doesn't bother me anymore, I'm used to it. We light a match - after holding the button for a minute and a half (apparently, so that the gas accumulates). Then, when the wick is still set on fire, we hold the button for about a minute and only after that we move it to the right. Let me know what can't be right. It's very hard to light it up.

Answer: The reason is simple - gas comes out of the tube. Therefore, until the tube is filled with gas, the wick does not burn. (Described in the manual). This column should work in standby mode on the wick. If you are worried about the constant burning of the wick, buy an automatic one.

Question: The wick lights up, I keep it in this position for about 5 minutes, I put it into working condition, it goes out. Geyser Junkers Bosch semi-automatic! Why so, what to do?

Answer: I had such a problem. I removed the case, disconnected the tube through which gas is supplied to the wick, and blew it with a pump from the bicycle. put back - everything works! as one speaker repairman explained to me, this should be done once a year, especially after the summer, when the windows are open and dust, etc. clogs into this tube.

Question: Installed and launched geyser Junkers and the problem is constant in winter. there is also not enough gas, and besides, often not clean gas comes out. but it is European, they don’t understand what red gas is instead of blue.

Answer: on your column at the bottom there is a screw under the seal (blue plastic). Remove it and with the burner turned on, turn it counterclockwise within reason (you will see by the flame). Take it back for the summer. If that doesn't help, it might actually be low pressure.

Question: I operate a Junkers WR-275 geyser in my house. For 10 years, two columns of the specified company and brand failed. I didn’t clean the first one at all - it worked for 5 years and the heat exchanger dripped. The repair solved the issue for 3 months and a new one was purchased. The master installer said that the whole problem was that he did not do preventive maintenance (cleaning). So I cleaned the new one. The result - worked for 4 years. The reason for the failure is the same - the heat exchanger. Why is this happening?

Answer: You just have a water quality problem. Because of this, the heat exchangers fly.

Question: after the column has worked for 2-3 minutes, it turns off completely, after which the wick can only be lit with matches. Does anyone know what to do with the Junkers?

Answer: There was such a problem, they changed the water overheating sensor. Everything works well.

Question: The Junkers burner has worked for 7 years. igniter does not work. and if you ignite with matches, the wick goes out when transferred to the working position. what can you advise?

Answer: I have the same problem. The master said that the thermocouple burned out.

Question: Bosch column Junkers WR-13-2. Installed two years ago. From the very beginning there were only problems. The first time I could not light it for about half an hour. Something was stuck there and the column did not want to light up. Then something clicked and it seemed to work. And so for two years it worked igniting every other time. And now I'm starting to freak out. The display shows a temperature of 40 degrees, and the water flows a little warm. You increase the temperature with the handles to normal to wash yourself, and the display shows 62 degrees!

Answer: The thermometer there has nothing to do with gas supply and burner power. It's just a thermometer. Well, this, whatever it is, generator. With our water and its pressure, this is often a useless device. And sometimes - it works, but there is not enough power, especially during ignition, since the maximum current is consumed at this time. Treatment - transfer to batteries.

Checked, the symptoms are just the same - ignition through once, puffing, etc., since the spark is weak and cannot ignite the burner. At least - for starters - connect the power from two new R20 alkaline batteries in parallel (without reversing the polarity, red is positive, and the connection should be 1.5V, not 3). As for the thermometer - if it's lying a lot - most likely the temperature sensor is soured, replace it.

Question: please tell me the electronic unit at Junkers gas water heaters, why can it fail? Explanations of the service master due to voltage fluctuations in the network. I somehow do not understand, the column is not connected to the network. Who faced it?

Answer: Let's try to help you. A Junkers WR-10 B gas water heater was installed in the house. Having not even worked for a year, the water heater gave the first failure - the burner stopped turning on (but the igniter lit up). Reason - breakdown field effect transistor Q2 in the electronic control unit (without it, the circuit does not feel the burning igniter and does not want to open the burner valve).

I replaced the broken transistor with KP303V (KP303B should also work). Nicely turned out, but a month later again the refusal. I replaced the transistor again, but it barely lasted a couple of months. Having replaced the transistor (Q2) for the third time, I shunted its gate circuit with a 390KD07 (39V) varistor, i.e. added a new component to the circuit. Such protection turned out to be sufficient - the column gained new life and 3 years only pleases!

Question: Junkers WR-13-P geyser with piezo ignition is connected. Bought in January 2008, that is, she is not even a year old. Worked without complaints. They were very pleased. This afternoon, the column just turned off (the flame went out). An attempt to light it again did not lead to success, I can not even light the igniter. The hood checked all the rules (I thought the hood control sensor cuts gas), the gas pressure is also normal. The question is: what could be wrong? Maybe someone faced such a problem?

Answer: Try to clean the igniter. Perhaps you need to check all the contacts: on the thermocouple, overheating sensor.

Question: Gas. column Junkers WR 13-P, installed 4 years ago, used little, sometimes did not turn on for several months (due to departures), a year ago, it began to go out periodically, then not to light up at all (as you release the button, the igniter goes out), called the master from the service, he came, ran sandpaper over the thermocouple several times - that's it, it works. Three minutes, and not so cheap call. Six months later, the same story again, the igniter goes out, as soon as I release the button, I, as a master, periodically cleaning the thermocouple with fine sandpaper, somehow worked.

But now nothing helps, the igniter tube is clean, the heater is not clogged (the pressure is normal), the overheating and draft sensors seem to be normal, there is draft. apparently the problem is in the thermocouple, he called to find out for money with work, the cost is half a new column. Expensive. Does it make sense to change, or buy a new one? Is it possible to somehow directly close, bypassing the thermocouple, or put a thermocouple from another, cheaper brand?

Answer: Maybe my experience will be useful. Symptoms: The igniter does not burn, if it was possible to miraculously ignite the igniter, then the gas water heater works for a short time until the hot water is turned off for the first time (the igniter goes out again). One of the reasons: The igniter flame does not reach the thermocouple or it does, but it is unstable. The igniter in the Junkers geyser is usually fastened with two clamps. Over time, for one reason or another, the igniter tube shifts (when trying to clean it, it was ignited with matches (and everyone probably tried it), or in the "hearts" - they knocked on the tube with something).

If you pay attention, we will see that the tube is not rigidly attached to the gas outlet from the column. Try to adjust the gap between the gas supply hole in the tube and the igniter tube itself, so that air enters the tube along with the gas and draft appears. You will immediately see that the flame from the igniter will lengthen and "lie down" more horizontally and will reach the thermocouple. Yes, and the wick from the piezo spark will light up more stable.

Question: Can you tell me where the Junkers WR-275-1 geyser can have water pressure adjustment? The instructions describe only the adjustment of gas pressure (a screw under a sealed cover), but nothing is written on the water. I suspect a healthy screw at the very bottom of the block, but I would like to clarify.

Answer: So there is no water pressure regulation. On such speakers they put only a flow regulator - a large knob on the front panel. And for a real pressure adjustment, you need a gearbox - they are not put in columns.

Question: Junkers WR 275-1 column, everything worked fine before. It has not been used for about a year, and now the gas does not turn on when you turn on the water (the ignition is on at the same time) Advise what can be adjusted there?

Answer: The stem is soured or the membrane of the hydraulic flow sensor is torn. Maybe gas regulator is in the ignition position. If the former, then try to disassemble and check the stem and diaphragm. The hydraulic unit is located at the water inlet to the column. This is a large flat round frog to which two pipes are screwed - from the input cold water and a tube going to the heat exchanger. It is necessary to wrap both water pipes and remove the assembly.

As a rule, it is fixed with 2-3 screws. After removing the assembly, you will see a thin rod that presses on the gas control valve. Having disassembled the assembly, you will immediately understand its design. Just remember the position in which the membrane stands. Inspect the membrane for tornness. If the membrane is damaged, then only the replacement of the membrane, but this a rarity. The rod is best lubricated with a grease-resistant grease. You can disassemble the hydraulic unit as much as you like, but do not climb into the gas part. The fault is standard, it is treated quickly and without problems.

Question: There is the following problem in the Junkers WR 275 geyser. To start the geyser, you must turn on hot water to its fullest, making the pressure less - the geyser goes out. I followed the reaction of the column to the manipulation of the hot water tap - it reacts, but only in the upper position, that is, it is not possible to set a convenient low pressure, when washing dishes, for example, water scatters throughout the kitchen. It is not possible to measure the water pressure in the system, it is impossible to keep the water in the tap by blocking it with your finger (due to pressure). Is it possible to somehow make the column react and turn on with less water pressure?

Answer: All columns do not like to work on a small duct. If it used to work fine, but now it has become bad, then disassemble the frog and change the stretched membrane. At the same time, it is very useful to lubricate the stem with a waterproof grease. This node is responsible for turning on / off the gas.

Question: How to reduce the gas supply, is there very hot water? The lamb is reduced to the stop. Does not help.

Answer: Junkers WR 275 geysers have two custom adjustments. The first is a lamb, which can reduce the temperature at the outlet of the device, letting part of the flow bypass the Venturi. the second is the burner power control knob. It has three positions - burner off, ignition - minimum power, maximum power. If the water temperature is still hot with the flow regulator fully open, move the burner power regulator to the minimum position - the temperature should drop. If not, then look for the gas supply adjusting screw. It's under an aluminum cover. So by the summer always, and for the winter you have to return it back.

Question: Yesterday the geyser went out, when hot water was turned on, I tried to light it, but it did not work. I put the slider in the center, click on it, click the piezo. The wick burns while I click on the slider, just released the wick goes out. I tried a hundred options, but the wick goes out. Tell me if anyone knows what is the reason?

Answer: the thermocouple is washed by the flame of the igniter; it must be completely in the flame. there is a blockage and the flame barely touches then such a defect is possible or the thermocouple itself is covered

Question: We use the Junkers gas column. If the gas does not flow due to incorrect adjustment, then how to check / adjust it correctly?

Answer: there are two types of columns: 1. With a constantly burning igniter. Everything is extremely simple there. I pressed the start button, the gas went only to the igniter, set it on fire with a piezo ignition or a match, the igniter caught fire. Wait 10-15 seconds during which the gas-control thermocouple warms up and you can release the start button. The igniter burns due to the flow of gas through a valve, the coil of which is powered by electricity from a thermocouple.

Keep in mind that there is a safety thermostat in series with this coil. poor traction located at the top of the column near the chimney connection. The ideology of operation of all speakers is the same regardless of manufacturers. Basically, columns of this type can be repaired by any technically competent person. The main thing is not to climb into the gas part. It is usually permanent. All malfunctions in these columns in the plumbing part or weak chimney draft.

2. Geysers Junkers with auto start. Everything is more complicated there. The gas ignition circuit is started by a microswitch signal, which is triggered by a water flow sensor. After that, the gas supply valve to the igniter opens, which supplies gas for about 15-20 seconds, and then turns off. Simultaneously with this valve, the ignition spark generator starts to work. The control circuit begins to control the ignition of the igniter by the ionization current (for this, there is another electrode next to the ignition electrode).

There is no thermocouple. If the ionization current does not appear within 15-20 seconds, then the gas supply to the igniter and the spark generation will stop. Further, everything will repeat only after the closing / opening of the water. When the ionization current appears (ignition of the igniter), the control circuit gives a signal to open the main gas valve, which opens the gas to the burner.

In series with the burner there is a modulation unit that regulates the gas supply depending on the water flow rate and the readings of the hot water temperature sensor. Often a power regulator (winter / summer mode) is installed in the gas path, which limits the power of the burner. Naturally, the gas supply stops when the low draft sensor is triggered or when the water flow stops.






2016-10-30 Evgeny Fomenko

The procedure for turning on the junkers gas column (including the wr10 2p model) depends on the method of ignition of the unit. Ignition is divided into three types, which are indicated in the model marking.

  1. Marking P stands for ignition system - piezo ignition. The main feature is a constantly burning igniter. Water pressure and power are regulated separately by handles, which are located on the front panel of the unit.
  2. Marking B - ignition is carried out from batteries, it works without a constantly burning igniter. Switching on, setting the power value and jet pressure occur automatically.
  3. Marking G - automatic ignition, using the HydroPower system. A spark is generated by a hydraulic turbine when the water flow is turned on.

The instructions supplied with the device are not always readable, so let's look at the main points when turning it on using the example of a gas instantaneous water heater with piezo ignition junkers wr10 2p. It is equipped with sensors for flame control, draft control and outlet temperature limiter. The unit is connected to a chimney through which the products of combustion of gas are removed.

The burner is made of stainless steel, the heat exchanger is made of high-quality copper without alloys of tin and lead, the water fittings are made of environmentally friendly polyamide reinforced with fiberglass.

On the front panel of the device there is a viewing window, a power regulator, a water adjustment toggle switch. The piezo ignition button is located at the bottom of the unit.

Before starting, make sure that there is air circulation in the room, as the column burns a large number of oxygen.

Open the cold water shut-off valve and gas cock. To turn on the device, with one hand you need to hold the button of the power regulator, at the same time press the button of the piezo ignition with the other hand.

The piezoelectric element creates electric spark from which the pilot burner lights up. At the same time, be careful not to get close to the viewing window, as due to high temperature there is a risk of burns.

After the flame ignites, the power regulator button must be held for 15 seconds. During this time, the thermocouple regulating the flame should heat up.

If the pilot flame ignites, you need to release the button of the regulator, if it does not ignite, you must repeat the process. Ignition may not occur when air has entered the gas supply system. To resolve this problem, keep the power control button pressed until all air has been purged from the system.

The required power of the water heater must be set manually, since this species The device is not equipped with a power control system. To do this, you need to move the slider of the regulator, when the regulator moves to the right, the power increases and, accordingly, the gas consumption increases. The maximum value is set when the slider reaches the rightmost position. In order to save money, set the required power that is comfortable for you.

To change the water temperature, turn the water volume knob. Turning the knob counterclockwise increases the water flow, thereby lowering the temperature, turning it clockwise decreases the pressure, increasing the temperature.

On subsequent switching on, the main burner of the appliance will light up automatically as soon as the hot water valve is opened, since the pilot flame will burn constantly. If you use the device constantly, the pilot burner does not turn off. The column turns off when the hot water is closed. When long downtime to turn off the device, turn the power control knob to the left position.

This video shows the process of turning on the Junkers geyser with piezo ignition:

The Junkers company existed until 1932. From that moment on, the company was bought out by Bosch Gruppe, which, however, did not affect the name of the water heaters produced by the division of the main office.

Flow-through geysers Junkers (Junkers) are available in several modifications that differ in the principle of ignition, as well as the type of combustion chamber. Flow-through boilers operating using an ignition burner are popular among domestic consumers. Average term service column Junkers exceeds 15 years.

Junkers speaker device

The Junkers brand is synonymous with quality and reliability throughout the world. Speakers are distinguished by a well-thought-out internal arrangement and design. Domestic consumers are offered water heaters of the following type:
  • semi-automatic The company began producing speakers back in 1968. During operation, an ignition burner is used. Ignition is carried out using a piezoelectric element. The main burner is switched on when the DHW tap is opened.
  • Automatic - run on batteries or a hydrogenerator. The series includes simple Junkers geysers with open cam combustion, and multifunctional models with modulated power. The performance of the burner device varies depending on the water pressure.

In the internal structure of Junkers gas flow columns, only quality materials. All water heaters undergo mandatory testing and are subject to certification.

More information about technical specifications Junkers columns can be found in the following table:


Junkers column model

Power and water flow

Max. nominal thermal power Pn (kW)

Min. rated heat output Pmin (kW)

Thermal power (adjustment range) (kW)

Permissible gas supply pressure

Natural gas H G20 (mbar)

LPG (butane/propane) G30/G31 (mbar)

Gas consumption

Natural gas H G20 (m³/h)

LPG (butane/propane) G30/G31 (kg/h)

Number of nozzles

Hot water

Max. admissible pressure pw (bar)

Water volume switch in extreme right position

Temperature rise (°C)

Flow range (l/min)

Min. operating pressure pwmin (bar)

Water volume switch in extreme left position

Temperature rise (°C)

Flow range (l/min)

Flue gas characteristics

Required thrust (mbar)

Flue gas mass flow (g/s)

Temperature (°C)

In the marking of the water heater, it is indicated detailed information regarding the principle of operation and internal device. To understand the abbreviations will help the table with the decoding of the symbols:

  • W - Geyser
  • R - Power regulator
  • 10 - Max. water consumption (l/min)
  • –2 - Version 2
  • P - Piezoelectric ignition
  • B - Battery operated electronic ignition system (1.5 V)
  • G - Electronic ignition system from a hydro generator
  • 23 - Work designation number on natural gas H
  • 31 - LPG designation number
  • S.... - Country code

Installation of a Junkers flow boiler

The operating instructions provide detailed plan water heater connections. In particular, the following is stipulated:

Gas pressure adjustment table

Natural gas H

Butane / Propane

Injector identification number

for resetting to 20 mbar

for resetting to 20 mbar

for resetting to 20 mbar

Connection pressure (mbar)

Max. nozzle pressure (mbar)

Min. nozzle pressure (mbar)

After connecting the instantaneous water heater, a mark on commissioning is put in the passport. From this moment on, the Junkers column is put on warranty service.

How to light a Junkers gas flow column

The vast majority water heaters Junkers, offered to domestic buyers, operate in a semi-automatic mode. Ignition semi-automatic gas boiler is done like this:
  • on the front panel of the water heater there is a valve that opens the gas supply;
  • the button is clamped and the wick is set on fire with the help of a piezoelectric element;
  • the gas valve is left clamped for another 20-30 seconds;
  • now the button is released, the flame on the burner should continue to burn.
The pilot burner stays on throughout the day. When the hot water tap is opened, the boiler will turn on automatically. The gas column is adjusted on its own, with the help of two regulators-knobs: changing the pressure of gas and water.

How to clean the Junkers column with your own hands

Any repair work gas-consuming equipment must be carried out by a specialist with an appropriate work permit. Cleaning the pilot burner and the heat exchanger is a job that must not be done by yourself. Service is carried out at your own risk.

To clean the Junkers column at home, you will need to do the following:

  • turn off the gas and water supply;
  • remove the cover;
  • disconnect the smoke inlet and water unit;
  • pull out the heat exchanger.
The water heater radiator is washed in warm water with the addition of any non-abrasive detergent with a stiff, long bristled brush. You can clean the wick and the main burner with a special awl. Clean each nozzle, removing carbon deposits.

Do-it-yourself Junkers geyser repair leads to the manufacturer's refusal to warranty service equipment.

Junkers columns - malfunctions and methods for their elimination

German water heaters rarely fail. With regular maintenance, the likelihood of breakdowns is completely reduced to zero. The main malfunctions of the column are the attenuation of the wick and main burner, the failure of the membrane, the water unit. The failures described are related to poor quality water and gas.

A description of breakdowns and troubleshooting methods for Junkers geysers is given in the table:



  1. The pilot flame went out again.
  2. The pilot flame ignites only after several attempts.
  3. The ignition flame is yellow.

Pilot burner blocked.

Clear. *

  1. The pilot flame goes out when the hot water tap is opened.
  2. The hot water temperature is insufficient, the flame is weak.

The gas supply is insufficient.

  1. Check the pressure reducer and replace it if it does not fit or is damaged.
  2. Check if gas cylinders (butane) freeze during operation of the device. If the cylinders freeze, put them in a less cold place.

The water temperature is too low.

Check the position of the power regulator and set to a higher power.

The burner switches off while the appliance is in operation.

  1. The temperature limiter has tripped.
  2. The traction control device has been activated.
  1. Switch on the device again after 10 minutes. At reappearance malfunction, call a specialist.
  2. Ventilate the room. Switch on the device again after 10 minutes. If the problem recurs, call a specialist.

Reduced water flow.

  1. Insufficient water pressure.
  2. Water taps or faucets are dirty.
  3. The water valve is clogged.
  4. clogged (covered limescale) heat exchanger.
  1. Check and fix. * Check and clean.
  2. Clear filter. *
  3. Clean and, if necessary, remove limescale. *

* can only be done by a service and repair technician