Choosing a gray sofa, what to look for. Gray sofa - strict design and ideas for combining it with the interior in the photo! Lounge with gray sofa

Gray is the perfect background for creativity, the basis for applying rich colors, the link between strokes in the picturesque interior of the living room. A gray sofa is able to create the necessary atmosphere for receiving guests - it does not distract attention to itself, relaxes and does not bother. Gray sofa in the living room - a win-win for any owner, friend and helper in any interior.

Inviting friends into the living room with a properly selected gray sofa, you can be sure that they will be comfortable and cozy in it. If the design of the living room is done in modern style, it is better to purchase a sofa in a light shade and smooth texture. A knitted blanket will help to add warmth and comfort, in combination with natural materials. Use bright accessories to create a cheerful mood.

To create a more relaxed atmosphere is great fit big soft sofa, strict form will add sophistication to any environment.

For a classic interior the best option there will be a choice of a sofa with upholstery in a rich shade. A gray sofa perfectly complements the black and white room, softening the sharp contrast and giving extra chic. To add sophistication, you can use mother-of-pearl or golden pillows made of glossy fabrics in combination with black.

In everyday life, a gray sofa is practical and reliable assistant hides light dirt and dust from prying eyes, can change depending on the mood.

Features of combining gray with other colors:

  • Gray and pink - creates a sensual image in the case of delicate tones, soothes bright flashy shades;
  • Gray and red - fills the atmosphere with joy and fun, if it is a light gray shade and a bright red addition, when using dark tones of red, the atmosphere will become deeper and more dramatic;
  • Gray and yellow - light shades of gray are in harmony with calm muted yellow, dark shades with bright ones;
  • Gray and green - when using warm tones of green, you can achieve the effect of complete relaxation and peace, cold ones will give a little arrogance and indifference;
  • Gray and blue - in these colors the interior looks elegant, carries an intelligent masculine image, turquoise will give sophistication;
  • Gray and purple - as in combination with pink, will add romance (lilac, purple), add charm and passion dark shades these flowers;
  • Gray and brown are a calm combination, without a contrast transition, even with opposite shades.

When creating the interior of a living room, it is important to play not only with color, but also with form, using interesting lighting solutions as well. Then you can make it bright.

For lovers of bright colors: a red sofa in the interior of the living room, photo

The red sofa is the choice of courageous, determined, purposeful people.

Design options for a red sofa in the hall can be as follows:

  • Leather upholstery - solidity with bold overtones, suitable for extraordinary and creative people;
  • Synthetics and cotton - the most common option, can tame and simplify the red color a little;
  • Velvet or velvet - luxury and chic.

When combining a red sofa with white and dark tones of the living room itself, the brightness and expressiveness is enhanced.

In a luxurious living room, a red sofa will be complemented by golden elements and noble materials. A well-chosen form is a classic.

Magic purple sofa in the interior of the living room: photo

Calming purple- suitable for romantic natures with unlimited imagination. To achieve the effect of a noble combination of all interior items, it is worth using mainly dark saturated shades that will play in contrast with several elements of the living room: light curtains, flooring.

To successfully choose colors, it is worth considering the following recommendations:

  • Combined with white purple sofa can fill the living room with a warm and cold atmosphere, it depends on the choice of shade;
  • Using green color together with purple, you can add freshness and comfort;
  • Shades of pink in the interior with a purple sofa add additional romance and charm;
  • Pairs well with dark blue.

In a minimalist or high-tech living room, a purple sofa will look great in combination with light shades of beige and peach.

Laconic white sofa in the interior of the living room: photo

White sofa - modern, stylish and strict. It will perfectly fit into the interior with any design and color solution if you choose the right shade of white and the shape of the sofa itself. But it should be noted that he will not become the main character of the living room, but will be a good background for highlighting other important decor elements.

For the living room - this is a great choice, because White color conducive to communication, gives lightness and airiness to the interior.

The only problem when choosing such furniture is special and thorough maintenance during operation. If a positive points exceed the effort of care, then you should not think about acquiring.

Here are also some tips that you can use when choosing a white sofa:

  • Leather sofa - the most practical option, moisture resistant, able to withstand to a greater extent mechanical impact and pollution, durable;
  • When purchasing a sofa from available materials, it is worth taking care of interchangeable covers;
  • For care, it is best to use cleaning products recommended by the manufacturer.

Brown sofa in the interior of the living room: photos and selection rules

For the living room brown sofa- good practical solution. Noble, soft color, initially conducive to itself - a great helper in the design home interior. Sofa soft shades brown is suitable for a room with a variety of colors.

When choosing colors used in the interior of the living room, it is better to use the following combinations:

As in the case of the gray sofa, on brown background It is very convenient to fit bright accessories into the interior. A beautiful contrast is given by pistachio, orange colors.

Beautiful gray sofa in the interior of the living room (video)

In any interior, the most important thing is balance. If massive furniture is used, then the rest of the decor should be light, airy and elegant. Making bright accents, it is important to stop in time. To create harmonious interior, you can use special color combination tables. When decorating a living room, one should not forget about other rooms, let harmony reign in everything in your house.

Examples of a gray sofa in the living room (photo in the interior)

People tend to be wary of gray. It is considered nondescript and, as a result, not the most suitable for home decoration. In reality, this is not at all the case. You can use this color and this was proved by the designers in their recent works. In fact, they are invited to take a look.

1. Textured walls

Spacious living room in industrial style with incredible textured walls and ceiling, creating an atmosphere of coolness and mystery, a modern light gray sofa, a bean bag chair, stylish shelving, a table made of wood and metal, and stunning textiles.

2. Heat and cold

A small living room in which it was possible to harmoniously combine the cold gray shade of the walls with light wood furniture.

3. Modern classic

The design of an ordinary living room in Khrushchev with calm light gray walls, a comfortable corner sofa, working area, wooden coffee table and bright posters on the wall.

4. With masculine features

Spacious living room in gray tones, the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is occupied by a huge sofa, and an abundance of various textures, such as concrete, wood and glass in combination with modern system lighting complement the interior of this bachelor space.

5. Volumetric pattern

Gorgeous living room interior with a stunning velvet sofa, expensive textiles, black shelving and accent wall dark- gray color, decorated with a three-dimensional pattern, which became the highlight of this space.

6. Darkness

Spectacular living room with casually painted dark gray walls and rich velvet sofa of blue color, which breaks stereotypes that the living room must be exceptionally bright.

7. Neutrality

Spacious bright living room, decorated in neutral tones, with a light gray accent wall, effectively shading the wooden framed mirrors.

8. Gentle duet

A charming living room with an abundance of delightful wood elements, laconic gray furniture that looks very impressive in tandem with a soft pink wall.

9. Calm atmosphere

Calm interior of the living room, where there is everything you need for relaxation and at the same time there is nothing superfluous. Spacious corner sofa noble gray shade- for reading and relaxing, brown sofa cushions for comfort, several additional light sources, glass Coffee table and a shelf with posters that add personality to the space.

10. The epitome of elegance

A wonderful space with a pronounced touch of femininity, which is embodied in light colors of decoration, upholstered furniture noble gray color, delicate watercolor with the image of flowers and an abundance of golden details.

11. Modern loft

The stunning interior of the living room in which it was possible to harmoniously combine the light gray shade of the walls with brickwork, an exclusive wooden table and classic upholstered furniture.

12. New classic

Living room interior classical style with gray walls, spacious corner sofa light gray color, black table, abundance of plants and exclusive decor items.

13. Aristocratic severity

A spacious living room with interesting gray walls, symmetrically arranged furniture, an abundance of lush greenery and various exclusive details that add luxury and aristocracy to the space.

14. Minimalism

Laconic interior of a spacious living room with gray walls, an original semicircular sofa and a low coffee table.

15. Attention to detail

Charming living room, decorated in black and gray shades, with a classic corner sofa, original shelves-stepladders, stylish tables on wire legs, big plant in a pot, candles in metal jars and stunning rattan lamps.

16. Eclectic

Living room with walls sheathed in white plastic and originally arranged furniture, including a textured sofa and armchair of a noble dark gray shade, a vintage cabinet, homemade shelving from a ladder and stylish golden lamps.

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17. Creative space

Unconventional living room interior with gray and white textured walls, a small gray sofa, low wooden stools and tables, and an open window, the window sill of which is lined with a variety of gizmos that add a special charm and character to this space.

18. Fuchsia

Bright living room with gray walls, a light gray sofa and an abundance of colorful details in the form coffee tables fuchsia, colorful carpet and sofa cushions.

19. Sunny interior

A wonderful living room with a cozy yellow sofa, original shelves, a wooden table that look very stylish and impressive against the neutral gray walls and floor.

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20. Riot of colors

Non-boring living room interior with gray walls, a sofa and an abundance of bright accents in the form of yellow lamps and a picture, a fuchsia-colored table and interesting decorative details.

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Continuing the theme that everyone will like.

Along with beige, gray is recognized as a universal color for interior design. Like a real chameleon, the gray sofa in the interior is able to adapt to any style and adapt to any previously chosen color.

But do not think that you can put any gray sofa in the room, and it will immediately perfectly adapt to the situation. The number of shades of gray is huge! We include both light pearlescent and dark coal with wet asphalt. The choice of the most appropriate is influenced by many factors - the style, the desired atmosphere, the level of illumination of the room, the workload of its details, the use of dense or pastel colors in the interior.

A light gray sofa can be a good replacement for a white one if the latter seems too bright to you or just stands out from the general background. Perhaps it will look much more interesting, or perhaps you need a complex shade like green tea color.

  • Gray + purple
  • Gray + purple
  • Gray + mint
  • Gray + light green

  • Achromatic combinations
  • Gray + bleached oak
  • Gray + golden

"Gray + bright colors"

Gray, like - is a convenient backdrop for bright spots in the design of the room. But do not forget that he does not know how to remain indifferent to new shades - our brain will begin to perceive gray as having a light shade. In the presence of a large number blue, it will turn a little orange, when red is added, it will begin to give off greens. Therefore, be restrained and add colorful details to the interior of the living room with a gray sofa with small accents.

"Gray + purple"

  • When a purple color appears in the interior, choosing a neutral companion for it becomes difficult. Beige and white next to it will look unnecessarily simple, while gray will perfectly emphasize the elegance of purple. Choose a light watery tone like in the illustration below, which is easy to shade with ink or dark pink pillows.

"Gray + purple"

  • This combination looks good in a different ratio - a gray sofa can be decorated with bright purple pillows, focusing on the nobility and calmness of its tone. The picture will look complete when we give a few final fresh touches by placing accessories in the color of young greens in the room. This mixture will perfectly refresh any interior, even a room not spoiled by the sun will look brighter.

"Gray + mint"

  • The mint color is still on the crest of the wave, and it is not going to leave the interiors in a classic style at all. Its delicacy, sophistication and coolness resonate with medium grays or shimmery silvers. This combination looks especially good in leather or silk, but even in simple cotton, the gray sofa in the interior does not lose its nobility. Place mint color can take a subtle turquoise, especially when it comes to a more democratic interior.

"Gray + light green"

  • In order not to disturb the tranquility of the homogeneous gray interior, freshen it up with bright but psychological comfortable colors. These include, for example, the color of lime - unrestrainedly positive, but soothing, like any shade of green. It can be supplemented with blue and pink, or left alone, it will not harm the interior.

"Gray + soothing colors"

Gray, black, and are the most frequent guests in rooms decorated in any style, from classic to modern. We help them to turn around in full force, emphasizing their nobility with simple delicate tones.

"Achromatic Combinations"

  • It is difficult to come up with a more logical combination for gray than white and black, but here you will also have to learn some rules. When creating this design, you will have to strike a fine balance between light and dark areas, allowing the gray sofa to regulate the relationship between light and shadow.
  • Let's give you a little hint - the area of ​​​​its color spot is very easy to correct, which proves next photo. Just put as many white or black pillows on it as you need - with a little practice, you'll be able to figure out the right ratio without difficulty.

"Gray + bleached oak"

  • If you are designing in a minimalist style or tend to Scandinavian style, for sure you will want to combine a gray sofa with white surfaces, as in the interior in the photo below. And few such shades look as noble as the color of bleached oak. It has a barely noticeable hint of baked milk, and the texture of wood fibers will make the interior deeper and more textured.
  • A stylish interior is formed precisely due to the finest nuances, so pay attention to the texture of accessories. Decorate the sofa gray pillows with embossed pillowcases, this original move will not go unnoticed.

"Gray + golden"

  • This combination is one of the most luxurious, it looks equally good in living rooms and boudoirs hidden from prying eyes. This union creates an atmosphere of elitism and wealth around itself, do not miss the opportunity to add it to your home.
  • For the living room suitable sofa dark gray, as in the interior in the illustration below, tinted with pearl pillows and beige and white materials around. Gold should be added in small portions, literally in detail, but not quite a light shade, but with a noticeable.

  • A more delicate glow of gold can be used in the bedroom by combining such pillows with soft silver. In addition to the ensemble, you can purchase bed linen and even curtains so that all the textiles in the room are made in the same style.

When the apartment is being renovated, I want the result to be preserved for many years, so that the atmosphere in the house looks modern, harmonious, comfortable. Naturally, in this case, not only the decoration of walls, ceiling, floor, but also the choice of furniture in a particular room plays an important role.

Without a doubt, the sofa can rightfully be considered the main piece of furniture in the living room. It is, as it were, the semantic center of the whole room, disposing guests and family members to rest and relaxation.

That is why it is necessary to approach his choice with special seriousness. As a rule, people try to buy a sofa in the living room either in classic black, or, conversely, some bright colors such as yellow or red. Many do not pay attention to gray furniture, considering it too boring and dull. It turns out very much in vain, because on the basis of a gray sofa you can create a very unusual, interesting and cozy atmosphere.

So, the first thing you need to decide is what color other interior items should be to match the gray sofa. In such a case, there are two possibilities.

Gray sofa - classic interior

Can you go to classical scheme and choose light for the room Decoration Materials such as beige or white. In this case, you will receive a living room in pastel colors in the style of minimalism. Note that the sofa in this particular case should have the lightest possible shade so that it does not stand out from the general colors. And in order to somehow diversify such a living room, you can add a few bright color spots in the form of accessories. It can be bright, photo frames, candles, etc. thus, the living room, which is based on a gray sofa, will not look too cold and strict.

Gray sofa - bright interior

The second option is a rather bright and bold interior. The shade of the sofa in this case should be as dark and deep as possible, or bright and saturated. It is best if it is made of a material that resembles suede or light leather / nubuck in structure. Such a surface will be ideally combined with bright walls such as yellow or blue. As for the walls, decorated in red tones, the designers argue that such a solution is unlikely to be successful, because the red color is inherently very bright, it seems to dominate the rest, it gets tired of the eyes very quickly. If you decide to take such an extraordinary step, keep in mind that in such a living room, accessories, on the contrary, should be restrained and muted, then the gray sofa will look more or less appropriate.

Gray sofa photo

Many consider a gray sofa not practical and easily soiled. But it's not. It is much easier to care for it than for interior items made in white. Dust, stains and other contaminants are practically invisible on the gray sofa.

If for some reason the choice of a gray sofa seems too bold and extravagant to you, try to buy on your own first. old sofa gray covers or bedspreads. You will see how noble gray will enliven your interior. This piece of furniture looks stylish, modern and unusual. So consider if white sofa impractical for you, black is too predictable, then perhaps gray is the very thing!