How to calculate the cubic capacity of an edged board? Calculation of the volume of lumber How to calculate lumber in cubic capacity

High cost and makes you think about them rational use. has always been one of the most expensive. If you actively use it, then it is advisable to know in advance how many boards are in the cube. A table with reference data will allow you to determine the required value. You can use the board cubature calculator, which allows you to change the geometric parameters of other products online, you can calculate the cubic meter yourself. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular types materials and features of their calculation.

planed timber

planed block

The cross-sectional shape may be different. Manufacturers offer a bar with a square, rectangular or other sectional shape. The requirements for the aspect ratio of the finished product are established. Their width cannot be twice the thickness. The last linear dimension can reach 100 mm.

Planed products subjected to special treatment have a smooth surface. They are widely used in the construction of various appearance which have higher requirements. Actively used in industry.

Edged bar

Unlike planed, edged timber is not subjected to additional finishing. This greatly reduces its cost. Widely used in the construction and installation of structures intended for installation facing material.

Edged board

For such lumber, the thickness can reach 100 mm, and the transverse dimensions in this case should be at least twice as large. During the production process, wood is processed from all sides. As a result, it is possible to provide the necessary geometric accuracy and the relative evenness of the surface.

Edged material is used when performing work different kind. The inch board is especially popular, the size of which is numerically equal to 1 inch (25 mm). This thickness is in demand when arranging battens, floors and many other surfaces.

How to calculate a cube? It is enough to multiply the linear parameters to find the volume of one product. Then one cube is divided by the resulting value. This will allow you to find out how many products will be in a cubic meter. Knowing the required number of products and how many of them are in a cube, it is easy to calculate the order volume.

edged board

Floor board

Designed specifically for the device. It has a width of 85÷140 mm with a thickness of 27÷45 mm. The choice of linear parameters of the product is made taking into account the subsequent operational load. Online calculator boards in a cube will allow you to calculate how much material you need to purchase for flooring a certain area.

floor board

Unedged materials

Unlike edged material, such lumber has a lower cost, since there are partially sawn or unsawn edges (wane) on its surface. Because of this, it is most often used in the manufacture or construction of draft surfaces.

How many boards in a cube: a table with standard sizes

Knowing how much it takes square meters how many boards there will be in a cube depends on the linear dimensions of the selected material. Using special reference books (cubes), you can find the desired amount from the tables without tedious calculations.

How many boards in a cubic meter: the table will allow you to find out without calculation

Reference tables contain information data for lumber various lengths. Before you find out from the table how many boards are in a cubic meter, you should check all linear parameters, and not just the width and thickness.

The most popular are reference tables for boards with 4 or 6. So, if we talk about how many edged board the size of 25 by 100 mm will be cubed, it is necessary to specify the length. Four-meter - 100 pieces, six-meter - 66 (66.6). Based on this, it is determined how many cubes of lumber are required.

Advice! If it is difficult to find reference tables, use the cubic meters calculator, which will help you perform the necessary calculation in a split second.

Having determined the amount according to the table, it is worth finding out how much the cube of the board weighs. To do this, you need to know the moisture content of the material. To find the answer to the question, you need to multiply the density by the volume, expressed in cubes. The basic procedure for calculating the number of boards in a cubic meter

Before moving on to basic calculations and learning how to calculate a cube, you should pay attention to the unit of measurement. For timber, the unit of volume is the cubic meter. Often, cubic meters, cubic meters or cubic meters are used as a conventional designation.

Attention! One cubic meter is numerically equal to the volume of a cube whose edges are 1 meter long.

V = L×h×b , where

  • V - the desired volume of the cube, m³;
  • L – product length, m;
  • h – height/thickness of the material, m;
  • b - width, m.

Attention! All linear parameters must be expressed in meters. If dimensions are given in millimeters, each original value must be multiplied by 0.001 to convert to meters.

With the same number of square meters, how many products will be in a cubic meter will depend on the chosen thickness. If the height of the material used is large, then, according to the calculations in the cube, a smaller value will be obtained. By reducing the thickness of the board, you can increase the number of purchased products.

When determining how many boards are needed, it is necessary to take into account the degree of processing of the material, the grade and type of wood that was used for production. For edged and unedged lumber, the calculation will be slightly different. The calculation should be adjusted to take into account the usable area.

When calculating how much trimming material is needed, you should:

  • Determine the linear dimensions of one board;
  • Find the volume of one product;
  • Divide 1 (cube) by the volume of one board to figure out how much will be in one cube. According to the calculations, it may not be an integer value.

To find out how much unedged board, to make measurements at several points. After that, the desired linear size is averaged, and the found value is subsequently used when performing calculations.

If there are a lot of boards, and their linear dimensions differ, proceeding to the calculations, they sort by length and width. It is desirable that the linear parameters differ by a maximum of 10 cm. Then the height and length of the formed stack are measured. Height is measured in the middle. The result obtained is multiplied by a correction factor, the numerical value of which is 0.07 ÷ 0.09 units. Its value can be found in the cubature reference book.

Board cubic capacity calculator

If you need to perform a calculation, the board cube calculator below will allow you to find the desired value in a matter of seconds.

In order not to waste time in the process waiting for the delivery of lumber and the problem of shortages, you should immediately calculate the required quantity and place an order with some margin. Initially, it is worth knowing how many boards are in a cube. The table given in the regulatory documents will help you quickly determine the desired value. You can also use the cubic meters calculator developed by our team, with which it is easy to determine the number of a specific size online. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the possible methods to make it easier to choose the best one.

Everything starts with a choice. suitable material. Manufacturers offer lumber different size, forms and degrees of processing. Each of these indicators can have a significant impact on the cost. In order not to overpay, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular types of lumber, as well as their possible area of ​​\u200b\u200buse.

Edged timber

Most popular view, widely used in stage and run repair work. Can have different sizes in all directions. Made from solid wood. All facets of the material are processed.

To find out how much will be in the cube, you need to know the sawing parameters. By multiplying the length by the cross-sectional area, you can find the volume of one product. To determine the amount of timber in a cube, it will be necessary to find the reciprocal of the volume found, expressed in meters. If it is initially known how much is required, the volume of one product will need to be multiplied by the required quantity. In more detail, how to calculate the cubic capacity, we will tell further.

Attention! Edged material has a natural moisture content. In reference tables, you can find the numerical value of moisture for different woods.

Planed timber

Lumber of this type in the manufacturing process must be dried. This affects the dimensions and weight of the finished lumber, as well as its service life. When determining how much a board cube weighs, this factor must be taken into account.

Planed timber has quality surface suitable for industrial use. Its sides in cross section are 1 to 2.

planed block

According to its characteristics, the bar is similar to the bar. The difference, according to the regulations, is geometric parameters. If the width of the product is a maximum of 100 mm - this is a bar. Otherwise, we are talking about a beam.

Edged bar

Lumber with natural moisture content. It is similar in characteristics to a bar, but has smaller dimensions. When choosing, you should pay attention to:

  • What kind of wood was it made from?
  • how long did it take to dry?
  • for what design is purchased.

Edged board

Made from wood natural humidity. It has a width twice the thickness in cross section. This significantly reduces bearing capacity compared to the beam. Most often used when performing construction work inside a building: when installing, flooring, walls. Suitable for the construction of a fence, outbuildings. The most popular board is an inch, the dimensions of which can withstand a significant operational load.

Floor board

Lumber having intended purpose. Manufacturers offer several types of floorboards:

  • Parquet, different high quality, provide a three-layer structure;
  • , combining the characteristics of natural wood and high-quality polymer;
  • Usual made entirely of natural wood. Suitable option for the device.

Attention! Choose a material that is thick enough for the specific service load.

Knowing how many square meters are laid, and how many boards are in a cube, you can calculate the thickness of the laid material.

Unedged materials

During the production process, such material is not processed from all sides. As a result, the finished product has two wide longitudinally placed plates and unsawn sidewalls. It is in demand in the construction of premises for various purposes, formwork, decking, as well as in the performance of various irresponsible construction works.

Before you count the cube, do not rush to look for the appropriate formulas. If you do not want to perform time-consuming calculations, reference tables will come to the rescue. How many boards in a cubic meter can be found with their help in a matter of minutes.

How many boards in a cubic meter according to the table

To begin with, it is worth noting that the dimensions of lumber are standardized. Taking advantage normative documents, it's easy to find out how many boards are in a cube. To do this, you need to decide what size material will be used in the construction work.

If you could not figure out how to use the tables, you can use the online board calculator in the cube, or do the calculation yourself.

The basic procedure for calculating the number of boards in a cubic meter

Before proceeding with the calculation, it is worth knowing how to calculate a cubic meter. Such a volume will be numerically equal to a cube, each side of which is equal to a meter. To find the desired value, it is necessary to multiply the linear dimensions of the figure among themselves.

To begin with, the volume of one product is determined. If we are talking about a cut board, we multiply the linear dimensions of the board: length by thickness and width. If they are given in millimeters (mm), be sure to convert to meters. Otherwise, in the future it will be possible to get confused in the dimension.

After the cubature of one board is found, the order of calculation depends on what initial data is. If you need to calculate the number of products in a cube, we find the reciprocal of the value found. In other words, when calculating the unit (1 cube), we divide by the calculated value. The resulting value should be rounded up to a larger integer.

If the material is purchased for certain surface, you will need to know the dimensions of the room in order to calculate the quadrature of the room. To determine the required amount of lumber, cubic meters are converted into squares. To find out how many square meters are in a cubic meter, you need to divide the cube by the thickness (height) of the selected material.

If you are afraid of making a mistake when calculating the required amount, you should calculate the board in a cube on a calculator. Special program for standard formulas will allow you to determine the desired value much faster compared to independent calculations.

Board cubic capacity calculator

For those who are afraid to make a mistake when performing the calculation, we suggest using the board cubature calculator. With it, you can find out how many boards you need in a split second.

Repair and construction work often involves the use of lumber. But shops, timber trading bases sell them more often not in pieces, but in cubes.

Everything is very simple and fast.

Method for calculating edged lumber

  • caliper, tape measure or folding m, with known parameters of the length of wood products, you can limit yourself to a regular ruler;
  • calculator is fine mobile phone, a smartphone, if there may be problems with the account “in the mind”;
  • a piece of paper and a pencil - to record the results of the calculations, how many boards are in the cube.
  1. Volume = Length × Height (product thickness) × Width.

To prevent confusion when converting cubic centimeters to cubic meters, it is more convenient to immediately record the measurement results in meters.

For example, 0.132 cu. m = 6 m × 0.022 m (2.2 cm) × 0.10 m (10 cm).

Now, to determine the number of boards in a cube, you need 1 cube. m divided by 0.132. The result obtained (7, 5757) when purchasing timber must be rounded up to 8 units.

This method calculation of cubature is also suitable for timber. So you can determine how many cubes of timber you need to purchase if you know the required number of products, or, conversely, determine right amount cubes.

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How to calculate the cube of an unedged board?

To determine the required volume of timber, the easiest way is to carry out calculations similar to the above method. Only the final result needs to be multiplied by 1.2 - a correction factor. From unedged boards you can get no more than 70-80% of edged boards.

The width and thickness of each product is measured taking into account its further processing. The technique will help determine the number of cubes wooden products necessary for work, if the final result is planned for their further processing - cropping.

When buying, the widest and thinnest boards are measured to obtain an average width. If the width of the lumber at the butt is wider than at the top, the arithmetic mean of their dimensions is used without taking into account the bast layer or bark, rounded up to 10 mm. In this case, fractions from 5 mm are rounded up to full 10 mm, and fractions up to 5 mm are not taken into account. The length and thickness of lumber are measured in the usual way. The volume of timber is determined according to the usual scheme:

  • the volume of one product is calculated;
  • the total cubic capacity of the purchased timber is determined; according to GOST, correction factors are used: 0.96 - for lumber from conifers, 0.95 - for sawn hardwood.

In addition to the piece-by-piece method for determining the volume of unedged lumber, a geometric method can be used.

Requirements for a package of unedged timber:

  • lumber is laid tightly, without overlaps, in horizontal rows;
  • on one side the ends of the boards are aligned;
  • all sides of the package are strictly vertical: according to GOST, the displacement of individual products outward, inward should not exceed 0.10 m;
  • the entire length of the lumber package must be of the same width.

Then the volume of the package is calculated, the result is multiplied by the coefficient:

Edged board is the most common type of lumber. It has an extremely wide range of applications. Its dimensions are very different - from 16 * 8 mm to 250 * 100 mm (but the width is always more than twice the thickness; if less, then such lumber is called a "beam"). Due to the wide distribution and popularity of this material in almost any construction work the question of calculating the required number of boards will arise with a very high probability.

Edged board is an indispensable material in construction. Its required amount is measured in cubic meters.

The edged board is measured, like the rest of the lumber, in cubic meters. Accordingly, the calculation of its cubic capacity is an important practical task, the solution of which is necessary to determine the cost. It is not difficult - enough elementary geometric knowledge.

How to calculate cubic capacity

Unlike an unedged or one-sided edged board, an edged board does not have a wane (parts of the former surface of the log where bark is or was present before). Rather, a small wane is allowed according to the standard, but its quantity is clearly normalized, and in any case it is small. Therefore, in geometric sense we have a simple cuboid. Accordingly, we have 3 parameters: thickness (smaller side of the cross section), width (large side of the cross section) and length. They are traditionally denoted by the letters a, b and l.

According to current standards, edged boards are produced with a thickness (parameter a) of 22, 25, 30, 40, 50 and 100 mm. Sawn timber of other thicknesses is made from standard by longitudinal sawing or planing. Standard Width goes from 100 to 250 mm in 50 mm increments. Standard lengths- 3, 4 and 6 m.

To determine the cubature, we need, in accordance with the formula for calculating the volume cuboid multiply the thickness, width and length.

All three parameters should be considered in meters: that is, the dimensions of 25 mm * 10 cm * 4 m should be written as 0.025 m * 0.1 m * 4 m. Thus, we get the volume - cubic capacity - of one data board of parameters. Now you need to find out how many of them "fit" in one cubic meter. To do this, you need to divide the unit by the calculated volume. Everything, the desired number is found.

Example: let's say we need lumber 6 m long, 3 cm thick, and 25 cm wide. Then the volume of one piece will be 0.03 * 0.25 * 6 m, or 0.045 m³. 1 m³ will contain 1 / 0.045 = 22.222, or, rounding up, 22.2 boards of the indicated sizes.

Having a similar calculation, it is already possible to estimate further how many cubic meters this lumber need to be purchased for construction or repair work. It should only be taken into account that supplier companies like to round all numbers in a favorable direction, and in our example, 0.045 m³ in practice can turn into 0.05 m³, that is, only 20 pieces per cubic meter. Such an “error” can reach several percent, which, at prices of several thousand rubles per cubic meter, is already a noticeable value.

Almost everything in our world has its own measurement value. We measure oil in barrels, coal in tons, the population of countries in thousands, millions.

We take as a basis a value that can specifically designate the object that we measure. When the question arises of how to calculate the cubature of a board, it is already underway not about the mass of the object, since wood has a completely different density, and one tree has differences from another. In addition, boards of the same breed will have different weight considering their moisture content.

For the convenience of calculating the cubature of the board, volume measurement formulas are used.

Suffice it to recall school mathematics and necessary formula, by which to multiply the width, length and height. For the calculation to be correct, it is necessary to adjust all parameters to one value, for example, in centimeters or decimeters. It is most convenient to take meters as a basis. Thus, having multiplied three times in meters, we get m³ or cubic capacity.

Note. To calculate the cubature of the board, special formulas are used.

cubature boards

Boards may have differences in width, length, thickness. In addition, they are sold unedged and edged. Often, lumber has its own generally accepted standards, which make it easier to calculate cubic capacity.

For ordinary material sizes, there are already calculated volumes, which are systematized in tables for measuring the cubature of boards. Therefore, to determine the volume of the material, you simply need to open the table with the indicated dimensions and calculate the volume.

But, in order to do this, you must have these tables with you. Otherwise, in the absence of such, the cubature of the edged board is calculated, having previously determined the thickness and length. These are the main dimensions that meet the requirements for lumber. Each individual material is different. For example, a board with a thickness of 25 mm is used to create a crate, and 50 mm for subfloors. Next, you need to measure the width of the board.

In the case of a cut board, everything is simple, since the material is cut to give one width. Further, using a calculator, all values ​​\u200b\u200bare multiplied among themselves. With a board length of 5 m, a thickness of 50 mm and a width of 25 cm, the volume of the material will be:

5 x 0.050 x 0.25 = 0.0625 m³

After multiplying the resulting number by the number of boards, we get the total volume of material.

The formula for calculating the cubature of boards

V = L x h x b

L - length

h - height

b - width

Determination of the number of boards in a cubic meter

1 m 3: V = N

In order to determine the cost of a particular type of board, with known values volume: V x price 1 m 3.

There is one more point that you need to pay attention to when determining the cubature of boards - the nominal length is exactly 6.1 - 6.2 m, but this is not taken into account when selling. Often this matters in the case of a purchase. a large number material. For example, let's take a board with dimensions of 150 x 20 mm.

Having made simple calculations, we get the number of boards in 1 m 3 - 55, 5 pieces. So, in the cubature of the board 6 m there are exactly 55 pieces, in total, when calculating, we get the value of 0.99 m 3. In essence, the overpayment for the cubature of the board will be 1% of exact price. For example, at a cost of 4,995 rubles, we pay 5,500 rubles.

Unedged board

Calculation features

The calculation of the cubature of an unedged board is somewhat complicated, since the material does not have one width between various boards, but also in each board individually. This is explained quite simply - the tree does not have the same diameter.

It is clear that it is wider at the bottom, narrower at the top. Thus, the width of the edged board does not fall under any standards. How to be in this case? Use for calculation different formulas. The width of the board is measured for convenience in the middle of the length. This is how you get the average width. This counting method works well if the batch of material is small.

For industrial volumes

This method is not suitable, because the work will be very slow, and this is not profitable. For such cases, experts have developed the so-called unedged board cubature. The volume in it is obtained by measuring and experimenting, in other words, using many measurements and calculating the average value of the width.

Of course, it can not be called super exact way, but the deviations are so small that they are not worth paying attention to.

Some wood processing companies use the stack measurement method in practice. To do this, it is not necessary to pre-sort the wood according to width. Specialists take measurements of the length of the board, the average width and height of the stack. The obtained values ​​​​are multiplied among themselves, and the result is multiplied by a coefficient for calculating the cubature of the board, which has an average value of 0.67.

Weighing Method

In order to measure the cubic capacity of an unedged board, having obtained the most accurate result possible, the weighing method is used.

Before doing this, it is necessary to measure the moisture content of the material and dense wood. Given that the edged board is the most cheap material used on objects with least degree responsibility, then complex calculations are not too justified.

Also, it should be noted that the result that you get will not be much different from the one that can be obtained using the cube.

During the construction of residential buildings

Here, professionals in their field are required to perform many tasks, including: calculation and budgeting before completion finishing premises. In addition, it is necessary to calculate required amount building materials. It should be noted that this task is quite difficult. Given this, determining the cubature of the board is an important point.

Note. Cubic meter lumber is calculated using a single method. The type of board does not affect the result.

To non-grooved types wood include: edged board, unedged board.

tongue-and-groove types- these are those that have special grooves for the perfect joining of the boards: flooring, lining, . Please note that when purchasing a grooved board, the calculation is carried out using the working width of the material, without spikes.

Regarding the calculation of the cubature of an unedged board, with the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the width of one end 25 cm, and 20 cm - the other, average value it will turn out - 22 cm. To calculate a large amount of material, it is laid out in such a way that the wide part does not differ from the narrow one by more than 10 centimeters.

The main length of the board in the unfolded bundle should be approximately the same. Then, using a tape measure, measure the height of the stack of boards and the width in the middle. The result, which is obtained during measurements, is multiplied by a coefficient with a value of 0.07 - 0.09, which depends on the air gap between the boards.