How many calories do you need to burn. How many calories do you need to consume per day to lose weight. Formulas for calculating the required number of calories for weight loss

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The concept of nutrition, requirements and principles for the organization


Food is the basis of human life. How a person eats depends on his health, mood, and ability to work. Therefore, human nutrition is not only his personal, but also a public matter. The French physiologist Brmat-Savarin owns the expression: “The animal is saturated, the person eats, smart man knows how to eat." “Knowing how to eat” has nothing to do with satisfying hunger. The ability to eat implies reasonable, moderate and timely nutrition, that is, a culture of nutrition. And this very difficult science-culture of nutrition must be learned, learned from a young age, while a person has not yet acquired diseases from immoderate nutrition. Why food is needed, everyone knows, no matter how hard he does. Food is the fuel on which the body works, and anyone should know about this fuel, be able to use it correctly.

1. The concept of nutrition

Currently, to designate a healthy diet, there are such concepts as: "rational nutrition", " balanced diet”, “adequate nutrition”, “optimal nutrition”, “functional nutrition”, “therapeutic nutrition”. Often the same terms can carry different meanings, at the same time, the same concepts are called differently. For example, the state of food security is defined as: "alimentary status", "nutritive status", "trophological status", "nutrition status", "nutrition status". The vagueness and confusion of many fundamental terms and concepts in the field of nutrition makes it difficult to perceive their meaning.

Diet (measure, amount of food) - a set of food products defined by composition and quantity, which is intended (or calculated) for human nutrition in a given period of time. Moreover, a person can eat it completely or not completely, in an arbitrary mode and sequence.

The composition of the diet can be calculated by the content of macro-, micronutrients and main components in it, but this does not mean that this amount of nutrients will enter the human body, since the diet, by definition, is the intended nutrition and may not be completely eaten, and even more so. not absorbed by the body.

DIET (lifestyle) - a set of food products determined by composition and quantity, taken in certain time and in a certain order.

Compared to dietary intake, diet is not just about the amount of food, but also how you take it. Diet is a diet not only for a sick person, but also for a healthy person, so it is broader than the concept of medical nutrition. However, the diet is, although more specific, but the intended nutrition.

The amount of food that a person eats is called the term "actual nutrition". However, of the total amount of nutrients supplied with food, only a certain part can be absorbed by the body during digestion. In this regard, the term "actual nutrition" seems to be not entirely successful, since it is an estimated or estimated nutrition.

NUTRITION STATUS ("actual nutrition", estimated nutrition, nutrition structure) - the amount of food that a person consumes (eats) during a certain time. Thus, nutritional status determines the amount of nutrients that enters the human body, or rather, into the gastrointestinal tract.

The nutritional status includes the calculation of the amount of consumed main food components: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, mineral components, trace elements, vitamins, water, electrolytes, dietary fiber, as well as a certain list of minor biologically active components present in the diet that can enter the body in unsplit form and have nutritional or physiological significance. Nutritional status is determined by calculation methods, based on the chemical composition of food products, by direct monitoring of nutrition this person over a specified period of time or through a survey. Knowing the chemical composition of food products, it is relatively easy to calculate the amount of certain nutrients that enter the body. It should be noted that the tabular calculation of the chemical composition of food products may differ significantly from the actual content of these components in the product. This applies to almost all food products, but especially to plant origin, the macro- and microelement composition of which depends on the geochemical composition of the soil, climate, solar insolation level, storage and processing conditions.

ASSEMBLING (absorption, absorption) - the proportion of nutrients absorbed into internal environment organism from the total amount that entered the gastrointestinal tract. The assimilation of nutrients occurs at the first (initial) stage of the absorption of food ingredients.

UTILIZATION (use with benefit) - the proportion of nutrients included in the metabolism or deposited in the body from the total amount absorbed into the internal environment (or received in the gastrointestinal tract when calculating nutrition).

Utilization of nutrients occurs at the second stage of absorption of nutrients, after their absorption into the internal environment of the body. In this case, part of the nutrients will be lost, excreted from the body with feces, urine, sweat and exhaled air in an unsplit form, as well as in the form of intermediate or end products of metabolism. Thus, in the process of nutrition, digestion, absorption and utilization of nutrients, only a part of the nutrients reaches the final goal of nutrition and is really useful for the body. The other part is lost or actively excreted from the body.

2. Requirementsin catering

Nutrition is one of critical factors that ensure the normal course of the processes of growth and development of the child, resistance to the effects adverse conditions, a high functional level of the leading systems of the body.

Depending on age, children should receive a certain amount of energy, nutrients, minerals, vitamins. The child is constantly expending energy. Its costs depend on the age of the child, the type of activity, climate zone residence, from the season of the year. The main source of income is food. The food received by the child should not only cover energy costs, but also ensure continuous processes of growth and development. Daily energy consumption in a child of 1-3 years old is 1000-1550 kcal, at the age of 4-6 years -1950 kcal, for 7 year old children up to 2000 kcal.

AT last years at numerous conferences, congresses, symposiums, the discussion of one of the most interesting hypotheses of modern medicine continues. A hypothesis that links the nature of the intrauterine development of the child, the nature of the infant's nutrition in the first year of life with the development of such widespread human diseases as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. So, according to the hypothesis of German researchers, maternal malnutrition during pregnancy, stress, lead to a delay in intrauterine development of the fetus, and possibly form a “thrifty” phenotype, which subsequently contributes to the accumulation of adipose tissue, lipid metabolism disorders and the formation of cardiovascular pathology. Such gross violations nutrition of children in the first three years of life in the form of a low duration or complete absence breastfeeding, early introduction and a large volume of non-adapted products in the form of kefir and milk, contribute to increased weight gain at an early age and further obesity. Also, parents often tend to quickly transfer the child to the “common” table and are less and less committed to special education. baby food. After a year, the child should gradually switch to a modified diet, because. The second year of a child's life is a period of great change, demand and energy expenditure. The child begins to walk independently, his period of teething ends, contacts with other people and children increase, which increases the infectious load on the body and requires a great stress on the immune system. Therefore, in order to avoid frequent infectious diseases, the formation of neurotic behavioral reactions, anemia, problems in physical development in the diet of a child, an increased content of minerals, vitamins, nucleotides should be preserved compared to them in the diet of adults.

A well-balanced diet ensures the full growth and development of children and is fundamental to all later life. This helps to prevent disorders such as anemia, rickets, caries, etc., and later on, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, osteoporosis, and even some types of cancer.

The food that parents offer to children affects the taste preferences and health of children over the years. For example, atherosclerotic changes that lead to cardiovascular disease may begin in childhood long before them clinical manifestations. Children who are obese between the ages of 3 and 5 will still be obese as adults. Therefore, early childhood is a decisive moment for the formation of addictions to healthy food.

Optimization of the diet in early childhood and the subsequent period begins with the introduction of complementary foods, and this is the age of 5-6 months, which is often introduced late and not with the products that the child needs. The diet of children older than a year is deficient in terms of iron intake - abstracts, term papers, but with high content Sahara. The manifestations of insufficient calcium and iron content, nutritional deficiencies were discussed earlier. Please remember these diseases.

Thus, insufficient content and intake of important nutrients with food can be the cause of high morbidity, retardation in physical and mental development, the consequences of which are irreparable.

Basic principles of nutrition:

1. the correct age ratio in food of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as the ratio of proteins of animal and vegetable origin

2. Strict adherence to the diet

3. Consistently maintaining the proper frequency of meals: at least 5 times at the age of 1-7 years and 4 times at the age of 8-15 years

4. strict observance of the amount of food according to age norms

5.slow rhythm food

6.Variety of food ingredients with no a large number hot spices that enhance secretion

7. correct distribution of calorie content of food depending on the number of feedings.

To these classical principles of nutrition can be added the following requirements for food products: environmental Safety, optimal fluid intake, maintenance of physiological intestinal biocenosis, antioxidant orientation, energy adequacy, correction of vitamins and minerals.

The next basic principle of nutrition is compliance with the diet.

A properly organized diet includes:

Compliance with the time of eating and the intervals between them

Rational meal times

The correct distribution of calories for individual meals throughout the day.

It has been proven that normal gastric secretion can only be maintained if there are clearly defined intervals between meals. In violation of the time of eating and the intervals between them, there is a violation of the rhythm of the digestive tract, a deterioration in the digestibility and absorption of nutrients, and a decrease in appetite.

Nutrition is involved in all life processes of the body, end products of metabolism are removed with water. Water enters the body with food, as well as in a free state.

Depending on age, children should receive daily a certain amount of energy, nutrients, minerals, vitamins. The child is constantly expending energy. Its costs depend on the age of the child, the type of activity, the climatic zone of residence, and the season of the year. The main source of income is food.

In recent years, there has been a formidable tendency to increase the body weight of children, this is especially evident during prepuberty and puberty, when a hormonal shift begins. In this regard, the time of reception of dinner, which should not be later than 18-19 hours, is of paramount importance. This is due to the fact that the conversion of carbohydrates into fats is greater in the second half of the day. The same amount of food and carbohydrates contained in it, taken in different time days, gives a fundamentally different formation of deposited fat with a predominance of values ​​in the second half of the day.

The nutrition of children of different age groups differs in the size of single portions and the volume of the daily diet. The volume of food should meet the needs of a growing organism, cause a feeling of fullness and correspond to the age capacity of the stomach. Violation of the volume of portions can cause deviations from the functions of the digestive organs.

1-1.5 years - 1000-1100 ml

1.5-3 years - 1200-1300 ml

4-6 years - 1500-1600 ml

7-10 years - 2000-2200 ml

Over 10 years -2300-2500 ml

The duration of the meal also matters.

The optimal duration of a meal contributes to the thorough grinding of food, which in turn facilitates the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract. No wonder they say: you chew longer - you live longer. It is unacceptable to rush the child while eating. 20 minutes for breakfast and dinner, 25-30 minutes for lunch.

Each family should strive for such a set of healthy products, setting an example for children in choosing the right food.

With early age The child needs to be taught healthy eating habits. The type of feeding, the competent introduction of complementary foods, the traditions and eating habits instilled in the child in the family influence the formation of healthy eating habits. This will ensure the prevention of many alimentary-dependent diseases and increase the duration and quality of life.


food diet food

Nutrition - one of the most important functions of a living organism - has great importance for a person. A balanced diet determines the quality of human development.

Listused literature

1. Leshchinsky L.A. Take care of your health. M., "Physical culture and sport", 2009.

2.N.M. Amosov, Ya.A. Bendet. Human health. M., 2007.

3. Dunaevsky G.A. Vegetables and fruits in the nutrition of a healthy and sick person / G.A. Dunayevsky. - K .: Health, 2008.

4. "The role of trace elements in the life of the human body" (Lecture), B.P. pepper. Moscow, 2011.

5. "Separate meals." Renate Zeltner. Phoenix, 2010.

6. "Three benefits." I.I. Litvin. St. Petersburg, 2010.

7. "Secrets of longevity." Paul S. Bragg, Herbert Shelton. Syktyvkar, 2009.

8. "Nutrition and health." R.I. Vorobyov. Moscow "Medicine", 2008.

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in preschool institutions (DDU)

The body tissues of children are 25% proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and 75% water. The metabolism in children proceeds 1.5-2 times faster than in an adult, assimilation processes prevail over dissimilation processes.

The energy value of the daily diet of children is higher than their energy costs, since part of the nutrients is necessary to ensure the process of growth and development of the body.

For the normal physiological and mental development of children and adolescents, a complete balanced diet is necessary to ensure the plastic processes and energy costs of the body, taking into account age and physiological nutritional norms.

The daily physiological norms of nutrition for children of early and preschool age are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - The need for children of early and preschool age in

major nutrients and energy

The daily set of products for 1 child in preschool institutions is shown in Table 2.

Table 2 - Daily set of products in kindergarten (g)

Importance in the organization of nutrition of children of early preschool age has a diet. It is recommended to establish 4 meals a day with intervals between individual meals of 3.5-4 hours. Breakfast should account for 25% of the daily diet, lunch - 35-40%, afternoon tea - 10-15%, dinner - 25%.

When compiling the diet of children of early and preschool age (mandatory participation of a medical worker of the institution), it is necessary to take into account the recommended set of products (Table 2), which covers the physiological need of children for nutrients. However, it is impossible to use the entire list of products daily in the indicated dosages (except for sugar, milk, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, bread, meat, butter). The remaining products are included in the menu after 2-3 days. At the same time, it is important that within 10 days all the prescribed amounts of food are completely consumed, then there will be confidence that the children have received a balanced diet, taking into account their age. Actually consumed products per day should be recorded in the accumulative statement. Using data for 10 consecutive days, you can analyze the actual nutrition and make timely adjustments.

When compiling a menu for children, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention for a variety of dishes not only for 10 days, but also throughout the day. It is desirable that children receive at least two vegetable dishes daily, different in preparation technology and composition, and one cereal enriched with fruits, vegetables or dietary supplements ( dietary fiber, "MiproVIT"), as well as juices or natural fruits and berries.

In the absence of any product to maintain the nutritional value of the diet, it is allowed to replace products that are equivalent in terms of chemical composition: meat, poultry, fish, egg, cottage cheese.

An important role in organizing the nutrition of children is played by the developed perspective menus for 10 days or 2 weeks, taking into account the seasons of the year and local features supply, use of non-traditional raw materials. The basis for the compilation of promising menus can serve as published in 1984 Guidelines Ministry of Health in coordination with the Ministry of Education "Approximate 10-day menus for the nutrition of children attending preschool institutions."

When organizing children's nutrition, it is important to consider individual characteristics child, national customs, as well as natural and climatic conditions. So, if some children have any deviations in development or health status (after past illnesses, sparing nutrition for children with diseases of the digestive system, allergies, etc.), it is necessary to individually take into account these deviations and provide appropriate nutrition. Control is carried out by a medical worker of the institution.

Compliance with the national-territorial principle of nutrition for children is one of the important points in the prevention of a number of diseases. So, in the Far North, children attending preschool institutions, with a Europeanized type of nutrition, often develop anemia, dental caries, and visual acuity decreases. At the same time, the nature of the Far North and Siberia gives wide opportunities to use in the nutrition of children a variety of wild berries (lingonberries, blueberries, honeysuckle, currants), venison, meat of marine animals, river fish and many others, which contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals, rare trace elements.

For proper organization nutrition of children, the environment in which the meal takes place is of no small importance. The presence of appropriate furniture and utensils, the design of the dining room, beautiful decoration dishes - all this contributes to a positive process of eating. In no case should children be distracted while eating with toys, reading, it is necessary to teach elementary rules of behavior at the table.

In organizing the nutrition of children attending preschool institutions, a clear continuity between the preschool institution and the child's family should be ensured. Parents should receive information about the child's nutrition throughout the day so that the same meals or foods are not repeated at home dinner.

Before leaving for a kindergarten in the morning, a child can be given a glass of sour milk at home. dairy product or any fruit.

It should be noted the features in the organization of nutrition of children with food allergies. When determining such a child in a preschool institution, it is necessary to warn the group staff, food workers and a medical worker about which products the child cannot tolerate, with which they should be replaced. These warnings should be indicated in an extract from the history of the development of the child, which the local pediatrician fills out when referring him to the children's team.

With due attention to this issue, it is possible to properly organize the nutrition of children suffering from food allergies. In preschool institutions, special nutrition sheets are given for such children, which specifically indicate which foods are contraindicated. this child and what should be replaced. At the catering department of the institution, it is necessary to organize the preparation of a number of special dishes, therefore, relevant requirements are also imposed on employees when hiring.

Second place, after allergies, especially in older children, is obesity. Obesity occurs as a result of an imbalance in the diet, which is dominated by high-calorie foods: flour confectionery, potatoes, pasta, semolina and rice cereals, etc.; broken diet; there is overeating in the evening; sedentary lifestyle (in free time children, instead of playing sports, are busy computer games or watching television).

Prevention of obesity is, first of all, in the organization of a balanced diet, ensuring sufficient physical activity through systematic sports, walks with active outdoor games.

Children who are overweight should receive adequate balanced diet No. 8, fully meeting their physiological needs for basic nutrients and energy. At the same time, the consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, honey, jam, confectionery) should be limited by 25-50%. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of vegetables rich in fiber, unsweetened fruits, juices, berries and low-fat sour-milk products, bakery products made from wholemeal flour (rye, grain, etc.), sugar is replaced by xylitol, the amount of which should not exceed 20-30 g per day. day (depending on age). The need for protein, especially of animal origin, is covered by the consumption of lean meats, poultry, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, sour-milk low-fat products.

The amount of fat (compared to the norm) should be limited to 15-30% (depending on the degree of obesity). Vegetable and butter containing a reduced fat content (62.5%) - dietary, sandwich; vegetable - within the normal range of 10-20 g per day; creamy - a restriction of 15-25% of the norm; restriction of fluid and salt intake by 15-30% of the norm; diet - 5-6 times a day. Frequent meals suppress hunger and reduce appetite. In addition, food is better digested and is not deposited as fat in the body.

The daily diet of the child is recommended to be distributed as follows: its main part should fall on the first half of the day, i.e. during the hours of the greatest physical activity, the last meal - no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

1 breakfast - 15% - at home;

2 breakfast - 20%;

lunch - 35%;

afternoon snack - 15%;

dinner - 15%.

For the first breakfast, they give lactic acid products, vegetables, fruits, an egg. In a children's institution or school, breakfast is served in a smaller volume.

For children with increased body weight in preschool institutions, it is necessary to organize individual meals. They should be seated at a separate table so that they do not feel offended by food restrictions or the replacement of some dishes with others (cereal and pasta side dishes or dishes are replaced by vegetables; rich flour products are prepared unsweetened from wholemeal flour, etc.).

In addition, when catering for children of preschool and school age, it is necessary to take into account a number of technological and sanitary requirements to cooking.

According to SanPiN 42-123-5777-91, it is forbidden to take in children's food units preschool institutions and schools:

Meat, poultry, eggs without stigma and veterinary conclusion (presence of a hygienic certificate);

Imported meat and meat products received through direct deliveries and humanitarian aid;

Duck, goose eggs;

Canned food with a violation of tightness, the presence of bombage and swollen;

Vegetables, fruits with signs of rot;

Various mushrooms (fresh, salted, pickled);

Cereals, flour, dried fruits with signs of infection with barn pests;

Particularly perishable products with expired sales periods or on the verge of their expiration;

Use fish products from Norway and Scotland without radiological control;

Melange omelets;

Not boiled milk;

Use sour cream only after heat treatment (for cooking dishes with heat treatment);

Pancakes with cottage cheese, made from unpasteurized milk;

Naval macaroni;

Use enamel and plastic utensils when cooking.

In the technology of cooking, it is necessary to take into account a number of general requirements:

Exclude vinegar, mustard, horseradish, pepper. Recommend citric acid, lemon juice, finely chopped greens;

Exclude oily fish and meat various kinds animals;

Avoid cooking oils. Margarine can be used only in agreement with the sanitary services. Recommend butter and vegetable fats, it is better to use them without heat treatment. Use melted butter for cooking;

Exclude meat-bone and bone broths, saltwort and kharcho, meat and fish dishes with bones;

Provide additional fortification of dishes.

The benefits of using soup concentrates are obvious.

Firstly, economic.

US experts have calculated that the use of soup concentrates saves 70% of all costs - energy, transport, storage, labor resources.

Control and Accounting: Concentrate consumption is easy to calculate, predict and control.

Ability to stock: shelf life from 9 months to 2 years.

Simplification of all calculations (calculations, etc.).

Versatility: the same concentrate can serve as the basis for both soup and sauce for a hot dish.

Secondly, taste.

Soup concentrates are made from high quality raw materials the latest equipment highly qualified specialists.

Companies produce mainly those soups that, according to statistics, are in the greatest demand, that is, they are approved by consumers themselves.

Consistent taste sensations: all servings prepared with the same type of concentrate are exactly the same, since only water is added to them.

Variety of dishes: Even a good cook finds it difficult to compete with the huge variety of soup concentrates on the market.

Thirdly, nutritional value.

The use of concentrates allows you to accurately predict and control the calorie content of the soup, which is especially important in the nutrition of schoolchildren. It is also important for a growing body to regularly receive a certain amount of vitamins and minerals (for example, iron), which can only be provided with school breakfasts from soup concentrates.

Statistics show that children who receive such “dosed” nutrition are physically stronger, less susceptible to diseases, and, as a result, they have better attendance, they behave better, grow and develop better, are more attentive in class, and therefore study better. .

Fourth, hygiene.

Many people are embarrassed to even try because they don't know where to start. They know they have to follow diet and exercise, but the lack of measurable goals creates uncertainty, and that leads to failure!

To get around this problem and have clear goals for what you want to achieve, you can start the weight loss process by doing some simple calorie counting. By calculating how many calories you should consume per day and how many calories you need to burn per day, you can have a better idea of ​​your daily calorie needs and a rough estimate of when you will be able to reach yours.

Let me explain some basic weight loss concepts to help you understand what these numbers mean.

When do you lose weight?

There are many factors that affect how much weight you can lose (and when), but in your simplest form weight loss occurs when the number of calories burned exceeds the number of calories you consume. Food and drink are the only sources of calories you consume while exercising. physical activity and other body factors affect their burning. So if you manage to control these 2 sources and create a calorie deficit, you will start to lose weight over time.

How many calories in a kilogram?

Let's add a parameter to our equation: 1 kg of fat = 3500 calories. This means that if you consume more than 3500 calories than you burn over time, you will gain one kilogram, but if you manage to burn more than 3500 calories than you consume, you will lose 1 kilogram.

What is your daily calorie requirement?

Many studies have shown that in general, women need 1500-2000 kcal to maintain their current weight and 2000-2500 kcal for men. This number is also known as base speed (bmr). Essentially, this number gives you the number of calories your body needs on a daily basis to function properly.

How many calories to eat if you want to lose weight?

There are many other factors involved in weight loss and the amount of calories you consume is just one of the elements and since it's easy to calculate you can use it as a starting point.

Suppose you need to lose 5 kg in 2 months:

After using our bmr and daily calorie calculator you found that: BMR is 1800 calories and daily calorie requirement is 2000 kcal.

Step 2: calculate how many calories you want to lose.

You want to lose 5kg which is about 17500 calories (1kg of fat is 3500 calories)

Step 3: calculate how many calories you need to save per day.

Your goal is to lose 5 kg in 2 months. When doing basic calculations, you can find out that 17500 calories in 2 months is about 8750 calories per month or 2187 per week or 313 kcal per day. So theoretically, if you manage to reduce your intake by 313 calories per day, you will lose 5 kg in 2 months.

Step 4: Subtract the number of calories you need to save per day (Step 3 above) from your daily calorie requirement (Step 1 above).

Daily calorie requirement - calorie savings per day = 2000 - 313 = 1687 kcal per day. This is the number of calories you need to eat per day if you want to lose 5 kg in 2 months!

How many calories to burn per day if you want to lose weight?

Since you know the number of calories you should be eating per day, you can use a calorie counter to count the number of calories you eat (or drink) on a daily basis and find out how many calories you need to burn through exercise if you want.

For example, if you are consuming 1800 calories per day and in order to lose weight you should only be consuming 1687 calories per day (as calculated above), then that means you should be burning 113 calories per day doing exercise.