Geography is an object of study of geography. Objects of geographical science

geographical geocomplex science territorial

O subject area Geography has been written a lot, not very clearly and contradictory. In philosophy, the subject of study is understood as a category denoting a certain integrity (aspect) isolated from the world of objects in the process of human activity and knowledge.

V.A. Anuchin believes that " common subject study, or a common object of study for all geographic sciences is the geographic or landscape sphere of the Earth, which is the union of all near-surface geospheres ("second-order spheres") in a single interacting system.

MM. Golubchik and his co-authors consider the subject of geography to be "the study of spatio-temporal features of the process of emergence, functioning, dynamics and development of spatio-temporal natural-social geosystems (geographic shell, geographic environment)". At the same time, the provision is not specified that the geographical shell is historically considered an object of physical geography, and the environment (apparently natural) is one of its properties that arise in subject-object relations.

A.G. Isachenko and K.K. Markov's subject of study is the study of spatio-temporal relations of interaction between society and nature. A.N. Lastochkin proposes a morphological approach to the knowledge of geographical objects, which will unite the subjects of study of particular geographical sciences. It is more simple and understandable for E.B. Alaev. He proposes to consider that in the aggregate the object, aspect, method and goal constitute the subject of research of a scientific discipline, a kind of "passport" certifying its function and right to exist (Fig. 1).

The object of study is what this branch of science studies (an objective material phenomenon, or categories of a spiritual order).

Aspect of the study - which side, and from what angle this object is considered. The geographical disciplines are characterized by a geospatial aspect (synonyms: territorial, zonal, regional). For general disciplines - components, spheres, relationships between spheres (components), for regional ones - geosystems, incl. landscapes, TPK, etc., territorial differentiation (zoning, district formation) horizontal flows of matter, energy and information.

The research method is research approaches, i.e. methodology, and special tricks and research methodology.

The purpose of the study - the expected result scientific process and its relation either to social practice or to the development of science itself.

The subject of study of general geography is geographical reality in the form of a geographical picture of the world, which is represented by a set of categorical concepts and theories about the interaction of society and nature in a special geospace of the Earth - the geoversum.

The object in such a formulation of the subject of general geography can be the geoverseum as an integral phenomenon in the special geospace of the Earth with its structure and patterns of functioning according to the principle of two subsystems - nature and society. The research aspect of such a folded object is the components (abiotic, biotic, social), geospheres and local geosystems of the Earth's surface - natural, social, integral, etc.

The geographic approach also led to the use of new research methods - system analysis (modelling), remote methods for collecting information (especially aerospace) and computer technologies in creating GIS. The explanatory part of the subject is the global-regional patterns of territorial organization and optimization of the quality of the human environment, based on the principles of systemology and synergetics.

Object and subject of geography. Structure geographical science.

Geography (geo-earth, graphic description; i.e. land description) has developed since its inception as an encyclopedic body of knowledge about the nature, population and economy of various countries.

The definition of the object of study of geography has changed throughout the history of the development of science. How main object geographical science, most scientists considered the surface of the Earth. At the same time, K. Ritter considered the entire globe to be an object of geography, A. Gettner - countries that were studied in terms of the spatial distribution of objects and phenomena, E. Martonn - the distribution of physical, biological and human-related phenomena over the Earth's surface. In 1910, the Russian geographer P.I. Brounov proposed to consider “the modern physical structure of the outer earth's shell” as an object of geography. The essence of this formulation is now recognized by all geographers. Over the years, only the terms have been refined and the content of this definition has been deepened. Various terms have been proposed for "outer sheath": geographic shell, landscape shell, geosphere, landscape shell, biogeosphere, epigeosphere and others. The term “ geographic envelope”.

Thus, the object of study modern geography is a geographic envelope The geographic envelope of the Earth is a complex formation, consisting of interacting main terrestrial spheres or their elements - lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, pedosphere.

The components of the geographic envelope are air, water, rocks, living matter(plants, animals). The nature of the geographic envelope is so diverse because the formations of different material composition: inert (inorganic matter), living (organisms), bio-inert (organo-mineral compounds of the soil).

The boundaries of the geographic envelope consider the ozone layer (20-30 km) and the boundary of the hypergenesis zone (500-600 m).

The main property of the geographic shell is her integrity. It is characterized by the unity of two important qualities - continuity (continuity) and discontinuity (discreteness).

Within the geographic envelope, they distinguish landscape sphere- a small near-surface sphere, including the weathering crust, soils, vegetation, fauna, surface layers of air, surface and ground water sushi. This is a kind of biological focus of the Earth, in which the elements of all the Earth's shells most closely contact and actively interact.

Definition of the concept of "geography of tourism". This is a scientific discipline that studies the territorial differentiation of the sphere (industry) of tourism, the prerequisites for its development, the processes of formation of tourist and recreational zones, regions, centers and their modern use.

Definition of the concept of geography. There are many definitions of the subject of geography. But one thing remains obvious, that geography studies the surface of the earth, which forms the geographical environment for human society". You can define the concept of geography in this way: geography is a science that comprehensively studies the surface as a whole and in parts the globe in relation to human society. What are the characteristics of the subject of geography? From the very concept of the earth's surface, as a subject of study of geography, the need for local 2 consideration follows. geographical subjects and processes. Geography is the study of phenomena in connection with a particular place on the globe. Geography understands the surface of the Earth as the place of interaction between the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere 3 . All these areas are related to the habitat of mankind, affect human society and are themselves influenced by society. The surface of the Earth is the geographic environment.

1 “After all, no matter how one defines the content of geography,” wrote prof.
V. P. Budanov, one thing is certain: the object of study in geography is
the surface of the entire globe and its individual parts ... ”(“ Map in the Teaching of Geography ”, 1938, p. 5).

2 word local comes from the Latin word locus(locus) that
means "place", "territory". Its synonym is the Greek word
"horos" (adjective "horological"). In geographical literature
these words are often used.

3 cast- stone; atmosphere- air; guidor- water; bios- life.

The geographical environment is conceived as a territory on Earth with all the things that fill it, which are interdependent and in development, as well as in certain historically changing relationships to human society. Geography studies the geographical environment both in terms of its structure and the processes taking place in it.

Geography studies the Earth as a whole (terrestrial science) and its individual parts (regional studies) from the point of view of similarities and differences in phenomena and processes occurring on the earth's surface.

Being on the same territory of many different objects and processes generates various forms connections and interactions between them, due to the fact of adjacent existence and genetic relationships.

Geographical ties studied by geography embrace phenomena of inorganic and organic nature in their relation to the activities of human society. On the basis of the originality of geographical phenomena and the difference in the forms of their combination, special geographical complexes arise, developing according to their own laws. The surface of the Earth, studied by geography, as a habitat for mankind, is a collection of various geographical complexes. Geography establishes the laws of development of both entire complexes (landscapes) and their constituent elements.

The geographical complex is such a combination of elements of nature and society in which individual elements in the process of their development interact with each other, influence each other, as a result of which a change in one of them causes corresponding changes in others.

Thus, a significant change in climate in any locality will entail a change in the regime of waters and all hydrography, flora and fauna. In the end, this will affect the relief and cause a different relationship between man and nature.

The composition of the geographical complex includes structural elements various types: astronomical, geomorphological, hydrological, climatic, biological and social. But the essence of the geographic environment cannot be reduced to the sum of its constituents. certain types elements.

In the geographical complex, the data of astronomy, geomorphology, hydrology, climate, and biology form a single whole. The integration of elements of living and dead nature on the surface of the Earth results in a qualitatively unique geographical environment in relation to human society, subject to its own special regularity.

Locality gives organic unity to a complex geographical process. Therefore, the subject of geography is not some kind of conglomeration of subjects of other sciences.

"Geography"- literally translated as land description - this is a diverse branched science, which has many areas of theoretical and applied nature. Within the framework of a single geography, first of all, three main components are distinguished:

    physical geography,

    economical geography,

    social geography.

In essence, studying nature, physical geography refers to a large block of sciences bearing the general name natural , these include: biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc. Economic and social geography are social sciences. Thus, the place of geography is at the junction of natural and social sciences. At the same time, physical and socio-economic geography are a single whole, united by common geographical methods of research and connected by logical cause-and-effect goals. For example, evaluating the specialization of the West Siberian economic region, we see that the main grain crop in crop production is spring wheat. Agro-climatic and land natural resources with the greatest economic efficiency allow to grow it, and not a more productive winter crop, since winters here are mostly frosty and with little snow, which is a consequence of the high continental climate. Continentality is due to the fact that air masses on the way from the Atlantic Ocean gradually lose moisture and transform from marine to continental. The movement of air masses is due to the western transport prevailing in temperate latitudes. In turn, the westerly transfer is a consequence of the deflection of southerly winds to the right in the northern hemisphere under the influence of the deflecting force of the Earth's rotation. Southerly winds are caused by pressure differences: high in tropical latitudes and low in temperate latitudes. The pressure difference is a consequence of the uneven distribution of solar energy (heat) on the surface of the planet, which, in turn, is due to the sphericity of the Earth. Of course, this is not the only way to logically interconnect the process of phenomena in nature and in economic life, but the fact remains that one of the reasons for the preferred cultivation of spring wheat in the south of Western Siberia is the shape of the Earth.

The main objects of study in geography can be presented in the form of Table 1.

Table 1 .




organizations of science

Physical geography

Economical geography

social geography


Geographical envelope of the Earth (GOZ)



Global community

Territorial (regional, local, etc.)

Natural complexes (PC)

Economy of regions, countries, economic regions, etc.

The population of a certain area


Components of the geographic envelope of the Earth

Branches of the economy

Social characteristics of the population


(in interaction)

natural conditions

Natural resources and economic objects

Human Resources

The product of the interaction of objects of study at the functional level is the geographical environment

Consider the terms and concepts given in Table 1.

At the global level, physical geography studiesThe geographic envelope of the earth , which is a zone of interaction and interpenetration of four geospheres: lithosphere (stone shell), hydrosphere (water shell), atmosphere (gas shell) and biosphere. It can be seen from the definition that in any part of the GOZ, the components of all four shells must be present, but the determining factor here is the biosphere, which spatially coincides with the GOZ. Most geographers take the ozone layer as the upper limit of the GOZ (and the biosphere). At a depth, in the lithosphere, life is limited by temperature (isotherm 100˚ C), but the GOZ also includes the paleobiosphere, that is, rocks located below this isotherm, but containing traces and remains of living organisms in the form of fossils, prints, etc. P. The main components of the state defense order are:

    Rocks and geological structures

    The relief of the surface of the lithosphere

    Surface and underground natural waters




    Animal world


Economic and social geography at the global level is studied"global community", representing the entire population of the world at a given historical period of its development, and the world economy, which should be interpreted as “the activity of society, when people, through labor, in interaction with nature, extract necessary funds existence and development".

The territorial level of organization of the system implies the study of the physical geography of natural complexes, of which there are a great many, large and small ( natural areas, physical-geographical regions, landscapes, PTK, etc.). A natural complex is a morphologically, genetically and functionally interconnected components of the state defense order in a certain area. The definition needs clarification."Morphologically"- this means that the appearance, appearance distinguishes any natural complex, separates it from others, and visually this can be seen from the external"physiognomic"components of the State Defense Order (relief, vegetation). An example is any natural complex: steppe, tundra, forest, meadow, mountains, ravine, floodplain, etc."Genetically" - this means that any natural complex is based on a single process or processes that created and isolated it:

    natural areas – climate-forming activity of solar energy,

    mountains - tectonic processes,

    ravine - water erosion,

    floodplain - the activity of the river.

"Functionally"- this means that, figuratively speaking, each natural complex is a single natural organism, where all components of the state defense order are interconnected and interdependent. Changing one inevitably entails changing others.

In the event that the decisive factor in the origin of the complex is a person, natural-anthropogenic or natural-technical territorial complexes are distinguished.

Economic geography at the territorial (regional, local) level studies the economic complexes of regions (for example, Western Europe), countries, economic regions, etc.

Social geography studies the population of these territories.

Both at the global and regional levels, natural and economic complexes are studied, the constituent elements of which are themselves objects of study at the next level, which is called the component level. In physical geography, these are the components of the geographic shell of the Earth, which are studied by the corresponding natural sciences, which were born in the bowels of geography:

    geology - the science of the lithosphere, rocks and geological structures;

    geomorphology - the science of relief;

    hydrology - the science of natural waters;

    climatology, soil science, etc.

In economic geography, at the component level, they study the location of areas and sectors of the economy, for example: geography of mechanical engineering, geography Agriculture, livestock geography, etc.

Social geography at this level studies the main characteristics of the population: location, national and religious composition, migration, etc.

The next level of organization of geography is conventionally called functional. At this level, physical geography studies natural conditions, i.e. bodies, phenomena and processes of Nature, and in a narrower sense - the Geographical shell of the Earth. GOZ is a single complex of interdependent and interrelated natural conditions, which allows some scientists to consider it even a living organism. At the same time, the bodies, phenomena and processes of nature used in economic activity are already natural resources, and the active population uses these natural resources in the course of economic activity, transforming the state defense order into a geographical (environment) environment, i.e. product of interaction between society and nature. Geographic environment there is a state defense order involved in economic activity, and is a combination of the natural and socio-economic environment that surrounds a person.

The variety of objects of study in geography is natural, since it has many directions and branches. At the same time, we did not name such areas as medical geography, recreational geography, etc. However, all the named objects and many others are still being studied by a number of sciences, so it is necessary to determine the subject of study of geography, i.e. what she is studying.

The subject of study in geography is the placement of various objects of physical, economic and social geography. Geography is designed to answer two main questions:


    why here?

Question "where?" was the main early stages development of science, especially during the period of great geographical discoveries, and even now is still relevant, for example, in relation to many natural resources. The second question makes it possible to single out the interrelationships of phenomena and factors in the location of natural, economic and social objects, which, in turn, makes it possible to make forecasts of the situation for the future. This is now the main question of geography.

Definition of the concept of geography. There are many definitions of the subject of geography. But one thing remains obvious, that geography studies the surface of the earth, which forms the geographical environment for human society. "The concept of geography can be defined as follows: Geography is a science that comprehensively studies the surface of the globe as a whole and in parts in relation to human society. What are the characteristics of the subject of geography? From the very concept of the earth's surface, as a subject of study of geography, follows the need for a local consideration of geographical objects and processes. Geography is the study of phenomena in connection with a particular place on the globe. Geography understands the surface of the Earth as the place of interaction between the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere 3 . All these areas are related to the habitat of mankind, affect human society and are themselves influenced by society. The surface of the Earth is the geographic environment.

1 “After all, no matter how one defines the content of geography,” wrote prof.
V. P. Budanov, one thing is certain: the object of study in geography is
the surface of the entire globe and its individual parts ... ”(“ Map in the Teaching of Geography ”, 1938, p. 5).

2 word local comes from the Latin word locus(locus) that
means "place", "territory". Its synonym is the Greek word
"horos" (adjective "horological"). In geographical literature
these words are often used.

3 cast- stone; atmosphere- air; guidor- water; bios- life.

The geographical environment is conceived as a territory on Earth with all the things that fill it, which are interdependent and in development, as well as in certain historically changing relationships to human society. Geography studies the geographical environment both in terms of its structure and the processes taking place in it.

Geography studies the Earth as a whole (terrestrial science) and its individual parts (regional studies) from the point of view of similarities and differences in phenomena and processes occurring on the earth's surface.

The presence on the same territory of many different objects and processes gives rise to various forms of connections and interactions between them, due to the fact of adjacent existence and genetic relations.

Geographical ties studied by geography embrace phenomena of inorganic and organic nature in their relation to the activities of human society. On the basis of the originality of geographical phenomena and the difference in the forms of their combination, special geographical complexes arise, developing according to their own laws. The surface of the Earth, studied by geography, as a habitat for mankind, is a collection of various geographical complexes. Geography establishes the laws of development of both entire complexes (landscapes) and their constituent elements.

A geographical complex is such a combination of elements of nature and society in which individual elements in the process of their development interact with each other, influence each other, as a result of which a change in one of them causes corresponding changes in others.

Thus, a significant change in climate in any locality will entail a change in the regime of waters and all hydrography, flora and fauna. In the end, this will affect the relief and cause a different relationship between man and nature.

The composition of the geographical complex includes structural elements of various types: astronomical, geomorphological, hydrological, climatic, biological and social. But the essence of the geographical environment cannot be reduced to the sum of its individual types of elements.

In the geographical complex, the data of astronomy, geomorphology, hydrology, climate, and biology form a single whole. The integration of elements of living and dead nature on the surface of the Earth results in a qualitatively unique geographical environment in relation to human society, subject to its own special regularity.

Locality gives organic unity to a complex geographical process. Therefore, the subject of geography is not some kind of conglomeration of subjects of other sciences.

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The era of great geographical discoveries.. xv 17th century the flourishing of geography against the background of the general rise of culture and science .. the concept of the natural complex the interaction of its components the concept of the natural ..

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Major rivers
See also the category: Rivers of the Kurgan region Name of the river Length (km) Basin area (km²) Tobol

total area forest area as of January 1, 2011 is 1825 (thousand hectares). The Kurgan region lies within the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia. The north of the region is gradually moving

Animal world
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