What does an independent spring unit mean in a sofa. What to choose: a spring block or PPU? horsehair filler

Foam rubber (polyurethane foam) or spring block.

What to choose and what not to make a mistake when choosing?

Comfort and convenience.

This quality plays one of the important roles for any representative. upholstered furniture. Regardless of whether you need a sofa bed or an euro-ottoman, the main purpose is the same - it should be comfortable to lie and sit on them. It is important that pits do not form under your body, due to which sleep turns into flour instead of rest. The load on the mattress should be distributed evenly so that in the morning the spine and muscles are rested, and not stated: “everything hurts again, but generally rested at night ?!”.

What is Polyurethane foam - a foam material obtained from synthetic polymers. PPU perfectly retains its shape and has good elasticity, which is why it is used in orthopedic mattresses. It provides the sleeping person optimal comfort because it adapts anatomically to the contours of the body. This material can withstand a decent weight, easily restores its shape, and is hypoallergenic. Long lasting polyurethane foam High Quality.

Polyurethane foam in the sofa.

The spring blocks used as filling for furniture are of two types - dependent ("Bonnel") and independent ("Pocket spring").

"Bonnel" is an inexpensive block, it usually consists of 4 coiled double-cone springs, which are installed in one row and connected to adjacent rows with spirals from above and below.

They are also called continuous weaving blocks and dependent springs. Such spring mattresses do not create anatomical support, because. when one spring is compressed, adjacent springs are involved in the process.

It is a continuous weaving of springs and is already considered very outdated. The reason is that mattresses in which embedded this species springs, do not allow a person to truly relax comfortably. It is simply impossible to press one spring in such a block - all its neighbors are immediately involved in the process, which makes the mattress unable to accurately adjust to the position of the body.

The main advantage of this block is that each spring is in a separate case, and is not rigidly connected to the next one. This eliminates structural vibrations, and due to the effect of each spring on the body, the load is distributed evenly over the entire area. This provides a “personalized approach” to different areas of the human body, giving the entire spring mattress particularly pronounced anatomical properties. If you are looking for the best spring mattress, then it is worth choosing with independent springs. The situation is better with independent springs. In this block, each spring "lives" by itself, in a separate bag, which allows you to distribute the load very accurately, thus providing a person with the opportunity for a calm, full sleep. Therefore, a good orthopedic mattress is equipped with either an independent spring block or first-class fillers (latex is considered the highest quality of them). It is this mattress that allows a person to feel fresh, cheerful and full of energy in the morning.

So, we need to move on to the consideration of the next parameter. Independent springs are the basis of good spring mattresses. Springs are produced from the same materials as the springs of the Bonnel block, but their diameter is much smaller - up to 2 cm, the number of turns reaches 8, and the number of springs square meter- from 250 to 1200. As a rule, such springs are barrel-shaped.

Durability and wear resistance.

Penopiliuretan serves for a long time, of course, if you set a goal to destroy it and methodically train gymnastic jumps on your favorite sofa, then after some time it will certainly lose its elasticity. Under normal use, upholstered furniture, in which high-quality PU foam is used, has a very long service life. In addition, this material does not accumulate or emit dust, it is absolutely safe and breathable.

Spring blocks, subject to the technology of their production, are also very durable. But as a result intensive use a sofa or mattress - jumping, jumping or walking on it, there are still much more chances to sag or break at the springs. This is especially true of cheap spring blocks. Other unpleasant consequences of their operation include creaking and damage to the skin, through which the springs tend to sometimes peek out. To restore justice, it is worth noting that attempts to look into real world are characteristic mainly of springs in furniture, which belongs to the category "it can't be cheaper." In a well-made sofa, even an economy sofa, there are enough intermediate layers between the block and the outer upholstery to ensure that the springs remain where they should be on duty.

Spring block.

However, one has to make a reservation that if dependent springs are used in upholstered furniture, then polyurethane foam wins.

PPU is cheaper than a good spring block. Bonnel has long passed into the category of obsolete technologies, and cannot compete with more modern blocks, so the price of such springs is very low. But polyurethane foam is different. Durability, as well as the convenience of your upholstered furniture, will directly depend on its quality. Therefore, if you want to save on a purchase, save wisely so that you don’t end up with a chair with a hole in the middle, or a sofa that looks more like a hummocky area than a pleasant place to relax. Ask the seller about the quality of the filler used in this particular model. Try to see if it is comfortable for you to sit, if you feel comfortable. Of course, the price always has importance, but in this case, you should not give preference only to her. Buying a sofa bed is a long-term purchase. And all this period the furniture should retain its original properties - comfort, attractive appearance.

Who won our battle?

Judging by the above, polyurethane foam wins. But you understand that there can be no unambiguous answer to such a question. Both PPU and springs have their own weak and strengths, and making the final choice in favor of one or another filler is possible only on the basis of personal preferences.

Upholstered furniture made on the basis of both PPU and spring block can be good and very high quality. Look at different models, it can be done directly on our website, compare them. The consultants of our store will be happy to tell you about the features of filling each of them. It will be spring or springless - it depends only on you. For our part, we guarantee its quality. It is important for us that the selected upholstered furniture pleases you as long as possible!

23.07.2018 1731

The first thing you need to pay attention to is not the color and not even the model. It depends on the filling and strength of the frame how long the product will last, whether it is comfortable for sleeping. Development furniture production significantly expanded the options for upholstered furniture fillers. If earlier the only option was springs, today the list of materials for filling is much more diverse. We offer to figure out which is better for a sofa, polyurethane foam or springs?

Compare filling materials better in three main categories


It is no coincidence that this is the first number on the list, because the quality of sleep and health depends on it. During rest, pits should not form under the human body, the distribution of the load should be uniform over the entire surface of the mattress. So the muscles rest, the spine retains its natural position, does not bend.

Polyurethane foam - artificial material, which is made from synthetic polymers, a descendant of short-lived foam rubber. For the manufacture of upholstered furniture, two types of polyurethane foam are used - block and cast. The first type is cut into pieces the right sizes and shapes, creates the outlines of furniture, seats and backs. Cast polyurethane foam - a solution that is poured into a mold and hardens, acquiring required dimensions sofas or armchairs. Polyurethane foam - a material that does not deform, takes the anatomical shape of the human body, providing comfort and sound sleep. Withstands loads of more than 100 kg, while maintaining elasticity and integrity. PPU is an environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic material (does not accumulate dust), which will reliably serve for many years.

Spring blocks also come in two types: dependent and independent. The first type ("Bonnel") looks like weaving and connecting the springs with brackets to each other, it is very outdated. This design does not allow the mattress to take the shape of the human body. Receiving a load, one spring instantly pulls the other along with it. So, if several people are sitting nearby, no one will be able to take a comfortable position. Also, when the springs break, they become sharp and can rip through the upholstery and even cause damage. Repair of mattresses with dependent springs is a laborious and expensive process.

Independent spring blocks ("Pocket spring") are not connected to each other. Each hardened, steel spring, hidden in a case, takes the load on itself, does not affect neighboring elements. The maximum weight that 1 spring can withstand is 120 kg. This independent design promotes air circulation, the springs are elastic and durable. In the event of a breakdown, it is enough to replace one without disassembling the entire product.

Important: when choosing a good orthopedic mattress, you should give preference to independent spring blocks, or high-quality filler. The most durable and elastic artificial filler - latex, provides a feeling of comfort.

Sofas in which the filler is made of latex are premium natural products. They easily retain their shape for more than 20 years, are elastic and do not deform over time. It is a hypoallergenic material that does not contain toxins, as it is made from natural ingredients (rubber plants).


Under conditions correct operation, polyurethane foam will last for many years without losing elasticity and strength. In addition, the material does not collect dust, "breathes" and is absolutely safe. The springs are also durable and will last for decades. However, if it is about spring filler, then preference should be given to independent blocks. They have a high orthopedic index, such a mattress will be comfortable and durable. Orthopedists strongly recommend independent blocks for children's sofas, this will eliminate the curvature of the child's spine. If you still decide to buy a Bonnel block, make sure the top layer is strong. Choose flexible polyurethane foam with a density of at least 30 kg. per cubic meter.

Important: when choosing spring sofas, consider the maximum load indicator. The higher it is, the more springs per square meter and the thicker they are. Consequently, the life of the furniture is longer.

You can protect yourself by buying products from trusted furniture factories that provide full information about models.


In general, polyurethane foam costs less than a good spring block, but polyurethane foam comes in different types. Therefore, it is definitely impossible to say which is better: independent springs or PPU in relation to the price. The duration of operation and user convenience directly depend on the quality of the filler. Buying upholstered furniture important decision, which should be approached thoroughly. Consult with sellers, study the accompanying documentation for the model, try to sit on it and even lie down if necessary. Upholstered furniture should be comfortable, especially if you plan to sleep on it every day. The manufacturing technology of polyurethane foam is simpler and cheaper, so the cost spring sofas significantly higher.


Summing up the topic "Polyurethane foam or independent springs", we note that when choosing upholstered furniture, you need to focus on its functional purpose. It will be a sofa for sleeping or just for family movies together. In some models, several types of fillers can be used simultaneously: synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, polyurethane foam. AT recent times manufacturers of upholstered furniture often combine spring blocks and polyurethane foam. Such models will be especially convenient for daily use.

Important: be sure to try the product at the time of purchase, sit on it, lie down. Ask consultants for documents, quality certificates, detailed description components and materials.

Whatever your choice, a quality product will cost more expensive than models Low quality. There is no clear answer what to choose. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, and you can choose something specific based on your own wishes.

The online store "Grani Style" contains models of upholstered furniture with different types fillers, combined including. Consultants will select desired model, based on the preferences and price possibilities of the buyer, the intended purpose of the furniture. For all models we provide quality certificates, a warranty period from the manufacturer. We cooperate with leading furniture factories, which provides a variety of models and prices.

A variety of fillers are used, both familiar (for example, foam rubber) and the latest, specially designed materials.


Sofas with spring blocks have been made for a long time - this is one of the oldest and most durable inventions of sofa production. Such blocks consist of steel springs reliably woven together. Filler in the form of spring blocks makes the sofa elastic and comfortable. In addition, the use of springs is approved by orthopedists, because they allow you to minimize the load on the spine.

Spring blocks differ in the number of springs per square meter. This indicator can affect the level of comfort, as well as the cost of the sofa. Of course, the quality of the springs also plays a significant role, because if the technology for their production is violated, they will simply break, and quite quickly.


Pieces of foam rubber are the cheapest filler for sofas. If you want to save money by purchasing a sofa with such a filler, then you are unlikely to succeed, because furniture filled with pieces of foam rubber quickly becomes unusable.

It will be better if a single piece of foam rubber is used for filling. In this case, the sofa will retain its shape longer, but not much - about four years.

Often combined fillers are used. For example, spring blocks and foam rubber. This sofa will last a long time. longer than furniture filled with foam only. At the same time, the filler for the armrests, backs and seats of the sofa should have different rigidity. And the filler for the seat should have the highest density.


Polyurethane - foamed synthetic material, which is now often used to fill furniture instead of foam rubber. The use of such a filler prolongs the life of the sofa due to the fact that this filler is able to maintain elasticity much longer than foam rubber.

Another highly technical modern filler is molded polyurethane foam (PPU). Among other things, this material is highly environmentally friendly. Sofas with such filling are very comfortable, durable and safe to use.


The synthetic winterizer (synthetic batting, synthetic winterizer) is a voluminous, lightweight, fairly elastic and relatively inexpensive material which is a good filler. A synthetic winterizer is used to fill sofas of a low and medium price category, it gives the furniture the necessary volume, elasticity and relief. Among other things, this material is hygroscopic, preventing the emergence and spread of fungus.


A fiber called "holofiber" is also one of the newest fillers used to make furniture, sofas in particular. This material is similar to synthetic winterizer, but has best performance, thanks to the shape of the fiber (spiral), which allows the holofiber to restore and keep its shape much better than the synthetic winterizer. In addition, it is extremely durable.

Holofiber has a lot of advantages over other types of fillers - it is non-toxic and hypoallergenic, which makes it possible to use sofas with such a filler for children and allergy sufferers. Hygienic and hygroscopic properties are also on top. But keep in mind that you have to pay for quality, so a sofa filled with holofiber will cost more expensive than furniture with other synthetic fillers.


Another type of synthetic filler is Durafil. It is a thermally bonded highly elastic fabric with vertically directed fibers. The filler has excellent elasticity and low residual deformation, thanks to which it quickly restores its shape even after prolonged loads. Durafil is made from polyester - hollow synthetic fibers. Very practical and convenient filler. Sofas filled with Durafil do not absorb moisture, do not cause allergies, are resistant to burning and have an antimicrobial effect.


Periotek (or strutofiber) is another modern filler, which is a high-volume canvas. This material has pronounced hypoallergenic properties. Periothecus fibers can be natural (wool, cotton) or artificial origin. Outwardly, it resembles a very lush felt. Sofas with such a filler can have medium and high rigidity, depending on the density of the periotek.


Latex is an elastic and expensive filler. Their unique properties This filler is able to keep up to 20 years.

Due to its high elasticity, latex is an excellent filler for sofas and orthopedic mattresses. Latex ideally follows the contours of the human body, absorbs vibration during movement, provides comfort, optimal position of the spine, and proper load distribution. In addition, the filler has excellent elasticity, due to which such sofas instantly restore their original shape.

Latex has other advantages - it does not contribute to the appearance of mold, the occurrence of static electricity, is practically non-flammable, does not emit toxic substances, and has hypoallergenic and bactericidal properties.


Coconut lint is an elastic fiber natural origin. Produce such filler from nuts coconut tree. Coconut tow is quite durable. It is usually used in combination with other fillers, for example, padding, to isolate softer upper layers filler from rigid metal springs.

Good characteristics can only be observed in high-quality coconut linters that do not contain artificial impregnations. Cheap, low-quality tow, which is obtained from underripe or rejected nuts, has no value.


This filler is a layer of cotton wool (approximately 5-10 cm), laid between two dense layers of fabric. The use of such cotton wool gives the sofa softness, but the elasticity of this one is not up to par. Therefore, the elasticity of the seat is achieved through the use of springs or a combination of several layers of filler.

Also for filling sofas can be used such natural materials like horse hair and sea grass.


Sometimes the best choice is the use of several layers of different fillers in the sofa. For example, a stiffer polyurethane is used to give elasticity to the bottom layer, and a softer and softer polyurethane is used for the top layer. thin material(it could be, again, polyurethane). Such combinations are created to increase the convenience of the product.

It is very convenient if there is a zipper on the upholstery of the sofa. In this case, you will be able to look inside the sofa to see the filler. And if necessary, the replacement of the filler will be easier.

Does it matter to you what's inside the sofa?

The reliability and comfort of upholstered furniture directly depend on the filler. But if we are ready to understand the design features, then about internal organization we often forget. And absolutely in vain. Let's talk about the most popular sofa fillers used by furniture manufacturers.

Table 1: The best fillers for sofas

filler type


Where applicable


spring block

Steel springs different type in a case

Backs, seats

The most durable sofa filler

polyurethane foam

Foamed, sponge-like material obtained by mixing several synthetic polymers

The most popular sofa filler


Volumetric nonwoven fabric polyester fiber

Backs, seats, cushions, etc.

The cheapest sofa cushion filler


Siliconized polyester fiber balls

Pillows, cushions, etc.

The best filler for sofa cushions


Hollow highly crimped siliconized fiber

Pillows, backrests, armrests

The best inexpensive substitute natural down

The most durable sofa filler - spring block

Block bonnel

Photo: imetall-kholding.ibud.ua

spring block

Photo: stroikagoda.ru

Block "snake"

Photo: raduga-ural.com

Sofa with a spring block in the section

Photo: udobno-vl.ru

Springs- centenarians of the sofa world. They often consist of seats and backs of upholstered furniture. However, in the "spring block" everything is not so simple. Spring blocks are of different types:

  • bonnel(individual springs inside the block are connected to each other by spiral steel wire);
  • snake(springs run horizontally inside the sofa seat);
  • blocks with independent springs(the springs are arranged vertically, each spring is hidden in a fabric case, and individual cases with springs are interconnected into a block, while each spring can be compressed independently of its neighbors).

The block is mounted on a wooden frame. Outside, the spring part is sheathed soft materials(felt, polyurethane foam, etc.). AT good block there is a soft layer under the springs and above them. The outer layer is a durable fabric. The final quality of the sofa depends on all these components.

If, instead of a strong wooden frame, thin sheets of fiberboard are used to reduce the cost, and the outside of the sofa is covered with a thin layer of foam rubber and cheap fabric, then there is no question of any durability. Such a sofa will fail in a year, or even less.

In this section, we are talking about a good spring block, which is made according to all the rules.

From reviews of sofas with spring blocks:

“I have had a sofa with spring blocks for more than 10 years. No deformation is noticeable. Even tired already. They took him to the dacha, but he still couldn’t be demolished”

“We bought a sofa with springs. Two years - and nothing creaks. We were very satisfied. The next sofa will be only on springs”

Advantages of spring blocks:

  • durability (for high quality blocks);
  • reliability;
  • Smooth surface sofa
  • surface elasticity;
  • free air circulation inside (healthy microclimate);
  • good moisture exchange;
  • comfort during operation;
  • benefits for the spine (blocks with independent springs adapt to the shape of the body and support the back in a comfortable position, while relieving excess tension from the spinal column).

Cons of spring blocks:

  • possible creaking;
  • high price products;
  • the variety of product forms is limited;
  • expensive repair and replacement of blocks.

The most popular sofa filler is polyurethane foam.

Furniture polyurethane foam

Photo: www.greshamhousefurniture.com

Processing of polyurethane foam sheets in a furniture factory

Photo: media.4living.ru

Other names:

  • molded polyurethane foam;
  • foam rubber (Porolon).

Many people think that foam rubber in a sofa is bad, and polyurethane foam is good. In fact, foam rubber is just another name for flexible polyurethane foam. And confusion arises due to the fact that this material is different. It can be thin and soft (this is how we usually imagine ordinary foam rubber). Or vice versa, the PPU sheet will be thick and rather rigid. These features of polyurethane foam depend on its density. Sellers like to confidently say that their factory "does not use foam rubber, only PU foam." To determine the quality, simply check the density of the material. For seats and backs of sofas, the density of polyurethane foam should be at least 30-35.

From reviews of sofas filled with polyurethane foam:

“We have an Vanguard sofa accordion. PPU filler. It has been standing for the 4th year, the mattress is in order, and all the mechanisms work perfectly.”

Pros of polyurethane foam:

  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • a variety of shapes and options for product rigidity;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • does not accumulate dust;
  • high elasticity;
  • high elasticity.

Cons of polyurethane foam:

  • depending on the characteristics of the PPU - lovers of springs sofa may seem hard;
  • cheap polyurethane foam is quickly pressed through in places of greatest stress (where they sit, dents remain).

The most inexpensive filler for sofa cushions - synthetic winterizer

Furniture padding polyester

Photo: www.nipromtex.ru

Processing a sheet of furniture synthetic winterizer at the factory

Photo: www.ekomissionka.kiev.ua

The synthetic winterizer itself is used as a filler in sofa cushions. It is elastic and lightweight material. With its help, the elements of upholstered furniture are shaped and the desired degree of comfort (for example, synthetic winterizer is often used together with dense polyurethane foam).

From reviews of sofas with filler - synthetic winterizer:

“The five large cushions of the Bristol sofa allow seaters to position their backs very comfortably. Pillow filler - synthetic winterizer. The backs of the seats are high, very comfortable. They are soft, as if enveloping your body, but on the other hand, they keep their shape perfectly.”

Pluses of a synthetic winterizer:

  • cheapness;
  • ease;
  • elasticity;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • not susceptible to infection by fungi (mold will not appear).

Cons of a synthetic winterizer:

  • too much soft filler for sofas (cannot be used in its pure form for seats);
  • may clump over time.

The best filler for sofa cushions - holofiber


Photo: www.myagkie-podarki.com.ua

The scheme of the mattress with holofiber

Photo: www.ikolyaski.ru

holofiber as good filler for sofas appeared relatively recently. It was created on the basis of the synthetic winterizer structure, but differs markedly from its predecessor. The fibers of the synthetic winterizer are straight, those of the holofiber are twisted. Hence the main advantage of the material, indispensable in the production of upholstered furniture - the ability to easily change and restore shape. At the same time, it is not inferior to fluff in softness. But holofiber also has advantages over fluff: it does not cause allergies, pests and microorganisms do not start in it.

From reviews of sofas filled with holofiber:

“We made sure: the higher the mattress pad, the better it smooths out irregularities bed sofa. Hollofiber 6 straightened the sofa, I no longer feel the joints of the pillows "

Advantages of holofiber:

Cons of holofiber: there are no significant ones.

The best inexpensive substitute for natural fluff - sintepuh

Photo: www.maxi.by

Sintepukh, as the name implies, is an artificial substitute for natural fluff. It is used when filling sofa cushions. Due to the highly crimped structure of the fibers, the sintepuh very quickly restores its shape. Even after a few years your sofa cushions will not look sagging and crumpled.

From reviews of sofas filled with sintepuh:

“The top of the Amsterdam sofa and the cushions are upholstered in fabric (reminiscent of burlap). The role of the back is performed by 2 huge pillows. Filler - sintepuh with pieces of foam rubber. The pillows are stuffed tightly. When you rest on them, there is no feeling of discomfort.

Pillow covers can be removed for washing if desired, but this will be problematic. The filler is in the case itself. There are also small side pillows. Sintepukh in them without pieces of foam rubber and a little tougher.

Syntepuh pluses:

  • cheapness;
  • ease;
  • softness;
  • high elasticity of fibers;
  • resistant to washing and dry cleaning;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • does not roll into lumps;
  • not afraid of water.

Syntepuh cons: there are no significant ones.


In conclusion, we offer you a picture that clearly shows how complex modern upholstered furniture is:

Photo: lika-mebel.1gb.ru

Most upholstered furniture is now made from combined materials. But you can combine as high-quality, expensive materials and not very expensive either. And not very high quality... The result depends on it. We hope that after reading this article, you will definitely be able to say whether the sofa in front of you is good or not.

LLC Pakt-Sever brings to your attention fastening furniture fittings: SPRING SNAKE. Spring "Snake" - made of spring wire, used in the manufacture of the seat frame of upholstered furniture.

"Snake" and its fastenings are on sale by the piece.

"Snake" (spring block snake) - is a type of springs that are used in furniture industry. "Snake" works in tension and in most cases they are used at the base soft elements such as seating furniture. The springs are attached to the frame of the sofa across.

The number of placed springs in furniture depends on its size, as well as on the purpose. The spring snake can be used in beds, couches, mattresses as well as sofa beds. Such springs can be attached different ways, how to metal frames, and to wooden ones. The frame of the product, which has a base of these springs, is stable and does not roll. The main advantages of using "Snake" springs are the even base of the sofa, as well as noiselessness.