Filler spring block what. How to choose a sofa filler? Types of fillers for sofas by material

As a filler of the sofa in our time, spring blocks are used and modern materials, such as latex, synthetic winterizer, holofiber and polyurethane foam (PPU). Which one to choose? - a question that confronts every buyer when buying a sofa. This question is especially relevant if the sofa is supposed to be used for sleeping.

Let's compare two options of fillers: spring and springless. As criteria for comparison, we take convenience, durability and price.

The convenience of sofas with and without springs

This is perhaps the most important quality for upholstered furniture. It is very important that during the rest the body is as comfortable as possible, so that the rest does not turn into a constant search for a more comfortable position, and the rise is not accompanied by complaints of pain in the bones and muscles and Bad mood, especially if the sofa is used as a bed.

Spring "stuffing" of the sofa can be of two types: with independent and dependent (Bonnel) springs. When using dependent springs, the load on the surface of the sofa is unevenly distributed due to the fact that all the springs are connected to each other and, the impact on one causes a chain reaction. The location of the heaviest part of the body - the pelvis - sags. In this case, the spine takes an unnatural position for itself. It is simply impossible to fully relax in this position.

Independent springs in the sofa do not depend on each other. Each of them is separated from all others and even packed in a separate bag. Therefore, the load is distributed accurately. The spine occupies a natural, most optimal position for itself in the prone position. Resting on this sofa is very comfortable. And the state of a person after it is cheerful and energetic.

Springless options on the example of the most popular polyurethane foam. This material holds its shape very well. It has good elasticity and has excellent orthopedic properties, perfectly adapting to the contours of the human body. Sleeping on a sofa with such a “filling”, for sure, will relax and rest perfectly. In addition, the material is hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly and easily restores its original shape.

Conclusion: independent spring blocks and springless filler are equal in the first comparison criterion - convenience, although each person has his own priorities.

The durability of different sofas

When using high-quality polyurethane foam, the sofa will last a very long time, of course, if you do not regularly perform gymnastic jumps on it. In this case, it will lose its elasticity. In addition, PPU does not attract or accumulate dust, it is perfectly ventilated and completely safe.

Spring blocks are also durable. But when too intensive use springs are more likely to break or sag than PPU. Springs, especially those made of low-quality metal, can begin to creak and peek out, ruining the skin. But, most often, this happens with very cheap furniture, where an insufficient number of intermediate layers are used or their materials are of poor quality.

Conclusion: according to the "durability" criterion, the comparison gives an approximately equal result.

The price of spring sofas and with PPU

The price of both spring and springless fillers depends on their quality. There is a very high-quality PPU with a long service life and a high degree of comfort. The price for it, of course, is higher than for the material Low quality, on which pits will soon form.

Spring blocks also differ in quality. Bonnel dependent springs are the cheapest filler, but the convenience of such a sofa leaves much to be desired. Consider whether it is worth saving on quality. Yes, and will it be savings, and not pointless spending?

Conclusion: Polyurethane foam production technology is cheaper and easier than spring production technology. Therefore, spring sofas, especially those with independent springs, are usually somewhat more expensive.

Regardless of which type of sofa you choose, keep in mind that quality sofas, both spring and springless, are more expensive than low quality ones. Should I save or prefer the best quality and comfort, you decide. And in our catalog you will find

Choosing a filler for the sofa.

Buyers are often interested in the question: which sofa is better to choose - on a spring block or on PPU? Let's try to decide which sofa filler is better to choose in order to get a comfortable and durable place to relax for many years.

There are two large groups of upholstered furniture fillers: with springs and without springs.

spring block There are two types: with dependent (of the Bonnel type) and independent springs. The difference between dependent and independent springs lies in their behavior under the load of the human body.

Dependent spring block(Bonnel)

A classic, time-tested option. Bonnel spring blocks consist of 4 or 5 coil double-cone springs installed in rows and rigidly fastened in the upper and lower parts. As a rule, a metal frame is installed along the contour of the block. Most often, the springs are covered with a hard felt mat, which prevents the springs from protruding from the sofa, and the person does not feel them. But the mat is hard enough, and it would be uncomfortable to sit on it, so a sheet of polyurethane foam (polyurethane foam - furniture foam rubber) is placed on top, which gives the final softness to the product.

The orthopedic properties of this type of spring block are somewhat lower than those of the block of independent springs or the “Snake” spring, since all two-cone springs are fastened together. The Bonnel spring block has a “hammock effect”, that is, when they lie on it, not only those springs that are under pressure are compressed, but also neighboring ones. Therefore, if another person sits or lies on the sofa (especially with more weight than you) - you can feel how the whole structure sags.

Due to the thick wire from which the springs are made, the Bonnel design is highly elastic and resistant to heavy loads, therefore it is ideal for people weighing more than 100 kg.

Independent spring block

An independent spring block is a modern block based on springs that are not interconnected. In it, each spring is enclosed in a separate cover made of non-woven material, which is connected to others in several places. Steel springs placed in separate fabric covers do not creak or rub, and in case of breakage they are not able to break through upper layer filler and cover.

In a block of this type, each spring “lives its own life” and does not depend on its neighbors, therefore, under the influence of a load in this spring block, only the spring that directly bears the load is pressed through, while neighboring springs are minimally involved, which gives the surface high point elasticity .

The advantages of a mattress with independent springs are obvious. The springs are not attached to each other, so there is no "wave" effect.

Independent springs have a more individual effect on different parts of the human body, adapt to the contours of the body, have an orthopedic effect, increased comfort and have a beneficial effect on the spine.

Spring "Snake"

They are used in the bases of soft elements, as a rule, these are seats. They are made of strong galvanized steel, which is bent with soft bends under the influence of high temperatures. “Snakes” are attached to the frame frame in the transverse direction using a hinged bar or steel wire staples. By appearance resemble a crawling snake, hence the name.

The frame of the product, which has a base of these springs, is stable and does not roll. The main advantages of using "Snake" springs are the even base of the sofa, as well as noiselessness.

Springs "Snakes" give upholstered furniture elasticity and orthopedic effect, provide comfort and reliability in operation. The "Snake" spring is able to withstand heavy loads, does not deform and is very durable.

Springless fillers are based on highly elastic polyurethane foam (PPU, furniture foam rubber) - a durable and resilient artificial material.

We constantly hear from buyers the question: "What is the difference between foam rubber and polyurethane foam and which one is better?". We suggest you look into this.

If we look into history, we will find out that FOAM rubber is ... tradename flexible polyurethane foam. At times Soviet Union when there was still no own domestic production sheet foam rubber, polyurethane foam was supplied by the Scandinavian company Porolon, from where it came common name"foam". And the difference between these materials is the same as between diapers and Pampers. PPU and foam rubber are just two equal names for the same material. PPU, or polyurethane foam - professional, foam rubber - trade name.

Foam rubber - polyurethane foam (abbreviated as PPU) is a type of plastic with a cellular structure, soft foam, which in its composition has 97% closed cells filled with air. And only 3% is the material, which is part of the walls of these same pores. Due to its fine-meshed structure, PPU has good performance breathability, elasticity and has the lowest thermal conductivity compared to other materials. It is absolutely non-allergenic, does not accumulate dust, and is harmless to human and animal health. This material is also valuable because it has a low weight, excellent strength, is resistant to aggressive environments, and is not subject to rotting and mold. Also foam rubber retains elastic properties at temperatures from minus 15 ° C to plus 100 ° C.

Furniture polyurethane foam can be conditionally classified into several types:
- block or sheet PPU (PPU)
- molded or cast polyurethane foam (FPPU)
- highly elastic polyurethane foam (artificial latex)
- viscoelastic polyurethane foam (with memory effect), etc.

There are the following brands of PPU:
- standard (ST)
- increased rigidity (EL)
- hard (HL)
- soft and super soft (HS)
- highly elastic (HR)
- viscoelastic (VE)

The higher the properties of the material, the more expensive the sofa will cost to manufacture.

Block or sheet PPU

Block or sheet polyurethane foam is such a huge “brick”, which, during the production of furniture, is cut into pieces of the desired shape and glued together. For convenience, sheets of different stiffness are painted in different colors.

PPU can be made more rigid or soft, elastic or not, it is possible to increase its service life many times with the help of additives. At the same time, the convenience of such a PPU will be even higher than that of an independent spring block, and the service life will be much longer.

The final hardness or softness of a piece of furniture is determined by how many sheets and sheets of what brand the manufacturer has invested in the product.

But PPU PPU is different, and if it is applied in the sofa cheap option PPU, then this sofa will quickly “sag” and become uncomfortable. But if the sofa is made in a factory that cares about its reputation, then it is practically guaranteed that the PPU is real, furniture. It easily withstands any load, quickly restores its shape, and is very durable.

Molded or molded foam

Molded or cast PPU is created differently. Pour into the finished form liquid composition, which hardens under the influence chemical processes. It turns out a block of the desired shape, which does not need to be cut or glued. The thickness of the polyurethane foam in this case is determined by the dimensions of the mold.

An armchair or sofa can be made up of many different cast blocks, which greatly facilitates the production of furniture and avoids waste. This is how unusual products are made.

Cast products have smooth, comfortable shapes, which allows you to achieve maximum comfort for the seats and backs of upholstered furniture.

This is a modern high-tech environmentally friendly pure material, characterized by increased density and, as a result, a long service life, greater elasticity and comfort level. In addition, molded foam rubber is more resistant to temperature extremes, biological and chemical influences, the threat of the development of fungi and microorganisms.

Highly elastic polyurethane foam

if you love comfortable furniture more high class- pay attention to the filler of the sofa PPU superior comfort (artificial latex). Its basis is polyurethane foam of especially high elasticity.

HR foams have special properties. Unlike conventional PU foam, where the cell structure is homogeneous (the cells have the same size and wall thickness), the structure of highly elastic polyurethane foam (HR) is heterogeneous; its cells are scattered in random order and react differently to the load and the applied force: where an increased load is required, large cells with high compressive strength come into play, and where the load is small, small cells with a small wall thickness act.

Sitting on a sofa or lying on a mattress based on highly elastic polyurethane foam, a person does not feel excessive rigidity or the effect of falling through, on the contrary, he feels pleasant comfort. With an increase in the load, highly elastic polyurethane foam will surely take the weight of a person and evenly distribute it.

Viscoelastic polyurethane foam

Other names: Memoryform, Memory Foam, Memorix.

The material was developed specifically for the space industry and is now increasingly used in furniture industry, but due to the high cost it is used only on expensive furniture to give it increased comfort.

While common varieties foam rubber is deformed only under the influence of a certain load, viscoelastic polyurethane foam reacts even to a slight weight, without losing its elasticity and elasticity. The foam accurately reproduces, remembers and holds the shape of the body, and after the load is removed, the foam slowly returns to its original shape. This property viscoelastic foam rubber provides a unique orthopedic effect, reduces pressure on the neck, shoulders and back during rest.

Other characteristics of viscoelastic foam are the abilityvibration damping and shock absorption - products made of viscoelastic foam absorb up to 90% of the impact energy. But due to its increased density, PU foam with “memory” has low air permeability compared to conventional PU foam.

This type of PPU is used for the manufacture of products in which it is not necessary to maintain clear forms ( sharp corners, straight lines), therefore it is most often used in the production orthopedic mattresses higher price category, less often - in furniture.


There is no single answer to the question of which sofa filler is better, and spring and springless sofas are equally durable if high-quality raw materials were used in their manufacture.

But you can protect yourself from inconvenience and disappointment by choosing the "stuffing" for the purpose of the future sofa. Yes, for bed it is better to consider a filler with a more rigid and flexible base (PPU, FPPU, “snake” spring, independent spring block), since regular rest on an excessively soft or crushed bed can have a bad effect on the spine. But the guest option provides for any content. Someone likes the sofa to “fall through” when you sit on it, and some want it to be tougher and keep its shape.

In any case, when choosing a sofa, it is advisable to sit on it before buying - this is how you determine whether it suits you.

In short, PPU in a sofa is a filler hidden under the sofa upholstery. It is also furniture propolone, it is also polyurethane foam. It is used as a filler in order to give softness and elasticity to the divagu due to its highly elastic properties. A sofa with high-quality PPU-filler will not fail and will not be hard.

Varieties of PPU

At the heart of the PPU filling is block foam - in our case, it is cut and twisted as needed. Depending on the quality of the PPU filler - there are several varieties, we will highlight the most popular:

    block or sheet PPU. The advantage of such a PPU filler is that during its production it can be made either softer or more rigid.

    molded or molded polyurethane foam. Such fillers are created in blocks. The sofa may include a plurality of such molded foam blocks. Plus, the backs and seats are soft and comfortable.

    highly elastic polyurethane foam (HR). This is a high quality PPU. On a sofa with such a filler, you will not feel either the effect of punching or excessive rigidity. The person's weight is distributed evenly across the sofa.

    viscoelastic polyurethane foam (VE). It is also MemoryForm, it is also Memorix, it is also "memoriform". Such a PU foam material accurately reproduces the shape of the body during landing, adapts to it and quickly returns to its original shape after the load is removed. One of the most expensive PPU materials. How to check that you have a viscoelastic polyurethane foam in front of you? Just press down with your palm and release - the dent should gradually disappear.

In the production of sofas, we use, as a rule, highly elastic polyurethane foam. For example, in the Dallas modular sofa soft elements the seats are formed from two layers of highly elastic polyurethane foam. They ensure optimal softness of the sofa seat.

Modular sofa Dallas with PPU-filler from Andrea furniture factory

PPU filler in the sofa: pros and cons

    long service life

    wear resistance

    safe for health - does not cause allergic reactions

    debris does not accumulate in the filler, it passes air


    if the filler is initially of poor quality, the sofa will sag over time

    stiffness in the presence of a spring block

The service life of the foam filler

A good PPU filler will last on average 8 years easier - in the region of 5 years. If compared with other fillers, then the alignment is as follows: sofas with ordinary foam rubber will last 3-5 years, with holofiber from 5 to 10 years.

Modular sofa Naples from Andrea furniture factory