Computer tables. Review of computer desk models, photo options Dimensions of corner computer desks for home

IN modern interiors In many rooms you can detect the presence of a desk.

In this article we will look at several of the most popular varieties, design methods working area, the most common materials, basic requirements before choosing, and we will also answer the question that interests many, how to choose a desk?

Types of desks

No worker or schoolchild can do without a good desk. This piece of furniture is used not only for labor activity, but also maintaining correct posture and order.

Immediately before choosing, you should decide on the location of the table, as well as its optimal cost and suitability for a certain age.

All desks have several varieties:

Hidden - is compact, in most cases it is disguised as other types of furniture in the overall interior system. This model in closed is a design in the form of a fairly large cabinet, and the tabletop located near the wall can be decorated in the form of a picture.

Table built into the window sill - great option For small apartments. This variety is shown in the photo desks, and in in this case the main advantage is the presence large quantity Sveta.

Corner option - the model is quite compact, but roomy, making it possible to install a computer for work.

An equally common model is the rectangular one. This is traditional classic version, having a massive tabletop. The kit may only include retractable drawers. Great choice for rooms with large free space.

Materials for making a desk

As a rule, the choice of material characterizes the status of the owners. In this case, we are not talking about material well-being, but about the main functionality and for whom it is intended.

The cost and duration of operation also depend on the materials. To the main most suitable materials include:

Chipboard. It has a relatively low cost, but at the same time is considered the most popular variety. The main disadvantages include rapid wear and tear and the possibility of releasing formaldehydes, which can adversely affect human health.

MDF. A little more expensive than the previous option, but much safer. This is a great option. Capable of replacing wood.

Natural wood. It is quite an attractive and durable option, especially if elite breeds are used, but this option has a high cost.

Plastic. It will not last long, but is perfect for those for whom price is the main argument when purchasing.

Glass - unusual option, characterized by style and requiring careful care.

Metal is considered a less popular material. Suitable only if it fits into general interior, and this variety can be made to order, taking into account individual ideas.

Choosing a table taking into account age characteristics

All features of the models are directly related to who exactly this piece of furniture is being purchased for.

So, for example, when choosing an “adult” table, you should not focus too much attention on certain details. In this case, it is important that it be spacious and functional enough. Don't forget about the overall interior.

As for color, shape and material, this can be based on individual preferences. Don't forget about the most optimal height, which will allow you not only to maintain your posture, but also to evenly distribute the total load on the back area.

For schoolchildren, a desk must meet several requirements, for example, the optimal height level, the width of the tabletop, good lighting at any time of the day, and the presence of a suitable chair.

It is better to use materials natural materials, characterized by safety and durability.

The choice of a table for two children deserves special attention. In this case, there are several options:

  • common tabletop, divided into two work areas;
  • one table top. Having two perpendicular workplaces;
  • the presence of a wall on which upper tier includes sleeping place, and the lower one is the working area.

In this case, so that the children have enough free space.

Multifunctional desk models

There are types of desks that have additional features that allow you to properly organize workspace. In this case excellent helpers will become:

  • retractable panel for placing a keyboard;
  • presence of a niche for the power supply;
  • the presence of shelves and racks;
  • adjustable modules.

How functionally it will be used depends on how equipped the desk is.

Photos of desks in the interior

To work at a computer, select a special large computer desk equipped with all necessary elements for literate and simple process work or play. It is important to wisely choose computer desks, photos of which can be seen in the selection, so that it is truly convenient and comfortable to perform all the actions at them. They should be quite attractive and interesting. Computer desks for the home are presented in a huge number of types, differing in size, design, material of creation and other parameters. If you choose a low-quality design, it will not be comfortable and may cause poor posture or health problems. It is almost impossible to use such a computer desk for work, since you will not get comfort and pleasure from it.

Types of computer desks

A computer desk for a laptop or standard PC is available in several types. There are two major varieties:

  • a compact computer desk used exclusively for this technology; it does not have any additional shelves or other elements for storing various things. Rarely does it come with boxes. Make one like this small object Do-it-yourself is allowed, but when choosing such small structures, it is important to consider that it is impossible to do homework with them or use them for other purposes. Most often, the color of the structure matches the color scheme of the room where it is installed;
  • universal products - this includes a computer desk with an extension and cabinets; a table for two is often available. Due to its versatility, this computer desk is used different people. A child or student uses it and is perfect for the office. This includes computer desks with a pencil case or computer desks with a keyboard shelf, system unit or other elements.

Additionally, a modern computer system may differ in various parameters.

By shape

You can create structures of different configurations with your own hands. They are on the market in finished form V different forms, and it is important to know in advance how to assemble a computer desk in order to complete the process yourself, so there will be no need to contact specialists.

Computer tables made of solid wood or other material can be round or rectangular, square or have unusual shapes. It is important to choose a configuration so that the design looks good in the interior and is also convenient to use. If a gaming option is chosen, it is usually small and ergonomic, and if training is to take place with it, then it must be of significant size so that the papers can be easily placed on it.


The corner stylish computer desk is great solution for a room that does not have significant dimensions. It is installed in a corner that is not used for any purpose, so it does not take up important free space.

A computer desk for a laptop is most often a corner one with acceptable dimensions. You can do it yourself, knowing the basic dimensions of the room. If you purchase a ready-made structure, then it is important to know how to assemble a computer desk so as not to damage the product and correctly connect all the elements.


A transformable computer desk is considered a popular product, chosen by many people. It is used for working on equipment and for other purposes. It can additionally act as a closet or a corner for children to play.

Cabinets with a computer desk are characterized by increased spaciousness and ease of use. Oak is often used for their production, but other materials can also be used. The color is selected depending on the color scheme of the room.

Often a transformer is chosen for children, since the products are convenient for study, relaxation and play. Children's computer desks are made from different materials. As the child grows, transformers change into a convenient design, so it is always formed right table, there is no need to constantly change your piece of furniture.


Such unusual computer desks are compact, so they do not take up much space in any room. They are small, multifunctional and attractive. Wall-mounted computer desks are easy to use and are usually presented in mini designs.

If desired, they are made with their own hands, and most often oak is used for this, having high quality and strength. It is easy to hang them on the wall using hooks or other suitable fasteners. The hanging item fits perfectly into the high-tech style, and can also be formed into a loft-style table.

Many people prefer to criticize such a wall-mounted computer desk, but there are practically no flaws in it. It does not take up significant space and can have different sizes and forms. A wall-mounted computer desk can be made from different materials, so oak or even glass is often chosen.


Glass computer desk is considered interesting solution for any room. It is distinguished by sophistication and unusualness. Data beautiful designs fits perfectly into different styles. They are suitable for various design solutions, and glass also produces truly unique products. It is difficult to assemble it on your own, and it is important not to damage the main parts.

Before choosing this product, it is important to decide whether it will be used exclusively for working with equipment or for study or other purposes. Typically small computer desks are made from this material. Although glass tables for a computer are made from tempered and durable glass, significant mechanical influences on them.

For the gamer

If you choose a product for a gamer, then its important point is convenience during the game. As a rule, it is produced with add-ons and other elements that allow you to conveniently arrange various items for games.

Given modern item has unusual shape, allowing the game to flow in an unusual and bright way. Rarely do gamers choose straight computer tables, as they are not very comfortable. A table for two is often used so that two people can play.

With drawers and cabinet

Computer desks with shelves and drawers, cabinets and other items are considered very convenient for studying. The design of the computer desk varies, as does the color. Typically oak is used to make it. Due to the presence of numerous drawers, it is possible to store a lot of papers or other items for study or work in the product.

Material of manufacture

To create these structures can be used different materials, but most often used for this:

  • wood - a computer desk made of solid wood, which is highly durable and attractive, but has a high cost, is considered optimal. Oak is most often used in the production process. The structures are environmentally friendly and safe, so they can be installed in a nursery. A wooden computer desk comes in different sizes and shapes;
  • metal - are perfect choice For modern styles. Their color is usually grey. Before choosing this product, it is important to make sure that the direct user likes it;
  • glass ones are beautiful and unusual, but most often such computer desks are narrow and small. It is impossible to place numerous heavy objects on them;
  • Chipboard structures are multifunctional and inexpensive. A table for two is often made from this material.

Thus, it is possible to choose products formed from different materials.



Before choosing a specific product, it is important to decide where exactly it will be located in order to ensure its optimal dimensions. It takes into account what specific equipment will be installed on it.

The following dimensions are considered standard:

  • length varying from 110 to 140 cm;
  • width is from 50 to 80 cm;
  • the depth should be such that there is a distance of at least 1 m from the user’s eyes to the monitor, so it usually ranges from 60 to 90 cm;
  • the height is most often 80 cm.

Accommodation options

The product may be placed in different places one room. To do this, the following features are usually taken into account:

  • if you choose a computer desk on wheels, it can be easily moved if necessary;
  • if there is little space, then most often the product is installed in a corner or a hanging structure is selected;
  • if the equipment is used for study or work, then it should be located in that part of the room where it will be quiet and light.

Thus, a miniature or large object must certainly be installed in a place convenient for the user.

Selection rules

How to choose the right product? To do this, you can use these tips:

  • it must correspond to its main purpose and be used strictly for its intended purpose. You should not purchase such a product as a written or magazine version, it is not suitable for these purposes;
  • black computer desks fit well with light ones color schemes rooms. As for others color shades, then they should be selected for general style room decoration;
  • It is important to select the color in accordance with the wishes of the owners. Every owner knows the design of his apartment and therefore it is easier for him to decide what color a particular piece of furniture he needs;
  • The main rule of choice is the safety of sitting for a long time behind the structure, so that the user does not experience any discomfort. That is why it is worth selecting a product taking into account the parameters of who will spend the most time with it;
  • if selected wooden product, then it is better if strong and reliable oak was used in the process of its production.

Choosing this design is a complex process. The material, shape, size and other parameters must be taken into account to ensure the comfort, convenience and safety of it. constant use specific user. Only by taking into account all the above factors will you be able to choose a product that will not only be functional and practical, but will also fit perfectly into the design of the room and can serve you for a long time.

A modern person spends a huge amount of free time on a laptop and PC.

A computer desk, properly selected, will perfectly complement the interior and make the time spent at the monitor more productive.

There are a lot of design options for a computer desk and its models, and therefore everyone will choose the option that suits their wishes and requirements.



This type of table has become especially widespread both in apartments and in offices. The table is furniture without any special frills in style, there is a pull-out shelf for the keyboard, and there is space to place the system unit.

This table copes with the functions assigned to it, making the time spent at it comfortable. The table finish is wood.

Corner model

This table model is suitable for those who save space. The table does not take up much space and all things can be placed on it.

When choosing such a table, you can not only arrange the furniture at your discretion, but also make good use of the corners.

Semicircular table

Some people are wary of tables of this design, and in vain. In terms of functionality, such tables are hardly distinguishable from other models. At the same time, a room with such a table will not look trivial.

Modular model

If you like to independently arrange the space and organize it, then you should pay attention to a modular table, the highlight of which is the arrangement of all elements in random order, removing something, adding something.

With shelves, drawers

The tables are designed so that everything additional elements look like a continuation of the body. There are countless combinations, and therefore all items can be easily placed, and the former attractiveness of the furniture will be preserved.

Table with cabinets

A computer corner desk with an extension offers similar benefits to a desk with several drawers, but it also has lockers and convenient add-ons.

With racks

A shelving unit is a convenient piece of furniture, and thanks to it it is possible to place a lot of necessary items in a small space.

The rack is placed perpendicular to the table, and this is taken into account when planning the furniture arrangement. A large computer desk with a rack should not block the natural and artificial sources lighting.

Desks for schoolchildren

The table should have a special place for storing notebooks, books, office supplies, and there should be a place for doing homework. There should be a place for games on a PC, or a toy, a mascot.

The design of a computer desk in a children's room should look harmonious and not stand out against the background of the children's interior.

When choosing a computer desk, you should pay attention to a lot of nuances.

  • During the design, the user's position is taken into account - the posture will be straight.
  • Desk modifications allow you to keep everything you need close at hand.
  • A corner computer desk with drawers will save a lot of space in the room.

  • IN selected models the place to place the system unit in it is a box without ventilation.
  • If users different heights, then sometimes problems arise during work.


Tables are made of chipboard. Glass and natural wood chosen by those for whom a computer desk with shelves is like workplace, and a kind of interior decoration.

If you are about to buy a computer desk, you should create an image of the future purchase in your head to make it easier to make a choice. It is important to look at a photo of a computer desk in the interior to decide on the model.

Perhaps it will fit perfectly into the interior massive table made of wood? And if the room is small, then it is ideal to choose a transformable table.

Photo of a computer desk in the interior

In small rooms it is especially important to combine aesthetics and versatility in the interior.

It is impossible to imagine a person today without a laptop (computer), so a corner computer desk is an important design element.

Various designs of corner tables for computers are popular; they are comfortable and look impressive in stylish offices and in a schoolchild’s (student’s) corner.

Advantages of corner tables

Unlike traditional table the angular model is very useful:

Expands the surface of the table, has drawers, a compartment for the system unit. A secret niche hides the keyboard, saving space.

Reduces the risk of damage to vision, the design of the table is optimal for the distance of the eyes from the monitor.

Psychological security, the table seems to hug you.

Types of tables

Regardless of the style, there are 2 types of seating possible at a separate table:

  • perpendicular (facing the wall);
  • diagonal (facing the corner of the room).

Hence the models can be: diagonal and diagonally perpendicular.

The diagonal view of the table is compact and clearly occupies a corner. The only negative is low functionality; there are few drawers for a student.

If placed near a window, nothing will interfere with natural light.

You should think in advance about the presence of a cabinet and stand for the system unit. The block often gets in the way and there is no room for your feet when working. This is extremely inconvenient and leads to rapid fatigue.

The diagonal-perpendicular design requires more space, but performs more functions.

A practical corner niche will add the necessary space for shelves and drawers. Modern designers constantly surprise computer users with the ingenuity of angular models computer desks with shelves and a variety of shelving.

At such a table it is convenient both to work at the computer and to write. High shelves are practical, they are convenient to fill with folders or textbooks, and the block does not stand under your feet.

Materials and colors

More often, computer tables are made of DMF or chipboard, different breeds wood, metal or glass. Everyone chooses according to their taste.

The most affordable tables are made of MDF (chipboard); they are not of good quality. worse than a tree, and the price and shape attract a huge number of buyers. When choosing, you need to look at the edge.

If it is not glued firmly, it may lose its appearance in the next two months.

Wooden furniture is a classic, you can choose the type and color you like. With good care, even grandchildren will get it.

Metal tables look stylish, but are more suitable for offices, it makes it easy to concentrate on work, and in the house it will cool the interior.

For high-tech, in addition to metal tables, designers offer glass tables. They are also perfect for minimalism. View photo interesting options corner tables can be found at the very end of our article.

Additions to the table

You can choose various additions in the form of comfortable bedside tables, drawers of different heights and add-ons.

The corner table by the window should not be blocked by a superstructure and shelves, so as not to block the lighting.

The add-on is suitable if you work only on a computer (laptop) and do not use the table surface.

It is convenient to store books, CDs and other small items in wall cabinets so that they do not take up space.

A corner table with drawers is needed for people who use a large number office supplies (paper clips, notepads, pens, stapler, etc.). This ideal option for a schoolchild, student or office worker.

Cabinets are convenient for large items that are rarely used.

You can make a table and corner shelves for a computer desk to order. Based on individual measurements, specialists will select required model at a certain angle in the room.

Original designs in the photo of a corner computer desk in the interior.

Photos of corner computer desks

Quite often these days we have to create own home not only beautiful design, but equip it as functionally as possible.

Today we’ll talk about a corner computer desk. It just so happens that this attribute plays a very important role in the life of the population.

Well, look at what’s not good - comfortable, beautiful and highly functional.

And these are not all the advantages of the modern invention. This table is suitable for a children's room where a schoolchild lives and will fit even into the most fashionable office director of a large organization.

A corner computer desk has a lot of positive qualities.

The work surface increases. By installing such a furniture attribute, you will have the opportunity to place a monitor or laptop with all the auxiliary parts on it, while the workplace will remain free.

Minimal damage to vision. The design of the table allows you to place the computer at a safe distance from your eyes.

Calm and relaxed work. Thanks to such a table, a person will feel protected.

In our article you can familiarize yourself with modern models in the photo there are corner computer tables. We placed them so that our readers could choose the most convenient attribute.

Types and characteristics of corner table models

In general, models can be quite different. There are two types of corner structures depending on the location of the user.

Diagonal placement near a corner table. Compact option, allowing its design to fit into the most small room. But keep in mind that the table’s capabilities are minimal due to its dimensions.

Drawers and bedside tables may be missing because there is simply no way to pull them out. If you bought a table for a schoolchild and placed it near the window, then upper shelves must not exceed acceptable standards, because they will be a barrier to the penetration of light from the street.

Diagonal – perpendicular placement at a corner table. Unlike the first attribute option, this one is much more larger size and quite functional and roomy.

Here, on one side, you can install a PC; for this, the manufacturers have made a niche, and on the other there are drawers, bedside tables, shelves and stands.

A modern corner computer desk of this type allows you to save space in the room. It can be not only with shelves, but also with large racks.

Materials for making corner tables and their features

Today, there are several materials that are used for computer attributes.

MDF or chipboard. Inexpensive and the most convenient option. At first glance, the slabs cannot be distinguished from natural wood, and the price will please you.

Valuable tree species. Expensive material through high performance quality. If you take proper care of such a table, it can last for many years.

Metal. A corner computer desk in an interior made from this material will have a luxurious look, but in no case will it be suitable for a home environment. Choose a metal model for your office that will attract curious glances.

Glass. Glass corner tables fit perfectly into high-tech or minimalist styles. Advantageous option for small rooms.

What types of corner computer desks are there?

In general, if we talk about beauty appearance, then the design of a corner computer desk can be very diverse, it all depends on the material, but now we will tell you what functions they will perform.

Furniture with adjustment. Quite a nice little thing, thanks to which you can customize and increase the storage space for additional things.

Tables with cabinets. Wall cabinets They will help you have everything at hand and use this or that thing at the right time. And even if you haven’t cleaned it there, no one will notice.

Corner attributes with drawers. The best option that is suitable for people who use a lot stationery. You will make your school-age child happy if you purchase just such a model.

Table with bedside table. It's quite inconvenient for regular use. Having hidden any little thing, you will have to bend down and look for it.

But, for example, for storing something large, this best option– this could be the processor of your PC.

We hope we were able to help you choose suitable table, as for own home, and for the office.

Photo of corner computer desks