Head office design: zoning, choice of decor, fashion trends. Director's office: design, photos and design styles (67 photos) For an ambitious man

Stylish solutions for the design of the head office

Each room has its own unique energy. The decor of the bedroom should inspire peace, the living room should create an atmosphere of comfort and cordiality, the home kitchen should create well-being and prosperity. In the arrangement of the apartment, everyone is guided by their own desires, however, the design of production areas must meet certain standards: how to design the office of the head in accordance with corporate interests and tastefully at the same time?

A modern top manager is a rather difficult task, since he is the hallmark of the company, and his design must be fashionable, modern and carry information about the activities of the organization.

Strict color scheme for the design of the manager's office

Meetings are usually held in the office of a top manager, current problems are solved, and even, in the absence of a negotiation room, responsible negotiations are underway. The interior design elements of the manager's office should not only mutually correspond to each other, but also make a positive impression on the company's business partners and customers.

Color is the first thing that catches the eye of a visitor. Of course, the color design should and will differ depending on the profile of the organization: the office of the editor-in-chief of a glamor magazine should definitely be designed in a different style than the director of the plant.

The interior of the manager's office in bright colors, with prevailing natural light

However, if we take into account that the manager’s office is a kind of think tank that regulates all areas of work, in which promising development vectors are developed and fundamentally important decisions are made, then the color design of the room should not distract employees. For such purposes, natural unobtrusive tones are applicable.

The choice of interior style for the office of a top manager will depend on the direction of his activity. The classical direction is firmly established in administrative institutions, it will be appropriate in law offices, in financial structures, in corporations. It emphasizes the stability of doing business and experience. Cabinet furniture in this style should be noble, massive, dark colors. The decoration uses natural materials, tapestry, carving.

Original interior design of the manager's office

Hi-tech has become the face of an innovative office. Functionality, conciseness and practicality of furniture in this style will give a businesslike and at the same time modern look to the offices of travel agencies and service agencies.

The director's office can be conditionally divided into several zones: directly working, negotiation, rest area. Furniture items of all zones should fit into the overall style, creating a comfortable space.

First of all, it is necessary to deal with the situation of the working area. The main item in it is a functional and representative table made of natural wood, which will be large and comfortable.

The desk should be optimized for both laptop and paper work. In this zone, places should be provided for roll-out and side cabinets for numerous and varied office equipment.

Accordingly, sockets near the table must be correctly placed so that the wires do not interfere underfoot. A table with a built-in brief will expand the area, creating additional space for meetings and negotiations.

An office chair made of genuine leather or eco-leather is an important accent. In addition to a representative design, it should be comfortable: equipped with a wide seat, adjustable anatomical backrest, comfortable, also adjustable armrests. Many managers choose chairs with additional features: built-in massage, rocking mechanism, etc.

Light color schemes for the design of the manager's office

The presence in the boss's office should also be pleasant for business partners, colleagues and guests of the organization. Especially if the office cannot afford to allocate a separate room for the meeting room. Therefore, the office of a top manager must meet the standards of the negotiation process - it must have enough free space, a comfortable table with a certain number of chairs.

Advice! Armchairs, a sofa and a table for drinks are also traditionally placed in the relaxation corner. If the specifics of the work involve negotiating outside working hours, they can be moved to a recreation area.

In addition, the top manager's office may contain shelving with sample projects, photographs, shelves for awards, souvenirs, gifts from partners, cabinets for documents or clothes.

Large windows in the interior design of the executive's office will provide natural light

Properly equipped lighting is the key to good performance. The work area should be well lit. The desktop should be close to a source of natural light - a window. General lighting should cover the entire room and be uniform: the number of ceiling lights is calculated according to the size of the room.

Using directional direct light helps to focus on work, but quickly leads to eye fatigue. Therefore, it must be alternated with diffused lighting, which is provided by lamps with conical or spherical shades. The choice of light source is made according to the color temperature of the lamp. Cold color helps to concentrate and invigorates. Such lighting is provided by fluorescent and halogen lamps.

Plants, paintings and bright office utensils will be a great addition to the interior of the head.

In the office of the head there may be a place for decorative elements. It is these design features of the manager's office that determine the individuality of the office. If a woman leader can find a place for a picture of her favorite artist, then a man can have a trophy from hunting or fishing in the form of a stuffed animal or photographs from his last trip. Some decorate their offices with sculptures - for example, from Kasli castings, expensive drinking sets, souvenirs brought from other countries.

As for windows, laconic and functional blinds or blinds are usually used for their design.

Luxurious executive office interior

The design of the manager's office at the same time necessarily reflects the interests of its owner. A person who aspires to a rich environment will bring this trait to his office, where he spends most of the day. A more restrained top manager will choose an unobtrusive color scheme, more modern furniture, an idea aspiring to Scandinavian minimalism. Looking at the photo options for the design of cabinets, you will definitely be able to choose the style you like.

Interior design of the manager's office in a classic style

The design of a female manager's office should not only reflect the specifics of the company, but also demonstrate the business qualities and tastes of the owner.

Design features

The psychology of the representatives of the stronger and weaker sex differs in many respects. If comfort and functionality are important for men, then women also care about the beauty of the room. The interior of their offices is elegant and refined, even if decorated in a heavy classic style or ascetic high-tech. Designers use smooth lines in decoration and decor, non-standard furniture, delicate colors. To lighten the office interior, you can replace the wooden panels with plastic or glass, and use a stylish chair with a mesh back as a work chair.


The fair sex often choose light and warm colors in the decoration. As a rule, these are beige, yellow, pearl, peach and other similar shades. However, some bosses do not hesitate to use revolutionary colors, decorating their offices in red, blue, brown, purple tones.

Bright decor items will help to revive the design. The main thing is not to overdo it: the decoration of the office should not be excessive and too intrusive. Among the appropriate accessories are mirrors, paintings, original lamps, flower arrangements. (photo of the office for a woman below)


The black and white scale of the cabinet looks feminine thanks to the elegant decor elements.

Proper zoning made even this small room quite roomy, and bright accents emphasize the good taste of the leader.

Elegant furniture, stylish lamps and light curtains indicate that the office belongs to a woman.

The bright and spacious room is filled with comfort thanks to the lilac armchairs of the original form, unusual carpet and bright orange decor.

You can see photos of other offices for women leaders, illustrating the ideas for designing offices for women, in the portfolio of our company.

The design of a director's office in an office usually says a lot: about the company itself and its status, about the style and preferences of the head. Therefore, the design of this cabinet should be stylish, cozy and presentable at the same time.

Interior details should be in harmony with each other and leave only a positive impression for visitors and employees of the company.

After all, it is in this office that the most complex and important working issues are resolved, serious negotiations are underway, and sometimes even interviews are held.

Most often, managers choose between two styles: classic and modern. And some of them even prefer to work remotely, for example, at home or somewhere on the islands.

Today we will talk about how to arrange the office of the head. And how to equip a working nest at home.

Cabinet in classic style

The interior of an office in a classic style is the simplest and most win-win option. The main thing here is to adhere to standard design methods: do not forget about natural finishes, solid wooden furniture and restrained colors.

Psychologists, for example, advise using natural tones in office design: brown, beige, gray or terracotta.

The main piece of furniture in the manager's office is a desk, which should be large, roomy and comfortable. Another important element of the classic office is the boss office chair. Usually it is made of natural or eco leather.

In addition, for comfortable work in the manager's office there should be spacious shelves or cabinets for storing the necessary folders and documents.

Properly organized lighting is also an important part of the interior of the study in the office.

The work area should be well lit. For example, if a central chandelier is used in the room, lighting can be added using sconces, table lamps, floor lamps and lamps.

If the design of the cabinet allows the use of built-in lamps and lighting, it is desirable to distribute the lighting evenly over the entire area of ​​the room.

You can complement the office with expensive paintings, stylish vases, original wall clocks or high-quality stationery.

Many offices have a separate area for negotiations. Usually a long table with chairs for visitors is placed in it. There is also a zone for informal negotiations, in which there is a comfortable sofa, several armchairs and a small table.

Cabinet in modern style

Classics are classics, and many well-known brands and companies have long been guided by modern design trends and technical innovations.

More and more offices began to be located in the open spaces of former industrial buildings. More and more offices are creating loft-style working interiors with brick and concrete walls, beamed ceilings and industrial lighting.

Increasingly, managers themselves are in the same open space with employees or have a personal office, which is zoned with light partitions or glass walls.

In such offices, designer furniture made of plastic is used in combination with glass and metal.

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home office

Outsourcing is gaining popularity these days. Young people prefer to do most of the work at home. And this has its advantages:

– it is much more economical than renting an office space or coworking space;

— no need to waste time on the road or be nervous, standing in traffic jams;

- at home you can look whatever you like;

- at home you can work in bed in your arms with a cat;

- huge desks can be easily replaced with console tables or coffee tables, which can easily fit all the necessary gadgets.

Today, a specially equipped workplace is a necessity.Therefore, it is best to think over a plan for arranging an office and create the right working environment that will meet the requirements of aesthetics, practicality and ergonomics. After all, it is in this place that you will have to spend most of your working time.

If you are a creative person, the Art Nouveau interior with broken lines, unusual colors and an abundance of various, small and stylish details is best for you.

For an amateur, it is best to create an interior in a hi-tak style: without unnecessary details, strict and practical.

If the apartment does not allow you to create an office in a separate room, the workspace can be equipped on a heated balcony or attic by making repairs there.

Lighting plays an important role in workplace planning. It can be a chandelier, sconce, recessed lights, table lamp. There must be a window.

When choosing a color scheme, it is better to give preference to pastel colors. Bright colors, although uplifting, are potential irritants that will constantly distract from work.

If work t Requires attention and concentration, choose cool colors, and if you need a creative atmosphere, then warm ones.

It is difficult to imagine the design project of an office without elements of wood trim, which will add comfort, coziness and a businesslike manner.

The necessary set of a standard office includes: a table, a chair or an armchair, an area for storing books, documents and stationery. It is important that the latter have convenient compartments for everything you need, as well as a place for special equipment, such as a scanner and printer. If necessary, you can install a special bedside table or shelf for them.

And in the end, add one convenient detail - a magnetic board on which thoughts, notes, schedules and more will be stored.

When developing an office design idea, it is important to pay special attention to the design of the manager's office. A well-thought-out interior will skillfully emphasize the status, create comfortable working conditions for the boss, demonstrate openness, innovation, creativity or other features that are important for a particular field of activity.


Can be made in any style. The choice depends on the wishes of the owner, the stylistic decision of the entire office, the specifics of the industry. The classic is appropriate in conservative companies, as well as firms for which it is important to demonstrate stability and reliability. Typically, the classical style is chosen by legal and financial organizations, educational institutions. Hi-tech and minimalism are preferred by technological and innovative companies: software developers, phone and computer manufacturers, IT enterprises. For creative editorial offices of magazines, architectural bureaus, event agencies, modern, loft and other styles will be appropriate.

Design Features

A standard manager's office should have 4 zones: working, meeting, for meetings and for rest. If the room is small, then it is permissible to combine them.

Color selection

Traditionally, gray, brown and beige colors are used. They are appropriate in any style, do not interfere with concentrating on tasks. However, other shades can be used:

  • blue, bright green or yellow in the recreation area will help to relax;
  • black, green, dark blue or terracotta are appropriate in the main part of the room;
  • white, orange are acceptable in the meeting area with subordinates.

A harmonious combination of basic shades and corporate colors will demonstrate to visitors the solidity of management's thinking and contribute to the development of team spirit.

Furniture selection

When buying furniture for equipping an office, you need to take into account the chosen design style and the purpose of the equipped area.

In the main part of the room it is necessary to install a desk and a comfortable chair. For a classic style, you need solid furniture made of solid wood and leather. For hi-tech and minimalism, a table with a glossy top made of glass, plastic or polished wood, an ergonomic chair with adjustable height, tilt, armrests, headrest, etc. are suitable. Smooth lines and elements that do not bring practical use are appropriate in modernity. Cabinets can occupy the entire wall, be light or massive, open or closed. Most often, the lower part of storage systems is made closed. The safe is mounted on the wall, disguised as a cabinet or built into a closet.

In the meeting area, two pieces of furniture are required: a table and chairs. The table can be rectangular or oval, adjustable in height, stand alone or attached to a desk. Chairs or armchairs should be moderately comfortable, the presence of headrests and a large number of adjustments is not necessary. For effective meetings, communications should also be provided for charging laptops, tablets or other devices, a large monitor for demonstrating data to all those present.

The negotiation zone is often combined with others: communication with a large number of partners is carried out at the meeting table, and tete-a-tete negotiations or in the amount of 2-3 people are transferred to the part of the office intended for relaxation. A sofa, deep armchairs, a coffee table are appropriate here.

A bar, a table with drinks, a bookcase can be installed in the recreation area. Some leaders place here sports awards or hunting trophies, tables for playing table football or hockey. The color and appearance of the furniture is completely dependent on the overall style of the interior.

Choice of lighting

The light from the windows is not enough for comfortable work, therefore, even at the stage of planning the design of the office, they think over the location of the lighting fixtures. You can create the right lighting with the help of free-standing lamps (table, chandeliers, sconces, floor lamps), built-in ceiling lights, soft lighting of furniture in the recreation area.


If classic and modern welcome vases, paintings, figurines and other decorations, then hi-tech and minimalism are against unnecessary elements in the interior (the maximum that can be seen in such offices is posters on the walls). But in any of these styles, the presence of green plants is acceptable, with the help of which it is easy to distinguish between different zones in the office. You can also divide the room with the help of furniture, partitions, carpet, installation of an aquarium and other elements.

Cabinet Design Examples

Creating a stylish and harmonious office interior is possible only for experienced designers who know about color compatibility, ergonomic rules, and the features of each style. We present you interesting photos of the design of executive offices.

This project is made in a classic style. The office of the director of a metallurgical company reflects the solidity and solidity of the company. Furniture (brown wooden tables, leather chairs and deep soft armchairs) and decor (a photograph of the plant and the coat of arms of the Russian Federation) help to create such an impression. They bring “air” and “freedom” to the room by highlighting all zones and pastel colors in the decoration of the walls.

In this office of the head of the energy supply company, the recreation area is separated from the working part of the room by a partition with an aquarium, made in the form of a fireplace. There is also a telescope, tubs with plants, comfortable sofas and a coffee table. Curtains on the windows and a carpet on the floor add comfort to the recreation area. In this part of the room, the leader can relax or conduct tête-à-tête negotiations, as the atmosphere is conducive to friendly communication.

The office of a fashion magazine editor harmoniously combines beige, terracotta and orange tones. Here, wood harmoniously coexists with brickwork, a rounded work table with original-shaped armchairs in the recreation area. Non-standard thinking is emphasized by creative pillows, furniture and posters.

The office of the head of the railway enterprise is made in a classic style. Black leather armchairs, a massive table, paintings, bookcases - such an interior can also be made light and spacious, just add a glossy sheen to furniture and floors, install modern lamps and decorate the walls with a gray-white geometric pattern.

If you want to see photos of cabinet designs made by our designers, go to the "Portfolio" section.