How to make a table for a balcony: ideas, materials, step by step instructions, photos and videos. Balcony table - impeccable design options (77 photos) Folding balcony table

Dimensions modern apartments are such that usable area balconies are not to be neglected. If you bring imagination and Creative skills, you can equip an excellent recreation area. Massive furniture cannot be placed purely physically. Folding table on the balcony made by hand takes up a minimum of space. Thanks to him, the loggia becomes more spacious and functional. In addition, it gives the interior originality and style.

A hand-made table will fit perfectly into the interior in size and shape. It will take up as much space as planned. Pick up desired color corresponding material. Place it where it is convenient for you - 1 window, at the end, on the outer plate.

When folded, it does not interfere with hanging washed laundry on the balcony to dry, does not interfere with access to the shelves, and allows you to water the flowers. Having spread it out, you can do work, needlework, devote time to hobbies, just sit and talk with friends, have a snack, drink coffee at fresh air.

Benefits of a folding table

A do-it-yourself folding table is universal.

The most common use cases are:

  1. Table for work. The dimensions of the living space do not allow you to equip an office, the situation in the apartment is such that it is impossible to concentrate on work? A table on the balcony is a wonderful way out. It will fit a laptop (tablet, smartphone), a pen and a piece of paper. Teachers can easily check written work.
  2. Table for meals. A cup of tea, coffee, a light breakfast, a snack in the fresh air is much more pleasant, especially in summer. As an added bonus, some get beautiful view on nature, water, city blocks. It is also a great place for a romantic date.
  3. Table for hobby. A lot of hobbies - embroidery, beading, modeling, woodcarving, chasing - this painstaking work. Therefore, in order not to spoil the vision, good lighting is necessary. Located by the window, it allows you to do what you love in natural light. You can play with him any board games. Provide a small locker, a shelf for placement necessary tools and materials.

Materials and tools

To make a folding table with your own hands, you will need:


  • Board for the countertop - wood, thick plywood or chipboard with a laminated surface.
  • Impregnation against fungus.
  • Paint, varnish on wood, if it needs to be painted.
  • Screws, dowels.
  • Sanding skin.
  • Connecting loops for attaching the table top to the support.


  • Electric jigsaw or saw.
  • Perforator.
  • Drill or screwdriver.
  • Level.

Preparatory work

Before you make a folding table with your own hands, determine the most appropriate place. If you plan to work on it, think about where it is most convenient to conduct lighting. Calculate dimensions accurately. Think about how many people will sit behind it. Please note that when unfolded, it should not occupy the entire width of the balcony. You need to leave room for passage.

The shape of the table top is entirely up to you. But a segment of a circle, square, or rounded rectangle is recommended. In the limited space of the balcony, it is easy to run into sharp corners and get injured.

Position the structure so that it receives a minimum of snow and rain. This is especially important for an unglazed balcony. Of course, you will process the countertop antifungal agent but prevention is not a problem. Mold can completely "eat" it during the winter. From changes in humidity, temperature, the countertop is deformed.

Some simply remove and remove the folding table for the period when it is impossible to use it due to the cold, but this is also not the best. good option. Every time you take it off its hinges, the bindings loosen.

When buying, pay special attention to the hinges. Look for those that you can replace without problems. Please note that natural wood is much heavier than plywood or chipboard.

Stages of work

Folding table with your own hands. Walkthrough.

  1. Draw a table top on a board, plywood or chipboard. Be sure to use a compass and ruler. They are easy to make with your own hands. Otherwise, it is impossible to securely attach the hinges, the design will look sloppy.
  2. Cut out the lid the right sizes. You will need one more rectangular piece. The length is equal to the base of the cover, the width is 9-11 cm. Do not press the saw too hard - you can deform the material.
  3. Cut out a support from the same sheet. It consists of two parts. The first is a rectangle, 2-3 cm long less than the width of the countertop and 18-22 cm wide. The second is exactly the same rectangle, sawn diagonally. You only need one of the resulting triangles.
  4. Finish all edges with a small file, sandpaper or sandpaper so that there are no splinters later. This refers to the surface of the natural wood cover. Then completely cover the future countertop with an anti-fungal agent. Additionally, so that the design fits perfectly into, it can be painted in the desired color, for beauty - varnished.
  5. Attach the edges of the tabletop to the first rectangle. Book loops are ideal. For a large countertop, hinges are suitable, with which the window vents are attached to the frame. Choose the same option for countertops made of natural wood.
  6. Assemble the support by placing a triangle in the middle and just below the top edge (2-3mm) of the rectangle. This will prevent premature wear. wooden parts due to constant friction. Fasten in the same way on one side with two loops. The structure must be free to fold. A very large table top will require not one support in the middle, but two supports (one at each end) to make the structure sufficiently stable.
  7. Draw a line marking the height at which you want to hang the folding table, and use self-tapping screws to securely attach the support to the wall. Its top edge coincides with the line. To make the horizontal line perfect, use a level. In extreme cases, you can make a plumb line with your own hands and measure the angles.
  8. Attach the countertop to the end of the support with self-tapping screws.
  9. Fix the structure in the unfolded form.
  10. Find suitable chairs or stools. Perfect option- folding structures. For them to occupy less space, attach small hooks to the wall next to the table, hang them there.

Video gallery

Using a balcony not only as a storage place for unnecessary things is a reasonable solution for any owner. On this square it is quite possible to arrange a place of rest or working area. However, this requires a table, and the best option there will be a folding table on the balcony, made by hand.

Buy or do it yourself: the pros and cons

A ready-made folding table for a balcony, by definition, eliminates the time and effort spent on its device. There is no need to invent its design, to look for suitable material and study manufacturing technology.

However, with the purchased table, a number of problems may arise:

  • it is very difficult to choose the shape and size of the folding table that is most suitable for the conditions of a particular balcony;
  • factory assembly does not guarantee acceptable quality at all;
  • in the event of a breakdown, it may be difficult to repair due to not always standard fittings;
  • the price of a table for a balcony sometimes seems inadequately high.

A self-made folding table is devoid of all these shortcomings:

  • nothing prevents you from giving it the desired shape;
  • you can not worry about the build quality, since it is personally controlled;
  • both repairs and any modernization can be carried out at any time. AT homemade tables no particularly exclusive materials and components are used. Everything can be replaced and improved by the same improvised materials.

A folding table with your own hands is a pleasure and increases self-esteem.

Necessary materials and tools

For work, you need to prepare materials such as:

  • a piece of chipboard, chipboard, plywood or plywood of suitable size. It is necessary to choose a supply of material, taking into account the consumption not only for the countertop, but also for the leg;
  • self-tapping wood screws half the length and one and a half thickness of the countertop;
  • long self-tapping screws with dowel or anchor bolts suitable sizes;
  • flat hinges for furniture;
  • end tape for chipboard.

Folding table layout.
Table top thickness - 20-25 mm

Of the tools you will need the following:

  • electric or conventional jigsaw for wood;
  • belt, flat or angle grinder. You can get by with a simple sandpaper, but a folding table on the balcony can come out a little worse;
  • screwdriver;
  • building level or laser builder;
  • pencil and compass.

You will also need a building corner, a tape measure and a ruler.

Preparing to make a folding table

All preparations can be divided into two stages.

It is better to prepare consumables with a certain margin so that during work you are not distracted by searches in case of a shortage.

Photo gallery of tables

The process of making a folding table for a balcony

The whole process consists of several operations.

  1. Sawing accessories for the table. It is advisable to cut along the prepared markings at the same and not too high speed. This will make the cut cleaner.

    1 step. drawing 2 step. Cutting out 3 step. Preparation of components

  2. Corner cleaning. When stripping grinder you need to carefully control the process and make only smooth movements so as not to remove too much and not to bend the corner.

  3. End tape sticker. If you plan not to leave the folding table without finishing, then it is best to use the end tape. Most often it is sold in a self-adhesive version. For stickers, the end of the tabletop is cleaned of dust and the tape is started to be glued from one of the corners, gradually encircling the entire perimeter with it.
  4. Screwing the hinge onto the panel for attaching to the balcony wall. Determine the middle of the panel and draw a line on it. A loop for a reclining stand is screwed along this line.

    It is necessary to fasten the loop with an indent from the upper cut to a distance not less than the thickness of the countertop.

  5. Hanging the mounting plate. On the equal distances from the axial vertical line in the upper part of the panel, two symmetrical holes are drilled for wall mounting.

    The diameter of the holes should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the mounting screws or anchor bolts.

    Then the folding table panel is applied to the wall, the building level is placed on top, the horizon is aligned and marks are made on the wall with a pencil through the holes. Holes for anchors or dowels are drilled through them. Having installed the embedded elements in the holes, the panel is screwed to the wall. After screwing, they check the horizontal position again so that the hanging table on the balcony turns out to be littered on one edge.

    Here's what should happen.

  6. Installing the top bar. This plank adjoins the wall and serves as a continuation of the countertop. It is necessary so that the mounting panel and folded leg placed below do not interfere with the tilting of the table top.

    The panel is fixed with self-tapping screws, having previously screwed the hinges for the countertop onto its outer edge from the bottom.

  7. Fix the table top on the prepared loop.

    The table is almost ready.

  8. Screw on the folding leg. To do this, first raise the countertop to its working position and set the building level on it. Having achieved horizontality, substitute a folding leg under it and screw the latter to the loop on the mounting panel.

Alternatively, you can abandon the hinged version and assemble a side table on the balcony. The technology of its manufacture is almost the same as that of the suspension. The difference is that the upper wall plate does not rest on fixing panel but on your own pair of legs.

So that the table does not lose balance when folded, its legs at the bottom should be provided with horizontal supports. When the table on the balcony is laid out, its third reference point will be the folding leg. However, this leg will either have to be made rectangular and the entire height of the table, or it will have to be provided with its own vertical support. The easiest way to make legs is from wooden beam section 40 mm.


A homemade folding table for a balcony is convenient both in use and in storage. When folded, it does not take up space even without that.

The manufacture of a folding table does not require serious financial and time costs, everything can be done independently in a couple of hours.

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Balcony table - 5 simple manufacturing options

A good owner always strives to equip every corner of his home beautifully and, no less importantly, functionally. A balcony or a loggia has long turned from a spare pantry into utility room. AT modern design there is even a separate direction responsible for this sector of the apartment. In this article I will talk about how to pick up, or make yourself a table for a balcony or loggia.

The problem of choice or the throes of creativity

At one time, I set out to bring my loggia into proper form. And as it turned out, insulation, external and interior decoration this is just part of the overall process. It is equally important to correctly furnish the room.

You can install a wardrobe or a standard desktop on the P44T loggia without any problems. For those who are not in the know, P44T is the marking of the project modern houses with free planning. But my apartment, like most of the living in our country, was built according to standard project back in Soviet times.

Almost everyone knows that the dimensions of such a loggia are quite modest, so a standard countertop, even from small table will look like an elephant in a china shop. Required a small, compact and preferably somewhere retractable table. Of course, any furniture can now be ordered, but I'm used to doing such small things myself, my hobby is this.

Strange as it may sound, but the first problem I encountered was the choice of model. It seems to be a small thing, but there are many options. Here you immediately need to decide for what purposes you need such a table. And on which balcony are you going to put it.

  • I analyzed in detail many options and came to the conclusion that for an open balcony it is best suited mounted version. As a maximum, you can install a retractable table, but here you already need to look at what it is made of. Indeed, the product will all year round be on the street and not every material is able to withstand it;
  • The cabinet table is more suitable as a working option for those who like to make something. Its beauty is that such a compact design can be easily moved wherever you want. Plus, as you understand, there is additional storage space for many useful things;
  • A computer desk, in essence, is the same worker, but for some reason it is generally accepted that on a balcony it should be based in some corner. And to be, if not completely stationary, then at least folding;

  • But the most popular in this niche is a small folding table on the balcony.. The secret of such popular love is that it is quite simple to manufacture, and most importantly, when folded, it practically does not take up space.

Common options for balcony tables

When I announced to my household that I was going to make a folding desktop for myself at the end of the loggia, it immediately became clear that it was in the same place that my son needed computer desk, and the wife has long dreamed of having a neat folding table for conversations with friends.

Therefore, after a short family council, I was forced to agree to the construction of two tables. But there are much more options for such structures, so I will continue to talk about all that I know and in the construction of which I, one way or another, had to participate.

A few words about materials and tools

To make any, even the most elementary folding table on the balcony with your own hands, you need to have some minimum set tool.

  • You will not be able to do without a drill, but rather a perforator;
  • In principle, the product is not large, which means there are not so many fasteners. Therefore, you can get by with an ordinary screwdriver, but of course it is better to have a screwdriver;
  • When making countertops, it is very desirable to have a jigsaw. Of course, you can use a manual hacksaw with a narrow blade, but take my word for it, manually dissolving thick plywood, laminated chipboard or MDF is not a rewarding and very time-consuming task;
  • In addition, you will need a standard set of small tools that every normal owner should have. This includes a hammer, hacksaw, tape measure, level, emery in our case, clamps will not be superfluous.

With materials, everything is a little more complicated:

  • When I began to wonder, almost half of the sources indicated that the countertop is best made from chipboard. Fortunately, I met one experienced furniture maker. So he explained that even for an insulated balcony or loggia, chipboard in its pure form under the countertop is undesirable. If you really like this material so much, then it is better to take laminated chipboard;

  • MDF boards are much better suited here. The material is more dense and durable, and most importantly, MDF does not delaminate over time, since chipboard;
  • It is impossible not to remember the good old plywood. Specifically, the tabletop is made of plywood with a thickness of at least 16 mm. Auxiliary elements, such as stops, drawers, etc. can be made from sheets with a thickness of about 10 mm;

If you decide to work with plywood, then for an open balcony you need to take waterproof material. Most often they buy "FSF", but ideally it should be the "FB" brand. On a glazed and insulated balcony, you can safely buy an inexpensive folk brand "FK", which, by the way, is the most environmentally friendly among all.

  • Common now OSB sheet you can use it, but it will need to be decorated with something, I will talk about one of the convenient finishing options later;
  • As for all kinds of plastic, I personally do not recommend messing with thick polymer sheets. The point is that the price quality materials, which do not exfoliate, are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, which is important for balconies, and most importantly, they do not emit any chemistry, it is quite high. A cheap product will quickly lose its appearance and cause you more harm;
  • But whatever you say, but for the countertop, wherever it is mounted, to this day the most best material remains natural wood. If you have the means, then you can take glued furniture board. A tongue-and-groove board for a type-setting countertop will cost about half the price. In addition, all reinforcing and intermediate elements are assembled from wooden bars.

If you want to have a really high-quality and durable countertop, then it is best to order laminated MDF or chipboard from some furniture company in terms of size. Believe me, you yourself will not achieve such quality.

Option number 1. Table with awnings

This option is most suitable for an open balcony. The bottom line is that the tabletop is screwed to two metal profiles, which, in turn, are hooked to the parapet of a balcony or loggia with hooks.

I will not tell you how to make such awnings from metal corner or an ordinary profiled pipe, since without a good pipe bender and welding machine is indispensable here. If you do not take into account purchased models, that is, the path is a little easier.

One of my acquaintances built such canopies from elements trading racks. Such adjustable racks are in any store. You may have noticed that it is based on a metal profiled pipe with a number of holes of a special configuration. Shelf holders are inserted into these holes.

So, he took two of these profile pipes, cut them off along the height of the parapet and attached them with clamps to metal grate balcony parapet. After he screwed the countertop to the two holders. He got an adjustable, suspended and, moreover, collapsible table.

In winter, when this table is not needed, the tabletop is removed and hidden in a couple of seconds. The racks themselves are painted in the color of the parapet and are practically invisible from the street. The upper sections of the pipes are closed with plastic plugs, so everything looks quite decent.

In favor of this option is the fact that the points for the sale of collapsible commercial equipment there is in any whiter - less major city. And the cost of a pair of pipes with holders and clamps will be relatively low. My friend cost the most to order a laminated MDF countertop.

Option number 2. Small ladies table

I called it a ladies' house purely conditionally, since my wife declared it her fiefdom. From what I've seen, people choose between three main models. Personally, I chose the easiest option to perform.

  • In the bins of my homeland, I have long had a sheet of thick plywood, half a meter by a meter in size. He remained from the construction of the cottage. So at first I dissolved it with a jigsaw clearly in half. I got 2 squares with a side of 500x500 mm;
  • After that, I tightened these squares with clamps and those couple of corners that should be with outside countertops, rounded in such a way that I get 2 absolutely identical segments;
  • On the flat side of one of the squares (the side with no rounded corners), I cut out a neat segment inside, as shown in the diagram. This segment subsequently became my emphasis under the countertop;

  • I fastened the segment cut out of the square with the rest of the plane using a pair of ordinary canopies. It turned out such a kind of door;
  • The outer part of the segment with an opening door, I screwed to the wall with four anchors;
  • Next, I fastened with two canopies the outer, attached to the wall, part of the cut segment with a door, with a solid square segment, which is actually a tabletop;

  • When folded, these are two plywood sheets hanging along the wall. When I need to lay out the table, I raise the tabletop and half open that makeshift door that is attached to the lower segment. It turned out compact, not expensive and quite well.

Option number 3. A table with a support

In the case when a person has only a countertop and that's it, you can do otherwise. Suppose you have made yourself a decorative countertop with dimensions of 500x500 mm based on OSB boards 12 mm thick.

In total, you got the thickness of the entire product 20 mm ( OSB board, plus decor). We need to somehow hang it on the wall. Also, make sure it folds up and stays secure.

  • Here we will need to buy an ordinary planed wooden block with a section of 40x40 mm. This size is considered the most suitable. A thinner bar will be more difficult to work with, and thick timber looks rough;
  • First, we cut a bar 50 cm long from this bar and fix it rigidly on the wall with a pair of anchors. Moreover, the heads of the anchors must be recessed into the bar;
  • Now our countertop needs to be attached to wooden block on the wall with piano or ordinary hinges so that the tabletop folds along the wall;
  • Next, it's time to attach the support. We will make it from the same bar 40x40 mm. If you look in profile, then in the unfolded state, the countertop wall and support will form a triangle. The end of the support that touches the countertop is attached to it with a door hinge;

  • On the other side of the support in the form of the letter “T”, a bar 80 mm long is screwed into the end;
  • Further important point: in order for our wooden support to rest against the wall, two pieces of timber must be fixed on the wall at a distance of 45 - 50 mm from each other;
  • When the table is folded, that is, the tabletop hangs freely along the wall, the support also hangs along the wall and is located between two bars;
  • In order to bring the table into working condition, we need to raise the table top and support our T-shaped support on two bars fixed to the wall.

Option number 4. Folding table for work

Like it or not, a small table measuring 50 cm is only suitable for tea drinking or to put a laptop. I needed a more comfortable place for a home mini-workshop. At the end of the loggia I have a homemade one with many shelves, I took it as a basis.

At the level of 90 cm from the floor in the closet there is a solid wooden horizontal shelf. She then became a support for the countertop. More precisely, in working order, this shelf was a continuation of the countertop.

The width of the countertop is equal to the width of the cabinet. At first I wanted to make the length of the tabletop 1m. But then I decided that it would be inconvenient to get a tool lying and hanging on the cabinet shelves. As a result, I stopped at 70 cm.

I have a closet with three sections. The lower section was traditionally closed with two doors. The middle section was covered when the tabletop was raised. When folded, it played the role of a monolithic door.

And a mezzanine was made on top, bordering the ceiling, which was also covered by two ordinary doors.

The instruction is simple. The tabletop itself is attached to a horizontal shelf with hinges. When the plate rises, it rests against a similar shelf, on which, so that the plate does not fall back, I put several furniture magnets.

In order to bring my table into working condition, I need to open the two lower doors of the cabinet and lower the countertop onto them. The lower doors act as supports. And so that they do not warp from constant pressure, I put furniture rollers on each of them below, which rest on the floor.

Option number 5. Crossbar

This option seems to me to be the simplest. I saw it with one of my friends. The man was not going to make a mini-workshop out of his balcony, but he liked the idea of ​​a mobile computer desk.

The balcony itself is made completely transparent. Along the entire perimeter from the bottom to the top are installed plastic double-glazed windows. In the people, this option is called the "French balcony".

If you start to “fence” any homemade wooden props, you can ruin the entire interior. Stationary cabinets, tables and other furniture will also negate all the efforts of designers.

But in the design of this balcony, a decorative parapet made of nickel-plated metal pipes. On the spacious balcony high-rise building relying on the windows themselves is not beautiful, and not safe, but light metal the parapet was just right.

The facade wall on the balcony was sheathed MDF panels decorated with natural wood. The man ordered an MDF tabletop that clearly follows the pattern of the panels and fixed its end on the wall with two folding hinges. In this case, the loops are located below, at the level horizontal pipe metal parapet, and the tabletop rose up.

In the assembled state, the tabletop clearly adhered to the wall. And since the pattern and color were the same, it almost completely merged with the interior. When the owner threw it away from the wall, the countertop rested on the nickel-plated parapet with the opposite edge. That's actually all the wisdom.

The original decor of the countertop

The decor of the countertop is, of course, a matter of taste. Here, as they say, who is in what much.

Most often, the tree is tinted and covered with some kind of varnish. To be honest, I don't really like this option. After all, in order for the varnish to look decent, you need to apply up to 5 - 7 layers, and this is long and troublesome.

If a person does not want to mess around, then he simply orders a countertop laminated for a certain ornament and installs it. Craquelure, applique, brushing ( artificial aging) is frankly an amateur.

I liked the option ceramic mosaic. By the way, when I made such a tabletop for my wife's tea table, she was delighted. The instruction is elementary.

First, of course, you will need to select and buy a mosaic. The most acceptable option for money is a tile. In essence, this is just a regular tile. small size, on average about 20 mm.

Mosaic is not sold in boxes, like ordinary tiles, but on a canvas. I first cut the canvas and separated each tile. Then I glued each element to the countertop. The final touch was grouting, that is, filling special composition gaps between tiles.

Later, one master told me that I started cutting the canvas and separating the mosaic in vain, it was possible to glue it as a whole canvas. It would have been much faster and smoother.

In order to decorate the ends of the tabletop, I used an aluminum edging. This is such an overlay that is attached to the base with self-tapping screws. The video in this article shows the process of such an arrangement of countertops.

Every room in the apartment wants to be made more functional, and the balcony is no exception. Often there are several ideas at once about how to use it. But it turns out to realize only one, at best - two. But more is possible if you approach the solution of the problem with imagination. So, in addition to installing shelves for storing household equipment and arranging a home greenhouse, you can install a folding table on the balcony.

What is it for

This table is multifunctional. When folded, it does not occupy the small space that a balcony usually has, but when unfolded, it is stable, solid construction. The use of a folding table can be as follows:

  • how Desktop. If there is no separate office, but the need to work in silence periodically appears, you can equip it on the balcony. Since many people today work primarily on portable computing devices (laptops, netbooks, and tablets), having a stationary desk is not essential;
  • how breakfast and tea table. It is especially important if the window offers a beautiful view of nature or, on the contrary, of an active city. But there is not much time for unhurried breakfasts, so regular table it is irrational on the balcony: it will take up too much space;
  • how hobby table. Various hobbies - from cross-stitching to aeromodelling - require good lighting. And natural light is the best. In addition, the use folding table on the balcony helps to retire and fully enjoy a pleasant pastime.

At the same time, nothing prevents you from using a folding table for several purposes at once - in the morning you can slowly enjoy it fragrant coffee, and in the late afternoon to devote time to work.

Table options: ready-made or homemade?

Such tables are quite popular, because they can be bought already in ready-made. But you can do it yourself. What to prefer depends on financial capabilities and on the desire (ability) to do something with your own hands and take an active physical part in the improvement of your own home.

Ideas for that, or a balcony, you will find in our separate article.

In order to use the balcony table, it was possible not only during the day, but also in the evening, it is desirable to bring light to the balcony. Read on this link about installing an outlet on the balcony.

If you want to put folding table on the balcony quickly and without much hassle, it is better to buy. It can be found in some furniture stores, or you can contact the furniture makers who will complete the project on custom order with specific sizes, shapes and colors. The cost of a finished table starts from 2000 rubles - not so much in order to create comfort on the balcony.

If you like to make things with your own hands (or maybe you even want to try something for the first time on your own), you can make such a table in a few hours. It's an easy process that will definitely give you pleasure. Both a home-made and a factory-made small table can later be decorated, for example, with decoupage, which will make it an exclusive piece of furniture.

You should also pay attention not only to how to make a table on the balcony, but also to where to install it. Somebody think optimal placement at the end - along the entire short wall. So even in the unfolded state, it will not really interfere. But it is better to place a table directly under the window - this will provide a greater influx of natural light, two (or even three) people can sit at such a table, and the view from the window is another argument.

Ready table: how to choose?

Giving preference to factory furniture, it is important to buy a quality product that will serve for a long time and reliably. You should pay attention, first of all, to the material.
For glazed, insulated loggias and balconies, you can choose a table from any material. What exactly - it depends on the interior of the balcony, the financial capabilities of the buyer and personal preferences.

For open balconies(these are not common, but there are still those who like to spend time outdoors within their apartment) you should choose tables made of wear-resistant materials, such as metal or plastic. If you definitely want to have a wooden hanging table, the choice is also great.

Important: Wooden furniture must be treated with antifungal and moisture resistant impregnations. Otherwise, the table will serve no more than a year, which cannot be called a rational purchase.

Another piece of furniture -. Pro possible options and features of its organization, read on our website.

How can we do it in this article. In it you will also find an overview of various popular models of balcony cabinets.

Fasteners should also not be in doubt, because the table can be used quite often. If symmetrically located fasteners differ from each other, it is better to refuse such a product. The fact is that sometimes private furnishers make such tables (and other furniture) according to the principle “collected from what was” - in order to minimize waste. And this is not a sign quality product. It is also worth paying attention to whether it will be easy to replace fasteners in case of breakage.

How to make a table on the balcony yourself

If you decide to make a folding table on the balcony with your own hands, the easiest way is to make wooden product. It can be made from solid wood or plywood or chipboard - more a budget option. If you choose it, such a table will have a small weight, and therefore will not require an additional base.

Full list necessary materials and tools looks like this:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • screwdriver or drill (depending on the finish of the balcony);
  • dowels or screws;
  • file or sandpaper;
  • plywood, laminated chipboard or board;
  • paint for wood;
  • antifungal agent;
  • varnish for wood;
  • loops for connecting the elements of the support and countertops.

From a sheet of plywood or chipboard, a tabletop of the desired size is cut and one more detail is a rectangle of the same length as the base of the tabletop and 8-12 cm wide. Then the edges of the parts are processed with a file and fine-grained sandpaper - this will make them smooth. The workpiece is coated with special antifungal agents. This is important, since windows are opened even on an insulated balcony in summer, and therefore the countertop must be protected from harmful factors.

Note: You can choose any shape of the tabletop, but more convenient traditional semicircle, square and rectangle. But even in a countertop with corners, it is recommended to round them - this will avoid injury.

A corner is also cut out - a support. It consists of two elements. The first is a rectangular part 20 cm wide and slightly less than the width of the countertop. The second is done in exactly the same way, then it is sawn diagonally into two triangles. We need one of them. These parts are processed in exactly the same way: the edge and protective equipment.

The final stage remains: to assemble a table on the loggia. To do this, the tabletop is attached to a rectangular part of equal width using two “book” fasteners.

The support parts are also interconnected with similar fasteners, while the triangular part should be located in the middle of the rectangular one.

A tabletop is attached to the end of the upper edge with the help of self-tapping screws - and a table on the balcony, made by yourself, is ready! When assembled, the table will be quite stable, and when disassembled, the whole structure will be hidden behind the table top.

And in this video you can see another model of a folding table on the balcony "in action".

Cosy warm balcony- the dream of any owner. In sunny spring and hot summer, there is nothing more pleasant than sitting on the loggia with a book or a tablet, drinking green tea with friends, having a romantic evening under the city stars looking in open window. But in order to realize all these dreams, you simply cannot do without a small folding table on the balcony. And the best part is that you can make this very quickly and with your own hands.

We make a folding table on the loggia - what do you need?

A simple balcony table has many undeniable advantages: it is easy to assemble and takes up minimal space, can serve as a coffee, dining and business table for papers and a laptop, makes your loggia unique and homely.

Folding table on the balcony - very convenient to use

To make a table on the balcony yourself, you will need:

  • chipboard or plywood 2.5 centimeters thick: one piece 40 × 80 centimeters + two pieces 20 × 60 centimeters + strip 5 × 80 centimeters;
  • jigsaw (circular saw);
  • perforator;
  • sandpaper;
  • loops;
  • long screws;
  • varnish or paint for wood.

Making a folding table on the balcony - step by step instructions

Folding table on the loggia can be of different sizes, shapes and designs. We will tell you how to make a small semicircular structure, but if you wish, this scheme can be taken as the basis for other interior ideas.

To assemble the table with our own hands, we take a large piece of plywood (chipboard), draw a semicircular cover for our product with a compass. Then we carefully cut out the part, carefully grind all the edges with fine sandpaper.

You should not press hard on the saw, so as not to damage the edges of the structure, chipboard is cut so easily.

To build the lower part of our folding table on the balcony, we take one of the two boards 20 × 60 and divide it into two triangles.
We cut three holes in one of the triangles different diameter- they will turn our product into original item balcony interior. The center of each of these circles should be located strictly at a distance of 7 centimeters from the long side of the part.

The second board is the base on which the whole structure will rest. It is necessary to carefully cut out the edges in a semicircle and sand it with sandpaper (it is convenient to outline the contours of the corners using a regular mug).

In the middle of the finished board, we attach a triangle to a long furniture loop.

The triangle should be 3 millimeters below the upper border so that the table top does not scratch on the folding part when moving.

Then we do pre-assembly: put the lower part on the table top with the folding strip attached to make sure that the loop does not interfere with the movement of the structure.

We fasten the plywood strip to the wide part of the table on two joiner's hinges. It is better to choose strong fittings to withstand the weight of the table.

The final stage in the manufacture of a table with your own hands is the installation of the entire structure on the wall.
We mark the place where our table will be located, we control the level. The ideal option is under the window, next to the opening sash. We fasten the lower part with a triangle to four screws, on top - a hinged cover, using four long screws. The table is ready!

One of the options for mounting and design of the folding table

Folding table on the loggia - how to care

Folding table on the balcony - the design is quite simple, but it also requires proper care. In order for this elegant interior detail to please you for as long as possible, you need to cover the surface protective varnish or paint - this will protect it from mechanical damage, direct sun and moisture.

It is better to paint the details separately, before you attach the table to the wall. And before you start painting, check if all the edges are well polished.

After that, all that remains is to pick up suitable chairs or pretty stools, add some flowers, trinkets, a spectacular floor lamp - and your loggia is completely ready for spring and summer.

Making a table on the balcony yourself is very easy, while your budget will hardly notice financial losses. And if you assemble such a design together with children, you will receive not only exclusive balcony furniture, but also a lot of fun!