The meaning of wax figurines. Interpretation of wax figures in divination. Fortune telling on wax: the meaning of the figures, the interpretation of symbols. The procedure for conducting fortune-telling

Today, in our fast paced age technical progress We rarely use candles. What for? After all, we have electricity. But even now we do not deny ourselves the pleasure of looking at the flame of a candle, if, for example, we want to arrange a romantic evening. But there were times when there was no electricity at all. And candles for people were a source of light in the house. People spent a lot of time by candlelight, watching them and the events that followed. So signs were born that are associated with candles.

If lit

The candle burns clearly and calmly - to a happy life. The element of fire is generally very closely related to man. Fire is able to respond to any deviations that occur in our life and body. If a person's health is all right, no one does him any dirty tricks, then the candle reacts with calm burning. So, for example, it was noticed that when a candle starts to crack, then a negative is imposed on a person, which negatively affects both health and family life, and on the financial side of his life. And if the candle suddenly goes out on its own, and there is no draft, then this means that this person will die very soon. Scary, but true.

A candle is burning in the house - peace in the family. This sign is explained very simply. Each of us knows that when you look at open fire- a candle, a fireplace, a stove or a fire - then such peace comes in the soul that you don’t even want someone nearby talking loudly. Fire cleanses and soothes. And if everyone who will be in the house at such a moment looks at this fire for at least a minute, then no one will want to either swear or quarrel. It should be noted that the fire gas stove possesses these properties much weaker than natural fire. But he is also able to smooth out a little conflict situations. So, if you want everything to be calm in your family, there were no scandals and quarrels, then light more often candles. Moreover, it is always lit candles that set you in a positive mood.

A spark bounces off a candle - expect frost. This sign is associated with the peculiarity of fat. The fact is that earlier candles were not made from paraffin, and candles were not immediately made from wax. Previously, candles were made from lard. And he has one feature. If it starts to get colder, then the burning fat starts to shoot. Although, with a shooting candle there is one more sign. If the candle shoots sparks, then wait for the arrival of an evil guest. I would like to say that this sign clean water superstition. How can you know in what mood this or that person will come to you. But, nevertheless, the observations of our ancestors suggest that if a candle fires a spark, then wait in the house evil person. And you can't argue with that. Because many generations have observed the same thing, and no one has ever said that it is not true.

Three burning candles on the table are a misfortune for the hosts. This sign is also, in my opinion, unjustified superstition. Candles used to be very expensive. And making candles yourself is also not a cheap pleasure. In fact, during many rituals it is necessary to set three candles, and then read the desired plot. And nowhere is it said that this is bad for the house. On the contrary, three candles symbolize the Holy Trinity. Therefore, theoretically, there can be no harm from three candles. Therefore, this sign is associated precisely with savings in poor families who could not afford to spend too much money on candles.

Extinguish the candle

I accidentally extinguished a candle - wait for unexpected guests. This sign is also practically unverifiable in our time. It is unlikely that someone sits constantly by candlelight, if there is electric lighting. To believe the word of our ancestors, or not to believe, is up to each individual to decide, but such a sign existed. True, it is unlikely to be useful to us, because we do not need to constantly burn candles. Maybe the sign is true, but who has time to check all this?

You can’t blow out the candle - you’ll make problems. Many do not perceive this sign as the truth. Everyone thinks that by blowing out a candle, they are just putting out the fire. What difference does it make how to put out a match or a candle. The main thing is that the fire goes out, but it wasn’t there. Those who, by virtue of their profession, are associated with candles - mostly, of course, witches, healers, witches - they say that the one who blows out the candle then suffers from such problems as herpes. The sore, of course, is not dangerous, but quite unpleasant. So it's better not to risk it. Extinguish the candles with your fingers. This is always welcome in the church and in magic, and you can avoid problems with your lips.

If the candle goes out at the bed of a seriously ill patient, it will die. This sign is again connected with how fire reacts to each person. Fire, and therefore a candle, feels the state of each person. Fire is life. Therefore, if the fire suddenly goes out, it means that very soon the life in the person for whom the candle was lit will also go out. If you put a candle in the church for the health of that person who has already died, then it will not burn. You can, of course, check this fact. But I would like to immediately warn that the one who put a candle to the deceased for health will not live long himself. Will you risk it? Well, try it, but then blame yourself.

Wax on a candle

The wax from the candle on top went like a fungus - wait for the letter. Most likely, this is a common superstition. Although in our time to check this rule is very difficult. Firstly, almost no one writes letters to anyone anymore. What for? There is mobile connection, which is getting cheaper and cheaper every day, or you can send an SMS message. And secondly, candles now do not burn in every house all the time. Again, we can light them, as a last resort, if there is an emergency power outage, or it is necessary to create romantic setting. Well, how can we check this sign? Hard. But perhaps in old times this sign worked flawlessly.

Large influxes on the candle - the bride will have a long nose. Over this sign, to be honest, I just want to laugh. This sign was considered true for those guys who loved to tell fortunes about what their future wife would be like. Today it is believed that only girls believe in fortune telling. But it's not. Why do businessmen turn to fortune-tellers and psychics before major transactions? Question! Guys, just like girls, have always wanted to look into their future. Maybe someone noticed something. But a candle can also float due to damage, and you will come across the most beautiful bride. And what is the sign? But who knows, but the sign still exists.

At weddings and in marriage

If during the wedding a candle goes out for one of the young, he will not live long. Arguing about this sign, I would like to say that if you believe in bad things, then bad things will happen. Pray and think that you will be fine. So it will be! According to your faith, you will! You never need to think about the bad, but if you still doubt, then try to settle all matters with the inheritance. And best of all, live happily ever after and don't think about anything bad. Your fate is in your hands - so hold it and do not let go. Love can cure many diseases. Therefore, if the candle went out during the wedding, but you love sincerely, and you know that you are loved with all your heart, then the omen will not work on you.

A husband and wife will live happily if the wife lights two candles woven together. Superstition or not - you decide. But in magic there really is such a ritual when, in order to return her husband, the wife uses the magic of candles. Believe it or not, the sign works. If the husband went on a spree, or got drunk with friends, then he can be returned to the family in this way. Feelings are known to fade over time. But, nevertheless, we continue to live. In the old days, it was accepted that if a husband began to cool off towards his wife, then this means that the wife needs to take action. And if she does not want to do this, then there will be no more family either.

A candle can save you from all troubles, give you the strength to live on, raise children and be happy, as well as lead you to new level life. Of course, now we cannot check most of the signs, but these signs work. Well, in what direction - it's up to you.

A church candle is a spark of joy and tranquility, a symbol of faith and love for God. She means a lot to a Christian, many traditions are associated with her in the temple and beyond, and, of course, not without folk signs. Why does a candle crackle during burning, why does its flame fluctuate, why does it go out? The people find answers to all these questions, but they do not always coincide with the opinion of the church.

Folk beliefs and candles

  • How it burns.

According to the nature of the flame, a lot can be said about the room or the person who stands next to it, signs say. So, an even calm fire speaks of positive energy, the absence of problems and diseases. The fluctuation of the tongue of a church candle portends active period life: travel, highlights and adventures. A weak flame speaks of illness or is a warning of an imminent illness. If the candle crackles and sparks - on life path have a personality bad thoughts to a person, so the fire reacts to the negative.

  • The candle falls.

If the church candle fell by negligence, someone pushed the person or it was installed unreliably, there is nothing reprehensible in this, you just need to repeat the manipulation. Another case where the fall is not accidental: the candle was installed more than once and it constantly tilts. When a candle set for health falls, this is a sign that a person will soon fall ill. A candle set for the repose has fallen - the soul is not calm, it is still looking for its place and you need to pray for it. If someone constantly drops a church candle, this is a warning of misfortune. The first thing to do in such cases is to mentally ask for forgiveness, and then return it to its place. If a church candle falls during a wedding, the marriage is not destined to be long.

  • The candle goes out.

Fire is the mediator between man and God. When the candle goes out, this indicates a lost connection, thoughts and prayers will not be heard. There can be several reasons: a person’s act caused the Lord’s displeasure, or he stepped over the permitted line. The church candle, set for the repose, goes out - the deceased still holds a grudge, you need to ask him for forgiveness with all your heart, with love. The candle set for health goes out - the health of this person is in danger.

  • Wonderful properties of candles.

Church candles have an unusual power that supports difficult situations. For example, lit wedding candles during childbirth help a woman, a seriously ill and dying person, they alleviate suffering. Sanctified by fire entrance doors"will not let" evil spirits and unclean people into the house. Green candles placed on New Year's table, invite good luck to the house for the whole year. It is believed that church candles can even answer questions, the answer can be understood from the behavior of the flame.

Church response

Sign or folk wisdom- these are long-term observations of mankind over nature, causes and their consequences, the elements and the relationship of man with the outside world. Signs are not related to spirituality, magic and various rituals, this is only a mark of relationships in human life. The Church has nothing against signs, because one cannot condemn human observation and culture.

But superstition is an empty, vain belief in statements that do not have any basis. Delving into superstition, a person departs from spirituality, personifying fictional events and connecting them with his life. With the help of special rituals, a person tries to change his life in positive side avoiding negative consequences.

The Church considers superstitions to be self-deception, a distance from God, and does not accept them in any form.

What to do if the candle smokes and cracks

When a church candle lit at home begins to burn unevenly, crackle and emit black smoke, goosebumps involuntarily run down the back. Mentally, people immediately begin to look for some supernatural reasons for this, and, of course, they find it. There are claims that when a burning candle smokes in the house, it means that it "burns" the negative energy in the room. And the more soot it emits, the stronger the concentration of negative energy in this place.

How to clear a place of negativity? All the same church candles their flames are burning bad energy". A special concentration of the latter falls on the corners of the room. They need to be lit with flames until the crackling and black smoke stop.

Church ministers are quite even about the fact that candles can smoke, and when asked why candles crackle in the house, they only answer bad quality wax used in production. The clergy attribute all similar manipulations to magical rituals and do not see mystical overtones in them. What does the Church advise to do if the crackle of a burning candle frightened a person:

  • firstly, it is necessary to confess and take communion;
  • secondly, do not skip morning and evening prayers;
  • thirdly, to observe all the recommended fasts not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually.

Gentle, warm light candles fascinates, calms and leads to peace of mind. Watching the fire, it is easier to concentrate on yourself, your thoughts, formulate a prayer and an appeal to God. According to church rules, candles must be made from natural wax, so they are very easy to make at home.

For the production of candles, special molds are needed, but at home you can get by with a hose suitable diameter. You also need a natural cotton thread (mulina is also suitable), foundation and auxiliary materials: adhesive tape, cardboard, a nail or a match, a jug and a saucepan for a water bath. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. We prepare the form: we make a longitudinal cut on the hose so that the finished product can be easily pulled out. From cardboard we make a "bottom" for the form right size, in the center of which you need a hole to secure the wick. We wrap the hose with tape to recreate the integrity of the form.
  2. The wick is twisted from cotton thread. We tie a large knot at one end and pass the wick through the cardboard bottom of the blank. On the opposite end we fix the thread on a match or carnation. If used special shape, then there is a holder for the wick.
  3. To turn foundation into liquid state you need a ceramic jug with a narrow neck, so that it is more convenient to pour the melted wax into the mold. The jug is placed in a saucepan with hot water(70-80 degrees) and, stirring constantly, wax is brought to a fluid state.
  4. Carefully pour the wax into the mold, after lubricating it with dish soap. The candle should solidify slowly in an upright position, so it must be wrapped in a towel.
  5. When the wax has hardened, the adhesive tape is cut and the product is removed from the mold.