How to make a strong punch. Basic Methods for Increasing Impact Force


On what nuances does the impact force depend. How can you train her. What exercises are suitable for this.

Many people wonder how to increase the power of punching. At the same time, you can increasingly hear the stereotype that speed is a key factor. But this is not so at all.

The main thing is technique and the ability to put mass into the hand heading towards the opponent. But keep in mind that the full extension of the limb at the moment of impact can lead to serious injury, so it is advisable to beat without full extension. Adds efficiency to strikes from various angles.


So how do you increase punching power? There are several answers here. The first one is strict adherence to technology. Special attention give to your feet. During movement, the arm should be at shoulder level. The heels are lifted first, the foot is turned in the direction of impact. Please note that the movements should not have a cross character. For example, if you strike with your right limb, then you also need to tear off the heel on the right side. In this case, the left foot should stand firmly on the floor.

The rest of the details are as follows:

  • Rotate your hips towards your opponent. In this case, a punch and a turn should be carried out simultaneously (this allows you to increase the level of impact);
  • move the body at the moment of striking (especially when it comes to fighting at a short distance);
  • bend your knees and shift the mass of the torso slightly forward;
  • you can’t reach for the hand, just turn the body. Otherwise, you can quickly lose balance;
  • at the time of the swing, try not to bring your hand back much - this is how you give out your intentions and allow the opponent to prepare;
  • at the moment of impact it is necessary to release air;
  • watch the fist - the fingers should be compressed with maximum force.

Best Exercises

Now let's look at how to develop punching power with the help of special training. Here are the following exercises:

  • Try to carry a brush expander with you at all times and practice with it. In this case, give preference to the most rigid option. Proper execution exercises involve compressing the projectile with the application of maximum force. Thanks to such training, you can significantly strengthen the fist, make it more powerful.
  • Train daily with a rope with the obligatory lifting of the hips to the maximum height. Perfect option- touching the femoral part of the chest.
  • Use the sledgehammer as a practice tool. Take it and hit the tires with all your might (you can do this in the garage). The peculiarity of the exercise is that those muscle groups that are just involved in the impact are connected to the work.
  • Use an assistant to hold the paws. Strike in such a way as if the target is slightly above the established paws. At the same time, set the task not just to hit the projectile, but to break through it. In this case, you can develop maximum strength.
  • Daily organize a "fight" with an imaginary opponent. This will develop the reaction and speed of the “shot” of the hand. Keep in mind that an unexpected blow for the enemy is effective.

In order for the blow to become more powerful, you need to understand how its strength is formed:

  • technique, impact trajectory;
  • speed;
  • body mass.

Technique setting

It is the technique of striking, in the first place, that affects their strength. If you want to succeed in this, then you need to contact a coach who can explain to you what trajectory the arm or leg should follow, when it is worth tensing or relaxing the fist as much as possible, how the body should behave at the moment of impact. Let's take a look at some of the points below.


  1. Should be slightly wider than shoulder width.
  2. The heel goes up first.
  3. When hitting, the foot must be turned in the direction of the movement of the hand.
  4. On impact right hand the left foot is in place, and the right heel rises and vice versa.
  • The knees should be slightly bent and the weight of the body should be carried forward.
  • Turn your hips towards the opponent at the same time as you strike.
  • Full movement of the body upon impact, with a close ejection of the arm, is more effective.
  • Never reach forward, turn your torso sharply.
  • When swinging, do not take your hand back, so you can be easily exposed.
  • The fist must be compressed as much as possible upon impact.
  • Exhale with each beat.

All of the above requirements must be met at the same time.

Technique can be improved throughout life, from which the blows will become stronger. Pay attention to this component as the main one.

Develop strength, speed and explosive energy

Kicking the ball

Find a free space to do this exercise. Try to find a heavy ball that boxers use in training. If not, use basketball.

Starting position: feet shoulder width apart, body straight. Raise the ball high above your head. Hit the ball hard on the floor and catch it after the bounce. Repeat the exercise at least 15 times.

If you live in an apartment, then it is better to refuse this exercise, otherwise you can break the ceiling of the neighbors.

Jump Squats

Starting position: stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides. Squat down until your knees are in line with your hips. Jump as high as you can while raising your arms. Repeat jumps until you run out of strength (for best effect you can take dumbbells in your hands).

As for the upper body, here the triceps, back muscles and shoulders play a big role for a powerful blow.


When pulling up, your arms should be held slightly wider than your shoulders. If desired, you can hang on the weight belt. Try to pull yourself up as many times as possible.

Push ups

Try to keep your hands as close to each other as possible. Don't arch your back, keep it straight. Push-ups develop triceps, back and chest muscles. The bench press "works" on the same principle. To strengthen your wrist, try push-ups on your fists.

Reverse push-ups

Find a bench, stand with your back to it, lean on your palms, crouching slightly. Start going down and up on your hands. Do three sets of twenty reps.

Kettlebell lift forward

Spread your legs to your sides. Grab the kettlebell with one hand and hold it between your legs with your arm extended. Bend your legs slightly at the knees. Sharply jerk the kettlebell forward, to a level of 90 degrees in relation to the body. At the highest point, the back should be straight. Repeat up to eight kettlebell raises with one arm. Then change your hand. You should feel tension in your muscles.


The exercise is similar to the previous one, with the only difference that the weight is now raised above the head. Change hands after 8-12 repetitions.

Snatch with push

Place the kettlebell between your legs. Place your hand on top of her with your hips back. Rush up sharply, placing your hand so that you throw the kettlebell over your shoulders. Now use the push to lift it above your head. Return to starting position. Do ten kettlebell lifts with one hand.

Lifting the kettlebell up from a seated position

Throw the kettlebell over your shoulder, squatting down. Left hand push forward, it will help to keep balance. Lift the weight up. Wait a second, then do the second lift. Change your hand. Make sure that the calves and buttocks are in tension.

Lifting a kettlebell from a lying position

Lie on your back, take a kettlebell in one hand and lift it up. The hand must always be in a vertical position. From this position, you need to try to get up. Bend one leg first, then the other. Can help free hand. Do the exercise about ten times.

Push of two kettlebells

Throw two weights over your shoulders. Inhale, then, with a jerk, raise both weights above your head. Lower them slowly. The press during the exercise should be tense.

Other options for developing impact strength

  • Use a carpal expander regularly. Buy the hardest projectile and work alternately, with both hands. Be sure to squeeze the expander sharply, applying all the force. This exercise helps develop the interdigital muscles and forearms. As a result, the fist will become stronger and more powerful.
  • Jump rope every day with your hips high. Try to reach your chest with your knees.
  • No less effective exercises with a sledgehammer. Take a tool (this is best done near the garage) and start hitting unnecessary tires. During the exercise, it is precisely those muscles that are involved in striking that are activated.
  • Ask a partner to help you. It is necessary to work on the "paws". Hit as if the target is a few centimeters further than the paw. Try to somehow pierce the projectile through and through. This exercise will help you not to lose speed and hit the enemy harder.
  • The most effective strikes are those that you do not expect at all. You need to strike unexpectedly so that the enemy does not have time to react. The exercise "shadow boxing" will help to develop speed and sharpness. Do this exercise every day for at least ten minutes. Additionally, dumbbells of 1-2 kg can be added to the hands.
  • You can use a rubber band or cut straight pieces from a car tire. Tie one end of the material to a wall or something that is securely fastened. Take the other end in your hand and strike, resisting the back pressure of the elastic.
  • To develop an explosive strike, you can do push-ups on your fists and palms with a lift off the floor. Three sets of ten repetitions are enough.
  • To increase your speed, try jumping. Start with one hit and gradually increase. So, it should be possible to deliver 3-4 hits before the feet touch the floor.

All of these exercises help develop the power of impact, make the muscles and tendons of the hands stronger, as well as more resilient. With regular implementation, the result will be noticeable in a week.

A strong blow is necessary, but it should only be used for defense. Always be aware of the consequences that may arise.

The Importance of Hitting Accuracy

No matter how strong your blows are, if they are applied to protected places, there will be little sense from them. It is important to hit in vulnerable places. From an anatomical point of view, a knockout is a critical load on the cerebellum. An impulse from the central nervous system turns off the body. Direct impact on this center of the brain is carried out by a blow to:

  • jaw;
  • temple;
  • occipital part of the head.

In addition to the head, there are other vulnerabilities, the impact on which can demoralize the opponent. A powerful attack on such zones is interrupted normal functioning organism, depriving the enemy of consciousness and capacity:

  • liver- "depot" of blood and blows to this area cause spasm, suffocation and loss of consciousness;
  • solar plexus- a large bundle of nerves, an accurate hit guarantees a temporary cessation of breathing and makes it impossible to act;
  • under the heart a powerful penetrating effect with a fist or foot leads to tachycardia, blockage of the respiratory center, and sometimes cardiac arrest;
  • lower abdomen and groin- no comment.

The knockout threshold for each person is individual, but it is known that already a blow with a force of 150 kg can turn off the opponent if it is done pointwise and suddenly. And for the lower part of the jaw is enough - 15 kg! In classical boxing, they teach to hit the following vulnerable places on the human body:

The power of impact in all types of contact martial arts plays a decisive role. This gives rise to the need for its development, but everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Let's talk about this in the boxing plane and look at ways to increase punching power, what exercises contribute to this, and how training can be structured to achieve the desired result.

Who and why seeks a strong blow

Well, everything is clear with athletes. If the swimmer wants to swim fast, then the contact works on the speed and force of the blow. Everything is logical here. However, many are interested in how to develop punching power, despite the fact that these many have never been involved in contact sports. Even if they say they did.

This certainly caused a smile in someone, but it should be said that such aspirations for strength and physical capabilities seem to be due to primitive instincts. Since ancient times, a man has been a hunter, a breadwinner, he must be strong, be able to protect. And, of course, the enemies should be afraid of him. That is, it is quite normal when modern man strives to be strong.

But the sad thing is that the concepts of the norm have shifted somewhat in recent times. I would not like to analyze the details in this article, this topic is more complicated than it might seem at first glance. But the priorities of young people have changed considerably, and this has not happened in favor of sports. Unhealthy greed, drugs are a scourge modern society and possibly the future. In light of this, at least some desire to develop, including sports, is encouraging, so it is gratifying even when an ordinary boy is interested, how to increase punch without even boxing. Unless, of course, he has malicious intent.

But I got carried away with the lyrics. Let's get to the point.

How to increase punching power

To answer this question, it is important to understand the biomechanics of certain movements. I would not like to talk here about how to develop the power of a beginner's strike. It is nonsense. For a person who has no idea about elementary technology, the force of impact should not be an end in itself. And I really don't want to explain here that gotta hit hard, in touch, without using a push, without falling over, etc. Without understanding these common truths, there would be nothing to talk about. Unless, of course, you are a healthy developed bull weighing 150 kg, hitting an immovable target.

No matter how strong an athlete is, he will not overtake a sprinter, swimmer or cyclist. And the key lies in technology. It is not productive to work on strengthening the blow without understanding, for example, the role of the legs. Low efficiency. Therefore, in order to learn how to hit hard, you need to learn how to hit correctly. And to master one correct blow, tens, or even hundreds of thousands of blows, developments may be required. I only mean that the question of how to develop the force of impact, asked from an ignorant person, will remain unanswered. Yes, and a counter question: why does this ignorant one need the force of impact?

How to develop punching power

We decided that it was important to understand the technology. We discussed the need for experience. It seems that for a right-hander it will be easiest to consider a direct blow with the right hand. In order not to delve into technical subtleties, I will refer to, where everything related to the application of direct blows is described in detail.

We will only discuss the key points here. Arguing about how to increase the power of impact, and not generally learn how to hit, we logically come to the need to strengthen some functional areas our body. Let's briefly consider each of them.


The initial impulse for any strike is set by the legs. And if the calf muscles are more important for moving around the ring, carrying an increased load, then when striking, the hips can already be well invested. It would be strange if the resource of such large muscles was not used. Here, the usual basic squats are the best fit, as well as any kind of plyometric exercises, which I have already talked about. But I will touch on them briefly again a little lower.

Core muscles, abs

It should be clarified that the core muscles already begin where the legs do not yet end. Therefore, after talking about them, we climbed up here. I once wrote that not a single complex movement is possible without the participation of the core muscles. During the strike, it is necessary to quickly and sharply turn the body, following the impulse given by the foot, and many muscles are involved here. Imagine that in this place is your weak link. Then this link will fail the entire chain, absorbing some of the energy. After all, if there is a leak in the middle of the hose with water, the pressure on its second segment will inevitably weaken. This is important to remember.


And I also wrote about their significance in the article “ Shoulders in boxing: it’s impossible to pump over”. Here, wondering how to increase the force of impact, it is impossible not to remember the shoulders, since they are a key area. A weak shoulder will not send the hand along the desired trajectory, will not give the opportunity to hit hard and bitingly.

Forearms and hands

It is the fist that transfers all the energy to its target in the final phase of the blow. It should be hard, heavy and tightly compressed, and a strong hand and forearm should hold it in this state as much as possible. At the moment of impact with the target.

To understand how important this moment is, it is enough to simply imagine that you were hit on the head, for example, with a soft and hard punching bag. With the fact that both of them will have the same weight, it is the density and resistance to deformation that plays a decisive role. If, upon contact with an obstacle, the fist "plays" at least slightly relative to the hand, this is to a decent extent dampen the impact, and the impulse will be distributed between the target and the arm ligaments. By the way, this is why hands are sometimes damaged. Therefore, since we have the question of how to increase the force of a blow with a fist, and not, say, with a palm, the hand and fist at the moment of collision with the target should be as monolithic as possible. How to reach the goal?

Striking exercises

In one of the articles, I closely associated boxing with plyometrics. In fact, he is one of its manifestations, and his training arsenal consists mainly of plyometric exercises. A boxer must run, jump, be well coordinated and have a good physical condition. This makes him versatile, and a fighter should be like that.

Boxing is not built on just one punch. Here, besides him, endurance, the ability to move, evade attacks and defend themselves are important. Therefore, the training method involves A complex approach , which is what I said above. But since we are talking here about how to increase the force of impact, we will consider some targeted exercises. Of course, we will rely on those key areas that take part in this, namely:

  • legs;
  • core and abs muscles;
  • shoulders;
  • forearms and hands.

I have placed emphasis on them, but this does not detract from the importance, for example, of the back, biceps and triceps. Moreover, without a good back, a good hit is absolutely impossible. Look at the boxers from behind. Therefore, in the considered exercises, not only the listed muscle groups will be involved.

Throwing a medicine ball

In the video above, you can see and hear comments regarding this exercise. It develops muscle skill, explosive strength and speed-strength qualities in general.

Push-ups with claps

Everything is simple here - push up and clap. The amplitude is not important - the repulsion force from the floor is important, which determines your ability to explode. And here you need the skill of rapid muscle contraction.

Deep squat jumps

This exercise develops not only the legs, but also the core muscles and the entire musculoskeletal system. Plus, this is a skill for explosive movement, and you should not talk about its role if the goal is to increase the power of the blow.

Bench press from behind the head

You can do this while holding the barbell in front of you, since the first option is quite traumatic, especially for the thoracic spine. It is important to understand that this is, first of all, strength exercise, and our goal here is to develop impact power. Therefore, 6-8 repetitions in the approach will be quite enough.

Throwing the bar in front of you

And here, contrary to the opinion of some athletes, multi-repetitive approaches should be used, at least 30 times. Weight should be selected accordingly, arm extensions should be done quickly and vigorously.

Shoulders and more shoulders

Again, emphasizing their importance, I say that the shoulders can be developed in any way possible, without fear of busting. Because they also play a big role in developing the force of impact, and you will definitely feel it.

Shot put

This exercise for the power of impact is difficult to overestimate. It develops explosive power, and imitation of the correct movements during the shot put allows you to improve your technical skill. It is good if it is possible to vary the weight of the projectile in order to accustom the muscles to different work.

wall pushing

In the boxing gym, the exercise can also be performed using a wall cushion. You just balk working hand into the surface of the wall and with sharp jerky movements (legs and pelvis) press it into the wall. Repetitions should be frequent in large numbers, preferably if this element will “finish off” the previous exercise. The fist (you can also rest with your fingers, if they are strong enough) should not be torn off the wall.

Working on a heavy bag or wall cushion

Here, in fact, an accented strike is practiced, taking into account the available technology. Do not forget to insert the leg, turn the body, “let go” of the hand and wrap the fist upon contact with working surface. The latter is important, because we are talking about how to increase the power of a punch, and it should not become our weak link.

Any ab exercise

And I spoke about the functional purpose of the press in boxing in one of the articles, citing some exercises for its development as examples. The abdominal muscles play the role of a kind of twisting spring when striking, and they must be adapted for this task.


Here it would be possible to list a lot more exercises for the power of impact. But I have outlined the main ones. And in combination with an understanding of the priority muscle zones, it will be easy to build your training process accordingly. The modern Internet is full of advisers who certainly know how to develop punching power, but the methods they offer often have no connection with reality.

If we approach the issue from a scientific point of view, it is necessary to take into account the anthropometric characteristics of each athlete, correlating with each other the size and level of development of certain muscle groups. Here, a special technique should be developed individually, including strength training and individual elements SFP. Moreover, such directed training should be built according to a certain algorithm, using a clear sequence and intensity of exercises, as well as a schedule for varying the nature of the loads.

But, since we are speaking here in a simpler and more understandable language, we are pursuing much more mundane goals and wondered how to increase the force of impact, in in general terms, I think we have dealt with this topic quite well.

Practice and you will be happy.

How to make a hit stronger?

Watching action films, we often think: "Yes, he would have fallen from such a blow a long time ago!" However, in most cases, the blow only seems strong when it is not. You will be surprised, but there are a lot of laws and techniques that need to be worked out and studied in order to lay down the enemy with one blow. Well, let's figure out how to make the blow stronger.


  • The impact force is determined by the mass and the acceleration that was given to this very mass. This means that the more weight of the body part you hit, and the harder you do it, the stronger the blow will be.
  • Engage your body. During a strike, not only the part of the body with which you strike should move, but the whole body. This provision corresponds to the theory of Bruce Lee, who clearly knew how to inflict real swipe. He called his theory "an inch punch", and it sounds like this: "Moving the body an inch (2.54 cm) is more effective than moving the hand a full foot (30 cm)".
  • Keep distance. Correct distance - the most important factor. If your arm or leg is extended too much when throwing a punch, it will not be strong, even if a lot of potential has been put into it.

The importance of body position

Regardless of which part of the body you are going to hit - with a hand or a leg, the correct starting position must be maintained - feet, legs, hips, body, shoulders, hands and head. Yes, a blow is not such a simple matter as it seems at first glance, you have to control your body 100%. Let's look at the position of each body part in a little more detail:

  • Feet - slightly wider than shoulder width, the heel of the hind foot is slightly raised.
  • Legs - slightly bent at the knees.
  • Hips - ready to turn, during the blow they need to be deployed in the direction of the enemy, this will increase the force of the blow.
  • Body - keep straight, do not bend to "reach" the opponent - it is better to take a step forward than to bend over.
  • Shoulders - relaxed, save strength for a strike, during a strike - raise your shoulders.
  • The hands are relaxed and, like the shoulders, conserve strength for a strike - form a fist, but do not strain it.
  • Head - chin slightly lowered, eyes 100% active, on impact - hard exhalation.

Jab and right hook

There are many types of punches, but the possession of a mass of special punches is the lot of boxers to defend themselves, common man it is enough to study a couple of strong hand strikes, for example, the so-called jab (straight left punch) and a right hook.

When throwing a jab, you need to take a quick step forward, and raise the shoulder of the striking hand at the moment of impact.

With a right hook, shift your body weight from your back foot to your front foot, then move your head quickly to bring its weight into the force of the punch, but remember to keep your eyes on the target. The head must be moved forward - towards the opponent, and not to the side. This trick is not very easy to perform, but it will significantly increase the impact.

When to strike?

Impact hardness - important point: The harder the hit, the stronger it is. When is a hard hit possible? There are four rules:

  • The correct distance is to first aim, and then hit, there is no need to rush with the blow, the main thing is to execute it as correctly as possible.
  • The moment of the opponent's strike - counter strikes are always stronger.
  • The moment when the opponent is not expecting a hit.
  • Angled strikes are always harder.

How to train a hit?

As you already understood, a strong blow is the result of the involvement of the whole body, and not just the part of the body that delivers it. How to develop strength in the whole body? There are two universal ways- running and swimming. The first way is more accessible, the second is more efficient. Running mainly involves the legs and to a lesser extent other parts of the body, but swimming makes all the muscles work at full power. However, any exercise good workout strikes, because they all develop strength.


In most cases, the impact force depends on the impact technique, the state of the muscles, and genes. The first step is to at least learn the basics of technique, striking, so that it makes sense to increase the speed and force of the blow. So, let's start with a warm-up. We stretch our arms, shoulders, muscles of the chest, back, legs. As you know, the power of a direct strike comes from the triceps. But depending on how the impact changes, other muscles are also involved. Let's take a side kick as an example - a hook: it mainly involves the triceps and chest muscles. And, let's say, in the lower blow - - biceps, triceps, chest muscles, as well as back muscles and are involved. The whole impact force depends on the legs, and only then the arm muscles are involved.

Thereafter short excursion into theory, we can go directly to the exercises. Let's proceed to the first exercise for a direct strike - push-ups on the palms, narrow setting. This exercise engages the triceps muscles, which are part of the core muscle group for speed and punching power. You need to put your palms in such a way that a triangle forms between them. In this case, the palms should be parallel to the chin. When we touch the forehead to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe triangle.

Now let's move on to the second exercise - push-ups on fists, narrow setting. In this exercise, we again work triceps. We put our fists together, parallel to the middle of the chest area. In this way we do push-ups, while spreading our legs shoulder-width apart.

Next, we perform push-ups on the fists in a wide position. In this exercise, in addition to the muscles of the arms, the muscles of the chest are also involved. Pumping the muscles of the chest, respectively, we increase the strength and speed of the side impact. We spread our hands as wide as possible, put them on our fists and start. Push-ups need to be as deep as possible so that the muscles work optimally. The best way perform deep push-ups - using three chairs. We put 2 chairs parallel to each other for arms and 1 for legs. And thus we do push-ups, lowering the torso as deep as possible.

Now we take dumbbells weighing 2-3 kilograms. No need to get started more weight so as not to damage the joints. And we fight with a shadow, 200 straight, side and uppercuts each.

Then we take the rope and start jumping as quickly as possible, preferably at least 3 minutes. Performing this exercise, we pump the calves and feet, from which the impact force directly comes. If you do not have, you can jump without it, steps forward, backward, right and left.

Push-ups should be performed smoothly, at an even pace and to the limit, until the hands shake from overload. As you know, in all forms, doing something beyond their capabilities, thereby they expand. So we did a few sets of push-ups plus jump rope. After that, be sure to spend 20-25 minutes hitting the pear. Moreover, work with a pear should also be smooth. Hitting it with all your might and as quickly as possible is not worth it. To relax the worked muscles, you need to spend a couple of rounds with a pear.


  • boxing blog
  • boxing power punches

Strong hands are a sign of a real man. The ability to deliver strong blows is valued not only in boxing or in any other martial arts. You can not put an equal sign between the expressions "strong hands" and " big muscles". As a rule, exercises aimed at developing arm strength and punching power do not add centimeters to the volume of your biceps. But they still need to be done. Add some exercises to your training program, and the result will not be long in coming.

You will need

  • - barbell or dumbbells with a thick neck;
  • - a small solid rubber ball;
  • - gymnastic mat.


Boxing is one of the toughest sports. The desire to put motivates people to box. But not all boxers can boast of a good punch. What is necessary for your blow to knock down the bull?


Add sharpness. Not always physically strong man has a knockout punch, and there are several reasons for this. One of them is a low impact. Think back to high school physics. The impact force is equal to, multiplied by the acceleration. And there is nothing surprising here - with strength and low speed, the blow is average. And if there is also little physical strength, then in general a rather unconvincing blow can turn out.

Train the speed of the blow on a special small one-by-one blows. It is also worth connecting shadow strikes with small dumbbells in your hands to training.

Learn to relax. The blows go well, but in the ring, something doesn’t work out? This is a psychological factor. There is both fear and fear of doing to the enemy. From this, the subconscious fetters the movement, and the blow is not so fast, strong and clear. You need to be able to get away from what is happening. Of course, not like a Buddhist, because you can skip the left side in, but all fear and all emotions must be left outside the ring so that you can show the maximum that you are capable of.

Move. Even if you are as heavy as an elephant and frisky as a lion, it is problematic to land a stunning blow in a static position. The blow in dynamics is stronger than in statics, you can easily see this in practice.

Include the whole body. Perhaps you already know this simple truth, but still you should not forget about it, that a strong blow is a blow in which the whole body works: arm, shoulder, back, legs. So, do not forget that the blow comes from the legs, and turn them on during.

Pick a specific point. A good hit must be accurate. The truth is simple, so aim at a certain place. If you want to take down an opponent, then aim at the jaw, taking into account all the above wishes.

Contact a trainer. All of these are universal, but everyone has their own problem with a blow, so it would be great to contact a specialist who can see with an experienced eye what you are doing wrong.


  • put a beat at home

Plyometric exercises that contribute to the development of push power include passing the distance by jumping on one leg. Try to push as hard as possible so that the jump is long, help yourself by actively working with your hands.

Incorporate interval running into your workout. Such training contributes to the development of special speed endurance. The essence of interval running is the alternation of long acceleration with active rest. Role active rest plays jogging. Acceleration can last from 50 to 2000 meters, depending on your fitness.

To accelerate the run, it is not enough to work out only the power of pushing with your feet. An increase in stride length is also required. Do not try to artificially lengthen the step, this will lead to the fact that you will not run, but jump. A sufficiently powerful push will automatically lengthen the flight phase. But your body must be ready for it. Lack of elasticity in the thigh and calf muscles can prevent you from running fast enough.

For stretching rear surface hips lie on your back. Right leg lift up and put a towel over your foot. Pull the thigh towards the body. Then, holding the ends of the towel with your hands, try to straighten your leg in knee joint. Try to keep both straight. legs.

Stand sideways to a stable support and grasp it with your hand. With the other hand, grab the ankle of the same name legs and take it back, stretching the muscles of the front of the thigh. Keep your back straight. Take the knee back, and pull the heel as close to the buttocks as possible.


Speed ​​training can only be successful if you have good technical base. Don't do plyometric exercises if you're just starting out with running. They are designed for those athletes whose muscles and joints are already sufficiently trained and able to withstand significant loads.

Exercises with dumbbells and barbells, as well as regular exercises on gymnastic equipment such as horizontal bars and parallel bars, will help you become stronger and more resilient. To achieve noticeable results, it is important to properly organize the training process.

If you want to get relief muscles, get a subscription to the gym, to the weightlifting section. On the initial stage start training on special simulators, on the horizontal bar and uneven bars, with dumbbells. Remember that any exercise that engages the muscles in your body increases their strength. These can be ordinary push-ups from the floor, pull-ups on the crossbar, deflections on the uneven bars, etc.

Work out a training program with your trainer that will fit your body's physiological characteristics and your goals. If you want to slightly increase muscle strength without achieving the results of famous bodybuilders, more simple technique than the one that is designed for impressive achievements in weightlifting.

In the case when pronounced musculature is your goal, you want to seriously take up strength sports - you can’t avoid basic exercises with a barbell under such impressive names as: “ deadlift”, “French bench press”, etc.

Remember that the goal of each exercise, regardless of how it is performed - with dumbbells, with a barbell, on a horizontal bar or parallel bars, is to work out certain muscle groups. Some exercises are responsible for training the biceps - the biceps of the arms, others for pumping up the triceps, others for strengthening the abdominal muscles, etc. It is important that your complex includes exercises to work out various muscles, because the combination of pumped up arms with thin or thick legs will look quite ridiculous.

The initial period of development of muscles and ligaments takes about two to three months, after which you can move on to more serious exercises with a barbell. The weight of the bar, the number of sets and repetitions should be increased gradually. The initial indicators will depend on your individual capabilities, on average, these are 5-10 repetitions and 2-3 sets.

When working with a barbell, be sure to use the help of an insurer partner. It will not only help prevent possible injuries, but will also assist in overcoming the dead center in the last repetitions.

When training your back muscles, be sure to use a special safety belt, wear leather wristlets and gloves to protect your hands.

When following all the recommendations of your trainer, do not forget to follow the diet, it should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates in sufficient quantities, as well as vitamins and minerals. Allow enough time for sleep and recovery after training.

Workouts at home

You can also increase muscle strength at home, exercising with dumbbells, on uneven bars and horizontal bars. In addition, techniques such as fitness, stretching, Pilates, abdominal exercises, with gymnastic sticks, hula hoops, etc. can help you develop body flexibility. You can find on the Internet or purchase on DVD a set of exercises for and gradually, step by step, develop your muscles and endurance.

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To increase the speed and you need to make some additional efforts during training. It is important to perform the strike technically correctly, to have developed muscles and ligaments, and to be relaxed during the attack.

Martial artists and professional boxers alike can boast of a fast and slashing punch capable of incapacitating an opponent for several minutes. It is believed that such a speed of the work of the arms and legs is gained by many years of training, repeated several times a week. This is true, but if you focus solely on the speed of impact, you can significantly improve your performance in a few weeks.

Power and speed are not always compatible

If you are a bodybuilder, it is unlikely that you will be able to significantly increase the speed of the blow. The fact is that in the “jocks” the muscle fibers are pulled together and cannot work quickly. Due to the increase in mass, sharpness is lost. Of course, there are athletes who can throw fast punches, but they used to do boxing or other martial arts. Muscle memory helps to apply the acquired technique and speed. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to increase the speed indicators.

In addition, during muscle pumping, ligaments are clogged, which play an important role in striking.

Therefore, if you decide to increase the speed of impact, stop dragging the iron. It is better to deal with your weight, but here, too, you need to take into account some nuances. When pulling up and pushing up, the movements should be made sharp, with the same sharp exhalation, as if you were to strike when straightening (push-ups), bending (pulling up) your arms.

Additional exercises

To increase the speed of impact is important. If the kick is done correctly, then daily repetitions will help increase speed. At the same time, it is important to imagine the hand thrown out to strike in the form of a ball tied to a cable. The hand itself is the cable, and the fist is the core.

Both arms and legs must be relaxed at the moment of impact and quickly return to their original state. The extra momentum of returning the leg and arm back will add speed.

Constant sparring with a partner helps develop a response. This also applies to the speed of perception of the situation, and the ability to evade the attack, and the speed of striking. The practice of fighting will gradually increase strength and speed.

Performing strikes with dumbbells in the hands or weights on the legs helps to build up the explosive power that is always needed to increase the speed and power of the blow. Exercises can be performed only after a good warm-up, concentrating on each individual stroke. It is important to pay attention to the position of the body. If it is stable, then the blow will be more powerful. When the body is unstable, a lot of force and inertia goes into restoring balance.

Work with a pear at a ragged pace. Practicing punches on the pear, you can change the pace from medium to maximum. At the same time, the maximum pace is kept for 10-15 seconds, after which we again switch to average speed. This increases sharpness and explosive power.

It's important to know! Impact speed can be developed if the muscles are well trained and the impact technique is set.

It is important for beginner athletes to understand that in order to strengthen strike not only the mass of the body is important, but also the inertia that occurs at the moment strike. it key moment in a combat direction, which will help us make the blow more powerful. There are also a number important rules to enhance power strike.